The hateful glowing fury of a thousand suns
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They are one of the reasons why the web is full of degeneracy.
Now try angular-cli.
Yeah, the node community is fucked, everything has too many dependencies and is over-engineered and over-abstracted.
Good thing you can avoid it if you are not a nigger.
Not sure about using it on a professional environment, I only use node for personal projects.
any of them open source? im looking for some projects to learn from
You could have learned any other language really, the only qualifying trait to look for is a community with the collective presence of mind to reject any attempts to push them in the direction of the cesspool that is nodejs/ruby/rust/php.
Don't let HN choose your career for you.
Because that really helps when all the job postings require JS. Good luck convincing anyone that "muh programming concepts" are more important than "muh crud app made with meteor on github"
If you actually want a job yuo better learn those wonderful webdev stuff my good goy.
The whole POINT is that you just nuke node_modules and backup package.json. user are you retarded?
rsync --exclude is all you need to solve this problem user.
or--what could you possibly otherwise be using... tar? tar also has options for this.
Please do not try to learn from Lynxchan, it's an absolute mess.
It's almost as if Javascript was a mistake.
Node is for backend stuff. t. not even a javascript fag
The more i look at the language the more i recoil in horror.
How could ANYONE have thought it's a good idea to make this the most widely used language on the internet? Just terrible.
JavaScript is a beautiful little language under an ugly crust of bad design decisions. Reworking the type system, the imports system (node already did this) and changing default variable scope behaviour to that of let would make a really nice language.
I tried to learn node once. Being self taught, I could not wrap my brain around the whole asynchronous nature with callbacks. Maybe I should try again.
It's not really async because node runs on only one thread.
People like you are why hillary will be president in three years.
Then I guess I'm just retarded. It was a long time ago. Maybe I should give it another try. I've learned a lot since then.
It IS async. You can not predict the order of operations between callbacks due to the way JS engines work, amd that behaviour is the whole basis of Node, and the reason it can compete despite being, you know, single-threaded JS. Async != multithreaded.
Excuse me, JS is actually a language that has no redeeming features whatsoever, because the only redeeming feature any language can have is being C. Do I fit in the hivemind yet?
computer programming language*
t. armchair developer
let's face it, Javascript really isn't a programming language, it's an overused shim language with obesity
how does it ensure non blocking?
It doesn't. lol
Have you heard of jsfuck?
"Javascript Sucks and it doesn't matter"
accept it. learn it from
use it tastefully.