Holla Forums is trying to erode Holla Forumss rise and success

Holla Forums is trying to erode Holla Forumss rise and success.
Absolutely disgusting, prepare for dissidents because we all know they lurk here to shill.
>>>Holla Forums1069520

nice try intl, you can stop with your shit-stirring now

seems shills still get the first reply, sad

You shit-stirring will not work.
We beat Holla Forums long ago by ignoring them.

Two flaws in their argument.

1. Pretending we have always been the establishment, when the left is.

2. Pretending this is about "them takin' our jubz" when it's really about national security fears and crime, amongst other things.

user, I'm just informing everyone what Holla Forums is doing and everyone knows Holla Forums actively shills here.

their retards

who cares?

Its they're or they are.
They can still try something, best to always know what your enemy is doing.

I know their active shills here, but they immediately expose themselves when they shill, here three or four leftypoller's shilling and they immediately get called out because they look like some edgy stereotype from a hollywood film.

leftards in a nutshell: where instead of lifting yourself up, you have to bring everyone else on your level of lowest common denominator. Conveniently disguised as the next best thing since sliced bread for an enlightened mind. Straight from a sociopath's playbook.
They only care about power, a functioning society isn't even mentioned in their plan.

What's the problem with that? It's the same fucking website.

Honestly, you can get even get five of them to agree on enough stuff to consider each other allies. Opposition to Trump is not enough, they must have ideologies in common if they want to succeed, and any cursory glance at an 'ideology' thread on that board would show you that no one agrees on anything. Shit, even the commies are split between the Leninist, Stalinist, and Anarcho-Commy subgroups. They will be permanently d&C'd into oblivion.

Better dead than red.

nothing, the guy is either a shill or a retard

Wow, TOR browser is really fast today, just look at all those cancerous posts.

this isn't reddit, fucking retard

so why are these faggots attention-whoring so much today?

or both

Not red, not dead, dead reds.

If I'm right that he is all of the (1)s then he probably is,such as

doesn't even know which they're/their/there to use, it's hilarious.

Those aren't tor ids moron. And they're right. This is classic intl drama-fagging, and no one cares about leftypol.

Topkek. Leftists are literally retarded.

I thought it was known that Trump is an elite but an elite gone rouge?

Why not both?

Holla Forums thinks pointing out obvious things will make them look smart.

The left has the problem of believing that all other people are rootless cosmopolitans like they are. That the only things they care about are reducible to economic concerns, which is not the case at all. That is why far right will be victorious. The left only promises a soulless bourgeois existence for all people, as if that is what motivates people. Far right disdains this bourgeois existence and offers much more.

He's not a "global finance elite." He's a real estate guy.

Holla Forums coming here and arguing with us is good for our health. We already have a large group of newfags post-election, as well as the purple pills who we gained from the election. While it's unpleasant to have to keep rehashing the same arguments and debates over and over again, it strengthens us and initiates the newfags into the fold, building them from putty into men. If Holla Forums shills here honestly - by making arguments, rather than the playbook we saw from CTR and their ilk - it can only strengthen us.

Any of you who can not beat a Marxist in a debate needs to hit the books. Any of you who can not beat a Marxist in a fight needs to hit the iron. Trump is a start but we have miles to go from here and the hard part of the fight is still ahead of us.

Also this man is exactly right. The feeling of duty and honor that inspires men to go forth and conquer that which is evil is something that we have a unique ownership of, greater than any other ideology. We have the fervor and fanaticism of the people at our back. It is not for ideas that we live, not for fantastic party programs. No, we live and fight for our own people.

If he's rich Holla Forums says he's elite.

Your thread is shit, OP, since leftypol is a powerless cuckshed, but holy hell are they retarded:
>Das Kapital too hard for Holla Forums but not for Holla Forums 90% of us have read it, retards

There is that special breed of person, who, when confronted by facts that prove them wrong, choose to close their eyes, ears and double down. They have grown up seeing the image of the aging, stupid, illiterate hick plastered across the media as their political opposition, so when they see an actual group of highly intelligent and highly knowledgeable men discussing politically incorrect matters, their brain just fails to process it. It's impossible, therefore it doesn't exist. How can smart people be racist if racism is wrong?
I know this feel because that was my initial reaction to Holla Forums too. I thought the memes are obviously satire because no way people with obviously high IQ could think niggers need to be shot and kikes - gassed

Oh? So leftyfags finally want to come back after splitting themselves from this place, because they couldn't endure being BTFO all the time? Let them come, it's good to have some more people to debate who don't share your views. At least they are actually interested in politics, unlike most paid shills who you cannot discuss rationally with.

Comedy is a great way to get people to start seeing the truth

What's with all these leftypol threads lately?
Geez it's ALMOST as if these irrelevant LOSERS are desperate for attention after they fucked up their one last chance to have anything resembling gommunism in any civilized nation

return the favor

Do you really expect anything better from a bunch of commie shitskins?

It seems like they only know how to name some marxists, and spew pseudo-intellectual bullshit while saying that we are the ones ruining everything, it looks like a more advanced embodiment of john oliver.

Welcome to leftism in general


Reminder that >>>/spoonfeed/ is useful for newfags

Who gives a shit about leftypol tbh. As long as we don't rest on our laurels, we'll win. We base our ideology on natural law, whereas Marxism and it's variants are inherently unnatural.