Four Israelis indicted on suspicion of trafficking in kidneys

Four Israelis indicted on suspicion of trafficking in kidneys

The suspects, one of them a surgeon, are charged with forging documents and having the transplants done in Turkey.

Four men were indicted in a Petah Tikva court late last week on suspicion of running a kidney-trafficking network for transplants in Turkey.

The four – Dr. Michael Ziss, Shlomi Biton, Daniel Pe’er and Sahar Shalabi – were also charged with fraud and other offenses.

Since 2013, Biton had allegedly contacted people who published ads offering to sell their kidneys; he told them he needed one for a sick relative and would pay.

According to the indictment, Ziss, a surgeon, offered patients a kidney for hundreds of thousands of shekels. Pe’er and Shalabi accompanied the donors and patients to hospitals in Turkey.

After being paid, Ziss allegedly forged documents and had them translated into Turkish and notarized. With these papers he obtained the hospitals’ consent for the operations. He bought airline tickets for the patients, donors and escorts, and made the arrangements for the transplants.

According to the indictment, Biton paid the donors upon their return to Israel. In one case he paid only half the pledged amount and threatened to harm the donor after he demanded the money.

The defendants allegedly did not follow up with the donors or provide them with any medical treatment or instructions after the transplants, thus endangering their health.

“The defendants operated a network and took advantage of the distress of patients who needed a kidney transplant, and of young people who fell into debt – and all for profit,” the prosecutors said in a statement.

They asked the court to extend Ziss and Biton’s detention until the end of the legal proceedings.

But remember goyim, jewish organ trafficking is just an anti-Semitic canard.

Other urls found in this thread:


Oy vey, such antisemitism for not letting the chosen people steal and sell your organs on the black market. :^^^^^^^^^^^^)

So, they either crossed some other, more powerful organ trafficking heeb or accidentally cut up someone well connected. Otherwise, I see no way a heeb would get charged for organ trafficking (or pedophilia, or organ trafficking, or other illegal activity abroad) in Pissrael.

I need to get some sleep.

Why do you have to point out that they're Jewish?
Why not just say "four individuals" or "four men"?
Is the fact they're Jewish so significant you felt the need to mention it?
And what the fuck's up with that cartoon?


I'm not gonna lie, I really, really like that picture. It made me laugh quite a bit. I was a fan of Shakespeare plays back in the day.

So, what connections did they have to Hadassah?

You're probably right, I imagine the Jewish mafia has a huge smuggling network with strong Israeli ties.



Oh wow usually Jewish shills aren't this obvious, is this your first day or something? And this is what's known as a "Ben Garrison cartoon" by notorious Neo-nazi and ex-felon (he kidnapped a Jewish family) Ben Garrison.


Here's a link to the documentary.

"Press TV's documentary program "Israeli Connection" looks into the scandal caused by organ kidnapping from both Israelis and Palestinians by Israel."


Who the fuck are you? The ideology of the suspect is ALWAYS important.

These kikes are doing what has funded Israel since the beginning. Stealing babies and bodyparts, and sending them off throuh their Hadassah network to harvest and distributr globally. And nobody ever questions, because theyre all Jews.

Spot the Jew, name the Jew. They hide pretending to be white when convenient, and if ever suspected, immediately go full "oy vey, anti-semite!", learn to open your fucking eyes, before Hadassah steals them from your corpse.


lmao the '10 cents have been added to your account' meme was legit

fucking giga-kikes
how jewish can you get?

>Since 2013, Biton had allegedly contacted people who published ads offering to sell their kidneys; he told them he needed one for a sick relative and would pay.

This is the most important bit. Were these people just destitute and trying to make some cash or was there coercion involved? I'm not shocked that a jew would prey on a desperate person for a few shekels, but forced organ harvesting is a crime several orders of magnitude greater.

There's the kike shit I was expecting.

Probably because they were convincing poor jews to sell their organs instead of stealing them from Palestinians.

Mein sides.

Its like they cant control themselves like faggots or pedophiles.

Voltaire didn't say that.>>8310672

well, at least he didn't steal the kidn-
fucking jews gonna jew…

from pizzagate thread

Just 2 words. Kikes and odesa

Sex trafficking trade forces women from Odessa to massage parlours in Britain

Odessa grew rich in the 19th century by exporting Russian grain. These days one of its main trades is in flesh. The city is a collecting hub for women from across the former Soviet Union who, unbeknown to them, have been snared by traffickers. From Odessa and elsewhere in Ukraine they are conveyed west to Europe and east to Russia, or south to Turkey and the Middle East. Twice a week ferries from Istanbul bring back those, often ill and pregnant, who have been deported by the Turks.

Welcome to Odessa: the strategic southern Ukrainian port that has emerged as one of the principal hubs of the international sex trade. Blighted by police corruption and organised crime, the city has become a marketplace where women are bought, sold, deceived, abused, and in many cases trafficked to a hellish life abroad.

Also, organs

Israel is the organ harvesting and human trafficking global ringleader, with complicit help from US and Turkey

Shocking information appeared on the social networks saying that the militia from Slavyansk found hundreds of corpses of National Guard soldiers during a night reconnaissance operation. The soldiers had had their stomachs ripped open and internal organs removed. In addition, the people living in the troubled territories, have seen well-equipped ambulance vehicles, armored cash collection vans and other special vehicles near hospitals of the Ukrainian army.

Employees of international airports, for example, in Boryspil, said that there were many small aircraft chartered to transport special refrigerators that are used for transporting human organs.

To my knowledge moscow is not complicit. Kiev is. Moscow should be investigated nevertheless. Kikes were running kiev at the time this was going on. Moscow provided us with some useful information (link above). There is large market in israel

Thousands of women are being smuggled into Israel, creating a booming sex trade industry that rakes more than USD one billion a year, a parliamentary committee said on Wednesday.

Look into family

assange had connections with them. He never talked about them publicly. There was talk they were into human (children) trafficking.


That link goes nowhere.

They love stealing goy innards wtf