Be irish
that sounds awful
Think of the children, you selfish prick!
inb4 they get raped and murdered by gypsies
I don't understand why the gypsies weren't wiped out centuries ago? Christian morality? It's not like the Jews who've had influence and power, filling a role in society (tax collectors, merchants and whatnot).
You never know when you might need some lucky heather
The "children" playing by the wall are actually gypsy teenagers who throw rocks over it every time they hear someone leave their apartment.
There's your problem.
cheer up, anime is real now
This is why you shouldn't wank to Chinese cartoons.
Godspeed potato
protect the damn wall!
Have fun with a pope who kisses nigger feet.
Rough bro. Gun laws in Ireland same as in UK, meaning you can't shoot the gypsies for sport?
It's hard to believe after only a few years Dublin became the worst city in the nation.
I blame the EU.
Topkek, it's "but it wasn't REAL communism" for christians.
Those quads of truth need far more recognition than they have gotten!
Ya, access control. Them dirty gypos need to go through a gate to enter, and their presence is known upon entering. They don't like that aspect, fucks with their game.
let's not derail this; we can resume shitposting once we've dealt with the Jews
have you ever considered starting a new student organization? you could call it the Conservative Physical Removal Club.
perhaps the National Afterlife Facilitation Organization
burger here, can someone explain how horrid gypsies are?
they're about as alien to me as abbos
What are Presbyterians for a million dollars, Alex?
If you want to pick and choose your theology and church leaders just become a Protestant.
Im burger too but from what I've heard they are a mix between jews and niggers. The phrase gypped has the same meaning as jewed (being ripped off) and comes from the word gypsies. Would appreciate Eurobro input though. Also how are they in Ireland I thought it was a local Romanian problem
The heck is this? Little girls would never have the physical strength necessary to operate tanks in a million years.
it's girls und panzer, newfag
Girls und Panzer
>hating fun
I don't have any law training, but I think prank wars are legal.
I've had experience with both. Gypsies piss me off more because they travel all across Europe, spreading crime, shitting in the streets, getting underfoot everywhere and constantly begging in storefronts. They're full of diseases and should be deported.
Check out the embedded video - it's a Russian documentary crew filming the gypsy problem in Sweden.
The average gypsy IQ is 62 to 65. The average US nigger IQ is 80. This enough should be illuminating. But there's more: they are even more tribal than niggers, and extremely antsocial. For example gypsies think they have a RIGHT, literally, to mug people. They have a legend whereby, one gypsy stole one of the nails Jesus Christ was going to be pinned with, thus lessening his suffering, therefore God Himself gave them the right to rob any non-gypsy on the planet. They are extremely unclean.
I'm glad people are enjoying my Romys.
No dude. If you want to fuck with a gypsie, give him a half acre of land in the middle of nowhere, a goat, and some lsd. He'll turn into a farmer.
I'm not giving a gypsy shit. They can fuck off back to where they came from.
I think these are irish traveller gypsies
Not as bad as liking AoT
obviously, but these americans don't know the difference. A knacker is just an irish underclass individual who lives in a caravan, shits in the street and rides around in a horse cart, not a fucking ethnic minority.
Could be worse, could be fucking roma on the other side.>>8304407
So they are incapable of attempting to not throw rocks and take drugs etc until the wall comes down? Seems fair to me, I can understand how a wall would make someone take drugs and be anti-social. Totally understandable that they are unwilling to change their behaviour until the wall goes.
Some gypsies camped on the common in front of my grandparents' house once. Eventually the locals decided they'd been their too long and and someone asked them to move on. They left the next night … after smearing his house with multiple septic tanks worth of shit, stealing two of his dogs, killing the third and chasing all his sheep onto the local roads and fields.
Fuck gypsies.
Think of a horrible hybrid creature with all the thieving, inbred qualities of the jew combined with the stupidity, violence and lunatic behaviour of the nigger.
Gypsies are worse than niggers, but only because niggers here are either pro basketball players or homeless wanderers sitting on the street in groups waiting for someone to get them in his car and pay them for manual work. There might be quite a few niggers, but no matter how few gypsies there are, you'll be forced to feel their presence.
Gypsies actually have all kinds of property (mostly land property of course), including houses, fields and cars. Yet most have no problem acting like they don't, and so they live on the streets for practically all day. All of their activities have to do with begging for money, be it walking their kid, playing an instrument (in the most talentless way possible) or just opening their hand and reciting a poem about how poor they are (then you see them with 2 packs of cigarettes in their hands talking on the phone as they walk in front of you). Never ever give money to a gypsy, because they'll either stalk you when you're in town and ask money from you again, or they'll even try to grab your wallet and take as much money of their choice as they like. By default, they stink like absolute shit, and most beggars in a town are members of the same extended family.
They're major thieves that always get the protection of their local ghetto if the police does an investigation (some ghettos are unannounced no-go zones for that reason).
Of course, they're very tribalist too, so if you beat up a gypsy and he remembers you, don't be surprised if 50 of them may come to your house armed with any weapon of their choice, from bats to AK's (yes, fucking AK's).
Last but not least, they cause huge dumpster fires once in a few years that make a city smell like the devil's anus.
In general, gypsies are more nigger than they are Jew (they have the merchant instinct, but not in a way that makes them as convincing as Jews).
t. Eurobro that has thankfully never lived through most of that shit but heard these stories from others
It is important to understand that in this case (I very much presume) Gypsy is being used to refer to Irish Travelers:
Not to be confused with Roma Gypsies:
Both refer to themselves as Gypsies but they are totally different racial groups that have no association with each other.
Whilst both groups are nomadic in culture Irish Travelers usually stay within Ireland/ Britain whilst Roma travel all over Europe. Many remain nomadic, traveling and living in small groups of caravans however they are increasingly choosing to settle in modern homes. When settled they retain a firm identity and do not tend to associate with or marry non-travelers.
Irish Travelers are by law supposed to be provided with land to park their caravans on (in the UK at least) but local councils refuse to provide it and so they simply use public spaces (like parks) or private land like car parks. This causes disputes between them and locals.
I am no expert on them but I do live in an area that they like to pass through, often staying for a month at a time.
Years ago I worked in a retail outlet and would often have Irish Traveler customers. They very rarely had bank accounts preferring cash (which anecdotally speaking they appeared to have no shortage of), it wasn’t uncommon for them to be illiterate especially in the older ones.
Unlike Roma who I have never heard a positive thing said about ever, The Irish Travelers were not unpleasant customers. Whilst I got the firm impression that I would probably end up dead if I ever did anything to piss one off they were nice enough to me. But they are certainly a very distinct group. I felt more in common with people of other European nations (who came in the shop) with language barriers than I did the Travelers.
I also had some do some gardening for me for a period. They did a good job and charged a fraction of what it would have otherwise cost (they do not pay taxes, ever). One day they simply stopped coming.
That’s my experience, they are a different group of people, uneducated living in an alien culture. This isn’t a defense of them, just my experience. No I wouldn’t want to live near them.
I should add that they have a legitimate claim on a small network of land on which to park their caravans. I think it should be provided to them. They are natives and as such like them or hate them do have rights.
kill the gypsies while you still can, that works great for us, and it would have worked even better if genocide wasn't considered a crime
get guns, and if you can't get those, at least get an ATV
gypsies or pikeys?
protestants are the biggest zionists on the face of the earth
In Finland we have a susculture of gyppos that wandered here some 500 years ago. They pretend to be civilized but everyone, including them, knows that they are a bunch of stealing, conniving, knife happy Mercedes loving scoundrels. You can usually just steer clear of them though. If you do one a favor he might even take a liking to you and hook you up with bootleg/stolen stuff, liqour, drugs or cigs but don't ever trust him too much. They're luckily mostly harmless and can be quite humorous as well when you follow their antics from a distance.
I hate this shit. Hurp durp my theory trumps observation.
potatoniggers, amirite? Fire up the IRA again.
Archive in the future you dildo. It was already there, halfag.
Oh yeah, the Gypsies. They are not the exotic people like The Hunchback of Notre Dame (the Disney version) portrays them. They were the niggers of Europe before Merkel and her masters opened the floodgates for Africans. There are two kinds of Gypsies: one is the rare, he is a musician, or magician, who tries to live normally, but they are very rare. The other is the ghetto scum, who doesn't work and forces his own daughter into prostiution. They also breed like rabbits, are almost as violent as niggers and make school a misery to European children. They also steal anything containing metal and sell it to wholesalers.
They did some useful work and weren't nearly this many of them around. Before the welfare system they were forced to work or else they'd starve to death.
I can't wait until we exit NATO and just let Europe go loose.
Wait a second…