
Hi everyone,

memetic evolution

To make the world great, we should create new pills simple to understand for normies, and spread on mainstream social networks. Theses pictures illustrate my idea.

Why ? Because peoples are lazy.

Have you some idea of subjects ?

Excuse my poor english.

Hitler really was a shitty painter, so bad example sorry. Maybe use GWB's paintings instead

The second picture makes no sense and reveals you're just another 12 year old who just discovered art and art history, tons of good European art was made by the Renaissance equivalent of a Communist (literally what the Humanists were)

Third picture is perfect.

Waste of dubs, first post every time.

In all honesty Hitler was not a good painter, but he was leagues above what people paint today.

You ever paint before? Hitler did fine.

He was a fine painter, he just lacked depth and dimension in his paintings. His images look flat. The tree looks about as far away as the building, it's just off. I can't say if he deserved to get into painting school or not or if he could've improved, but he wasn't great. Mediocre is the word to describe his art.

3rd pic has a time factor.

In medio stat virtus

Doesn't really work that way here.

Can you please stop posting facebook-tier images?
If you want a shit-tier hugbox with somewhat similar views to the mod team of this board, try TRS forums, you fucking faggot.

Can I ? No. Can you leave this thread ?

hahaha good joke

That third image has 4 kikes on the fascism side you moron.

Also fuck off out of our site.

fuck off, we're full

Oh nice argument. You are full of ? Bullshit ?

Democracy - *post-war America*

Fascism - *Soviet famines*


Like you fucking know anything you stupid bitch faggot.

Perfect example, your saying the second picture makes no sense? What are you a nigger?

So stare at your bare white walls, you stupid nobody bitch.

Spotted the kike.


No fuck you spic
