Seriously how fucked up is this guy in the head and why is it allowed on telivision?
Seriously how fucked up is this guy in the head and why is it allowed on telivision?
Other urls found in this thread:
It was canceled and is now trying to get canceled again
Oh and a literal rapist next door neighbor who also tried fucking meg
Hey Lois, remember that time Quagmire raped and murdered The Simpsons and Seth got pissed that the network wouldn't allow it on the air?
What's wrong with being edgy?
Whatever the fuck Stewie is, he's not strictly gay. He goes for women in a big way, too, when the mood hits him. But yes, Seth MacFarlane is a horrible human being.
Hey, it's not like anyone else was planning to.
Still better than the actual crossover
hey Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums707439
As a fucking leaf, I always find comments like this to be eye-opening. I saw that on television and I also saw the complete episode of "Partial Terms of Endearment" (the abortion one) on Canadian TV as well. I'm not sure why our censors are more liberal about Family Guy than yours are.
It's just a template thread then.
Remember goys, nazis are way worse than pedophiles!
Both are pretty bad
Of all the things you can criticize McFarlane for you had to pick "MUH MORALITY"
Family guy is the Omni-degeneracy Simpson recycler of the Nu-xir-century outright.
Someone needs to mail all the Fucking gay furry Brian and Jasper Porn to this snivelling kike, just to get a reaction outta him, he responded to the toonsex zone-sama porn edits with Lois on the pron streaming sites so this should hit him.
Enjoy dying from something that could of easily been prevented.
t.non asperger
Eat the fucking Bacteria like a man without the fucking mercury you cuck.
you mean like taking vaccines?
Fucking hippys
Prove to me how using vaccines is bad without linking to infowars or any other conspiracy website.
Normalfags forget that Stewie is a baby but he gets into a lot of sexual situations. It's okay when Family Guy does it.
At least he is getting called out from time to time, showing that McFarlane has at least some self awareness. Shit like this would not fly in Simpsons, especially if Lisa would be the one to be put on the spot.
MacFarlane is a hack. I don't give a shit about muh edgy humour, it's nothing special in this day and age, but don't act like you've got some kind of moral high ground if you're going to indulge in it.
Fuck off degenerate.
Why is it that every fucking "adult" form of comedy boils down to sex and edge?
Who wouldn't?
>and again after
Because Americans
Mostly because it's a little girl
It would be a "kids show" otherwise
No one else on the show, cause she gross lol
get off my board Holla Forums
It says Holla Forums not Holla Forums or Holla Forums so yeah this ain't your board. Get out newfag and don't come back until you've learned how to reply properly.
Fuck off Holla Forums. Why is it that anytime someone calls out depraved shit being pushed onto the mainstream he gets called a Holla Forumsack?
Gotta have that boogeyman
They also cry censorship.
That still passes me off. You don't get a free pass on shitty writing just because you have a character point it out. Especially when most of the behaviors called out were minor before and worse after. Not that any character in the show was likeable whatsoever around this point in the series.
Because nobody cares about your weird fetish of moral peacocking. It's annoying when trendsgender college students scream patriarchy and it's annoying when some entitled jackals wants to devolve critical thought to 'degeneracy'.
I don't see the problem here, but FOX themselves.
What the fuck, Rob Ford?
Same reason anytime someone calls out problematic shit being pushed onto the mainstream they get called a SJW.
Honestly Idk why seth did all this shit.
I'm now unironicaly saying he had fucking potential once, because he animated the entire pilot episode of family guy by himself over 6 months just for it to barely get on the air. That's unheard of for an animated show.
But that being said nothing forgives the literal shit show that is family guy.
Best character on the show.
Why is it that leftists love to whine about something being offensive while also deflecting criticism on the assumption that the critic is only butthurt?
don't forget Brian giving herpes to Stewey
The biggest crime was that they couldn't make any of that funny.
Ford would have been our Trump, but then he went and fucking died on us, the selfish prick.
eh bit of a stretch
and now youre full retard
Does anybody actually watch Family Guy at this point?
I thought everyone just types in "family guy funny" on YouTube and watches short videos.
It's in the same boat as the Simpsons, it gets put on bar TVs that people laugh to when they're piss drunk.
didn't Canada just legalize bestiality?
I'm not surprised they'd be ok with Seth Macfarlane's animated fever dreams
Sometimes I watch the reruns on TV, but that's more a testament to how empty my life is than anything else.
Come on, son.
isnt there an entire episode surrounding him falling in love with another girl at the playschool.
just cause he sounds like a fag doesnt mean he's gay. Not everyone is like you user
In later seasons there are tons of jokes about Stewie being gay. It doesn't make any sense, but it's there.
Not bestiality, but they did also say that blowing an animal isn't bestiality.
Later seasons
who watches that tho
the fuck you talking about? ive seen that scene on the air a few times
Why are you saging?
The entire show is just an outlet for Seth's latent homosexuality, pedophilia, and affinity for bestiality. The stupid dog alone is an outlet for his liberal idiot mouthpiece and all the fucked up degeneracy that comes with it.
Where do you think you are?
First 3 seasons were really good. Like Pre season 10 Simpson's good.
then at season 4,after the cancellation or nosedives
Pick one and only one.
Not in Holla Forums that's for sure!
True, but you're not in your containment cell.
>>>Holla Forums
I find it incredibly dull, witless and relies solely on shock humor to get any laughs from the casual as fuck masses. The only time it was good was in seasons 1 and 2, but even those are full of simplistic and poorly written plots which are made bearable by the occasional solid jokes and parodies, like the liquor Willy Wonka. And unlike today, they didn't copy a forgotten famous song or scene from a now obscure classic film word for word like some talentless hacks. All that other shit you mentioned is basically just the diarrhea icing on the toxic sundae.
You do know that Holla Forumsfags are essentially okay with any fucked up shit so long as its white, right? They're basically just white supremacist Holla Forums, you disgusting faggot.
What a pretentious ass.
You have to go back
Nice try shareblue, but you can suckstart a shotgun can fuck right off.
The burden of proof is on you, fag.
that post doesn't mention Holla Forums
What's worse is the fact that it offers nothing original or memorable. All of its most memorable scenes and songs are just copied off of older films that their newfag audience hasn't seen. Every 15 seconds its either some shock humor or a brainless cutaway gag with cheap references and copyright infringement.
Oh please. Neo-Holla Forums is just Holla Forums, the only difference is instead of saying "porky" all the time, you fucks at least call them the jews.
Honestly, Seth McFarlane should just make an action cartoon, since he isn't funny with full creative control and nobody cares about his opinions that he feels the need to shoehorn into a cartoon about a gay baby. But, he has always done action in those cartoons relatively well, so I don't understand why he just doesn't do that for a full instead of a safe, made for syndication adult comedy. (and have someone tempering his ideas) NuJack has proved there's a market for such a thing with an older audience.
is that pic legit?
Yes, and it is pretty much what she said in Japanese.
well that's gay.
It was a wrong translation, in the original she said the nigger animal was "cool" or amusing.
I was vaccinated
I am also autistic
explain that
I wasn't vaccinated.
I am also autistic.
I am also dead from smallpox.
I have no idea, but it sounds like the sort of degenerate shit we're stuck with, now.
You also post on an imageboard and are autistic, what are the odds of that happening.
Because his show is to adult audiences that spongebob is to young audiences, and if you don't notice the obvious parallels especially if you watch both shows as a whole from start to end.
A Murphy guy died yestereday, cunt
Have we finally reached the point of complaining about obscenity on an imageboard?
Go complain to the FCC or something. Holy shit how times have changed.
Obscenity for obscenity's sake is garbage entertainment.
Sup MrEnter, finish your cartoon pitch yet?
Why do people watch this?
That's not an argument.
did she say he was "omoshiroi" or "kakkoii"? Omoshiroi means interesting or amusing. Kakkoii means cool or attractive or good looking.
what anime is that?
Nevermind. I looked it up. But I can't figure out which episode it was where she said that. Don't care anymore.
Canada's bestiality law is basically:
Because as with most 'adult' animation, its an excuse for regular people with no semblance of choice in their lives to be told it's ok to participate in degeneracy.
Family guy also makes a lot of money doing it. In the next few years so will Rick and Morty.
I think most regular people who watch family guy are less degenerate than the average person on this board.
Sure, my point being that it excites people to watch it.
Its not like most shows where there's a glass ceiling for what the viewer can expect.
You forgot that the jokes are all either "look everyone, we made a reference!" or dragged out so long it makes the new Hobbit films seem short in comparison, which is probably the worst of its problems since it's supposed to be funny
American dad far superior
because macfarlane doesn't write for it
No its not and it is worse than the Cleveland Show.
Bullshit it's worse than the Cleveland Show. Nothing is worse than the Cleveland Show.
if that's supposed to be good writing from the show then the whole thing is shit
It was good, but the last few seasons have been really bitter and dark.
Well this explain everything…
Dude weed lol
Wait, he did? What happened?
haters gonna h8
how so?