The Guardian calling for mass law breaking

"‘Vote shaming’ Trump supporters is fair. What they have done is shameful"

This is a direct violation of 18 U.S. Code § 594 - Intimidation of voters :

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 720; Pub. L. 91–405, title II, § 204(d)(5), Sept. 22, 1970, 84 Stat. 853; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

Other urls found in this thread:

But we've been shitting all over anti-Trump voters for months.

Nice Trump, i'll save it.

To even considder this newspaper as a vesel of moral judgement is just about as rediculus as it gets. It has been much fun to watch post-election journalists come to term with the fact that they are indisputably the most vilified group of people on earth. And rightly so!

Mr. FBI Man will hear about this one.

Thats some weapons-grade kek right there lads. Oh no, some blue-hairs and cucks will try to shame us. Better go and suck muslim penis post haste. And Ive been socially ostracised most of my life fam, bring it on tbh kek.

yes what a wonderful strategy

because shaming us for being racists and bigots and xenophobes and homophobes and whatever other buzzwords you want has REALLY worked out in their favor so far. it's almost like they have zero self awareness and don't realize they lost the election specifically because of bullshit like this.

sage because shit thread

I'm sure doubling down will continue to work.

We need to encourage them to continue at all costs. The true believers are lost causes and it's pushing the right further right, as well as some in the middle. At the very least they're getting fed up and trying to distance themselves from it. Fracturing cucks and moderates only helps. The more they tantrum and flail about spilling their spaghetti, the better. More riots and mudslime attacks would be great too.

i just sent a tip to the fbi.

They are fighting, but they've already lost tbh.

That'll work this time.

Lugenpresse lynching when?

How dare Whites not vote for the anti-White party, shame.

Dubs confirm

it's funny that the left thinks men on the right will ever succumb to the same shame tactics that they use on their own men

i have co-workers that tried to shame me when i told them i voted trump. "why!? he's racist! aren't you ashamed of supporting a racist?"

so i asked them
"you think he's racist?"
"do you think i'm racist?"
"i guess so. seeing as i'm supporting a racist and all"

they didn't know what to say and they dropped it. later, they spread rumors that i was racist that no one believed. soon, everyone began to hate that person for talking shit about me, because i'm well-respected. especially my boss, because i'm their most valuable employee. they stopped showing up to work and they were fired.

They truly are blind, or at least shameless enough to make a living by pretending to be blind.

License to kill, this whore just wrote an antithesis to the ideology behind the resistance to "slut shaming" or any other push by conservatives to hold liberals accountable for their shameful deeds.

Torposters really need to be tarred and feathered

They can't keep their story straight.

I bet the Kremlin didn't even need to pay her a cent.

It's straight; you just have remember their concept of morality is tribal based like ours has to be. Any action which benefits the 'tribe' is good, any which harms it is bad.

Amazing how the tables have turned. A year ago it was us calling for civil disobedience.

man I do love redpanels

i can see this going really well for them

what's next ? Deny sex to anyone wearing a MAGA t-shirt/pin/hat?

No, Holla Forums has been throwing the shit back over the fence, Moishe. A bit different from the antagonizing you Cunts have been doing. We're still the protagonists.

Let them try. They keep beating their heads against the wall.

What I can't understand is why British "journalists" and editorialists are allowed to even have an opinion on what goes on in the U.S. I mean, they can have their opinion, but they shouldn't be allowed to pump their subversive, cancerous rhetoric to our populace. These cucks are who we won our independence from, ffs.

Current Year Man, Piers Morgan, Daily Show Unfunny Colored Gentleman (whatever his stupid name is)… Why are there so many of them! (Oh, look - another Guardian piece.) (Jew York Times)

(((Googling))) for "british people in american media" leads to a ton of articles from 2013 - at or near the height of modern SJW-ism. I think maybe it has to do with their obsession for European-style socialism. Look at these wacky Brits. They're so smart and sassy, and they're mocking me for not having NHS. Why can't I have NHS? BERNIE! Give me NHS!

I remember that black guy but I didn't notice they fucked up the cities on the map. Idiots.

Here's an appropriate logo. 9000 hours in Illustrator.

So it's now okay to fat shame, or slut shame, or std shame, or faggot shame, or welfare shame, or abortion shame? Sounds good to me.

So as not to be accused of being a lazy faggot, here's the edit.

This shame tactic would be great if they used it against toddlers. I can't see any self-respecting adult caring about how some dumb journalist cunt thinks of them.

> In 2008 she co-authored A Yes Means Yes: Visions of Female Sexual Power and A World Without Rape with Jaclyn Friedman,
> in 2012 she published Why Have Kids,
> and in 2016 she published Sex Object: A Memoir.

> In the October 2016 Wikileaks release of John Podesta emails, it was revealed that the Hilary Clinton campaign had said they were working with Valenti to write a post criticizing Bernie Sanders in his primary campaign against Clinton.

top kek


Holy shit, I forgot about this kosher cow, product of the most hilarious unintentional self-destruction of feminism I've ever seen:


[*cuckoldry intensifies*]

God damn dude, liberal catlady to a T.


Oh Christ its this bitch.

Who the fuck is that rancid bitch?

Imagine if you were as utterly fucking clueless as this woman

Know thy enemy.
It is she.

I think she may be sending out scattershot trying to get the most clicks by playing every angle. *at least I hope that's what she is doing and not really as dumb as a dead brick**

Welp fucked up that spoiler.


Why is the liberal animal so deathly afraid of guns? Is a weapon only a tool of evil in the liberal mind?

This has got to be satire, there is no way this animal farm shit actually came from someones brain genuinely.

The thing about this fucking broad is her actual articles/theories are indistinguishable from the satire. She's up there with Laurie Pennie.

Those ruled by destructive impulses can imagine no goodness in the world. They project their own vile nature onto society and then beg that society reform itself to normalize baser values.

So she is mentally unbalanced. We have far too many of these floating around I wouldn't be surprised if jews are flooding the society with unsupervised crazies to undermine it.
What happened to inane asylums, straight coats, padded rooms, forced injections of sedatives, and lobotomies?


I never knew I wanted to see hot female psychiatrist on female patient action before

Kikes, no really a kike journalist went "undercover" as a crazy into an asylum, got let out when he asked to leave and promptly wrote an article exposing "human rights violations" that inexplicably got front page news in damn near every publication.

I did a google search of innocuous terms and I got degenerate porn….. fucking jews.

And that was the start of the movement that has ended up with every asylum dweller just getting bused to California because they would fucking freeze or starve anywhere else in the states, ruining the once tech center of the west and forever drowning it in absolute fucking shit.

I didn't meant to be saging for the last few posts, counter sage

Ridiculous! I seem to vaguely recall some jew on video going on about releasing as many mentally disturbed idiots possible as if that was a good thing.

lobotomies were made popular by the jews. some of that stuff has gone away for a reason.

Fuck off CTR!

That's already happening.

Weird, the first time I got laid in over a year was the 10th and it was because I got into a heated argument with this Hillary lover at the bar. Ended up at her place having some of the best hate sex in my life. no I didn't give her my real name, no I didn't keep her number, no I will not be going to that bar anymore, if she wants to cry rape she is going to have to work for it

It's like they're asking people to become real Right-wing extremists. As I said to an user in another thread, this is the second step. We helped take the first. This one is mostly out of our hands. The Left will further antagonize people to the Right and grow our numbers, while making the proposition of aggression toward them acceptable. Let them dehumanize themselves.

I wouldn't even take the chance with one of those sub-humans.

She seemed clean, as clean as leftist get anyway. Should get tested though.

MSM is using ISIS tactics now. Why don't you do the dirty work yourself, rabbi?

I don't know about this cunt, but a lot of them know are miserable fucks riding on the fumes of virtue signalling and they know they'd just suicide if they had one.

But the Guardian isn't even American. Who the fuck do they think they are

That's fantastic to hear.
We know it's not true

they horrified and trying to inflict self denial that leverage they used for 30+ years stop working soon after they redefined racism from something you do to something you are

That'll work out great. I mean, it worked great when they were in power, right?

They are herd creatures, and run away from that which they cannot shame and trample. The act of killing and defense is so abhorrant to them that letting their children be enslaved/eaten brutally murdered is a better trade off. After all children are just replaceable tools of sympathy for liberals. They can always make more.

didn't this guy had to cry and apologize in public ?

The guardian is asking for donations they're circling the drain

Isn't that what an imageboard is?

Padded cells apparently don't actually look like that anymore.
Here's a picture of one from three years ago.

Leftism is a cult.

What's better than a liberal Jew propaganda outlet being shut down by government is abject market failure. It's an indicator that the culture has shifted and their moralistic finger-wagging is no longer wanted.

Gawker died, let's see who else we can kill. Huffingpaint Compost is my vote.

Then why complain about fat and slut shaming?

This, I've been shamed by most people for most of my life.

Being shamed by blue hair trannies would actually be an improvement.

no, he cried bc he was a little bitch. he pretty much had to apologize tho

Which is the irony about them considering they are utterly self-righteous.

Mr fbi man is not doing enough already.
There is a big issue with enforcement organisations.

leftists have gone from being anti big government, some time long ago, to being pro anything the big international corps tell them to
even something as simple as workers rights and incomes is no longer followed, mass immigration destroys both
to a leftist - they believe they are the educated epitomes of the civilized human - they are instead (((indoctrinated))) to be the epitome of a perfect slave

Why does the flag have a hole in the middle of it?

The Guardian can fuck off.
I'm northern English and it's a British newspaper.
It is lefty liberal London based. London is a shit - about 40% white British.
There's nothing wrong with London that a nuke can't fix.

Pics are where I live. The cities are shit.

I've found that it's better to tell them they'll have another chance to fuck the country up again in four years.

If you really don't like them, you can add that the incumbent usually has the advantage when it comes to the elections. Then pretend that they don't know anything about politics it should be pretty easy, considering that it's close to the truth and inform them that the incumbent is the one who currently holds the office and is running again.

Leftists only go by what they understand, their feelings are easily triggered thus they think this will work against the right.

I am sorry for going offtopic. On the fourth picture. Is the a pile of rock a pagan site? Just askin' out of curious.

checking those dubs

Well you know… if the site stands true to it's name i can only imagine what kind of devices are hidden by these pants right now

( self checking )
Ayy my dubs seem to have spotted something

Top Kek.

Can, but won't, going by birth rates.

Report This to The DOJ

This is a Civil Rights Violation

>justice.g ov/crt/how-file-complaint#nine

>By email at [email protected]/* */
>By complaint form at >justice.g ov/crt/complaint/votintake/index.php

Civil Rights Division
U.S. Department of Justice
Room 7254 - NWB
950 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20530

>law.cornell.e du/wex/brandenburg_test



(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 720; Pub. L. 91–405, title II, § 204(d)(5), Sept. 22, 1970, 84 Stat. 853; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

Sample report letter

DOJ Civil Rights Division,

The Guardian author Jessica Valenti is engaged in inciting US citizens to violate the voting rights of other US citizens. This is a clear violation of 18 U.S. Code § 594 - Intimidation of voters a serious felony punishable by 1 year in prison or a fine. Jessica Valenti should be extradited to face a trial for this crime. I hope you investigate it fully and uphold the rights of all Americans to participate in the Democratic process.



Link to the article and provide quotes. Remember we can get her extradited too. Good luck anons.

Who's ready to kick some ass? legally of course

They already tried that. Turns out no one wants to fuck a green haired, septum pierced, pansexual gluten free anarcho femmicunt anyway.

Where can I get a shirt like this?

That shirt was custom made for him by a female friend. Feminists pilloried him for it despite his mindblowing scientific achievements. No shot there.

We need to try this. The lulz would be incredible.

this ain't Reddit.

I know I am.

Now that you mentioned it, anyone got any mental health records on her. What would it take to get this bitch actually committed?

We can just get her investigated by the feds for a violation of civil rights laws. Even if the charges are dropped or she is acquitted the stress will certainly take a tole.

How the fuck did this people end up with so much power

basically, pedro and company could be sued due to harassing a homeless lady. I don't have the webm with me but I think the lot of you saw that.

Good, redpill more people. These people really are stupid.