What do you guys think of Vid.me being shut down?
Vid.me Shutting Down
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source: archive.fo
I'm glad I did not spend more time uploading videos there.
Nothing of value was lost.
Not surprising. Even Google with all their dirty tricks hasn't managed to make YouTube profitable. Still sucks to see one less alternative.
Not surprised.
Not disappointed.
It was full of cucks and they had a feminist-tier CoC.
Call of Cthulhu?
I don't think about it at all
But at least youtube-dl will load 1ms faster with that dead code removed
Out of all alternative video hosts, theirs downloaded the slowest. Good riddance.
You can not compete with [well established product] if your only distinguishing feature is "I am not [well established product]."
I want to suck off that gook
It was gay, their censorship was worse than Jewtube yet they advertised themselves as an anti censorship site.
I guess with even Jewtube struggling to make money there isn't much hope of another site trying the same game.
At least we got bitchute. They remove anti semetic content off their peer 2 peer network but its still good.
basically everything is owned by google or facebook and no one can compete. If Jewtube allowed porn it would kill off every porn streaming site.
Google really needs government intervention to split them up, they're much worse than Microsoft ever was.
how will they ever recover!??
who's the thot and where's her github?
vid.me became popular because of porn. Once the site became popular, they banned porn for more advertising revenue.
Just like Dailymotion. It used to be a wild west of online videos, you could put up almost anything on it, it had playlists almost a decade before youtube did and you could even see every playlist that certain video was added to (a feature that still is not absent from youtube).
Dailymotion was pretty great. Shame it got sold to a telecom, and now is just a watered down and emptier youtube. Liveleak and WorlSstarHipHop are the only notable0 sites occupying "too edgy for youtube" niche, but even they atr trying to clean up their act somewhat.
I just want a video host to put my video game footage up and have a comments section, but everywhere has a 10-15 minute restriction.
I am serious waiting for video hosting to be less of all-in-one hubs and splintered into small self-hosted sites. I'm also just saying this from the perspective that people have to repost old webms constantly.
So it's between bitchute, pewtube, and LBRY. Which is the best?
Cats on Carpets
Cocks on Crepes
Pew.tube i heard is pretty censorship-ish.
Lbry is nice but requires a javascript client also has a cryptocoin system which is confusing as fuck.
Bitchute is nice but sadly unfinished.
Guess i'll stick with bitchute for now then.
What is it?
Why should anyone care?
that asian looking qt better not be a trap yo
it might be in separate files and loaded only when needed, in that case there won't be any difference
That's a pretty low T group.
Vid.me could have done better but the second they were getting hit with large numbers of new users they locked out new users from creating a pro account or whatever so all the new users were limited unless vid.me reviewed their youtube content and approved them. Glad i did not waste my time uploading one video a week.
It is
No. Not an improvement.
Ugly site design, what is it with websites trying to overtake youtube forcing users to look at bland, white and non-customizable pages?
use dailymotion or uploadstars instead
They had a good idea of offering tips per video and donations to video makers though.
inb4 freetards suggest "blockchain" sites like steemit
Its crypto shilling bullshit and none of the videos are permanently hosted, kill yourself if you believe its a viable alternative.
Into the trash it goes.
Instead of video-hosting, there should just be a website of organized, searchable 'channels' with embedded videos hosted from other sites. If there were somthing like this, even if youtube took down your video you could just reupload in elsewhere and embed it in the same place.
Isn't that pretty much what search engine video searches do already?
Is 3rd from the left a male or female?
That's not user friendly at all.
To upload on Jewtube Jon Q Normie just has to click a couple of big red buttons and he doesn't have to pay for the bandwidth/server.
Try d.tube
That was pretty much expected, you need a lot of money to pay for Youtube's infrastructure
Don't forget that it was systematically impossible to gain attention on your videos because in order to tag your video for it to appear in a category, especially new videos for a given category, you needed to be verified. The only way to get verified is to have somewhere around the order of 50 followers along with a few more arbitrary guidelines you need to meet that are no where near as consequential. Basically you need to have already had a following on a different website that you could carry over with you onto vid.me if you wanted to make any headway towards growth at all. The platform discouraged any form of grassroots growth from taking place.
Kind of sad to see more competitors die on the one hand. On the other hand, I never bothered with Vid.me beyond testing once I determined that they actually transcode to an even lower quality than Youtube. Exactly the opposite of what I was looking for in a Youtube alternative. Vimeo is still better and doesn't look like it's going to die soon.
Vimeo will never be widely used since you have to pay them to upload videos
The future "Youtube alternatives" should not try to be Youtube 2.0. Niche, topical sites should be the new standard. They said one of their biggest problems was targeting ads without datamining the fuck out of its users.
Look at Full30 for example. Advertisers don't have to worry about targeting the wrong audience when every video is about firearms, the outdoors, survival, and other related topics. They also don't need to meticulously parse through every little thing you watch; they host a video, flash an ad for guns or gun accessories at the start, and leave a little comment field.
Now imagine a whole swarm of Mediagoblin websites following this example. Sounds like a more sustainable idea than a general purpose site like Vidme. The P2P-assisted-hosting websites like Bitchute have nowhere near the userbase needed to make any significant impact on reducing costs, nor do they have an incentive for users to help.
Why? And who would want that? And why isn't it going to happen?
Social media and normies.
u wot?
Since when?
Since forever? They have a 500 MB weekly and 25 GB yearly limit on free accounts. Youtube doesn't have any. And youtube actually pays people instead. Vimeo isn't a competitor just on this basis.
Wasn't this site suppose to be a place where Redditors can upload their videos?
Sadly this.
Has anybody tried writing a YT alternative in Rust yet?
rust devs already trust google, just like go devs
I want youtube written in Haskell thanks.
I don't think Haskell would be performant enough for something so complicated and distributed.
Functional languages are nice for reasons not related to practical use.
have you tried rewriting it in erlang yet??? erlang beautiful language!
I am so sorry that you took my post seriously, here, have my apologies
Video is bloat, express your ideas in text and you reduce filesize while maintaining compatibility with the blind
But I despise blind people?
That's just rude, I'm going blind because I spend all day shitposting with you. Please respect my wishes to continue shitposting with you.
Dude, blind people are genetic duds, dude.
But LCD screens cause vision impairment.
Does that mean that my computer is changing my genetics?
That's incorrect and an old myth carried over from an old CRT television recall in the 60s because improper shielding resulted in excess X-ray leakage
LCD screens do not "damage" your eyesight and there has never been any cases of permanent vision loss from looking at LCD screens.
HOWEVER, eye strain is a very real thing, if your eyes are constantly having to re-adjust exposure levels you can strain your eye muscles which while not permanent can impair your focus temporarily.
t. legally blind person
Have you never heard of genetic memory or telegony? You should read more science I fucking love science.
why is my eyesight getting worse after 5 years of watching anime nonstop
Watching anime in particular has been known to cause eye cancer
Are you stupid or are you smuggling CP in there?
hello, my brother-in-dumb
I guess you have a point. Never had a need to upload more than that much weekly though.
Cocks or Cunts
Because you don't get off your fat ass and eat healthy you lazy fuck.
Any video hosting site that has to buy an exorbitant amount of hardware and then have to maintain that hardware on top of that will fail. Google can do that because they are Google, going forward any competitor must think of a distributed solution instead of centralizing all the content. Sure that creates permanence problems, but it's either those or money problems that would grow with the userbase.
Wasn't reddit: the youtube clone just created half a year ago?
All the pieces are already in place for Archive.org to function as a YouTube alternative. There's a "Community Video" section where users are encouraged to upload their own videos. The problem is that people associate Archive.org solely with their Wayback Machine and not with video hosting, community, and feedback. Sadly at least 90% of the videos currently hosted on Archive.org are religious spam from Middle Eastern countries.
Should Archive.org become the new YouTube?
It was created back in 2014.
Yes but nobody is going to switch because Youtubers only make videos for the money
That would go over as well as people uploading normal youtube type content to liveleak and liveleakfags having to see something other than security/cell phone camera footage of people dying.
Not a chance friendo, Google and Facebook are useful tools of the US government, particularly the NSA and CIA. Google has received funding from government agencies in the past, on predictive advertising and in AI related technologies. I'm actually not sure how close Facebook is to the government, but it is part of Prism so Facebook is at least involved with the NSA. Basically, Google and Facebook serve as the right-hand of the deep state, and if the government did split them up it would cripple it's surveillance capabilities, or they would appear split-up as a public face and noting else.
I have a feeling that Amazon, or more specifically Amazon Web Services, will be the next big video hosting platform. Infrastructure as a Service has really taken off in the last 10 years, and AWS is probably the only company that could offer the scalability and bandwidth that could match Youtube, and maybe even operate while running a profit. Although this would only be another step for centralization of the web.
No one will ever run a user generated video hosting site and profit from it without charging a monthly fee. It's too much bandwidth. Most importantly, video hosting is extremely poor return on investment in bandwidth. You can serve thousands of pages with ads in the bandwidth it takes someone to watch some stupid ass 10 minute YT video. And that YT video will only get a few ads, if that.
YouTube only exists because it's owned by Google and they couldn't face the public backlash if they shut it down. People can barely make image hosts work, and images are a lot less demanding than videos.
You're probably right, it also doesn't help that advertisements aren't enough of a revenue stream to cover bandwidth costs. It seem like after all these years of owning Youtube, Google would have developed a sustainable business model for it by now. Barely anyone buys their Youtube Red subscription service, and advertisers are so concerned about what content their ads appear with that the amount of ad revenue they could get is shrinking. It's also kind of funny because Google already has a huge advantage with advertising (Adsense, Analytics, their acquisition of DoubleClick); so how can they hope to salvage ads with Youtube when their own tools can't save them? It seems to me like trying to win over advertisers is not the solution to fix Youtube, or a sustainable practice for any large video hosting site. I can't see why they haven't just made it a dollar-a-month subscription service. Your average mouth-breather would probably throw a fit, but most normal people would kvetch for a week and then not give a shit because watching buzzfeed top 10 list clickbait videos is worth it in their eyes. There wouldn't even be any other service to jump to; people would simply be lost without Youtube. Leave it to the people who actually give a shit and I'm sure some autists will make some decentralized/Youtube/Patreon hybrid so anons can host their own shit and get supported by people who care.
I think when the DOJ got involved with Microsoft, they must have struck a small deal to make most of the problem go away, because shortly after, NSA backdoors started showing up in later versions of Windows.
Google, Apple and Facebook are already in bed with the NSA/CIA/FBI, those stories you hear when they take a stand are just to convince plebs they're not.
In other words, now people who considered Vid.me (retards) can focus on e.g., Minds, even though I'd love people to give webtorrents-based services a chance - probably design matters a lot more than we like to think.
Vid.me can suck my uncircumcized 100% organic whole-prepuce cock.
What is minds?
I'd like to point out that Styx (a shirtless, G.R.I.D.-looking /x/ pothead with a midlife crisis biker uncle aesthetic) made a video about it, which clears up many doubts
There's also an irish ginger parody account called Computer Forever who talks about the evils of tech giant spying, closed source backdoors, excessive price markups, gatekeeper monopolies, and the dumbing down of intenet users, the joke is that he's a fan of Apple iProducts.
These two users were #2 and #3 content creators on vid.me
Big surprise
typical soyboys
yeah that includes those two "girls"
yes it will
The conditional now has one less entry.
C-can anything be done?
completely open cuckolding
Still ganna point this out.
Pewtube is run by some polish dude who has no infastructure
Bitchute bans you for posting antisemetic crap
D.tube has shitty account creation and uploading requires a phone number
Archive could work buts its prolly shitty too
Time to roll over and die.
When will people learn that it's almost fucking impossible to make a video hosting site like YouTube work financialy?
They're essentially relying on people's kindness to fund their operation.
Fucking memesters man.
I think that nothing of value was lost. Why do we need Vid.me when we have BitChute?
Minds doesn't look too bad, except for the annoying popups, though obviously you can use an adblocker for that. And as for BitChute banning you for antisemetic crap, why do you feel the need to post such things in the first place? Not all Jews are evil conspirators, just like not all white people are racist. Also, if you like anti-semetism so much, why don't you just seed the torrents of your anti-semetic crap and use a bunch of alts to post it? Use the BitTorrent protocol against them!
Nobody blocks anyone from posting anti-white content so why should it work the other way around?
t. another user
Yes, but that doesn't mean that Jews are personally responsible for it. If you tried to post anti-black or anti-Hispanic content, then you'd usually get the same treatment you'd get if you tried to post anti-semitist content. And besides, it's more productive to address this anti-white culture not by acting like a "white supremacist boogie man", but rationally pointing out the double standard, that way the anti-whites have to actually address your argument and you might even get a normie or two to side with you because they won't be afraid of associating themselves with a "white supremacist boogie man".
Anytime "free speech" is used when it comes to businesses or services, they still reserve the right to remove content they don't like. Putting "We support users' free speech" is just a fucking marketing gimmick.
Sometimes you need scripts for reasons that have nothing to do with invading others' privacy or anything like that. For instance, I've had to use JQuery in order to show/hide content in a nested list because I couldn't get plain CSS to work for that. If you know of a way to reduce script use in such situations, me and all the other web developers/web designers out there would love to hear it.
BitChute may have a small userbase for now, but it is quickly growing.
Other than that, you do have a point, but that's just human nature; people naturally prefer to associate with those who think most like them, and discriminate against those who don't. I don't think there's anything you, I, or anyone else can do about that, except go with the flow, because let's be honest here: everyone has that bias to some extent.
I should have elaborated more - the scripting bothers me with BitChute because the site simply doesn't work in any capacity without it, and that's just another drop in the bucket when it comes to modern websites having total dependency on javascript. I think javascript is great; it gives the web a great deal of flexibility in what applications and websites can do. Javascript is supported in every major browser, and for all it's flaws it has become a standard in web development, with no viable competition, which I think is dangerous.
Wasn't really trying to make a point on human nature; just that when businesses and services say they respect their users' right to free speech they do not guarantee that right, unlike a government. If you agree to their terms and conditions, that gives them the right to do what they please with your content on their platform. Any "free speech" touted by a service is most likely lying to you, so it's not really a plus for bitchute as a platform.
I also dislike how dependent upon JavaScript that the web is, and feel like alot of JavaScript's capabilities should just be baked into HTML and/or CSS. I hear that there has been some attempts to do so with HTML5, and although that is a step in the right direction, it's not still sufficient yet.
Oh, ok. Well, you might be able to sue them for false advertising. Though, terms of service are usually made to prevent things like that, so it's a bit of a shit sandwich... To get around this, we'd need a whole new level of decentralization, like a new video hosting service run by volunteers, where anyone could volunteer, and the terms of service say that the hosts are not responsible for any of the content there. IPFS or LBRY might be a good place to start with that.
mediagoblin is one of the best alternatives for media hosting, at least for sharing content
fuck off kike
Lol, everyone you don't like or disagree with is automatically a Jew, just like how everyone a feminist doesn't like or disagrees with is automatically a nazi.
The technical aspect of hosting multimedia is easy - you simply upload your files to an Internet host. The hard part is presenting a useful web interface for the media that you're hosting. This is the part of Mediagoblin. The purpose of Mediagoblin is to allow the website visitors a way to access and manage the media on the website.
You are why people hate Holla Forums outside of Holla Forums.
You sound Jewish.
You're not fitting in.
Yes, it is when it's tied to google servers.
Jesus. The last time I saw that was 2008 on a shitty PHP site.
Bad taste my man
you could sincerely ask that about half of the guys
here's some OC
May have done better if they didn't cuck out.
On the other hand a lot of their userbase are the people smart enough to use adblock so maybe that shit didn't work out for a reason.
When did he say that?
Styx seems to be a real liberal. he is not a communist. Which means he is a evil fascist nazi.
MEGA should make a tube site
Who gives a shit? They were already showing sings of the same kind of bullshit soft censorship than youtube
Worked for Trump
never heard of it and that logo is fugly
If the shitcoin faggots can inject mining scripts into every goddamn website, how hard would it be to make .js that ran webtorrent shit on every normalfag's devices
Not actually a bad idea, but wasn't there a hostile chinese takeover of mega?
jews did it
It's like a parody of that 'poor little white guy' porno.