Trump Tower to become the White House of New York City

So Melania and Barron will stay in behind in New York while the God Emperor goes to DC to MAGA.
They will get their own security detail and they will be escorted via armored vehicles everywhere they go. Sections of downtown will be permanently cordoned off to avoid traffic and attacks.
Melania wants to focus on Barron's schooling and is extremely dedicated to him.

Other urls found in this thread: history

Fucking sad they have to be escorted like that.

I completely messed up the OP sorry

LMAO holy shit manhattan kikes are going to be pissed. This is revenge.

Melania sounds like a great mom.

Well it makes sense as it's going to take at leat 8 years to clean up the White House after the last pair of occupants.

they wouldn't have to if it were a civilized city filled with whites.


all family get escorted like that the Obama daughters have armed escorts in school

Imagine all the kwetching when the rich jews have to go to the underground among the diversity that they imported.
He'll also be able to go slap some bitches on the Wall street if some uppity kike wanted to manipulate some markets.

What else would he do, move his family into government housing that a bunch of nogs just lived in and stank up for 8 years?

inb4 the Lying Press says those close off streets severely lower the entire city's productivity and convenience.

I hope Trump isn't bringing an "energizer" to the white house while Melania is away. There's lots of work to do, and the last thing he needs is a Clinton type scandal.

would be cheaper to move the school, the teachers, the entire fucking thing to DC or fly them by private jet every morning. This isn't going to last. Happy to see the Jews lose money by normal people who work there as secretaries?

Well why would you want to move to the white house when you got trump tower with gold fucking walls? Baron has his own floor to himself there. It would be a complete downgrade to go to the white house that is constant being visited by tourists and politicians. And imagine how long it would take to move all her clothes.

Yes, you're bad at this.

Melania and Barron Trump won’t be moving to the White House
By Isabel Vincent November 20, 2016 | 5:46am
>The decision to remain in their Midtown home will increase the security presence around Trump Tower — an effort that will involve both Secret Service and the NYPD, an expert familiar with high-level security told The Post. “That building is going to become the White House of New York,” said Jim Reese, a former Delta Force commander and president of TigerSwan, a global security company based in North Carolina.

As if Melania doesn't throw out her clothes after wearing them once.

If I had to guess, I think Trump thinks he can keep them safer there. Trump is going into a den of vipers and doesn't want the vipers to be watching his family, and I can't say I blame him. It seems to portend that Trump is going to enact some pretty crazy legislation that will paint a target on his back.

Brings a tear to my eye

Trump is trying to keep Barron away from any pizza parlors




Barron is actually at a really bad age for kids to switch schools. And you pretty much only want your kid to switch schools once or twice before college or they are likely to turn out fucked up.

Don't ya think she's coddling him a bit too much? I know daycare fucks people up by removing parental bonding, but this kid is well beyond those years.

All this shitposting about Barron being a super-genius mastermind yet we find he's just another mama's boy. I suppose you'll spin this into some means of "hiding his genius level because the world isn't ready"

He should just run things from NYC. Or better yet, Florida.

He was born into an extremely high class family. He has many more responsbilities than the average person, if the family cares at all.

he's 10

Check this out!. history

Honestly a modern government needs something on the lines of Trump Tower due to all of that office space.

It would also be nice to have the WH is the most populated & most Iconic American city.

Enjoy the traffic, boyos!

It's standard operating procedure.

So what?

Downtown NY is mainly inhabited by kikes and other non-working scum.

So the negative effects of this particial 'shut down' will be absolutely insignificant.

Worse case scenario trump could use the congestion as an excuse to revamp the city.

This x1000

Turns out Barrons are clones and need to be hooked up to a special accelerated advancement machine to age and match Trump. Every couple of years he downloads his consciousness to a new body, while they keep creating Barrons.
Trump Tower itself is an antenna for the energy required for the machine. therefore a Barron cannot leave the area for too long.

tfw raised by nanny

Reminder that there was a plan to triple the size of the White House in the 1890s.

I blame the Jews.

Manhattan isn't that big, this is where Trump tower is and a small circle of places where they are likely going to shut down roads. This shit is fucking hilarious. Manhattan kikes are going to be in traffic for 8 years lmaooooo

There's a new white house already built in the Ozarks.


Pensmore Mansion.

In no way is that relevant.

How many 72000 sq ft homes are built with two lane highways and rail lines going underneath? Are you really thinking it's a private residence?

It's fucking gaudy.

Trump should restore this if it came to moving the WH to someplace like the Ozark.

There's also this.


Honestly the Office of President has vastly outgrown the premises of the White House anyway

Hail Emperor trump and Warmaster Barron.

It's genius actually.
By Trump using Trump Tower as his own "Gold House" it ensures that TT will be enshrined as a historical landmark.


Not as much as him cutting their federal funding. They can have it back once they stop sheltering criminal invaders.

Would you rather they get shot?

You know Trump could easily fit the entirety of the white house staff in trump tower.

What I wonder is though why he doesn't declare that he's going to ensure the white house is preserved for future generations by allowing the much needed renovation and conservation work to be done during his term since multiple presidents keep putting it off.

During this interim he will provide all required office/meeting space at Trump tower and accommodation at Trump tower for all white house workers. For free at his own cost.
ANd he will guarantee this is available to his successor if he's not reelected. Still out of his own pocket.

It's midtown NYC. Lots of kikes yes but also radio city, st patrick's, the park, etc.. One of the only areas near christmas you could walk at night and not take in how bad things have gotten, esp at this time. it's depressing as fuck.

Trump owns this place.

dubs confirm, Melania is the Milfiest Milf ever to Milf

Yep. Your fallacies aren’t evidence of anything.

he's 10. What do you want?

Yes user. People give away billion dollar buildings in midtown NYC to uncle samuel for free all the time. why not? Maybe Trump is really santa claus and can drop obama iphones from his sleigh too?

You cannot pick up move security bunkers, embassies, the state department, the pentagon, DOD, etc.. There's no way in fuck this is going to work. At rush hour there is an amour convey up the west side every morning for school? I don't care about the Jews, I hope they lose money. It's just not feasible, you can't secure an area like that. people dread when obongo is at the UN, and now it would be every day? you can talk edgy but people still have to work to pay the Jew rent. this is never going to work. the kid is set in life anyway, he can be a NEET and have no real worry ever.

he's just a troll, ignore him

Honestly I think he's trying not to disrupt his family, which is noble.

And he probably realizes that the white house is a target - not to mention will smell of nigger for month.

He sees the White house as an office, as it should be.

We president now

Donald Trump has actually done an excellent job of picking women to be the mothers of his children.

To be fair.
He'd only be providing the real estate.
Everything else falls on the taxpayer.

And its a wonderful opportunity to trim the fat in regards to civil servants attached to the US president and reduce that ludicrous security theatre you people put on

Straight Shota Comics when?

I hope Trump gasses degenerates like you first.

user, Barron is a good kiddo and understands it is wrong to NTR one's own father.

He's 10 and it's not coddling not to want his life to be disrupted just because his father's become the President.


I was breastfed as a baby and coddled until I was 11 or so, and I still managed to love Hitler.

With a wife like Melania, who needs interns?

Should I mail the idea to Hustler? Barron will be 18 by the time Trump leaves the White House.

You should swallow a bottle of tylenol.

Break the jew conditioning user. You were brainwashed to sexualize natural mother/son relationships.

Or on second thought, maybe you should just kill yourself.

Not claiming to be an authority, but a friend worked in secret service (never on a presidential detail, need 20 years for that) doing check fraud and guarding low profile state leaders.

You have to think about encryption, bugs, everyone in that building or surrounding has to be vetted now (and you can bet there are a shit ton of Arabs close by). The other big problem is chinks and south koreans and esp. the israelis.

After Netanhahu was tapping clinton's jerk off calls with with his jewish bimbo intern, they upgraded the encryption considerably. also have to worry about chem weapons, bio weapons, missiles, aircraft, etc.. If he or his family were assassinated, the stock market would crash and you'd have chaos.

They've been doing it in DC for over 100 years, the shit is all already installed there and camp david. I think the secret service is going to just give him no choice, he has to move. If he refuses they go to press. Of course they despised cunt clinton for being a cunt but also making their lives hard. this makes their lives hard.

The source is the NY post, which he has used to plant stories for 40 years. maybe he's just trying to fuck with enemies in NY.

We Tokyo now?

Kind of shows the problems with the USA and how its governed.

Compared to Britain it's ludicrously easy to disrupt.
Here in the UK you can have any particular official replaced in a matter of minutes with either an appointed successor or just any other MP or relevant civil service member.
Thats when you even need to replace them. Most ministers? Absolutely irrelevant. Could kill the lot of them and you wouldn't have to worry about their absence at all.
Prime minister? There's a deputy who can step in, followed by a cluster of other MPs and ministers who can step in. With civil service members who can step in if they're all dead until the ruling party can figure out who should be the new prime minister.

Kill the Queen? Royal succession is worked out into the hundreds. Nothing to worry about there.

USA meanwhile?
Kill the president and everyone panics. Redundancy is minimal.


Kill the Pres: Vice Pres
Kill VP: Speaker of the House
Kill Speaker: Senate Pres Pro Tem
There is always somebody below who can step up, even if we don't have a shadow government.

Also, if the Queen is killed everybody would freak out and would do so for days. Or do you believe people would just say "long live the King" and be done with it? Laughable.


As an addition, each PM is required to write 4 identical "letters of last resort" in case they, their second and the rest of government are killed all at once, those letters are stored in our nuke subs (Of which at least one is always out on patrol) and are destroyed / replaced without being read when a new PM is chosen and after said PM is told precisely how much damage their payload can cause.

That's the issue though.
You have to have everyone step up a post or else the whole machine seizes to a halt.

Here the machine needs to be missing at least half its parts before it even starts to show signs of stopping.
Prior to that it can just keep going with huge chunks of it missing.
Worst of the worst? The civil service takes over entirely alongside the military.

As for the Queen.
Yeah sort of. She's not entirely relevant and while yes everyone loves the ol' biddy she's not exactly essential on her own. The crown is but there's other heads.
THere'd be a low level freak out, but once someone else had the crown on their head that'd calm down.

Then yes there is that.
Worst of the worst of the worst? We just end it. For everyone.
Because despite spending billions attempting to do so. Nobody has figured out how to track our nuclear subs.
Not even us funnily enough.

seems like everything turned out well then


Snack bar kills the queen and impales one of her corgis on his dick before blowing himself up.

How would people react?

More refugees to show how tolerant they are

Does an MP not move up a post to become PM?
"Everyone" does not step up either. If the President is removed, the VP moves up. He is the only one to do so. The new President will appoint a new VP and the Senate will confirm.

If the entire federal government is removed we still have fifty State governments with similar format and representation of constituent bodies.

You are foolish if you believe every contingency hasn't been thought out, or that every situation does not have a solution.
You are doubly foolish if you base this belief on the fact that the executive office in the capital city is the epicenter of the government and cannot be easily moved to a building in NYC.

Also, there are numerous locations that can replace the White House (including multiple airplanes) as the control center of the Nation.
In case you were thinking it could get burned down again.

Strictly speaking?
No since a PM is only a first among equals.
Realistically speaking? The cabinet isn't so much moving up as just shifting sideways.

Our system is a bit odd in that division of power is firmly rooted into it to such an extent that nobody is key.

fucking die


i switched schools many times growing up because my family was always moving around. once i started fitting in and making friends, i had to pack up and move again. feels bad man.

fuck off with your sick weeb filth

Yup, that's what happens when commies, niggers and kikes are in your country. We got to get them out!

It's sad that it's come to this.

Its over, the jews won. They succesfully blacked the white house. Everyone in america is a cuckold now


They would never shut down any of those roads don't be ridiculous.

Also, OP is just some random Trump building, I think his Vegas casino.


The sort of ridiculous scenario you're talking about could only possibly happen in a time of war. And who's country would fair better in such a war?

The UK's "redundancy" is ridiculous and will never be used, nor will the redundancy of America's. But even so, America would weather whatever catastrophe would make the UK's redundancy necessary, because it is naturally more resilient.

So wait, are the general public allowed in Trump Tower anymore? I'm visiting NY tomorrow, am I even going to be able to get in there or is it just crawling with SS?

Yes, but you'll probably have to go through security. There's a Trump cafe, a Trump store, etc. inside the lobby.

Well that's fine then, I assumed that would be happening anyway, Shame the God Emperor is in NJ though

Nah. See the USA has a lot of states that want out.
Any weakening of the federal government will invite secession.
We only have to worry about the Scots. And they're nothing.


I think this is mostly about keeping Baron safe. DC is a nigger infested shithole. People don't call it Chocolate City for nothing. Raising the next Ubermench in such an environment is retarded. We have seen from his other kids, that Trump is an A+ child raiser so I have no doubt he is making the right decision.

To be fair, JYC isn't much better tbh fam, might even be worse.
Of course, Barron's New York is not the normal person's New York.

It should be interesting to see how Barron develops… New wife, after all - don't know how the oven works til you run a bun through it, eh?

There's nowhere safer than the White House for the boy to be. Trump Tower does not come close

1) Secession of states would not necessitate that sort of ridiculous redundancy. It's happened before and there was no problem with redundancy in the Federal government.

2) It happening again is nothing but the fevered dream of obnoxious Texans and Californians.

Thanks Satan, I would add that the American government would be next to impossible to remove entirely, even from the President downwards, because their system of protecting major politicians and spiriting them away to bunkers is probably the most thought out in the world. Reagan had them running drills fucking constantly in the 1980's in case of a nuclear attack.

Wasted trips by the way.


this tbh

Banning motor vehicles from downtown areas of large cities is an old idea meant to preserve the city's infrastructure traffic capacity and original mode of operation.
This is just a push toward making that a reality

looks kind of like Versailles except for that greenhouse out front

I would not fucking move to DC

The place is literally set up on an occult grid. There is satanic symbolism, esoteric meaning, possibly a Kabbalah tree of life all in the city planning and architecture of the place. That, coupled with the rampant child sacrifice and ritual abuse that's gone on there for centuries… and, well, I'd stay far away.

At the crux of the major DC streetgrid pyramid is the Masonic Temple, which I'm sure has seen its fair share of virgin sacrifices of little boy diddles or however the fuck they dedicate that type of place.

it's also cool as fuck that trump doesn't even need to use a motor vehicle to move to and from trump tower. there's a helipad on the roof.

He's going to be able to charge tenants triple.

Hell, all his hotels are likely to start doing extraordinarily.

i laugh at all those faggots who, a month ago, said that the trump brand would take a nosedive because muh pussy grabbing video. now he's going to be president, which will send trump stock through the fucking roof. moral of the story? liberals are retards.

yes goy let the chosen ones decide what goes into barrons mind. Let him grow up with snapchat and instagram and facekike. Let the sjws in jew york taint his brain so that he can become a good goy.

I'm still laughing at all the tards (mostly libertarians IIRC) that said Trump was only running to help Hilary win the election. Had to be the dumbest shit I ever heard. Wish I had kept a list of all those commentors.


Ask >>>/rec/
Those guys can find source for anything manga and doujin.

He's so humble!

oh no…

This is the meme police, put your hands in the air and drop the keyboards you're under arrest for felony meming

C'mon, you guys are getting sloppy. Check these double dubs.

That's how it works when you're a Sith Apprentice.

Reinhard was a mama's boy, he just saw this in his sister. And look how he managed. Trust me when I say this: Barron will be the 1st Kaiser of the Neue Reich.

Will he become Emperor Barron, or will he be called Donald Barron with Donald becoming an imperial title similar to Caesar?

hopefully Barron doesn't get space lupus

Interesting. Am I right in assuming Trump does not trust the White House with his family?

'Trump' will become the titular form of address after the dynasty ends, which it will eventually.

Inshadilay, you'll never take me alive, copper.
Where did the rest of this dudes videos go?

Could Trump not just have the White House re-designed to his liking?

He could afford it

That probably means Donald Trump is going to be staying in Trump Tower too, but just won't say so.
I love it. D.C. is a nigger ridden swamp.

Yeah m8, but how frequently will she visit him?

He has a hotel right next to the WH. He can just relocate them there.

The problem with most, if not all "elite" families nowadays is that the children are raised by the nannies rather than their biological parents who are too busy working or Jewing their way towards even more shekels. Barron is getting the treatment that someone of his status deserves, ironically only one of few of this class.

What if Melania's grooming Barron to stage a coups later on and seize control of House Trump?

Other forums have people saying he's a genious but on the autism spectrum and they don't want to interrupt his 'routine'.
If true it would be hilarious seeing as the media keeps running with the story that Don laughs at the disabled.

Would work out for the best, certainly better than (((Kushner))) nosing into it.

Alright, time to call it.

White House will be so blackened that it will be our time's Reichstag Fire. Some commies will torch it just before the inauguration. The media will find a way to blame Trump, saying that he did it himself, false flag and so on.

Trump will from then on reign from his (literal!) Golden Throne in Trump Tower, now the Imperial Palace.

What is it with my state and mercs! One of my coworkers became a mercenary.

He'll then rebuild the White House under budget and ahead of schedule as well.

Good the Elites have been holding presidents hostage for years with the white house.

no great mystery friend. Bragg is there, easy proximity to their biggest clients.


Trump will move the captial to Jew York

hopefully he will clean up the place first of all

Why do people keep thinking 'coddling' is detrimental when it's obvious fact trauma is gravely so?

I wonder if trump tower will have surface to air missiles installed, you know the white house has them


Private jets and people to organize everything for you make traveling on a regular basis pretty painless.

could probably fly from the white house to trump tower in a couple of hours

That sounds like bullshit. How many hundreds of millions in commerce will be destroyed by this action?

New York is a sanctuary city, gotta bring the pain

I take it you've not read some of the alt 40k timelines where the Emperor was actually a good father and eveerything turned out well. If Trump is as good as the memes foretell then we should be in for a nice, if only slightly bumpy ride.

Decent chance of this honestly considering Melania's age when she had him and his obsession with keeping his room a certain way.

wouldn't let it land on pad at trump tower, they use the manhattan heliport. firstly it wouldn't fit, but visits to jew york are carefully done with 4-5 helicopters that vary routes to manhattan helipad and then the decoys veer off. Even if they increased the size, how do you secure all those windows with a view of the landing every time?

The helicopters are meant to be redone for some obscene amount by 2018 because it's the step it would be easiest for an assassination. Went to high school on one of the paths bush would take to UN. Biology teacher was a vietnam vet and when they passed near the school, he'd have a flashback and jump under his desk. People laughed but I felt bad for the prick, sort of a dignified guy and then would lose it.

Anyone else get the feeling that Trump knows that the White House is not safe for him?

Like there is some sort of Occult nature to the building that threatens his intended destiny?

If Trump refuses to occupy the Whitehouse, which is guarded by capable special forces and physical defences then there must be reason why?

If he doesn't stay at the Whitehouse, his odds aren't great historically even if he did. Truman survived by luck when the puerto ricans fucked up, (((they))) got Kennedy, Ford had a bullet whiz past him, Regan got hit. Has almost a 35% chance of at least being shot at, plus all the AA in secret service. Fucking nightmare job.

Alcoholics Anonymous?
Affirmative Action?

Nah, he just knows it stinks of nigger.

Please let it happen, I live here and would gladly take the inconvience to hear the yids kvetch.

African American


Sounds like a vending machine business opportunity in japan for some enterprising user.

He's fucking 10 you autistic shitstain.

Something tells me you're not ethnically european/white if you can't comprehend what's happening between Barron being 10 and how he's now the fucking son of the United States of America, on top of his fucking dad being a big man already.

Sometimes tells me on top of you not being 'white', you have to make up this autistic shit about being a "mama's boy" and this autistic 'super-genius mastermind' garbage that literally NO ONE is fucking talking about. On top of all that, posting some shitty autsitic reddit tier baby's first mspaint reaction image that isn't even drawn in the classical way, more so closer to the newer, more autsitic faggot 'meme faces' you see plastered verywhere where some autistic kid from reddit/tumblr thinks he's going to become famous if he puts effort into a fucking MS paint drawing, and you can tell he put literally all of his 'artistic merit' into that faggot image, and it doesn't even compare to shit like the old school Holla Forums ur a fag shit.

Then you bring up daycare, when this isn't a fucking daycare, it's his mother caring for him. You do know what a mother is right? What their purpose is? Or do you assume because your mother shitted you out and hopped the border and does nothing but be obese, smell like shit and how your only alive because she needed a scapegoat so she can't get deported while you constantly clean her pussy of feces cause you're a 'good boy'.

Like I cannot stress this enough, you're seriously no different than the average spic who legitimately lacks self-awareness and thus a scenario like this is so foreign to you, you try to spin it in a way where you can try to reach out to other dumb spics who don't understand what parenting is about, since again spics/beaners aren't raised by their parents, are just tools to be used and tossed away.

Knowing how cucked the Bongs are right now: #NotAllCorgiFuckers and #IllWalkMyDogAroundYou would be trending within the hour.

The Shadilay Empire.

Hitler was also a mama's boy you autistic sperg.

That's a load of BS mate, you'll never get anywhere if you're not forced to meet new friends a few times.
t. warehouse GM that has a $200k salary

Point taken.
Barron is going to have some serious Oedipal complex problems to deal with…


You seem illiterate and incapable of understanding the difference between meeting new friends, and being forced to move city to city, state to state, or even country to country when you just get to know said individuals, then move, thus breaking all contact off.

For being a warehouse GM that has a 200k salary, you seem to be one dumb illiterate faggot who clearly has to make shit up in order to feel like a 'good boy'.


Military kid? If not I feel bad for you. For the majority of my life I always went to DoD schools/all military public schools that had kids like me who moved around a lot. As a result the impact was a lot less jarring as everyone had a mutual understanding of each other, not to mention those schools were much friendlier and ordered as there was a military discipline behind every kid.

I only ever went to a non-military school twice and the difference is fucking outrageous. Military schools tend to be very organized, ordered, but also allow a lot of freedom as they know their students aren't retarded apes. Public schools are a fucking joke in that regard. Public schools were always disorganized, chaotic, and strict as hell as their students all acted as apes and it didn't help that often half the school were literal apes, AKA, niggers.

ok, but it's gonna be drawn by shadman


tfw did LSD in central park two years ago and somehow made it to trump tower which isnt too far. got lost in the bathroom of the basement of trump tower after a funny conversation with the clerk at the front desk. fucking reflecting golden walls.

It's hardly midtown. Anything from Central Park and above is upper manhattan

You must be new here.

Is it actually possible for this scenario to get any worse?

I'm saying that learning at a young age how to deal with severing connections like that is crucial, it's no longer realistic or practical to live in one place your whole life, and it's better to learn to live with that fact as a child than as an adult.

please advise Trump he has location of his building wrong.

So, I guess the big question here is:
1. Will (((they))) attempt another 9/11 on the Trump Tower when the empress and heir are home?
2. Will there be anything left of the desert peoples but black glass if (((they))) try/succeed?

what a noble sacrifice, now his wife and son won't be exposed to the awful nigger smell that's definately trapped in there

What a shitlord! Trump is only doing this so that oppressed minorities have to protest outside the building and he'll have the racist police murder them all!!!!!


when those "oppressed minorities" start hurting jewish business, they'll be out on their asses and the media will will be mysteriously silent. Jews love "diversity," but not in their own neighborhoods.

Yeah no buddy, keep telling yourself that.

You can learn at a young age to deal with most fuckign things, but moving around from state to state on such an irregular basis which comes off as random to a fucking child isn't healthy and never was healthy. Considering how most faggot children are the children of retards who actually bother letting themselves get shipped to fucking Dubai when being nothing but a middle class white family from America, then getting shipped to almost every third world shit hole imaginable, and then when they come back here, they start stomping around as if they own the place and how America is so 'evil' and 'racist' alongside how ethnic euros/whites need to die. This is considering the fact that said parents are libshits/crypto-kikes in the making.

You can try to sit there with a straight face to claim that it's now no longer realistic or practical to live in one place your whole life when it's not only still practical, it's perfectly normal as it is healthy as long as you bother making yourself apart of the community you're in, and even then just being financially sound is more than enough.

So you're just blowing smoke out your ass, and it's so obvious it hurts pal, cause that stench is filling up this entire thread.