Is this ethical under Stallman's philosophical outlook? It's libre.
Design criteria for the Sarco will be free, made open-source, and placed on the internet
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Futurama predicted this shit, they were just a decade off
This is it goys
Unironically endorsed, even if it's supposed to be some shocking parody piece or whatever.
They've got "right to life" at the top of their page. If you've really got the right to life it should be your right to decide whether it continues. It's not much of a right otherwise.
Euthanasia is not a safe thing to permit as long as an external force is filtering everything that gets inside the minds of your people.
I think this is similar to the 'cuck license' issue. It's too free, and will lead to less freedom. And more Israel.
Probably. Email him and ask if you really want to know.
A millennium off. Futurama takes place in the year 3000.
Don't care about Stallman but this is terrible. Just knowing that those things exist will push some people to suicide that otherwise wouldn't have done it.
And this is a problem because....?
People have potential utility, and higher-iq people are more prone to depression, if I recall correctly. It'd be a shame for to lose the useful work that guy could have done because he killed himself.
I assume you're a strict pro-lifer, then.
Utility towards what? What's your terminal value?
Is it happiness? Do you think suicidal people improve the world enough that the increased happiness outweighs their own misery?
Yes yes it would be a shame if the goyim decided to die before they can work for our companies and generate profit for us
Suicide Booths were invented in the mid to late 2000s even in the show. Did you even fucking watch it?
Guys, I don't thin this is a real news website.
The idea that you're going to be depressed indefinitely, and that there is never going to be a change in your environment or brain chemistry is absurd, but there's no use trying to argue with a suicidal person. They're mentally sick and not capable of good judgment.
Fuck off, kike.
I don't remember that from the show, but it has been a long time since I watched it regularly, so you may be right.
Calm down, buddy.
Not who you are replying to, but I have been depressed (i.e. diagnosed with what the DSM currently calls Major Depressive Disorder and Persistent Depressive Disorder) for over 25 years. That's pretty much "indefinitely" as far as the human lifespan is concerned.
That's because society has failed you, and Dr.Shekelberg doesn't give a fuck about effective treatment. I just hope you haven't been hit with too many neurotoxic SSRIs and have some hope of recovery.
Says who?
Holla Forums retards, don't listen to them.