JTRIG Operatives have taken over discussion.
I need help. Autists. I need your help. FBI I need your help.
There seem to be some NYPD agents leaking us information.
JTRIG Operatives have taken over discussion.
I need help. Autists. I need your help. FBI I need your help.
There seem to be some NYPD agents leaking us information.
fucking christcucks amirite
No that is hurtbox banter and I have never witnessed anyone engaged in such banter delete their posts. The shills delete their posts.
We need to do something about the christians raiding Holla Forums. Currently there are five or so threads attacking pollacks "for being frog worshipers".
Christians that have been attacking Kek, and subverting pol.
Their main goal is to demoralize us about kek, now that he has won the election for us, and to take control of pols moderators/board culture.
Their subvert kek thread
Their second "pol is actually christian" thread
/Christian/ shills their shitty comic
/christian/ accusing kek of being
Shills against kek and ishtar in false flag thread trying to get poletheism banned
Kike false flags ishtar/innana worship to false flag pol pagans
Same /christian/ shilling against kek by posting random frog pictures unrelated to kek to pain us as "non kek worshipers"
We only care about the truth folks.
Love. Compassion. Kindness.
If you fight against child molestation, we need your help.
FBI we need your help. FBI needs our help too.
Nah fuck off.
Found you.
Ovbiously a shill.
Kek was natural evolution, go back where you came from with your forced cancer.
Le rebbit frog isn't degeneracy as much as an excuse to have Holla Forumstier roll/get threads.
Shit is just fucking cancer wrapped in mysticism as far as I can tell.
You christians are to blame for shitting up the board with its current 7-8 soam threads, off topic threads, anti kek threads, and deus vult faggotry
You ovbiously are a shill or not a board native as kek is our patron god here, and you using e christian presence which is non–existent to devide us like in >>op's infograph.
But youd know that kek is our god, since youre trying so damn hard to demoralize us.
Same poster as>>8304223, with same format, shitty green text and mental grammar.
Id say we are getting raided by one christian that swaps IP's with every post.
Most likely their goal is to attack our board culture and demoralize us and create chaos in the wake of kek demolishing hillary. Most likely this is CTR getting revenge.
The fuck is "mental grammar", son?
You have to go back.
You're not intelligent. I'm not even Christian but I'm aware enough to know that Egypt is literally what the degenerate faggots in FreeMasonry already emulate. Again, piss off and kill yourself with your bullshit dogma.
The key tactic they use, is to have religious arguments.
It divides people, and they have religious arguments where it makes no sense.
Like here.
Both people talking about religion, are shills.
Religious arguments are actually good for us. Tell me, has there ever been a D&C tactic used here that didn't make us stronger? Everything they do fucking backfires and this is no exception.
Same post and grammar as
Looks like he forgot to change his proxy with this deflection/distraction/counter accuse.
We get better shills here on a friday night before the election…son.
But you wouldnt know that, since you werent here then.
Also same poster as here, he remembers to change his proxy between posts.
Religious arguments have never divided us we have always been kek worshiping NEET priests sitting in our basements making tendies for our god.
Refer to
For the 7-8 or more threads theyve been attacking pols board culture with.
Another religious argument.
Ignore anyone talking about religion.
~ A friend of loving people
Unite who?
/christian/ is an anti racist board
There have been seven or eight threads where christians attack the native board culture, how are christians apart of a culture they attack? How are they NOT THE ONES CREATING THE DIVISION?
Son, you need practice, go shill reddit or something.
You are fucktarded and help no one with your incessant shoving your mythology "pantheon" autism into other threads and throwing a tantrum when people dont buy into your cancer.
Hoo, boy.
Honestly never heard of this shit until last year. Pretty sure the first exodus to this site came before the rise of rebbit.
Try it on 4skin; none of them have been on imageboards for more than a few months. They'll fall for it.
I can tell how much you respect the board.
D&C radicalizes when it doesn't succeed. And /christians/ (or Jewish LARPers more likely) attacking Kek worshipers isn't, doesn't, and won't ever be successful. All it does is push people away from mainstream religion and further into the fringe. Also it gives radical right wing religious views more airtime.
Literally the sameposting style and grammar as>>8304463
With the same>>8304438
Posting style as
And finally callingnfor the "fbi" to help him
We are getting raided by /christian/ whos switching proxies
Ignore religion arguments.
religion = distraction to spam thread. Read rest.
We actually have a really good example of JTRIG in this thread.
Religion is the favorite fracture point (though it isn't working so well anymore for them)
It used to be the
or pushing racemixing
Always the same shit, over and over. We're all pretty jaded to it, only newfags fall for it.
Entirely correct. It's a textbook play: (((they))) present themselves as both sides of an argument and pretend to attack each other to try and get two of their enemies to fight each other.
Thankfully, this will have little to no effect here. Ending the cult of Beelzebub (aka Moloch, Allah, Baal, etc.) and their rampant child abuse is top priority - whatever internal grievances might actually exist can be resolved when Western Civilization isn't on the brink of collapse.
Hitler dubs confirms
Yeah. Fuck you too.
It's gotten to point that I sincerely believe that to get rid of the JTRIG operatives we are going have to get rid of the mods(kampfy)/BO/even Jim. They're all not only allowing this to happen , they are actually taking part in it. Anyone that has been paying attention to here and to /polmeta/ should know this by now. Kampfy has been niggin this place up for quite a while now and he has gotten so obvious he is starting to have to change tactics. CIA niggers pls go.
Insta filtered for being so obvious you honestly come off as b8. Please seek a noose immediately.
Anyone pushing a /christian/ Vs. kek narrative in this thread should be filtered for blatant D&C. I shouldn't have to point this out but the subversion has gotten to the point that I really don't think a lot of the newerfags can differentate between it and legitimate posting.
As for me and my house we serve Kek.
Deflection, countrr acccusations, and trying to attack board moderators and owner.
This sounds like textbook shilling. But its probably just /christian/ in some kind of hegelian dialectic trying to get a foot in the door to change and attack board culture.
Refer to what i said here,
Or here
As theyre trying to gain control of the board and its culture, moderators, owner whatever while we celebrate our victory over hillary.
These whole series of posts appear to be bots. Most likely programmed poorly as he is unable to change his mental grammar, posting style, intonation or posting format at all during his IP swaps.
If you read the OP, and then the first 20 posts, and don't think that just confirmed the OP's claim, you're nuts.
Something certainly fishy has been going on recently… but I chalked it up to post-election malaise.
I don't see why it's so hard to switch boards, but most people here are faggots I guess.
Agreed. We need to all be very aware of false dichotomies in general, not just religion, although that seems to be their division of choice.
I absolutely agree that this is definately jew fueled shilling, but I also see a large failure of the board to do away with nordicism and similar concepts. I think to prevent D&C like this we have to stop promoting various european regions or ethnicities as "indisputably whiter than thou" or "genetically superior" to the rest of europe. If we can't do that then we're not going to have a cohesive white nationalist movement. Instead we're going to have a balkanized group of region or nation-specific supremacists that spend the last of their days shitting on each other.
4chan is under attack