No, Mr President, you got that exactly wrong. Faggotry must be eradicated.


Other urls found in this thread:


Unfortunately, Trump is poz pilled on the gays.

One step at a time, Komerad


I came here to post this. He will appoint judges and even said if they overturn it, leave it to the states. Which is exactly what I would have said. Just like all the abortion bullshit, leave it to the states, that's the best option (for now)
All the cucky places like commiefornia are fucked anyway and at least the better states wont be force-pozzed

It's not like he's actually going to do anything for them. He'll just say he's okay with it when it's brought up and then appoint a bunch of state's rights advocates to the Supreme Courts. After 4 years of a Trump Presidency public opinion on gays will start to roll back in time. After 8 years small businesses that benefited from Trump knocking out the globalist corporations will start to shun gays in rural states again.

It's up to us to make sure that Soros' rioters are hated more and more by the populace.

oh also, i'm not sure he really understands how insane faggots and "trans" people really are for some reason, but his staff and judges will. I'm reading the Art of the Deal right now and he admits to doing a deal with an actual faggot and didn't think it was a big deal. Side effect from being in Jew York for too long, also a side effect from being in the hotel business for such a long time. He's seen faggots and freaks as some of his customers and doesn't think anything of it anymore. I wonder what Pence thinks of all of this.


We don't really know that for sure. It's not a bad assumption, but sometimes the career of a justice doesn't really line up where it's assumed it will be. Kennedy was a Reagan appointee and was supposed to be a conservative judge, but that hasn't always played out.

It's something we need to keep an eye on, but damn it op you can do better than this.

The state legislatures and initiatives outlawed it, but then courts kept reversing. It has be affirmatively banned across the board. Let's keep the pressure on Trump so he doesn't screw this up.


culture war stuff is fucking done until we establish a 1000 year reich

The war is against globalism. defeat globalism and the gay parasite will be eradicated

Honestly when it comes to gays the indication that I get from Trump is that he just doesn't give a single shit.

Consider that the greatest achievement of your life peasant

That's not how the NSDAP handled it. They actively went around busting up gay bars and sex clubs. Boarding them up, confiscating the property, fighting the people who frequented them. There's an element of "fake it until you make it" at work here.

NSDAP had it easier than we did re in terms of demographics and urbanization

Pretty sure gays had little to no negative impact on culture or society pre-1800's.

I do not know what I should be laughing at more your 'screencap' taken like CWC would or your autistic shitposting.

Yeah, I don't see how Trump could be OK with this. He's kinda moderate, sure, but this gay marriage bullshit was just forced down Americas throat. He has to hate that. Only the absolute niggers that voted for shillery were happy then, not all his supporters.

this is a good idea. We can shift the window further to the right and keep liberals distracted as fuck by causing shit at fag clubs. Even just pulling a fire alarm or chimping out at the bar and breaking a bunch of shit and running out would cause a shit storm in the commie community.

You can't send messages to Trump unless hes following you

Fags are a fucking disease vector and they don't deserve the tax breaks married non-degenerates get for having kids simply because they poopdick.

Electrocute the gay out of them… hell why stop at that electrocute the life out of them to.

Rope is a cheap alternative however and should be encouraged.

This. We need to start with the major players. We won't get anywhere nitpicking when we have the entirety of the left to deal with. Without shit like safe space politics blocking us, then we can tackle the other problems.

King's most loyal servants and right hands were often dudes with chopped balls who were known to be highly homo

And neither did niggers/women because none of them had any rights at the time, are you fucking retarded?

So who the hell would Trump follow that would send him Holla Forums-tier autism? I've heard a rumor going around that his son Eric posted on here once, maybe him?

who /thinking/ here?

Or maybe the shit is fake? You ever think that?

Yeah, but times have changed. Even "conservatives" are ok with them now to a certain extent. Gays used to live in the closet and at least pretend to be normal. Now they vote, breed, adopt kids, encouraged to spread their filth and retarded ideas, etc. It's like saying niggers don't matter because they used to not have much impact before in the 1800s

They actually had quite a lot of positive impacts tbh

How many anti-Trump threads do you need, Sinead?


Only in faggot pro-zionist countries like the US. In the rest of the world, it's still a disease.


Who the fuck is this dumb cunt and why do people spam his tranny pictures.

These fake nationalists use "Trump should make the country fly before it can crawl" argument, anything to pick away at his glory.



Nice attempt to make the pernicious and subversive operations of Renegade appear irrelevant because "n… no one has even heard of this bitch…. s…she is irrelevant"
Her and her group are the ones behind 90% of the anti-Trump threads on this board, as well as the "Asians are honorary Whites", and D&C threads based on women.
They also try to incite illegal activities through example.
tl;dr lurk more.

Kill yourself



Ok, I don't need an example-lesson from some place that is being overrun with hordes of Muslims and you get 8 days of probation for gang rape of a 12 year old white girl.
Thanks, though. Unless you are from Hungary.

his support of gays is a good thing. there's no reason to restrict peoples freedom even if they want to do something you find yucky.

meanwhile he is painted by the liberal media as going to murder all the gays and trannies. tranny propaganda mouthpieces are reporting that a whole bunch of tranny tards suicided as soon as he was elected (never happened - even if it did it's 100% the fault of mass media lies on CNN and similar). because they wanted to install this person instead:


Just… how? why was this shit overlooked?

Trump said he's Pro-life and will appoint pro-life judges. That means anti-fag judges too. His policies will reflect his real views, not some 60 Minutes placation.

Mike "Deus Volt" Pence can do enough fag annihilating for the both of them anyways.

>reddit spacing
go back

don't worry, user.
i understood your joke.

dont you have a glory hole to be attending faggot?

wow amazing argument you really refuted my points. idiot.

Boy I sure do love having muh freedumb to cut my dick off and shove things up my ass. Fuck off back to reddit faggot.

All of the countries in Europe being overrun with Muslims are the ones with the closest working relationship and the most aligned worldview with the United States.

old shit

you didnt make any points fag. what do you want me to refute besides your pro-gay stance?

you drones are pathetic


wait for hitler you dumb goy!

Listen, as long as traditional familes and values are promoted. Fags will always be a minority. Its whatever. I dont care. DEPORT MEXICANS

Not as pathetic as being a GRIDS-riddled redditfag like yourself. You are very clearly not from here and should lurk moar or fuck off.

we dont watch milo here. TRS is that way —-→


How did you get the donald follow you?
Holy fuck.
I want to dm him too.

Make Homosexuality Great Again

Currently homosexuality manifests itself in society in a crude, degenerate manner. The slave moralists turned homosexuality into a question of human rights, instead of healthy human endeavour. Instead of creating a new place for homosexuality to function within society (as the Greeks did by utilising male homosexuality in their military or education), they have merely tried to fashion homosexuality into something 'equal' to heterosexuality, and degraded the innate qualities of heterosexual monogamy by trying to reduce everything to a playing field where both homosexual and heterosexual relationships can be seen as "the same". But they are not the same, and they should not be given the same roles in society. Homosexuals are physiologically different in their brains and shit, both gays and lesbians. Homosexual relationships are not the same as heterosexual ones, they are inherently neuter.

Marriage should remain heterosexual, but homosexuality should manifest itself in a different social function. By removing what makes the heterosexual relationship unique, by destroying its reproductive, familial essence; the politicisation of homosexuality has damaged the social fabric.

You fools are so naive, you won't admit to yourselves that Trump is controlled just like the rest of the political establishment, he has rubbed shoulders with the Clintons before this whole presidential debacle ever began for crying out loud.

What a joke, I sincerely hope you people are paid Trump shills and not genuine posters.

I've been posting here for years dude. I'm not a fucking sheep like you is all. I have my own opinions.

Not believing in Evolution is not believing in the inherent superiority that is the European race.

We evolved in a niche zone that gave us our unprecedented capabilities. We can adapt to both hot and cold climates, we're strong, and we have a balanced endurance level. We are on average the most intelligent people on Terra, and we are the worlds greatest warriors.

To be European, of body and mind, is natures blessing.

kill yourself.

did shlomo tell you that was true?

Not even them, but you are a faggot.

I've known Trump wasn't anti-gay for a while now, nothing about this bothers me.

Gays don't bother me. Faggots bother me.

Plz kill yourself

2012 tier insult. go back to the infowars comment section.

You are a nigger.

Fags are bottom of the list when it comes to problems faced by the west right now. It's like complaining about the neighbor's dog shitting on your lawn while your house is on fucking fire.

The only problems fags cause is reducing birth rates, and their impact is limited because homosexuality is fucking rare (it's not 10% like the fags tend to say in an attempt to normalize their behavior more like 1%). All other "issues" are caused by fag enablers trying to normalize homosexuality, whether they're idiots or have a more sinister agenda. The emasculation of society is a much bigger issue.

Milo is a good tool to use. He is a gay jew, liberals have no idea how to combat that fag.

valid point

He doesn't, and it's good that he won't be wasting capital on this shit. The only stable point on American public opinion right now is that sodomy is fine in private, but keep the public faggotry to a dull roar. Ironically, this is also the official policy in Best Korea. Americans mostly don't give a fuck, and they resent a rollback of rights that crosses the line the other way and starts fucking with the nice gay couple down the street from their house.

This issue discredits us, fam. Fags aren't going away, nobody will raise a mass movement of anything but Christcuck Jew-worshippers to oppose federal marriage rights, and precious resources we should be pouring into securing a future for white children are instead going to be wasted trying to swim upstream on what is basically a side issue.

Trump would have to be a fool to move against homos as anything but a diversion at this point. In fact, his consistent tolerance of gays is one fun way to outflank the left. His record here is actually more progressive than Clinton's was, and I may have recruited one or two voters on this alone.I also had to suck their dicks. Nao I hav AIDS.

we are being raided.


he is definitely a strategic asset in terms of redpilling. christina sommers too.

Oh, are you butthurt?

I'm beginning to think you're the one who would suffer from regular butthurt considering your continued support of Donald "I'M FINE WITH IT" Trump.

OH WOW YOU'RE RIGHT, I SHOULD HAVE VOTED FOR (((((((((((((((((((((((((HILLARY)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Underrated post right here


there are multiple homosexuals loose in this thread right now. they need to be gassed expeditiously. this is the problem with gays, they begin shilling for leftist tier talking points when their degeneracy is spotlighted. they will always care more about wrecking their assholes and eating shit than having a strong nation.

Absolutely disgusting

Let me state this loud and clear for you, reddit.


… called the firing squad.

((TRUMP)) and (((((((((((((((((((((HILLARY)))))))))))))))))))))))


Get out of this board.

it's hilarious watching you retards instantly become exactly the same as SJWs as soon as your trigger (gays) is pressed.



get those fucking parenthesis off the God Emperor's name or I will fucking find you and kill you. Got it? FUCKING DO IT


lol, take it easy tough guy. Your here for the nazi frog posting right?


how about this goy?

Definitely get out of this board.

Nigger Sessions is AG.

Hillary is fucked


That'd be you b80

lmao, you're not even trying to pretend like you're from here.




Hitler made exceptions. Not many, but he did.

get out.

no clue what that is.

unlike you i'm not a shapeless blob that takes the form of those around him.


What an intriguing political theory


well if it wasnt obvious before, its now obvious youre not from here thanks to your subconscious slip. reported.



it was fully intentionally. I'm calling you a pansy ass SJW who gets triggered









Okay now I'm just certain you're either a paid shill or the biggest moron on this board. Like I posted earlier, lurk moar or fuck off.

oh no the little baby who can't defend his viewpoints is scared by my words!

hahahahhahah kill yourself you fucking coward

…thats uncalled for you double nigger. I hate faggots and I also support trump.

▲ ▲

>TRS spacing
Lurk moar




Pick 1 my friend


Kill yourself.

>it's full of >reddit spacing

>reddit spacing
nice one, real obvious.





Nope, cool Nazi pic though fellow Holla Forums board lurker!

your autistic flailing is more impotent online than it is IRL

It is only the same standard you hold us natural aristocrats to, my friend :^)

You deserve to get fucked in the ass my sweet child.

>not >reddit spacing
nice common core education you have there, fagenabler-kun.


fags need to leave GET












CTR compressing?

Trump won't Prosecute Hillary but won't go off for Sessions for doing it

Yukio Mishima was very closeted and had a wife and children, never advocated for that that kind of stuff. Nationalism and self improvement came first. 'Spose you could make a case for him being bi.


>reddit spacing
hi freech.



I'll start typing block paragraphs just for you my nitpicky friend

Look at me fellow Holla Forumsack, I do not put a space between the post number I am replying to and my text, therefore demonstrating my non-redditness. Now let us engage in auto-fellatio together.

is this an english board?

excuse me sir I need directions, is this an english board?

excuse me sir I need directions, is this an english board?

excuse me sir I need directions, is this an english board?

excuse me sir I need directions, is this an english board?


How to be a shill for faggots on Holla Forums: a step by step guide

1. Be from a different site
2. Always use Reddit spacing
3. Lie and brag about browsing Holla Forums for years as much as possible
4. Cite modern books written by jews about mythical 2 century old greek homo-tranny death squads like it has anything to do with today either way
5. Profit

Mishima wasn't closeted he wrote two god damn books about being a fag, Confessions of a Mask, which was basically autobiographical, and Forbidden Colours.

nice >reddit spacing there, sodomite pedokike
>when >reddit spacing is a documented thing that makes subversive elements such as yourself incredibly obvious.

Why don't you go back to your bog

fuck off back to reddit if you think it's okay to




common-core eductaed

mongoloid who can't even read a fucking paragraph.

All "based" faggots: go and do likewise.

Maybe I should use reddit spacing after all for you

Considering you haven't realised I have been putting down Trump supporters this whole thread

Hopefully you understand where I stand now


How to be a delusional crybaby on Holla Forums: a step by step guide

1. Be new here

2. Desperately try to "fit in" by repeating things you heard other posters say, having no opinion of your own.

3. project your insecurity by constantly calling everyone else new.

4. Refuse to actually discuss anything, just act like an SJW blocking and whining about scary wrong opinions.

5. Profit

Pressing your Enter key even once during a post means you're Reddit.


paragraphs are used to more clearly define separate points, which you seem to be unfamiliar with the use thereof

You're only justifying walls of text with that attitude


Fuck off and stop derailing the thread

I give zero fucks if you support trump and advocate sodomy. Thanks for the vote, now get the fuck out of my internet because you contribute nothing to the white race and can at-best be a subversive element

thanks for outing yourself, nice >reddit spacing

Then what's your excuse for formatting like a fucking retard for most of the thread? You know what proper formatting is why not use it?
because you're a mentally ill fag who likes butt dildos

irony I hope

how to permanently get banned on Holla Forums:

1. find guy in strawhat painting on canvas
2. post "not an artform" when you find anime
3. await a permanent ban from a butthurt weebcuck moderator who feels threatened within his safespace.

very easy guide.


anime isn't art but manga is. discuss while the fag-enablers engage in their eternal asshurt.

Fuck off Holla Forums


fun fact: >>>Holla Forums has a word filter that changes IQ to autism level.

I've been on Holla Forums since the first exodus and been a national socialist since 2012. You're the one failing at "fitting in" you gargantuan faggot. Muh fag allies.

That shit exists since the primaries


If derailing the thread is a problem, go back and report the first guy who went "goyim goyim reddit spacing oy vey" and maybe one of the mods will pull his head out of his ass and give them a long, very public ban.


Well I got the grammar slightly wrong probably because of my 'tism
Just because the grammar is slightly wrong doesn't subtract the value of a point

TRS fags have made a pledge to criticize Trump if he ever cucks, do your homework

Here are some more "based" fags on display.

nice >reddit spacing faggot.

>reddit spacing

but you don't consider fag-enabling cucking? get real TRShill.

Is there an actual Trump IDF? Every thread that's critical of him gets immediately shitposted with non-arguments and mental gymnastics. Guys, he won. You don't need to defend his love for faggots anymore. I wonder if this happened when Raygun was president, all the nationalist saying that amnesty was just a step in a greater master-plan.

Pull the trigger.




Check my post history faggot


Way ahead of you.


These fags are so retarded that they say we shouldnt "wait for hitler" while they also actively shill against anyone who tries to be like hitler.

Thats not even true either. He signed a bill to combat AIDS that had a section where it said it would give funding to "education to avoid behaviors which AIDS may be spread" which MAY be construed as Gay Conversion theory which MAY include electroshock, which the (((Media))) ran with to try and scare gays into voting Clinton by making him out to be the the faggot boogeyman. He's never actually said anything one way or the other on gay conversion.

Pick 1

Well it's not like his SCOTUS picks are going to be fag enablers or anything and their actions in regard to faggotry and shit matter more than Trump's who is just saying things

how come you keep this trash on your computer? are you in denial about something user?
also, what makes you think each and every homosexual male or female acts like that?

he has it to remind dumbshit faggots like you that faggotry is a cancer that kills society and is pushed by jews to do just that. if youre some faggot downunder then I hope you hide it well because in the new reich when we find you out you'll get hung faggot

Have you been reading anything I wrote? I'm an insecure faggot that's trying to hang with the cool kids like you. I'm just myself posting on Holla Forums because it's the one of the few places with intelligent people - despite the idiots in this thread.

Nothing at all, but even a mild homosexual is a symptom of societal decay, which, if allowed to continue and advocate for their degenerate lifestyles, will almost certainly exacerbate a seemingly minor societal ill into a social justice campaign for the supposedly downtrodden and misunderstood

Reagan was a cuck who ended state hospitals and made the cops fucking social workers. He singlehandedly set the white race back at least twenty years.

卐- Make zero attempt to assimilate to board culture, always use >reddit spacing
卐- Dude wait for Hitler lmao when you're actively supporting Trump, but remain critical of certain actions of his
卐- Publically support Milo, say that there can be "based" nonwhites and faggots
卐- Call everyone that disagrees common-kike or ironmarch, say you can't be both pro-Trump and anti-fag
卐- Employ JIDF-tier argumentation tactics when you're found out

gee user, I don't know. Faggotry is a mental illness that stems from deep-seeded perversion, who touched you as a child?
Did the magical negro diddle your dingus?

To show to retarded weebshits like you that fags are not as based as you imply.

I don't think each and every fag acts like that, but homos as a collective group have and will always be a bunch of pederasts, subhumans, commies and general human filth.


based user, truly, based.

*claps in heterosexual*

False dichotomy. Memes do not create themselves. They emerge from the collective psyche and can be shaped/controlled by conscious effort. If you think our enemies are super intelligent to the point of seeing all ends, you're either deranged or just too stupid to accurately appraise their intellect- and for all of what they have, they too can easily enough become deluded, like they have. This is not part of their plans. If you weren't retarded, you would see that they played essentially every move they could against Trump, yet still lost. The election gave us a glimpse of the kind of strength they can wield against us, and it was not enough. If you continue with your bullshit, you're either pathological or paid.

>reddit spacing

Most of those guys are closet homosexuals anyway, guess you were too young to remember when Anti homo crusader Ted Haggard was caught with teenage boys he found from rentboy.com

>lel anyone who hates fags must be a fag
I hope you like electroshock therapy.

Pence should reinstate state hospitals and lock all the pedofags up

This, is it truly worth millions suffering guaranteed sexual abuse at the hands of these types and further spreading their twisted relativistic morality to cope with that fact just so the moderates can feel like they are hunky dory normal when it is likely even they themselves have been abused or tampered with developmentally? How can even a naturalist believe that homosexuality is normal? It is absolutely nonsensical.

The faggots' goal is a SCOTUS that supports the status quo "sodomy a fundamental right" and "faggot marriage equality" bull shit. Too many liberal idiots got appointed by Reagan and Bush to the court. Trump needs pressure from his base to pick hard-core justices.

I see someone figured out how to turn on the projector.

that's something I agree with. fag culture is shit.

[citation needed]
idk but surely not some huge nigger given your fantasy you so thoughtfully share with us in that picture. keep getting stronk like Guts and maybe you'll get to relieve your fantasy, user.

low effort. enjoy fapping to those pictures you so religiously save in your "fags are nasty xDDD" folder.

Speak for yourself, our enemies are incomprehensibly more powerful, established and influential then you will ever be until absolutely proven otherwise, we have likely not even seen their hand yet.

Unless them losing was the meme they sought to propagate

Well your current batch of Republicans are basically Reagan Democrats.

I have every panel of Berserk capped and cropped. get fucked.

not an argument, and nice >reddit spacing
DSM before it got subverted by pharma-kikes.
Try and remember, user. Your faggotry stems from somewhere, either you got molested or you got into kikepr0n and developed an autogynephelia fetish

I don't even hate homosexuals as people, barring particular individuals that I know are up to disgusting deeds, but I absolutely see the evil of homosexuality purely as sexuality.


criminally underrated post

Trump was never a conservative at heart. Wasn't that hard to figure out before hand Holla Forums. Not that this is a bad thing, you lunatics.

So you even took the time to lovingly crop out the scene of a young Guts getting fucked by a nigger yourself.

Defender of the White race right here.

What's wrong with "faggotry"? Trump is building a rainbow coalition of true conservatives that are about fixing government, not wedge issues.

I'm glad Trump is reaching out to the LGBT community and other racial minority groups.

Also my fag degeneracy folder is actually pretty small and 90% infographics, want me to dump my hitler folder instead?

They have played their hand. They are completely predictable to the point of this being nearly boring. Soros is now doing his little attempt at a color revolution, but this will be cracked down on. You cannot sit there and claim that every time they try their hardest to stop us and fail that they were merely pretending for some convoluted comic book plot reasons, because what you are doing is constructing an unfalsifiable position so you can feel clever; no matter what actually happens in the real world, you're always right in your own mind. This is mental illness or shilling.

Trump supports the log cabin Republicans, what's wrong with that?

Strategy Lesson

I hope this wont be lost on the people in this thread who sorely need it.

Wedge issues are used to divide and conquer. Be weary of posters who care far far too much about realitively unimportant things (e.g. "gays" instead of white genocide)

Around normals focus on positive messages instead of negative. For example explain the benefits of traditional marriage instead of a going on some blue faced rant about how gays rape children and being written off as insane.

Increase the dimensions of your chess game: Exploit stategically placed persons like Milo. He can be used to throw a spanner in the works of the mental flowchart SJWs follow when arguing. It forced them to go off script.

Trump making both liberals and Holla Forumstards mad, what a guy.

Nothing, sans the T.

I agree, good thing Trump is building a broad coalition of different groups.

I'm really starting to like this Rainbow Coalition he's building.

concern troll pls go


Yes, because I am the kind of sperg that must catalog everything

It's a symptom of a sick and subverted society.
You mean a bunch of sick pedophiles and trannys? fucking awesome bro xD

There's nothing to "divide" when you already "conquered" yourself by being a homosex faggot that cannot contribute to the white race.

"Hello fellow r/pol/ish people how do you do?"

Alright but I don't have readily available depictions of interracial pederasty saved on my computer and you do so you'll have to excuse me if I don't take your accusations of being a total degenerate pedophile all too seriously.

Try Again..good luck

Is she just a long term troll, or is she really this dumb?
Stop reminding me about her.

Pic related for eyebleach

Now you understand the importance of sympathizers.
Ever heard that term before in the context of nazis? Thanks for being a useful idiot, I mean it. Your vote counted a lot, now get out and let us fix society

Hey fag-enabler see and fuck right off.

You seemed more concerned about what two homosexuals do in the privacy of their homes than you do looking for a white woman to have kids with.

actually I don't know what you mean?

Those groups will never ever majority support republicans, what possible reason could you come up with to think "reaching out" to them is even a remotely good idea.

You do know you just linked me back to a post of mine I made earlier right, interracial fetishist.

Real nazis died off decades ago, now you just have jews who post anonymously on Holla Forums that call themselves nazis and post stupid memes such as "gas the kikes" "fire up those ovens".

If fags actually did keep to themselves like that do you really think we'd ever be having a conversation like this?

Your autism prevents you from understanding anything, huh?

ITT: MSM commie shills and wannabe elitist 'peasant' spammers doing their latest attempt to undermine Trump, AGAIN

This is just like Trump's 'pro-israel/aipac' speech during the campaign, where the msm is marketing their shit product about trump being pro israel and 'with the establishment' narrative bullshitry


lolberg-tier logic, fuck right off with that.
You're right though I'm not too concerned with that because there's zero women I'm attracted to in my area, live in a marxist infested city and unlike you I don't want the poz.

Consider this a lesson in getting used, then.

That's my point, you enable fags and are a degenerate pedophile.


You don't have to believe me obviously, but what is more likely:
A. Donald Trump is an establishment plant once again who was set up to appear otherwise, especially financially and political talking point-wise
B. Donald Trump is a genuine civic nationalist that has miraculously avoided being assassinated by a plethora of means at the disposal of the TPTB

just got banned for a post I made 3 days ago, while they ignore >REDDIT SPACING, some really effective and impartial moderation on this board

what are you talking about?

Your low IQ.

I'm not the one with a nigger on child rape on my PC though projectionist.

when you are incapable of explaining anything and keep being evasive it is a tell that you are just bullshitting

not an argument, show me exactly how Berserk enables fags when faggotry is portrayed entirely in a negative light(all instances are either rape or prostitution)
unlike yourself who thinks sodomites made "positive:^)" contributions to society.

stay retarded.

Why don't you suckstart a shotgun?

do you think anyone sees your post and doesn't think you're a fucking idiot?

You seem pretty triggered, it's ok if you are into men, just keep that stuff in the privacy of your own home.

An effeminate man who sold out his ass for money becomes one of the most powerful beings on the planet.

Did Alexander the Great, Frederick the Great, or Alan Turing not?

I'd just ignore him anons, he's obviously a closet homosexual and highly autistic.

Nobody wants our children to be indoctrinated by degeneracy but these people who see homos under every bed should look in the mirror…

Fuck you.

And is also a huge anti-christ allegory who even the most dull of readers pick up on. Also only got there by engaging in devil-worship and killing all his friends.

cucked Egypt
(((modernized))) Prussia
fought on the wrong side of WWII
'no' fuck right off.

well said!

Daily reminder to remember the wisdom of your ancestors

I'm only seeing homos on my Holla Forums when there's a bunch of fag-enablers talking about how FUKKEN BASED the pedofags are.
I also like how you guys always >reddit spacing every single fucking time xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

stay retarded

cucked Egypt
And spread Hellenic culture to Egypt and made it a bastion of intellectual thoughts for hundreds of years.
(((modernized))) Prussia
Even the National Socialists revered Frederick the Great as a national hero so nice try
fought on the wrong side of WWII
Doesn't make him any less intelligent or important

Not needed anymore. We already won. Let them bitch and moan. Anyone pretending we ever thought Trump was Hitler, or even far Right, is an absolute moron, a troll, or a shill. We've been saying all along he's the first step. And he is. These morons expecting us to from trannies and shit being mainstream to genociding non-whites in one election cycle are retards or they're just looking to start something. Trump won. They're mad. Laugh about it.

Stopped reading right there, go be an intellectual back in the bog, faggot.
yes it does, even a fucking retard like JFK who had a fag brother knew Hitler did nothing wrong.

Wowie, that sure was hard!

I use reddit spacing because it's easier to read.

This is a huge mistake. I doubt he got many gay votes and lost so many people who hate fags

Conservatism has only been hold back resistance, cuckservatism of today is not a fluke but a logical evolution just like SJWs are for leftists.
Trump could never have achieved what he did if he was a true conservative or "classical liberal".

Alexander the Great cucked everyone, so?
Modernisation in organisational, technological, military, etc. terms is necessary for a great power.
Alan Turing would have been a traitor if he worked for the Germans.

Stay salty, you shiteating sack of aids


Stopped reading right there, go be a mongoloid in africa, nigger

Also I'm going to continue the reply despite having "stopped reading" like you
Right and Patton was a terrible general because he was on the wrong side too.

if they will be annoying attention whores who are bent on indoctrinating children, then they will be hated.

Trump is the first step but you whining mega autists keep complaining that we're trying to get to the second step. How is this so hard to understand?

Those are almost always some fat fucks degenerate fantasy. You might as well believe that literally millions PoC genderqueers are being shot up and raped by Trump supporters across the nation right now.

Nah man but you can stay AIDS-ridden yourself. A statistic posted here showed 25% of AIDS- infected subhumans are straight.

wow, I haven't seen these same 6 posts about 10,000 times over the past 7 years…

Right and every White Nationalist is obsessed with 7 year old jap cartoon characters going by a few selected posts on Holla Forums

You're not doing shit to get us to the second step. We hardly had any hand in getting to this first step. The second step is already being made, and the Left is making it. Through their blatant anti-white rhetoric and actions, and literal acts of terrorism against white people, the second step will be made. You're not doing shit. You won't do shit. You don't need to do shit. The second step is out of our hands, and it's happening now.

Sure is extra salty in here

Lol, looks like you struck a nerve, user.


You have to go back to plebbit faggot enabler

it was in the implied part you sperg

Seems that way

These are new just for you, courtesy of the ping pong digging

Are these guys really TRS or are you CTR?


next three
These chats are almost predominantly male fags btw

I wouldn't be surprised if that actually is TRS in the least.

she's so fucking ugly..holy shit…

Eh, she's not ugly just kinda plain. Like, you wouldn't look twice at her on the street.

Oh god, I shouldn't have opened my mouth. I'm just bored of that picture, I'm well aware many faggots are still doing this.


Hence why CTRs are shilling against that.

naionwrecking jew confirmed

Do you believe homosexuality is a choice? If you're like most people against the current year's born-this-way meme you probably are.
And if you are, most theories of homosexuality as choice work on the assumption of constant exposure.
Having that folder there and exposing yourself each and every thread to those pictures will at least unconsciously make an impression on you.
If you'll have at least one white son or daughter as most of us here wish for in the future those disgusting images will stick to your mind and will affect your perception of him or her.
I am sorry for your mind.

Coal burning is worse than fags marrying. Who cares about fags? let's just stop creating them.

consider the defense mechanisms of mechanical people lacking a spiritual element. it is the ego protecting itself. there is fear in stead of faith and the reaction is without contemplation.
perhaps. there are many possibilities.

skepticism is the philosopher's method in the pursuit of knowledge.
Pv~P is a certainty.
uncertainty is a part of the human condition.

it's not a choice. it's a preference.
development of preference is complex, but it can be understood (ie. conditioning in propaganda).

no dude it SO SO important. we have to have huge distracting arguments about it until our resources are practically depleted and our community is split in half!

They would actually cry out in pleasure @ showed into ovens with pitchforks!

Literally everybody that doesn't want to get fucked in the ass by other men thinks fags deserve to be ovened. There is no "community split" or "resources being depleted (lmao)".




Also you mentioned your ass two times in regards to a post not mentioning anything sexual. Afraid much?


Also, why is it that all these homos arguing that we should accept them use examples of fags that lived in a world where they would be executed/jailed if exposed as examples of homo-tranny supremacy? The only time fags have ever been semi-tolerable is under strict oppression, meaning we need to start kowtowing to them and giving them rights?

You also imply I think all fags are gay by choice, it sometimes is, it sometimes isn't usually in cases of sexual abuse in childhood it isn't much a choice but personally I don't care. I don't go scrounging the internet for pictures of degenerate fags nor do I gaze at what's posted here for very long. All I see are damaged things, if they can be fixed then fix them. If not, then remove the broken "thing" whatever you take that to mean.


Not true. I would be ok with them being ovened but i don't care. Normal people don't care.

I hate Milo because he coal burns but I find his faggotry just dumb and amusing. It doesn't bother me.

That's why you just walk em up to a pit and put bullet in their head. No muss, no fuss

You actually have a good point there.

Fair enough.

Into the bog you go

He's a nigger loving kike.
Despite what Common "Anti-White" Filth tells you after he's done cruising tumblr for porn some fags have standards.

I suck cock and I hate faggots.

Welp, that's it. This place is basically identical to 4cuck now, it was nice while it lasted.

ITT: People way too sensitive about sex. I get that this it Holla Forums, but all I see is 'waaaaaaaa waaaaaaaa'. It's embarrassing as fuck.

A lot of faggy behavior can be traced back to being sexually abused/molested as a young child. Look at the rate of fags who were diddled as kids and it's uncanny how often the two go hand-in-hand.

Homosexuality is a mental illness; we should not be celebrating faggotry.
They belong in the peat bog, but really, the Jews need the ovens before we get down to the fags.


TRS is actively shilling homo-tranny-jew acceptance and the mods don't seem to be even care.

That's because anons usually shout down their faggotry quickly but it's nighttime in US so most are asleep I think

What exactly is the problem with gays?

Faggots must be purged yes, but I'm sure we can all think of people who are massive faggots who happen to not like dick.

For that matter, by encouraging them to go ass to ass instead of fucking women to maintain the appearance of being straight aren't they voluntarily removing themselves and their faggot genes from the pool?

That's true but I'm really tired of all these civic nationalist newfags shitposting about fag/kike acceptance nonstop.

At first I thought "well we have bigger issues to focus on"

Then I realize the issues are indirectly related to the decline in moral adhesion, particularly with homosexuals inability to control their impulses.
What the hell is trump doing?
This movement is the reason why America stopped being great.
Because it made people tolerate and submit to their impulses. This led to a slippery slope of moral decadence. Now kids are getting raped because of this movement.

I'm off this train.
Time to start another.

That's the fucking last straw Trump. You're either a fucking moron for not seeing the NON-RELIGIOUS issue with homosexuality, or you're too blackmailed or weak to pressure to act against it.

see pics related


Maybe you should lurk moar and find out you dumb faggot


Naturally, as am I, that's I'm still awake at lol4:20 grazeitfaget in the morning, shitting on these grids riddled fudgepackers

Homer never intended Achilles and Patroclus to be lovers and there's no source of Alexander being gay. This meme needs to stop.


Where have you been?
see pic 3 of specifically the second to last post of screencap

Google "homosexuality and pedophilia"
Some results, with some others trying to subvert the reality by diggin into the "terminology" and bullshit like that.
A disproportionate amount of pedophiles are homosexual.
They are psychologically tethered. Hell, pornography is also related to this psychologically.
The reason why is that when people "experiment" they tend to move goal posts. It starts off with homosexuality, then develops into experimenting with children.
But try to make a uni article on it and you'll lose your degree.

Faggotry is a disease, and even when the root of it is pulled out from the dirt, you mist till the soil.

Faggotry is not okay, it's not priority number 1, but it's not okay, you fucking queer.

But wait, there's more!

Achilles and Patroclus were considered to be in a homosexual relationship during later centuries in Greece. There's no evidence for Homer writing it this way but that's how the legend got interpreted later on.
To add on to this, Alexander and Hephaestion publicly paid tribute at the shrine of Achilles and Patroclus in Troy.

Closing the asylums was a critical mistake.

you forgot these

What a nice way of saying practically nothing on an attempt of getting the last word.

Tbh this is one of the few things that shouldn't surprise you. Trump never spoke directly against faggotry during all of his campaign. He was against gay marriage some time ago pre-election, but that's it.


Honestly fags are more afraid of Pence than the He will be the scapegoat for the anti-OMGWTFBBQ bills that might fly in coming years.

These labels sound like the randomly generated RPG enemies.

I must have missed the thread on these, but who the fuck made this shit?

Yeah, but that's just speculation. Of course it's been debated, but Homer never makes it clear in his work that they were lovers, only that they were close. The same goes for Alexander and Hephaestion, since there's no actual source that states their relationship was homosexual.

Trump is a part of the fascist agenda, not the end game of it, if you are mad that he recieves a cult following here, understand that most of it is due to trump's meme potential

Everything is wrong with faggotry, shitbird

Your candidate lost. Keep those bitter tears coming :^)

For fuck's sake, America.
I'm married with two kids. If someone is gay and wishes to define themselves by marching and waving rainbow flags, then let them. You will never witness a heterosexual march; silent majority etc.

Gay people have the same rights as normal people. It is the law. And I don't like discrimination. But I also don't like people defining themselves on sexuality. Gays can do what they want in the bedroom - but they brag about it.

Gays are a part of white genocide, you realize

For now


They have their fucking rights yet they refuse to stop marching around and fagging up the place. Nobody wants to see guys blowing each other on parade floats when they're out walking about town. If heterosexual people don't do it, why should we permit it from anybody else?

Do you know where you are, newfag? I think you might be lost. That place should be more your speed


you stumbled into the wrong place newfag

one or the other



And what of the children they can now adopt? You're happy to sit by while we legalize children being forced into the same degeneracy?

I know I'm replying to bait, but fucking hell. Some people actually believe it's a non-issue.

people really care about fags this much?

give me a break

My only real concern is ensuring our race doesn't go extinct, the methods don't really matter to me so much as the results. Essentially all we need to address these issues are restrictions on contraceptive measures, regaining control of the border, and increasing tax breaks to white families (primarily in the middle class). If we can get reproductive rates up to even 3.0 (3 children per family) we will already be on track to achieve that goal and LGBT shit will be inconsequential.

TL;DR: Gays and trans aren't really much of a concern if we just focus on incentivizing white reproduction.

Also if you people only knew how many /cuteboys/ are also Holla Forumsocks…

no they arent
if they were Holla Forumsacks those disgusting fuckers would have given themselves a kurt cobain haircut long ago

Will the endless ass licking of Trump ever end? The man can makes mistakes and he doesn't hold our worldview, calling out his bullshit doesn't mean he didn't do some good or that Hillary was the better candidate.

Fuck off 4chan refugee, every degenerate gets the rope. Furries, trannies and faggots get the rope too, Holla Forumsack or not.

You're fine. Ignore the divide by extremism shillery.

This is a good PR move. Discredits the media even further.

Yes. Yes we do.

Fags are literally part of the problem.
It's part of what is holding America and the rest of the world back.
And it's all based on NOTHING but cultural Marxist identity memes. It is nothing but both d&c and subversion packed into one little memetic package.

Fuck fags. They are a scourge.

Better question is:
"Is Trump really for this, or is he playing it safe for a short period of time?"
I heard he's still not officially the president-elect until the republicans vote.
That means, he's biding his time.

Oh yes they are, you're talking to one right now, and most of my gay/tranny friends lean right.

Yep, but I also don't want our race to go extinct and I have a girlfriend. Hate to break it to you friend but Holla Forums and the rest of the right aren't as homogeneous as you might have imagined.

I've been here for years and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. The best part is if we ever met in person you'd be none the wiser.

You've been warned, AIDSmonger. I don't want your poz breath anywhere near me, ever.

That too.Let's see what happens but we need to be vigilant of Trump too.
For now, the distension between US-Russia-Syria is already more than what i expected. even better if it keeps up.

tfw no harem of Holla Forums slaveboys

I'm fine with that.
electrocute means execution through electricity

That's cute. But for the time being we're on the same side. I've been here long enough to know there's no way to convince your particular breed of user of anything.

If it makes you feel any better I only go for actual women and trannies. So your ass is safe both literally and figuratively.

Also I'd request that you use a strip of silk to hang me instead of rope. The Byzantines way of doing things was so much more civilized.

The easing of tension in syria is an important indicator that Israel may be losing it's grip over America.

No we're not.
You are literally part of the problem.
You will fix yourself or perish.

Yep, still getting that rope.

Bitch you're getting hung with animal tendons, I save the silk for my own property. I'll make an exception if you want to be hung in front of the Hagia Sophia when Constantinople gets retaken though, real civilized Byzantine talk ;^)

We both want the borders controlled, the re institution of traditional marriage (I think gay marriage is fucking pointless and stupid), the halting of white demographic decline, and the restoration of Western civilization. With the possible extended goals of establishing a space empire. Tell me, where do you take umbrage with those goals?

Be sure to tie the noose nice and tight, I'm a bit of a masochist. You can throw me from the Hagia Sophia when we retake Constantinople, but not before then.


Imagine unironically hating cute femboys. They're quite a rarity already, don't make them go extinct.

more bait in a bait thread

Right? God Holla Forums can be such a bunch of boring prudes sometimes.

Newsflash: I'm not a Byzantine, so if we meet, time's up faggot.


But user, they're just like regular parents. They just eat da poo poo is all.

He's obviously right, do you not know how many tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of faggots in America have read Jack Donovan and Ayn Rand and don't like niggers? It's not a matter of disproving really, it's just a matter of fact, or else Milo wouldn't exist with the huge fan club he has.

Good luck figuring out who I am.

Hey that's common filth's logic, and it's backed by personal experience.

top krek
I'm not personally in favour of gay adoption but you guys need to stop reposting the same old discredited studides along with some anecdotal news article.

You people are no different from retarded libshits who preach "ISLAM IS A RELIGION OF PEACE! MUSLIMS AREN'T THE PROBLEM, IT'S THE EXTREMISTS THAT ARE THE PROBLEM".

I don't care how many cock-gobblers are white nationalists, alt-rightist, conservative, or whatever the fuck else: They are a plague upon society. It is UNCANNY, how jew-like the fags are. That they are able to infiltrate just about every institution, both public and private, and manipulate it for their own gain. Churches, schools, government offices, you name it. They are genetic dead ends, fated to die (early, in most cases) and leave fucking nothing in the future generations. Yet they have infiltrated the government, managed to pass many laws both local and federal that prevent their "kind" to be harassed or discriminated in any way. Don't want to serve a faggot at your business? Have fun getting sued to hell and back just because they spite you.

Their agenda is international too: wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/50/5012973_-os-fact-sheet-working-to-advance-the-human-rights-of.html

And I haven't even scratched the surface regarding how disgusting these people are. Do yourselves a favor and hit up the LGBT reality thread:

Fags are disproportionately more likely to be highly promiscuous, be domestic abusers, be pedophiles, be drug-abusers, and have one or more other mental illness associated with them like OCD or bipolar disorder. The numbers are high enough to assert that all of their shortcomings are equally distributed throughout the population, making 99.999% of faggots a fucking problem.

So what exactly do you suggest? Anyone can be up and born a fag… it's not like getting rid of pakistanis…


That image is of a video I've yet to see and can't find. Can someone hook me up with a link?

Gays don't usually pop out of the womb destined to be a flaming pustule of cancer on society. Those that are, it's usually because the mothers body dumped a shitload of hormones it shouldn't have during gestation. Otherwise the source of buttpiracy is childhood sexual abuse. Basically if you remove as many faggots from society as you possible you can fix most of the problem. muslims don't count because while they kill fags they also seem to think pederasty is a-okay because they're filthy shitskins

Well, I agree. I just don't want them to be a fifth column, and the right lets that happen time and time again.

Good thing you're not ever guilty of it, right user? :^)

Yes, that's fine. They can stay married when entering the gas chamber. Annuling their marriage would only waste money and time.

Wrong. See

As for ideas for dealing with the problem I can spitball a few ideas: pump more money into conversion therapy research, put a ban on internet pornography, completely outlaw public displays of homosexuality and remove it from our mainstream media, chemically castrate faggots, etc.

The reason they were opened in the first place was cultural marxism.
Which homosexuality is a part of.

This planet has no more time to deal with homosexuality.
I know that's hard for you to fathom. But believe me when I say "change or we will all die."
Alternatively, we could just leave degenerates behind on earth. But you still have time to get on the bus.

Is that why you are here while still a degenerate? :^)

They're manipulated fools.
I pity them.

You see, it's bad enough having 1 female parent..

That said, gay dads commonly abuse their children

True, but as I stated earlier there's an obscene amount of shilling coming from (((outside))) and from /cuteboys/ and maybe Holla Forums. They get bold when the majority of regular traffic dies down and they won't be immediately thrown into the bog.

Just looking at pure math here and previous claims

>Stated by one bi/pan user

The guy's friends sound like normies with tendencies to have panic attacks triggered by cognitive dissonance.


Whether or not you agree that horseshoe theory is valid, that image completely misses the point of it.

Good luck trying a North Korean tier state in the internet age

There are a lot of faggots here who just don't give a shit, it's clear from some of the references and reaction images used.

The horseshoe theory is a lie.
The reality is the left became subverted and lost pragmatism.

Thank you satan

Come on user. We both know that what Cultural Marxism is actually responsible for is pushing fags out of the closet. As well as encouraging promiscuity as well as identity politics built on sexual interests.

All destroying the left does is basically push said fags back into the closet, and ensure sexuality isn't a major identity factor for people. If you ACTUALLY THINK you're ever going to somehow permanently get rid of sexual perversion I have some bad news for you…

Oh, and I'm still here because triggering the more hardline Holla Forumsocks is fun sometimes. Everything you've said is kinda par for the course, nothing too extraordinary there.

Congrats on not being able to read user.

Install photoshop and stop being retarded. It's that simple.


It's a drive-by shitpost at best m8. I wouldn't be surprised if just a few shills/shitposters cycling ips. Whoever it is, they're posting in waves.

Best Korea manages to be best korea in the internet age pretty well.
You're probably right about the faggots though.
Honestly at this point the Italians had a pretty good idea of throwing them all onto a fag island where they can be degenerate as much as they want but can never leave.

Wrong. It's less than 200 years old.

You're mistaking it for either:

You lose.

Well not with that attitude you won't
Don't let your memes be dreams

Yeah and all Nazis are Jews! People on Holla Forums as well and all racists are secretly black.

You're not allowed to hate anything - kill yourself, faggot.

We may never eliminate murder, but we should still hang murderers.

Same thing with gays.

Now wonder you're so bad at winning.

He had good reasons to. What part of corrupt politicians didn't you understand?

We'll just send them to San Francisco. It's already covered in shit, and there's that whole faultline thing.

Are you just pretending to be retarded?

Well the ideal method of dealing with them is by enforcing moral values in the public. Just as we won't be able to arrest whores who've slept with 10+ guys, we won't be able to arrest all of the gays. Much of our problem lies with how society tolerates homosexuals, which is why we need to shift the overton window enough to kick the fags right back into the "mentally ill" category.

Embryonic genetic modifications will be a widespread technology in the future. Many of whom will want to use this technology to prevent homosexuality in their children if apparent in the early stages (certain prenatal hormones seem to influence sexual deviancy).

Protip: it's sexual temptation.
People have sexual feelings for music to food to inanimate objects.

All you did was fall for a trap. Now you're stuck.
Enjoy the ride to "hell" because unless you fix yourself, you'll only fall into the trap more.

Then you'll find yourself in a pedophile ring, blackmailed into shilling on anonymous forums.

You're not user. But like bob ross says - "beat the devil out of it"
That's the only solution we have.
Resist temptation. Self discipline is key.

That's a weird assertion to make, since pederasty creates fags, basically his argument is that fudgepacking occurs in the nature so obviously it's not wrong for humans to do it. Which just further outs his own retarded hedonist mindset. Honestly the best thing to do is not respond because its just being an attention whore.

Let's give him the benefit of the doubt, he probably is retarded.

The thing is, in Japan homosexuality is just considered a fetish.
That's why even gays over there generally marry and have kids.

As a semi fag that actually sounds like a pretty cool idea. I wouldn't mind being on degeneracy island while contributing economically to the nation.

Got a source for that theory user? I'd actually be interested in reading it.

Oh my dear sweet summer child. We'll have to educate you on the Roman aristocracy. You are simply never going to get rid of deviancy, it's part of human nature. What would make more sense is to contain it in a set area, as the user who mentioned fag island kind of addressed.

What was my victory condition?

If gays/trannies are stealth mode and don't push their deviancy on others why is it an issue? Seriously, if they privately engage in degeneracy but don't push it in public, what harm does that do the wider culture?

Again, the main reason I take issue with the current state of sexuality is the massive negative impact it has had on our reproductive rates. If that sexuality was pushed off the streets and back into the closet the effect dissipates.

So I'm actually curious. If someone was actually gay, but they got married, had kids, and kept their degeneracy hidden. Why is that an issue for you?

But I have absolutely zero interest in children or anything even remotely illegal? Literally the extent of my deviancy is I've been involved with a tranny before. My current girlfriend is Aryan waifu material and I plan on marrying her actually.




Think about that comment.

Pederasty creates fags. Why? Because they learn to accept this sort of behavior.
Leading to more pederasty.

Societies that embrace """homosexuality""" end up destroyed by those that don't.
So shape up, or you'll be shaped up by enforcement.

Who.. didn't use the term "homosexuality or anything related.


You're never going to train a dog to stop digging holes either. But you still try and to some degree teach they resist it better.
Letting it go was a mistake. Because fact is : people have sexual feelings for anything.

But yours leads to such levels of promiscuity that:
1. diseases spread like wildfire
2. It effects your attitude to certain activities negatively
3. As we've seen with pizza gate - which has it's origins with the "sexual revolution" - it has a potential to lead to pedophilia.

You are either a shill or stupid.

This. Normalization and encouragement of homosexuality are the problem, not homosexuality itself.

Humans are wired for a sexual perversion of some sort. Inhibition - the trait that's responsible for civilization - and perversion are inherently linked. The latter acts as a release valve for the former.

Because there's zero chance of that happening.

Fetishists are in general mentally disturbed people. Once you define yourself by a sex act you are driven by a need to see the world validate your decision.

Consider foot fetishists. Nothing wrong with liking feet, but they are so obssessive it becomes a degeneracy that they want to spread.

Homosexuals are this times a million. They are driven by a desire to turn all heterosexual men gay.

the word, my dude. the WORD homosexual
the word heterosexual didn't exist until recently either

How so?

Oh no argument?
Funny that. It's because YOU can't handle the cognitive dissonance

Who's the delusional one here?
It's not me.
I accept reality
I cultivate myself and teach others to cultivate themselves so they don't fall into the "downward spiral"


hi cf

The concept entirely.
People seem to think it existed in the past. But in reality we've misinterpreted what they thought of the activities they did.

And when the media for 50-100 years has promoted "homosexuality" it becomes embedded in minds. That's called conditioning.

You're so stupid it makes my brain hurt. You realize we have history recorded outside of Europe from before 1800, yes? You think homosexual relationships were never mentioned in any literature before 1800? You honestly must be black, because a white person with an IQ as low as yours usually ends up caring a lot more about tabloid drama or monster trucks than anything political, if you catch my drift.

The greeks had laws against homosexuality.

And most evidence of pederasty is based on (wait for it…) graffiti. We know ancient sources stressed that relationships between men and boys needed to be nonsexual, but homosexuals engage is 'we wuz kangs' as much as blacks do.

This user gets it.


I'm not gay myself, but I've been around enough and spoken to them enough that I know this to be untrue. Most have very specific tastes and they can fulfill those tastes within their own circles.

I'll be honest, I'm actually a pretty decent looking guy. While gay guys have hit on me before, I've never had any actually attempt to convert me to being a fag. They know I'm not interested in masculinity and so far all of them have accepted that.

I get where your fears are coming from, but I think you may be overestimating just how much thoughts fags put into what they do. Most seem to be content to blow each other in private and leave others alone. It's cultural Marxism and the left that have turned so many into float faggots and rainbow flag waving political soldiers of the left. Cultural Marxism seeks to weaponize demographics regardless of what those demographics actually are.

user go home you're drunk.

With the Jewish parasites still in control of the media, Trump is limited on speaking his personal beliefs.
But as you have already seen, he intends to appoint traditionalist, conservative judges to the Supreme court…if there is any chance of repealing the decision on faggot "marriage" it lies with them.
Hell, the feminists are even worried about Roe vs. Wade, which I'm not, considering it's blacks that are aborting their offspring the most.

The reason I said it's a weird assertion is because you can't have pederasts in ancient greece without buttpirates to make them or maybe it's the other way around, saying that shiteaters are a 200 year old thing while in the same breath saying there were pederasts in ancient greece is at least somewhat contradictory.

kek someone needs to read Plato

you people understand that gay is a pathogen that spreads trough birth. The best thing to do is let the faggots just eradicate themselves, instead of remaining in the closet and continue to have kids as a front.

Possibly, but the meme exists for a reason. People must have observed it's destructive tenancies in the past.
What destructive tenancy? Either disease or the decline of moral standards.

That said, Greece did suffer a moral decline. Pic related.

The statistics that a disproportionate amount of pedos are homosexual also proves that there is an inclination for homosexuals to degenerate. Or for degenerates (if not including homos) to be homosexual.

I think the evidence stacks up against you. And what you are dealing with is denial of your own mistake and the horror of taking the red pill when you've made that mistake.

No; the status quo was jailtime or execution.

And you have nice black friends, and jewish friends too?

Society is stigmatizing turning a gay man down for sex. Where are all your buddies out saying that is wrong? Are they protesting that? Of course not. It benefits them.

Sodomy user.
And it was ALWAYS a described as a destructive device that made the person weaker emotionally.
Why do you think it's a sin? Because for THOUSANDS OF YEARS it was observed to destroy people and societies.

Probably, but that doesn't mean apathy to it didn't cause issues.
In fact, APATHY was a huge issue to greece. Aristotle himself saw that it was a huge issues to society.
People tend to not want to be told to "wake up" so to speak out of guilt, shame and addiction to their sexual indulgences.

That quote isn't real my man. Nice evidence of Greece's 'moral decline'.

The fact that a disproportionate amount of pedos are homosexual would probably mean that if you are a pedo you are more likely to have other kinds of sexual deviances too. The fact that the correlation is on the pedo side instead of the homo side is important.

Anyway I used to be anti-gay Christfag who tried to be celibate but I lost my faith, and also don't consider homosexuality something to be ashamed of anymore. I've had these feelings since I was a kid, and they weren't sexual at first, they were just crushes on other boys.

It was still too close to be honest. I highly doubt sodomy didn't occur. Those boys would simply lie about it, as would all greek men if they did it.
I guess that highlights how much of a slippery slope it is.

Case in point, they can't shut up about being fags and how wonderful it is.

It's relevant to the discussion.

It isn't, really. You should be able to argue your point without appeal to personal experience.

Are you just now realizing that Trump doesn't give a fuck about gays? This has been known all along, get over it.

The concept is either active or inadvertent subversion. It became an issue in the late 1800s, but then became staggeringly out of control in the 60's till now.
Hell. People are LITERALLY chasing bugs for sexual stimulation. They indulge in sex so much that they bore with it and seek greater thrills.

Sex is a temptation remember. And for good reason.

Furthermore, the concept is now used as an identity when in reality this is a fabrication. There is nothing physical about homosexuality at all. People have literally fallen for this meme to justify their sexual indulgence and incapacity to self discipline themselves.
Furthermore, the identity helps it drag others into it by making the actions involved with it more acceptable.
Without the identity, sodomy would still largely be condemned and restricted. Attach the identity and you make it come across as a natural human trait, when there is nothing physical to prove this. Furthermore, it's a misrepresentation of general sexual feelings.


Doesn't mean it's incorrect.
Though I would like proof that it is incorrect.

So.. you're admitting homosexuality is a sexual deviancy?

There should be the same proportions of homosexuality in pedos than with all people.
But there isn't.
Which means that a disproportionate amount of homos are pedo AND vice versa

You likely won't get any proof there's only two fags left in the thread and one's an attention whore, the one you're talking to is most likely less of one but still asserts that it's degeneracy isn't a problem.

Ahh, can't face your shame of "falling"

There's still time to pick yourself up you know.

He actually is right about the quote.
Or google is lying.
That means the quote needs to be properly sourced before I post it ever again. God dammit.

Still, it's not wrong. Rome declined through it's apathy. The canaanite empire declined through not only apathy - but also terribly structural system established from apathy.
The Babylonians never cared that the invaders were coming from the mountains to the north.
Our society is collapsing from it's own apathy too.

That quote is accurate, but still needs a real face to it.

Don't the pearly gates have a big sign saying "No reprobates allowed"
If this thing is wrong for turning it's back on it's faith, then let it burn with fellow degenerates come judgement. Don't waste breath trying to save it.

Besides birthrate-reduction, faggotry is disgusting; even for tolerate-tryhards. Thus reducing identification and bounding of white individuals, with the white-group. People gravitate to beauty.
Who wants to identify with disgusting people?
Who wants to fight for disgusting people?

If any of you really expected Trump to bring out RWDS, you are just as retarded as the MSM spreading fear porn about him.

When walking through the darkness, all it takes is some light to make you able to see where you are going.

Also "he is without sin cast the first stone"

Jesus was a memetic/hermetic genius. No wonder the Jews couldn't understand him. They hadn't mastered the scriptures and memes like he did.

Still think John and Peter had a large influence on him though.

No I never believed it.
But I think we should meme it.

The other user brought it up first by addressing my sexuality directly.

You're right that it doesn't mean it's incorrect, but it undermines your point about Greek society. The quote was not made by a Greek and to imply it would be said by one about their own society would be anachronistic, unless you had evidence. It is a modern right-wing quote about our society, not Greece in the time of Aristotle.

Homosexual is by definition sexually deviant. It deviates from normal sexual behaviour. It is probably caused by abnormal conditions, whether it be genetic, hormonal or whatever. It manifests in 3% of the population at most.

That said, I do not have any reservations about having a homosexual relationship. It's so private literally no one else knows. As for the state concerning homosexuality and pedohpilia I wouldn't know, but every time I've googled studies they say that homosexuals are not more likely to be pedophiles, so I dunno.

Closest you may get for now is that those riots may get cracked down faster and harder. I myself am indifferent about gays, so it doesn't make much of a difference to me about what happens to 0.8-2% of the population for the next 4-8 years. What shocks me is that there are folks who don't think we should take advantage of it.

Certainly does. But I still think sodomy and """homosexuality""" is a symptom of apathy.

People want to believe in things they want.
I was raised in a very liberal family for a long time. But then I saw family and friends spiral out of control due to liberalism and apathy.

My parents didn't want to warn my dying uncle that they weren't going to resuscitate him (near dead from cancer and struggling).
I couldn't help but see how their view of their world led them to that conclusion.
They realized too - they stopped caring about the world they lived in. That led them to stop caring about telling the truth to my uncle. They said for his own good, in reality - they were too frightened to tell him the truth.

He recovered btw.

That shows how apathy leads to destructive misbehavior. Sodomy and homosexuality is an example of this. I've seen many homosexuals destroy their lives through apathy. Some through the sodomy itself (disease).

I can read a thread. You said 'oh if only you knew how many /cuteboys/ were on Holla Forums.' You clearly wanted to talk about your sexuality in the thread.

No but seriously, people who are reprobates can't be saved again. It's there I just don't remember where and in what contexts. I'm honestly too tired to look it up, I've been awake too long and I'm clocking out after this post. Hopefully this thread gets nuked before I wake up cause I'm tired of seeing this shit coming out of the aut-right.

They're attention whores stop feeding them. Now I'm leaving.

And weaker.
People are looking into conspiracies again. My friends couldn't believe what I said about Clinton before the election. Now they've all looked into it.
They're already trying to uncuck their shit. One stoner mate is trying to stop. He's been near constantly stoned for years.
They want to see the truth again. When they do, they see the lies they've believed and want to live again.

If you consider the Toxoplasma Theory, such treatments may actually kill off the parasite.

I'm not even about to read all this…be gay, no one cares, not even your President…I don't think anyone but you care that your gay…equality is equality…do what thou will, its your life…the quicker it ends, the better

They might be, but some actually homosexuals might see this thread and begin to question their value.
If they're smart but misguided.

Not with that attitude. This form of apathy is also a sickness to society.
You must try user. Try to shake them and wake them.
Your fear of losing friends and family is making you keep quiet.
When people keep quiet, they become misguided.

Sorry to hear about your uncle user and the way your family dealt with it, that must have been horrible. Glad he got through it.

I have to admit I have an apathetic personality, though mostly about myself. You know that Sam Hyde video where he mentions how gays are more likely to have bipolar disorder and OCD? I literally have depression and OCD. ree

I'm not keen on anal sex (gross) or promiscuity though. Never been to a gay club. I don't want to catch the AIDS. Apparently around 8-12% of Aussie homos have HIV. What the fuck man.

That said, I've had homosexual tendencies before I hit puberty as I mentioned. When I was a kid I was always kind of weak and unmasculine, wasn't into sports or any of that shit. I feel like my life has kind of paralleled Mishima in that sense, and I think it's common to homosexuals. He grew up as a weak, effeminate kid and became a nationalist bodybuilder when he was an adult. Kek.

Wasn't me, check IDs.

I'm really concerned about that theory actually. It seems off.
Is it really feasible to adapt to that specific form of behavior - or it just causing increased impulsiveness and sexual stimulation.
That can be the effect of dopamine fluctuations.

Also, many of the Clinton fans will turn into conspiracy theorists, sort of like how people were afraid of Obama taking away our guns for the past eight years. But instead of muh guns it will be muh abortions and muh gay marriage. So prepare for that. Prepare for TYT to turn into Infowars.

I can't help myself, in the bible, reprobates are individuals whom are deemed unworthy of salvation because of their inability to save themselves and follow the word of god. That's what it means to be reprobate, that's what this thing sounds to be from it's own admission. At any rate hopefully the mention of bible and god will bring in religion shills and this thread can be derailed into oblivion.

I stay well away from that disease pool.
In fact, I'm more focused on fucking the universe than people :^)
Yes I have a wrath issue

Conditioning. I bet every man and woman on the planet has had this.
Fortunately I had fairly vigorous "negative conditioning" to it from an extremely young age - that's why I dig in the pizza thread.

Any clinton fan will be in jail in the future. If they've seen the truth and haven't learned - there's no redemption.
Actually, I'm still concerned about some parts and keeping my eye open to any changes to facts

Then what is the worth of the sacrament of penance?
Unless they're self destructive or exploitative of others there is a small window of opportunity to fix them. Otherwise, no man is safe from that.

Also - I'm hermetic, I see the bible differently to how most Christians see it.
In fact, I think they played with bias knowingly. But why?

Don't compromise your own beliefs, adjusting them to Trump's. The risk is, people will think he's actually the god emperor, that he represents all of our values when he clearly doesn't.

Getting tired of you kikes making me repost this.

I hate to tell you this, but you're a faggot.

reminder you retarded goyim have no say in the future and if I want full gay equality then that is what will happen because you are all my slaves

That was clearly a media plant put there to extract something to kvetch about. He deflected that question well.

Repeal/reform anti-discrimination laws and let nature take its course. Nothing will change culturally until you remove the protections the left has in place.

Spreading POZ is not a right, all of those fags in California are claiming disability for their STDs and the taxpayer is footing the bill.

For 8 years, during W's presidency. Before that, he was registered as Reform or Republican.


Don seems to have always had a don't ask don't Tell position on gays

I'd love to know what the context of that is.

Remember politics follows culture. We have to turn the culture against them before the politics will follow. Recent studies on homo/lezbo child abuse can be memed to help on this end. But as far as Trump doing anything about it, until the culture turns it's a losing issue that isn't worth wasting political capital on.

The problem in the culture is that it has become hip and cool to be gay. We need to remind everyone what taking poz loads is really all about.

More than that though we need a reinvigorated economy and a celebration of the traditional nuclear family. Today what's cool (or is portrayed as such) is being a childless nu-male faggot cuck who lives in a shitty apartment in a "hip" gentrified urban area. We need to make having a family and being parents cool and something that everyone aspires to again.



Better read all of Aristotle's extant works so.


What exactly did you expect him to say?
Gas the fags, sex wars now?
Is this board populated with literal 12 year olds or what?

this thread is cancer and you should all feel ashamed of yourselves

No, that's adaptation. He doesn't believe in evolution, but he knows that the smartest dog breed is much smarter than the dumbest breed.

you people are faggots, he's just gay

Well, his stance on most issues of this nature are to leave it up to the state, I can understand that. Doesn't mean he necessarily likes it.

How does it feel being a 5'9 white guy named Brendan from 2008?

I wonder (((who))) could be behind deinstitutionalization.

I don't get the reference. Either way its most likely just Christcucks getting upset about this

This is some grade A shitposting fuck off though


Anyone who didn't see this coming is completely retarded. Trump has been pro-gay before people like the Clintons were. Anyways, the rest of his platform is are more important. Thinking he was going to become a full fledged Nazi was autism fueled LARPing honestly. We should care more about what he does with illegal immigrants and mudlsimes, the people that actually represent threats to law abiding citizens.

This user gets it times a million

Homosexuality is just pointless hedonism like shooting heroin. All faggots must be thown in a bog for their transgressions. Also good work on outing yourselves as being the anti-christian divide and conquer shills as well. 4cuck has to go back

That means that 75% of AIDS infected people are not straight. Which is 2% of the population. Thanks for proving his point.

Homosexuality is a mental illness and needs to be treated as such.



But wait, there's more! You also have items and titles in there!


They've crawled back out of their holes today for some reason. Probably ran out of drugs after almost two weeks and now they're facing reality and not liking it.

HAHAHA Are you saying we are fag enablers because we voted Trump?

Get the fuck out moron, some 5% of mentally ill people that won't stop being mentally ill is the least of our concern.

No, I was saying that fag-enablers that sympathize with Trump are nothing more than useful idiots to us.

Can someone post some links or books or something about this conversion therapy shit that Mike Pence keeps getting pinned to?

actually no photoshop was used here, this was obviously an alt account

try making a twitter account with reaIdonaIdtrump, notice that the I is an uppercase i instead of lowercase L

Posts on here constantly

you got it. This is the most unnatural Holla Forums thread i've seen. shills are making a new thread every time they see Trump say something we might possibly disagree with, and spamming "LOL POL TARDS BTFO". Shills don't into strategy.


Gas the fags, sex wars now?

This Trump IDF meme has got to stop. Any time Trump agrees with the left on an issue you faggots just say "durr wat else did u want him to do????" I dont know, actually get rid of fag marriage which a majority of republicans would agree with. Why the fuck can't he say gas the fags? What would be lose?

changed that a bit for you

Especially since fags and fag enablers are his primary enemies right now.




Wrong. Negative is unpleasant but it gets attention and is effective.

The fag agenda is a key to white genocide. Genocide isn't just dumping mud people into our midst, it is demoralizing and weakening our own institutions - starting with the family.

I actually liked your version more than my own ^^

if it was love why did he an hero?


>reddit spacing

I think CF is a delusional christcuck moron but i also want fags to fuck off. What now?

b…but muh based spic!
muh godly niggers!

Also let this thread be a lesson that the "it doesn't affect you" meme is a complete lie. These fags spam Holla Forums with gay porn, unironically push homosexual supremacy (lmao) and all the while keep shouting about how we shouldn't care what they do in private. If fags actually did keep to themselves ever WE WOULD NEVER EVEN BE DISCUSSING THEM. At this point im just going to rightly assume that any post defending homosexuality in anyway is from a literal faggot.

the only people posting gay porn were people trying to prove how 'degenerate' homosexuality is, dummy

You say this while also shilling for "based" faggots, how many levels of self-parody are you on right now?

O rly? see

wow great example, looks like /lgbt/ is hanging Holla Forums for liking futa

niggers have never accomplished anything whilst a few of the greatest men to have ever lived where homosexuals/engaged in homosexual behavior.

See my post here

Report and sage shit shill threads

The only people who say this are intl shills.


Butt blasted thumblr squads are bound to be coming here in the next 30 days. I never pegged them to be capable of subversion tactics. Then again they do seem to be pathetically unrefined.

Yes homosexuals were productive members of society when they and extreme sexual promiscuity weren't promoted. i never said I promoted the current status of the "gay community".

I can see from your (3) that you haven't even looked at the thread but numerous examples have already been posted.


And yet, by enabling fags you support it.

might as well just hit us with the poneshit and start tripfagging since apparently that's cool now too.
>not realizing that shit was /lgbt/ shilling because /x/-tan broke up with us

Yeah, examples like BASED alan turing and ''SUPER BASED xD" Alexander of Macedonia

Yet you defend the modern homosexual at every opprtunity. So you're just saying that as soon as homos are given rights they will be as promiscuous and degenerate as possible? Even here on Holla Forums you fags can't help but shove your faggotry into everyone else's face and there is no "media promoting" of homosexuality going on here.

like fucking kill yourself bro they were all kikes or kike accessories.

It's because faggotry is a mental illness and he's escaped from the >>>/asylum/


You have any real reasons why they aren't great men or are you just gonna throw a hissy fit like the last person who tried to claim they weren't did?

I'm saying that cultural marxist "culture" that promotes promiscuity and other forms of degeneracy is the problem and not necessarily the homosexuals themselves.
Yes I'm shoving homosexuality in people's faces by posting relevent discussion in a thread about homosexuality that someone else posted.
Flawless logic.

Jews are the biggest fags and pushers of homosexuality in the world and these retards still keep trying to argue about le redpilled fags

But fags are the ones leading the charge of the culture promoting promiscuity. How fucking retarded are you?


Help me out y'all double niggers, how does your movement excuse being pro-homo if you need more white babies?

You're all completely retarded if you think being a sodomite enabler has no consequences to your people. These sodomites are disease ridden, sexually deviant megalomaniacs who groom little boys to be fuckable fashion accessories, the more you deny it and seek to be around these degenerates the more of a faggot you sound like, you faggots.
Grow some balls and embrace that fucking other men in the ass is not acceptable for a functioning society and accepting those men who call themselves "men ass fuckers" are not welcome in your tribe.
Even the niggers and sandniggers realize it but you fucks are so transfixed by your cummies that you want your own tribes to fuck themselves out of existence.


That's right goy. It's not the jews pushing this shit, it's your fellow goyim.

Speaking of white children, Varg just had another one.


kikes push faggotry and pretend to be white whilst doing so.

>no dead /x/-tan

hi CF. the homosexual population is relatively stable at 1-2% so it's not like its going to stop people having babbies. gay marriage is probably detrimental to the reproductive ideal but that doesn't mean kill all the gays.


Yes I have seen that, I used it in the making of my first remaked version. I want more remaked versions who are even more crazy :D

Report and sage shit shil threads
Report and sage shit shil threads
Report and sage shit shil threads
Report and sage shit shil threads
Report and sage shit shil threads

For fuck sake people don't respond to "uhh Trump is a fag enabler, he conned us goys" threads, we all knew he didn't gave a shit about gays.

It's less about that and more about ousting the fag-enablers within our own ranks.

Kikes also push cuckoldry, interracial relationships and submissive behavior on average White men also so do we claim all men are inherently cuckolds too?

Israel is the most fag friendly city, you'd imagine you'd blame gays and jews for it but nah it's only the jews bro that's homophobic bro gays have nothing to do with it bro the jews tricked whites into fucking that which is incompatible with their own nature and repeating it over and over.
Might as well say what you call the white race has no fucking agency and does everything the jew tells it to do.

This is exactly what Himmler said as well.

Fags are the ultimate shabbos goyim right alongside christcucks.

he's one of his fangirls, clearly, since all his talking points and terminology come straight from podcast

Go fuck yourself.

Except homosexual behavior existed before jewish subversion and you've created a large gap in logic that someone the kikes are a subversive entity that have controlled our government and media yet also Whites would never, ever fall for any of the shit they peddle except for the entirety of the 21rst century speaking to the contrary.
Which is it? Are the kikes in control (they are) or are Whites impossible to subvert?


I do it to trigger you faggots. It's simply persuasive, and you keep falling for the cognitive dissonance and hallucinations. I get a kick out of that.

I'm not claiming all whites are fags though, I'm claiming all fags are tools of the kikes. I'd claim the same about cucks and coalburners too, bunch of deviant freaks.

The only thing that gives him away is his use of "cummies" but everything he said is spot on, again you're attacking the source not the content, just like a kike.

Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag. If he won't denouce it, then don't engage in it. Seriously, fuck that.

Very easy to fake.

But you are claiming all homosexuals are AIDs infected child rapists who've never accomplished anything

kikes using a small percentage of mentally ill deviants to create more mentally ill deviants in an attempt at destroying the nuclear family.
and (((you))) fell for it hook line and sinker

Come on, Chaim.

No, the articles say
In other words th stats don't say half have fucked the same sex, they just don't "identify" as 100% heterosexual.

hallucinations? I think you are the mentally ill one, my friend

stop avatarfagging

Because they are

Explain homosexuals being productive members of society and achieving grreat things before jewish subversion.
If the problem is inherent to homosexuality why did people like Frederick the Great exist?

Say that to the user who said only jews are the problem, not me.

It doesn't matter if they aren't all like that when they are a net negative on society as a whole. There were jews who called out jewish lies but that doesn't mean I want jews living in my country then.

But the point I'm making is they weren't a net negative on society until cultural marxism started to take hold.

Thanks for fact checking that over half of brits say they're homos and not 1-2%.

Unless you want to show me some proof that Germans are fags then fuck off you selfhating anglokike. Amerifats/Anglos have deserved death long before they decided to start buttfucking each other 24/7.

Stop actualfagging then.

They weren't, they have never contributed jack shit to jack shit without the jew puppeting them.
>muh BASED turing who helped kill the ebul nadsees
>muh BASED alex who cucked egypt and got BTFO by a guy that lived in a barrel
They weren't "great" nothing "great" about the fag who let the kikes take over Prussia. fuck yourself.

Exactly, egalitarianism = cultural marxism. When fags have rights, this is what happens. They should be under constant threat of imprisonment or death if exposed.

It was done according to the Kinsey scale, which means that most of the people answering have probably not had any kind of significant attraction to the same-sex but "could see themselves doing it" and maybe want to be cool. Do you really think you could be 'converted' into being a homo?

Germans are all furries and cannibals anyway.

damn, touche

Yes, they were. Faggotry and pedophilia are correlated. Faggotry and mental illnesses are correlated. You see more fags today due to various degeneracies being welcomed and people are encouraged to go through this "homo phase" that'll eventually fizzle out by the time they are 30. Fags hidden behind closed doors are still a medical and social hazard. Faggotry should be treated, not tolerated. You don't tolerate cancer. You don't tolerate infections. Why should you tolerate fags?

All the fags in this thread that will be roped!

Might as well be a jew beaner posting in a Trump thread. You're scum and are certainly also pedophiles too. You will be dealt with accordingly.

I can't wait until the gay-occupied government starts persecuting homophobes and allocates them to natural aristocrats like me for "re-education". Then I'll have my own Holla Forums slaveboys.
The weak should fear the strong…


Nice jewish tricks you have there

You really like faggots, don't you?

Didn't Alexander the Great and like half of Roman Emperors were under control of the jews in the ancient world.
Him being on the wrong side doesn't make him any less intelligent anymore than being on the wrong side makes Patton less of a competent general.
Imagine being this historically illiterate.
I guess spreading Hellenic culture to Egypt and being the catalyst to it being a center of intellectual thought is "cucking".
Even the National Socialists viewed Frederick as a national hero

Homosexuality is a symptom of a degenerate society, not a cause. Make society better, and gays will naturally vanish.

I'm not advocating the Kinsey scale you shithead, I'm just saying that's what the survey used and that's why its results were so pozzed.

You're reaching, my friend. Also, that's not homosexual behaviour. Homosexual behaviour would be actually having sex with other men, which most of the population doesn't do.
Answer my question. Do you think you could be converted?


Germany has more acceptance of faggotry than the eternal anglos and you think they won't be a nation of queers somehow. Get off your high horse and maybe you'll be able to begin fixing your tribe.

Making society better includes getting rid of cucks, coalburners and faggots you idiot.

I'm fucking retarded and can't properly break links, however, so I'll grant you that at least.

Get out. Fags are on our side right now because of the Orlando Pulse Hoax/Psyop. Adding "Fag-Haterist" to Trump's list of "Ists" is only going to cause more problems in getting his agenda passed. What two people do in their bedroom doesn't hurt you. Mexicans invading our country and voting for us to feed/clothe their infinite children does hurt you. What you are having an issue with is "faggot culture". The fact that the leftist media shoves it down everyone's throat and men are fucking each-other's anuses using shit as lube in parades downtown. Sure, homosexuality is degenerate, but it is a form of degeneracy that is not actively trying to destroy the white-race. In-fact I think you would find that WHITE-MALE-FAGGOTS are surprisingly shifting to conservatism because they are tired of all the shit they get from their "friends" on the left.

Now is not the time user.

Doing a simple cost/benefit calculation of taking on "faggots" right now, at the same time as everyone else is taking on Trump and many of them are shifting to our side, would lend to being too much cost and not enough benefit. Expect the cancer, Mike "Israel First" Pence to continue to generate controversy against abortion(a benefit to the right because of the sheer number of nigger babies that aren't let loose on the world) and faggotry(victims of Jewish-Cultural-Marxism who have learned homosexuality from the Jew-media) as time goes on. Mike Pence knows his role, it is to ham-string Trump at every opportunity and if he can't be ready to step in when they take out Trump.

Speak English, Moishe.
Then why did real computer scientists throw all his work the fuck out, and being a fag does make him wrong. Acting like a deviant and sodomizing white men is never "right" and invalidates all your (((Achievements))) And,Patton fought for the USA which was about 1 billion times less ZOG'd out than Churchill's england.
Go be an (((Intellectual))) back in the bof, kike.
Ever figure out we're a little more extreme than them and aren't intent on making the same mistakes twice?

My tribe is Polish I just like Germans a lot more than the eternal anglo. Also >2013, give me some stats from last year at least.

fagfilth detected. Please KYS.

Child molestation existed always. Homos are pedos.

I'd expect nothing less from an avatar fag

what a cuck

When asked if they would have sex with the same sex over half of British youth have said yes, they would fuck the same sex. I rest my case. Next you'll start asking for proof that those who responded they had homo sex actually did, otherwise they could have responded to that to seem cool.

Please fuck off faggot. We don't need your sickness here.

What a leap in logic, I'd expect nothing less from a mentally ill pedofag like yourself.

More like cowardly britcucks fuck over the poles and sell us out to the USSR while trying to use poles as cannon fodder for anglo empire expansionism. I have a lot of German nationalist friends and they have no problem with poles, you mad?

Answer my question.

That's literally what you said by putting parenthesis around "intellectual" or are you too new to understand what that means avatarfag?


Also brit/pol/ trap lovers are responsible for 90% of pole hatred on here.

Top kek. I like Poles too, but it seems sad and strange you resent the British more for not being able to save your pathetic country from the Soviets when engaged in total war - interesting that you prefer the people that tried to eradicate you for lebensraum, must be some kind of subconscious self-hatred and masochism.

Where have I heard that before, go away kike, you're a fucking retard.

I think your specific brand of intellectualism that leads to logic like "fags were intellectuals, nothing they do is wrong because one of them was smart"
Being a deviant is always stupid you fucking (((intellectual))) kike.

I've proven my point, sodomite enabler / actual sodomite. Over half of young brits would be homos, from being a homo on the side to get their cummies or worse. You can't deny it when they say it themselves. Your love for fags has blinded you.

Bet this retarded aspergers retard vists TRS and thinks Milo is funny and cool.

I mean the guy who responded to.

I am an actual sodomite. It seems strange you aren't willing to deny that you could be 'converted' to homosexuality. Most straight people I know are pretty emphatic about the fact that they can't see themselves being attracted to the same sex, at all. Hmm…


Stop posting this bog image. It's the cringiest fucking thing I've seen.

No, my point is saying that 100% of fags are literal child rapists and need to be exterminated is retarded since before jewish influence they managed to get along just fine and even make contributions to their societies.

I don't know what TRS is and I've already voiced my disgust for (((milo))) being a promiscuous half-kike whio fucks niggers.

Want me to dump my "Fuck TRS" folder?

Probably does, he was using the >spacing earlier in this thread.

Maybe I'll avatarfag as bogman now.

Reported for faggotry.

Nigga your shit is all retarded.

This is like being proud of being a black downsyndrome jewish except it's worse because you choose to be a fag (and by extension a pedophile since all fags are pedos). No doubt a drug huffing degenerate who goes to gay parties and sexes children while watching hardcore pornography, go get run over by a car you queer.

top kek
Hell, loads of mentally ill fucks contributed to society. Darwin was a shut-in and Goebbels was easily depressed. Fuck yourself for defending pedofags.

Hopefully, he's just saying it to avoid bad press from the lugenpresse but who knows.

The bog thing was funnier if you understand what throwing someone in the bog means. It basically is an assurance that they will never live on beyond that live because their bones will disintegrate. Our ancients would throw the worst people in bogs so that they would never be reborn.


I believe it for pastor anderson tells me so

I genuinely don't think Trump has taken the redpill on sodomy.

Most people on here are familiar with such traditions, or are you trying to spoonfeed newfags?

I'm not asking for tolerance you retard I'm saying going out of your way to execute every single one of them is stupid as fuck and pointless and your denouncement of great men and their achievements like Alexander simply because of something as unimportant as sexual orientation is kek worthy.
The real problem is jewish subversion not a couple of faggots who bought into the gay pride meme.

If you're so worried about faggots, go have more children. Seriously, that's about the only sure-fire way you can negate the influence of white faggots not having kids. Maybe in IQ 96 la la land it seems possible to ban private fetishism, but to anyone with a working brain, such a feat is clearly a dream. So, I dunno what the use dwelling on faggotry is.

In case you haven't noticed, you're not arguing with someone smart. Look at the pictures he's posted LOL

Keep sucking down that kike kool-aid.

No, your kind is the product of kikery, their greatest, most debased creation. Seriously, fags deserve far worse than just the lake of hellfire for all eternally.

It's pronounced mental illness.


you can't just up and be born jewish, retard

I'm liking him more and more

Keep blaming your own kind and not the Jews my good little gentile.

Is this the new rachposting?

Yes…. is saying his name supposed to be an argument?
Never said that and you having to resort to strawmen is a pretty surefire way to validate my beliefs
Call it whatever the fuck you want tbh the point still stands

Why are you even on a NatSoc imageboard? Come here last week from /r/the_donald?

Uh, you don't get to bring friends.

Are we being raided by TRS? Holy shit so many fags and fag-lovers ITT, reminds me of last year pre-september shilling but without the feminism.


The fake terminology was designed to sciencize perversion with amoral terms to "study" sodomites non-religiously. The terms are used to create a sexual gradient myth. There is no such thing as "heterosexual" or "homosexual". There is only one natural design of every human being. The "homosexual" is biologically exactly the same as the "heterosexual" - he's just different because he's a pervert morally and became mentally sick by doing so much sodomy.

Nigga you're retarded

Can't have white babies with buttsex, you homos, that's all I came here to state.

I'm going to tear you in half with a chainsaw, you disgusting, child molesting filth.

This whole thing was a compromise from the beginning because Trump isn't a 14/88 candidate, he's just a step in the right direction

Imagine being this much of a cringy larper

I do blame the kikes though, you're the one claiming homos sans judea dindu nuffin when I'm saying you're all tools of the kike and were just plain old sickfuck deviants before they started using you for political gain.


By what mechanism do Jews produce homosexuals?

Homosexuals are actually physiologically different from heterosexuals though. The 'gay face' has been shown through several studies to exist, for instance.

you sure got me, closet-user. keep replying with the same thing while also saying you "don't answer sodomites", really convinces me how hetero you are.

Give up, it's painfully obvious you aren't from here.
>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums

He's from the sites listed above.

Nah, seeing as I've been helping define this board's culture for over a decade now, I'll stick to doing what I do best, faggot.

Get out.


Fags get attracted to where they can groom and be groomed. They're megalomaniacs, so why are you surprised that once they find out about a movement portraying something to be innately superior to something else they latch on to it like the leeches they are? They need to constantly forget they're scum, so supremacist ideals appeal to their deranged minds.


You wish, faggot. Not a single one of you will be spared.

You have to go back.

Are you a teenager? Most of CF's fangirls are underage, which is why they latch on to him as a substitute father figure. Sad!


Yes and I have numerous examples to back up my claims which you've just "countered" with memes
Right I'm a tool of the kike you can tell by how I hate jews with a passion, don't believe in the holocaust, am against cultural marxism and even shit like gay marriage.
I'm really doing the heebs work!

Jesus Christ user

lmao, exactly when did you start posting here then, I'd love to know. This is the worst shill job i've ever seen.

Bogposters are not going to change their mind

Fags are not going to change their mind

Holla Forums is not, and continues to not be, one person

Why again do we have these threads?

Pushing your daddy issues on others painfully clear like that only shows how triggered you are by someone calling out white people's demons.

Because the mods are paid shills and you refuse to sage.

Not saying I'm surprise, I just have no patience for pedos and sodomites.

Kek, I see trough it now. Either you're some autistic bug chaser from TRS or you're actually paid to post here.

Gonna go with both.

Reported for being a faggot.

Back to le-reddit, (((user)))


>muh examples of based mentally ill sodomites
By defending gays you are

I keep hearing this meme. No source provided of course.

Not really, I used to defend CF for that before it became clear he was actually fucking insane and had some kind of weird emotional resentment and vendetta against all kinds of groups of people, not just whites. His perspective is seriously warped.

CF is a nigger lover who thinks jews are white. You and the mentally ill sodomites both have to go back. TRS and CF need to take their e-celeb garbage somewhere else.

Homosexual behavior existed in Western Civilization far before jewish subversion rach2.0

CF is a fucking retard who said he wants all whites to go to hell. That's why he keeps pilling on the white guilt just like the kikes do.

Jesus fucking christ, it's like I'm in stormfront. I honestly don't give a shit what you think about me, but I will protect my freedom. You're a fucking epitome of right wing SJW's. Good goyim. Keep dividing everyone on your side. Start with sexual orientation, march onwards to specific beliefs, religion views (le deus vult or die XDD). Why stop there? Continue your dividing into specific political views on everything, and everyone who views something at least a bit differently will be an enemy. Go ahead, just don't be surprised when there will be remaining only a few hundred of you, posting on anonymous imageboards until you kill yourselves wondering what went wrong.

Come after me, and I can assure you, my conceal carried surprise will be introduced to your kneecaps.

t. A bi-faggot with zero one night stands and shortest relationship lasting 3 years.

Nah, you will continue posting from your mother's basement.

And they were properly dealt with by throwing them into the bogs they belong. Doesn't the idea of burning in hell turn you on? You don't have to wait.

Figure it out, moron. Believe it or not, shitposting for that length of time isn't exactly a feat. I'm sure you'll make the same claim come 2025. The fact of the matter is that no matter how much snobby newfags want to whine, there wasn't ever a clear consensus that national socialism is the end-all of politics, and to even suggest otherwise is just outing yourself as a shill.

Obviously Holla Forums agrees Hitler faced an uphill battle, and his politics were a staunch departure from anything else in the 20th century… but to suggest we simply hold discussions here to talk about how best to implement national socialism is just retarded. Only someone with autism thinks that.


Holla Forums has always been more extreme then stormfront and you would know that if you werent a fucking reddit newfag.

Gee, I wonder why. reported.

Let me fix that for you:

Dick girls are implicitly white

Nice projection, TRS. Sorry faggot but if this wasn't like your 3rd time on 8/pol/ you'd know we actually believe in self improvement here.

I wouldn't expect you to understand, though. But don't worry, you'll be cured of you sickness soon.

Wanna know how everybody in this thread knows you're a newfag?

I don't even have a reaction image to how retarded this is. How much is rabbi moishe paying you to post here?

And stromfront has even more shit posters then Holla Forums

Spoiler that shit faggot

Thank you for revealing the true identity of the moefag shitposters that have been flooding in lately. You'll be thrown into the bog last.

reported for smearing shit on my wall.

reported, go back to cuckchan.
where do you think you are?

announcing reports is a Holla Forums tradition

Just leave Holla Forums you retard. You're not welcome here.


How gay can you be?

I'm talking about Greeks and Romans who built empires not germanic barbarians.

It's actually not, only for the past 4 years or so have people done it. Good way to gauge who is a larping faggot, but I shouldn't so openly admit this is a litmus test.

It's not about extremism. Holla Forums always had a wide variety of people, but general theme was that people here were expected to use reason, logic and facts, instead of muh feels like stormfront and lefties. I am disgusted by "LGBT" community myself, but there should be understanding by anyone who uses logic, that some communities does not represent all the people. If a "natsoc community" has been found group fucking a cow, would you consider all of nat soc's cow fuckers?

Alright, lad. Just don't get out of breath trying to reach me.

Is that my official title?

Says the fag that claimed to be contributing for 'decades' to a board that has barely existed for 3 years.

Alright, you'll just get smugs now.

Just watch them call 'reason, logic and facts' Jewish or something next.

Seeing as 4chans Holla Forums isn't ~6 years old I would say that makes it a tradition. especially on Holla Forums

Futa is superior and with science we will make true futa a reality.


Challenge accepted faggot.

I'd rather you're called 'recent suicide victim'. Maybe help me out with that?

The DNA doesn't change, they look like queers because they purse their lips and lisp. They got that as part of their mental disorder and demonic possession from sodomy.

First of all, I said "over a decade." If you don't know that this culture existed before 8ch did, and where we all came from, then I'm sorry, but I don't even know how you found this place.

Buddy, you don't know just how many people have been shitposting about politics on imageboards for longer than 6 years.

What are you gay

Sure, that doesn't mean we should tolerate
>muh BASED faggots though.
Mentally ill deviants through and through.


No, the researches accounted for any behavioural indicators user, by making all the photographed subjects have the same expression and remove any kind of jewellry and cut out the hair from the final image.
The DNA might not change, but its expression does. Have you ever heard of epigenetics? Gays are probably differentiated in the womb, or early childhood development.

Oh and here I thought it was "half chan" its so hard to keep up with the times!

omg those are all jewish u kike shill!
Autists probably would honestly

go back to cuckchan you fag.

shouldn't you be on twitter?

If you're a futa and you fuck a trap does that make you gay, when you're attracted to their femininity?

Top fucking kek lad, too late to switch narrative. You've been called out by several Holla Forumsacks already, if you had any self respect you would've killed yourself or at least fucked off back to TRS already. But of course you don't, you're a faggot. Death by aids, rope or suicide is all that's left to you now.

And then there's the smugs. There are always the smugs.

The problem lies with the fact that they have ALL THE FUCKING RIGHTS everyone else has, yet they still bitch and moan because that means they'll be treated like everyone else instead of some special class.
There's a difference between a gay and a faggot, and you can be a gay faggot or just a faggot.

Faggot and gay only became alike when they started using it interchangably. Faggot meant useless to society or a drag, and as far as I care it STILL does.

A gay fucks the same gender.

a FAGGOT is an attention whore parasite.

learn the difference.

A lot less gay then watch some male fuck a girl.

Triggered the daddy issues boy.

Didn't he say that because of the Bataclan sodomites who got killed? Didn't he on twitter say "at least the Frenchman tried to fight the poz"? What makes it seem to you like he has a vendetta against everyone, is it because he takes the opposite stance of generalizing whites as inherently good like so many Holla Forumsacks do? You're taking a position analogous to saying Trump thinks all Mexicans are rapists. If you don't like his delivery or style, fine. As long as you believe in Christ and follow Him you're saved, anyways. Doesn't matter too much.

Nah TRS, all sodomites are cancer regardless of whether they are open about it or not. Reported.


>reddit spacing


Don't worry m80, I'll be arguing with you in the next thread and agreeing with you in the one after. You can talk down all you like, but it still just makes you look like the idiot.

thank you for explaining literally fucking nothing. anyone else want to give it a shot?

I didn't know Jewtube heroes has jurisdiction on Holla Forums.

Forgot my sage, and also want to reiterate that other user's "TRS boogeyman" claim. I've never even fucking been to that place, and wish you faggots would shut up about it. What is it, a podcast forum? Wow!

shoutout for you and everyone in this board who call on poster's bullshit u guys r the best

It's almost as if they were societal parasitic perfect consumers who aren't beneficial to society as a whole. You also seem like one to say that "all women benefit from feminism even if they say they're not feminist" but you pull an 180 when it comes to the homos. Am I wrong?

I think some people just enjoy solving captchas for fun.

No I'm pretty sure it was referencing the Nice truck thing. CF is just an autist who has to systemise everything in strange ways. If he develops an opinion about something, he has to keep it at all costs and it has to be 100% absolute. That's why he hates all groups of people and only likes individuals, as long as those individuals don't trigger him by doing something he doesn't like.
Anyway it's nice you're a Christian but when I was a Christfag I thought CF was absolute spiritual cancer get out while you can. It's pretentious of me to offer any opinion here though considering I now no longer believe and am an 'unrepentant sodomite'

The difference is that there's still about 20 percent of gays who aren't faggots, who don't go out to pride parades in dildo suits.

Just because the gay faggots are prominent in the media doesn't mean they're all like that. You're falling for your opponent's narrow way of thinking, for one. Generally you can't tell a gay from a straight in that case though, unless it comes up by accident.


It's because they get kike judges into place.

I'm starting to think you saying everyone else has a mental defect is projection you autist


Are you actually autistic? Or just retarded?

Well Pedo-Saxons also built a world empire. But all three were against homosexual adult relationships, and it was only small parts of the elite that would practice it. The average family is quite rightly sickened by it.

You have to go back.

Wew lad, filtered and reported.

Your attempt at pacing doesn't work on me.
I don't need him to follow scripture, read theology or understand morality much like I don't need to listen to the worst pope in fucking centuries that dissolution of marriage is totally okay.
I read my Aquinas for studies and listen to CF for shitposting fun. I don't need to defend him, just point out your confirmation bias. If you're actually a sodomite, REPENT YOU FUCKING FAGGOT.

Yeah, wanna know how it's clear you're cancer?


see I can point out post count too!

Not in the case of Greece. It was pretty universal.

I'm not saying everyone has a mental defect, just you fucking mentally ill sodomits who spend the entire thread advocating your buggery and claiming there are BASED xD faggots

nice argument.

8ch is three and a half years old, moefag and Holla Forums is less than ten years old in any form it's taken.
and fags definitely weren't allowed on /n/, so fuck right off if you try and make that argument

When will you redditfags learn

Is stormfront down again?

faggots ARE mentally ill deviant fucks who need containment. but generally, there's an acceptable limit to weirdness and deviancy. I know most of you here look up fucked up porn, for example, which is a form of deviancy, and those they say they don't do it are lying. 100% of you look up porn or at the very least think about it very lewdly (which is still technically porn because you're thinking up your own lewd imagery), unless you have abnormal sexuality and no sex drive.

You do know that he was sky high, tripping balls on drugs during the filming, right? You can tell if you actually watch the tapes and listen to his speech.

He's a deviant who hacked into the television waves, that's all.


Personally I've been over the whole Facebook frog think for a couple years


Telling me to repent means nothing because I can't bring myself to believe in the Christian worldview at this point in time. Thanks, though. I would say that listening to CF is not a healthy past-time and it is clear that he was quite a large influence on your spiritual outlook consider you've been echoing his talking points this entire thread.

I also quite like Aquinas, you should read Edward Feser's book on him if you haven't already done so.

Your smug anime girl posting self is stupid at levels I can't even find a solution for.

Have another, TRS.


the word "Moe" has been in use for almost 25 years.

So you read books written by men?


We are gonna get flooded with new blood in the coming months. How? Wasn't Holla Forums blacklisted by google?

you sadden me new blood.


Nice argument, faglover.

Not really posting it because it's "edgy" more because it's easy and it pisses these fucks off.
also nothing wrong with a little psychedelic experience every once in a while

you're an idiot. Holla Forums is less than ten years old.

Who said anything about Holla Forums you said the word moe isn't even a decade old when its been a slang since the 90s

I've never really heard CF deal with religion other than repent, turn to God, read the Bible, etc. Contrary to the filter you put on him, he's dealing with the world of the material – he's far from knowledgeable about scripture as I've noted quite a few times him receiving questions or provocations easy to respond to properly and fall for a rather weak response.
Again, he's shitposting with a side of serious with the listener questions. Maybe one day you'll repent and find the grace of God in it's full majesty, but it's not up to me to manage to convert you or forgive your sins. And I've been going through other books, have his Aquinas intro as well as his Scholastic intro on my reading list, he's quite the bro it seems.

I said this exactly:


Well what the hell is a "moefag" people have been in to moe for 20 plus years?

Oh shit, you thought moefag was me saying moe is less than ten years old and not me calling you a raging faggot


Really. I mean it. I can't even fathom a solution for you. Repent, maybe that's what I'm overlooking right now. Yeah, repent, turn to God, ask sincerely for Him to show Himself to you.


amuse me faggot


My argument is that faggots on anonymous imageboards usually don't give a shit about the anti-faggotry because they hate gay people, too.


the third image refutes all claims itt, the thread ends at this post.