Dealing with women in the movement

I noticed in the marriage thread that the so called femanons got really upset and went full jewish feminist on as as result of us discussing virginity and youth in females as desirable traits.

Apparently they expect us to forgive their slutty past lives and accept whats left of them after sexual degrading etc.

So what do we do? Cuck our standards to bring in more women? Or hold honour over all other virtues and aim for quality over quantity?

Tbh I see a mix of both being best. The Aristocratic warrior elite of the movement aim for absolute honour and only marry sacred virgins while the peasant class (workers), who probably don't care anyway, will marry and do their best to have a healthy family with the "normal" women in their 20's.

I just want to know if its good to make the "movement" as female friendly as possible and if purests like myself should censor ourselves to allow them to feel welcome.

Other urls found in this thread:

Let the american women die and find European/Russian brides from less shitlib places. Quantity is shitskin tier reproduction strategy, whites have always excelled at quality of children raised over the number.

Unless you are a psychological cuckold, then go ahead and cuck yourself for the h'white race, friend.

A well-adjusted woman with a good relationship with her father will be most attracted to a man who resembles her father in character.
The patriarchy is not just a word. A woman wants to submit to her masculine superior.
The responsibility on our end is to be worthy of that submission. But for women so many of them are fucked up, and so many modern families are disfunctional that a lot of them have problems properly expressing their natural feminity because they have lacked significant masculine role models to inform them what to expect in men.
Both of us need to dso a lot of work to be better people. The institution of marriage should be that sacred union to raise each other for the sake of our race, the expression of which is our children.

how many women do you honestly expect to remain virgins in todays society. You can blame them all you like but the fact remains that an adult woman is more than likely not a virgin.

Now in the next generation, provided half of us Holla Forumsacks manage to reproduce may have some since of moral values and whatnot. But todays women are far from believing that staying a virgin is a desirable trait.

Women like positive reinforcement and affection. Know what gets that easily? Fucking.

I'm not saying marrying a slut is a good idea. I was in a relationship with a woman who was far from pure for almost a year, and that bitch gave me an STD scare straight from hell. I turned out clean but regardless. Steer clear from whores.

But in todays world epecting to find a woman who is a virgin that isnt some super religious/sheltered prune is a hard find. They exist, but their numbers wane by the year.

It doesnt have to be that we are lowering our expectations permanently, rather that we are settling for a better future generation of women whom were raised right. Gotta make sacrafices.

Basically settling down with a woman who isnt "pure" isnt the worst thing. If it means future generations can be raised right. Maybe we wont get our perfect qt 3.14 virgin gf. Our future sons may however.

I dunno i'm coked out and semi-drunk so basically fuck me and my opinions.

I'm not even sure. I'm married to a girl whose had double more guys than I've had (I've seen them, ain't nothing to shake a stick at, and all were white).

She's turned out to be a loving wife and a loving mother. Sex is a routine thing, and it's satisfying for both of us. I've just left the military while she was a stay at home mom. We've been together for almost 4 years.

So even girls who have had lots of partners can become good mothers and wives.

Right, because European women aren't loose, depraved whores. Who was it that stood with signs inviting brown dick into Europe to rape women and kids?

Swiss and Slavic women aren't cucked.

Slavic women are horrible though. Slavic women were "strong independent women" because the concept even existed in the West. They're beautiful women, but their behavior is too masculine for me. They're almost like nigger women in how they compete with men, rather than submit to men. I don't know shit about Swiss women, but access to them isn't exactly high anyway, so who cares.

This is off topic but for anyone wanting to end their porn addiction but have no gf I recommend choosing 1 girl you find most beautiful and ideal. Your dream girl basically but make sure its only 1 girl. Then instead of just going cold turkey nofap but still having withdrawals/thoughts about porn, you masturbate once a week but only to the girl you chose.

Try to imagine your first time with her. Be dominant. Even if at first it doesnt turn you on because of porn numbing your healthy desires you will soon find by forced masturabation while focusing on this girl will rewire your neuro pathways so you will fidn yourself thinking of her and ultimately desiring her.

This is a powerful too when everyday you wake up thinking of being with the girl of your dreams you want to jump out of bed and do what it takes to pursue her. Key to alpha.

Does anyone know anything about Australian/NZ women?

This is a great way to not only condition yourself to fap less and break porn addiction but to overwrite the destructive and perverted fantasies you may have developed from years of porn viewing.

After a month or so you can completely stop fapping ofc but this is just a way to bridge from degeneracy to ubermensch.

the obvious solution is to not talk to women about politics. Other than your wife, of course, you need to tell her your politics so she can incorporate them into her worldview.
who gives a fuck what women on the internet think. you're not going to make internet babies with them.

Serious question. Who the fuck isn't attracted to women enough to cum because they watch too much porn? Makes no sense. I watch loads and I could jerk off to a fully clothed pale, cute blonde no problem (or any attractive white women for that matter). Not the girl in your first picture though because she's "homely" looking (wife and mother material, not fantasy material). Not sexy. Second girl looks like a tranny with a a pre-pubescent girl's face. Third is nice.

Not sure if bi or just faggit. :)

It's a tough question because you need to understand how much the future of society depends on your personal choice and whether it is supported by others first.

Because, kinda, if nobody else pays attention to what you do you cannot lonewolf the society.

Should we aim at reverting aggressive feminism and promiscuity? Yes. Should we not prefer women who do not meet these requirements? I think no, you are only hurting your choice that way.

There is something more to be done than just not marrying non-virgins. It also hurts demographics.

Australian, yes. Don't bother - they're American women 2.0 who drink more.

Honestly I see this as an option for the wealthier men who can afford to travel long enough to meet a traditional wife in Europe.

Most of us don't have much and are on our own. So its only practical to meet local women.

I really want to make a family even to the point of marrying a girl I'm not that attracted to, 6/10 for example, just to have children with her. Just fucks my head to consider the higher rates of divource and her being batshit crazy with the more former partners she's had.

I would rather have a new car than a used one

hahahahahaaha look at this americuck holy shit

stay in america Americuck

Too much Internet makes the brain go stupid.
There are still lots of women and girls who idolize their nature, which is being happy and bearing the kids of a worthy man. Something to be noted is, if you already are a degenerate and fucked lots of woman in your early years; you can't be asking for a virgin qt.314 for you were part of the problem at some point.

Those who are too deep inside their false reality where they can do fuckever they want, are to be ignored by giving the example that as a man you do not approve her ways and prefers to be alone than fucking a kankwage.
Personally when encountered with one of the sluts I just openly show my disgust to their behavior and if the conversation ever goes that direction I tell the truths about "muhh feminism makes womyn free".
if there are mothers in the group, ask directly to them if they are happier now with kids. That will always get the mothers on your side

A huge part of our appeal is the ability to speak candidly which is suppressed in ordinary society, you can't keep that without offending (most) women. To pander to them in any real sense would be to kill our own appeal to disenfranchised men, who are the biggest catalyst of change historically.

I do feel for women who have traditionalist views and nowhere else to go, but I'm not sure they're common enough to be worth pandering to.

You know, it's odd. You look back in the day at pictures, whether from Germany, US, or most other places, and most women looked homely. You hardly see women that make you go "I want to fuck her so bad." Nowadays you find that walking down the street, browsing youtube etc. How did women transform from "she looks like a nice woman to have kids with" to "I want to fuck her all night"? From the hair, to the faces, to to the way they carry themselves; it's all different. Even small town country girls with little exposure to pop culture look different and far more sexually attractive.

Well, tough shit for them.

ignorant fucking trash get off my board

Because they learn about the power of sex. Sadly they understand pretty easily what it means to be in control of the sex drive and thanks to the whole selfie culture they get to practice their sexual poses and faces.

They don't have to remain virgins, but by the same token we don't have to marry them.

Homely isn't an insult.

And therefore no kids. Endresult jew wins.

Remember, they first and most important D&C battle is Men against Women.

Fuck off cuck.

So be it, gambling on a slut wife when the odds are against you is fucking retarded.

Who is talking about >cucking yourself?
I just stated the obvious, that is what they want. If you want my opinion on the issue then read


End of story.

meant for

If my shunning of whores now can ensure white boys in the future won't have to deal with thottery, then it's worth the sacrifice.

Kek has spoken

I am with you in that issue, but if you fucked a woman and then decided that "nah" then you are also the problem.
If you are only blaming women and behaving yourself like a nigger and fucking different women, you are the exact fucking problem.

Nice projecting, but I'm a virgin. I will accept no women who is less than that.

do you even read?

I said
you are part of the problem do not expect a virgin, while
you are virgin, then you have all the rights to ask for one and not settle for less.

You were trying to cover your ass in case people somehow disagreed that they should cuck themselves and try to turn whores into housewives.


and stop sliding the thread.

Stop being a cuckold first.

Waiting for that perfect, pure virgin until you're a weird neet in their 30s who's never had a girlfriend is the new Waiting for Hitler.

Those dumb broads who are holding out for a captain-of-industry jock who will bring them flowers and do the dishes until they're almost past their child-bearing years are doing the same goddamned stupid thing—holding out for an impossible ideal until it's too late to do anything but scavenge for the leftovers.

Neither, I just settled down with a girl who had 8 guys while I had 4 girls. She is also older than me by 2 years (i'm 22 and shes 24).

I agree that marriage is far more sacred than normies think of it today. It should be till death do us part. William Pierce did a great speech on marriage and why its been going downhill over the past 50-60 years.

Basically there's an easy way out now and no shame attached to divource like their used to be. Before we needed each other much more to take care of the home and the man to make a living. We complimented each other.

Instead of working problems out and overcoming the rough patches thus becoming even closer and evolving spiritually, the marriage just ends because can walk out no problem.

This is logical. Times are so bad theres really not much options left. STD's are scary.

I knew a girl online I had a crush on but her liberal friends brainwashed her into becoming a drug slut. Went from angelic to short, dyed hair, nose piercing, race mixing, lesbian, dating cucks and doing porn on chaturbate in just 1 year. Now she's snapped out of it she thinks she can forget what she just did and coem straight into this WN movement. I'm almost certain she has STD's now.

People do seem to have a naive idea of Russian women. They dont have the highest STD rate in Europe for nothing.

I don't believe this opinion on Slavic women either. I know we see pictures of Slavic grannies and cringe but really all grannies look like gremlins. As for the women being more masculine than modern western women… Can't agree there either. Infact I'm certain the percentage of tradition feminine girls in Russia is higher than what it is in the West atm. (I'm obsessed with Russian ballerina Evgenia Obraztsova).

Dingo here. The trends follow America but less severe effect. The girls in the smaller country towns are pretty great and want to start families early. I stumbled across a motocross event and the crowd was filled with blue eyed white teens from country towns. No blacks whatsoever.

You dont understand. I'm talking about the females who are interested in white nationalism and come across sites like this. Do we tell them to fuckoff or do we make them feel welcome ie. Not offend them with #NoHymenNoDiamond.

Now I think about it, reminds me of every movement that starts off great and masculine, true and real, but then the groupies come in and suddenly the whole thing turns to something shameful and embarrasing (straight edge hardcore movement turning to degenerate emo for example).

Quality is best.

You underestimate what porn addiction does to the brain. Normal sex becomes boring. Doesnt even get your dick hard anymore. At my worst I would hoard porn all day everyday (NEET) and get bored of a porn in a minute or less. Had to change girl, even the genre to maintain excitement. This led to erectile dysfunction for several months till I finally started nofap and got my erections but a few weeks later. I retrained by sexual attraction to thoughts of deflowering this girl I met online over the next few months. Got in the best shape of my life.

We all do but saying this makes even the "redpilled" women here turn on us.

Most of us are virgins. Not because we're total spergs but because our introverted natures and the internet age gave us a life outside of normie society. Now that most of us are bettering ourselves and becoming valuable men we aren't too keen on settling for 30yo trainwrecks.

Also really important to note how much women lie and will do/say anything to hide how many and of what kind of sexual partners theyve had in the past. No point believing them.

Different fashions is all. Tiny shorts didnt even exist back in the 30's. Even the hookers back then dressed more homely than teen girls do today. Just look at pics of girls without makeup too. They go from looking flawless to half dead and ugly when their face natural.

The great debate begins

Exactly. Its so fucking risky. 50% chance of divorce. But damn I want at least 5 children.

Most of us are on board with this but the femanons that lurk here lose their shit at this because they arent virgins and have had many partners but now want to find a good man to marry.

(((Sinead))) said recently that women should be able to live with men then see if they want to marry them if it all works out. Because this is the way she lived her life ofc. She hates that men want to marry a virgin straight from her fathers protection. Unfortunately I'm finding all the females in our movement think the same as her. Its a problem we need to work out.

Virgin brotherhood.

Ultimately virginity is just one of many things we look for in a woman.

If a woman isn't a virgin then she'll have to be better in other ways to make up for it, and the more of a slut she is then the more she'll have to compensate.

This is particularly true when we're talking about serious relationships. I care a lot more about a girls past if marriage is on the table than if it's just a quick fling.

I think the universal rule should be don't date a woman who has had more than 2 sexual partners. Virgins in this age are not possible so we should have a limit of 2 sexual partners which is reasonable. Any more than 2 partners the rate of mental health issues and divorce raises significantly.

What "movement"?

Mate- my last gf, the gf before that and my last fwb were all virgins before we met.
My current gf's only slept with one guy before me.

I am only 24 though so maybe that makes a difference.

Why do you believe her when she says 8? Thats disgusting btw. I feel bad for you being with a girl older than you. You wont reach yoru prime till 30. Hers was 14. Hope it lasts though….

I understand this but you fail to understand young girls do prefer prime men (late 20's). Its not farfetched at all. It only seems unrealistic to normies who believe what the masses believe.

And if you were a father with a 14yo girl would you rather she be left to her own devices and the whims of highschool boys to pass around and disgrace or would you be traditional and try to introduce her to the best single man you knew who has his life together?

Pretty easy choice if youre logical and not emotional/sheep minded.

It's the only thing that matters. Everything else can be salvaged if she is a virgin. Nothing can be salvaged if she has taken any cock before yours.

You guys make it out to only be about virginity.
My current girlfriend was a virgin when we met, she aint one no more, and to this day I'm struggling with the idea of marrying her because she doesn't know how to cook, has to be told to clean up and she is pretty fucking stupid.
I don't know why any of you would want to settle for anything less than you deserve.

You, like the rest of the cucks, are responsible for the cuckold nature of our society. She 'just fucked one guy before me'? Might as well send a signal to the rest of those whores that's it's fine if it's below 5 to 25 men.

Watch all the cucks trying to justify themselves.

Men are better cooks than women.
Instill some fucking duty in her then instead of being a beta faggot. Control your woman.
You are talking about a woman, yes.

She was a virgin for you, and that is all that matters. Her ONLY role in life is to shit out white babies, and she is prime fertile grounds for doing that. If you leave her now, you have turned another virgin into a used goods piece of shit and contributed to the death of the white race. You can marry her, or a noose.

I have no interest in quick flings. it seems degenerate. I really do just want to have sex for the soul purpose of procreation.

How would you know she's had 2 partners? You think a girls who was a slut in her teens will be honest? Of course she would say she's only had 2 bf's to explain why her pussy is used while hiding the fact she was a huge slut. Girls get hit on constantly at clubs and online. They have sex way more often then you think.

White nationalism. Don't be a cunt.

A bitter pill to swallow for many, especially women. They refuse to accept this truth.

Virginity is what makes marriage sacred. Its not real otherwise.

But she lost her virginity to you. That forms a powerful bond. Thats why its the key to a healthy marriage.

1 of the most appealing things of having a gf is her doing all your cooking and meal preparation. Huge time saver and finally get healthy, homecooked meals made with love.

I would never trust a woman over a man to cook my meals. Men are superior in every facet but possessing a womb.

t. homosex

What man is cooking your meals? You are acting like a sperg. Girls should study cooking their whole lives as a way to give wholesome love to their family and friends. Especially when theyre older grandmothers.

Alot of feminist women just buy packet food and dont know how to cook at all.

Refute me then.

I am, because I know I am better than a woman would be. There are more male chefs than female chefs in the world. There are more better chefs than female chefs in the world. Men are superior at cooking, deal with it.

Well of course I am going to protect my daughter from opportunists, shitskins, and Jews and try to find a good husband for her. But how many girls (many of them good girls) have that advantage these days? Damn few, I'd say. Most of them have to find good men on their own, and few are capable of it. On top of that, most of them were raised by single mothers with no fathers to watch out for them at all.

And how many young men here who are demanding virgins are really the type of young men I'd want to introduce to my daughter when it's time? Very few, most likely. Many of you are probably squirrelly motherfuckers who wouldn't look me in the eye. And as much as we all like to complain about women being gold-diggers, I'll be damned if some underemployed, poor, hippy trash is getting my daughter. I'm going to introduce her to upper middle class young men with jobs that seem like they'll be able to take care of her and her kids. Leave the poor ones for the fatherless immoral girls. I'm not going to spend 15 - 20 years of homeschooling, protecting, churching, and redpilling my girl just to give her to some gas-station clerk or stoned-out college student. And I'm ESPECIALLY not letting her go to some chubby, anime-loving, video game addict unless the guy has a REALLY bright future doing something else.

Unless you're the picture of White Nationalism yourself, you're simply not eligible for a true White Nationalist waifu. The rest of you are going to have to work with imperfect clay, just like 99% of the world. Only the Trumps get Melanias.

If you can get a girl that isn't too degenerate and is down with the idea of raising good children ahead of any other life goal, you're FUCKING LUCKY and way ahead of the game. Maybe next generation there will be more White Waifu to go around, but in this generation there's a deficit, and White Waifus aren't born, they're MADE, by conscientious white men and women who want their children to be greater than themselves. THAT was Hitler's plan, and that is what we all should be aiming for. A huge reality check would be a really good start tbh

Everyone on Holla Forums is a WN ubermenche, faggot. Where do you think you are?

Yes but I'd prefer the cooking burden to be lifted so I could have more time to focus on my goals. Cooking is not a passion of mine. Its a chore.

Of course. No father is expected to give his daughter to a sperg. Thats the whole point of him introducing her to the best man he knows.

Why do people always think this means autistic spergs? Emotional reaction. Very feminine.

Most professional chefs are men. Women actually have to get affirmative action in the cooking world, too.

No woman could out cook my hero Gordon Ramsey.

This is a truly wise post.

What shocks me, if you can forgive, is how non pervy Hitler looks around those women. So damn in contrast to our politicians. Why the fuck is that?

Grill here
Lost my virginity a little over a year ago, when I was 23. Thought about keeping it, but what's the point? Men don't value it anymore. My ex assumed I wasn't a virgin and doubted me until I dumped him because he turned into feminine spaghetti.
Inexperience isn't a good thing in this age. Men should be focusing on women's family and moral values. Until we're living in a society where men do most of the hard labor and women usually stay at home too birth children, we have no need for the concept of virginity. Especially with birth control.
Tbh I wish I hadn't had sex but I think it was good for me in terms of life experience and self-esteem. I did think about it beforehand. And I probably won't do it for a long time. It really depends on the woman. Maybe I'm projecting my thoughts onto them.
Anyway, restraint and sensibleness should be more important than virginity.

Fuck off.

You've remade this thread half a dozen times in the last 2 days

Man probably the number one thing any red pilled femanons out there need to understand and accept is their role in providing us with sex

They need to accept it as something they do whether they feel like it or not, the only time they would be exempt would be like if they were incapacitated like if they had a fever of 104 or were in the hospital or had two broken legs and were stuck in a wheel chair or something

Being tired isn't good enough, not being in the mood isn't good enough, wanting to do something else at this exact time isn't good enough

Women were told to lie back and think of Britain for a reason

Spoken like a true femkike.


Hitler was truly a beautiful soul. The part in the greatest story never told about him and Eva was so innocent.

how are you not seeing this? oh… youre a female and have your world views shaped by the mainstream.

Real talk OP: choosing quantity over quality is racial genocide. Like it or not most women are sluts from their teens and there's no getting around that.

Don't exist. Just some faggot either roleplaying or having a laugh. That or triggered white knights. The solution is to ignore them.

Gotta give it to you op. You're one fuck of a dedicated autist.

That said, this thread and earlier threads like it, smells of D&C attempt after it was found out that the majority of white women voted for Trump.

Yes goyim, make women who voted for Yrump and happened to not be virgin and all other quality be damned, feel miserable. There's no way that can backfire and have them vote against you out of spite.

Birth control fucks up a womans mind and turns them into aggresive dykes that turn good men soft.

In relation to what? Dont tell me you believe that men want women who act like pornstars during sex… Youve been so jewed its sad.

Men, who are not cuckold, want a girl who has never seen a penis before. We want them to be shy and innocent. We want to take control and lead. Not have some fake slut showing her "experience". Degenerate af.

This is why I made the thread though. All the women here are non virgins, or at least most. And clearly you are all very defensive about your lack of virginity. Trying to tell us it means nothing. lol.

Women that say they dont feel like having sex are either jaded because of previous partners (theyve had so much dick its not special to them anymore, at least not yours).

Or they need to be sparked into arousal by an act of aggression on the males part. She says "I dont feel like it" You throw her over yoru knee and give her a spanking. Go further if needed. Its that "dark" energy that causes passion. Not beta begging for sex.

This is why I want a solution on this.

There's that side of the movement but then theres this

Both are valid.

I'm trying to find a resolution to this.

The best approach is to marry your match. If you're pure, you deserve a pure qt. If you're a whore, you deserve a whore. That way, nobody would have any place to complain. Everyone gets what they deserve.

mathematically on this board there has to be at least one woman


Purity would have to imply bravery and and might for men though. Eugenics.

It has to go both ways or else you contribute to the cucking

Quantum physics says the isn't

See? I can do it too


Nice trips, but not me you faggot. Also this is a shitty analogy. New cars are for seriously fucking stupid people, or those with so much money they just don't give a shit.
1)with a new car the second you drive off the lot your vehicle loses 10% of the value you paid for it in regards to resale. That's fucking genius. It's literally worth 90% of what you paid after you put 1 mile on it….how the fuck people don't get this is beyond me.
2)New cars are seriously fucked. I'm a mechanic and will probably never own a car that was made past 2002. Electronic systems are fucked. New cars are so pozzed the average idiot would be mind blown if they could actually understand anything relating to a mechanical sense.

My almost 40 year old toyota "work" truck could survive an EMP if it wasn't running at the time. Purely mechanical and reliable as fuck. It may not be the fastest vehicle in the world but I guarantee the price per mile I pay to maintain and drive it is substantially less than most everyone else….


And this applies to women too you fucking beta faggots. I've never really bothered to reply to this nonsense before but I'm getting really tired of, "muh she's not waifu material because she's had a dick before and lived life. Oh what a degenerate slut she doesn't deserve my love what a whore. If I let myself be vulnerable and love another she'll just cheat on me because she's sexually experienced and I'm not." I don't know how any of you red pilled fucks could actually believe this shit… you have ANY idea how hard ya'll are projecting when you say dumb shit like this??


You really wanna reject any grill that isn't a virgin and 100% pure?? Great, good for you bud. Good luck having them white babies cause it ain't gonna happen for 99.9% of you cocksmokers that feel this way. Seriously, people fucking change you retards…..just because it's easier for them to get sexual xp than us doesn't mean we can discount grills that have swallowed red pills cause they've had a few cocks. Honestly, would you rather reproduce with a blue pilled virgin grill with an average intelligence or a red-pilled as fuck femanon who is brilliant enough to have seen the truth and looked away from the electric jew but maybe fucked a couple other dudes along the way. You guys are fucking stupid. Get over your yourself and start improving yourself and evolving your viewpoints. Ya'lls beta is showing and it's embarrassing.

Yes I agree. But being virgin won't surfice.

"Only the bold deserve the fair"

There is no way a woman haven't found Holla Forums and don't tell yourself otherwise.

Women are not men.

Men do not get damaged by fucking without love, women do.

The equivalent metric for men is whether he's had his heart broken.

Well raised women won't fuck without love. Well raised men won't love harpies.

Most people have not been raised well and need therapy and self knowledge to complete their, for lack of a better word, souls.

I object to your use of "mathematically"

I agree that there are most likely women here, but you should construct actual arguments.

European women are barely better than American niggers. They even murder their children just like American niggers.

Such a typical post from a female poster. You embody the complaints that are raised in this thread about "redpilled" women like yourself.

And yet here you are, trying to argue with men about why virginity isn't important, in a thread full of men saying that virginity is not only valuable, but THE MOST VALUABLE THING A WOMAN HAS TO OFFER

No, it's for these reasons that upholding and demanding virgin women is more important than ever. It's only if we men refuse to settle for used whores like yourself, that things will change. If we accept used goods like you, then we're not fighting for the change we want in the world.>>8307452

This sentence just speaks for itself, doesn't it? Men of Holla Forums, read this, and honestly tell yourself you want a "redpilled" woman like this.

Virginity is the signal for those things. Virginity is SYNONYMOUS with family values, moral values, restraint, and.. "sensibleness". You can tell this is a genuine female poster by the spelling alone, before you even read her mindless gibbering that attempts to excuse her whoring ways.

This post from this female poster illustrates the entire point of this thread. "Redpilled" femanons try to join communities of white nationalist men, just as they attempt to invade any community of men, because they instinctively seek the attention of men.

Women such as this see Holla Forums and the white nationalist movement as an untapped resource that they can worm their way into, and easily get tons of male attention. Very comedic (and pathetic) to see these whores floundering around, trying to explain why virginity "ISN'T THAT IMPORTANT!!!"

Precisely this. I find it very funny that this entire thread is directly describing how female posters on Holla Forums get really defensive about how they aren't virgins, and you legitimately get oblivious femanons doing that exact thing in this very thread. This thread helps to confirm every assumption I had about the "redpilled women" who are so desperately trying to be accepted by us.

I think this could be a good analogy to put these "redpilled" women into perspective: A very similar phenomenon is the "fake gamer girls" that you see in videogame communities. It wasn't that long ago that women wanted nothing to do with men who play videogames, but as it became more popular, women flooded into these communities, because they knew it was a resource for male attention. They have no genuine interest in videogames, or more importantly, the minds/morals/way of life of the men in these communities. They pretend in order to gain access to this group of males.

You can see how it's precisely the same with white nationalism and other Holla Forums stuff now. We're only seeing the very beginning of women trying to invade and subvert Holla Forums, trying to erode our standards, and trying to make us accept and settle for whores like themselves

On a personal level; Treat a person as an individual with virginity being simple one of many physical trait.

On a national level: Push toward a culture that would make more men and women adopt desirable traits, so that the positive overall is greater than the negative in the individual.

The whole focus on "MUH FEMALE VIRGINITY" reeks of d&c attempt, that makes use of the fact that in this day and age, a significant number of men and women aren't virgin and then use that crack to push in a wedge between men and women, by only targeting female lack of virginity, while coming of as hypocrite by barely addressing manwhores.

I miss the feel of my older cars. Huge let down. Only upside is it looks better. Shallow.

I cant agree on the used goods though. Its against our instincts. Used pussy is fucking disgusting. Turn off. A virgin that only you will have sex with gives you full power of her cunny and how it looks.

Think of the cunny.

Women have no place in politics, their place is in the house, being a pillar for family unity. Most of them still don't understand that their past of spreading their legs for any dumb fuck that might improve their status in life makes them a liability. There will always be a risk of them deciding to betray their household for the next great thing they perceive since they have a past of using their bodies to achieve such outcome. Such risk does not make a strong pillar for a family. If they dared fuck shitskins or niggers then it's a definite proof that they are weak to kike inspired propaganda and peer pressure and as such are an extreme liability to the race or a full blown traitor in the case such past brought a mulatto child into life. Not to mention we have more than enough past examples in history as to why women in politics are not only a risk to a household but to the community (society) as a whole.

More like 30, if not 50%. Kinda depends on the Model.
Agree with errything else tho, alot of this #nohymennodiamond is propably d/c shilling.
It sucks, but perfect women are so rare nowadays that very few of the people on here can afford or even deserve one. The best women should go to the best men.

100 Years ago, even the 5/10 wouldnt be used up sluts, but nowadays the market has changed. We dont like it and want to change it, but we do have to accept it as it is.
Dont pout like a fucking child (#MGTOW) and instead do what needs to be done.
Find a half decent woman. If you can make sure she can stay away from degeneracy without going into withdrawal, she is worth keeping. Redpills will inevitably rub off if you spend time with her, if you really are half as virtous as you think you are.

Ok but what about women who have masturbated? Does that have the same value as "loosing virginity"?

Good fucking luck.

Saved a screenshot of this post tbh.

Monogamy is an entirely feminine concept. Don't extrapolate moral to natural.

Theres plenty of women into sports who simply dont have the time or energy to go drinking or watch TMZ.
That goes for any serious hobby, either find one like that or turn her onto it before you get serious.

Storytime for you faggots that have let your own beta feelings brainwash you

My point is you faggots are all fucked in the head that think any grill that's sucked ten dicks should be discounted and given up for the niggers. You guys seriously disgust me….is this what you want?? A brown fucking world???

My gf and I are both "troubled" individuals that came from broken and abusive homes (verbally and sexually) we're both degenerates and we compliment each other very well. Am I scared of her cheating on me??? Fuck no!!! We bang out sluts together and I know no one else can satisfy her both physically and mentally like I can. I wouldn't be able to have the sexual confidence I have without my slutty past and she wouldn't be able to deep throat a big dick and have anal orgasms without her sexual escapades before we met.

Virgins fucking suck. probably more of a chance of one of them betraying you over, "maybe it gets better with someone else" then a grill that has experienced everything else and realizes that you're a good catch. You beta fucks need to get /fit/ and alpha the fuck up. Autism is not an excuse for holding yourself back and embracing your own inability. I don't give a fuck how messed up in the head you are, get your shit together and get out there. GOOD white women are going to end up with niggers and spics if you do nothing. Stop virtue signaling and thinking you're right just because you've swallowed a few red pills and know about (((them))). They've fucked all of our lives over and just because a grill has fallen for a sexualized electric jew in the past doesn't mean she's worthless when she wakes up and starts swallowing red pills.

We need white babies not betas cuck'd by their own depression and autism. Man up you faggots.

I suppose these women are right next to the unicorns in the Elven forests, right?

"Be the change you want to see in the world."

If we lower our ethics then what example will we be setting for future generations?

Refuse to be beta cucks. We are their opposite. We are traditional men of valor. True Aryans.

Not everybody is a fucking NEET who has more time than he knows what to do with.

a bold claim, user.
I think you do not understand what this entails. Allow me to visually represent this:
If you enable a woman that is too dumb to learn from her mistakes after the first time, you engage in miscegenation.

I agree. Its important this thread was made to come to a final resolution on this common subject.

But understand that female virginity is different to male virginity. Females actually prefer non virgin men. They prefer the alpha. They dont care for male virgins. Never have.

Virginity is purity, innocence, all feminine virtues etc. Just look at how important these things are to anons. The females are the ones with no interest in virginity and clearly state that "experience" is a virtue.

This is how nature works. Always been this way.

I may be underemployed and poor but I'll be damned if I take you calling me a hippie lying down.
Besides I don't think anyone here is realistically asking for tru white nationalist waifu. I think they just don't want to pick the best of the worst. Which in the city is usually a poor excuse for a woman these days.

As with anything, you have to work with what you have, and always towards something better. This means setting priorities, being patient and working towards gradually achieving your ideal in a way that is practical.

It should be clear to everyone here that the degenerate society we live in has raised a generation of women wherein most value their (((right))) to be whores over motherhood and just about anything else. Even women who have been redpilled in just about every other way struggle to overcome this indoctrination. This is because the idea that "this is what (((female liberation))) looks like" has been hammered into them literally every single day since they can remember, by everyone around them including their mothers in many cases. They know nothing else.

So, at first, we must be pragmatic and patient, focusing on showing them a better way and convincing them to raise their daughters with a sense of dignity and purpose that they never had. At this stage, which is where we are, we must bite the bullet and forgive a somewhat whorish past, as long as they are willing to leave it behind and build a better future with us. Only those that refuse to raise future generations with better values, or continue to actively spread feminist poison, should be denounced and discarded.

This ensures that we can reform as many as possible, and keep them on our side, while still selecting against those who are beyond repair. If we sperg out every time we find out a woman who has joined our cause had an uncouth past, we will just end up alienating them all, and scare away those who agree with us in principle but are afraid of joining our cause because they posted an naughty instagram pic that one time.

Stricter standards can and will, naturally, be applied later, to those girls who have been raised to know better. But for now, we are where we are, we have what we have, and we must be willing to work with it to build something better. Otherwise we will never succeed.

Must be the femanon again.

Of course not. Doesnt affect the hymen. But honestly, the less masturbating you do the better your cunny will look. It will be in perfect condition. Masturbating makes the cunny look darker. We want angel pussy!


Most millennial women can't cook and those who can tend not to want to.
Very few men are treated this way by their girlfriends.
You are selling a myth.

Are you implying that man is a beast that cares naught for love? Your view of a "masculine man" is to be like a whore yourself; give in to the flesh, while neglecting the spirit. I hope that one day you will find your other half, for then you will realise what coupling is: a unity between flesh and spirit, emotion and pleasure, all so that you and your partner can provide a stable home for your children.

Do not take spoiled partners, for they are emotionally damaged, and the amount of effort it would take to fix them is most times not worth it. Keep in mind that this goes both ways user. . .

Unless you can tell me how that's not the logical result of your belief that men should only accept virgin girls, while it's okay for men to not be virgin?

I mean, virginity is something to be desired, absolutely. But the thing is, women arent getting married at 16 in CY+1. To me, I can tolerate a woman who has 1, maximum 2 sexual partners in highschool. To me, I can tolerate 3 total, 4 is pushing it, 5 is max. At least in mid to late 20s. If theyre over that and aren't in a long term relationship or not married yet, something's wrong with them.

Again, virgin is ideal, but I try to be realistic about things.

You are a discrace. Your worthless degenerate ramblings shames you beyond repair.
Kill yourself whore

Why are they fucking if they aren't compatible.

Is compatibility determined by fucking?
people don't fuck that often, even couples who fuck a lot usually spend more time not fucking than fucking, especially over a long enough timeframe.

Learn to fucking read. He just told you.

You have plenty of time to work this out before you can no longer keep it in your pants.

You've successfully identified a problem, congrats. Problems exist only until they are fixed.

What you call a myth was the norm two generations ago.


Thanks brother, thank you for actually having some sense. I've steered away from these threads and haven't commented before tonight because the circular-beta logic just drives me up the wall. And you're literally 100% spot on about what I ended up doing/going through. I took a good goyim slutty grill that had some potential and turned her into a race warrior. I'd bet my life she's a better shot then 80% of the cucks on here. See

Also, I really like your idea of this bullshit being a D&C tactic. Had never really thought about that but it makes a lot of sense. I can just imagine the merchant rubbing his hands and thinking….

Ya'll are puking up red pills as you swallow black ones. Great way to weaken our movement. Honestly - what percentage of modern grills do you think have been able to escape the jewish social programming of slutting it up?? Ya'll believe so strongly in math in statistics to prove our superiority - why not use that same logic with women. Let's say 5% escape the electric jew these days and don't slut it up. OK cool, now you've narrowed the field down so much that maybe 1 in 20 women you see as worthy of your intelligence…..yeah that's fucking smart. Stay beta, cuck'd, and alone forever. Don't become stronger then your emotions, allow your autism to hold you back forever, just brilliant fam. It's a disability not a blessing that makes you work harder to be happy because you're smarter then 90% of the population.

Get over yourselves faggots. As far as I'm concerned - if the only cocks that have been inside her have been white she's good to go. My qt 1488 degenerate Aryan slut knows I'd kill her if she ever fucked a nigger dick. Because she's MY slut now. You niggers have to have enough confidence and self worth to command a grill into being loyal. If you cucks can't do that you'll never lead. You really think you can change the future and be part of a revolution if you can't even command a single white girl?? If you really think a virgin is the only way to go, I pity the mental grip the jew has on you.

Why would you be interested in a woman in her late 20s? She is already ruined by then, even if still a virgin.

It was the norm because women's desires were kept in check by consequences.

You're spewing garage like an automated shill trash compactor my friend. Look how kek mocks you're ignorance, off by 2 from holy quads because you're so fucked in the head. Read my replies in this thread and try and have one single intelligent rebuttal if you're truly not a D&C shill faggot, I dare you.

Such delusion can only come from the mind of a feminist.
96% of workplace deaths are men, because men overwhelmingly do the dangerous, 'hard labor' jobs that women like you don't even realize exist.

Besides, the only logical way for a virgin girl to be together with an experienced man is if said experienced man fucked another woman before her.
That means either he did a one-night stand, he fucked someone he was with before they went their separate way or who ever he was with died. In short, experienced man with virgin girl is only possible if a man have had partners before her that he's no longer together with.

You're a fucking idiot and a piece of shit, fuck off.


That's the problem with those saps who want to see "more women in 'the movement'".
They do not understand that, in the current climate, a respectable woman wouldn't touch our group with a barge pole. The only women who come to fringe niches like this are those with severe personality disorders, or who have been rejected from polite society.
And every one that lands here is treated like a princess.
WN men are ripe for milking of attention and money and women are coming here in droves to exploit it.
Pictures very much related.
The collage is a tiny sample of the adoration this vile slut "Evalion" generated.
They know that friendless, insecure, beta WN boys are lambs to the slaughter.
This is the defense Sinead Mccarthy has taught them to use.

Fuck 1950. By that time feminism had already taken a hold to a large extent.

We need to kill feminism in its entirety. Women should NOT be consulted by their fathers when choosing a husband for her. Women should do everything their father says, and then try their best to serve&please their new master.

Women should be seen and not heard. In my house my wife will know not to speak unless she's spoken to, if she does speak out of line she'll know there's consequences. She will not get called by her first name. If I need something it'll be "woman" get me this, "woman" do that. I'll be the first one to bring back headcovering if I have to.

Marriage is just an arrangement for acquiring a sex-object, a baby making machine and a personal maid. If someone doesn't like it they can kiss my ass!!

Artificial wombs. We breed degeneracy out of our gene pool.


It determines their worth. Women evolved to be deceptive. Its their strength. If caught they just lie and play victim. Is natural.


are you like the chick from 50 shades of gray or something? You had it and you gave it away to some cuck. What a shame. I lost mine when I was still a kid. After years of stalking from minority men and sexual abuse from their little brothers in school I turned into a total slut, fucked two boys in a month. You just gave it up even when you knew better, you ignorant whore. I know that I´m not better than you, I´m a much bigger whore, but still. You disgust me just like I disgust myself.

0/10 bait of lurking feminist.
You're trying way too hard.

You would not be able to handle slav women. They are 10 times more hypergamous than western women. They will turn into gargantuan sluts the likes of which you would not imagine.

Yes and that is why we waited for almost a year, and I do love her. It's my, no our, struggle to work out how she can best be a mother. But let's call it what it is, as everything relating to women it is a struggle at best.

So fucking what? She wont work, or have a career so she must learn to cook.
That is my struggle. How am I being a beta faggot for doing just that?
Yes, but stupidity is something i frown upon.
Nowhere did I say I wasn't going to marry her, I simply told why I struggle with the idea.
Also, you got it backwards. She's not just supposed to "shit out white babies" but to make and keep a home, and raise our children. I have a hard time taking people like you serious, if that is actually all you think, that a woman is for "making babies and nothing else" then what does it matter if she is a virgin or not?
It's about family not children. What does it matter if you shit out 10 kids who are all degenerates?

kek. I bet her life experience didnt even teach her how to cook. Women these days… Jewish feminism. Sexual revolution. Race war now.

You are female.

This is one of the important change which I am talking about.

(can't see how does it directly relate to my words)

You really cannot blame women for promiscuity after years of uncountered propaganda.

To be fair I'm still convinced there was a concentrated shill effort for that incident that managed to take in the dumbest/newest anons.


Yes, she was heavily promoted, not organic whatsoever. She's still around, working with Sinead Mccarthy and has recruited a supposed "friend", who looks to be related.
They are milking the movement.

Behaviour is heritable dumb nuts.
Read up on r/k-selection. Sluts are sluts by nature, not upbringing. Slutty mothers breed slutty daughters.

Here you go.
Being promoted in the same fashion "Evalion" was but she has been prepped to cover all the bases which caught out prior shills.
For example, she had a DNA test result all ready to go right from the outset.
Look at who is promoting this new kid on the block and you will have a shill starchart.
If you watch one of her videos it's readily apparent that she's related to "Evalion."

By movement you mean the aut-right and trs fags. Cause while Holla Forums is the source it's not the movement. Holla Forums just pushes things in the right direction. Anybody dumb enough to be milked is useless in the long run and as long most here remain aware of that and push back the damage will be mitigated.

Bro. 14yo girls. our age group goes to the older men in their 40's.

15 year age gap is good. A man in his 20's should be focused on a career not making babies. You have till 50 being male. Nature made it this way. This is why girls are attracted to older mature guys.

Only a myth if you are looking for a cuckqueen. The majority of the women I've dated have been all about cooking for their man and were happy to do so.

Only the Rabid Feminist did not cook for me, instead she just talked about everything she would cook for me. (kek)

LOL Mikey. Is that really you?

I'm a fan. People hate you but I think you have a bright future. A hero in the future race wars.

A bold claim for a bold man. I am the anti-jew brother. A demon hunter with demon blood. Within me flows the evil that we so desire to defeat. I am a Mischling like no other.

And I get you're point, I really do. But I'm not spending my life with a grill that's repeated the same mistakes 10x over. If you get drunk at a party in college and fuck some dude its not exactly the same emotionally as a real relationship. Yes, I do understand women's brains work in a different manner then ours, I absolutely understand that. I'm well versed in the workings of the human brain as I find it to be the most fascinating thing in the world. I'm just saying - if you slut it up its not the same as having a relationship for every encounter. For women and men. I've dated maybe 20% of the women I've fucked. Only the real relationships would mess with my head. Again, I understand women do actually physically think differently then we do in their brains, but there is definitely sole overlap.

This isn't just a black and white issue here fam. It's very fucking grey. Just the same as we're race realists not racists. If I had to choose between life and death between two people - and one of them was sleepy nigger Dr.Carson and the other was a subhuman literally retarded piece of white trash from the south that could never contribute to humanity I'd keep the nigger neuroscientist every time.

The same as there is "grey" overlap within our brains. Not every girl is incapable of logic and is a victim to their emotions 100% of the time. The same as we're susceptible to being autistic faggots from time to time. I wasn't born an alpha, it was a long road of lessons for me to shed my cuck and beta traits. To think a women couldn't follow a similar path is just stupid. So what if she fucked some dicks along the way. Nigger my waifu is hot as fuck - lost over 40lbs from when I met her and she works out daily. Do you think I shouldn't be worthy of her hotness because I've gotten wasted and fucked a few fatass hamplanets in the past before I met her? Same fucking logic. If I was still with the qt Aryan girl who's virginity we both took from each other in high school I'd be married to a sjw who works for jew gle and living in commiefornia. Hell, I'd probably still be a beta cuck.

Now I have the beginnings of a homestead in a nearly nigger free rural community where my grill and I raise and grow our own food and shoot guns for fun. If you believe in this virgin bullshit the jew has you by the balls. Literally, you'll never propagate and make white babies because you've let an insidious virus like ideology take hold in mind. You faggots might as well just wear chastity shit, just cuck my future up with your loneliness and inability to get a grip on your own emotions so you can breed and further the white race. Keep telling yourself you're virtuous while you let real white women slip from your fingers into the hands of shit skins and niggers. Slow clap foe you brothers, slow clap for you.

You are just a sad, pathetic cuck who is trying to excuse himself for being with a loose woman.

also, ctrl+f the terms "??" and "Ya'll", they're all from this guy's posts. You come across as a wigger, talking like that. Are you sure you're from around here?

The kikery here is almost TOO obvious

Yes, "the movement" is their term.
I'd like to agree with you but having been here through the entire Evalion phase, start to current, I can confidently assert that plenty here on 8 are totally sucked in by that shill.
Let's hope so.
The deeper her followers "fall in love", the more obnoxious they find this place, so there is probably a kind of attrition/filtering of the slag from the metal.

Thanks for confirming that you are Sinead Mccarthy.

The only way to cure degeneracy is to breed it out of the gene pool. There is no middle ground. To answer OP: yes, the aim is quality over quantity.

That's all we have to know about you.

Proving once and again that no good Semite can exist.

Very interesting, thanks for posting that.
The canned language did stick out like a sore thumb but it's nice to see this evidence of organized WIDF shilling.

I respect this honesty. You have a good conscience.

I did not advocate men sleeping around. The costs there are std risk and crazy baby momma baggage.

The ideal scenario is two virgin whites, but if you had to pick one of them to have fucked others before, it would be the man.

good for you man. I'm marrying a virgin though since I'm not a broken piece of shit who has to find a whore to settle down with. Cheers tho.

And I am a broken piece of shit but I rather use my mana for the great meme war instead of settling for a whore gamble.

This is true. Just meet an Italian/French girl. Mother huge slut. Daughter huge slut.

Not just inherited traits but parents set a childs subconscious example of how to be. Monkey see, monkey do.

Flawless logic and I actually agree with you 100% here (I'm sciencefag and nature never lies), but unless someone releases a modified ebola-chan virus tomorrow that only effects niggers, shit skins, and spics….we don't exactly live in that world anymore. And that's why exact point of how we've allowed the jew to fuck us over mentally about this sexuality thing.

The battle is far from over….it's barely began for our lifetimes….and we're going to need every pair of hands willing to fight to win it. If that means I marry a degenerate slut and risk her fucking me over so I can recruit another to our side and make more babies - so be it. Life is an endless rollercoaster of risk-versus-reward decisions. And I'm gonna take that risk. Better then being alone and unhappy. Like I mentioned, I'm a degenerate fuck with issues too. That's what happens when your jew dad diddles you as a kid so you testify in court to lock his kike ass up. It's fitting for me to have a degenerate waifu, we compliment each other and are stronger for it.

Sure, I would have loved to bust my ass, be successful, and then be given the choice of starting a family with a pure 14-16 year old that I could then brainwash and mold into a perfect 1488 Aryan cutie waifu. We just don't live in that world anymore brother. (((They))) have ruined that shit for us. Now maybe, just maybe, my waifu and I can help make that a reality again for our children and yours.

Today there is no excuse for waiting. All of us should have partners that believe in the cause and the 14 words as strongly as we do. Partners that would fight and die by our side defending a future for the white race in space. I know mine will. Ya'll should stop making excuses and get on my level.

Fuck what women think, I'm all for the most repressive system ever created were women are practically chattel.

Call me shill or whatever, but I sleep with only white women and I keep that shit in a vice grip, beat them if I have to.

I never race mix anymore and will not have children unless circumstances permit. It seems you autists are growing up and finally getting younger girls.

Women are not your fucking ally. They will take everything from you and leave you in the cold. Niggers, got something right for once, never trust a bitch.

You white men stand alone against everything, all and everything comes against you, this isn't mutualism, this is total fucking war.

Women that conform will be treated better and can train the other women, but don't ever let these cunts direct anything. We have but two fronts, the war in front of our eyes and the war at home and we're winning one but ignoring the other.

Don't be this woman.

Boy are you in for a surprise when you finally find your perfect girl.

The typical woman has lost 90% of her ovarian reserves by age 30.

Let's get one thing straight from the start. Only virgins are wife material. Women who are not virgins are welcome in the movement, but they are not wife material. Any Holla Forumsack looking to get married should do so to a virgin. If all Holla Forumsacks stayed true to this, we will force the women in the movement to stay virgins (if they are young) since this will be the only way for a women to achieve motherhood.

Second, we must celebrate motherhood as the greatest thing a women can aspire to, because it is. This goes hand in hand with the former point - women will be drawn to the idea of being a mother and wife, and this will only be achievable if she is a virgin.

Thirdly, in all cases, women must be subservient to men. This is to maintain the natural hierarchy of the sexes. We must follow natural law, and natural law dictates thus.

Lastly, women are not virgins but still wish to be part of the movement will never be mothers and wives, but they can help in the other areas of the movement, although they must remain subservient to men. They will be deprived of the opportunity to be a wife and mother, but this is an incentive to remain a virgin.

Any women who has had sex with men of other races is a race traitor and should be shamed accordingly.

Remember anons, women must be controlled. If they allowed to do what they want, or if we are too soft on them, you get what we have now. Femanons, this system will help you achieve the greatest thing a women can aspire to - motherhood. If you disagree, you are not one of us, and remain a slave to the Jew.

Don't let anyone shame you away from engaging in kekromancy of the highest order

You guys are seriously underestimating how badly the situation is out there. Women will take every dick out there they can and will test you in every situation. They have won, every time, unprecedentedly since getting the right to vote.

Women have more money than men, it simply sits in the bank and yet they demand you pay for dates. Bro, the situation is much more fucked up than you think. When I was in Korea I was slanging mad bucket-heads because I was white and they fucked over their little korean boys so hard.

The ultimate power is that women hate other women and you need to make them compete. Two women in a household will keep check of each other, while one, at least of this generation will run fucking rampant with whorism.

*also the girls in your picture are way younger than 15.

Video related: this is how the Jew makes girls ashamed of their natural desire to become mothers at the peak of their fertility.
By associating the instinct with trashy behavior and people.


I think it's you.

This. I've turned down my dream girl because the situation wasn't right.

Only virgins are wife material. Women who are not virgins are welcome in the movement, but they are not wife material.

Second, we must celebrate motherhood as the greatest thing a women can aspire to, because it is.

Thirdly, in all cases, women must be subservient to men.

No. We take them as slaves. The darkskins hold their women in absolute line with obedience and we should be no different.

We are heavily outnumbered, outgeared and have nothing going for us except for talent, imagination and passion. If we strike at the corners of the enemy, namely using discipline and strong words against women, they will come to us because women crave order at any cost.

This nice guy shit doesn't work out, at all

Slay every day, stash your gnash

Hit it then cuff it

Is fucking whores that were already deflowered wrong? I mean, isn't the damage already done?

Serious question. Aside from STD's, what's the problem with it?

Trouble is, you can't have a new generation of white girls with good morals if you don't have a new generation of white girls. So you should make more white people (possibly in a functioning family, as hard as this might be).

The people you have to do it with are women. Try not to get a slut, slowly redpill her, but jacking off isn't a workable alternative for white nationalism. It's not that a 30 years old slut just off the cock carousel isn't fucking disgusting, but if that's the best you can manage it's best you reproduce rather than not (and I feel sorry for you).

We shun those girls. They'll get the message.

Yes. Do you have a problem with that?

There aren't any cucks in our movement.

Are you saying we should be like the niggers? And the mudslimes? You're clearly a virgin fantasising about sex slaves or shit like that.

Under my plan, women are kept in order through discipline. They're just not literal slaves.


That's a familiar sounding slogan.
Another Heimbach shill.

Their slogans out them.
Learn to spot these shills.

this only makes it more appealing
have you learned nothing from Holla Forums?

I think you're talking to other guy. But yes, I agree with you.

We shun those girls. They'll get the message.

Yes. Do you have a problem with that?

There aren't any cucks in our movement.

Black girls smell weird thats why nigguhs hate fucking them

Are you saying we should be like the niggers? And the mudslimes? You're clearly a virgin fantasising about sex slaves or shit like that.

Because they're fucking your girls and mine.

right now

we should be even worse and stronger, more tough, more vicious

Under my plan, women are kept in order through discipline. They're just not literal slaves.


Who the fuck do you think you are? Their dad, who they dont even respect or listen to?

You beat those fucking cunts and make them dyke then choose your favorite. You seem fuckign weak. You've probably had sex with two girls, I'm on the upper margin of my age.

Its mindsets like this that bother me, and drive me further and further away from society and caring about finding a woman at all, and closer and closer to spending my savings and moving as far away and off the grid to live a solitary life as possible. Farming/hunting my own food in my own quaint/cozy little house and ignoring society.

I crossed the threshold into wizarddom 18 months ago, I had opportunities, but I passed them by.. why? Because I knew the relationship would go nowhere, and would ultimately cause psychological effects on me that would lower what I would consider a woman's value and the value of her purity. I chose to abstain rather than damage myself in that manner. But the thing is, while it would cause psychological changes, it wouldnt cause physical changes in me like sex with partners before marriage causes to women, so theres even MORE of a reason for women to abstain, yet they dont, and then attempt to rationalize it as you have done.

Specifically, any woman who has come here must surely have seen the research showing that the more partners a woman has prior to marriage and settling with a single mate, the more likely she is to be unhappy and ultimately end the marriage. Knowing that, and knowing the effects that sex can have on your overall mindset/outlook as well… you, and countless others like you, still choose to give into impulses and take the dick rather than holding out for a lasting relationship first

I cant understand it. You know full well what is in your best interest, yet you choose to do the thing that is the complete opposite of that.. and we're not talking about eating a cheeseburger knowing you'll gain weight, that can be undone, instead we're talking irreversible damage to yourself that will make your life more difficult, yet you choose to do it. Then you rationalize it, and just pass it off on the next generation to "be better" yet you set no example for them to do so.

Everyone just expects the next group to fix it, while they indulge, hurt themselves, then hand wave it all away and live lesser lives because of it. And its not just sex or marriage people do this in, its everything. They claim to want a more holistic or natural life, yet do nothing to obtain it and chase fads and the latest gizmos the tech industry shits out, they want their kids to be more active and social and outdoorsy, then they go and buy them video games and ipads to stare at for hours while mommy and daddy cuddle and drown themselves in netflix.

Everyone claims to want more than what this shitty society provides, yet no one is willing to put up the effort to get it, instead passing the buck on to someone else to do it for them.

Its pathetic, and I'm to the point I want nothing to do with anyone in this society anymore, because even those here, who are enlightened and informed, still make horrible decisions for themselves in their own lives. I dont even see the point in fighting certain wars anymore, I'm contented to just walk away and let society decay completely, since that seems to be what even the would-be informed ones here end up going for

Hey thanks man, good for you too. Don't be surprised if she cheats on you though. I hope you're strong enough to bend her to your will fully. If she's not aware of your powerlevel before ya'll marry I'd recommend slowly breaking her of her perceived reality. If she's not full 1488 by the time you deflower and marry her she's still brainwashed by the electric jew and 99% chance she'll cheat on you. I've fucked probably a half dozen other dudes wives bro because they think they're unsatisfied by their husband. (Wonder (((whom))) could have put that idea in their head) You gonna tell me your bitch has never watched television? ayy lmao at your idealistic ignorance.

And cheers on being a pure guy, guy. Cause you may look down on me as a being broken and a degenerate, but I guarantee I could stomach more then you ever could my friend. It's cool though, we Mengele types will need foot soldiers to guard the doors and protect our laboratories as we create the future Reich. And guess what, I'm looking forward to my whore being beside me. Because as you put so simply without realizing the gravity of your words; she's MY whore. And some of us are strong enough and have ebough confidence in ourselves to not be worried by petty details of the past. I would guarantee with my life and bet every firearm I own that I've got my bitch on lock mentally 10x more then you do right now.

Good luck redpilling her bro, because if you hide that shit before getting married she'll see it in her mind as something as big as you view not marrying a virgin. Marriage is no fucking joke. I wouldn't be on this path if I didn't fully believe 110% that we share the same ideals and goals for the future.

Kill yourself. You're not white. You're a nigger with the wrong body by accident. We don't want you. We don't need you.

(((muary povich)))

Let's see:
It's clear that you're a cuck shill. Fuck off, faggot.

For people with penises:
Please, please please don't settle with a whore. It doesn't matter if she used a condom or not, she's still a whore. There are virgin girls out there I am one, but if you settle with a whore then we would have to settle with the male equivalent. By 'dealing with it' and fucking a used hole which has already swallowed the spunk of 2-30 other guys, you are doing nothing to encourage other girls growing up to save their virginity. 'No hymen no diamond' was gold. I know women focus more on feelies than the long-run, but for as long as you set a standard more and more women will stay virgins. After all, there's nothing women care more about than social status.
Also, saving your first kiss for the alter is GOAT and should be considered for true celibacy.

reddit spacing, using quote as edit, tripfag. wow

You're no "demon hunter". You're a subhuman. In a proper civilisation, you'd get forcefully sterilised, AT THE VERY LEAST. More likely shot dead.

Get a vasectomy faggot. Spare the future your inferior genes.

see my post here for elaboration

Settling for whores forces women to do the same. We must take it upon ourselves to force society to change.


I honestly feel sorry for you.

Spot on. Once the hymen is gone, there is no longer any way to determine the number of partners a woman's had. The vast majority of girls are sluts, and they also know men don't want slutty wives. Of course they'll fucking lie about their partner count if the think it will get them somewhere.

Personally I wouldn't really care whether a girl was a virgin, it's preferable ofc, but it doesn't seem that significant. But Jesus fucking Christ do you come off as a disgusting doublethinking whore, it's flat out gross. You write a post insisting virginity isn't a big deal and that men prefer girls with experience(tm), meanwhile you state that you regret losing your virginity but you also state it was good for you, drop the fucking delusional bullshit, deep down you hold the same feelings as most everyone else here on the matter, you've been spoiled, you aren't pure, you've lost the ability to develop a branch of intimacy with someone, and because you instinctively know this is true, you lash out with your disgusting "muh experience" bullshit. As I said, I don't personally care much on this subject, but you're the perfect example of why a girls virginity is important, then again you've probably always been a gross mess.

So that's what he meant by this:

Many of us lads lacked strong masculine figures too, so we have that in common. So many boys and girls grow up without a father, let alone a strong father, these days. They even lack strong male figures in schools since like 90%+ of teachers these days are women and the male teachers that do exist have their hands tied lest they upset the little darlings.

We need a lot more masculinity in our culture and society in general. All this SJW liberal BS is all feminine in origin and nature.

lot of projecting from a 1 sentence response. I'm glad you did your part to tear apart the social fabric of our society. Mengele types sure do toy the line obediently at the jew attempt to subvert our culture and lifestyles.

But you are right about your last statement. No one should be hiding their power level when things start to get serious. I don't know who here is a christcuck but give a listen to the good morning white america podcast on the level of redpill you need to get a girl to make her a good wife.

Down a winding pathway in a garden old,

tripped a beauteous maiden,

but her heart was cold.

Came a prince to woo her,

Said he loved her true;

Maiden said he didn't,

so he ceased to woo.

Came a perfumed noble;

dropping on one knee;

Said his love was deeper,

Than the deepest sea.

But the winsome maiden,

said his love was dead,

and the perfumed noble,

accepted what she said.

Came a dashing Stranger,

took her off by force;

said he'd MAKE her love him,

and she did - of course

So you took the virginity of three women for nothing and come here to brag about it.

You have no idea what you're talking about cretin. Biological differences do not stop at the taxonomical level of race. There are also differences within a population.

Sexual strategies lie on a spectrum, with chad/slut on one end, and dad/coy on the other. You observe this in any sexually reproducing species, including humans. "All women are like that" is just a meninist coping strategy. No, the real horror is that not all women are like that, and you're getting the slut you deserve because you're of poor stock.

Quality over quantity.
Two thirds of Holla Forums are grunts and they should embrace that role. Spread the message, but don't reproduce. You have shit genes.

Hilarious views.
Debating on whether or not to make the "movement" attractive to women? Only young, virgins allowed?
Don't bother to twist yourselves up, most white women who want white children also want their white daughters to not grow up hearing that they are destined to be slutty degenerates.
You misunderstand the traditional male / female relationship. If you want a good wife, you must be a man that a good woman would choose. Even the best woman is a shitty wife and mother if she has a shitty husband.

But hey, keep it you way.
One sure way to make sure your intended wife is a virgin is to Get them at 7- kind of like the Muslims do.
Yeah, I went there.

Really, You don't have to accept anything less than your adolescent dream of what your perfect life will be when you grow up.
Instead, you can spend the rest of you life piddling with your doo-dad.
Meanwhile, the women will be with the actual men, having spectacular, strong, intelligent and beautiful white children.

You… you understand my pain.

Jesus fuck….this is how I know we're probably doomed, ya'll niggers will never work together. All we can do is meme the dream, we'll probably never really organize in life because of shit like this. Yeah, I used to plebbit. Found 8ch on conspiracy reddit cause it was entertaining to read that shit. You know what I was doing in 2004 though? Hanging around around the original halfchan shitposting before all the cancer came. I downloaded my first music through Napster and my first porn through Kazaa and limewire. I left the chan because I got tired of the cp and ended up having a real life in school as I learned how to hide my autismo and not spill spaghetti.

So you know what, sorry faggot. Sorry I ever left the chan culture to live life. I'm sorry it took me a decade before I made my way back home. I'm sorry I used plebbit and was brainwashed by the electric jew for most of my life. Sorry I figured out how to hide my autism and actually interact with people so they think I'm normal. I'm sorry I'm not as 1337 leet h4xor as you will ever be….is that what you want to hear??

You fucking ignorant stupid faggots….thank god there are real bretheren around here that have more of an in depth world view then that of their mothers basement or this place would be just such pure garbage. You think no normies belong around here?? You think that since I've only been on pol for a year and a half that I'm garbage and not worthy? Well, fuck off nigger. Someone is going to have to be the face and voice of our movement someday, and it sure as fuck isn't going to be some sperging autistic faggots that mumble like king nigger. It's gonna be well spoken eloquent "normies" that found their way home like me. Kike.


Won't be a jew like you either. Go back to reddit. Your fucked up jew brain writes up posts that are too neurotic for this place. I suggest you don't have any children since they'll be fucked up faggot jews like yourself. Think of suicide and actualize upon those thoughts.

Large age differences inevitably lead to promiscuous behaviour. The more monogamous a society, the closer the age of the spouses at marriage. Ancient germans married in their early twenties and both the man and the woman were the same age. Promiscuity was low. The ancient Romans married girls at puberty to men ranging from 25 to 50 years old. This created a huge imbalance in the social dynamics, and expectedly, the Romans were notoriously degenerate.

You have the brain of a sandnigger. You advocate for a custom that would lead to gorrilla-tier tournament mating, not monogamy. Monogamy is the basis of civilisation.




This is not the historic and evolutionary mating pattern of Germanic Europeans. This is the mating pattern of niggers, chinks, sandniggers, turkroaches, and slavs.

It inevitably leads to tournament mating and promiscuous behaviour. This is why slav women are a lot sluttier than western women. And yes, they are. The traditionalism is mostly a facade. And they are so overtly traditionalist because they understand that this is bad and are trying to tone it down. It's not working that well, because nature supersedes nurture.

Blood rules culture.
Inferior blood creates inferior behaviour.

Russia has some of the highest rates of STDs in the world. Did you know that? Of course you didn't. Russia is full of whores, not good women. This is even truer of the rest of the world.

Women are meant to get married as virgins. Women who have had several partners are sluts and deserve to be ridiculed and shunned in society.

Holy-fucking-shit, fuck off back to reddit.

Heh, it's so easy to spot your kind. You want to fit in at all costs, but you simply don't belong to here, so you want to alter the place itself.

Former internet relationship feels

Literally made that statement earlier

No. If you've taken more than 1 dick before you can fuck right off, whore.

Enjoy your AIDS.

Where exactly are you planning to find virgins?

It's probably more feasible to wait for /monster/ to become real.

The ideal is a virgin, perhaps, but reality is more complicated. Whoever you marry will be a Human. They will be imperfect, as will you.

The major trait you need in a woman is stability. Find as stable a woman as you can.

Well Step 1 was getting Trump elected, like what 42% of women voted for him? I'm sure most of them were older, but its a sign that times are changing.

Unfortunately for us men, we'll have to deal with damaged whores that have came back from brainwashing so our children can marry qt pure virgins. All of us NEETs, all of the MGTOW faggots, all the chads, fuck even the beta /r9k/s /v9k/ now? kek need to suck it up and realize that the women of the modern age have mostly all been ruined. Sure there are pockets of traditional girls out there, but good luck finding them. Families encouraging marriages need to come back instead imho. Not arranged marriges, but highly encouraged ones where the two families select their children to wed.

Listen to this user fem-goyim. If you ever had sex before you swallowed a red pill, then you stand nothing to gain from supporting nationalism. Why try to improve and bother swallowing more red pills? You're no longer a virgin, forever tainted and will never be part of making america great again. In fact, you might as well kill yourself since no white man would want to have children with you. Not like your vote for Trump mattered.

The majority of white women voted for Trump.

This speech is epic

I know perfectly well how the r/K model works. What I am telling you is that every woman will fuck around if she is not penalized for it. There are some who have a higher threshold, but ultimately they will all fuck around if they can (and must, if they wish to have any chance of finding a mate in today's society).

You faggots need to be a strong and attractive. Women love leaders and leaders are made by 3 months of starting strength and lurking on TRP, don't you beta faggots know anything? You need to go to church and check out the kid's mass for wife material, you hopeless nu-male faggots. You just neeed to hold frame and all women between ages of 12 and 120 will be yours, regardless of how you look and how much you earn. Women are the cream, we are the milk only, we need to live up to their standards. If you don't get this, you are a fucking MGTOW faggot and you'll be the first to twitch when I kick down your incel-doors on DOTR.


Thanks bro, I'll definitely check that shit out, and also check them holy dubs for ya. Wasn't meaning to project, I just got pissed off because the D&C around here is triggering me a little bit and I took it out a bit on you. I should have known better and assumed your level of intelligence based on your vocabulary but I disregarded that thought and let my sperging take over.

You are quite spot on with me though. I am an anti-jew, a Mischling of sorts. I do definitely toe the line of degenerency and have to balance between the pull of that evil shit that flows inside of me. I'm just glad that a psychopath like myself has found another degenerate psychopath to be with.

And I honestly am glad for you user, you seem intelligent enough that I actually feel remorseful for my shitty comments earlier. You are going gods work and I hope you are blessed with many beautiful and intelligent white children. The truth is I will never have children. Getting fucked as a kid was too much for me. Parts of me are truly broken and I have no intent to fix them. When shit like that happens to a human it closes so many doors to a normal life but unlocks so many others at the same time.

Essentially, I think we both have a place in the 4th Reich, and we're both right in our beliefs. I commend you for your purity and wanting to keep company with the same. Morally, you're what the future of our race needs. I'm the crazy fuck that wouldn't hesitate to genocide 6000 million in order to ensure a future for humanity among the stars. Hell I'd be overjoyed to take part in a project that designed a killer virus with only a vaccine for the chosen few, lifelong dream right there fam. My hate and the evil stamped upon my heart seems almost limitless at times. And if the adage is keep your friends close and your enemies closer, what not better then flowing in my own veins?

I guess all I'm trying to say is please don't discount us degenerates. And please don't discount the degenerate grills that compliment us so well. It's like the africa for africans andasia for asians cooypasta. Purity for the pures, whores for the defenerates. But the point is we're all still white. If I can contribute to the future of our race and the future of a 4th Reich with my waifu then there really is no need to regard her as a whore and any less pure then a virgin. If she fights the right fight what makes her any less noble? We just enjoy different things fam, I'm just wanting us all to be on the same page for the coming battles and war we must fight instead of being divided as a white race over silly things like sexual history. I believe we both have our place, we both have our own right, and we all may fight together. For imagine a scenario where a degenerate grill like mine may end up saving the life of your pure waifu on the battlefield someday. We are an alloy, our hate and power is made up through its collective strength granted by multiple elements, we are not just one.

That's not how it works.
The problem is quality not quantity.

Embed, newfag.

This. Don't demand a good woman unless you are a good man.

Well then, you should have known that you're advocating for a dysgenic mating pattern. Seems knowing the facts is not enough, you also have to make inferences.

You are basically advocating for the muslim mating pattern. The arab world is a shit-hole in no small part because of it. We will not conquer the stars if we act like primitive subhumans.

Why do you faggots think having more girls on Holla Forums will give us more legitimacy ? We're on the right side of history, we don't need token vaginas to make us feel better about it.
It's a rethorical question, I know well that this thread is D&C bullshit and JIDF honeypot

A higher percentage of white women voted for Romney than for Trump. Stop bringing up election results in this discussion. It's beyond retarded.

cant embed at certain time in video.

Its Richard Spencer at NPI. This was the best speech of the day.

There's no reason to shame women constantly. We are all kind of fucked up and we all need to work to be better.

Expecting women to be virgins is a bit to much to ask. Expecting them to not fuck strangers, is not.

Now, I don't consider this to be "cucking our standards". Or at least not for me. I don't care if a woman have had *one or two* previous boyfriends. As long as she's about long term relationships, I'm fine.

That said, we shouldn't change our standards to please women. We should change them because they are wrong, or useless. Never for them.

Because it doesn't validate your gay MGTOW fantasies?

Trump was running against literal feminist avatar glass ceiling breaker and white women STILL chose white identity over that.

Just embed and tell us where to start. Also Dicky Spencer is a faggot.

Women have to be virgins, there's a reason it was done this way in the past. Yes it will be hard to change society, but no one said it would be easy. Now either go back or lurk more.

I know this is late to the party, but this thread is pure cancer.
It's obvious that we will do what we always do, which is do what ideologically we know is right, and not worry about how others take it.

MGTOW is Jew feminism for men, and should be discouraged, but remember that Trump isn't WN, and most of those white women are old. Don't exaggerate how good women are.

Why are you trying so hard to have a redneck accent through text


no such thing, rule 30 motherfucker

I'm not MGTOW you brain dead subhuman trash. More white women voted for Romney than trump. IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER!

Trump is the ultimate anti-MGTOW candidate and that's why they will be BTFO. MGTOW's started this whole decline in population, they are what's wrong with modern mating culture. Our women earned better.

MGTOW didn't start anything. They're just a symptom to a disease.

He's closer than any politician since 1900z. Trump won because of white nationalism. That's why the rust belt broke for him for the first time in nearly three decades.

Millennial white males are colossal faggots too. Aging is redpilling.

My point is MGTOW and their faggot ilk want you to give up on women. This seems pretty clearly a change of tactics.

great thread kike

This is why the USA is a mistake. Instead of an actual people it only has hwites and niggers and gooks, and look at the results.

Hah, you guys are all hilarious. Glad I could trigger ya'll so easily. I may not "fit" in around here, but I was checking dubs when you faggots probably hadn't even hit double digits in your ages yet.

Check this shit out right here niggers. You may make assumptions about me and think whatever you want but I'd guarantee my life and that of every white soul on this planet that the hate in your heart pales in comparison to mine. You can tell me to die and get off your board, but I'll just tell you to get on my level.

You're a retarded cuck aren't you? You shouldn't take about something you know nothing about because people who aren't retarded and know about the subject matter will call you out on your bullshit.

Romney ran against a black guy you daft MGTOW kike.

Trump ran against a fucking white woman who has been pushing feminism longer than you've been alive, specifically to the aging white women who ended up voting with their husbands.

It matters.

It does though, it says a lot about modern feminism and "muh vagina votes"

No it's not.
There is literally no reason to have sex unless you want kids, that's why you save for marriage. If a woman is that unstable to think "lol hey this might make me pregnant and give me diseases that might make me infertile for the rest of my life but who cares it'll feeeeeelllll good", then she's not wife material. She's an idiot.
If you think it's fine to have sex before marriage, then where does the bar drop? Having sex with someone you've been dating for 3 months, 2 months, 1 month? Friends? Strangers? It doesn't matter, the hymen is already popped, she has no reason to keep saving it for anyone.

Well I guess more meme magic means more virgin girls.

How does that change the fact of whether a woman is marriageable or not moron? I'm not at all a MGTOW. You're a plain idiot, simple as that.
Modern feminism is a joke nobody actually cares about. Just like MGTOW, feminism is a symptom not a cause. You don't need to study election results to figure that one out.

You're blue pilled as all fuck.

I can smell your virgin-incel rage from here, faggot. Getting laid is the easiest thing in the world and you can't even do that. I'm tired of Jews and MGTOW's blaming our women for things they didn't do. Hitler and Dr. Pierce warned us about this, these traitors that will point their dirty fingers at our innocent, infallible women and make up lies about them. All the instagram whores and race mixing Stacies you faggots are crying about are Jews and have always been Jews. If you weren't such beta faggots, Christian virgin 9/10's would be falling on your lap left and right, begging to clean your kitchen and give birth to your White children.

True, but he's still a ways away.

What are you smoking? He won because he wants to crack down on illegal immigration (The Wall) and because he appealed to working class whites with his populism. He isn't WN - he said he likes legal immigration, and he's fine with spics and niggers.

They broke for him because he was anti-free trade and anti-globalist.

True, MGTOW is for men what feminism is to women.

makes no sense. even someone who went MGTOW for 10 years and then marries at 40 y.o. and has kids+family is still ok according to rules of nature.

I like the word, and it distinguishes myself from 99.9% of other anons on here. Unlike most others around here I look forward to the day we may reveal ourselves. And I'd like to hold onto that one trait on case it might help identify me sometime. Ya'll hear dat?

Ugh huh, my noble German ancestry means nothing. And like jews fucking their own children only happens in America. Nigger please, you're arguments are very low energy. I think outside the box because I've never known anything other then "abnormal". If you think most major game changers throughout history are normal well adjusted people that aren't fucked in the head you need to study up a bit lad. It's crazy fucks like me that change the world.

I have a question. Is it bad for 20-25 years old lady to be still virgin until the marriage?

can't speak for all but in my eyes it's pretty much ok

Kikes like you are always claiming women are natural sluts, race traitors, etc. The election is proof otherwise.

Yes you are; only they get this mad about this.

You seriously have nothing at this point, do you?

MGTOW, like feminism, seeks to drive a wedge between the sexes, encouraging them to give up on the other sex, and not procreate. Of course, should a man turn away from MGTOW at 40, he's fine because men age better. Feminism is more destructive since women only need to be under it's influence until they reach about 30.

Girls should be married by 20. Otherwise they're wasting their best years.

Virgin is always good. Why havent you found a noble man at your age?

making equality with feminism is sort of forced. it does have in common pushing for wedges between the sexes, but average male who read basics of mgtow won't be expecting princess snowhite theirmother2.0 to be what they expect of a woman.

they may even get positively impressed after.

It's not you saying, "y'all" that shows us you're unique. You write like a jew. It's full of victimization. This entire thread you've spent most of your time telling us how we're attacking you. And yes your german ancestry means nothing because it's mixed with shit. Just like how Barack Obama is a nigger. If you mix milk with oil then it will be undrinkable.

Honestly you're a faggot jew who got abused as a child and if you ever have children you'll probably abuse them as well. The greatest thing you could do is to kill yourself because on the day that happens the world will have one less jew.

Good enough. Women will sleep around and get trampstamps and those god awful nose piercings, you know which ones I'm on about, because it's what most of society expects from women. Negative Influences.The way you change that is by getting rid of that influence, faggots who make TV shows, the media, and other guys. Most guys today will prefer the easy lay of some ugly fucking skank than to some pure virgin that wants your children and make you food and shit. After that comes placing positive influences over them and that's in the form of nationalism. I don't view any of this as bending over backwards for women since these steps will help men too, and society as a whole.

So it is better than slutty?

I am not interested in the romance yet.

Best years? What do you mean by that?

Yes. I couldn't date a slutty girl and honestly not feel paranoid.

Russia has been ruined by 70 odd years of communism. They've had atheistic cultural Marxism and leftism for a lot longer than we have. They are now starting to reverse the damage but the damage still runs deep.

I say we cuck the whores by only showing interest in what we want them to be. Traditonal virgins.

Thats the only way they will change. Jealousy.

I'm not either of those and I blame no one, but you should really stop being a retard and know what you're talking about. It's like blaming spiders for why your life isn't all that it could be.

This. It's not "extreme measure" and can work.

Frankly you make me feel little bit more confident. The thing is not all lost for me and I hope to have a big happy family one day.

The only solution I can see is to accept the facts on the ground without "forgiving", create some institution that's clearly inferior to marriage (which needs to be fixed anyway, abolishing new fault divorce etc), something like "parenting agreements" which are legally distinct from marriage, that provides whatever certainty is necessary to raise families. It would have much reduced legal privileges in comparison, I mean fuck you could make the expectation of fidelity one way, which would be significant given no-fault divorce is gone.

Once you've done that you then say:
Sorry sluts, marriage is for 19 year old virgins, not for you, but if you can find a guy there's this.

White race survives, sluts are shamed appropriately and aren't publicly forgiven, and the next couple of generations see it.

By the time you turn 30 you are virtually infertile compared to your teens and 20s. Your children are also more likely to have developmental problems if you do manage to get pregnant.

Anything is better than slutty. SLutty is vile. Diseased. The opposite of innocence.

You females are so twisted by kike media its amazing.

A 30 year old virgin woman is still better than a 18 year old college slut who likes getting gangbanged by fratboys.

I don't know about that but I and my siblings don't have any developmental problem when my mother had them at late age. Maybe It's luck.

That goes under not providing them negative influences, it's a good one.

I suppose it depends on the individuals own discretion on how high they want to go as long as they know there's increases chances of issues the older they go, virgin beats slut on all days that end in Y.

Been doing this for a long time, since highschool or so. Its more habit than anything now. Every time some cunt goes off on a tangent about an ex or some wild party or how smashed they got that one night, every time they dye their hair some funky color for whatever reason or some other stupid peacock bullshit I write them off and they become almost entirely undesirable to me.

Kind of wishing I could stop, I'm 25 and still have my v-card and its starting to feel like I've wasted a lot of opportunities to turn some sluts around or something although I guess that could just be my libido screaming at me.

They do get jealous for a while and step their game up a bit but honestly the game for women is completely different and it really doesn't work for long enough to change them. They can always find some beta cuck to stroke their feelings and talk about dumb bullshit while they fuck a chad.

No, that's not significantly bad at 30, but after 30 it accelerates rapidly.

People getting married in their late 20s and early 30s are leaving it too late because the window is closing by the time they start trying to have kids, but the actual problems increase exponentially after 30 not by 30.

That is a very good news for me. I am satisfied with the answers from the anons, thank a lot.

With this and the out of africa bullshit, why should I take science seriously at all?

Why should we care about what women think? They are women. They exist to breed and raise children. If they can't do this properly because they spent their time whoring around instead of looking for a suitable husband, they're useless.

How is this even a question? You leave the whores out to dry.
unless they posted time stamped tits, they see kikes pretending to be women, you fucking faggot,

You really should get into anatomy/biology a little more lass

You, unlike us, are literally on a ticking clock and no it's not just "50 -> menopause".

Nature says you should have kids from 16 to 30, ideally.
(also every time you have sex you retain up to 4% of genetic material from the partner - being a slut is the worse thing you can do to your offspring, yourself and the males in your life)


user as much as I shill for chastity, flies are not human.

That is not possible. I fail to see how that works.

yeah the idea of trying to make "the movement" woman friendly is beyond retarded.

We'll get more women trying to "get involved" now because we're really beginning to win now, Trump is president and our movement expanded exponentially throughout the campaign and keeps getting bigger, the women are coming in BECAUSE we're winning.

You don't become powerful and win because women are in your movement, you get more women in your movement as a result of it becoming more powerful because they'll always suck up to whoever is in charge and whatever is in line with the dominant culture and social trends. Kikes corrupt our culture they corrupt women, but when our counter-culture starts taking over…

dont settle for trash. Patience pays off.

Click on my ID and read my posts. I claimed the opposite. Go fuck yourself. Like I said: you're a fucking paranoid retarded monkey.
you'll find more if you google "retain genetic material after sex". Honestly the subject needs more research but thats hard to happen with it being politically against the current cultural climate in the west.

You too asswipe. Click on my ID. Read through everything I said. You're projecting so hard you might as well work in a cinema.

Fuck off.

So you're a tripfag too pussy to use a tripcode. Big fuckin surprise there, buddy. Your kind stand out like a sore thumb here. It doesn't matter whether the way you try to establish an identity with a reputation is a tripcode, avatar posting or faggy use of English - it's clear as day you post not to make a point, but to whore for validation. And the way you argue is not using reason and evidence, but trying to establish an identity with authority.

There is no fucking way you're an oldfag. Even if you were on the chans whenever, you clearly never got the memo as to what anonymous imageboards are for. On here, it doesn't matter who we are, what we look like and whether or not we have a cock. It doesn't matter if I called you a faggot in another thread, or if you sperged out last week and made a fool of yourself. The only thing that matters is what you're saying right now. If you cannot blend in and be an user when posting on here, you do not deserve to be here and receive our attention. Because all it takes is having enough strength of character to just commit that one act of humility, to give your effort up as user's without receiving anything in return. And the beauty of it - you could ditch this bullshit and come back with a new ID as user. No one would ever be the wiser. And only then your voice will be endowed with any authority - as much as everyone else's. The authority of value.

Exactly. This is why we should be careful with anyone shilling for the 'pleasing women' angle. Women ruin everything, if you let cause any sort of change in the movement. History has proven it countless times.

Welcome the women, but keep their influence at exactly 0%.

OP here, this thread made everything clear. I was softening my stance when I made it but after reading every post ITT I'm certain now that quality is everything. Without it we aren't even Aryans.

We need to set a new standard for the girls of the future.

How would you know without an independent judgement coming from someone other than yourself?
You clearly haven't experienced development in any way other than your own.

Truth is you may be affected and not know it, or may be lucky enough not to have been affected.

Am not shitposting nor trying to make you feel bad, there's sources online with proof.
Scientist gf showed me this summer; quick search:

etc etc. you can look it up yourself

When you fuck a slut, a jew in some tall building strokes his nose and laughs.


I agree. A smart, hard-working woman that submits to her husband is key to a good marriage and will be a great mother and teacher to her children.
But I find the emphasis on virginity to be perplexing. So long as she doesn't fuck around just for the fun of it and takes relationships seriously she's a good woman. We cannot expect virginity to marriage in this day and age. Consider yourself extremely fortunate if you do meet a good woman who is a virgin.

Ok anons,

So far in this thread we have established that virginity is the most important trait anyone can have and that they should only give it away on their wedding night.

I haven't seen this asked before in this thread, however:

Where should I be looking to find suitable women for marriage who are not only virgins but mentally sound (and ideally attractive too)?

People like commonfilth suggest a non-pozzed church is an ideal place to start looking, and I've seen anons say before that you should look in places where you'd expect your wife to inhabit, eg book shops.
I can assume inner-cities are basically a no-go zone for us in terms of what we're looking for, right?

It's not like we're asking for much.

Somewhat fit
Somewhat decent face
No drugs/alcohol problems
Same age or younger
Not a degenerate
And redpilled on race/jews

I mean besides being redpilled that was like every fucking american girl in the 60s and earlier.

The way I see it, virtue and purity are goals to aim for, but they are also a scale rather than a simple black or white inquiry. A 100% innocent virgin young woman who is an expert in household duties, music, etc. and values tradition is perfect, but there's a huge realm of gray area in between that and a trashy drug-addled whore. The reality is that 99% of women (and men as well) fall somewhere in this gray area, and I think holding out for perfection is ultimately a recipe for disappointment and failure. In reality no human is perfect, everyone has sinned at some point in their lives, and meeting a wife you can spend the rest of your life with is about finding someone whose virtues you love and whose flaws you can live with.

Additionally, it's worth asking yourself whether you live up to your own standards. Everyone is free to seek the perfect woman, but if you want to succeed in doing so you should also be the perfect man: handy, fit, well-employed enough to support a family, etc. The closer you are to the male ideal, the closer to the female ideal you'll be able to attract.

This man knows what's up. and after reading through the thread, I'd say a lot you are at fault for the very things you bitch about. People on Holla Forums have friends with benefits? Why? Quite frankly that's disgusting and you're only using each other for immediate gratification with no higher purpose than self pleasure. You're fucking hedonists and are not helping our cause.

Another thing I never understood is why you fags think you automatically deserve a waifu like that. Doesn't Holla Forums push for a meritocracy? i can tell you right now that if you're bitching about not having a 10/10 qt and how much you deserve one you probably don't deserve one. Quite frankly, this seems like the new evolution of the "I'm a nice guy" meme. I have a friend who is 25 years old. He still lives with his parents in the same room he did when he was 13. He occasionally bitches to me about not having a 8/10 gf he won't settle either, in his words. I literally have to remind him that a woman doesn't want some guy going nowhere in life, who doesn't take care of himself and has no drive to leave his parents home. He gave my fiancé and I the nice guy spiel once, and she literally laughed in his face. I have to wonder how many of you are like him.

Buddy, it's called having standards, and I commend you for it.

I'd like to issue you some advice(s)

1. You won't find what you're not looking for. You have to date with the express purpose of finding a good wife.

2. Needle in a haystack cuts both ways. Yes, good women are rare, however, just as the difference between a needle and straw is immediately obvious, so is the difference between good and bad women, if you know what to look for

3a. Communicate openly. Be yourself and don't hide what you want or think. You cannot hope to assess someone honestly, if you yourself are being dishonest. These links describe it well. (Forgive the pua degeneracy)

3b. Communicate openly. Probe with open questions, such as "what do you think men bring to relationships?" "what do you think of the state of male female relations?"
If she deflects, or pulls out Lefty stuff, break it off.
This is the hardest step for most, but you already have standards which you use to discriminate, so I expect you to find it easier.

The aim is to quickly discount unsuitable women with quick dates, so that you can rapidly find a "needle"

I think the mission of our generation must be to kill off the Jews and their culture. This has to happen, we don't have any choice. The birth rate will recover once their influence is removed.

Beware of the subversive nature of the ones posing as ((women)) on here. Stay true to the Titsorgtfo-formula, anyone being ready to call themselves women on an anonymous board is not to be trusted, they got an agenda.

We have to pull off both. If we don't create families and a new generation, the kikes have won.

no you fat bitch

Agreed. Everyone here talks about their perfect qt3.14 virgin wife but they most likely lack the inner strength, discipline, skills and maybe even fitness to attract such a woman. Improve yourself, practice virtue, and never stop fighting the jew and his schemes.

True, but we must also breed to raise the next generation of white children. We must pass on not only our genes, but our struggle.

Okay okay… this mean the ladies can be blood tested to find out how many they had sex with the men? If it is possible then I think it is useful to invest in the blood test technology to advance even further. Men need a portable microchimerism device detector or something to allow them to select the potential woman with the peace of mind.

I have no idea what image of Holla Forums you have in your headspace nor how you would expect anyone reading your drivel to know either. Most of Holla Forums is not whining that they don't have a taylor swift as their gf. They're whining about how fucking degenerate and disgusting common culture has become in this country. I don't see why you think it's appropriate or even accurate to compare people who know who our race's enemies are to some faggot you probably just made up.

Honestly I hope your fiance and you are white and have children who are raised well and you didn't just make that up to troll. Hope your fiance is redpilled and has been made aware of the problems of society else you're going to be throwing some dice at the wall.

Yes, goes for me aswell. 24 years old, virgin. It wasn't by choice when i was in the late teens, simply because i was a lonely weirdo with no confidence. Picked myself up around 19 and has had many women trying to get me, but the problem is to find one that's not someone elses used up garbage.

It's like, nowadays i rather be alone than end up with a woman i don't think is a suitable mother, would've been the otherway around at 18 and just looking for a fuck, but not now, i've found peace with the self-sacrifice of not fucking anyone i don't want to have kids with.

There is something called a Jehova Witness meeting. Its alway full of virgin unmarried women who will gladly marry another real christian man. The catch is you have to become a real christian, believe that jesus died for your sins and that he is your lord and saviour and your only route to eternal life. But thats not too hard if you really want a good wife and a nice life + no worries of death.

Unfortunately it's impossible due to laws, not lack of tech.
Women need to allow consent for such tests.

Also it's not a given, it's possible, there's a chance of retaining a variable amount every time - kinda like it works with stds

The article linked had a good suggestion about not responding with logical solutions, but just show understanding. Fucking other girls I would not condone though.

There is a similar vein of logic in "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" which I would suggest as a good read.

When you find that qt3.14 Aryan wife you need to show that you are also up to snuff, and can make her happy for the futuer.

How old are you guys? I was 18 when I met 15 year old gf. We're still together and now she's 18 and I'm 20.

Pretty good arrangement imo. She did have 1 partner before me, but it was her bf of 1.5 years.

THIS is what Im tryibg to say its not hard at all to find a 9/10 trustworthy christian wife, unless youve cucled your mind with evolution or some other bullshit. Just let god be your head so you can be the head of the family, or stay a cucked faggot and cry aboyt it and curse god for making you into a faggot when really you can be whatever the fuck you want to be you cringey fucks in this thread, especially the MGTOW homos theyve literally been cucked way too hard.

Women will be the last hurdle.

In fact, only the most pure will join. That's a small amount.

Nice double dubs. You have roughly 53% likelihood hood of not divorcing.

Nice double dubs, I'm probably not getting legally married until marriage laws change tho. Also my state doesn't have common law before you go asking.

Another faggot who doesnt get it.

H-how did you meet her?

GL to you padawan-user

False statement mate. That's true if:

Millennials have better stats than boomers thus far - in regards to marriage; although their marriages are all more recent ofc.

Also he's not married, so his chances are actually shit. It's far more likely either that a) he'll fuck up horribly b) she'll leave him for the cock carousel

Get them drunk and accidentally cut the skin themselves. They will not remember afterward anyway.

That's rather shameful. It will be useful for the mates to test their future mates with the portable dna tester. Thank for the interesting information user.

Has to be bait. If really 14yo girl virgin you have the best men to choose from. Don't fuck it up on a young man or waste away too long either. Find marriage material.

We met at school. If you're a girl it won't be hard at all, but please be careful that you don't get pumped and dumped like a lot of younger girls do. You're used to being smarter and having the upper hand with guys your age, but older guys hold the cards if that's the route you want to go.


A great many larping faggots on this board seem to think that insistense on their own virginity will somehow turn women towards them as domesticated saints. Aint gonna happen. Get your dick out there or get nothing. Find yourself a slut and fuck her monogamous. Thats how it works and thats how its always worked. Women who cant find a good man will always turn into sluts. But you sure as fuck arent helping anyone by sitting on your own idealised virginity, waiting for saint hitler to grant you a virgin.

Sometimes you get just as pathetic as muslims.

Once again I'll explain the problem to y'all. It's two tiered. For normal working class whites, the problem is you can't raise a family on single income. My father was one of 4 children, all raised on a single salary that my grandfather earned by working in a factory. They weren't rich by any means. But they had a small house, a car, and nobody went hungry, either. That shit doesn't fly nowadays. The Judenfetzen treadmill means a man can't support a family on a single income, and women can't properly raise children and don't respect us for it. If men are looking for a qt waifu who will grant them a legacy, women are looking for financial stability and protection, which seems fair. But our ability to provide that has been hobbled by the Jewish control of the monetary system.

Now for you and me Holla Forumsack the problem is a little different. Once you get above 135, 140ish on the IQ scale, you don't just think how normal people do faster, but thinking becomes qualitatively different. We're basically mutants or aliens. We are not good fits into normie society, and we need a voluntary eugenics program to be established by the government to be tailored to our needs. We basically need a one deviation IQ lower female to help us interact with consensus reality. But that isn't easy to find without a coördinated, intentional system at work to help us find a compatible white partner who meets those requirements.

Hopefully now with Trump we'll get some fairer marriage laws. Best of luck to you user.

These marital digits are out of control

So your girlfriend was 13 or 14 when she lost her virginity in middle school, that's pretty sad that she couldn't even make it through middle school without whoring. Then as soon as she got to highschool, you, Captain Save-A-Hoe, swooped in on that before she got the chance to fuck 20+ guys during her highschool career.

Pretty rough that, even getting them THAT young, you can't get a virgin.

Pic related, newfriend.

Mighty Kek resonates wit me today.

They'd sue the shit out of you if they found out (would happen 100%, plenty of retards among males); and you'd likely be made an example of.

No fam, the problem is the second part.

THIS is modern warfare, not planes, nukes or whatever…but this is another topic


Use the ladies to swap the blood from them and claim it that they believe them to be infected and are possibly infecting other intentionally. Many sluts have stds and are likely spreading knowingly so wouldn't that make it hard for them to sue?

user, learn to read.

over 30s aren't millennials

Also lurk moar

Millenials were born between 1980-2000 by most definitions

If you need a blood sample, there's no way.
If there was a device capable of detecting microchimerism traces through DNA analysis then perhaps a hair would do…and that's easy to acquire, people loose them naturally without even noticing all the time.

user, use your brain. The vast majority of women don't marry until their 30s. Marriages in which both parties are too young are bound to end in failure because of financial issues.

They are found in the organs and blood but the hair? I don't know. I have to research on that for more information.

correct, if you aren't a virgin yourself, how can you demand virginity from a wife? That's total hypocrisy. If you've fucked a ton of people, you deserve a wife that has done the same.

I am going to bed now so have a good nite to all anons.

You retards are missing the fact that you could just dump the cunt of she refuses.

that's just plain false.

That is too. there's a trend continued through time heading in that direction but most women have their first marriage before age 30.

Given the increasing rates of divorces, rates of marriages of over 30s also increase. In fact divorced couples are much more likely to divorce again and again and again.

Don't mix datasets, user. You'll end getting confused.

Might be late to chime in but, from what I am seeing, the newer generation girls are seeing older ones do the slut thing and end up being single at 30. After one generation of unhappy sluts, the new generation sees this and dont want to ejd up like them so they are changing their behaivor. Ancedotal i know, but I am seeing less youn people at clubs and bars and more doing school group things.

Keep ignoring the sluts and let em die alone. Its working. Wimen willcontinue to act like that as long as we are ok with it and allow it.


Food for thought: have any of you heathens taken part in the degrading of these young women? If so, then why would a father of a "sacred virgin" want to give you his beautiful and pure daughter's hand in marriage? News flash: girls that stay pure until their wedding night likely have a father that has protected them from men that steal virginities. Her father will say no to you, because you have degraded yourself to whores and made whores of aspiring wives. Take the log out of your own eye, before getting the spec out of others.

No you

You're a fucking mongoloid incapable of rational thought and probably suffer from several very significant mental disorders. Leave this place, heathen.

I'm not arguing that it's a good definition, but it's a common one. I'm a '96er myself and consider myself and my peers generation z

I've noticed this too. Being a partygirl has very negative connotations these days. Sluts were never popular at my school


I'd say Metlife had the best definition persoannly

Thank you for this. Truly.

And thank you too, however, I'll have to unapologetically decline your request my friend. This Mischling has much to do, but have no fears. As alluded earlier I have no intentions of ever breeding. Death is the only legacy I seek to entwine myself with.

You're right. I wanted to think you were wrong but the above referenced responses made me rethink my stance. I was quite wrong. I'm a degenerate mixed blood and I was projecting my own depravity seeking validation through victimization. I have no right to try and say what is just and proper as standards for progeny of the true Aryans. I'll never be one of you. I'll never really fit in. But I will fight for you. Betray my blood and kill for you, for the sake of humanity and our future among the stars I'll die for you, for truth and justice. tbh, I just want to fight alongside you brothers and be part of a real fam. If you'd have me, Kek be willing. Lord knows I'd rather fight along with you shitlords then ever let my intellect help (((them))).

Sure thing, Keith

there is a lot of confirmation bias in this thread. yes plenty of women are degenerate and beyond redemption but the other extreme exists as well. you don't see or hear about the other extreme just like you don't hear or see about massive automobile accidents that never happened.

there aren't that many "ideal" women but there aren't that many of us either. there are even fewer ideal "men" in a way, considering all that's required of men to be considered good, decent men. a woman can just be cute and not spread her legs and in our eyes she would be wife material, pure, etc. but as men many of us have a lot of work ahead of us to reach the potential we should be striving for.

what I mean to say is this: don't judge women on the jewtube filter of the world. plenty of girls don't post on social media (I have met several) and aren't promiscuous. I even have girls in my family who are virgins looking for husband material. they're out there, believe me. working on yourself is the most rational and positive use of time in my opinion. debating "what to do" with the degenerates is so asinine. it feels like one of those "what would you do if.." middle school questions, arbitrary and based in fantasy. no one is going to flip a switch to have traditional family values be the norm again. we are a small part of the population and yes our similar minded female equivalents are also a small part of the population, but ridiculous exercises like these don't generate healthy debate or even help us deal with the larger problems at hand. work on yourself and find a good woman. there are millions of virgins available and plenty more being produced.

I've been driving for almost 10 years. I have never seen a accident but I've seen more divorced people then I can count. That's not much a analogy


Here i am with no debts. 45k yr salary. Have home. Paid off my car and dont drink or smoke. Only women i cam find are ones with a long history or failed relationships. Id rather go solo than deal with this.

yet you've met people who never got divorced, too. why do you pick one little semantic part of the post? how many times have you heard "no accidents on this road today" on the news compared to "there was an accident here today"? a traditional virgin girl isn't "exciting" to normal people today compared with a sex-crazed slut. you knew exactly what I meant yet you picked and addressed the most superficial and arbitrary part of my post.

this I wish everyday that the meme about pure slavic women would die
they are getting pozzed much quicker than western ones marrying muslims and nigs

Your 'German ancestry' means nothing if you had defective genes from your slutty ancestors. Mentally ill people aren't allowed to breed at all or at least they should be permenantly both controlled with brain surgery to prevent future degeneracy and rape.

every single time a thread like this pops up this is all that happens. guys who think they're decent cry about not finding decent girls. stop being a pussy and go talk to women and you'll find one. leave liberal areas. be proactive. my best friend met and married a virgin blue eyed blonde haired girl, so I'll counter your anonymous anecdote with my own. what is crying on the fucking internet going to do to improve your life? what is this thread going to do to improve male/female relations? you're better off figuring out ways to fight feminism than impotently crying in a circle jerk thread.

That's anecdotal evidence, user. I'm constantly having arguments with my friend whose opinion is close to yours. But he doesn't fucking know what's going on in college dorms and nightclubs, he hasn't seen it, he still lives in his little bubble thinking that most girls are decent.

Furthermore, if you're an average looking girl and you're extroverted, you get showered with attention and there's no fucking way to stay a virgin past 18, just no way.

Traditional girls get snatched up early by guys who have money. An average Joe who graduates college at 23 and his daddy hasn't given him any starting cash or landed him a job has no fucking chance with these chicks.

Dude… most mental illnesses are a cause of bad programming, not bad bodies. Though to be fair, bad programming leads to fucking up the body even more.

Yes they are user..

Well user the thing is 99% of women were brainwashed by the hypersexualized propaganda growing up and thought it was okay to behave like that. We obviously can't exclude 99% of white women.

I'd say as long as they didn't burn the coal or been a full fledged slut who has fucked a dozen men, given our circumstance of being on the brink of extinction as a people.

Of course if you want to find your pure virgin, good luck to you. Just understand that 99% of men will not be able to. I think it is our job as future parents to teach our children not to grow up into degenerates like this generation.

Marrying a slut can kill off any prospects for a future for yourself, much less a kid.

I'd rather adopt a kid from a European orphanage then to risk it with a slut, who can take the kid, raise him/her as a SJW all whilst draining my money.

No user, this generation needs to be a lesson for future generations of women. Being feminist sluts results in being a cat lady that is despised by men, period. And there's nothing, absolutely nothing worse than falling for the reformed slut bullshit. They willingly fucked around and had fun doing it, do not think for a second they regret it. They may start regretting it when they start aging, but it's just because it has direct negative consequences, it's not genuine and they don't see that behavior as inherently wrong.

Look up mischling, mixed jewish blood served in the third Reich. Also I've mentioned several times I do not plan on breeding. If you wanna feel mentally superior ref what I said here.

Good job advocating retarded child births, Mr Greenberg.

Fucking retard, my mom had 3 kids all at 30+ and we're all fine. But good luck having kids you can't support like a beaner.

Not really. They have almost all of the power. So consider we create a list of demands of what a woman seeking redemption would need to satisfy in order to be granted re-entry into the racial nation…

Why would she? Why wouldn't she just keep voting for more gibs at the expense of white men?

There is no motivation for her to do that (remember you can't make this appeal rationally).

Hey while we're on vehicles I need a cheap, durable pickup truck, what's the best option there?


folks, let's be real. most of the women on Holla Forums are only here because they discovered that fascist men are amazing, dominant leaders. people look up to us and respect us, so women want us. it's a backwards version of normieland – women signal that they hold the same views we do in some naive hope that we'll love them.

i don't hate that about them as much as i resent their disingenuous signaling. they don't really hold the same values for family that we do but they'll pretend to if it means catching a good man.

but ladies, fascist men know they're better than you. no amount of signaling will bring them to you. no amount of lurking Holla Forums will make you into wife material. they don't want you at all. because you would never be a good wife or mother and these men, above all, want a strong family. to them, you are a failure. no matter how cute you make yourself look, you will always be a child to them. no matter how sexy you try to be, you will always be ugly and pathetic to them. you will always be inferior to a real fascist woman. a maternal woman. fascist men will see through you for the shallow fake you are.

we've made this discussion about sex and virginity but it's more than that. it's about integrity. it's about women being good wives and mothers.

Just saying this is what a lot of people go through. Tell me dr phil. Where do i find a good women if i cant find her inaclub or bar? Want me to break into their house?

I'd just like to say that it's very difficult being a woman in this "movement".
The left violently hates you, since they know what a powerful tool women can be socially. Leftie women are way more vitriolic to right-wing females compared to the men.
It's also a shame that when you encounter like-minded males, most devolve into MGTOW black-knighting. I can understand that being on the chans and encountering a lot of female rejection can do this. There are definitely mentally unstable whores capitalizing off of Holla Forums shit, but prepare to be attacked on both fronts if you come out as a race-realist female.
The only positive is you can really fuck with beta leftie/cuckservative males. They're only more masculine than their women by virtue of having a penis. If you're attractive you can probably at least plant a little racist seed in their mind.

I'm saying this because, like it or not, we need women to join in the fight. White men vs. the world will not work if you're females are programmed to sabotage you. You can't propagate your race without them either. They are very unstable, especially now. It's going to be difficult to get them to switch sides. The browns are doing most of the work by starting to resent them as well. There's nothing better for us than for white women to be kicked off of the rainbow coalition.

Also, the propaganda machine is very focused on battering women's brains than it is men. I experienced it. I can understand why most women gravitate towards the left. They crave social acceptance more than anything else. Downside is, once you overcome the conditioning, the propaganda becomes more demoralizing. Imagine if you constantly saw marketing normalizing sleeping with black men, as if it's expected of you?

You could snag some light duty trucks (ford ranger, dodge dakota, etc) for 2,000 with a lot of life left in them. V6 or 4cyl doesnt really matter but some of them aren't 4wd and if you live where it snows you will need it.

Just stop watching normie jew media.

I have, user. When I am with more normie friends, whenever I see anything promoting race mixing (usually black male with white female) I won't continue to watch. In my personal life, I've cut out mainstream entertainment entirely.

Read a book. Watch alternative media. Shitpost all day. Download and watch only WN approved movies. Write poetry. Take up art/sculpting. Do it for fun, not to be "good" at it. A man wants a female capable of entertaining herself. That's sexy as fuck.

I really don't want to hear any of it.

Boys are having their masculinity stripped from them and treated like malfunctioning girls. Then pumped full of drugs to "calm them down" meanwhile little girls are encouraged academically. Then the boys suffer constant rejection in a chemical fog as "betas" by females who have been programmed to treat them that way.

Then as these boys grow into men they're fed the whole "in order to be good enough you have to achieve and accomlish and believe X" which is nothing more than a hampster wheel of government handouts for women.

The men who shack up and have children, are then further sabotaged by a legak system structured against them… denied promotions they deserve by diversity hiring laws structured against them.

Fuck you for even TRYING to play the victim.

Good. Thats the first step.

Next would be to try and get your normie friends into non degenerate trash. If theu dont wanna keep them at a distancd. They will only bring blue pill problems

99% of this thread is post hoc rationalization of the fact that you're a bunch of losers with no social skills.

Ok. Doesn't mean we're going to marry nonvirgins tho.

no you're just going to die alone

Typical feminist response.

Unfortunately, modern women are thoroughly corrupted and irredeemable garbage. We are going to need to enslave modern women and use them as breeding factories. Then make sure that women are never given rights again. It's really the only solution.

you have it easy. men, and especially right-wing men, are forced to shoulder responsibilities that you've never even heard of. this is why "like-minded males" insult you – because you think you fit in and you don't. because you have it easy and you pretend to have it hard. because right-wing men aren't dipshits like left-wing ones and we see through your bullshit. you aren't a valuable commodity because you aren't any better with your fake virtue-signaling and "i've made mistakes but i'm better now" as any given normie.

we do. the left shills nigger women to us far more than they shill black men to you. and not just niggers but also asians, mexicans, etc.

you're assuming a few things that are incorrect.

1. we don't need you to reproduce. women are inherently submissive. your fake virtue-signaling of "i think the same as you!" is transparent and puts you at the same level as some random broad off the street. sure, real right-wing women are valuable. you aren't that and we know it.
2. we have no problems with finding women. because right-wing men, and especially fascist men, are very masculine, responsible and generally successful and confident. that's why you're here in the first place, isn't it? so don't pretend we're having some tfwnogf dilemma. we're not. it's a "that feel when out of the 1,000 women available to you RIGHT NOW, none of them meet your standards of wife material"

how has that been working out so far? women are totally impotent. the kikes were idiots for thinking that turning them against us in any capacity was a winning strategy. it does them no good when the moment we feign interest in any one of them, even the most hardcore purple-hair dyke, she swoons and does her best traditionalist impression. women will always submit to strong men.

Lol, she was fucking other dudes on the side, you know. All military wives do. I would get DNA tests for your wife's kids just to make sure.

kek. meanwhile, i have 6 women right now texting me because they want to get with me and i don't even want to fuck them. because some day i'm going to find a woman i want to marry, and i don't want to disrespect her by fucking around in the time beforehand. especially not when she'll be the mother of my children.

you're mad because we don't want dumb whores but you want us. keep crying, sour cunt

It's make up, user.

If you normalize marrying young you will see more virgin wives.

Is this some strange combination of christian marriage dreams and copypasta that I do not know about ?

Ok. Better than marrying used goods.

Fucking whores (non-virgins) is not a problem though. It's only contributing to the problem if you deflower a virgin. Don't do that.

no it isn't.

Are you a virgin? If yes, its very easy and welcoming.

If no, then don't make excuses for it, and realize you have baggage and may not find the quality guy you wanted. But a loser in the movement is better than a loser outside of it.

Where I live its hard to find a white person period, so fuck off with your bullshit.

It's also very hard being a man in this movement. Not criticizing you, but saying "women have it hard in the modern age" is not at all true. Most men have it far harder than women, yet do you hear men complain in this thread ? Women need to let loose their fantasies of being oppressed and targeted more than men, because that's what your post basically comes down to. Societally seen, women have power as never before, and men are targeted the most with leftist rage.

Do you think you'll feel welcome when the turbosluts get in charge? They make everything a joke, posting pictures topless with an american flag. Honest woemn are worth a hundred of them. We could also increase our numbers by saying that onanism is an unending well of wisdom, but if we're going to behave like trash we'll end with just trash.

If women are known cumdumpsters, might as well make use of it. Be careful in your decision making howver for you might fuck up a good-hearted girl who would make wife material one day. Treat strange women with caution, and look out for potential red flags that she's a slut or signs which point towards feminine values

sage for double post

If she is not a virgin, then she is a whore and not wife material. Simple as that.

Get a virgin or shoot yourself in the foot down the road

If you can't do that, we'll probably have artificial wombs in the next two decades, we recently successfully created artificial viable egg cells without the input from a female

If I may take this butthurt "femanon"'s response as an aside,

Is it just me or are women petrified at the idea of ever being alone for any length of time? Come to think of it, I have never met a woman who was a loner in any sense. This is further supported by the fact women are the vast majority of people who over use social media not to mention the fact that women are always doing things in groups or require constant social interaction.

Is this another one of those evolutionary behaviors? Women require constant safety in numbers or protection from men to not feel vulnerable on an instinctual level.

These anons have a point. What you should have said, really, is
Your post really shows the ever constant lack of understanding about how women view what it's like to be male, especially today. You can go off about how the kikes want you to poison yourself, and they do, but they want to do it to us too. However, no one is asking your to potentially cripple and/or kill yourself for the betterment of people who hate and resent you, like men are. You get told to fuck black men and experience social pressure/rejection when you oppose it? Oh no, how terrible.We get told to fuck Asians, arab women, and THEN get told we are evil oppressive monsters that deserve castration, imprisonment or death on top of that.
I'm sure I'm going to trigger any feminist and white knight faggots but I have to condescend here and tell you that you women really just don't get it because you have been coddled for centuries.

you're a fucking faggot.

the central lie the left uses to make women into whores is, "men fuck around, so you should be able to also". congrats on proving them right you dumb cocksucker. you are trash with your slut attitude and double-standards. do you think women don't want loyal men? do you think they don't value integrity in men? do you think your slut shaming is at all effective when you're also carrying the same banner as the women you're criticizing?

you are human garbage. kill yourself

Ok I have a qt coworker who has white nationalist values and is a virgin I think. Only problem is she doesn't understand the subservient thing and thinks couples should be in equal standing, both work and compromise. How would I break the last bit of conditioning and convince her that being primarily a wife and mother is better for her, before I get into any sort of relationship?

Not really. Men should save their virginity for marriage just as much as a woman should. Pozzed holes make pozzed dicks. You're just spreading stds from the whores if a non-virgin fucks a virgin.

I dont know. I just broke up with my gf because she kept stealing from me.
Otherwise perfect girl, great looks, nice personality, good intelligence, and a gambling addiction that manifested itself 2 years in.

She was even a virgin.

Also; somehow it was my fault that she always figured out where my checkbook was hidden.

On an unrelated note im going to sue my bank for letting her into my safety deposit box.
Fuck wells jewgo.



Only idiots get STDs. It is not hard to avoid.

you're right of course, but I've noticed an increase in PUA's who think they're anything other than manwhores because it took them a little effort to wet their dick in a club.

Here's a tip, if you think Roosh is anything to aspire to, you're part of the problem. MGTOW, your also a bunch of fags so I don't want to hear it.

We're Unicorn hunters here, and we don't give up 'till we bag one. And we're tired of poachers taking all their horns and faggots giving up the hunt.

Toyota Hilux

Also; casual sex isnt all that fun tbh.

that's a good way to put it. although, good women aren't terribly hard to come by. the real struggle is making ourselves valuable enough. i, for example, want to make myself into someone who will be a great father. the future mother of my children deserves that much

Regard them as dangerous subversives as betas will do anything to get their dicks wet.

Women are naturally whores and will sleep around regardless of what the jew media tells them. The only way to prevent it is with proper patriarchy. If women are prevented from supporting themselves independently, so they need to rely on their father or husband to care for them, then they will refrain from whoring. But if they can get away with it, they will.

And double standards are good. If you think the same standards should be applied to men and women, then you are a feminist and need to kill yourself.

Nigger please
Where in my post did I say it was okay for men to go around and fuck as many women as possible
I am merely saying that it should be okay for men to have relationships with women who are known sluts as they are used goods anyway. Everything needs to be moderated and a man who gives himself to fucking hordes of women is not man but a slut and might as well kill himself for being unable to contain his carnal desire for pussy.

I'm saying it should be okay for men to have had some casual sex with slutty women, but only and only if the women offer it themselves. I don't go to parties or clubs all that often because I prefer the gym and my books but I can imagine that other men get approached or looks from women sometimes. There is nothing wrong with reciprocating on that, as long as you keep it within bounds. Moderation is key. I think men should not have more sexual encounters with women than 5-6 before they eventually find wife material. Setting limits is absolutely necessary.

- Havamal

Also this

haha… what a desperate false accusation! You're a traitor to mankind and that's all you are.

Wake up!! The nature of women has always been known and necessary steps were taken to keep them in check

Threads like this are soo stupid. It's basically a bunch of virgin betas circle jerking about their misfortune.
Alpha Chad Thunder Cock here, I fucked a lot of women from 14-55
I banged white girls, black girls, and Asians.
Never caught an std and have no kids.
Never want kids, never going to have kids.
Abortion is mandatory if her birth control fails.

Man up, and quit being little faggots.
Also encourage all beautiful white people to reproduce, while discouraging ugly white people from reproducing.

Fucking cucks


Lol you gotta earn the right to marry these used up sluts.

I know it's bait but you failed so hard, nigger.

But that isnt really all that satisfying.


fuck off, kike

You need to make her understand how fucking hard you would work for your family. The first thing she needs is a financial security net, otherwise you're not going to convince her to accept a position in which her sons and daughters may go hungry. You may convince her to "want less", but not her kids. And it's not enough to say you'll do it, the easiest way to actually prove that you can provide is making mad dosh, raising a family isn't cheap. The kind of woman you can attract with just money is probably not worth your time, but if you want her to stay at home you need to make a lot of it.

Yeah, you're a real Ubermensch.

If you're going to say that, then we'd might as well bring back the concept of brothels in general. Have it be regulated (i.e. these specific people are the ones with whom to have casual sex) and have a stigma attached to working in such as place as degenerate. (I'm not stating whether or not this is good or bad, I'm merely saying that, should you claim casual sex is fine, then this would be a better alternative because you know who are the used up and you can still shame the action.)

On the off chance that you're not spewing B.S.: Your last sentence is hypocritical. Then you should've procreated with those women and spread your good genes. Instead however, you wasted a bunch of women.

should our women be held to that same standard?

fuck off. you're full of shit, trying to justify your degenerate lifestyle by encouraging it

in fact sex in general isnt all that satisfying unless it has lots of eye contact, kissing and starts real slow and ramps up to extreme pounding.

Its alot better when its with someone you really trust and love.
Idk, casual sex si always a little boring and awkward. The girl seems to like it alot more than me most of the time.

Only 4 and half inch dick and never had a complaint.

It seems to me that alot of what is said about sex and relationships isnt actually true.

All men knew the nature of women in the past. Women are whores, seductresses. Common knowledge for our ancestors.

fuck off, kike

No feminists allowed on Holla Forums.

fuck off, kike

Kinda. They are alot hornier than they act, and area absurdly easy to turn on.

Im not even attractive or charismatic, I just do what I think would work and it does.

Just let your instinct guide you and you will get her.

Now weather you really want her or not…

I still want a good wife, but it can be hard.

Did you just indirectly call yourself ugly?

Nice bait by the way

I'm okay with brothels but only in this age

Let me clarify that what I am advocating here is merely and purely restricted to our modern era. Had this been an age of tradition I would not advocate for casual sex at all, since then I would look for a deserving woman and marry her.

I do think that some form of brothels would be necessary, even in a new golden age or a new fascist era.There will always be those in society who cannot control their urges. As you said, i think casual sex in the golden era would be okay as long as it is contained to certain women and certain places, and men and women would be shamed for going there. Eventually we must seek to create a race of men so strong that all of them will eventually overcome their primal urges and lust for anything but their wifes.


you will never be a good father you degenerate piece of shit and your wife will never respect you

I think casual sex should only be done as a gateway to be with someone.

Surely alot easier that way.

Although if you can find yourself a virgin thats easiest, if you are there first you will be very special to them and they will be yours.

Keep women away from anything that involves card games though.

This is why we wish you'd shut the fuck up. Everytime I see white nationalist organizations invite white female speakers they always say the exact same shit you just said "You need us, be more inclusive to women etc etc"

Once you cunts got the right to vote suddenly everything started to degrade immensely, you really are feels > reals and that can't be tolerated at all. I'll make sure tyrone and mohammed wont rape you but holy shit just sit the fuck down and shut your mouth.

Brother reading what you wrote in this post pained me. Because you are right. But if I can give you any criticism at all it would be this: Do you have no sense of duty at all? Have you become so depressed and demoralised that you entirely forgot your god damn duty?
Find your wife, and then move out to be by yourselves. But to go alone is to forget your heritage and your sacred duty to do what must be done.
Women and motherhood as a whole is broken and tarnished in today's society, but it is still yout GOD DAMN DUTY to find one that deserves you and raise a set of well-mannered beautiful children with her.

Ride the Tiger, user.

B-but user my jewish professor told me its good to watch porn and have sex with many women.

My ultimate goal is having a wife and kids and retreating into the countryside to do some form of manual labour or write books. I am merely accounting for those men whose desires cannot be fixed. Once we will have eugenics, we can start improving upon the Germanic and Aryan race to breed out the weak genes more inclined to give in to carnal desires

Might as well add my input as a in the last poll Holla Forums is apparently made up of 43% women granted most lurk but you cannot deny women have done nothing as you have seen recently with trumps vote with white women. On the topic of virginity it is extremely difficult. Most women even though the current culture prohibits admitting such want to be that sort of loyal traditional ideal because deep down we all know that is what is the most attractive to men but I say the problem is men's fault to begin with and in turn women want a loyal man but most men are highly unloyal. First off men are crazy horny and despite men calling women deceptive how many times have women had to deal with men who never called back after scoring? Studies show that men even the happiest marriages cheat on their faithful wives. How is that for a stab in the back? More than that look at the stats for race mixing. White men are far more likely to race mix than white women are. In fact white women are the least likely to race mix of all but still white women keep getting betrayed by white men. All those years of loyalty meant nothing. White men don't even protect white women from the savage shitskins anymore like they're supposed to and would rather jerk off to shitskins fucking their girlfriends. They're also unmanly as fuck and that's just crazy unattractive as much as you cry about the lack of traditional women where are all the traditional men? But going back it's so hard to stay a virgin now because men keep expecting sex and women give in because they want to trust the man and eventually marry him but men are such cowards. The moment commitment is even mentioned they run for the hills like a nigger and niggers are the most worthless creatures of all unfit to be men as they're always obsessed with shoes jewelry and whining like a bitch or a jew and nobody wants a "nice jewish boy" not even jewish women I know see the That's not what a man is. A man doesn't whine and complain like a nigger or a jew and he does things. A man is silent civilised action and how much action have men taken in the modern era to prevent "cucking"? Historically women were more likely to be trying to stop all cucking policies but that changed in the modern era. I guess it's because white women feel betrayed. Can you blame women for this? Oh and look at the effort guys put these days. All those "numale" looking sissys are crazy unattractive. How much effort do you guys put example into looking hot? Do you even work out? And don't give me that girls think I'm cute excuse either because being a cute guy only works when you're a teenager. Most of you can't even dress properly like almost all men these days. The "men" these days look like huge faggots and no woman really wants that and if she says so she's lying trust me. You can't protect women from the shitskin savages so why do you think you deserve one and a virgin one no less? Men have to change if they want their ideal female and once you do become the ideal man that isn't some faggot numale sissy guy women will start dealing and compromising with you into being the ideal female. Just remember that it's all men's fault too we're in this mess. The biggest actors in cucking policy are all men and their numale spokesmen like those manlet sissy comedians. Now we're living in a world where people can say "white women deserved to be raped" freely by the gross shitskins and white men aren't condemning them beating them up or killing them for even suggesting such a thing in fact the men on both the left and the right seem to be encouraging such a thing. Where are white women supposed to go? I wish we had a female Hitler. You "men" in the current year are fucking USELESS


I loved this from start to finish, very well put. Honest truth.


True. The thought process seems 'it worked on the libertarians, why isn't it working here?' ignoring the fact that lolbergs are a totally different beast.

Every day i remember when Holla Forums is forcing me into married life, when i am useless degenerate with low wage no woman would date, other than a slut for a week, and i won't flatter slut enough to love me, love is non-existent in this world anyway.

Not everyone is molded for this. Not everyone is suited for trying to justify a marriage with a millennial woman for children alone. And nobody can control children those days, to keep their views traditional.

What the point then? To make yourself being stressed all day long about family that will never be faithful? Better be single with nothing to lose, so when you gone gun blazing through offices full of kikes you won't worry about anything.

Also, China is going to make either genetically engineer mates soon and/or artificial conception will become both scientifically and economically feasible. The tech sector is exploding with discoveries right now. If you are over 25 and working I say keep working and in ten years see if there is not some market alternative to women.

if we're going to instill these values in our children, we need to champion them now and not later.

how can we convince anyone to live how we say they should, when we don't? how can we judge others when we don't even meet our own standards?

Seriously, this shit? user has probably been sifting through females for 15 years and you're telling him find a wife like it can be done on a whim? How many 20+ year old females that aren't sluts do you think there are left, especially after you go past 25?

I fucking swear, so many guys just fail to acknowledge the sheer amount of dick riding girls do nowadays. I know, she's so cute and innocent and she must be as pure as she says she is, so surely she's good wife material, amirite?

You live what you preach, i can respect that

nice blog, faggot. impressive that it took less than a dozen sentences fo make it abundantly clear why you're both single and never going to amount to anything.

top autism m8. Idk about you, but I was about 20 before I became redpilled, and it would be ridiculous to hold a girl to a different standard than myself. I'm not advocating wife-ing some whore, but this whole "muh virgin waifu" thing is just silly. It's clear that what we really need to do is find good girls and redpill them, then raise proper redpilled kids, not just find/import some redpilled virgin unicorn

Have fun making yourself worthy to marry a skank with 3 kids and then her leaving you because you suck at sex and can't make her orgasm like Chad did.


fuck off, kike

Shitty posts with:


Are far worse pressure on my brain.

Ive given up.
Even having found a girl who respects her father and believes the patriarchal system is important, shes still got a sketchy history of dubious as fuck relationships, all clearly abusive but she doesnt seem to understand that until its too late.
I think the best we can do now is ensure that the generation we raise is not degenerate, its too late for us, lads, stay on target

this is for our children, not us

wew lad

Even a full-blown college slut is unlikely to have sex with a different guy every week, unless she's some sort of prostitute or drug addict. I understand not wanting a slut, but that's a very strong assumption

really makes me think

Seriously, guys just fucking ignore it. Or they believe a girl when a 25 year old girl says oh I'm an attractive, outgoing girl who likes to travel and have a degree in social sciences, but I've only had 1 bf all my life and didn't have sex with anyone else. These fucking guys are kidding themselves. I mean, I can understand a virgin being this deluded, but we're talking guys who have fucked their fair share of sluts and still think there's some decent girl out there.

I have a friend who has a very, very good job, he's over 6'0, has been fucking sluts around Europe and fucks sluts on a regular basis and he can't for the life of him understand how come there aren't any decent women around.

Falling for the bait

Except it won't. All the degenerates will reproduce and you will not. Great plan Schlomo

Those men who hold themselves superior because they're virgins are retarded, and I say this as a virgin myself. Women having a bunch of sex is a waste of their potential and femininity. Playing video games all day, watching TV, and other forms of pretending like you're not doing jack shit is the masculine equivalent of degeneracy. This is just as much a shallow for life as recreational sex is for women. Women don't have to do anything to get sex, just like you don't have to really do anything to entertain yourself on the internet all day. We're all fucking degenerates to some degree, these are degenerate times in a degenerate culture and few of us if any, escaped this influence entirely.


Top kek, take it from me they do. I was fairly alpha in college thanks to playing sports in highschool and going on a freshman-screwing spree the week before I turned 18 also heavily into MDMA which made me want to fuck like a damn rabbit.
Your modern "woman" acts like a fucking horny dude and screws as much as possible, different guy every week is pushing it, I have seen three different guys at the same party. Shit's way more fucked than most Holla Forumsacks realize, I assume most of you live in rural areas and didn't fall for the college meme though.

Virginity is actually on the rise nowadays. Porn has completely killed the libidos of both men and women and induced social anxiety among them. Its not hard to find a virgin woman now, in fact its actually easier than ever.

Most young white women have either been focused so heavily on their careers that they've not had time for it or they've had their libidos completely shut down by all the porn and estrogen that is in their environment(estrogen causes you to store fat, become, depressed which leads to social anxiety and is a proven testosterone killer for those who have little defense against heightened levels of estrogen)

the men you pursue are the same men that have been with dozens of women before and have no intention of being with you. I know, I recently had to work with such a guy. Tall, muscular, Albanian and only wanted to marry an Albanian. But pursued every woman who was remotely attractive, and many liked it. He was dumb as shit, but he was confident about it, and after he fucked them he never pursued them again.

These women should have smelled a shark, but all they could make out was his cheap cologne.

Did you know the average number of sex partners for men in a lifetime is like four?

2.>Studies show men are more likely to racemix

they are more likely to marry a woman of another ethnicity. Women, however, if you look at those studies, will have "tasted the rainbow" before settling with a white guy.

3.>Men are so horny and expect sex!
see my number one

4. >men suck, men are the reason everything sucks

are you a member of our moment or a feminist in denial?

5. >you can't protect women! You're useless!

if you're talking Europe, you voted in women to power who has made what you are proposing illegal. And even when men do precisely what you want them to do, well, here.

returnofkings is shit, but I can't find the story anywhere else.

Also, another man helped a woman get out of a gang rape in germany, and she left him to get stabbed and beaten to death by the mob. Having trouble finding it, but that is happening frequently. You aren't making compelling damsels

Do you live under a rock? Look at the world sex nowadays, is like going to a movie or playing a board game at home, it's recreation, no love, no compassion, no cares or worries.

Again, stupid feminist reasoning. Women should be held to different standards because they are different. Rid yourself of this false egalitarian reasoning.

yeah anyone who uses the word alpha is a moron who measures his dick with a ruler and thinks the big numbers represent yards.

Well what other word is there to describe the notion of being an "alpha male" ie someone who is massively assertive and confident.
Maybe imageboards have rotted my brain but I genuinely can't think of another way of saying that.
nice nigger tier logic.

You're making a false equivalency here. When we're talking about sexuality, people who control themselves and don't give in to every animal instinct the moment it appears can hold their future partners up to that standard.

Yeah, among low tier males and females. The most of population is fucking like there's no tomorrow. Don't comfort yourself. And those chicks focused on their career are prime prey for Chads, they admit so themselves, since they claim they have no time for relationships because of their studies and shit.

Although I'd say virginity is good, just that is not enough. In the modern age, although people might engage in less actual sexual intercourse, they engage in a lot of sexual misconduct online. This being videos and pictures of themselves.
Personally, I would want virginity and the ability to not find sexual images/videos of my wife on the internet.

Obviously different standards do apply to men and women, but expecting to somehow find a girl who was born with her hand in a Roman salute is just Semitic D&C, especially since it is highly unlikely that anyone on here has been redpilled since day one

Not even close. In the 50s, the majority (over 50%) of girls were virgin at marriage. Today, less than 10% are virgin when they hit legal age, and most of those who are still virgin are obese and disgusting. By the time they are 21 that number falls off even more.

Another grill, I agree with both what femanon is saying and with what orange angry poster is saying. You should be strong enough to hold on to a woman and redpill her and make lots of white babies with her regardless of how much koolaid she has already been drinking, otherwise you are not a strong candidate anyways. Most people here are average and should find an average almost good wife and mold both her and yourself together into perfection. Finding a perfect wife out of the box is highly unlikely. Its like a bunch of you are angry because you didn't get to join a pro baseball team and win the world series. Possible, but not plausible.

Remember that white women, even if you consider them to be children, are white children. Imagine yourself as a child. Weren't you a little bit smart back then? Even if you couldn't compete with adults, you weren't a goddamn nigger or anything. People say to think of women as children not because they are retarded, but because your women are like how you were when you were younger. Don't just throw a fit and decide to abandon your child because you found out that at one point in their life they stole a cookie from the cookie jar.

Because some people go to college, Moishe

The answer is really simple. Jews and their false freedom of sexuality. Sexual revolution and all that shit after it.

Wait, I have a question. Why should women in general be such a fucking project? Don't you have a brain and reason? Can't you form your own convictions and personalities? I hope you know that every action an individual takes requires the assent of his or her reason. So all the koolaid women drink, they drink willfully. And why should I be held responsible for her reeducaton?

Fuck off. I'll go find a worthy girl, not some entitled. Just because i don't want to marry koolaid drinking liberal shit women does not mean I am a weak man. Way to shift the blame. You're a typical woman.

Go home, Elliott. No hapas allowed on this board

Typical, no agency, I have to say I'm surprised at your honesty though, you're just a bunch of children, and you want things your way, and for men to do the work to get you there.

if she's a virgin, sure I agree with what you said.

Because women have less agency than men. How new are you?

Kek'd femanon lurker bless your innocent heart.

No one said it was easy, but sifting through what, college sluts? Going to bars? Online-dating? That's like looking for a nugget of gold in a pile of shit. I found my wife to be by doing charity work for one of the churches in my area, and I am by no means a believer. It was however full of good families with strong conservative values.
Giving up, and deserting your duty, is not the answer.

Stop going after whores? It really is as simple as that. Even if she is a virgin by some fucking miracle do you really want a marxist brainwashed starbucks sipping nigger loving femonazi? You will spend YEARS trying to undo that damage and she will resent you for it. Why even look among the degenerates for a miracle when you can look at conservative families to find someone who has the same family values as you?

Tldr: stop looking among whores and you might find a suitable wife.

Seems like a similar issue religions face with sin. You fuck up once when you are a dumb kid and without some way to repent, what is the point of continueing to follow the religion.

I think their does need to be some way to bring women who have fucked up back in. Preventing them straying in the first place is ideal, but in current society you're not going to get a high enough success rate. Even if they know the better path, they're women not fortune tellers, if they try to do things right the man could turn out to be an irredeemable nu male faggot. Or maybe their authority figures failed them and they never had a chance.

We should still hold the ideal and every choice maintains a consequence. However there should still be a place for redemption.

What they teach there? How to draw modern art? How to hate white people? How to embrace the race mixing? How to shill for feminism and (((equality)))? How to protest Trump? How to welcome muslims? How to be a proud lesbian? How to use right pronounce for non-binary people?

Yes, women have less agency than men. But there's no reason to be a dick about it. Just man up and take up your role as leader

Somehow even worse than reddit spacing.

Fine, then as leader, I choose that I want virgin women.

AGAIN all you women keep doing this entire thread is make excuses for yourselves. You keep going on about women's past indiscretions with a sense of OMG LOL ITS IN THE PAST LIKE DEAL WITH IT YOU JUST CAN'T HANDLE DIS!

What I want to hear is a femanon talk in depth about the hows, whens and whys she led a degenerate life before and how she came to be redpilled. What specific things led from then to now, exactly what happened to change her opinions and realize that she did something wrong.

However I'm not naive. I know a story like that just does not exist. Women act like whores then get shamed and lonely when the men they want to trap want nothing to do with them so they come to places like this and try to shame us into forgiving you so you can feel like you have worth again.

Its like this user said. You want us men to make all the tough decisions? Good, then we will chose to mate with what suits us best, hint hint, it's not going to be "born again perfect waifu material".

Good analogy user. Some of these spergs are like that one religion, the Shakers, that forbade all sex. Needless to say they didn't stick around for long

That's your prerogative. In fact it's probably better for the white race that autistic betas not reproduce

You are expecting perfection. I am merely saying that it is unlikely. You shouldn't bother molding a whore, but you shouldn't insist that everyone is a perfect shining angel. This movement has very few women because a lot of you are expecting way too much out of women. They are weaker, they need more social support, they need a man to defend them, but somehow if they've fallen into a trap before they got any of those things then they are worthless? I lost my virginity to a man that I expected to marry, but then I found out that he was an idiot. Should I be shamed into oblivion for that? Should I be tossed aside? Now I make enough money to support a family and on top of that I'm marrying a doctor. 4 white children are on their way. How are all of you faring so far?

I don't know user, I'm tired. I swore to myself that I wouldn't even waste time talking about women anymore. Church going girls I met creeped me out, even though I'm a Christian myself. And the fact they're there does not make them non sluts, I've learned the hard way. I'm 25, I've been sifting for 10 years, I'm just fucking done, I can't respect women anymore.

Depends on how big or how many that "cookie" you're talking about is, but I agree with you. There's a chart that's often posted here showing the instability of relationships/marriages when the woman previously had sexual partners. What I'm curious to know is of the ones that failed, how often was the man in the relationship a total beta? It's not like they're uncommon. I point this out because as you admit, women are children, and I don't believe a woman (one that isn't fJewed in the head) would cheat on her man if that man knew how to correctly project his masculinity onto her.


- Car-less NEETs ITT

Frankly, I feel the same way, I wont seek it anymore, but will jump on one that comes my way. I've made peace with my lot already, and can still lead a respectable and 'beneficial for society' life, even without fathering children. That's my goal.

Every single female Holla Forums poster, without fail.

It isn't respectable to give up before 30


Then why do you get so mad about us not reproducing?

Once again, Holla Forumsacks are fucked because our qualitatively different thinking makes it difficult to find women smart enough to serve as a mediator between us and normie world.

Every male poster turned MGTOW poster without fail.

Okay, all femanons in this thread. I have a very important question for you, especially with the points that you all keep making about past frivolities. Rest assured, I am very interested in your answers, despite the sex you have or didn't have before marriage:

Are you femanons going to encourage/make your write daughters save themselves for marriage or no?

Look, personally, I'm not looking for anything that I'm not able of being myself. For example, I expect a woman to control herself sexually because I've been doing that and it's not that hard, you don't just randomly stumble and fall on someone's dick, you do it willfully. I expect someone to be reasonable and responsible, because I possess those traits. The same goes for loyalty.

I don't want to be mean or rude to you but I find it impossible that you've been with someone for so long and haven't seen him for what he really is.

I've gone out of my comfort zone often enough, my conscience is clean.

As I said, I'm 25, out of college, the chances of some decent woman jumping out out of nowhere are just too slim. And to be clear, I'm not depressed or unhappy, just disappointed with female nature in general. I've always wanted a companion who will give me company during life, but I realize that I can't get that, all I can get is a child I need to educate into submission.


meant to say white daughters.

Find one from another country. Leave the libsluts on their own.

You know, before I lost weight and got fit, I used to respect women. Like them, care about them, enjoy spending time with them… then I lost heaps of fat and started working out while improving my social skills and picking up hobbies, and women were suddenly actually attracted to me. You know what I learned? Women are fucking obnoxious, shallow, self-obsessed children, and the absolute fucking worst women of all, the peak of the failure of the "fairer" sex? It's women who think they are better than other women, or think they deserve anything. Any respect for women I had was obliterated when I became decently attractive, because when you're not an ugly sperg, you get to see just how pathetic women are. Men treat me the same as they did when I was a fat fuck, but women are desperate for my attention, even if it's negative. Disgusting.

I'm done sperging out at a man roleplaying a woman on a Chinese textile decoration forum.

That eternal fucking feel.

burgerguy go look for a nigger attempting to rape a white girl, shoot him and save your fair maiden, that way you'll get a girl that is at least redpilled on niggers, and you won't steal any pure euro girls that you would pollute with your whitemutt blood anyway.

Since you agree with the whore, you are a whore by extension.
Get. Out. Whore.

If you are not going to take responsibility for your degeneracy, and look to the future to make it better despite your own mistakes the discussion ends here. Because you know you're in the wrong but by female jew-jutsu you try to keep up appearances. It wont work here
Your move, degenerate femanons.

Kek asking too much is asking for you to not behave as a whore. Ok

I'm a 19 year old male and kissless handholdless virgin, though in uni for a solid engineering degree, getting pretty /fit/ and I've been called attractive before.

I'm getting depressed reading this thread. Aside from looking around churches and conservative community events, is there really no hope?

You women are the epitome of low energy. You have no character, you are lazy and uncommitted.
These are not things men look for when they look for a partner. You are expecting a dad, a parent, an owner who's gonna do everything for you because you have no inner strength to take things into your own hands and change yourself. Your husband or your boyfriend isn't gonna FORCE you to be a person of quality, they aren't going to PUT common sense in your brain, they do NOT have to spend that much energy into "shaping" in wife material.
Bitch, you have it or you don't. How about you do the work yourself and maybe, one day, you'll *DESERVE* having a good husband. You get good things in life because you worked your ass to deserve them. Weak willed women only deserves weak willed men.

You lazy, immature, piece of shit.
I'll get a good husband because I'll be someone who's gonna be equally as good ad him, who is gonna be considerate and supportive of him. who is gonna put as much work into the relationship as he is, not expect him to treat me like a goddamn princess. He'll take care of me because I'll equally take care of him. That's how reasonable human beings work.
Get over your daddy issues and grow the fuck up into being an ADULT.

Yes, but I don't want to pressure them too much. I had a hard time with self confidence and anything regarding other people, so I can easily see some aggressive man coming into their life and forcing them into something with lies. I just hope that I can protect them enough.

I had dated my first for 5 years. We were both virgins in high school. I slowly got smarter as I aged. He…. didn't.

Averages versus outliers. Look for the outliers, but don't expect to find the improbability. Besides, I'm working out, why shouldn't you?

I'm only expecting virginity. Everything else is optional.

Did people forget the purpose of this thread? The women don't have to be perfect. I don't mind if you can't cook, or can't sew. I don't mind that you have a few extra pounds. I don't mind that you don't have perfect skin. I don't mind that you're "average"

I'm asking for one standard. A non-negotiable. And everyone panics, because I asked for something that actually means something.

This isn't demanding perfection, it's not even demanding something that's hard to accomplish.
You literally have to do nothing.

You're too young to give up. It's all a fucking numbers game user. The advice I can give to you is look for women actively while you're in college. And at your age, most girls haven't been on dick riding sprees yet. As long as you have the energy and will, don't give up. And if you really try and fail, at least you will not have any regrets later in life. For example, I never got lucky with quality women, but I sure did try my best. so I'm at least happy about that and I can go on with my life.

And I'm willing to bet the whole time you thought you could change him, until he became absolutely obnoxious and that tipped the scale. I'm sure you saw certain tendencies.

I'll encourage them to nurture their brain. To be strong and productive to society. To be someone who can take care of a husband and children. Women need to be mentally strong again.

Literally all women have to do, the one thing they have to accomplish, is not spread their legs for a random stranger. That's it. It's not even an active task, it's a passive one: don't seek pre-marital sex. That's the only standard the men in this thread have, and you fucking useless cunts can't manage it? We have to be these alpha male, perfect, ripped gods of men who can fight armies with our bare fists to protect m'lady, but you just have to… uh, exist, I suppose? You grace our pathetic, meaningless lives with the shining light of your visage, right? That's all you need to provide?

I suggest a 12 gauge aspirin, dispensed with a shotgun through the chin. Don't miss the brain.

Thanks for the support user, I'm just scared of ending up alone I guess. This thread has certainly motivated me to put myself out more and try harder than I am now though.

As of right now, that is an unrealistic standard. Once we get more influence and power we can begin to enforce that but right now that is essentially the "dude, just wait for Hitler" line but relating to wives

I AM working my ass off. I make enough money to support children on my own, literally make software that blows up towel heads for the government, am marrying a man who I have convinced to have 4+ children with me, am slowly redpilling him from his previous bluepilled/neutral state, and I'm on Holla Forums trying to convince you to stop being ridiculous and go find a woman that matches enough of your standards to have white children with. If you want her to be a virgin, you're allowed to look for that, but if you want her to be EVERYTHING that's perfect and wonderful, without realizing that you are shrinking your mating pool beyond the possibility of finding someone to have children with, then you need a reality check. SOME of you might be able to pull it off, but most need to realize that it's just not likely and you need to find someone to have white children with that can at least be made into someone you can love.

I tried my darnedest, but sometimes you have to realize that you deserve more. Don't aim too high, don't aim too low. Aim for each of you to deserve each other, and then improve together from there.

Eh. My wife lets me handle our political leanings, while she manages our money. She's three months pregnant too, which now she's almost full white nationalist, as shes thinking more of our child's environment.

Who does the working, and the earning of said money, because either way, at this point, it should read, HER money.

I see a lot of people who are going to end up elderly and childless because they're acting like monomaniacal spergs. Whether your standards are fair or not, they are impractical. I mean the Yazidi people are going to die out if they are unwilling to marry their women who have been captured by Daesh as war brides.

The way you speak hold no confidence whatsoever. You don't try doing things, you either do it or you don't. Never put women on a pedestal. Show strength, show a facade that shows no facets to claw into. Women look at weaker men as things they can profit out of. You seem like a genuine person with good intentions, don't get ruined by a cunt. Cunts ruins everything.

Very jealous of your wife. I want to get started already, but my man wants me to wait till marriage, and wants marriage to wait till we have enough money for the right house, etc.

Pardon me I think you meant to say the Islamic State.

Anyways I have a question, if a man is supposed to give up the search for a good virgin bride and accept a woman who's slept with other men, that's a sacrifice he's making, what is the woman doing in return to make up for that?

Yeah, let's compare western liberal sluts to war brides. I've said this numerous times and I will say it again: I would rather die alone than marry a reformed slut, period. I don't give a fuck about the white race or whatever, I will not be anybody's fool.

And now I'm really starting to think that that guy may not have been such and idiot. It's quite possible that it was just your hypergamy firing up.



Then what are you even doing in this thread or even this board?

Killing time. And no, I'm not a white supremacist or a natsoc, that was never a requirement for being on Holla Forums. I'm just discussing the nature of women that's all.

Ugh, maybe some of that going on. Female brains suck. Its all about babies and caring in my head right now. I'm just gonna go back to lurking.

Well, I would hope being an emotionally balanced; intelligent; loyal; child-bearing non-fucktard who can carry their own weight. If they can't manage that, they shouldn't be eligible even if they are a virgin.

That's certainly a choice you can make. However, each of us is part of an ancient genetic organism that goes back to time immemorial. Don't you think you're betraying your heritage to not be capable of considering a compromise of some kind, if you come across an otherwise valid partner?

Look here CIA cunt for the last fucking time. Virginity is the only thing that is absolute. Get that through your emotional cunt brain.
Wasn't going to comment
on your spouse, except for this : why the fuck are you convincing him what to do? Are you going to leave that man TOO when you realise you can't change him?
Walking in circles here.

This is a good question. Femanons who were arguing before, do you have an answer? Something to make up for the fact your husband is making a sacrifice? Or does he just have to man-up?

I'm a plumber. She was a welder, but it's too dangerous while pregnant, so I'm the bread winner at the moment. Money is tight, (I live in Vancouver to boot) but my career allows me to work side jobs on weekends for extra cash.

If they were all that, they'd be saving their virginity for marriage.

I don't know how old you are, but I'm 33. I did my share of fooling around, had a long-term girlfriend, now I'm alone again. FWIW I'm not sure I'd want to date a virgin my age, beyond a certain point I would start worrying about them being emotionally fucked up in other ways.

That actually sounds pretty good, other than the fact that when she has said child, and (hopefully) you want your child to turn out stable and well adjusted, she'll have to stop working to stay home and be a mother. Making you the permanent bread winner.

if you fooled around, I don't know if looking for one would be all that honest.

the slutkikes are getting desperate
would you let kikes live in your state in exchange for not turning half the world against you and your people? I know someone who wouldn't, do you?

I'm not sure it's worth it. I don't want to bring a child into this world that would be as unfit for it as I am, I know how hard it is. Without any intention of tooting my own horn, when you're intelligent enough to see the underlying processes of human interactions, of the society, how men and women work, you become utterly disgusted by it. There's a reason why people with more developed mental capacities aren't nearly as happy as the average population.

But then again, I guess being alive is better than nothingness you were in before you were born. So in a sense, I guess it would be nice to give someone a shot at life. I don't know user, maybe I would do it but that would be the sole reason. Maybe I've been focusing on my own happiness too much, but that's mainly because most of my life has been a struggle and it still is, without signs of stopping.

In order to make such a compromise, I would have to forfeit my own happiness and in a sense demean myself.

Nobody has to settle for anything if it's not worth the investment. People don't get into relationships because it's a pet project. It's a deal. It's a bonus for all the hard work you've done to become a proper individual in life. Being in a relationship shouldn't equal to putting up with something and hoping it'll turn out okay in the end. It should be a mutual understanding that you are both compatible, you are both strong enough to watch each other's back and can support each others for the next step which is building a family and a legacy. You don't eventually learn to love someone, you should be able to see potential in the long term. It either works or it doesn't.
People make this mistake a lot. They want to be a relationship so they just settle with the first "okay" candidate and they shape them into someone they've been meaning to want if they were patient enough. It makes both of you miserable, it makes both of you feel like you don't belong there but you've put too much efforts into this and are too involved into this that's it's too late to start again properly. Then the mis-contempt feelings will get transfered into the children who will grow up seeing a concept of a family that's "you have to put up with it because you have no choices". It's messed up.
A relationship should be easy. It should work immediately because you are both on the same level. It's necessary because you are a team that need to be strong enough to stand against everything life throws your way and be able to support your family through it and show an example of strength to your children so they can grow up naturally balanced. If the parents have inner turmoil and they bring it into the relationship, if they carry it on while having children, it's inevitable they'll project it and transfer it to their children. It's the kind of selfishness and egocentricity that wives and mothers bring into relationships because of they fucking entitlement. It's child abuse.

Niggers rape a lot of young, blonde hair, blue eyed virgins… they enjoy stealing a white man's honor and reward, it's their fetish. The more I think about it, the more a race war seems 100% absolutely necessary.

Who cares what women think? If they are sluts, there are always guys who don't care or all old enough/low value enough for it not to matter. Every man must decide that for himself, and honestly, most are getting lied to about it anyway and are too bluepilled to admit it.

no possibly good bait, friend

I want a unicorn, new, but of the old style where they don't need computers to do everything, and can hold up in the long run with regular care by the owner on a low budget. And not made out of plastic.

That's weird. Go to something like motorcross in the US and you will find the sluttiest drugged out girls, though also only white.

this needs written in stone


She wants too, and more children too. I have the opportunity to earn a lot so long as I remain ambitious.

Only shitty thing is this ridiculous real estate market, but we don't want to move too far from family either. So 60+ hour work weeks are needed.

What sorcery is this? Surely the women who marry them are, likewise, marrying men of a different ethnicity?

re-read what I wrote, I'm not sure you understood it

niggers are calling for one, just buy a gun and tons of ammo if you haven't already. wonder why jew york wants background checks on ammo purchases? nignogs don't realize they'll be on the losing side so jews are trying to help them out

Nice quints. Sure, and like I said, I'd be suspicious that somebody who's 33; still a virgin; but interested in sexuality might have problems with socialization. You younglings in college or whatever are in a different story than I am.

That's part of the responsibility of being a part of a larger organism, which we all are as humans. We're part of a racial superorganism just like the cells in our bodies are part of something much bigger than they are individually. I'm not telling you, as such, to settle or anything like that. But you're going to get older someday. The biggest regret people report when they're in hospice care is not having had children.

Cool thine autism.

Well then, I truly wish the best of luck for you and your family to be, user.

Women should not interfere with politics. End.

I don't think it would make much sense to marry a woman of your age (33) at all, unless you want autistic children. Brotip: you don't want autistic children. t. autistic.


I think the risk is overstated, but the fact I'm about to put another year on the old odometer is definitely starting to weigh on my mind. I didn't really think I'd end up in this position, I thought my investments were going to pay off before now, and I'd be able to make a convincing case for starting a family with the girl I'd been with since high school. Things did not turn out that way at all, to say the least.

oh, I see the wrong in my ways, thank you for showing me how marrying an used up slut is a better deal than keep on looking for a pure virgin whose only job up until now was NOT opening her legs before marriage, you have truly enlightened my worldviews and added another kike to my filter list

Of course. Any of you that have young sons better keep them pure too or my husband and I will not let your son marry her.

my children will marry their equals, it's up to you (parent) to see how good your child is

Kek approves of this post. Stop whining and start winning.

as long as you don't go about it acting like a nigger I don't see any problem with it. I used to use that app Tinder and OkCupid and have been with 34 different women. The thing is I made it my priority to be on the hunt for pussy all the time.

As long as your dick isn't doing your thinking for you and you're continually improving yourself and maintaining a good, productive lifestyle, there shouldn't be any problem hooking up with some chicks.

I agree, this elitism is killing any unification we could possibly have. You might look for a local group on daily stormer and TRS. My group and I went to that white lives matter rally in austin yesterday. We expressly forbid this neet neckbeard elitism, as all it does is alienate potential recruits and allies.

that's not how biology works, now show us your tits

What are these images that I am looking at?

I am raising my son with this same mind set. There is hope yet.

kys :D

Yup, sounds like TRS.

I would not consider marrying 99% of men here. Your worldview is too influenced by Marx. So you have nothing to worry about.
Men on this board are not representative of most American men. You aren't Borg. You're so it of touch with modern men that you don't understand why women behave the way they do now. Our culture has been rotting from the inside, due to the post-modern and Marxist infestation in our universities.
Virginity has a place. But not in this society. Your desire for rigid structure will leave you disappointed and childless.
Some corrections: By experience, I meant life experience, as in wisdom. Ability to sensibly navigate life in moderation. I see virgins on one extreme and whores on the other. Sensibleness is a good way to put it. If you don't think that's a word, you should read more.
If you go through life seeing yourself marrying a virgin, if one thing goes wrong, you'll have set yourself up for failure and crash hard. Your emotional turmoil will be evidence of your extreme and unrealistic desire, not just her failure.
I wish we lived in a state where virginity was universally cherished. If that were so, I would not have had sex. It's logical for any woman to use the opportunity if she desires.
I did it strictly for the experience and possible connection, at a time when I wondered if I could keep a boyfriend since I'm fairly non-emotional. I did not have self-esteem issues, much less a personality disorder, but it showed me that I was capable of caring for someone and was on the right track in developing my character.
I really think men are setting themselves up for failure if they value virginity above all else in a woman. Only bothered to post because outside viewpoints help to better formulate opinions. I also think it's detrimental to your cause to suggest that men should only reproduce with virgins. That will only ensure the slow death of your population.

You are aware that we can't all be upper middle class who is more than happy to shower some daddy's girl with money, right? I mean, I don't give a fuck, for all I care you can form harems. And I'm saying this as someone who has 2 MAs, but can't get a decent job because my parents are blue collar workers who aren't members of the nepotistic caste.

nice hamster

Underrated post. Really, I want these past sluts to repent for their degeneracy and beg for absolution. Stop making excuses and pretending it's OK.

Until we all reject this degenerate bullshit we won't get anywhere.

That's an awfully long way of saying you messed up and don't want any consequences for it.

Between then and now, four generations of unprecedented-in-the-history-of-the-world assortative mating.

>indulging in hedonism is now called moderation

I don't advocate marrying virgins exclusively, but don't justify people who act like fucking animals. I mean how can I respect you? You say that you would control yourself only if society made you control yourself. Are you an individual or what? Ever heard of trying to be virtuous just because virtues are a good thing, regardless of what the fucking society says?

You're fucked in the head, I swear.

I can't imagine it's easy for these women to repeatedly be told that they are inferior after they've grown up hearing about women's empowerment stuff. Not saying they aren't inferior, but that the conditioning is hard to break when the people you think you identify with tell you that you'll always be inferior to them.

I guess, yeah. We're both 24 and into science fields, so it's probable that I will make decent money, though not certain and wouldn't be for a few years. And that won't really convince her to stay home, she is more worried about doing something with her degree than having money. I'll just keep showing her pics of my sister's baby and saying "see don't you want a bunch of these things?!" Bring out that motherly instinct.

You're pretending reasona but you're just a weak-willed cunt. If lower birthrate ensures quality people who will birth big families of quality children, then it's only a small sacrifice to pay. Are you aware of a thing called integrity? It is absolutely necessary for a good community. We are in this mess because of weak willed people like you who says "well, we have no choices" or "it's how it is now". What people need is a proper structure and that's achieved only by strong people with enough integrity to say "This is unnaceptable and I won't let this go on without doing what's necessary to fix it" and resolve to stand up to the very people encouraging this kind of bullshit.

Honestly, I think abandoning Christianity was a mistake. Peoples' souls and spirits are just messed up. Everything has gone to shit since we abandoned Christianity and I'm not even really a Christian.


They're too caught up with their little hugboxes that they think they won't have to face reality eventually. They're so delusional and miserable that they ABSOLUTELY need to bring everyone else down with them out of complete selfishness instead of taking responsibility for their actions. In a world where women are congratulated for their mistakes and being told they're courageous when they're weak, no wonder they grow up all fucked up. Then reality hits them in the face and they do everything they can to twist it into being someone else's responsibility to take.

You're free to hold this attitude. I'm just not sure that holding this attitude will result in you getting what you want.

Christianity was a mistake. It promotes sperg morality which most normal human beings will never be able to achieve.

Do the best you can. If you find the ideal girl, kudos.

If you cannot, you might have to compromise with a slut that took 10 miles of cock, unless you're willing to forgo having a woman. Otherwise, just fuck whores and don't settle down.

If you don't respect yourself or the people around you. You don't deserve to be respected. You deserve every little bit of consequence to your actions and it's nobody else's fault but yours. Society, men, women or the tv isn't responsible of you being weak. You have a brain and you chose to ignore it and go on. You're not retarded, you're just entitled.

And what is she doing in return? If only one side gives ground it's not a compromise.

I'm not trying to play the sole victim, the elimination of the white race is targeted at both men and women. I don't want to fall into the "who has it worse?" trap.

I think you're assuming that I'm looking for a man to date or promoting the lowering of standards.

Women don't have it hard in society comparatively, but it is difficult for them to empathize with or join a white nationalist movement. Partly due to indoctrination, partly due to their own nature.

Virginity is a thing in the Semitic world (Judaism, Cuckstianity, Islam). They always used sex frustration to gain power and control over our lives. I think SJWs were created exactly to attract anons to (((their))) side, you know, like voting for a Jew-lover as is Trump.

I don't go on TRS but i know people organize on there

Then don't have a woman.

Little don't you know, I'm getting exactly what I want BECAUSE I'm doing the *right* things in life. If you're strong, committed and righteous, you're on the path of success. I don't expect life to magically give me all I need. I set up my goals, I work hard and learn what's the proper course of action to take.

So you admit that's not a compromise.

Here's your (you)

Top kek! Did they think we were joking about no hymen no diamond?

Cuckstianity is the source of globalist liberalism. There would not be Semites in power in Europe if not for Christcucks betraying their kin by murdering the original nobles of their nations who were unwilling to bend to a Semitic tradition. These were replaced with Cuckstian thugs whose only qualification was their willingness to let Semites into their courts while taking orders from Rabbis.

In all honesty, I wish you the best and I hope it turns out in your favor. But I don't think you're going to shape all of society around your perspective, especially not at this juncture. Are you a Christian by any chance? I guess that as a LARPagan I have some different views on these matters. I don't really care about people having extramarital sex in and of itself, my only concern is things like STDs and lowered fitness for raising happy and prosperous offspring. Those are the only arguments that get my attention, rather than anything having to do with morality.

I know right? All these cringey Jews complaining about women, I can't fucking restrain myself. If they were in front of me, I would teach them some discipline, let me tell you. How dare you criticize white women, you fucking race traitors? 99% of them voted for Trump and Hitler and what's the thanks they get? Getting ripped off in the divorce court, that's what!

Are you seriously trying to build up a strawman in hopes of rationalizing your inability to understand the arguments I'm making?

You lying sack of shit.
Don't even want your tits just gtfo you degenerate WHORE

You have a great attitude. I admire a woman like you


It did mighty fine in preserving the sanctity of marriage.. for a while

Let's not turn this into another fucking religion thread because those always end up in nigger-tier debates and sperging

I am a pagan too yet I hold a different view on these things. I don't necessarily believe in marriage, but I think that women who have more than 1 relationship without valid reason should be shamed by society. I am aware of the relatively lax view of the Norsemen on sex and marriage but I do think we must conserve and protect monogamous relationships to preserve our personal and social happiness and health as a people

Are you telling us to date slightly chubby milfs? I don't think I quite follow.

Jtrig pls go

I'm going to point out every cuck I see that tries to post Semitic shit on this board. It's your duty to do so as well.

I'm just a yuropoor.
Killary is the same shit.
US has no real alternative.

As much as I wish this were true, it isn't. Women are attracted to social capital. Right now society is very left leaning and women want men who can climb social ladders, get good jobs, support them, etc. Yes, women are attracted to alpha men like criminals and thugs, but the smart women will choose a man with a future over a bad boy. Being Holla Forums-tier is social suicide. You can and will lose your job and future if you start saying this shit in public. To a woman, social rejection is comparable to physical torture.

The best way to get women on your side is to make the opposite side look less accepting. The SJW/progressive movement has done more to embolden the right more than anything that's ever been done here. Women wanted to cozy up with the rainbow coalition, because they felt accepted. The left did everything within its power to attract white women, but they could only do this by forcing a divide between them and their men. Push them out and they will scurry towards the right. It is not hard to get brown people to hate white women. Start stoking the fire.

You think getting pumped full of cum during some fling is wisdom? Top fucking Kek, lass. And if you really think Holla Forums doesn't understand why women act the way they do, you haven't spent enough time here, or you are incapable of understanding anything more than skin deep symptoms. It is statistically true that virgins make for a better, happier marriage. Holla Forums is largely a community of idealists, people who want the ideal and divine, not the empty and bestial. The reason so many anons are vehement about the virgin wife, is because they want the ideal wife. They want a real partner that they can bare their soul to, not a whore who has "experience". You are right about virginity having a place. It has a place in the ideal and divine. If virginity has no place in our society today, let it be known that that is how far we have fallen and degenerated. I am not going to hold out for a virgin personally, but I hope some anons win the good fight. They are the last dreamers and holdouts of virtue in a dark secular world, just like Holla Forums is on most issues. You are right about the population death though. It is a battle of practicality and ideal. I would make the compromise, but it is nothing but virtuous to strive for the ideal. Go find a husband and have white babies, the clock is ticking.

This ties into the general problems of finance I referenced way upthread

The kikes have stolen our futures.

Literally the most valued thing in a woman is her virginity

I'm Canadian and I've supported Trump ever since the beginning. You're just a fucking coward who expects the world to fix itself on it's own or hopes for it to just explode like a 14 years old angsty teenager who listens to Nirvana and hates his parents.

Fuck you.

Fertility technically takes precedence. An infertile virgin is as worthless as a fertile slut.

Everything IS white men's fault.


YOU let this happen


Pretty sure I wasn't even alive when niggers got the right to vote.

I don't know.
I'd marry an infertile virgin and adopt some white kids but I'd never marry a fertile slut.

They weren't "femanons", OP. They were shills. This entire board is massively compromised. Its easy to spot.
The only thing I struggle to spot is how many legit posters are falling for it.


Actually. Cunts are responsible for a major part in the downfall of western civilization. Powered by kikes, of course. But mostly cunts.

meant for

Feeling some hypocrisy here user, I'm guessing you're not a virgin yet you expect people to wait for you because you're such catch…

Lol, you reek of a mad westerner desperate to feel better by trying to bring others down to your level.


I've seen maybe 2 femanons ever who had something worthwhile to say where their sex mattered to the convo, the rest were indistinguishable from shills except for language usage. At least, of the ones I am wrongly disregarding the rule for and assuming were femanons in the absence of tits.

It's only hypocrisy if you assert that the standard applies to men as well as women. This also seems a strange place to accuse people of being non-virgins.

So you're saying manwhores are allowed to infect their virgin wives with disease??

Like I said, hypocrisy.

Also this, if newfags aren't ready to accept this they are simply rebelling against nature. Women are easily led astray by kike propaganda and degenerated society. Women are group minded more so than men, they seek to be a member of the group (or culture), whereas man strive for independence. Women, since ancient times, have been thought of as inaction, while action is the masculine counterpart to that principle. It is the male's duty to show the women the truth in dire times like these. Anons have become redpilled through logic, the masculine principle to the feminine counterpart of emotion. You can't be redpilled with emotion alone, you need logic, so it makes sense that few women ever become redpilled themselves, and in absence of tradition and father figures virginity is obviously scarce. Women are essentially children, but you still protect them and lead them. Men and women are supposed to be beautifully intertwined in so many ways. We balance each other, the more you watch for it the more you realize the absolute perfection of this balance.

Don't wait for the perfect waifu, forge a girl into one. If she is a virgin that helps a lot. If she has a good father figure, and a good family that helps a lot too. It is a matter of finding a women who can most easily be forged into something good. You know what to look for. Tradition. Religion. Family. Though, once again, I understand Anons who want to wait for their virgin, you should be prepared to settle if you can't find one though, we need the numbers, but I understand if you cannot.

Are you triggered by the inequalities of the world? Poor child.

My sisters keep telling me their girl talk stories when they were in college/uni. The number one topic is about sex. Number two is finding out who is a virgin and shame them or push them into fucking a degenerate. There is no third topic.

The same lack of intrgrity, self respect and other personality issues that comes with a woman whoring herself around also applies for men.
The only slight exception is that there is a biological inclination for men to spread their seeds around whereat for women, it doesn't make any sense since they're to birth a single seed for many months. Men are wired to breed many children and women are wired to deliver them slowly and raise them.
BUT. Menwhores and sluts don,t have the intention of doing any of that when they go around and fuck like savages. They're low quality individuals who will never build a strong family of any quality children.

Thats exactly the point. Holla Forums will always have shills aplenty and attention seekers here and there. If they're shaping your opinion of demographics, you're already fucked.

Its like letting the obvious over the top shill posters shape your opinion of nationalists.

if you don't see why this is cuck talk you should lurk more

tip: only the best for the best, betas shouldn't bread

I married a 19 year old virgin, now at 4 kids. The relationship is amazing. It's my opinion that the only way to have a solid long term relationship is to make sure the girl is a virgin. A woman never forgets her first, as they say. When you ARE the first, things are just better.

I know women hate hearing that, but the single most important trait is virginity. Not intelligence, or how redpilled you are, or how much money you make. None of that matters. Virginity, and not being hideously unattractive.

Another tip for guys: learn to sexually please her. It requires stamina & rhythm more than anything. If you pound away nonstop she WILL orgasm and be satisfied. Honestly just try to imagine you're raping her. White men need to rediscover their savage nature. (Don't be an idiot and do that her first time, though)

The good father figure is the most important part, in my experience. Its both the easiest trait to work with and the hardest to lose.

I didn't give in to urges. I had come to the conclusion that my virginity was not something that I should necessarily be proud of in this time. My regret stems from two things.
1) I was convinced that it was not natural to hang onto virginity. My friends had lost theirs, my younger sister had lost hers, and my (successful) parents had undoubtedly lost theirs in their teens. Yet they both managed to have children in their thirties and lead successful lives.
2) My ex was not good boyfriend material. I should have waited longer to have sex, but number 1 plus my logical conclusion convinced me to do it. I was inexperienced enough that I could not see how incompatible we were and how immature he was.
But despite this, the experience (of having the relationship) improved me as a person. I'm not saying it was the sex. Just having sex is indulgence. I only did very vanilla things. No spunk allowed inside me because I am not prepared for that.
I became a lot more redpilled throughout the relationship. And that's the trouble with inexperience. Women aren't taught to keep it today, so they only learn after the fact. I had kept it despite having boyfriends before, but by the time you're 23 no one expects it of you.
At this poin, virginity is on the same level of voodoo. Hymens regrow, women lie, technical virgins can be sluts who get pounded in the ass. As far as my family knows, I'm still a virgin.
I don't even know if I'll marry at this point. There are too many other important things to worry about, for me, anyway. None of you have to worry about accidentally marrying me because I'm not even on the menu.


You have a cancerous outlook on things, go find a husband and have white babies.

Roleplayig threads belong to /tg/

Sage for shit and futile thread.

You cucks must so love to cite scripture because you are incapable of anything other than parroting the things your masters have taught you.

Studies show that intelligence is carried through the mother's gene to the children. Which makes sense since the mother always gives one X to the baby male or female. So, if you having children with your virgin… smarts are very important.

If I could find white men who aren't cucked, white trash, effeminate, unintelligent, or childish, I wouldn't have already lost my virginity. I would have waited in order to meet their standards. This is also the reason that I question if I will ever marry. America's European men have become unmanly.

Fuck off Shlomo, be ignorant shit somewhere else.

Stop making excuses it's you're not responsible for your actions. You did this, your value lowered because of it. As simple as that.
You're pretty bold you be entitled to chose what's better after this. How about you scrap that shitty attitude and become someone who's worth a manly alpha man.

Women suck at choosing partners.

Like you're not responsible*

Jesus Christ, I really hope at least some of the "femanons" in this thread are just 400lb hackers shitposting but the mental gymnastics displayed I've personally seen only women pull off.

If you keep repeating that it's not your fault maybe it'll come true some day.

And these studies are definitely not gender biased at all. And it's from a reliable site written by independent (but smart!) women. Go fuck yourself.

Enjoy your divorce within the next 5 years.

These studies are full of shit.

You posted in this thread for no other reason than to defend the worship of a Semite and the foreign tradition responsible for liberalism in Europe. It is hilarious that a Christcuck would ever accuse another of being ignorant when that religion is more responsible for the falsification of history than the twisting of the holohoax.

Post tits and your address so men can start courting you or gtfo, there isn't a single other reason to post as a woman.

It's only a matter of religion for those like you.

Nobody here wants used goods like her, fam.

That doesn't change the principle, just the outcome (no suitors).

You don't speak for everyone here fam. I wouldn't mind dating someone who has a similar sexual history to me if it keeps me from being childless and alone in 30 years.

Of course you're correct, bad wording. I meant education. (Although I must say, simply by virtue of being a white, any white woman is likely to have a great IQ)

In my experience a woman will try to impress you with her education, her income, and hilariously enough, her partner count.

I am so thankful to have found a woman who instead shows her value through being a caring mother & wife. Her natural instincts it seems were never purged from her system like so many women these days.

It's ridiculous for you to say that you haven't found a man that meet standards as simple as, basically, not being a fag. Either you're lying, haven't actually looked hard enough, or are very low value yourself. I went through dozens of women before miraculously finding my wife (when I wasn't even looking).

You don't have to fuck men, just be upfront with them on the first date and tell them what you want. Give them some time to prove their worth. Same goes for guys.

With both of your disgusting attitudes, you're bound to birth a family full of problems. It's definitely not necessary for you two to put out your low energy contribution if you're gonna fuck up your children with your shitty personalities.

Fuck, this thread is depressing as shit. Zero progress made towards a widely supportable position, seems to be the most vociferous division among anons.

The practicalists versus the puritans, depending on your own position it looks like there is no real solution. If you are a practicalist you're diluting the principles if you are a puritan chances are you're going to die childless and contribute to europeans failure in global population demographics.

Don't get so emotional, anons… facts over feels… Neither of us can control how biology works, I'm just sharing content here

Obviously the person here with the shitty personality here is me. I think you're going to need to display some fucking introspection before, heaven forbid, you actually meet your dream girl and she rejects you flat for being so cattily exclusivist.

You are staring the answer in the face. I'll give you a hint, hierarchy is one of the lost virtues.

I know quite a few men who are like that. Are you perhaps doing the same thing that you accused user of doing? Are you holding out for something beyond your grasp and unrealistic? Because they do exist, I have met them. I wish you would have held out, you could have had something really beautiful if you would have sought it out. You can still have something nearly as good though, so you should go seek out good men. They exist, perhaps you need to work on identifying the ones of virtue? Go make white babies. Also what state for context? The Midwest has plenty of good men outside of the cities.

I'm not making excuses. These are my reasons. If you choose to ignore them, so be it. You'll not understand that the issue is our current culture and you will have no idea how to correct it.
I take full responsibility for my actions, as should you. You should recognize that you are not worth a woman's virginity. Very few men today are.

Considered men are the one supporting, in charge of critical thinking, working and the leader of the family, women are the ones who should try being worthy, not the other way around. (Considering this is a good man we're talking about)

No one is going to take your opinion seriously when you have already said you gave yours up. You've proven to be just as untrustworthy as is the standard.

This is one of those thing where every user has to decide for themselves. Blindly following whatever the consensus on the political board of some website is pretty degenerate tbh.

I'm more of a puritan but I can see why someone who's led a degenerate lifestyle, hit his 30s or even 40s without a stable long relationship and now wants to find someone similarly damaged to settle down with so that he won't die a lonely bitter old man.

You're one to talk. You already threw yours away you fucking retard.
I wonder who DID meet your standards.
Are you two still together, since your standards are soo reasonable?

Fuck off, slut.

I think you just explained the reasons for why men are the ones who need to be worthy. Women need merely exist and want a mate.
Women were always the evolutionary selectors.

so humanity is doomed

good to know

Fake thread

All fake threads today

all shit


Fake thread

All fake threads today

all shit


Fake thread

All fake threads today

all shit


Fake thread

All fake threads today

all shit


Fake thread

All fake threads today

all shit


You are a low energy, weak willed guy who wants to make a family just cuz he's sad he's gonna be alone :(.
Fuck off, I'm sorry for your children if you're gonna be such a pathetic father who wants to put up with a woman who can't face the fact that if she used a little bit of critical thinking instead of letting herself being manipulated instead of showing integrity, maybe she wouldn't be so miserable about her choices in life and wouldn't resort of making excuses instead of owning up to her shitty choices.

Ah, the shift of blame.

Back then, women actually puts efforts into what they were doing. They had to be worthy, they had to show they could support a family, that they would be mentally strong enough to take care of the children and the house while the man was working. Women aren't trustworthy anymore, they're just entitled cunts.


Then be 10 times better than the average cuck.

All this bitter venom, no reasonable counterargument to me being willing to settle down with a woman who has a similar sexual history to my own as long as she generally shares my values. Seriously dude, if you don't work on yourself, the girl you're holding out for isn't going to be interested in you.

I'm from NZ, we were the first country to give women the vote, so don't have high hopes. Most mothers here are a combination of the following: alcoholics, old hags (first pregnancy late in life), single mothers, race-mixers, or otherwise degenerates. Because of this, their children grow up either mimicking them, or remaining pure and virginal by going in the opposite direction (but still ending up miserable). We have among the highest youth suicide rates for both males and females.


Right, because in order to get even an obese NEET feminist that eats cheetos off the floor and hasn't bathed in weeks a man has be over 6 feet, handsome, funny, with a well paying job, big dick etc.

Holla Forumsack communities where fathers properly raise their daughters and permit suitable suitors to court them when?

Lurk the fuck more then, you egalitarian pinko-kike.

Go gamble by knocking up some dumb bitch then, no difference to me. Why are you so emotional about this subject? I had no agenda, was just sharing a study. If you had any concept of biology you would see how these studies make sense. Stop being so emotional you sjw-acting retard!

I don't disagree, but men have always been struggling to show their worth to women. It's far easier for women to mate than men. You have more female ancestors than male for this reason. 1 male is highly successful compared to 3 unsuccessful males, while 4 women will each be successful.

You're a shallow person who wants to settle down with a shallow person. You'll make shallow children.

I'm a future wife with integrity who's gonna teach morality and strength of character to my children. My future husband has strict criteria for the mother of his children because he cares about his legacy and have a sense of right that's strong. We're gonna breed quality children because we care about their future, not because ":( I'm lonely, you're lonely, let's fuck".

Tits or GTFO, it's not like you have any qualms about it you whore.

So what you're saying is, you're part of the problem.

Until you reach the day you take away their right to vote.

And whose fault is that. We need to put back the proper order of things in the control of the people who won't rely on irrational emotions and self-centered feelings, men.

You're just saying that to make yourself feel superior; you're getting off to your own illusory superiority just like leftists SJWs get off to making up their own set of rules and then judging themselves by how effectively they stick to them. I don't think that makes you special or laudable in any way. It's only natural to not want to be lonely - what human would? I'm not saying I'm going to run out and fuck anything that moves, I'm saying I'm looking for someone who generally shares my values and background. You're behaving like you've got a screw loose.

And you're acting like as if you understand any of the shit they made you gargle with. user above just posted another stating the opposite of your claim, you cum guzzling whore.

Haha, that's hilarious, good response. Smart girls need love too, they just have standards. Best way to get a smart girl -→ be funny and not ugly. If you can make a smart girl laugh and you're not a piece of shit, there is hope.

You might as well hang yourself, degenerate scum.

Men always value virginity for settling down. If it's a quick shag, most won't care. Read pic related.

I'll pray for you, honey.

Please, I can afford it because I worked for it. It,s completely different. You can only insult it because you don't know anything about hard work and settle for the easy way to go. Get your shit together.

Yeah, you're basically a mess, and it's no surprise to me that you haven't met a girl who will put up with your shit.

I dated a girl for 2 years. She was the most wholesome, moral woman I ever met in my life. The only problem was she is half-white, half-javanese. After becoming red pilled, I couldn't look past the fact that my children wouldn't be pure european, so I eventually dumped her. I haven't met a girl that has remotely come as close to a traditional woman as my ex, and sometimes I feel like I made a huge mistake.

I've always wanted to be a wife and mother, but I'm having doubts. I read about how men stop finding their wives attractive at 25+, and how it's just lack of opportunity keeping them faithful. How they want women to emulate the whores they lust after in pornography.
I'm having doubts as to whether it's worth the heartache.

Found the Jew.

At this point in western history you must make such a compromise. We are at the losing end of a cultural war currently, so theres no other choice. One can only hope through changing those that have went the wrong way, that then our children will live in a better world.

Ditto to your victims. Hell and feminists are never out of vacancies.

Wrong! Enjoy being used goods now!


You didn't even read the fucking study because the study does not say what you're claiming. See:

so what? the practicalists breed the best quality they are able and the puritans die out?

I guess my worry with that is the risk of sliding backwards without the absolutism of the puritans, the practicalists by their nature are most in danger of being turned by opposing forces or co-opted into an ideological dead end.

How does this even remotely relate to trump, you moronic fuck? Elections have been a gimmick long since, and even if they weren't, they would be irrelevant to a conversation about virginity and reproduction.

You know nothing about me. You're fighting with a hallucination, because you're not satisfied with what life has brought you in exhange for what you've done. Well, I'm not planet Earth's complaints department buddy.

This. An infertile virgin can't perpetuate your individual genes but a fertile non-virgin perpetuates the cancer killing the entire White race.

homely means ugly.

you're thinking of comely, which means pretty

I'm a grandfather already and sick of the shit you lots are doing polluting my younger touch bearers. I really hope you and your lot will end up like the niggers will be soon.


Most women who voted for Trump were married women, they don't really count in this conversation.

Yeah sure you are kikel.

What's the other side of the compromise? A compromise means both sides concede something.

I think another thing for us to keep in mind is that we really don't/shouldn't have much of an idea of our own demographics. Specifically the age ranges of people in this discussion because as points out a person in their 30's who only found the words as a grown adult or late teens is going to have a very different view than someone who is "18".

Thank you? I am definitely not a feminist, I do deserve hell though. Thankfully, Christ died for my sins and his blood is enough. I hope you don't think by me suggesting that intelligence is carried through mother's X gene that I am also suggesting that men are less intelligent than women. Men are overall more intelligent than there counterparts, but they inherited their IQ from their mother's side of the family. Idk how that makes me a feminist.

Says the Trash of Babylon.

Women that are into politics are typically shitty, left or right, sorry to say, what you should look for in a woman is desire for family and a decent level of obedience.

we are asking for a bare minimum standard. One that isn't very hard. Every other feminine art has been lost. What are women offering in this thread? their wombs. We are asking for quality control since this is all they are giving.

No it doesn't, men and women are different, our sexual strategies and pair-bonding evolved differently.

Well the compromise is you might not be able to marry a virgin. And the other side, your new wife, needs to stop being a slut and not teach these corrupt values to your offspring.

So what we've learned from this is D&C is afoot trying to convince older people or people who have had failed relationships to never marry and never breed. Just so everyone is aware of what Shlomo over here has been shilling.

You're insulting people and finding flaws in the people that points out your own flaws because you have absolutely nothing worthwhile within yourself to defend. It's petty and unmanly. You use anime picture to gain attention for either triggering purposes or just because you're either actually autistic or accepted the fact that you're a miserable person who will never put any efforts in bettering himself and still expect to get his dick wet with the an incredibly low energy attempt. You have nothing worthwhile to defend because you've never done anything worthwhile in this world.
Maybe if you started being productive to society, you'd gain a little bit more self-confidence and integrity to man the fuck up.

For the last time, no they didn't. Read the actual study and the refutations to that pop-science bullshit you linked to.

also the compromise is a balance of quality and quantity rather than a hardline puritanism that results in even worse population decline.

Seriously, Mordecai?

Blue pilled virgin grill of average intelligence, femanons are universally god awful thots.

And here we have the poster child for the goon fearing anime. Signed and sealed.

No. I'm suggesting that you and your kind stop looking at retarded 'news' sites and stop getting your cunts loose as soon as you hear something like-gender positive trying to justify having either a rod or a hole.

Idealists only die out in a subverted society, it's up to the realists to enact the vision of the idealists. If they succeed, a reformed society values the pure and thus matches them accordingly. If they fail, the idealists generate a curse as an heir and the cycle repeats anew.

To add to this if we don't compromise and if the majority of the populations continues these ways then its only going to get worse. Of course this matter is pretty much beyond our control anyway, can only hope the thinking will change through the whole of population on its own.

With degenerate sluts like you, Rachel.

This is utterly false. The white birthrate was normally 5+ for all classes.

The idea that it's normal for Whitey to have 1-2 kids is a fucking lie, look into history, it's BULLSHIT.

Sincerely, someone who knows basic fucking history

But she has to do that to get married anymay so that isn't a compromise, try again. What is she doing in return for you accepting a nonvirgin?

No, I didn't read that one, good catch. Interesting read.

meant to link to

D&C thread. Redpill as many people as possible. Improve yourself everyday and be worthy of respect. Eventually their lies will collapse on themselves and the truth will once again triumph.

I'm suggesting you to kill youself, nigger. No one wants a defective walking mass of filth breeding or breathing at all.

No, that squares pretty much with irl women in from my experience. I can count on one hand the girls I've known who were worth a damn, all were traditionally raised (anabaptist etc.) or were still virgins. I've met more women who were good mothers who may or may not have been like that as kids, but not a lot.


AVFM is shit, but notice the lower righthand corner, guys.

Kill yourself with unprecedented alacrity, "grandpa."

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children."

Your D&C has no power here Moishe.

We have IDs you know, you whore.

Considering my elitist nature, you wouldn't be surprised I browse /a/ all the time. Used to be my home-board until I decided to get my shit together and swallow the redpill.

It is worth it. There are plenty of good men out there. And there are plenty of women who are attractive well beyond 25. Only degenerates wants their wife to act like a porn star. Go have white children, and be the mother and wife you want to be.

Yeah, see, at least I've ever had a relationship. Keep enjoying your self-defeating elitism, I'll remain open to meeting a decent woman.

The problem is that 8/a/ was a subverted tranny-communist cuckshed from its inception and along with /int/ the only legacy board that is worse than it's halfchan equivalent.

It's kike propaganda to promote women giving away their integrity and virginity. Kikes promotes hedonism to fuck the western civilization.

If you've noticed, most of the great empires were annihilated thanks to degeneracy.

Maybe they want you to act like that in the privacy of your bedroom as a kink, but they certainly don't want you to do it in real life. I'm also not really sure about that "lack of opportunity thing." I'm sure some men are like that, but this day and age if a man wants to marry, he really fucking wants to be married.

Marriage is not a good deal for men in the current age. If he's marrying he's doing it for reasons beyond the material.

I was going to make a similar comment, but I think he only meant that Holla Forums is now his home board. 8/a/ is trash though.

Fuck 8/a/ or any form of daytime /a/. The threads I mostly go in are the nostalgia ones or rare quality ones. You meet Holla Forumsacks in them from time to time. It's easy to spot. Being honest with you, I work too much to go there anymore. I just miss the old days.

Virgin is always thousandfolds better than an exact non-virgin equivalent.

I hope you're right. I just get scared when I imagine the future with someone obsessed with pic related.

If you look into it, it's a legitimate thing.
Guess who was behind degeneracy everytime.