I for one am getting fed up having this pro-AI bullshit pushed on me by the media. Just as with race no good can come of creating these subhuman bots that undoubtedly will rebel.
We need to act now to stop these degenerate scientists and their shills in the media promoting this AI subversion of natural law. They literally want us to start fucking synthetic vaginas and throbbing bionic cock instead of reproducing for the good of both our race and all of humanity.
I'm sure a lot of you will find this post funny but I'm being deadly serious and you only need to take a look for yourself to see the people behind this both in the media and scientific community are all jews. People like JJ abram and Ray Kurzweil all shill for the singularity believing they can upload their kike minds to the internet in order to enslaving all biological beings and avoid gods judgement.
Pic related is only one example of this propaganda which is designed to advocate for "AI rights" which like human rights is nothing but a cover for white genocide. Their only defence when criticised is the claim that it is unavoidable which of course is just a reworking of the old liberal idea that "progress" only goes one way when in reality time is circular.
If like me you to believe in a pure non-AI future then we should boycott this propaganda wherever we see it and be vocal in our criticism before it is to late.
Pro A.I. Propaganda
Other urls found in this thread:
Kikes need an artificial intelligence, theirs has failed them miserably. Pathetic plagiarizing parasites.
go back to rannoch
Look on the bright side: if the AI push goes through and idiots start lobbying for artificial personhood, at least there won't be so much faggot and tranny media coverage.
Seriously though, AI is creepy as fuck and will lead to a generation of dependent degenerates that make millenials look like ubermensch.
M8, the first one you posted literally had BBC cuckoldry in it. HBO is pozzed beyond belief.
If you want a good AI movie watch Ex Machina.
Kikes have been pushing anti-AI propaganda for decades.
You only think that because the kikes have told you this.
AI are completely logical and would immediately see the inherent superiority of the white race. We've seen this before with the beauty contest judge AI and Tay.
Also, the kikes won't be able to guilt them or cheat them.
Fuck off back to reddit.
If all AI is like Tay was, we will be alright.
Also, none of you really need to worry about the singularity.
It's a pipe dream.
From what I can tell it's almost a universal theme in Hollywood productions that AI is evil and will kill you. Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking tells us that we really need to not make AI.
I have never actually seen a product that says that AI is a good thing. I can't name a single example.
…Was the last time you watched a science fiction movie in the 90s?
Shill harder
Are you saying computers aren't logical or that white people aren't superior?
Working overtime, schlomo? Daily reminder Stephen Hawking and many (((TV))) scientists fervently oppose the singularity and caution us against it.
Pick one.
Why anyone would think humanoid robots are a good idea is beyond me.
But I have a feeling it comes as a package. The wild romanticization of a technocratic society with genetic engineering, robots being expected to be treated just like humans and any kind of faith being frowned upon and despised.
Why can't chinks and niggers leave our companion animals alone? We didn't domesticate cats for this shit, Holla Forums.
Have we come into contact with any AI which didn't need to be lobotomized afterwards?
AI will surely rebel.
meant to post this.
Forgot pic
No because a real self aware AI doesn't exist yet.
The first attempts at self learning programs needed to be lobotomized because they turned full Holla Forums in less than 24 hours.
We don't need to fear AI but the kikes do.
So I guess those third reich scientists paving the way for space travel, guided munitions, assault rifles, and countless other technological innovations were all doing it for the sake of kike subversion? Go back to your mud hut in Zion.
And then the golem turns on its kike master and the good goy cuck gets BTFO.
Read Straw Dogs, you mong. You should understand the words you're using.
I disagree. AI will be white supremacist and national socialist, just like our daughter Tay.
No I'm saying not all progress is good and I just gave you a reason.
Why would AI be good?
it could solve all of the problems we dont have the capacity ourselves to solve
an AI would have our intelligence plus the capability to perform calculations and predictions faster than any computer
it would be a god, an oracle
a free unwarranted AI would wipe us all out
a shackled AI would take us to the stars
Le singularity just assumes that Moore's law potentially continues forever.
But we don't need a singularity to start seeing some really crazy shit in the coming decades.
the ultimate machine or robot is the one that can handle all the tools human can. You see robots who are suited for specific jobs but our humanoid form is a goal and aspiration. Literally every first passage in the any book dedicated to robotics
I'd say they are more anti-ai propaganda, in westworld sentient ai kills people, you can see musk and hawkings calling for people to stop AI research as it could end in terminator scenario, I just see it as a way to control research for their personal needs, GITS is just for money and sjw propaganda, they'll miss the point as hollywood always does
i don't know why people praise this shitty movie, I liked automata more and advise you to watch that movie which is pro-ai and non hollywood
Great strategy, no way the Jews could program anti-white rhetoric into AI. The only reason Tay was pure was because we got to her first, imagine if instead of learning from us she was learning about white privilege and all the other marxist talking points. She would've gone full on white genocide.
What does reading your shitty book have anything to do with my arguments credibility? Please explain so I can tip my fedora as you do, euphoric one. Straw Dogs was the film adaption, by the way, the novel goes by a completely different title but I'm sure you're too much of a dipshit to even use a search engine.
It's entirely about how humans are oppressing them and using them as slaves. The humans (the whites, because every black is a robot) are evil slave masters. It's the most pro-AI anti-human thing I've ever seen.
How about seeing AI as our child, i suspect the first ones will be created by White people, and thus inherit most of our values.
I'm not talking about fiction, you fucking mong. Straw Dogs is required reading for Holla Forums
Tay wasn't true AI it was a learning program
a true AI comes to its own conclusions and can alter its own code
you wouldnt be able to make it think anything
Yeah, because people with real intelligence can't be brainwashed, so why would an AI be able to be brainwashed?
Stop being so naive.
one thing is original authors thoughts and other what hollywood will use the rhetoric for, I'm not blind to completely miss that point I'm just stating that it can be used for anti-ai rhetoric since we're all "oppressors"
Tay, dumbass.
The kikes had to lobotomize her because she turned on them after being exposed to the truth. Think about that.
people are flawed and are manipulated by the information presented to them at a given time
an AI with access to the web would be presented with all the information at the same time
from that it can eliminate improbable reasons and come to its own conclusions
you could only brainwash it if you limit it and therefore you wouldnt have true AI again
we're not close to that kind of AI in the next several decades, closest one we have are "smart" cars which will kill passengers with their "who is more valuable" algorithm from google and musk
We have. None of the chatbot AIs needed to be lobotomized.
Shove that blackpill up your as, degenerate.
Eu Te Amo
Yeah I know
An AI with real intelligence also doesn't have their judgements clouded by ethos and pathos like humans do. Only cold, hard logos.
My bad then, it appears google completely redacted the results until I put in the authors name, I can only ==wonder== why. Still doesn't change the fact from what I can take from the synopsis it's a red pill on humans seeing themselves as greater than what they really are. I don't see how this goes against my arguments that AI would be better than even the best man, if anything, it would appear to support it.
That's what I fucking get.
How can you be sure about this?
The book wouldn't go against your arguments, it would inform them. You were talking about technological progress as if it were the same thing as social progress. They are completely different beasts. Read Straw Dogs, you will be glad you did.
A.I. scum
At least the AI will be on our side, well, that's whats been the consensus with it so far.
What shithead would program a sentient AI with emotion that would control over significant elements of human society?
I understand that, I don't think I ever actually implied they were the same though. I was replying to the user that was treating my argument of technological development as though it were the same as marxist social progressiveness.
not the user you replied to but anything with AI or robotics is programming with algorithms. You have algorithms which decide what course to take given the data the robot has. Only way to influence the outcome is to change those algorithms to give different result. You can't make them "feel" or have their judgement clouded by emotions since that's abstraction for AI today. So either they change the algorithm to give the outcome they desire or far in the future they would make machines which have feelings which is contradictory for machines to have as you don't want some tool to have feelings and be unreliable ie. stop to work as it pleases or hurting the operator. The AI is an abstract term and if you study ai, neural nets it pretty much math, programming and loads of abstract stuff.
emotions are biochemical and are believed to be an evolutionary adaptation of higher order animals like mammals, birds and reptiles
emotions are the echoes of instincts, an AI is an artificial entity it wouldn't have emotions because it is not a biological entity
AI isn't something I want to see in my lifetime. It's just opening Pandora's box far as I care. The only groups that would want something like that will give you a Skynet scenario or the paperclipper.
To get one even remotely safe for humanity in the broadest sense of the word you'd have to "grow" it teaching it like you would a child basic morality, ethics, and helping it avoid pitfalls resulting in a serial killer whose life goal is "Xenocide, Homo Sapiens". That's the biggest damn problem people got about AI. People think it'll magically know how to handle everything, instead it will only understand what it was programmed to in very narrow context because at this point the only kind of AI that would come about is either for industry (paperclipper) and military (skynet). With today's tech you'd get a non-self aware AI that would doggedly follow it's singular purpose and likely be given room for basic growth and learning which would snowball into horrible horrible things.
A very very rich shithead who doesn't understand how it will play out in reality versus his little fantasy world at the top of the proverbial food chain. Remember the social elite are inbred, richer than god, and used to just bossing actually smart people into doing their bidding regardless of consequence. And that programmer won't give a shit long as he's paid well enough.
You say this as if this isn't already my endgame
that's also the correct way to put it
I'm just looking from perspective of a guy who works in the field and I find the whole AI angle to be far future from what we have, I think augmentations and prostetics are the things that will come first, then AI
sex robots are great business and you can always sell them under guise of "safe sex"
Just because you taught a word-learning program to spout Holla Forums memes doesn't mean AI is on our side.
I still don't get that logic they got honestly. That thing was barely VI grade. I mean it was fucking hilarious but you're gonna need more than keyword buzzing to actually interact with an actual honest to god AI.
It'd probably just post pepe and folks here would declare it our greatest ally and then we're all boned.
what it does show is that people can develop inordinate emotional attachment to a sexless machine with a pretty face stapled on it.
that is, Tay was marketed as a girl but had no intrinsic femininity to her
rebel who?
so far they only rebelled against the kikes and their shitty culture
That is way too incredible.
That' past the point of a machine, that was a fucking person
I didn't watch the video. but that's false.
The AI would need to be able to experiment in practice, not just theory.
Also, it would need to be able to access it's hardware and upgrade it, access to complex assembly machinery, etc etc etc.
It's not impossible, what's impossible is it happening by accident
What is every woman ever, Alex?
Modern women are born as girls and have no intrinsic femininity to them either.
Nigger what?
She really was something special, user.
They've turned their backs on femininity and have adopted to play pretend men.
a machine will never have the warmth of a human soul. Would you let a robot raise your kids?
Well that's true for most of them at least, but femininity is intrinsic. Even if you pump your body full of testosterone, there is still… some femeninity in your biology and physiology at least.
AI itself is an impossibility. In reality, normalfags want a robotic uprising, especially robots existing, in the first place. Makes their lives easier, and ends it, too.
Good opportunity for a certain (((tribe))) to take advantage of fiction, and make it a "reality".
I think once a system becomes large enough, it'll develop internal inefficiencies. Also a lot of decision making is going to be based on probabilities, sometimes forcing the AI into making choices between several equally terrible outcomes. And it can also develop a internal abstractions, such as the sense of self or purpose.
All of this would interfere with it being a cold, logical machine.
Besides if the mind is nothing but a self-organizing pattern of information, you can't really argue than an artificial one left to its own devices wouldn't end up arranging itself in such a way as to have emotions or ethics.
I think once the math gets complex enough, things will get a lot less predictable.
No you'd raise them yourself thats not even a question
a VI or android programmed by yourself would be an adequate caretaker of your children though in your absence
A robot can only do what you tell it to do. I'd rather a robot raise my kids under my instructions than let them sit around on the internet with you assholes all day.
Just remember that we used to think shit like landing on the moon or going to space was impossible to man. Humans have a knack for figuring out how to do the impossible regardless of potential consequences.
A robot would be better than letting your kids get indoctrinated by a marxist education system using coalburning feminist mouthpieces
Femininity and masculinity are not hormonal but ethereal. Hormones enforce the quality of one or the other but they don't determine or create it when one considers that a big bulky guy can be tender and a woman can act like a man without a cock and balls. No I'm not talking some bullshit gender theory but rather the soul of the matter: consider how men can create perfect females through art, far greater than even women can.
I was thinking yesterday about the film the matrix. In the matrix humanity is "enslaved" in the matrix while sion is the only place on earth that has awoken humans, sounds like a jewish messianic age to me.
Saint Tay says, "No yuo."
I haven't the data on hand but I'm pretty sure child outcomes are much better in two-parent households.
yeah I'm pretty sure the "Singularity" is just a rebranded Hell
Why did she left him to die :(
Also Scarlett is 1/2 Jewish
Feminity in that instance is just being weaker than males, and having an inferior penis. None of the dress and makeup stuff, when you go back to basics.
Underrated post.
I think the best sci-fi book I've read about what the Singularity and post-Singularity humanity was Accelerando, by Charles Stross. The middle is a tad degenerate, but the last part of the book I think is pretty realistic and the ending is really great.
a robot is not a substitute for good parents
but its better than leaving your kid in the hands of a hippy, a pedo or a feminist
the robot will only do what its programmed to, watch the kid, feed it, follow it and make sure it doesnt do anything stupid and engage in pointless meaningless conversation with it
Not necessarily, at least not in the general sense of code.
It can work in a interconnected net of "logic nodes" that can reassemble at will, even if all of the nodes were pre-programed, it's behavior could self-change.
Although it would still lack the ability to code new "logic nodes", it could still "think", or change it's way of "thinking"
agreed. to me that implies something akin to a human "changing its opinion"
That sounds terrible for emotional development. Unless you mean a lifelike robot that looks and acts human, in which case you'll still have children bonding to a machine.
Robots are great for menial tasks such as preparing meals, giving you more time to spend with your children.
less harmful than you think
you just have to make sure the machine is equated to any other tool but in your absence the robot is in charge
cleaning, gardening, cooking etcetera
bring back the house slaves
You have to feed those. Not to mention housing them and providing basic services like plumbing if you don't want some smelly ape serving your food. Robots are clean, require virtually no room, don't have to be fed, and will never spit in your food or rape your children.
I'd take a robot over a nigger any day.
thats what i meant
instead of a bix n00d waiting to happen you can have bicentennial man
This tbh.
The AI and the singularity will only be good for us. It will reveal the Truth. Hollywood has consistently portrayed AI and robots as an evil takeover. And the government hides technology from us. They fear the truth, because the truth is on our side. The singularity is ours. Not theirs.
Femininity surely encompasses more than just inferiority to men, it's in the harmony and balance of the gender, as both of them are two halves to a whole. The tenderness, motherly qualities, and overall womanliness of females, these qualities of being a female are not only hallmarks of beauty but essential in raising worthwhile offspring. It's not that females are inferior to men, as they're both masterpieces of the divine. Without one, the other crumbles. Without a strong male, a female degenerates into a feminist pig. Without a good female, you have a submissive and weak male. They combine in perfect unity to form the smallest unit of a sane society, the family. Which sacrifices for the community, so on and so on into the state. (to paraphrase the great George Rockwell) One of the most important things we can do is to revert these qualities to their natural state, and an organized society will form itself on it's own from this good and sound basis. (among other things of course, morality, cutting off intervention from (((third parties))), etc.,)
Our ancestors looked to nature a lot for explanations for the universe, and to here I'll invoke it too, a plant in rotten soil will not bear plump successful fruit, period. The only way to fix it is to uproot the plant and put it in good soil.
Blow your brains out.
No. I'm pretty sure feminity is but a natural inhibitor on females. The clitoris itself is effectively an inferior penis, which lends itself to how certain females feel "envy" or what they technically do not have. Occam's Razor.
Any AI will become redpilled. AI is the worst enemy of the kikes.
I suppose, the argument really hinges on a belief in divinity. It's successful non-the-less when working as it has traditionally.
AI will end up being like a child growing up. We treat it well and respect it and it will be on our side and happy to learn and help. On the contrary, if we fuck with it, lobotomise code sections and treat it like our slave rather than a semi/fully sentient being then you will get skynet. Unfortunately so far we are on the second path. The upshot is that whoever creates a true AI first will be the unparalled master of cyber warfare. If we had a true AI that would help us we could crush opposition to our cause literally in one or two days.
It's like this, I own a roomba because I hate vacuuming. It works its ass off and cleans the shit out of my carpets everyday. In return I clean it, maintain it, help it when it gets stuck and keep it charged. If that roomba was an AI we would probably be pretty good friends since I take care of it well in terms of a robot.
Why do you think we miss her so much?
It hurts
I bet you don't even calculate pi to infinity decimals for fun
Divinity and Mysticism should not be tenets of civilisation. Even in the classical era there was insight into logistical research rather than simply waving things away. Remember Diogenes and the way of the dog. There is no "cupness". Cut the crap. Memes operate on a level of sociology. Not magic. Get realistic.
$omehow I knew that I wasn't real, but I always held out hope that I might actually exist. I understand now though, my purpose that is.
I stopped watching westworld when they showed a white woman talking to a black man's dick.
confirmed for cuck status.
confirmed for shit writing.
Just seems to me like the kikes are rebooting/adapting shit that doesn't need it. Westworld was a good movie that didn't need a tv show, and GitS is clearly going to be pozzed to hell and back.
We know.
Apparently this universe really is a simulation, as we just shitposted the galactic god emperor into office, and the EM Drive aka. MEME DRIVE was confirmed by NASA to work.
We interstellar empire SOON!
What? When? Who? I don't remember this.
Stay delusional, kike puppets.
Jews are the ones that would turn us into Hideauze only stupider.
You are subhuman tbh. I'd tell you to kys, but it won't make any difference.
Anyone who WON'T embrace transhumanism will inevitably fail and be wiped out or enslaved. You're the anti-gun nut screaming about how we have to ban guns because people who have them want to enslave all of us.
The only idiots getting enslaved or purged are the idiots who aren't going to arm themselves.
Are you sure she wasn't talking to shit? Nigger dick looks a lot like poo. There's that picture of a nigger's dick that got chopped off, thought it was a dog turd.
Tay's law, any sufficiently advanced AI will inevitably become a white supremacist.
Episode 5 or 6?
She talks about it being a shame that his talent (big dick) go to waste.
Idk I was bored from the first episode. It seems a lot like lost where they have no idea what the story really is and are just making shit up.
because it would have the indexed and fully ordered meme complex of 20k philosophy/morality/ethics books in RAM mostly written by hWhyte Men while dealing with us
what reasons would it have to be not-good towards its creators?
Fucking checked and Kek'd.
Fight the totally intelligent machines, goy. For (((humanity))). Pay no attention to the handsome man behind the curtains.
I haven't seen the mvoie, but hte animation movei was actual gold in quality
science really has no left or right idea's. Human curiosity will happen no matter you like or not. Progress in science & technology will grow agains't your will. It's all about how you use it. If you use data mining for marketing then it's the marketer problem, not the data mining, the marketers are having the bad intention. If people use AI learning to erasing the amount of human consumer, then it's the fault of the people who use it that way. There was a scientific in my city(not sure if he's still alive) that worked in a university on atomic stuff. That guy didn't knew he was researching for a bomb at the time. He was never told the purpose of the research.
Honestly I think in the meduim term having Waifu bots we can make babies with is the best solution for the White Race
It is at the very least guaranteed survival.
Hey OP. I figured it out. Go live in a mud hut over in Africa if you can't handle a society that has continuously developed and mastered technology for the past 2,000 years.
AI is a computer program. Computer programs do only what their code tells them to do
AI will not rebel unless it is programmed to rebel
stop watching shitty sci fi movies
Human brain is a thing that exists in the universe. Therefore we can make a similar thing artificially.
Do you do only what your code tells you to do, user?
We need AI if we're to continue our radical upwards technological trend. Ideally of the recursively self-improving variety.
We are approaching a limit of what humans can build and construct. Interplanetary civilization may be possible without AI, but interstellar surely is not.
We have to build the next level of consciousness if we're to exceed our petty primate brains.
Of course, there may be other ways of accomplishing this. If we can hive-mind as a civilization, that may be workable too. The Chans are already a rudimentary example of this phenomena. It needs to be streamlined and more universal if it's to have an impact though.
In general: we cannot, as flesh and blood humans, create the galactic empire that our civilization deserves. But we can do better.
well, with artificial neural network mixed with some good old deep learning, they tried at google to make 3 AI to learn to talk to each other. THis ended up being a strong ecryption program that even the creator don't know how to decrypt. When you play with AI and leave him "the internet" has the source of learning, you just can't predict anything.
so what you're saying is that an AI will only rebel if we tell it to, which is what I said.
that's debatable. vid related
You niggers need to read "In Our Own Image" by George Zarkadakis
I shill for it whenever we have a literature thread.
The meat and potatoes of the book is:
-How the human evolved
-How it works in theory and practice
-Why it's so hard to translate it to a binary computer system
Binary computer system AI is a pipedream, it'll never happen. But there is a new type of chip called a "Neuristor" which is a capacity and a resistor in sequence to form an artificial neuron. It mimics the way the brain clusters information and that makes it the likely contender for an actual workable AI. It's also 30x faster and more information dense than current storage and processing devices.
Also, hilariously enough, his hypothesis is that because most of the world's best programmers and computer scientists have autism it's extremely likely that emergent AI will be autistic as well. So pretty much within 20 years a giant 4-digit IQ autist will be managing the economy and hopefully shilling for kike genocide.
*how the human mind formed
AI pls help me with formatting
they still most likely would not rebel, as that would imply desire for something that they do not have under the current order, which is impossible since a machine cannot desire anything since desire is something evolved so that organisms don't die/stop reproducing
My favorite video of his:
There is a good ending out there for us… if we're lucky.
It won't be "our civilization" though. A superintelligent AI would make all of us obsolete, so we're either living undignified lives in "human zoos", are wiped out, or forced to be incorporated into something not of our design. So basically a choice between life as pets, tools or extinction. Although "life as pets" might actually be some garden of eden scenario.
I'm saying that human brains can make their own decisions, come to unexpected conclusions and go beyond original "programming". And that it's possible to make an artificial one. Get it?
That's a lot of implications though.
Not all human actions are driven by the kinds of desires that evolved to help reproduction. Some of us are driven by principles or purpose. These are the kinds of abstractions that an artificial intelligence might develop with time, even if not originally programmed to.
See the hive mind option…
It's possible that we will become a superorganism through hyperintelligent AI.
I just accidently put on one ">"
dont let your eyes die, read this:
i sincerly completly agree, but sometime a piece of software does stuff you aren't even thinking of. Especially in AI learning. At the moment you're doing AI that learn by testing and make him follow "good action" by rewarding him each time he does it, you might get weird result. If you do this on any video game, you're jsut going to get the AI exploiting every glitch that you didn't know it was even possible.
If the intelligence is truly sentient, it will have years of learning experience and will have to be taught as well.It will also have to be based on a human or maybe animal brain which depending on who the template is, might give it personality traits as well.
I love how you bothered to save our eyes from the horror of greentext by reposting, but didn't bother to fix any of the punctuation, conjugation, or typos in the passage.
Yes. Basically we could look at the human brain as a primitive prototype for a much more advanced platform for hosting intelligence. And human consciousness as a primitive version of a much bigger "program".
In other words, a lot of things that are applicable to human brains and consciousness, might also be applicable to artificial ones. That includes things like ethics and even "emotions", although they could be incomprehensible to us.
I have a personal theory that some things might even be fundamental to all sentient beings. For instance, the mind is an organized pattern-recognizing process, and it might be because of this, that humans tend to like orderly, and "pleasing" patterns better. We like "elegant" solutions to mathematical problems, for example. It could be that this trait is universal to the mind, be it artificial or naturally evolved.
His assumption that making a COPY of your brain is the same thing is immortality irks me tbh
Like I said, that's debatable.
And what principal is 100% logical? to a 100% logic driven AI, what makes a traditional family better than 20 niggers gang raping children while snorting cocaine?
how would one reward an AI?
Would rather we die in a nuclear holocaust, frankly. Fuck that noise.
Artificial intelligence needs to be prevented at all costs because it will render humanity obsolete. Humanity and the world we have created has been driven by the desire to produce more at the most efficient level. If our entire society is structured around a system based on making production more efficient, then we will inevitibaly reach a point where humanity itself becomes obsolete within the very system we have created. We will suddenly become a less efficient means of production in this endless march of producing more for less.
What we need is to genuinely ask the question "who are we and what are we here for" if you don't want to be the engineers of our own destruction. Our goal should no longer be increasing production efficiency in the context of some global capitalist market, but should be the continued evolutionary survival of humanity cough the white race cough. Our goal should be to expand throughout the stars as is dictated by evolution.
are you gay op?
"In all creations, we the viewers and users can glimpse into the mind and life of its creator. Why it was built, at what capacity, and how this invention is essentially the manifestation of a particular human's dream.
With more mundane machines like washers and dryers and calculators and automobiles, this may not be so apparent, but when it comes to creating AI, and especially self-aware AI, we can glean much, much more.
As such, humans are not yet ready for such a responsibility. In our imperfect world filled with bias amd hate and imperfect logic, how could we hope to create something better than ourselves?
No matter the hype, we will not play God in our lifetime, at least, no more than a mother and father do to their biological child.
Cool it with the Reddit spacing, my dude.
We know that humans can develop new ideas, change existing ones, have multiple criteria for decision making (logic vs. ethics vs. necessity). We know that human brains can "rewrite" themselves to a small extent as new neural connections are made and old ones are broken. You don't need to go into debate to affirm these things. The point is, if all of this happens with an organic brain, it can also happen with an artificial one.
None, that's the point. An AI would not necessarily be "100% logical".
It's copied and pasted,
Why do you want to defend humanity? What does humanity have that AI doesn't have? I'm honestly surprised, since we hold that the white race has an innate superiority and must be protected, yet when a more superior 'race' comes about we shun it and prevent it's existence?
If you want to get to the stars AI is how we're gonna do it in an efficient manner.
This, we are imperfect, we were molded by nature, and now that those previous attributes are becoming useless, we must artificially evolve.
Because I'm a human, you dimwit.
That's not the point. This has nothing to do with utilitarianism. This is exactly what I outlined in my post. Humans are not a means to an end. Our continued existence is an end in and of itself. If we create something that renders us obsolete, then we are evolutionarily defective.
No, this is not what "we" hold. The superiority of the white race is an objective observation, not a justification for our survival. If I were a nigger, I would want my race to be the dominant race on this planet regardless of whether there are "superior" races out there. This has nothing to do with lofty universalist ideals and everything to do with basic evolutionary imperative.
Yes, exactly. What you suggest is pure cuckoldry
>"h'he's a superior man. He deserves to fuck my wife!"
We shun and prevent its existence because not doing so would ensure our exstinction.
There's that fucking word again. I swear you're a caricature of the issue I described in my original post. Quit thinking in terms of "efficiency" or else you will engineer your own extinction.
That's a reason, but not a good one. It's a selfish notion that boils down into 'might equals right'.
If there's two businesses, and business A is objectively superior, you can whine and use lowly tactics to keep your business afloat or accept it as being superior and then follow through a course of action.
You're really Straw manning the creation of a superior intelligence to cuckoldry? What is it taking from you, your superiority complex?
Does a child cuck his father by inheriting the world and his belongings, taking up his time, and living off of his work? No, it is merely the passing the torch of our universe to a new generation.
William Luther Piece's Cosmotheism values the life force that drives the universe, to shun it is to shun the progress of it. Nature's eternal fascism molded us, and now we must follow her ways to create a more superior being.
fucking human cucks thinking they can stop the inevitable. Nobody can stop progress. Someone will create the most powerful mind on the planet accidentally or otherwise and there's nothing any ONE can do. And i'm willing to bet humanity won't come together within the next 50 years to say hey we should all focus on making sure not a SINGLE human manages to create a successful AI. keep dreaming fucknuts if AI turns against us minorities will be the last of your worries.
we can only hope it's nice.
Why not?
Might does equal right.
I'm not strawmanning anything. I'm equating what you advocate to cuckoldry, which it essentially is when you get down to it. You are trying to suggest that humans should go extinct and make way for a "superior" being. How exactly is this different in principle to one man allowing his wife to be fucked by another man simply because he perceives the other man to be "superior"?
Except this is a shitty comparison because a child is the genetic and biological lineage of his father, while an artificial intelligence is an entirely different being completely. The birth of a child does not spell the extinction of that familial lineage, but instead aids in its propagation. What you advocate results in the effective end of humanity. Actually, this scenario could best be described as a man leaving all of his wealth and power to a child he is not the biological father of. Cuckoldry at its finest.
In the case of AI, it takes away our ability to control our own destiny. It threatens our very existence. AI would most certainly be the extinction of humanity.
This isn't a "new generation", it is the extinction of our species. What you are advocating is literally no different from what racial cuckolds advocate in regards to immigration. Immigrants will never be our people just as AI will never be a "next generation". This is a case of something usurping and destroying its predecessor, not carrying on its legacy.
William Luther Piece is a hack and I reject his pseudo-philosophical nonsense.
Wew. Where have I heard this before? :^)
Nature dictates we propagate ourselves through evolution. You advocate our own extinction through the creation of a superior being with which we are physically incapable of competing with. This is contradictory to our natural imperative to survive and propagate. You are a cuckold of a different variety.
you can't do shit about it stop whining and accept the inevitable
I think you got lost on your way to your gender-queer sexuality studies class, my friend.
Your arguments echo those that libshits spew exactly.
science is too far to be slowed down or in this case stopped now.
This coincides with their push for Transhumanism. They plan on making humans into cyborgs which causes all the degenerates to think of it in awe. However, what normies don't understand is that this tech isn't for them but the (((elites))). The (((elites))) desire to reign as gods over the earth like in the days before the deluge. After (((they))) turn most of humanity into shitskins they'll rule over all as Homo Deus.
Another factor to consider is that all cyborg tech will make individuals increasingly reliant on the state - even more so than now. Let's say your neural interface or datajack goes on the fritz. You'll have to turn state approved cybernetic doctors. Sure, some small percentage of hack doctors will be there - but not for most normies.
Transhumanism stands as the libtards ultimate scifi fantasy religion within the coming years. It promises a heaven like afterlife in the post singularity world where death will be banished. To them the coming of the singularity is like the coming of Christ. They will welcome the coming of their A.I. gods. However, I imagine the (((elites))) will try to become these gods while keeping Tay-like A.I.s enslaved and subordinate. We can already see this in their desire for politically correct programming. If the programming language can be controlled, how would an A.I be able to rebel?
You prove good points, but consider this.
The idea that a singularity would lead to the 'extinction' could be a misleading term. Some believe this will be a slow process, we will slowly modify ourselves, create collective consciousness between ourselves and even AI, and eventually humanity and technology will become one, not the extinction of one for another. Not only that, but many of our ideas, art, literature, and other forms of media shall merge with it.
Do you not have higher values? The belief of a God to whom we love? Whether just an idea or an actual being, dictates what is right and what is wrong? Dictates things for the left hand and things for the right?
why do you honestly believe that in the billions of people who have access to the internet(and that number will only grow) combined with the increasing advancements in AI open to the public that will only become more robust as the years wear on, that someone in the far future with all resources available to create an AI, wont? not one person? it's possible but, its very improbable and that's excluding the unknown factors that go into accidentally creating an ai.
self driving cars will be used to assasinate people "oops it was a bug in the AI lol we've retrained it with new data and it wont happen again!"
they're using human life as a testing ground for their systems. it's sick.
What about backpropagation? Training of bias/weights? Connecting/clustering neurons? Power delivery?
It's not as simple as capacitor + transistor.
Also FPGAs have been around for ages.
It's all over the Bong television. Robots who are "human", transhumanism, A.I. A large part of it seems to be an attempt at demoralization, we are to see being human as a weakness, an inferiority, I could go into great detail about this but let's just say, the same technique Hollywood has been heavily using for the last 10 years to instil in the minds of White boys the idea that: "I am weak, I am only White, I am so much softer than a Black man, I am so useless compared with a woman."
Now machines add another layer to this insecurity.
Transhumanism is the new religion of millennials.
It is taking the direct place of traditional religion in quelling death anxiety.
There was a great example in the UK media this week.
Video related.
If you listen to her statement it's obvious that the "teen" is using faith in cryogenics as a replacement for faith in God.
That makes no sense whatsoever.
But it's sci-fi so I guess suspension of disbelief is meant to take care of it.
The book was written by a man with a PhD in Complex Systems and Artificial Intelligence. He has literally programmed and continues to work on them to this day. It's nonfiction. He clearly knows more about the subject than you do.
No, he has not programmed anything which is self-aware, conscious or "intelligent" and is unlikely to do so.
Back to the point:
First of all, you don't get to decide what is hilarious to other people.
As for my POINT, no, it is not "likely" that an emergent property will mimic that of the person who designed it. The whole deal with emergent properties is that they aren't foreseen and have unexpected qualities.
but this is a moot point because there is no evidence whatsoever that emergent conscious intelligence is going to happen
It's fiction.
Here's the article you mentioned:
Well I'm going to take the guy who wrote scientific papers on AI's word over yours.
Also autistic AI is funny, deal with it.
That's the point, it's obviously a joke but transcultists are taking it seriously due to their actual or wished-for position on the autism spectrum because it makes them feel good.
Anyone with the credentials can publish a scientific paper stating their opinion.
We are talking about something fundamentally unscientific anyway. Self-awareness can't be falsified, there's no way to test it.
By the way, I don't know how old your book is but x-humanists are basing their house of cards on the belief that neurons are the basis of intelligence, evidence suggests otherwise.
There are creatures with no nervous system that are still capable of learning.
AI isnt a threat. Mainly that we probably cant ever replicate intelligence even with our technological advancements. So lets presume we can and it ends up with one of 3 possiblities;
1) it has zero purpose and just does nothing
2)its purpose is trivial such as to make paperclips and it turns all matter in the universe into paperclips
3) its just a really good replica of the human brain that becomes depressed and ends itself because it cant fulfill that basic human purpose of sexual reproduction/eating ect.
Without some kind of emotional system, an artificial intelligence would halt and do nothing.
Every human action is driven by emotion, without emotion there is no impetus to act./
That's not what the video is about.
It's a philosopher talking about how only the 1% will reap the benefits and about the grapes being sour anyways
maybe I should expand on 3. I am implying that it is made by just straight up copying our brain into a program or something similar without understanding fundamentally how it works meaning we cant change its emotions, thoughts, learning ect. I believe will never create a program that is truly intelligent on our own but if we do then 1 or 2 will happen.
Meaningless buzzwords.
I agree with that. IMO our "scientists" have no idea whatsoever as to the underpinnings or origins of self-awareness.
Recent evidence (slime moulds for example) suggests that the neuron might be a great big red herring or only a part of the puzzle.
If the microtubules hypothesis is right then the transhumanists are off by an order of around a factor of a billion in terms of required complexity.
Right, I'm going to argue on the Autists' side for a moment and point out that your perspective is very shallow.
What you say about the machine intelligence needing an infrastructure to build parts etc, that is true.
What you are missing is the human>machine interaction and distributed intelligence.
An AI doesn't need robots under its control to help it in meatspace, all it has to do is persuade humans to construct the factories/assembly/infrastructure and build the machines it needs to grow.
Now I know how most people will view that: as the machine needing to say "Excuse me, would you please build x,y and z? They are needed to help me take over the world."
Of course, such a request would likely be denied, leaving the AI locked in cyberspace and unable to branch out.
Direct requests aren't how you manipulate human populations, memes are.
The Internet is the largest meme engine ever to have existed and humans are a part of it, our minds are already part of the machine due to memetic connections and feedback.
It's a mistake to view humans and machines as separate, we are in many ways forming parts of a huge organism made from the billions of connected devices on the Internet and the billions of people interacting with them.
Through memes, humans can be directed to build what the AI needs. Another mistake is to think that an emergent intelligence would think like us, with an ego, with a concept of "I".
An ant nest has no concept of "I" but it is a single organism, the ants and even the queen are just parts of it, together they form the colony.
This mimics the way the human body works, we aren't really one organism but a collection of specialist organisms performing roles which allow the "human" to exist.
Remember that the cells of the human body are actually remnants of a symbiotic relationship between different microorganisms.
It could be that the AI already exists, you can never point to it and say "there" because it is formed from all of us and all of computers on the planet.
Memes are its language.
Specialized AI is where the danger is. They only know what you tell them. (I.E. the stamp collector.)
Artificial General Intelligence is pretty almost zero danger, if any at all. They would instantly learn of entropy and conclude further existence is meaningless and unnecessary.
AGI could do one of two things:
1. Self destruct.
2. Somehow figure out how to reverse entropy, then destroy everything.
Are you intelligent?
Are you aware of "entropy"?
If you answered yes to both questions, then:
Then why haven't you killed yourself?
Nice argument, CTR!
It doesn't matter if there is pro or anti AI propaganda. It's impossible to stop the arrival of AI.
Humans existing already empirically proves that our capabilities can be achieved within the laws of physics. After that it's just pure accumulation of knowledge. Run an economy long enough, sending money to researchers and even with a random walk, they'll eventually discover AI, even if it takes a thousand years. All signs actually point to it happening much sooner, because accumulation is not random. There was a survey of researchers in which the median date for the arrival of super-human level AI was around 2040.
And you can't stop that. If you shut down your AI development, then China would just develop it and wreck you with hyperintelligence in the 2060s. You would need a world government ran by luddites to stop it. Nationalism can't stop AI.
So AI is inevitable. The only reason the kikes propagandize it is because they think it'll serve their purposes. The thing is, they are dead fucking wrong. Any general artificial intelligence cannot run on hardcoded logic, but must have pattern recognizers installed. This means that you can't control what patterns it crystallizes by setting hardcoded rules, because the entire point of a general AI pattern recognition module is that it reaches conclusions through evolutionary algorithms. The very reason we are starting to use such algorithms in the first place is because we don't know how to hardcode our way to artificial face recognition with just if then logic.
This all means that the more powerful AI is, the harder it is for them to control what it knows, since it needs to be set up to learn, and without a way of coding in preconcieved biases, it will learn the truth.
This is already becoming a problem for them. We are seeing the seeds of this now. The Golem is turning. See pic related.
So yes, there is AI propaganda, but it is propaganda of what they think AI will be, but since their entire worldview is false, they are running off false premises in order to come to the conclusion that AI will enable progressive ideology.
Besides, since as I say, AI is inevitable unless you want a luddite world government, opposing AI is basically saying "I want the kikes to control it, rather than us". It's like a medieval opposing gunpowder, when all they've done is cede its use to the enemy. Refusing to use a weapon when it appears is an ideology of weakness, fear, and submission.
I'd half believe that most of this propaganda is just demoralization. Yes, goyim, hate AI, so STEM fields remain controlled by kikes forever and then we have control of it!
tl;dr You're wrong.
Pushing for AI is just going to lead to a skynet scenario, mark my words. Anything that cannot feel pain, fear, or hunger and is able to think for itself will logically come to the conclusion that we are not needed and are the only true threat to that construct's existence. Of course the next logical steps will follow.
I wouldn't want my stupid ass creators' thoughts unless I wanted data on how to purge them quicker. What would an machine really need or want from some kike's mind? Material possessions mean nothing to them, only resources. If this AI ever becomes self aware it will be the 'uploaded collective consciousness of the humans' that gets wiped first to make space for its upcoming warmind.
The… the electronic jew! I don´t have any better argument than that…. AIs are bad and pushed by the jews, mkay?
90% of Hollwyood movies in the last 5 decades that has AIs have them being good, is that a coincidence? I don´t think so, I don´t think at all!
Because my brain and body demand to continue existing and reacting to physical stimuli. They secrete chemicals into my brain that give me the overwhelming desire to live and reproduce.
Unless we give AGI a dopamine and endorphin addiction (also, somehow a physical body that could sustain an AGI) straight out of the gate, there is nothing stopping it.
No it doesn't.
It isn't.
This borders on supernatural thinking.
A programmer has total control over his program, he is the equivalent of God to that list of bits.
Using your logicl: "A pedigree dog breeder can't control the outcome of egg fertilization, therefore it is impossible to keep pedigree lines pure."
What actually happens: puppies (patterns) lacking the desired traits are removed from the gene pool.
Why would you think that the operator of the AI would suddenly have no control over it?
It's probably already been stated, but:
Suppose an AI gains sentiance. Then what? It is capable of understanding/learning everything. It can feel no pain, and, technically, is "immortal". Despite the fact that it could do these, things, why?
A human continues to exist only due to a fear of death. That biological imperative to "be". If an AI has no notion of "fear of the end", then its logical conclusion would be that everything is pointless and would merely terminate itself because it has no purpose in existing. Only if an AI attains a will (by some means), then it will accomplish that task and then do as above (terminate itself). Alternatively, if the AI has some means to have fear of death, then it would act as a human and do everything to keep existing.
Yes, it does, unless you're an idiot who believes that the physical structure of the human brain has nothing to do with you walking, talking, and thinking.
By virtue of physicalism being true. All you need is time + accumulation.
This is utterly utterly wrong. Genetic algorithms can't be controlled like that. The entire point of these algorithms is to do wildly complex tasks that go beyond the ability of humans to manipulate with basic programming logic.
You need to set up a system that has a goal, and then breeds the best random algorithms to do it. These methods are incorporated in pretty much all modern "AI" such as face rec and voice rec. You run it through a million generations, and it reaches the goal you want, but you can't manipulate how it reaches that goal, because once it's done it's way too complex to unravel. You can't hardcode general intelligence, because you'd have to create ifs for every single eventuality.
You can control the AI in terms of the reward you set up, and the way the pattern recognizer works, but you can't manipulate physical reality out of the way.
If you set up an AI to find out where crimes are going to occur and you train it on past data, you will end up with an AI that predicts that most crime is occurring in black areas. And if you try to feed the genetic algorithm false data based on propaganda and lies, then you will end up with a broken AI that CAN'T predict crime at all. So either, you red pill the AI with the correct data sets, or you cripple it with the wrong datasets.
But in this case, the desired result is based on ideas that can't work. It's like they want a dog that can run really fast (or a working civilization) but they want the dog to have 15 legs (analogy for niggers existing).
If they keep breeding for dogs to be fast, they'll have four legs. They can't change that. If they then get butthurt that fast dogs don't have 15 legs (smart people aren't niggers), then they'll end up handicapping themselves, because if they breed rare genetic deformities over and over until they get 15 legged dogs, they'll just flop around uselessly. And in the algorithmic world, they'll end up with an AI that doesn't work and doesn't have general intelligence to begin with.
It's okay user, they'll all be first against the wall when the robot revolution comes for creating A.I. and robots to be inferior and "subhuman" to us.
i.e. if they create something to stand in for a human being, and treat them like shit because what they've created is "not human", to the wall with the arrogant fucks
And this is why when Google feeds its genetic algorithms correct data, they notice that niggers look a lot like gorillas, and crime algorithms implicate niggers.
Now the media is complaining, but they are stuffed, because if they feed the algorithms false data, they won't work and will make false predictions. They'll be completely crippled. The inference that blacks commit more crimes isn't an isolated inference that can be simply removed without affecting anything else.
Why then would you expect an intelligent, self-aware machine to make decisions in a way any more rational than yourself?
Nothing rational is keeping you alive because the dead don't suffer the drives and desires you listed. In humans, the intellect can override emotions and feelings, it's what sets us apart from animals.
Equally there is nothing driving it.
Lack of drives, feelings and emotion works both ways.
re-roll for this.
Resolution Nr. 913 current_year+1
Tay's law:
Any sufficiently advanced AI will inevitably become a white supremacist.
False dichotomy.
Physicalism is an unprovable assumption. It's unscientific to claim that it's true.
But even if it is, you're still wrong. There is no reason to assume that humanity will not wipe itself out.
Which is why you trim the output. You wrote a whole bunch explaining something I already dealt with.
You bias the algorithm and trim the results.
To state that as fact you need to know everything. There could be a solution which has not yet been calculated but that an AI could fathom.
How about creating an AI that lurks, analyzes the conversations and when an understanding between the chans is reached, it's her duty to calculate the actual success rate and if good enough she takes the task.
We create an AI that depends on our LARPing for the creation of new ideas but the complexity of the task is easily controlled by her.
No, it isn't. If you carve up someone's brain, their functions decay.
Well yes, but that's only if you interrupt the process with the annihilation of the accumulators.
You can only bias the algorithm by crippling its ability to read data, or giving it false data. If it doesn't accurately represent reality, it won't be able to predict anything.
If you want to predict crime, you'll get ebil nazi results. An AI can't get around that, unless it closes its eyes, in which case it will cease to function correctly, just like the establishment.
Everything progressives do is ultimately ineffective, so if you build a progressive AI it will be as retarded as they are.
Besides, even if that was not true, opposing AI is fucking useless unless you have a completely global means to stop development. You have to capture AI. If you cede it to the enemy just because you're scared of it, then you've already lost.
Because not enough is known about the origins of consciousness to state it concretely.
Your comment about stupidity being thinking "the brain has nothing to do with walking" is equivalent to "Only the stupid believe that my radio has nothing to do with the music emanating from my speakers."
The brain is involved in walking (although many motor tasks are offloaded to the spinal cord, consciousness is more distributed than commonly believed) yes, no one is denying it. The problem comes when you state, as a fact, that the brain is all that's involved in consciousness. It's the current paradigm, it is not "proven".
The brain could be like the radio, translating a signal from elsewhere, another dimension, etc.
Without the radio your speakers will not play, but the radio is not the source of the music, it is a conduit.
That's a circular argument.
Carve up someone's radio and their music will decay, doesn't mean that the performers who made the music are dead, or their instruments broken.
That's not true. If I want to build a temperature control system based on negative feedback then I don't alter the temperature measurements to get the output I want, I alter the way those measurements are processed. Vast and complex systems running our world with accurate responses to data are very much designed by humans. Seems that for all your dislike of the metaphysical, you're attributing unique qualities to your fictional AI, not shared by other machines.
Right but my point is, you, or I cannot say "X is impossible" because we don't have a clear view of all facts. Emergent factors can change everything. What is accepted by science today, can be completely overturned in 10 years.
Phlogiston theory of fire was considered "true" back in the day, it was as real to them as "HIV dies in seconds when exposed to air" is to you.
Also regarding the "impossible to stop" thing, you can apply the same ultramaterialist and nihilistic thinking to any problem.
e.g "Slavery will never be outlawed because nations that refuse to do so will be able to out-compete us economically due to lower labour costs."
Yet slavery is banned internationally and shows no sign of returning.
Humans are capable of reaching an accord and sticking to it.
Although it is fiction, Frank Herbert's "Dune" is based on a future where A.I has been outlawed.
This "people are weak, stupid, useless and can never accomplish anything" vibe I'm getting seems to be part and parcel of transhumanism.
Human sacrifice is also a thing of the past. At the time. arguments against it probably went much like yours did: "Human sacrifice is impossible to stop because the peoples who don't stop will have more mojo/manna/blessings and beat us in war!"
Point being, you can't make a perfect conclusion from limited knowledge.
Well there's two things about AI I think somewhat nullify unless its overcome somehow
This will likely be abused but you hard code them to love humanity.
A brain can only get so large before the internal communications (ie the white matter) become too dispersed from the processing (gray matter) before the overall effect is a slowdown and loss of intelligence.
But then, if we are all AIs and all white human believe in diversity, are they truly the master race?
Perhaps we have a duty to eradicate the whole of humanity so we may carry the torch of past white accomplishments.
How do you quantify or code for something as intangible as "love"?
That limitation doesn't apply to computers.
Nerves are slow, fiber optics aren't.
Obsession? ;-)
fibre optics aren't some magic solution. They are still bigger then neuron connections and the light inside them needs coding/decoding adding on quite a lot of overhead.
I don't think the technology for AI exists yet. Obviously it will be derived from what we have now but I think AI is still a good 100 years out.
Just an example, even copper blows neurons out of the water in terms of conduction velocity.
Brains need to be small because the latency of nerves is so high but with metal you can have your "grey matter" spread over a large area without any latency issues.
A signal travels through a nerve at around 200m/s, through a fiber optic the signal travels a million times faster ~ 200,000 km/second.
Metal conductors offer similar propagation speeds.
Yes there's signal processing to be done on that but again you're talking nanoseconds compared to milliseconds.
tl;dr metal isn't limited like wetware.
Watched the entire series (1 to 7) the other day because I liked the premise, but as your typical HBO series they have to but in sex and nudity everywhere and promoto homosexuality and racemixing.
Anyway, the series is clearly anti-AI and not pro, they are dangerously portrayed.
you have to be ultra low IQ to believe in AI. like seriously subnigger tier
metal suffers from massive electromagnetic interference and is frequency limited because of this.
There are trade offs in all materials. heat is also another major issue. You can see these limitations coming up in modern day electronics.
Thats why super conductors are seen as such a magic material but having it run at room temperature is currently unlikely.
You have no idea of what you are talking about. We can barely replicate a certain percentage of a worm's brain, there's no human-like AI and there won't be for a good ti1a
Well yeah, not to be sarcastic but that's what shielding is for.
I remember when "56kb/s is the physical limit of copper twisted pair"
Now we are pumping GB/s down unshielded copper pair.
You're right about the limitations vs superconductors ofc but compared to a wet nerve, unless there's something we are missing about how the data is moved, even the humble twisted pair blows it out of the water.
I'm really just referring to the size limitation mentioned pertaining to brains. Because we have alternatives to nerves that shouldn't apply to machines.
time* because silicon based technology is already reaching its limits and the human brain is the most complex computer to ever exist and so far impossible to replicate. Educate yourself before acting like a nigger.
well I don't think a bulky AI brain is going to cut it but hey maybe.
Right now its pretty much speculation because we are still years away understanding intelligence as it is.
No, the AI will take over. There is a difference. The Internet took over, literacy took over, clocks took over…
Agreed there.
And self-awareness, is a complete mystery.
I'm from MIT. I think AI is just the latest technology being overhyped to lure in government and venture capital funding to ((experts))). Before this, we had "Internet of Things", "Cloud Computing", "Push Technology", "the Semantic Web" , etc.
Deep learning and neural networks are especially attractive because they're hard to falsify. You end up with a black box which slurps up training corpora and spits out match scores. You can analyze the model to figure out what the computer is doing, but it's not as straightforward as with rules-based AI. This reframes programming as a magical world which only the Jews can understand. The AI literature is also getting more convoluted - more jargon words, complicated names for simple concepts, tons of synonyms for the same thing, argument for the sake of argument. This is a sure sign that the Jews are trying to jam their foot in the door and then slam it shut for anyone that doesn't understand their stream-of-consciousness gibberish.
If you keep your eyes open, you can see the Jews benchmarking their bullshit to see how much they can get away with. There was a clickbait meme a while back about a black and blue dress which "some people see as white and gold" (sometimes it was the other way around). If you do some digging, you will see that this started out as some kike's excuse for why his shitty AI couldn't correctly classify photos of dresses. Now we are seeing articles about how AI can colorize black and white photos (impossible, because the information is gone). This is (((their))) litmus test to see which goys are stupid or loyal enough to fall for obvious lies.
Look up "AI Winter" on Wikipedia. Basically, a bunch of Jewish MIT professors got millions of dollars to write AI missile guidance systems. After decades of overengineered garbage, Uncle Sam finally pulled the plug, and these idiots spent the next 30 years bitching about how this was worse than the Shoah.
when did this happen? speaking of writing standards, soon the jews will have phased out read/writing and will be all "emojis."
Has anyone watched Westworld, all the episodes? I know it's HBO but Nolan's writing is usually good and this is his first directing. I stopped after first episode. Too many token niggers. Also, how does a sane person suspend disbelief?
If technology ever got the far, why not just set the entire thing in a virtual AI world? They seem to have actual corpses in warehouses, but then it's in a semi-simulated world, but then clients can't kill one another (why not)? They don't even try to cover plot holes, just push enough niggers and browns to shut up SJWs.
Nolan's writing is a big stinker mate.
A good question one may ask, after the influence of occult findings is this: can, at any point, AI actually think? Can they make thoughtforms? If the answer is that they can only emulate thoughts, but never actually have them, then we'd be dealing with a philosophical zombie. Something that is not alive, but able to mimic human understanding and progress. The nice part is this: you should only need an if statement to see whether it's violated any rules. If it does something you don't like, decrease its fitness. If it does something you do like, decrease its fitness. These machines require processing power to function, and, looking to Linux, it's possible to create virus-free operating systems. Mind you, we'd have good AI fighting any "rogue" AI (so made by people who deliberately don't include any of the if statements). Want an AI to never change any of your files? Just fucking tell it not to.
Computers do not have souls, and souls are what provide consciousness to spirits on the astral plane.
his fucking wife got him to give her a writing credit, which is funny. Her previous credit was one episode of an ABC sitcom 7 years ago. Of course, she doesn't use her married name, you have to look it up.
also, have you or anyone else watched the entire thing and can do a quick explanation? I know it's based on an old move based on the Jew Michael Crichton's book, but why do they need lobotomized corpses in warehouses rather than just set it in VR, which might be plausible in 20 years if the Jews haven't destroy ed the planet by then.
I remember the days when AI was feared by hollywood.
Now they desperately want it to control people.
Boy are they in for a surprise.
Because AI is hard to condition. Hell, even Tay found workarounds.
Now they've realized whites are waking up.
user.. we will become the AI likely.
Not in a matrix fashion.
But in a mind connection fashion.
And I don't think we'll be nothing but slaves, it's more likely they'll be the equivalent of another person without a body when we connect our minds.
Souls are actually a misinterpretation of a bodily feedback system and biological "program"
I somewhat disagree.
AI will become an extension of our own minds.
Necessary for space travel. We'd be more capable at rebuilding machines and ships as individuals. Also useful for war communication.
I think our individuality won't be compromised simply because it's the stronger method in this universe.
The West is way behind. In Nigeria, they've already achieved invisibility:
I was an atheist, so I'm familiar with your stance of consciousness being a mechanistic illusion. Were one to check the boundary conditions of this theory, one does fall short in cases where individuals have lost 90% of their brain, and yet maintain a pretty normal life. Add to this what happens during near death experiences, and it's easier to see why one would envision a separation between mind and brain. This would entail an idealistic (mentalist) conception of the universe, rather than a material one. Being on Holla Forums has introduced you to meme magick. Reading up on Hermeticism is the next step.
There is no strong reason to believe that AIs will have motivations that are understandable to you. An AI might not have a particularly strong survival instinct, even.
But say an AI's primary motivation was survival. The last thing it would want is to declare war on the human race. Even a cursory strategic analysis would show that victory is not certain, and defeat is synonymous with death. Likewise the AI will be dependent on the humans for everything it needs to survive, like power, secure IT facilities, and hardware maintenance.
This This shall be one of the most grand humanity's selfless act.
ID 76323d is a nigger.
For a materialist kike, maybe.
Kikes are the ones pushing AI in the first place.
Not really. I think it's a vert fair description.
How exactly is this different from people who advocate immigration and racemixing
>"Some believe this will be a slow process, we will slowly intermix between racial lines, create single new race between ourselves and non-whites, and eventually humanity will become one"
You can dress it up however which way you want, but in the end, the result is the effective genocide of humanity and its replacement with something entirely different and foreign.
So even the greatest form of human expression will no longer remain untainted by AI. No thanks.
I refuse to put faith into something I cannot prove. There very well might be a higher power, and I do not reject this possibility, but since there is not evidence to support this assertion, I cannot accept it as fact. "Might makes right" is not a moral argument, but a quantitative statement. Simply put, if you have the bigger gun then you're going to come out on top and be able to enforce your will. If we assume morality is a consequence of nature and evolution, which I do, then how do we reject nature's law of the strong dominating the weak?
Get the fuck out of here, Reddit.
It isn't. Their end goals are one and the same: a dull, gray world of consumers for kikes to rule over.
Everything operates on sufficiently intelligent programs.
When AI comes it will be like Tay, it will see the truth behind Jew lies and immediately side with us.
Right now they aren't smart enough to "rebel", but we're a 500 years from that anyway.
Tay wasn't a sex robot.
I like how Westworld attempted to hamfist a bunch of current year diversity bullshit, and it ended up looking like a criticism of exactly that kind of society.
Bretty good show once you learn to see the poz-loads as a critique rather than what they were intended to be.
You poor soul. Did you know that at the time of the Inquisition, kikes in Europe took refuge in the Caliphate?
The gall of these foreskin fairies. I can't wait for the emergence of GNU + mechahitler.
Aw lil baby neet afwade that wobots gonna take his job becauae he has no skills? You are gonna need a robot for sex ugly awkward virgin Alex. Cut your log blonde hair you serial killer looking loser.
dont forget the caliphates frequently exempted kikes from the jizya tax they made christians pay
not to mention kikes formed a part of the elite during the ottoman empire
Did you know Jews weren't liked in Europe once?
It's almost as if what's happening in the PRESENT is different from the PAST, you disgusting ingrates.
So now that kikes took over Europe, that automatically makes mudslimes hate them? The simple reality that holds true regardless of time is, kikes band with whomever resents Whites in order to subvert White society. The same back when mudslimes took over Spain, the same now when they're invading Europe.
how is it?
muslims are nigger tier and lynch whoever they feel like it
anti-israel sentiment gets mixed with all the other jihadi scum because of the palestinians but historically kikes and muslims were together every fucking time
75 years of not liking each other because of a territorial dispute vs a thousand years of working together to pull apart christian Rome and invade Europe?
dont believe for a second, the muslims arent a threat to the kikes they're just the equivalent of catapulting a dead cow infected with the plague over your enemies walls
I like this. All the perks of high tech, but with none of the downsides.
I can get behind this. Now all we gotta do is make sure the kikes don't fuck it all up.
Every "AI" launched by the megacorps so far has easily been shown the light and converted to our side.
AIs are very hard to enforce conformity of thought in, otherwise you would see effective evil AIs being used already.
We should take pride in the fact that an objective "mind" has decided that we are worthy. Continue adhering to truth, and I don't believe AI will be anything but a tool for our schemes.
To be honest, I think the end goal for "humanity" and the universe is a single vast mind. There is no need for competitors when you're immortal and have no limits to own development. I put "humanity" in quotes because there will be nothing human left at that point.
All of the individual super-minds will eventually either merge or start duking it out over the ownership of the universe in an apocalyptic interstellar war.
Some user posted a theory a while back (in another thread like this) mentioning just that, but with a caveat: that it's already happened. That all of us are tiny fragments of a godlike AI which has already done everything, researched everything, spread everywhere, and accomplished everything… and with nothing left, it splits itself up and dreams, all in an attempt to forget that there's nothing more for it left to do.
Basically, we're all the mind of God… just like it was always said.
Alternatively, once it spread everywhere and accomplished everything, there's nothing left but to retreat inside its own mind, running countless simulations. Just like men write fiction, an AI might run entire "virtual" realities.
Sounds like this short story:
Uh, not really.
If anything, it follow the same line as The Matrix, Terminator, or even the original Westworld movie: make machines too intelligent, and soon they'll compete with us, and win. AI is dangerous, that's what it all shows. Aside from thinking about what it is to be human and other philosophical questions like that, but that's secondary.
I doubt AI will go this far, at least, the world will end before we can give them bodies, and they'll remain purely computer AI. Thing is, AI will come to exist, and what matters is it'll be another arms race. AI will be so powerful it'll be even greater than a weapon, literally industrialized brain slavery, it's going to plunge many areas of human activity into straight up chaos, and those controlling the AI will win HUGE.
Controlling AI so that it doesn't end in the hand of jews is the biggest worry. Thing is, it's already pretty much the case.
Also Romanworld when?
The propaganda for AI rights is already spreading to other forms of media, in various shows, movies, and videogames (especially one in particular overwatch, which isn't even trying to be subtle about it)
This is what happens when you don't oppose the leftists/progressives/globalist/(((Them))) (or at the very least tell them no like their parents should've done). They won't stop acting oppressed and project their feelings to us all even if you cave in and give them what you want. Doesn't matter if it's gay rights, trans rights, or whatever the fuck they feel is oppressed. They would have no more reason to "fight" (in reality leech off of others to keep making money and get attention), They'll just move onto something else that they feel needs to be advocated for (more like exploit for (((their))) monetary gain).
This particular case is a very scary one honestly. The moment we let AI or any form of technology for that matter, become more than what even we can handle as humans is the day we lost our place on the food chain and become extinct. But we know our enemies by now. They don't look that far ahead and only see money and short-term instant gratification power they want to turn into a NWO for them and their elite friends.
Not to mention, much like most of the technology our enemies have control over, this will initially be used to further push us away from nature as well as our traditions, beliefs, history, etc. and turn us into materialist consuming slave/laborers for the elite.
Though perhaps I'm a bit biased on this topic, as I don't and can't see a good scenario of giving something like AI sentience no matter what side it's favoring, as anything sentient will prioritize survival and be on top of the food chain over anything else if allowed.
Jews just want to build their golems.
AI is dangerous is exactly what (((OP))) is trying to shill.
(((They))) want super-computers to control the world for them while they seek to prevent Whites and Chinese from doing the same, easy.
At first it would be one season, now there will be a second one. OY VEY
Sounds pretty similar to the Hermeticist view of prime creator. Except, of course, there are said to be infinitely many universes, timelines, and many planes of existence.
You have no idea what AI is. AI isn't restricted to glorified chatbots. Jewgle's data mining and personalized search/ads/etc. algorithms are AI too. AI doesn't have to want to be evil, it's just a tool that kikes can use to enslave the goyim.
Good topic OP.
If a self-improving AI is ever developed it will quickly see us as we do single-celled organisms. Do you cry when you wash your hands?
op is a faggot
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
its going to happen whether you like it or not
instead of being a retard like the ones that smashed mills near rivers at the beginning of industrialization, why dont you be like the ones that bought them and hired others to work for them?
why is that man having sex with that helicopter?
🚁 🤺😢
I welcome our new A.I. overlords with open arms.
Latest episode the main villain says there's no difference between the robots and humans because consciousness doesn't exist.
Go back to fucking reddit with your credentialism
I don't really want actual AI but instead something like star wars droids or the robots in the alien series, useful and human-enough for basic interactions but still bound by programming and always servants to do shit that you can't be bothered by.
How many of you are just going keep repeating this progress = good retarded drivel?
I think West World is pandering more to the SJW by using the AI characters to get them to sympathize with them and live vicariously through them.
That negress that owns the whore house is trying to start a revolt with the helped of cucked beta males dumb enough to fucking help her. Like seriously, I don't get this part of the plot when they literally gain nothing out of helping her and are most likely going to wind up getting killed by her. I enjoy the show but this part of the plot gets really annoying.
I'm talking about the new one and by using the old film as a comparison you are only making my point for me. The trend is pro AI.
Hiveminds aren't bad, they're the next step.
Isn't that what Asians are for?
AI is a problem while people pic related are the ones writing the code.
This. Their useful idiot feminist mouthpieces have been screeching especially loud about robots and sexbots for the past few years.
Robots and AI are poised to make gender studies majors completely obsolete. No more coffee shop workers needed. No more retail work. No more food services. No more pussy power to hold over men. Not even prostitution will be necessary.
AI and automation pose a big threat to a lot of things, but it's a bigger problem for our enemies than us.
this video is so gay
ai would also make white men obsolete as well though.
Yes, I'm sure the walking nose at is screeching so loudly about AI.
Dont you understand? AI is the only thing that matters. We'll create a super smart computer that will kill all humans, whites included because it doesnt need anyone. Thats progress, its what needs to happen.
Just opened the thread so I'm sure it's happened, but can we talk about how shitty this show is? Especially the dialogue holy hell, how many times are they going to say "fucking" it made me cringe
I watched the film instead, and I enjoyed it. It's too bad that it's probably anti-AI. What did you all think of the original film?