Hanazuki: Full of Treasure

I could just be late, but what does Holla Forums think of Hanazuki? I personally think it's pretty cute and the continuity seems nice, but I don't seem to see much talk about it.

At the moment, whole series is on Youtube up to episode 18:

With episode 19 being up for download:

And just to get the porn out of the way.

Hahaha, you lovable dope.

Just getting it out the way, is all.


Who's gonna watch MLP movie just to see the Hanazuki short? I imagine most people seeing it will be wondering WTF is this even cheaper looking cartoon

It's pretty good all things considered.I like that they managed to get their lore set up and plot moving forward in one season of ten minute episodes; that's sadly better than most cartoons on the air at the moment.

The fact that there's a Hanazuki short in front of it is the only good thing I've heard anyone say about the mlp movie so far.

There's a short? I imagine it'd probably show up online, eventually, anyway.

Are those halfchan filenames I spy?

I did say I didn't see this talked about much.

I honestly am only interested in this show due the character designs

Even the boy?

Guess I gotta watch this now.

huh. i haven't the other porn besides Padoga. Nice.

Seen it talked about once before but never bothered to watch it since I've been busy with senior design lately.
Since it's on youtube I might give it a shot just because it looks cute and it's short with no commitment.

What hell are these kinds of shows even called? I thought puffy ami whatever was weird enough.

A US-funded cartoon called HANA ZUKI
Which weaboo made this?

I like Kiyazuki. Watched some episodes, it's got some dark tones with Hana being the main one who isn't negative.




Some with the new boy~



new episode out!
