Get ready for a potential bubble burst lads
Get ready for a potential bubble burst lads
that's some real fuckin wew there lad
One one hand, you can't keep rates at zero forever because that's just blowing bubbles, and pushing the rates negative is a fiscal crime against the people. The rates must be raised.
On the other hand this scabrous old kikess needs to hang for what she's done. Postponing the rate high for political reasons to help out Obama and fuck over Trump is a crime against our Republic. The Fed isn't supposed to be political, but plainly are and she should hang for this.
Well, this should get interesting
We need a new dollar. The whole thing is a giant Ponzi scheme that can only explode.
It doesn't matter that a nickel buys what a dollar used to buy you dipshit, since all prices (including assets like your bank account) inflated more or less uniformly.
kill yourself you economic illiterate
The entire point of inflation is to guarantee prices change at a different rate; the people closest to the printing press (kikes) benefit at the expense of the people furthest away (working class whites.) You're assuming an infinite velocity of money, which isn't and never will be true, and if it were true, there'd never be anything to gain by changing the total money supply. And you're calling other people economically illiterate? Christ.
It sure does matter because it changes market demand for retirement benefits, at the current rate of inflation on that graph it is literally impossible to save money for your retirement, this forces people to either expand government retirement benefits or to sink their money into kike controlled bank schemes.
The government is running/has run out of money for the first and we all know whats wrong with the second.
Kinda like how Hillary had a 98.5% shot at the presidency on November 7, eh comrades? I swear to god, I have made so much money by just listening to what the kikes say we should do, and then doing the polar opposite. I even subscribed to (((Goldman Sachs))) investor newsletter just to get tips to ignore. When they say to take the long position, start shorting. When they say short, have a look at their prospectus – (((they))) are going long.
Works almost every time. Just go ask the (((expert))) for advice like a good goy, then do the opposite and start shopping for a new boat.
Soww infladdion is a gud dingggg :DDD
Hello Chaim.
This is completely false. Inflation does not hit all areas simultaneously. And wages tend to be some of the last to adjust.
What would happen if there's a global debt jubilee and the kikes were told to eat their 200 trillion dollars of debt?
Of course, it will propably come soon after Trump takes office.
Trying to sabotage him wherever possible
We're going to find out. Debts that can't be paid won't be paid.
Cut the middleman: off with her head!
No, not "kinda like that." Market predictions are not the same as polling predictions. And before you say it, "prediction markets" are a joke, they are nothing more than polls of degenerate gamblers who know jack-shit about politics. When corporate money is on the line, there is actually some degree of rigor.
The prediction of an incoming rate hike is sound. What, you really think the Fed will be doing Trump any favors? Get your fucking head checked.
Good, zero interest rates are a wealth transfer from the public who act as creditors for the kikes
System is going to crash anyway, sooner is better than later; 2008 would have been better than now; 2000 would have been better than '08. It's probably all going to end up in the war we elected Trump to try to prevent, but what can you fucking do?
Isn't that a good thing?
I would love, love, LOVE them to crash the economy like they did in 2008. There's no way Trump is going to helicopter jews trillions of cotton dollars like the slave Obama did. It would be game over for the Fed and all judaism.
I will be quite wealthy at the end of the ensuing chaos, should I happen to survive the Category 5 Nuclear Chimpout that would inevitably follow.
Except our bank accounts aren't inflating. The dollar is being devalued due to inflation. And wages are not increasing with the rate of inflation either. So it does matter that prices go up, because nobody can afford shit anymore. You're wrong.
So the predictions of them crashing the economy and blaming it on Trump gets closer to the truth.
I'm still shocked we bailed out a fucking bank in 2008… After they went out of business.
That is when I realized that Jews were so powerful that they could bribe an entire congress, tank their bank, and threaten the public with financial terrorism ( bail us out goy or we implode the economy).
All Jews from all Nations need to be exported immediately to israel so that they can be gassed or nuked.
I honestly wonder what they would have done if Hillary got in instead. At least with Trump, there's the genuine risk that he'll do the right thing and tell the kikes to go pound sand and gas them if they complain. This might end up being another one of those evolutionary bottleneck thingies, eh heh.
I hope the Jews crash the dollar and then Trump can issue his own currency backed by silver essentially destroying the fiat creation power of the fed and jews in one fell swoop
abraham lincoln did this with greenbacks and is fucked over the jews.
They would have worked some Jew magic and trickery to have the market turnaround for her. Or some kind of (((Russian))) cyber attack to get the war started.
Has nobody posted this yet?
Yellen says that a lot. The amount of damage she can do will be limited once the Fed is destroyed.
Do we have any silver? There's also the Retenmark solution, I myself am completely convinced that the only way out of this is through minting a new dollar.
Shit you're right under Hillary it was always going to be the war with Russia as the excuse for why our entire civilization collapsed basically in a week.
even if we have little to no silver.
we have raw materials to trade for silver.
You can't mint a new dollar unless you change the US Constitution which clearly defines how much silver is in a US Dollar.
They would have tried to hold it together with low interest rates and continued quantitative easing (money printing). That still wouldn't last more than 4 years before healthcare costs consume the entire federal budget. The collapse is coming no matter what.
Yes fam
You and I do, bro, but I don't know about our government and I sure don't know about the working class, white and otherwise.
The bond market already had a sell off of over a trillion dollars over the last couple weeks. Worst sell off since operation twist in 2013. In other words the market has priced it in already. Learn investing you ignorant neet
I love your pic user here's one from when I first startedmy collection is a little bigger but that's non of your business not nearly as much as you have but still. Also silver and gold prices are down right now great time to get some gold silver and lead for when SHTF.
Also some more silver shilling.
That's a beautiful coin.
Don't get the joke goys?
Where the fuck do you buy this shit?
I'm so worried about getting completely ripped off at a local JEWelry store or something. Is there a website you can go where you might be paying like 5 or 10% more than the lowest locatable price, but you won't be getting painted lead?
I think everytime the kike bankers threaten with fucking up our currency the IRS should park vans in front of their main building. Send the kikes a message that the audit is coming, and most likely hot on its tail will be the purge.
No. By labour. Fuck your standard.
You're gonna get Jewed no matter I buy online thoughfrom APMEX. Remember an investment in Silver and Gold is not a money making investment. It is an investment in a future where you rise out of the rubble to rebuild the world.
meant for
Liberty Silver if you're in the EU. No sales tax.
that executive order get.
Even though the conditions are better this time around I keep getting this nagging feeling it wont go as well as it should. I''m expecting someone to stab us in the back, or for the Jew to prop someone else up and have them fight us.
Simplified explanation:
It is if you only have interest-bearing investments… or no investments and just a savings account. However, when interest rates are kept artificially low (as they have been), such investments become unattractive and, as a result, more investors put more money into stocks than they normally would (this includes dad's pension). This artificially high rate of investment in a single area is what is meant by the term "bubble".
When interest rates get closer to where they should be and other forms of investment become attractive again, money that would not normally have been invested in stock markets flows out of stock markets and into those other investments.
Bubble bursts. Market crashes.
Democrats like to push for low rates not just because their pet niggers want basically free loans so's dey can be havin' houses an' bidnisses without much effort or planning but also because it helps disincentivize saving and encourages spending which looks like a benefit to the economy in the short term. In the long term, you get an endless cycle of bubble->burst->ease interest rates->bubble->burst which they can then blame on boogeymen like muh 1% or bad ol' Republicans and their failed policies of the past.
Now the next time you hear the old line about stock markets doing better under Democrats, you'll know what that really means.
tl;dr The jews did this.
Thank god, no
>not a money making investment
good point
The problem is the paradigm is still trash and they'd "mint" a different piece of paper as substitute, and not address any of the structural or philosophical problems inherent. It'd still just be fiat.
You'd end up with some kind of American Euro ("Amero"), because countries like Mexico and Canada would sink as well. This would be a heavily digital currency, the siren song of which would be an offering of an "easy out" or a "quick fix."
This would be disastrous, but I have no concept of how it could occur differently.
Dubs confirm economic apocalypse is happening early 2017.
True. Physical posession is the only way to escape the reach of the bankers, else they slowly steal from your savings. (Same goes for any dollar based investment, they die if/when the dollar dies.)
Yeah whites made usury illegal for a fucking reason. Anyone alive today needs to see the main tool kikes use to destroy our nations and families.
Well done. I catch a lot of shit for this, but I've got basically the same thing going and it's the only thing I invest in. All my eggs in one basket.
Bullion and Bullets.
My conviction is that I'm right (there will be very few who are proven right imo).
Kill yourself.
The fight isn't over. TPTB would love to capitalize off a crash and scapegoat Trump.
He's an intelligent guy, so hopefully he'll figure out a way to defray the consequences of a crash onto its perpetrators.
I have done the same. When the market was around 18400 in the middle of 2015 I set up a Self-Directed 401k and rolled over my money into that account. Since I am the trustee of that self-directed account I dumped all that money into silver and gold. Physical silver and gold that I physically have in my house. All legal.
Anyone who thinks this market is going anywhere positive relative to storing the value of your hard earned money is smoking crack. Get your money out of the Jew banking system now before it's too late and they steal it all.
All my disposable cash gets invested in commodities to help me reinforce my personal Five Paragraph order (Beans, Bullets, Bandaids, Batteries, Bad-guys, etc)