Subhuman brown animal romanians attack polish football fans, throw fireworks at the and the players.
Subhuman brown animal romanians attack polish football fans, throw fireworks at the and the players.
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This is completely normal in Europe. Sage for retarded thread.
They're called gypsies . Leech of eastern europe (Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia) Some jews decided to change their names to rroma . If you see any brown 'romanians' feel free to lynch them.
t. Romanian.
Found the gypsy
If i wasn't an American I'd want to be an eastern euro soccer hooligan
Hooligan gangs only attack other gangs.Subhuman rromanians attack spectators and players.
Found the shitskin romanimal.When are you moving back to india?
lmao burgers find out about football hooligans in europe and think it's something to report on Holla Forums
Time to == remove gypsy ==
Fuck you romania you are worst slav hehehehe 2 pac still alive in poland pierdole sie romania!
Cipa of you mother smell so bad kurwa hehehehe. You cowards don't even take krokodil kurwa. Odpierdol Sie romania! Spierdalaj z mojej thread Kurwa!
When are you moving back to hungary?
Triaton happened almost a century ago.
Either fight us or get the fuck over yourselves, niggers.
"romania" didnt exist 150 years ago and will not exist in 150 years.You fake shithole of a """country""" will be disolved soon and you will be shipped back to india
Magyars are mongols and poles are gay czechs
Keep dreaming. You and the kikes are the people that make up history and then believe your own bullshit.
Don't compare us to gypsies . You hate us . But you seem to like the brown people from India . :')
German mother, but yeah.
That article was written by a canadian, scroll down.Next time try to post belivable shilling gypsy.
rrright gypo.your "history" was made up by called romanian identity never existed before
romanians and hungarians are both scum
t. slovak
There is literally nothing wrong with being Romanian.
Just kill this low energy thread
Indeed.Just be a romanian back home in india
So let me guess, you want the oppinion of a hungaryan historian, right? Look up Kovary Laszlo . You fucking kike.
Romanian is a romance language with geto-dacian substratum and latin stratum .
Ignorantule ce esti. That was inherited from the time of the roman ocupation of Dacia.
Or do you suppose that the poo-in the loos left here after otoman invasions somehow magically reinvented latin? Give me a break.
Nothing to do with modern day "romania"
So called "romanians" are rape babies of turks and gypsies.
Picked up a butchered version of italian to get rid of gypsy mumbling
Hungarians don't even speak an indo european language, go back to the steppes where you belong
Having a unique language desnt mean anything.
You will have to go back gypo
Gypsies are repulsive. They're down there with abbos and mestizos and napa's
First time hearing about hooligans, burger?
You'd want to be an uneducated, retarded sheeple?
You have no idea what you are talking about, hooligans break shit anywhere they go. Of course that the only picture of hooligans that you have is the one that tue media has shown you.
i am not a romanian, I am a slovak, magyars are basically finns but shittier
t. burger
stop pretending you're slavic you fucking imbecile
We rescued their asses from communist kikes and this is how they repay us. Mongols, not even once.
so ebin hahahahahahahaha can't believe it
Fucking gypsies
Not in international matches
haha this is where your 'dawn of muh white nations" leads to
the retarded assfucks will start a war over two fireworks at a soccer game
nationalism is cancer
Long live the ethernal memory of Kun Béla,
Éljen a Szovjethatalom
(Romanians will pay for that one day…)
I used to beat a Romanian kid at school. He was so fucking autistic. Poles I usually just make fun of their intelligence. So fuck everyone. Pole ultras are now crybabies OP? Go smash them back you stupid bitch.
komolyan, hagyjátok abba
Great . First the bozgor swarm, and now the kike is here.
I keep saying we should be focusing on kikes and fast-breeding untermesch (gypsies), but maybe asiatic bozgor DNA doesn't let them think clearly? The balkans are a huge clusterfuck.
So called romanians have nothing to do with "white nationalism".They want to destroy and steal shit.Very similar culture to niggers
im laughing
This is a shill by the way.
For all you retarded cuckchanners:
Topic dilution is not only effective in forum sliding it is also very useful in keeping the forum readers on unrelated and non-productive issues. This is a critical and useful technique to cause a 'RESOURCE BURN.' By implementing continual and non-related postings that distract and disrupt (trolling ) the forum readers they are more effectively stopped from anything of any real productivity. If the intensity of gradual dilution is intense enough, the readers will effectively stop researching and simply slip into a 'gossip mode.' In this state they can be more easily misdirected away from facts towards uninformed conjecture and opinion. The less informed they are the more effective and easy it becomes to control the entire group in the direction that you would desire the group to go in. It must be stressed that a proper assessment of the psychological capabilities and levels of education is first determined of the group to determine at what level to 'drive in the wedge.' By being too far off topic too quickly it may trigger censorship by a forum moderator.
How is pointing out that non-whites behave like animals?
Nice communist propaganda movie gypo
where did the name bozgor come from anyways? I was told that it comes from the turkish word for steppe bozkir
False. There is no dacian substratum in Romanian. There are around 100 words with unknown etymology that for political reasons are pushed as being dacian in origin.
Blood =/= language. Hispanics in South America speak an Indo-European language. But they're not Europeans.
The entirety of the Balkanic peoples, and all Europeans east of Vienna and Tallinn should be genocided. Europeans are not uniformly great. The master race is a western European, predominantly Germanic race.
they are mixed with native americans and niggers, it doesn't matter since you're mongols anyways
I'm not hungarian. I have a pronounced disdain for all peoples outside the European core: Germany, Italy, France, Britain, Austria, Czechia, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland etc. You are parasites who try to piggy back unto others' achievements, since you have done nothing of notice. (example, pic related)
You blame communism, but you were fucked up long before communism. Spaniards too. Portuguese. South Italians the same.
You blame gypsyes, which are indeed disgusting cockroaches. But you yourselves are subhuman trash. All of you.
It's not just that Hitler did nothing wrong when it cames to the Jews.
The Generalplan Ost was also a great idea. It should be implemented in the future, and the area should be extended as much as possible.
The contemporary Greeks and the ancient Greeks of the Classical Age are not the same people. They should be wiped clean off the face of the planet too.
What does one notice in pic related? That's right: easter Europe is Argentina or China tier. You are trash. You have no business claiming you are peers with the core, western and nordic Europeans.
how is life in the caliphate my good friend?
Impotent. Muslims are dumb savages. They are not the problem and quite easy to deal with. It is inevitable that they will be dealt with, since people are waking up from the complacency.
Muslims have never been the problem. They are nothing more than useful idiots, dumb bludgeons.
As for life, it's all things considered quite good. It's why eastern European scum people want to come here and not the other way around.
A lot of that patent shit has to do with brain-drain.
We lack real nationalism, (xcept cheap substitutes, sports ball), the living conditions are hard, so the smart of us get picked off by the western nations, leaving behind a dysgenic mess.
Kettle, look at pot. Most of those listed nations are out-cucking each other. We may be fucked in our own way, but cultural marxism doesn't work here . Feminism doesn't work here. We saw the communistic bullshit first hand . No need for that again.
Fuck off. The brain drain has been nowhere near huge enough to account for such a large discrepancy. And the differences are CENTURIES OLD!
Plus, most brain drain is centred towards the United States, Canada and Australia, and western Europe has been experiencing brain drain also.
butthurt toilet scrubber detected
Russia is the only eastern European country of importance. The exception that proves the rule. Plus, that was just a particular measure, not a universal yardstick. The quality of research coming from Russia is pretty low, for example.
Found the divide and conquer kike.
Why are you posting raw numbers faggot? Here's an adjusted to population map. Notice anything?
Also, why did you post a map which includes Literature and Peace Prizes Laureates?
Two of your maps and your human achievement chart disprove your claim that Eastern Europe is on par with the third world. This isn't even taking into account how badly communism fucked up their societies, and the fact that their education is close to on par with the West despite having a fraction of the wealth.
You're disproving yourself with your own data. Go play your divide and conquer kike games somewhere else faggot, perhaps on a busy highway.
I'm not contradicting myself on anything. I claimed eastern Europe is south America tier, which it is.
Eastern Europeans were fucking trash long before communism. Most eastern Europeans of note are actually western European descended. The Romanian Nobel prize winners for example? All Germans.
It's not D&C because the divide is already there. Eastern Europeans are not our peers. You are genetic refuse.
You're blind. But that's entirely your problem, slav subhuman. You're no better than Chileans or Argentinians.
Bring back Generalplan Ost.
Trips of truth
You literally showed a chart that showed Russia and the Austro-Hungary empire to be ranked 5 and 6 on a list of human accomplishments.
You literally showed a map that had most of Eastern Europe higher than South America in Nobel laureates per capita.
You literally showed a map that proved Russia has just as many researchers per capita as Western Europe.
I just posted a chart proving that Eastern Europeans are as educated as Westerners and far more educated than the third world despite their lack of wealth.
Jesus Christ, someone with as low an IQ as you has no place talking about how other groups are inferior.
Not even Slavic bro. Pic related.
Most of the Russians in Charles Murray's analysis were German-Russians. You know, the minority who got the ire of another minority, the (((Russians))) because of their high achievement, and them filling up the ranks of the Russian aristocracy. So no, it does not disprove that.
As for Austria-Hungary… Do you notice there is an Austria in that polity? Same deal.
The Nobel Laureates per capita map shows Europe in the same tier as Argentina, you blind faggot. Most of the Balkans? Nil Nobel prizes in the sciences, just like most of south America. Again, my claim is not at all disproven.
Number of researchers per capita when it comes to Russia is an exception that proves the rule, that goes against the trend. The quality of research in Russia is appalling, just like in China, with plagiarism and malfeasance being rampant.
The quality of education in eastern Europe is clustered near that of Mexico and Argentina, which is what you'd expect given their lower average IQs. Western slavs are the only ones close to us, but that's expected since they have average IQs that are close to or the same as ours.
So in summary, you're a clueless Canadian.
Pic related. You're simply proving my point for me, which is inevitable, since it's the naked truth.
Mods are allowing this thread to stay up, and they've been active since this thread went up.
They love seeing you Yuropoors fight
It is traditional tbh, but we don't need it here.
It's an old image board pass-time for Europeans to hate each other, from KC to ylilauta to 4chan to Holla Forums
D&C thread
This fullchan Holla Forums is now all D&C, pizzagate and MGTOW threads
[citation needed]
The Austrio-Hungary empire was comprised of mostly Eastern Europeans.
Southern Slavs != Eastern Slavs. I don't deny that Balkans is the Mexico of Europe.
[citation needed]
Those IQ estimates are notoriously bad, borderline useless for comparing individual countries. Nonetheless, once again showing Russia, and Central Europe on par with Western Europe. Good job.
I think we need to consider another migration. Shall we meet at the end?
And the Scandinavian Countries had tiny populations, in ad
Looks exactly like Mexicans…
HAHA! That Euro inferiority complex!
Those people in your image are not real Romanians, but Gypsies. Gypsies are poo in loo's that just forced their way into Europe and mostly into Romania.