The Jewish Question

The following analysis is based off of an observation made by George Lincoln Rockwell regarding the Jewish question. He placed Jews into two basic camps. The first camp was composed of the internationalist, Marxist Jews. These are the Jews heavily involved in promulgating race mixing, open borders and the general liberalization of culture. The second camp was composed of right wing Zionist Jews. These Jews are more focused on a narrow Israeli nationalism, control of American foreign policy, and promoting Jewish emigration to Israel.

I have expanded on this observation by creating a simple matrix with American/Israeli nationalism as the axises. This creates four camps in which a member of American (or Western) Jewry can belong. I believe it is important to analyze the Jewish question using a reasonable amount of nuance and logic. This is meant as an aid in that effort.

Note 1:
It is possible for a Jew to belong to more than one camp simultaneously. Sometimes this is due to internal conflict, other times the reason is simple selfish self interest. It is also common that a Jew will profess one belief publicly and believe something else privately. Once their private beliefs are exposed, they amend their public position to maintain their status. I refer to this as "Camp Transfer." Ben Shapiro's transfer from Camp 3 to Camp 4 is an obvious example.

Note 2:
I am well aware that when "push-comes-to-shove," almost all Jews will run to Camp 4 for personal security and survival of the tribe. Camp 4 is the most powerful camp in American or Western Jewry, as will be demonstrated later. No matter what a Jew may profess, we must be aware that their tribal instincts are strong and they are likely to join their fellow "Chosen Ones" when they feel it is required.
Let us begin analysis these four camps.

Other urls found in this thread:

The Self-Hating Jews
Although non-existent in media and politics, there is a contingent of Jewry more concerned about the national survival of their host nation than the permanent domination of Jewry as a whole. These are often referred to as Self-Hating-Jews.

A small segment of the individual Jewish population in the United States fit this description. A Jew who considers himself an American first and a Jew second is ostracized, demonized and ridiculed by his fellow tribesman. They are systematically disallowed to participate in any public political discourse by the Camp 4 overlords of the American Jewish Establishment.

Their distaste for Israeli policy and their understanding of their fellow Jews subversive tendencies make them great allies in the fight against the Camp 4 set. Although, due to their Jewishness, they should never be brought into leadership or trusted completely; the antipathy they generate among their fellow Jews is worthy of their public promotion and the dissemination of their viewpoints. They can generate galactic amounts of salt among the Chosen Ones.

There are few public examples of such Jews (they are more common among the populace than the commentator class), but a few do exist. Many seem to be British, directed by heterodox religious beliefs, or just natural contrarians. British/Israeli jazz musician Gilad Atzmon, the Orthodox convert Brother Nathanael and members of the heterodox religious sect Neturei Karta are some public examples.

Public/Media presence: Nonexistent.

Ostracism when required.
Politics: Conspiratorial (Right or Left) or Nonpolitical.

There may be many Jewish lurkers here on Holla Forums which fit snugly into this camp. Say hello sometime.

The Leftist Radicals
Always a strong presence leftist thought, Camp 2 representatives among the radical left in America are the multicultural, nation-hating, sexual degenerate Jew. They have no allegiance to Israel as a nation state, because they do not believe in the nation state as a concept. These are international Marxist Jews described by GLR. Many of these people take leadership positions throughout far leftist organizations. Amy Goodman's takeover of the Pacifica Radio Network is an example of the American Far Left being beholden to this contingent of thought. The main media operation that exemplifies this camp is “Democracy Now.”

Although these Jews are often rich and can be found in the NYC/LA soiree circuit; they are rarely promoted in mainstream media due to their antipathy to Israel, fondness for the Palestinian cause, and their ideological purity. The “Its okay when we do it” attitude of the Camp 4 Jews frustrates them endlessly.
This may be the fastest growing segment of American Jewry. Countless articles in Israeli newspapers bemoan how young American Jews are turning away from Israel and embracing Islam as an ally. Most likely, many of these young idealists will join Camp 4 when they become older, therefore they are not as attacked quite as much as Camp 1 or Camp 3 Jews by the Chosen Ones.

Do not trust these people. They hate the very idea of nationalism, the family, normality, and ethics. To them, ethics are based on radical subjectivisim. They have been moving further from Marxism (their natural home) to Deconstructionism; often mixing and melding the two together. Since Marxism is nominally based on the struggles of the working class, and they see the working class as reactionary, they have succeeded in deforming Marxism into a post-structalist ideology that embraces the lumpenproletariat over the proletariat.
Major examples are Amy Goodman, Norman Finkelstein and Phillip Weiss. Many leaders of the Anti-Israeli BDS movement are Camp 2 Jews. Camp 2 Jews are on the forefront of promoting sexual degeneracy, working in tandem with Camp 4.

Public/Media presence: High among far-left outlets, rare in the mainstream media. The more outspoken members are publicly attacked and shamed, such as Norman Finkelstein.

Politics: Far Left. Marxism, Deconstructionism, Radical Subjectivism.

The Rightist Radicals

Recently on Holla Forums, there have been threads regarding Steve Bannon and Kikebart being Zionist but still being labeled as Anti-Semitic. How is this possible? It is because they belong firmly in Camp 3. These are Jews, or commentators generally, that embrace Israeli Nationalism AND the nationalism of their host nation. Camp 4 considers these Jews as one of their greatest threats. They share with Camp 2 the antipathy for the “its okay when we do it” attitude of Camp 4.

These are the Jews most likely to join the Chosen Ones when the going gets tough. They have a large amount of influence in the right alternative media – which should be worrying. A counterpoint would be that the Camp 4 attack machine, exemplified by the SPLC and ADL, endlessly attack Camp 3 Jews as racists and bigots.

These Jews are noted for their Zionism, hatred of Islam, more conservative social opinions and stated tolerance of some Christian values. They support border walls for both Israel and the USA. They support immigration restrictions for both to Israel and to the USA. Since Camp 4 wants one set of rules for Israel and another set of rules for everybody else; Camp 3 is seen as too ideologically nationalistic for the Chosen Ones.

Since International Jewry hates Goy Nationalism slightly more than they like Israeli Nationalism – Camp 3 are seen as enemies.

Examples would include David Horowitz, Pamela Geller, Milo, Kikebart and Rebel Media. Do not trust these people either. They are likely to jump camps when needed. But, at the same time, attacking these people does little good. All energy needs directed to the destruction and eradication of Camp 4.
Public/Media presence: Relativity high in rightist circles. Attacked in mainstream outlets. Usually labeled as intolerant and bigoted by Camp 2 and Camp 4 Jews.

Politics: Right or Centrist Right.

The Chosen Ones
Now its time for the gas. This is, by far, the most powerful faction of Jews on the planet. This may be the most powerful subset population on the planet as a whole. These are the Chosen Ones. The Jews the support Israeli Nationalism and decry all other forms of Nationalism as fascist and bigoted. This is Camp 4.

They control, or heavily influence, all of journalism, the media, the arts, politics, culture and society. Their hypocrisy is limitless. Its okay when Israel enforces harsh immigration policies, restricts interfaith marriages, detains migrants in camps, builds border walls and behaves in a nationalist fashion. Its fascism when anyone else does the exact same thing.
In contrast to all other camps, these Jews will use any political philosophy to gain influence and power. They can be moderate, conservative or liberal. They could be Noam Chomsky, a Neocon warhawk, a gay journalist or a right wing political commentator. They are all united in one statement: Its okay when we do it.

The entire set of Jewish elected federal officials, almost all members of the Democrat Party, are members of this group. These are almost always duel citizens. They are the mortal enemy of Western Civilization and Western Culture. This is the eternal Jew.
They seek to convert all members of other camps to their cause through bribery, careerism, fear or blackmail. They hate the Camp 1 Jews just as much as the goyim, which is why Camp 1 Jews are nonexistent in the public sphere.

To reiterate – all efforts must be made to defeat this group. Attacking other Jews that get attacked by Camp 4 is fruitless. This is the enemy.

Examples include Noam Chomsky, Bill Kristol, Daniel Pipes, Chuck Schumer, George Soros, ADL, SPLC, and a vast majority of the professional Jewish political and media cartel.

Public/Media presence: Omnipresent.

Politics: Everything from Radical Left to Radical Right. However, they mostly position themselves as moderates in an attempt to embody sensibility and define themselves as the “mainstream.”

I look forward to having this hivemind clarify and improve upon this thesis. I could have written much much more, using more examples and expounding on these points further.

shameless self bump

Have a bump

When will you fuckers learn? Even if a bunch of heebs is at odds with other heebs, they still consider you inferior subhumans and they still hold the same derangements as the rest. A jew is genetically incapable of acting against its own interests, which is their main distinction from Whites. If one of them appears to be "good", "useful", "self-hating" or "on our side", he is playing the long game. And like every other kike game, this one will also end with a knife in your back.
All of them must go. Without exception. Leave at least one, and the infestation will eventually return. Webm totally fucking related.

These jews do not support true nationalism of their host state. These jews want equilibrum between weak host state and existent host state, so they can keep the goyim subverted and eventually call on them when it comes to dying for Israel. They always promote kosher nationalism, so called civic (cuck) nationalism. They never promote true, ethnic nationalism because strong goy means bad times ahead for the kikes.

There are no good kikes, like another user stated before. Even if these kikes won't stab you, they'll still exist as a parasite and a hole in the wall for more subversion. If you want to trust kikes, hell if you even consider trusting kikes, then you deserve being backstabbed by them.

Pretty good analysis. I know a lot of anons are going to sperg because to them a Jew is a Jew is a Jew, but without understanding the internal factions of our enemy, we can't hope to prevail.


Brother Nathanael isn’t a jew anymore, so the statement is irrelevant.

Please escort yourself to the >>>/gaschamber/


We have a never-ending supply of gas.




It’s easy to find the shills!


Reported. :^)

Gas yourself, yid.
You have the genes, you are one. You cannot loan or lie your way out of it, either.

Reported. You’re not even trying.


True self-hating Jews are extremely rare, if not non-existent. The people you talk about here are not true self-hating Jews. Even Brother Nathaniel shills for Jew-controlled Russia and Putin. Only Bobby Fischer (if he was indeed a Jew) can be truly considered a self-hating Jew imo. Remember, the idea of a 'good Jew' is not a healthy one.

Hi there, JIDF.

Like fish in a fucking barrel.

That's it, I'm calling your supervisor. Consider your paycheck for the day annulled.

These are "shtetl Jews." Primarily Orthodox, they just want to wall themselves off from the goyim that they perceive as below them, but they don't want to overrun and destroy the goyim like Zionist or leftists kikes do.

I think you're fundamentally incorrect about these people's intentions tbh.

They are merely the typical subversive kikes who happen to have more foresight than their brother-yids.

They do NOT actually support European nationalism. They flirt with similar ideas to European nationalists, but very much wish for Europeans to remain on the multicult reservation. They can see that the rabid nature of their co-ethnics (and leftists generally) risks engendering a robust response and endangering their control.

They are, as you say, wholly anti-Islamic, but not out of concern for Europeans. They want to divert attention away from themselves and the disease of internationalism by directing angry Europeans at the jew's other enemy (this also serves Israeli interests, of course).

These are the jews who roll their eyes about political correctness, but basically agree with the goal for which it is used: taming and controlling Europeans and having us overrun with foreign parasites.

For proof of this see how Milo has attempted to coopt the alt-right and to publicly misrepresent it as being entirely ironical and its supporters as actually being in favour of black people swamping us so long as they drink tea.

If one is to give credence to your theory, then one would have to say that THESE are the most despicable and dangerous of all of the types, particularly as Europeans seem so ripe for being awoken and taking back what is theirs. These are OUR principle enemies. The other types will, soon enough, become completely irrelevant. It is is this type that will come to protect the interests of all other types. Individuals of this type represent the last stand of the perfidious, nation-wrecking kike.

Oh I'm sorry, were you not defending jews here? . Facts speak for themselves, Mordecai.



JIDF, you're better than this. Do I have to call your supervisor to make sure you're not getting sloppy?

Chill out, yehudon. You outed yourself on that one, go shill somewhere else.


Arrrghhh, this user already succinctly explained what I attempted to here:

Kill yourself

Brother Nathaniel is top tier. Jews cease jewing if they become true Christians. Especially if they take what could be the most anti-judaic denomination of Eastern Orthodoxy


IP hopping won't save you, Schlomo.

Goyim why are you accusing me?

Brother Nathaniel is a Jew who shills for Russia. He's alright, but not top-tier. And we're accusing you because of

lol reported

Reported for obvious kikes.


Well this thread has been rendered a total shitfest, and after I bothered to write out a long-ish post….feels great.

The OP was a retard in the first place. He doesn’t understand that words have definitions.

There exists a valuable option of hiding shills.

Like you, for example. Hiding is broken right now, though.

Hello Moshe.

1) I said he was alright, he's not a typical Jew.
2) He doesn't denounce Jew-owned Russia and Putin. So not 'all the Jews'. He's Anglin-tier at best, and that's not much.

Anyway, you are now filtered. Let's get this thread back on track.

Not sure why Anglin started sucking Russian dick so suddenly, by the way. Total Fascism was neutral on Russia, early DS was also neutral, then one day Anglin just goes full RT. Think he's been bought?

That's basically everyone in this thread apart from me, and (maybe) you.
Ah well. All I really wanted to say is that OP is fatally incorrect about his 'type 3' jews.
They are not friends of Europeans and aren't even particularly good at pretending to be.

He’s not a jew at all.
Blow your fucking brains out.

He's eastern orthodox and you expect him to disown Russia.



Sorry but no such thing as good jews.

You do realize that at least half of this is vengeance right?
We are gonna exterminate all of them for trying to gaslight and destroy us.

Its somewhat personal now.

Possibly. Perhaps the Jews in Russia gave him shekels in exchange for positive coverage. I know there's infighting among the Jews in Russia, with Putin purging the old Jewish oligarchs and bringing in new ones.

The evil of the jew cannot be understated, user.

English is for non-ridf

It's not that. Once a Jew, always a Jew. It's genetic. This JIDF shill keeps trying to convince us otherwise. Stop giving him (you)s.

Forgive me, its personal.
Very personal.
We will eradicate them down to the child.
The jew is not human anons.

Other than that excellent work op.

lol sage

I have developed an alternate system based on yours, OP. It follows:


There's no camp 2

Purge of camp 1

This is a good post.


Only post this thread needs.

where is this from?


Milo should be gassed with the rest of the kikes.

The only good jews I know of is Bobby Fischer and Jesus. (I'm sure there were a few in Hitler's quarters, but the point stands.)
That is two out of the who knows how many millions there have been throughout history.
I'm not gonna risk keeping them alive so that they can eventually take over again, and annihilate our species as they are in the process of doing.

I propose, keep them all in Madagascar, they will have to leech off of each other, and they will eventually die off like the cancer upon the death of the human.

Underrated post

Jews rejected Christ 2,000 years ago and they have been mentally ill ever since and will remain mentally ill. No need to waste time analysing them.

What we need to do instead is deal with our own split in the nationalist camp (pic related).

We have good nationalists who want a restoration of morals and racial segregation because we believe in a well-ordered world of decency and goodness.

On the other side, we have the ammoral 'do as thou wilt' type of angry atheist nationalists who simply have a hate for anything Jewish because they idealise a return to non-judgmental paganism.

This split in our ranks is a real problem that we need to deal with

What is wrong with being the overman?
The jew MUST be extinguished to stop the threat. Neutralize or eliminate the threat by any means required.

Morality is being used against us user.
I see nothign wrong with morality only applied to the white race, and kindness shared ONLY between members of the white race.

Pathological altruism is a disease, and it WILL KILL US if we dont find a way to treat it.


Are you by any chance a semite?

While there is a split, the Jews are the greatest threat. I hope people here aren't being taken in by the anti-Christian shilling, though.

Agreed, but we still have to appeal to our better angels, we have to a good conscience about whatever we do in order to succeed, and noble goals, not just selfishness.

I second this. Uncucked Christianity has none of this pathological altruism. Remember, good =/= nice.

This shit only makes people think that converting them will solve the problem.
They are by their nature born from "their father the devil".

We dont have to do anything.
They have demonized us as the worst, most evil, and powerful race.

Let us give them what they have memed.

false dichotomy. sorry fag the world is complicated than good/evil binary ethics


Also: Am I going to hell for being both orthodox and a kekite?

if so I dont care totally worth it

Orthodox are best, despite their problems.

Only if you take kekism seriously.

When they leave for Israel and convert they will no longer be a plague. Why would any sensible person oppose that?

No. Genetics user. They are a seperate race of non-whites.

You are naive my friend. It's in their genes - once a Jew, always a Jew.

lurker here requesting a comprehensive (if possible an all-in-1) redpill source on everything jews/jew related.

It'd be a very wise to redpill this guy because he's extremely driven and long-term goal oriented and could be a great ally in the future.

These pastebins are good. They are extremely long, though.
Check out >>>/polarchive/ and >>>/spoonfeed/ as well.

The Talmud.

I believe there is no "one true redpill" on the jew.
But some books can help: Culture of Critique, anything by David Duke…
I also made a redpill playlist:
I recommend to get him to first consider Alex Jones tier-conspiracies, and then show him the JQ.

They convert and live in their own country away from us. When they are converted it will be an acknowledgement of 2,000 years of being wrong and their self-guilt will be worse than anything they tried to pawn off on us. Genetics issue solved: they are apart and their obsessive psychology mulls their own depravity and we are left to prosper in peace. End result, they didn't kill us, they only made us stronger. We didn't kill them either, we only made them better. That's the end-game.

You are unbelievably naive.

Conversion can't change their genetics. Remembers, these Jews are not the Jews of the Bible. They are Talmudists. They are not the 'Jews' you were taught about at school. Get that into your head. They will never convert anyway, they will always seek to subvert and persecute us, and the only way to stop this is the physical extermination of the Jewish people.

The Talmud didn't make the Jews, the Jews made the Talmud.

Don't kid yourself


Perfect example, Milo openly pushes racemixing and admitted he did not want Trump to be president.

If after they are confined to Israel and converted, they again somehow resume persecuting and subverting us, we can deal with that appropriately then. But that would be a symptom of our own sickness - a car rust where it is unpainted - we won't ever be subverted if we strengthen our morals.

Morality is objective.

Where did I say that?

They have been subverting and persecuting us for 2000 years, in various forms, and as various peoples. Talmudism is what must die, and extermination of the Talmudists is the only thing that can achieve this. Conversion did work in Spain, why should it work now? Jews are Jews, and will always remain so.


"A converted Jew is like a tamed wolf."
An old Russian saying.

Note how "Jews" who fall into Camp 1 are always Jews who have abandoned Talmudic Judaism.

Saying there is "a good Jew" is like saying there is "a good Muslim". The Jewish religion will always drive them to undermine and ultimately subjugate the goyim, much like Islam will always drive a Muslim to seek a global caliphate.

For every true convert, there are ten who will pretend to convert and try to subvert. That's when we move on to an Inquisition to root the cryptos out.

Oh look, another Aryan LARPer who doesn't realise he's playing into the Jew's hands.

Not a bad saying.

And the Inquisition worked wonders, did it? Stopped the Jewish menace forever? No it didn't.

You keep ignoring the solution of boxing them in their own country.

But if we keep in boxed in so effectively that they cannot get out, then why the need for conversion? It won't work. Talmudism needs to die, and the only way to ensure this is extermination of the Talmudists.

Let me rephrase that.
See how that retarded that so-

Hey, Shlomo. Enjoy fearing before the kike god in your semitic religion which is not of your ancestors, cuck. Unless you can prove it's not a semitic religion without a jewish god and that jews didn't write it. Unless you can prove it's a god of your ancestors, of your homeland, of your people, and that it does anything at all to protect your race, people, nation, or heritage. Just needs a few cryptos and foreign christians to start the invasion and subversion of your people. After all, they're christian shit skins and gooks, they're your christian brothers how could you not accept them? Or the crypto jews claiming to be christian. Or the gypsies who claimed to be christian for food and shelter and free passage through europe. Come back when you have a real argument instead of "muh larp" and claiming it's a jewish ploy to accept your ancestral heritage you fucking dirty god damn jew.

Reminder that the kike on a stick-meme is spread by goons to D&C

what about the jews that fought for hitler? that ran the Gestapo? that jew who was hitlers personal driver?

Hitler was more lenient, because things weren't as bad back then. But today, the white races are on the verge of extinction. We have no choice. It is a matter of survival.


Tell me, are you from Holla Forums or are you imkampfy?

Not a single fucking argument from this clown.

See the screencap >>>/christian/348086
Holla Forums is doing this. Don't fall for it.

Heard this argument before too and it's weak shit, nigger. Sure, it's better than atheists, but it's worse than denying your ancestral roots. Embracing a foreign religion, god, and principles which have done nothing other than facilitate in the destruction of your people, race, and nation. Are you a fucking Semite? Why do you advocate some semitic religion?

Show me how it does anything to protect your people, race, and nation. How do you treat black or asian christians? how do you treat crypto-jews who claim to be christians and fully pretend to be christians outwardly to everyone they meet? Stop being a fucking retard already and just answer one of these questions.

I might be wrong but this guy always seemed pretty chill for a Jew. Was he involved in something though?

you say
while they say

Muh irrelevant data without non-christians for comparison

Christianity has been part of Europe for 2000 years.

Worked pretty well until the Jews became too powerful. And if you combine it with fascism, as Codreanu did, you have a Christianity which advocates for each race to have it's own nation.

Get them out of here, and leave them over there.

Deportation. If one acts like a Jew, they might as well be a Jew.

Stop falling for the shilling.

Thanks OP, stealing your well thought out blog, expanding and improving on it, and disseminating it on social media that values freedom of speech such as gab or

i dont buy that excuse, you cant tar entire races, even niggers have their geniuses. Jews who are Camp 1 are useful allies if they prove themselves and we shouldn't be bigoted when we dont have to be and it serves no purpose.

Where are you from and when was it introduced there? All of Europe didn't just automatically adopt Christianity 2000 years ago.

Wonder how that happened, I'm sure it's just a pure coincidence though.

If you find this rare instance of Christianity in 2,000 years of history…

But you're from Holla Forums and thousands of millions of other Christians have been lead to believe that race is just skin deep or a social construct or some other jew bullshit

I don't think you understand what "crypto jew" means, the whole point is that you can't tell that they're jewish and they're only going to be as jewish publicly as they can be which was very little in the past. Until they started replacing your semitic religion with some community crap. I'm tired of dealing with you morons cucking to a foreign jewish god.

Such weak arguments. Still not proving how CHRISTIANITY, not when combined with a racialist, how CHRISTIANITY ITSELF protects your race and people. The bible allows race mixing. Tells you to think of others more than yourself. Show me where in the CHRISTIAN BIBLE it says all races and peoples should have their own land and their right to preserve this.


Camp 1 is a commensalist parasite and possibly still antagonistic. Unless they volunteer for sterilization, they are still a foreign invader. The rest are easy enough to identify as enemies for us.

Considering that nationalism was at its peak when Christianity was strong, I'd hardly call it rare.
And yet you provide no viable alternative that will do this.

The only categorization I will accept is the binary of living jews and good jews.

You're too naive. There are no good Jews. You will realise this if you lurk more.

I'm UK, and Orthodox. Christianity first came here around 100-200AD. I understand that Scandinavia didn't convert until the 1000s. But their religion was shit, see pics.

Coincided with a decline in Christianity's influence and the rise of immorality.

NatSoc is a rare ideology, doesn't make it wrong.

But this goes for anyone. Normalfags are just normalfags - manipulated. Doesn't make Christianity foundationally wrong just because it's people have been led astray.

And you being pagan will somehow solve this problem?

Fuck off, it is an argument. The anti-Christianity on here is the result of shilling, which is not a good sign. See pic.

It rooted 'em out in Spain and led to them having a jew-free golden age, so yeah.

Their golden age didn't last long. It's a temporary solution at best.

i've been lurking for years and im not gullible enough to take every single stance Holla Forums has word for word, i have come to my own conclusions and have seen little to challenge the ones i hold that differ from Holla Forumss memetastic extremist viewpoints that are both unfair and unrealistic in execution.

I think you'll find there's a lot I disagree with Holla Forums on, but extermination of the Jews is necessary. We must end the threat once and for all.

Kill yourself or fuck off. Either works for me.

You are a stupid, stupid Jew. Look at how you recoil when you're called what you are - a Jew!

Call him any number of names, and he will think nothing of it. But call him a Jew, and watch as he recoils - he's been found out!

- A wise man with a noble dream>>8313179

sounds like you'd make a shitty nat soc leader, issuing ridiculous demands that nobody would ever perform.

Go on master nazi sir, genocide the kikes and niggers, you gonna start at a church like dylan roof and undermine the movement again?

eh, i cant agree with that, i want all jews calmly deported to madagascar and Israel, and Israel's influence heavily reduced to almost zero worldwide (give them same status and influence as minor third world nations, any less and they'd just get invaded by muzzies and exterminated), israeli spies thrown in jail for a decade each then deported, zionist shills, lobbyists, manipulators and puppetmasters executed or deported depending on severity, and ethnic minorities given sections of western nations to live in, mostly walled off and free travel restricted to airports and visas, and the race-traitors can go with them, the rest of the west secured for whites forever, lots of walls to ensure security and nation states amongst other things.

This chart implies there's an even split when camp 1 & 3 don't really exist.

About 80% of Jews are Democrat. They're not just over-represented as being leaders in the Left.

And for Camp 1 & 3 they're civic nationalists at best.

Your source on those first two images is a pro-homo/degeneracy book written by some jew, David F Greenberg. You can't get enough of those jew-written books, can you?
Why would you?
How fucking dumb you are.
Not relevant to Christianity though. NatSoc is not in the christian bible.
You have yet to prove how your cucked semite religion which promotes race mixing does anything to preserve your people and race. How it would prevent itself from getting led astray.
It would be easier to address without "JudeoChristian values" and "antisemitism" shoved down your throat after years of conditioning and lies and propaganda, after years and decades and centuries of eroding at christianity with catholicism and other denominations. After initially replacing your ancestral religion with that of a foreign land and foreign people with a foreign idol and a foreign god. I like how you completely ignored the last bit and can't prove how your cuck semite religion does anything to protect your people, race, or nation. Just like a fucking jew would when losing an argument, disregard it completely and pretend like it never happened.

I know you anons won't believe me, but so far my mild jewish ancestry hasn't given me an jewish aligned ideas, I dont even feel any kinship towards other jews. Just spare me before the DOTR, I want to do my part.

There is precedent, user. Just keep fighting the urge to jew. Practice not pick up any penny you find in the gutter, for example.

Even if I drop my own coin in the street I don't stop to pick it up (unless its a quarter). Hard to believe, I know.

Of course the jew-worshipping faggot praising a foreign person and god can't retort.

Also not surprised that this Jew-cuck board bans anyone who comes with a new idea. Like exposing how you Christians (read: Jews) cite Jewish lies in a pro-homosexuality book to attack other religions. You get caught then you just ban and delete posts because your Jewish god YHWH cannot withstand open scrutiny. Not a single poster in that thread was capable of answering a single one of my questions, just divert and resort to logical fallacies and unsupported claims. Christ god is JEWISH.


bannable offense!

semitic religion, not even once
try it for yourself, it's easier to get banned from /christcuck/ than from Holla Forums

They're still part of your shit religion. And what about the third? If you want to dance around fires worshipping wooden statues, that's fine, but don't drag us all down to your level.

Spoken like a true shill. There is conclusive proof that Holla Forums is trying to d&c by pushing us toward LARPing as pagans. You're clearly one of them.

It's a fucking analogy you retard.

Please tell me where it promotes race-mixing. Codreanu was clear that Christianity was very much compatible with ethnic nationalism - in fact, the two go hand in hand. You're just making baseless claims to justify your retarded position.

But if you redpill someone on the Jews, them being pagan doesn't make them anymore disposed to hate the Jews. You're wasting time, effort, and energy trying to convert someone when you don't need to. All it leads to is d&c, hence why shills are behind this.

Codreanu is all the proof you need. You've yet to prove how Christianity is inherently bad. Every problem you bring up is because of Jewish subversion, not Christianity. And don't blame this on a weakness of Christianity - if paganism is so strong, why is it virtually non-existent nowadays?

No fuck off back to Holla Forums, shill.

Hi Holla Forums

He believes Jewish lies that promote homo degeneracy
Judging by the source of the other content, it's probably just a big fat Jew lie. Although since you don't seem to understand Loki or what he represents, I don't expect you to understand why he'd be a shitbag.
Sick strawman, praying to the jew god every night before you go to bed.
You cite shill posts as fact, retard.
Non arguments and any christfag can false flag on Holla Forums to give themselves this fake argument. Of course those godless commies hate Christianity, but it's not like they know why a semitic abrahamic religion of a foreign land is bad. I feel like a broken record, having to repeating the exact same fucking arguments over and over
How many Christcucks have you redpilled? Half of them support Israel because it's written in a fucking book, a genocidal rogue terrorist state. How many people have you personally redpilled on the Jews? And actually, being a PAGAN would make someone more disposed to hate or dislike foreigners, but I see you're just being a jew and lying though.
I'm not. But I don't get why you, a non semite, are so adamant about a semitic religion with jewish roots with a jewish god with a jewish idol. You faggots still can't argue that it's not a jew religion with YHWH a jew god. Even in that christcuck board, one faggot responded with "god is not jewish, god is god", just a completely unsupported claim. PROVE IT.
Read the thread nigger. Holy shit, I'm done with you cucks after this post. Here, from your cuck bible sites. plenty of direct quotes from your cuckbible telling you to think of others only if they're fellow christ cucks. Take those nigger/asian christians because they're just like you on the inside, living in fear of a jew god.
Jews bribing and coercing lords to force christcuck religion onto their people, conquest and blood, pawns of the jew.
Why can't I hold all these non-arguments? Christcuck debating like a Jew, as usual. Holla Forums has never been a christian board.

Maybe read the thread before responding so I don't have to keep repeating myself.

If Holla Forums has always been a christian board, where's the bible studies? where's the sermons? Seriously, you're a dumb nigger falling for jew religions living in fear of a jew god which you absolutely and always refuse to debate because you know YHWH is a jew god.

(completely ignored by christcuck)

Faggot tolerance is a symptom of a diseased type of nationalism.

Reported for intl.

Reported for intl.

Hey look guys, it's a shill trying to shut down discussion. They do this every time.

I see what you did there.

Tbh, I wouldn't considered Camp 3 Jews to be the enemies of the Chosen Ones. Rather, they are the textbook example of controlled opossition. These people exist to co-opt any right-wing movement and 'kosherize' it, by bluepilling it's base on a set number of issues through the use of e-celebs. That way, they're able to divide the Right into as many easily digestible chunks as possible.

They do the same shit to the Left as well, you'll see Jews all around their spectrum leading different political groups with only slight variation between them. And Camp 2 and Camp 3 Jews are puppets, knowlingly or not, of Camp 4.

What do you think the 'alt-right' was supossed to be in the first place? Why are almost all their leaders kikes like Milo and Molyneaux? Is this really just a (((coincidence)))? I don't think so. We know the term 'alt-right' was coined by a Jew in the first place, we know the media and Hillary tried to group us all under that label and that a bunch of Jewish e-celebs started surfacing and getting media attention in kosher 'alternative media' like Infowars. This is a concerted effort. The recent pro-gay raids from TRS confirm this.

Camp 3 is the alt-right. Do everything in your power to disassociate from those faggots.

Thing were way worse back then. People were dying on the streets and millions of Jewish leftist terrorists were running free.
Despite that Hitler accepted 300,000 Jews to fight for him, from simple soldiers to field marshals.

There are "our jews", but they are only amount to about 10% of the total.

The good news is, that Jews combat other Jews with efficiency the whites can never dream of.
The bad news is that there is no way of knowing which Jew is which.

Bobby Fisher is the perfect example of a Camp 1 internment. Thanks for the example

There are no trustworthy Jews. There are Jews that are useful for propaganda and salt mining. OP here.

Excellent analysis.

I'd add that they hate camp 1 Jews more than goyim though, because they are the black sheep. See that guy who did Zyklon Ben comics who got arrested over some non-issue or what they did to people like Fischer.

"Self-hating" Jews are the only ones which we could consider allies. That's why JIDF is pushing the "no exceptions" propaganda, so those are forced to join their chosen brethren and so they never cooperate with us.

Camp 3 is actually the most dangerous one because they got created by camp 4 on purpose in order to subvert us.

And you forgot to mention the top level kikes under camp 4. Rothschilds, Rockfellers, De Boers, Warburgs etc. who are bankrolling all other groups except 1. Never miss out the heads. If anything, they should be gassed first.

Don't forget the ultimate redpill on the Jew: The March of Tyranny. There is no good Jew, they may act it, but the cost/risk chart Pierce talks about is clear beyond day: the Jews are our misfortune.

someone cap this shit I would but I'm eating spaghetti

Bump. Good post OP

I agree with this. In addition to alt-right most European anti-immigration "nationalist" parties are run by either Zionist Jews or strong supporters of Israel. There's nothing nationalistic about it. It's just Jewish supremacism.

Good thread, OP.

I wouldn't put Molyneaux anywhere near faggots like Milo.

I don't think he is controlled directly by anyone and he basically does his own thing for several years now.
And seriously, he surprises me everytime. He really embraced moral values and ethno nationalism with passion, and does it's defense very well.
Of course he didn't touched the JQ yet, but i think one day he even might do that.
It's not perfect, but it's great. Honorary aryan imo.

geller wants to nuke all of Europe, she is decidedly anti-White.

suit yourself

You're arguing that Christianity itself isn't enough to protect against Jewish subversion, and this is true, though it must be recognised that it did a good job for many centuries. Paganism in itslef doesn't make one hate the Jews, though, either. Religion on it's own won't have this effect. You have to combine with Fascism or NS to make it work. Which is what I'm arguing. You need to do it with Christianity just as much as you need to do it with Paganism.

Second, you need to realise that there is substantial evidence of shilling against Christianity. Learningcode has participated, as have Holla Forums. You seem either new or ignorant, or a shill yourself.

Thirdly, God is not Jewish. This is completely obvious even to normalfags, you truly are a retard if you can't grasp this. God id simply God. The Jews are earthly people. And we do not worship a Jew, Jesus wasn't Jewish, and we only worship the divine nature of Him, so it's moot anyway. And idolatry is forbidden.

Fourthly, stop using normalfag-tier cuck sites to define Christianity. That is not Christianity, it is the subverted version of it. You are falling for Jewish lies and helping them in their quest to destroy Christianity.

It's never been 100% Christian but it's always been majority Christian. LARPagans like you are newfags.

It doesn't tell you to do these things. People misinterpret it and think good = nice when this isn't the case. Stop making baseless claims and stop falling for Jewish lies.

I'd argue it's worse now, solely because the white races are now critically endangered. And don't believe there are 'good Jews', as such. In the long run all of them (except some self-hating Jews) will betray you.

Kill yourself christkike.

You have to understand how the Jews work. Their allegiance never lies with a person, a nation or a group. Because they subconsciously consider themselves superhuman and see the whole world their birthright.

The allegiance of the Jews ultimately lies with megalomaniac ideas, there is even a talmudic name for it - "tikkun olam" - the obligation to heal the world. And when they get infected by an idea they go full maniacal about it.

That's why there are so many ruler-killing, revolutionary and terrorist jews. A non-jew might dislike a ruler, but most of them will never find balls to do anything unlawful or engage in terror. A Jew says "an Emperor? Fuck this goy, he bleeds like the rest of them".

There were NatSoc Jews, who fought tooth and nail and were tried at Nurmberg like the rest of the party. There are many science Jews, who live in poverty by choice, because they have no interest outside their mathematical autistic ideas. It's not because they are an anomaly, but because they got infected by different ideas.

I think they might be useful, and more than that if we found the right memetics to infect them.

Excellent written OP. Not surprised by the D&C going on in the thread.

I have compiled the it and will redistribute it to my little, but growing group of NatSocs. Thank you.

Just ask him to design a system of extermination camp that double as graveyards to deal with killing 6 million people in 5 years while keeping the entire system completely secret from the entire world whom you are at war with. No paper trail, no killing mechanism ever found remember you must bury all 6 million bodies which are never found despite the fact you buried them in the camps.
design a gas chamber with a wooden door and thin glass window capable of killing dozens of unrestrained people at at time.

Rather than disprove the holocaust, make someone else prove it happened.

don't disprove the unicorn, make some one else prove it.

if that fails, martin luther the jews and their lies would be worth a read for you friend

good thread

get refugees aware

Shilling is a directly proportional to the degree and strength of the Christian and pro-European arguments being proposed - the more arguments and more coherent they are, the harder the shilling.

Never trust a Jew. Using them is dangerous.

Forgot to include Benjamin Freedman in Camp 1.

Attacking other camps only hinders the cause

whats the jewish question? To put them in ovens or air drop them into a volcano?

one does not simply "argue" with a kike. there is but one way to deal with an infection.