i mean think about it. its holding the internet back it could potentially increase internet speeds and in general improve ISP's infrastructures. it wont be any more expensive than it is now either and could even make your browsing experience more customize able as well!
Lets end Net Neutrality
Other urls found in this thread:
this means net neutrality must be stopped
it's only "popular" because Google, Facebook, Twitter, and all the other goyim approved websites are pushing so hard for it. If these groups who heavily support censorship support it so heavily then it's highly suspicious. None of these groups support "neutrality" they want full control so they can determine what's "neutral" and what's not.
And here I was wondering where the ISP shills were.
It's because they don't want to pay unjust bullshit fees to (((ISPs))) for things the ISPs' customers already paid for.
NN doesn't help them at that
they don't want to pay the ISP for things they know the customer's WONT pay for. it's like cable TV, only people actually want premium channels, hbo, showtime, etc. if you make people pay the ISP for facekike and youtube you'll see just how many people really like those services and are willing to pay a premium for them, which a lot won't, meaning Jewgle will have the pay the difference if they want to stay included into the fast lane.
good goy
You're a fucking idiot. What's the difference between sending packets from Facebook, Holla Forums or an SSH connection to your hone server? None. Absolutely none.
ISPs just want get money from three different sources: consumers, websites and the government without having to actually improve their systems.
Additionally, there should be no legal difference between a webesite banning someone and an ISP throttling connections. Net neutrality would have to apply to website owners too for my support.
Do you know what the Jesuits think of Net Neutrality? Look into it.
You're just butthurt because you're retarded edgy "opinions" grant you bans.
Go fuck yourself.
I never said net neutrality should be a long term solution. Net neutrality, as it stands, is a short term solution. Right now all that is happening is we're losing our short term solution with no long term solution being passed to replace it.
You're just butthurt because you're exposed to "edgy" opinions. If you can't handle being offended, maybe you should get mental help instead of posting on an imageboard.
Continue posting, I want to see how overblown your reactions can get. Have a nice day.
You haven't been paying attention have you? Companies are able to buy regulations that are tailored to protect their monopolies. Anti-monopoly legislation is an entirely different form of regulation. Regulation in general isn't great, though it can actually do good things in some cases. It should just be limited to stuff like false advertising and food safety though.
you jewish fucks always offer a service that does the opposite of what you're implying. no
Yeah and give the companies and goberment the ability to remove any page thay want by blocking the users with fees
you should know... Like Holla Forums
It's an act. The same companies that are wailing about NN right now are the ones paying ISPs to zero-rate their traffic in developing nations to make sure no local competition forms.
Pic related, despite the industry bias in that paragraph.
Now those are some mighty edgy opinions.
Thanks, comcast.
I like net neutrality. It means that no Internet traffic is inherently more important than other traffic.
Anything further to add, or are you just going to keep saying "edgy" like it means anything? If you want to be shielded from nasty opinions, the internet is far from the best way to do that. A therapist is going to do that better than a forum moderator.
A phantom edge, if anything.
I couldn't give a shit either way. I just think it's funny to see kikes having a meltdown about it.
The very nature of internet infrastructure means that we should make NN law. ISPs are basically utilities at this point and they should operate by the same rules. Ironically enough, all the faggots bitching about da gubmint don't realize that eliminating NN means the government can simply ask companies to block certain sites now without any oversight.
I frequent imageboards. I'm already edgier than most.
I don't hate you because you're edgy. I hate you because you are so fucking UNIQUE AND SPECIAL that your entire identity and your entire political knowledge comes from a board designed to contain flaming and trolling. A board called "politically incorrect."
Ten years ago we used to mock the likes of you; the faggots who took Internet seriously. Those days ought to come back because God damn, you're starting to leak IRL.
You are a bunch of obnoxious faggots. You don't contribute anything to any board except shitposting and buzzwords. You are useless even by imageboard standards. Sad.
Fuck you.
Yeah, you might want to take a break considering you're to the point where everyone you dislike is Holla Forums. the answer is probably no, but are you from Holla Forums? Your implication of Holla Forums being behind everything you hate reminds me of that board It's ironic that you're whining about me taking the internet seriously, when you seem to be doing exactly what you accuse me of. Just calm down before you go on another tangent about Holla Forums.
Quit being a furfag from reddit
the biggest jew, george soros, supports it
Now why would I go there?
I'm neutral about net neutrality. I lean towards nay because it's the wrong medicine for the wrong ailment.
End ISP monopolies first.
Then, divorce infrastructure from service.
Then, we can end net neutrality because it won't be needed at that point.
Failing that, defenestrate everyone involved with passing laws against self-built municipal/local ISPs.
With enough ISP competition, there'd be no need for laws as no one would dare violate Net Neutrality tenets. Everyone would flock to a non fucked ISP.
I support local/sub-loop unbundling, but how would you apply that to something like cable, let alone cellular? Until everyone has fiber at the very least, NN will be necessary.
The two don't conflict with each other.
Like I said, it's a short term solution that should be fixed by removing the laws that cause this monopolization to happen. I agree with you completely.