niggers can't read. haha
Someone link the video of that Black Panther silverback explaining that an 8-year-old White girl has more arms training and better aim than any pavement ape could ever hope for.
One nignog being a delusional as per usual
Nothing new nor important. Niggers act like crabs in a fucking bucket all the fucking time, they can't do anything properly.
The Chimpin is a strong.
you can't make this shit up
Reminder, pic related is how delusional lefties are. Straight from Occupy Democrats facebook page
Nobel Peace Prize winning warmonger? What do you mean?
I like how they had to resort to, "Well, at least it wasn't the Clintons."
It seems to be their way around new twitter rules/reports.
Well the meme operation is working
around blacks.
never relax
Pretty sure it is all the violent stuff that is getting niggers killed.
If millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars couldn't even get them to read a single one, you won't either bushybeard.
Its almost like it's saying ITS A TRAP
It's only going to get worse as times goes on. Trump's victory ensures the rise of extremist SJWs. Califrexit, Black Power movements, radicalization of Hispanics, you name it. Of course the media will continue to engage in apologetics for all them. This will spread the red pill.
Take a moment to process what Trump's victory has done. The next four years if it even takes that long will wake up probably 80% of all whites. Civil unrest is a certainty, and civil war is a real possibility. There's no way that most people don't come out of this hating leftists/Jew media with a passion.
How does anyone get shot and killed in africa? I suppose most of them get machete'd, firebomb'd or GRIDs'd
I don't follow the obama "Scandals".
What did I miss?
Oh I am a laughing. These dumb fucks don't realize that we weren't joking when we said we were preparing and related activities. This is going to redefine what a turkey shoot is.
the funny part is that if all the blacks were like him we wouldn't have these problems
misfires and self-inflicted injuries.
He has a channel dedicated to the we wuz kaingz, and talks about killing all whites.
Nigger RP always delivers.
They probably lose more nogs to tyrone's back blast than enemy action.
nigger. ive been ready ever since falling for the shemtiah bullshit.
Can this stupid meme please finally die? Shemitah did happen, in fact we're still in it. It has a financial as well as a migratory aspect, and it's so obvious it even convinced me, a former hardcore sceptic.
Kikes are just afraid that by calculations, it would take a few more months till nigs finally go for a Race War, in result, Trump would be capable of starting a Martial Law.
(((They))) know that it would be late to trap whites in Obama's Martial Law.
So you haven't paid attention to American politics for the past 8 years?
"You are like your ancestors"
heh, he really opened himself up with that one.
"Gender is a setup" = he wants to have his cock and balls cut off and turned into some sort of pouch that can receive penis.
Which all adds up to, larping as a super negro for his White peers at the college he got his Ph.D hahaa in sociology.
when is he moving to africa?
We could erase these creatures from the planet tomorrow if we wanted to. Why oh why aren't we just shaking hands with China and Russia, killing all blacks, and carving up Africa?
Better version.
So nothing?
I wouldn't bank on "most people". I suppose it's possible, but ~40% of the country is already not White. You add in fags, race mixers, nig adopters, people who work for the government, corporate power, etc. I'm not really seeing "most people" there. I'm seeing a massive and cancerous fifth column that's been underestimated for decades. The last thing anyone should be banking on is overwhelming support from the population.
There were numerous violent slave revolts, the most notable being the Haitian Revolution.
This kind of talk has circulated for years. On the ground, all we really ever see is a never ending rise in nigger-spic-chink numbers, a never ending rise in race mixing, a never ending rise in the systematic brutalization of White children.
For there to be a turkey shoot, someone has to actually start shooting and the level of reverence the White population still has for the government's authority combined with the staggering levels of non-White participation in the military and law enforcement as well as their parity among fighting age males, I'm not seeing a turkey shoot.
They're like a dumber, less evolved version of the Orks from 40K.
i sell guns and ive been purposely ruining sales of guns to blacks.
I find that comparison offensive tbh. Orks are physically unable to rape.
Because it would have already come to a head and been resolved, rather than simmering like it does now
Too usefull for kike identity politics and rent seeking schemes
The niggers will settle down soon enough, as will the cucks - neither have enough agency or commitment to duty to pursue any of these actions.
The spics, however, are another matter.
They will be desperate, and their desperation will make them more believable as cover for more vicious actions. What's more, there is a ready supply of reinforcements, in theory, just across the border.
Cucks and niggers might act in a contributory manner in this context, but the reaction to be keeping an eye on is that of the desperation of the beaner. Thus far, they appear unwilling to show real resistance, but then, the deportations haven't begun.
Except spics mostly just want to live here and mooch off the govt. They mostly don't hate whites like blacks, Jews, and Marxists do
Its not about hate, its about survival and prosperity.
There are several million here. The cartels are heavily invested here. There are lots of normie spics who could be pushed to support an aggression on their behalf, and the niggers and cucks/Marxists would support them to boot (though to varying degrees - see below).
Thing about the blacks, cuck-traitors and Marxist scum is, they're mostly cowards - especially when the system does not support them. When Marxists and blacks can't flee behind the safety of police and the law they so commonly denounce, most realize that won't go in their favor, and even if they hate Whites, the end result is that these clades are not, themselves, agents suitable to create a reaction which is any sort of meta-level threat.
The spics, however, are - they have the numbers, the motive, and now a heavy dose of desperation.
If the cucks and Marxists and niggers are gas, in active on its own, the spics could be a torch, itself possible of creating hazardous fires and even more dangerous in the presence of augmentative now-reactive gas.
Jews are an entirely different matter altogether, though no less nefarious, and they are head-and-shoulders above the other clades in terms of their toxicity - Jews are a constant source of fire, as it were, whose actions might well be what lights the torch.
In any case, niggers, cucks and Marxist losers are minimally threatening, like gasoline sans a torch. They are not prepared, any of them, in any significant number, to give up their comfort or social credit in exchange for their inane ideals. Once Trump is in power, I expect to see a new face on the policing in this country, and it will whip these losers back into apathetic line.
The illegal spics, however, cannot be so easily cowed - because they have to go back. And there's likely tens of millions of them, not to mention tens of millions more here 'legally' and even more just across the Rio Grande.
That's a torch waiting to be lit, and wouldn't you know it, we've got all this gas lying around… Sure hope some kikes don't spirit their hateful fire unto some spics and get that torch lit, eh?
You make some good points, but I can't agree with your conclusion. Aside from Central/South American gangs and the cartels, Hispanics are much less violent than niggers and stand to lose more by becoming violent. Niggers, on the other hand, are already extremely violent and basically have nothing to lose.
It's true that Jews could rile up nogs and cucks, but Latinos are mostly too anti-semitic to go full cuck and are higher IQ than dindus. More than anything, they just want gibs, and they don't really own guns anyway. Only 19% of blacks own guns (half as many as whites) and I would guess beaners own even less
Are you a spic? You're coming across as a spic.
No, I'm just familiar with a lot of the statistical differences between races. Spics need to go because they are leftists, lower IQ and a drain on society. But there's no reason to believe they will engage in nigger-tier violence
Can't wait for European media to portray these savages as heroes
They already do.
The key word here is nigger-tier, and the crime stats show that they do not. They certainly commit more than whites, but not as frequently, as senselessly, or as brutally as the North American pavement ape
You're still coming off as a spic. Or someone who is fucking a spic. I'm going to go ahead and filter you.
Wanna know how I know you're not from here? You're in luck! It's because you're posting about how spics aren't violent, disgusting animals, yet apparently haven't seen the .gifs, .webms, and mp4s that you will find (numerous, let me tell ya) on this site of them slitting throats, decapitating people, tearing faces off, hacking limbs, et cetera.
Or you're just willfully ignoring all that, or you really aren't from here…but who would benefit from such deception, Mosh…I mean, buddy?
and see these crime stats. Chicago is almost 30% spic, yet nogs still commit the overwhelming majority of crime. I'm not saying spics are good, I'm just saying that nogs are worse
Well he is a nigger user. Jeez. You expecting them to read a book too?
Just ignore him. He's probably from leftypol
I tend to assume people on here are familiar with crime statistics, but I forgot how many 4cucks we've been getting recently. My mistake
The niggers in group attacking defenseless whites may look scary, but they don't know a first thing about warfare.
Who do they think they are messing with? Atleast the kikes knows we're the most badass people on the planet, they are afraid of us and do every thing imaginable to avoid having to fight us. The niggers, they are too stupid to realise this.
You never heard of what goes on in Mexico, do you?
It's ok, user, you'll eventually realize you have to go back.
-t. a fellow spic
Strawman arguments are a jew tactic, which is how I know I'm being shilled right now
neither of those posts are strawman you illiterate chode.
Welcome to Holla Forums Holla Forums
Spics breed like rats and to the point they're driving nogs out of nog communities can you even call them that in California.
holy shit this guy lives in my town, should I go burn a cross on his yard?
Go get intel you scrub and post here!
can't find an address, too many niggers with the last name brown here.
In the most realistic sense. The most likely race war will probably gangs of 20 - 30 people terrorizing each-other. At this point the easiest thing to do is to make the opposing side look the worst, which would difficult with the current monkey's and drooling apes that operate the media.
So how did you expect to burn a cross? Just find some random nig? lol that be funny though
Stop larping Holla Forums
The pussies and niggers on the street and you won't ever fight in a war. You're all pussies fighting pussies
See pic related for a short version. I also have the long list too if you want to read it, it will only take a few posts
Can you post those them too user?
ITT LARPers get mad that other people are LARPing
well, I thought it'd be pretty easy to find it since the Kinston NC has a population of sub 30k.
I disagree.
Firstly, Central/South Americans are some of the MOST violent people, by numbers, anywhere in the world. Examine their heritage, what it MEANS to be Hispanic, and the source of this becomes quite clear.
Second, the notion that these people stand to lose more by becoming violent is ridiculous outright - their alternative, in many cases, will be to return to the hyperviolent 3rd world nations from whence they derive, back to poverty, gangs, and whatever might have driven them to flee to the US (beyond the obvious).
Third, niggers have far more to lose than Hispanics in becoming violent - they are more deeply entrenched, and, if they were to become violent as to create aggression against them… What then? There are no nearby reinforcements, they have no immediate connection to their originating cultures or peoples… And Africa… Africa makes even the third-world hives of the Americas seem comfortable, especially to niggers who've never been there.
The blacks have everything to lose by seeking violence, while the Hispanics have everything to lose by avoiding violence.
Jews are crafty creatures my friend, and if you think there aren't myriad kikes in the wings of organizations like La Raza, that they aren't using those organizations, you are sorely mistaken.
They want gibs, exactly - and deportation = total absence of gibs.
That's why they're here, and you're saying you want to throw them out of here, and WHAT DO THEY HAVE TO LOSE AT THAT POINT?
Actually, I'd wager beaners own more, just by nature of where their population centers are, and further supported by the polling data I've seen, which suggests spics are more likely to own firearms.
And as there are more beaners overall, a proportional advantage in percentile context translates to a whole fuckton of spics with guns - not to mention the cartels, which have a large investment in the US and maintaining access thereto.
oh look it's the daily Holla Forums talks shit but never does anything thread. Every single day white people and Trump supporters get beat up and raped and every single day you faggots don't do anything. You talk shit about liberals and niggers and how they will lose the ebin race war (that is coming any minute now just wait) but they are the ones out there doing shit. They're the ones that kill cops and white people, they're the ones that burn shit down.
FUCL ALL YOU FAGGOTS. you will never do half the shit you talk about. Even if Trump lost you would sit on your asses and keep writing your faggy little day of the rope dantasy stories. How long have WNs been talking about the day of he rope and muh race war? It must be decades now. FUCK. Just stop talking and do something already. I hate hearing how many guns you have and how "grrrr I am going to kill a nigger someday Holla Forums just watch grrr".
Nice dubs, here you go Part 1/2
part 2/2
keep it up
If that's the way you feel why don't you start shit? How many people have you killed, huh?
Damn, I haven't seen a FBI post in weeks, where have you guys been?
HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH thats rich coming from the day of the rope group. Remember when a bunch of white nationalists shot and killed a bunch of cops in a WN riot? Remember when they beat up Hillary supporters in every single rally she held? Oh wait that was niggers and liberals.
Where does this stubborn belief that niggers and liberals are the ones without agency when its the opposite that is true? They are the ones who do shit not you. YOU are the ones that have no agency. Instead of wasting your time posting on an image board that advertises penis pumps you could be tracking the guy that made this tweet and put a bullet in his head. But you wont. You're going to burp, fart and jack off to your anime and continue to write your fan fiction about the day of the rope.
I'm not a faggot neo-nazi. How does it feel to know that the 'nu-males' you hate so much have more agency than you at political violence? You're nothing. You're a worm. You're a fat fantasizing loser with a gun. White people will continue to be raped and killed where ever they go and you will do nothing.
Even your belief that you are being tracked it pussy faggot bullshit. That nigger in the OP wasn't scared to tweet that.
Because he's a nigger, when they say they're gonna kill some white people he will have to suffer literally no consequences but if a white guy would say he's gonna kill some niggers he gets arrested for "hate speech", that's the kind of the world we live in.
fucking schlomos, always trying incite shit that will get us peaceful white nationalists v&.
Filtered :)
Did someone order more delivery salt? Fucking come on guys, our warehouses are already dangerously overstocked. I know we sent out memos on this type of shit. If our storage bins rupture it could cause global-scale desertification as all formerly fertile ground lays barren and dessicated under the crushing mass of salt
Exactly. They waste all their ammo, then go in and kill eachother in close combat.
trump is the one sitting at the top of the castle; america is being made great as we speak, and only accelarating. we have nothing to fight back against, because we are it. we are at the top and still climbing. remember election day when trump won?
i probably shouldnt have replied to a post like this so i guess i wont bump
I sincerely hope this is an extremely isolated view on this board.
I think he means in the immediate present. We need to shore up our reserves and use the opening Trump has provided for us. Hopefully we can use the awakening of a white working class to get a few reps in, or God willing a senator. With that we can potentially block legislation/filibuster on people who wont play ball. From there we just sort of rinse and repeat until we gubmint nao.
No U
deranged african militia warlord is best girl tbh =^/
Thanks user
He ain't wrong
History please, that shit is so surreal that i cant believe that, its like the orks of warhammer 40k are real but even more funny.
I dunno bub, unlike most I can actually hit a man sized target 500 yards out not to mention I run 3 gun all the time. Keep being salty though, it entertains me when I don't feel like going out.
Naw, the warehouse filled ages ago. Its just a mountain of salt we sled down for shits and giggles.
And how do niggers breed?
I live in the central valley, 44% White, 44% Hispanic, 3% Nigger, 3% Asian, and 6% Other. The few times I seen niggers, due to my profession, they always have litters of nigglets running around and only a handful that I meet weren't on section 8. I also seen this a lot with mexicans here, but those fuckers at least work, something i can't say for 90% of niggers i ran into.
I don't see how you anons can live with these monkies. They make such a small percentage here and they seem to cause as much trouble as the hispanics who out number by far. There really isn't a more worthless race than nigger. Abbos mabey?
Africans think bullets have a mind of their own and won't kill women so king nog will wear womens clothing thinking bullets will dodge him.
The thing is neither of them fit into western society. Both have to go, end of story.
I know this guy is trolling me, but some believe in meme magic, so why not.
Not sure if laugh or being sad.
Those are all racist neo-nazi conspiracy theories.
No really, African nogs are beyond superstitious like that. Some of them will set the sight on their AK's to the 1000m mark because they think it gives the bullet more power. I bet you haven't heard of General Buttnaked?
What I find funny about this coon logic is that if everyone was like their ancestors. Niggers would be wiped out of America or back in slavery.
I've not ready for the race war Holla Forums. I hate to admit it, but the idea of my neighbours attacking fills me with fear.
I hate to admit it, but I would probably allow my three daughters be violated if it means peace, since at least they would leave me alone.
Why can't they engage in a peaceful dialogue?
Why can't they allow me to escape with both my pride and my daughters' purity?
I guess this timeline is as unsympathetic as it is unaesthetic.
America had to face up to its cancer at some point. At least now Trump's election is bringing the loony left out of woodwork
Well, the thing about women clothes can be usefull, nogs will shot others for rape purposes, have sense.
I am trying to process all of this, but is like meme posters are real and live in Africa.
You just forfeited your right to exist. Report to the oven.
Its plainly clear from your post that your daughters come from garbage stock.
Even unconsciously, they are scared to death of the white mans magic, and see it everywhere there is the slightest trace of modernity. Since they don't look towards the future, they are more comfortable living like animals because in the short-term, it soothes them. That's why there have always been stories of black foreign soldiers just walking off when they are in africa.
I'd like to see newmans face onto a non-thumbnail of that
Obama said nigger?!?
eh, it's at 0:50 or so… I thought it would be more funny. The hol' up rant was the best.
Lot please go
We are the Orks, specifically the divisions that fight for God Emperor Trump and a homeplanet for our people and a future for white children.
Good it is getting close to time then…
Well keep your powder dry boys and stay frosty we are getting close to nigger hanging a Jew baking time…
too bad they will be dead before they can regret their decisions
Continuation of the neocohens war policy in the Middle East, general nepotism and the blunder that is the ACA.
Not as bad as some other presidents but far from the "classy" guy these lefty fags will try to rewrite history as.
Anyone remember the program designed to predict criminality, turned out it was racist?
How pathetic must these nigs feel saying that sort of thing? They have to bow to this gay lefty bullshit like a Tumblrite.
the memes are fun and all, but you faggots better remember to get in shape, stock up on ammo and train. buy some body armor, make a bug out bag.
Are you imblying that he ever gets anything done? Because I doubt he does.
Better find some good dead nigger storage as well
interestingly enough if you soak enough hardwood ashes in water, the lye will leach out and collect at the bottom of the container. repeat as needed.
That's impressive. I can only hope my children are half as decent a shot.
kys cuck shill
Why have a race war when we could have a pogrom?
reminder that all leftist academics should be slaughtered as a pre-emptive strategy in the happening
This is why punctuation is important.
Those are scenes from "Johnny Mad Dog'' a french film about nigger civil war in Liberia.
I recommend it as a Normie friendly redpill on niggers and nigger behavior, and their fascinating neuroses.
I like that idea.
How well did that go for them?
One thing, this doesn't bother the cartels much. It ups the cost of drugs making it harder to smuggle it in. Legalization is doing far more damage since they no longer have the control of production. Beaner farmers are getting boned with states legalizing. Pretty soon all drugs worth a damn to be produced for a profit are going to be shit like heroin and cocaine.
Holy shit, you're right. Meme magic is just
Proofs? or do all you have is two stocks going down a bit?
That meme seemed to flatline extremely quickly once people realized absolutely nothing came of it.
jesus, lefty memes are so wordy and awkward.
low energy shit.
Weirdboyz, but yes.
What's a good automatic rifle that doesn't jam and is relatively cheap?
sage for somewhat offtopic
I thought the FBI already had plenty of those?
Well you can buy M60s for insane amounts of money.
fly to the khyber pass
Song a Day cuck Jonathan Mann's song for Sunday, "Fight These Fucking Nazis Right Now".
an ar-15 and a lightning link
In anonymity.
Yes, you're pushing us to take violent action on our own, which is EXACTLY what an FBI/CIA twat trying to push people toward action would say/do.
Again, exactly what a ZOG stooge would be saying. You aren't helping your case.
Why would he be?
He's an idiot, for one, and for two, the government is presently controlled by people who have no issue with the sort of sentiment he put forth.
That's how I know you're not from here.
Action will be taken when action SHOULD be taken - and not before.
And you need to tell your boss that you're a really shitty agent provocateur.
That guy has been all over demoralising and saying 'why won't anyone do something!' and has used 'oppressed' multiple times like a leftist
The whole push for a race war is a tactic by, and for the benefit of, communists.
that soros quote -> please provide a link, i am unable to find it in bild..
I didn't make the picture…searching for it on the net, it seems that is who created it.
Yes gas de kikes, but not my kike.
i found only (((snopes))) article which says it's fake. articles on bild mentioning soros in 2014 are from april and november so i guess snopes is right
Niggers can't even aim, let alone organize, strategize, set up supply routes… lol what a joke.
they are training. there are 35 Jamat-al-fuqra camps in America. they recruit blacks from prison.
all images from islamberg in NY