I've informed some of them about the kikes and the niggers showed them the stats
But what else can I red pill them about, half of these cucks are lefty norms; Could someone show me what else I can do to rape them with the red pill
I've informed some of them about the kikes and the niggers showed them the stats
But what else can I red pill them about, half of these cucks are lefty norms; Could someone show me what else I can do to rape them with the red pill
You don't.
As soon as they decided to become lazy fuckwits studying gender or social studies, earning their money by living off state-generated jobs.
They are mostly fucked beyond repair, the few law, economics or mint students there are are probably pretty redpilled already
This is something only an actual autist would do. You're wasting your time and risking your place at university.
The need to socialize really fucked with me, and when I speak to these cucks I feel this urge to inform them, and they shoot it down every time in return I go to the dean and discuss about my diversity awareness
hate to be dumbass but what do you mean by "mint students" ?
start off by talking about the globalists and eventually you pull the curtain back and reveal who they are. 9/11 is a good starting point if they're truly asleep
You cannot INFORM them and expect them to care because this is what media did since their birth with them.
You can only persuade with stronger tactics.
Thank you.
Sounds like an easy way to get expelled really, in which case why are you even giving money to that marxist indoctrination camp?
The university has a pretty good law enforcement academy that allows me to go lateral (transfer) in the states; and in the mean time outside of studying I have to be part of these cubs and social outlets and for the love of all that is fucking holy I cannot stand talking about sports and normie shit
I've found there's not much point trying, unless they are your friends. People have to have respect for you before they will actually listen to you.
I have had some success redpilling some friends. However they are all actually intelligent and had to become close to them before I actually introduced any information.
I always acted racist around them, but in a funny way, so that they couldn't tell if it was real or not. That way they find it funny and are more likely to swallow that pill.
If you are infiltrating a liberal arts campus then
always start at the History department. The methology of history is cryponite to libshit 'make up as we go'-marxism. The history department is where you might find people who actually redpilled themselves on a lot of issues. My old university even had an open ocidentalist study-group.
learn the tools of persuasion, Holla Forums's method is shit.
They're going to be skeptical from the start if you're a white male. You want to gain some ethos without having to use their vocabulary, since that's how academia manipulates them, by controlling the vocabulary. Try and pick apart the words they use, but don't jump straight into racism or sexism. Try and point out the false dichotomies they have, and create an establishment vs us dichotomy. Introduce your own vocabulary that forces to think on your terms.
Exploit their general distrust of corporations and old white people. Don't name the Jews right away, instead talk about individuals and families like Soros or the Rothschilds, etc. Israel and the plight of Palestine is a good jumping off point to redpilling them on the war in Syria, which is a good way to get them to view Trump more favorably. "Clinton is the one who killed half a million Syrians and displaced even more."
The primary obstacle though is their devotion to the cult of pain, and the idea of anti-racism. I have yet to find an effective way to break that conditioning in people at the university level. They care too much about social status to abandon their only virtue. At the very least, since they already hate whitey, it's not too far of a leap to go from illuminati to the Jews, if you can make them see Jewish privilege. None of them will ever admit they've been wrong, though so don't expect to see results unless you talk to them frequently.
TL;DR just exploit the things that set off red flags for them so that they see them where you point. No guarantee it'll stick, and it's really a waste of time, but good luck.
bring solid sources for every argument
1) You are a faggot who is clogging up this board with a shit thread.
2) You don't shove redpills down people's throats. It just doesn't work that way. I guarantee you sound like a crazy conspiracy nut and people laugh at you behind your back.
3) You have to let these people come to their own conclusions. Your job is to plant seeds and Point out coincidences. If they take the bait they will come to you with questions. That is your opportunity to be more aggressive.
4) Use the pic related infograph. It has helped me tremendously with redpilling normalfags at work. spoilered because it's not really Holla Forums approved and I don't need a hundred anons kvetching about it
you don't. get your fucking degree as fast as possible and go make some fucking money. pop out some kids and make them into good aryan soldiers. then, redpill all your employees when you're boss and your kids' friends when they come over.
redpilling kids in college is like trying to get 12 yr olds pregnant - most of them aren't ready yet, so it won't take. let them mature a bit and then it'll be easy
the best red pill is reality juxtaposed with left wing propaganda
all you need to do is show the consequences of leftist policy and at the same time try to show leftist responses to this as bullshit
juxtaposed with:
first hits them with reality, second immunizes them against leftist agitprop
LURK MAOAR!!!!!!!!!!
Tip numbah one, don't bring religion at first, tip numbah two use known data science against them
Best thing to do if form a group, so you have backup and a team for red pilling.
Does anybody have a full screenshot of the jews subversion of physics? Or archived somewhere? It had over 600 replies and I couldn't take a full screenshot it and it eventually 404 on me
Don't. The need to have their circuits fried before the can be reprogrammed.
Do this by calling them bigots and racists for denigrating the smallest ethnic population on the planet: Europeans.
It's not impossible. One of my roommates used to be a BernieBro type, swung through to Johnson, then r/thedonald and is now a full blown white nationalist due to my influence. Another of my roommates is swinging that way also.
The trick is to make friends first, be open and sociable and not too autistic about politics. Once you've established rapport on a variety of topics you can start with political discussion. Always take it slow, but never lie about your beliefs. Figure out how far they are and push them one step further with each conversation.
A normie conservative will tune out if you start sperging about the Holohoax, but will likely be receptive if you talk about how Isreal isn't pulling it's weight in our "alliance". It's all about stretching their comfort zone without going off the deep end.
Talk to them, find out what the like, what they dislike. Start a discussion and try to throw as many facts and redpills at them as possible. Most important, don't overreact and don't be autistic!
Most people are actually on your side but don't want to show it.