The only MSM reporting on this are the Independent and the Grauniad. Guess who the latter blames? Trump of course.
Get yourselves VPNs, birtbongs. Big Brother watching you is no longer a meme.
The only MSM reporting on this are the Independent and the Grauniad. Guess who the latter blames? Trump of course.
Get yourselves VPNs, birtbongs. Big Brother watching you is no longer a meme.
Other urls found in this thread:
Already a thread
Looks like a legal formality to ratify some of what they're already doing. BTW even though she's nominally a conservative, Theresa May resembles Hillary Clinton a lot more than she resembles Trump and doubtless sees no problem with the government ensuring "community safety" by combing through all your data and cracking open all your communications the very moment you look suspicious.
yeah but that's been shilled to hell and back.
I've no doubt they already do it some of this stuff I'd be disappointed in GCHQ if they didn't but the difference here is they can be blatant about it. Instead of using illegal powers to quietly dispose of serious enemies they can now use these legal powers to prosecute people who break their "hate speech" laws. That means us. This is some serious shit right here.
That's a shill thread made by a pro-(((surveillance))) kike about surveillance in general, not about this specific instance. Fuck off.
such is life for cockroach britian
is this for real??
in fairness it does link this article, but everyone there has taken the b8 so hard it's impossible to have a conversation
What the actual fuck?
I'd say RIP Britain but Britain died a long time ago.
you can bet youre getting fucked over then
Daily reminder that the existence of Muslims in our countries is used to justify the creation and maintaining of the police state.
I'm going to the UK in December, should I be concerned that I might be abducted into the queen's inner ring of sex slaves for talking about their pedophilia?
They must be scared if they're not waiting for a cataclysmic terrorist attack to justify passing this.
what's the matter, afraid of a little forcey fun time?
Christ, the comments on that article are terrible.
Yes, I think I will take this completely at face value like everyone else seems to have done.
Not sure if it's real. It came from Holla Forums so is probably a ruse.
Post code is valid
Exactly. The only decent comment in the other thread is this
Area code as in the phone number. Wikipedia lists Ripley's as being 01773 and Derby's as 01332
According to
It's dated today, isn't it? Would a letter like that make it through the post that quickly?
But at least you defeated those evil German, right Anglos?
What is 'racism' and is it good or bad? It was never covered in school. Is muslims a race? Is brown a race? Is ignorance a race? Are ignorant brown muslims that rape children a race? Am I racist if I disagree with that?
It's for your safety goy! Don't you want to be safe from all those terrorists we imported?
Everyone who isn't white has a race. White people don't have a race. If someone with no race does something people of race disagree with, that's racist.
Consult Constable Hardcase. Your case will be given a fair handling.
0345 is a fixed toll number. The actual Derbys constabulary website makes no mention of it but it does have a link to the Internet Watch Foundation. . Also links to pic related.
So while that letter is probably a ruse the poz is real.
lel, and it would have been Ms. if real
You should be more worried about literally losing your head. London's Arab population is somewhere around 40% or more.
Britain has long had a nanny state but nowadays 'nanny' is a child abuser from Rotherham
Why are you so worried about being surveilled by Jews and freemasons, british goy?
As if this is new; (what is five eyes?)
The Anglosphere is the best at invading privacy. So what?
I don't give a fuck if someone is getting paid to search my internet history - BBW mature leather strap on lavatory lust.
Dodgy e-mails including not meant death threats, inane ramblings, telling my family in NZ about the health of my horse, my gf's work and other inconsequential bollocks like getting a new boiler for the heating….
It doesn't matter - I honestly don't give a shit about GCHQ, NSA, CIA, MI5, whatever. They can fuck off. All my files are open. They can check my shit.
Bonganons ;_;7
You browse Holla Forums so that already makes you a suspect.
on the good side, you will not get molested and beheaded by Muhammad in Londonistan
Don't give a shit m8. I don't agree with "If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear".
That is a ridiculous argument. Of course I have stuff that I don't want public. Things that I'm ashamed of but were good fun at the time.
That's why we have a conscious. It is OK to make mistakes, even better to learn by them.
I simply don't care about surveillance. No fucks given.
It's there. It exists. It can't be removed. If someone wants to watch me taking my morning shit, then let them.
My life is so banal and normal that even the most dedicated snooper would kill themselves from boredom.
if only you knew how bad things really are
sorry, i meant to quote this lad who fears to be abducted by (((Them))) in his trip to Londonistan
wouldnt surprise me if this 1984 tier shit was real
outside of somehow RWDSing all the kebabs under the gov'ts nose, there is only one solution, OP, and you probably won't like it
Fucking hell, if you're going to fake shit at least use correct spelling.
They've been doing it for years.
I was put on active surveillance by either the police or MI5 about a decade ago when I was posting prolifically on Stormfront.
Some of my anti-immigration posts were newspaper article quality and on one occasion I had one plagiarised by a MSM broadsheet with little modification, they were powerful and emotive, I think this is what put me on the radar.
Not sure when the active surveillance stopped but I haven't caught any spooks tailing me lately.
I knew this was coming as soon as TPTB put (((Theresa May))) in charge.
They know internet communications are what's bringing their empire of deceit, corruption and pedophilia crumbling down around their ears, and they'll do anything to try and stuff that particular genie back in its lamp.
They've expertly manipulated the Brexit upheaval to push this through, which is exactly what I was expecting. These people always have schemes within schemes. At any rate we need (((May))) gone ASAP, idiots who think she's a positive factor need to neck themselves and rid the world of their weird sexual fixation on Margaret Thatcher.
No we had lost (again) and if the (((Americans))) didn't join in Europe would have become a an efficient German speaking superpower that could have taken America.
Wow really convincing me it was a bad idea to be in WWII!
The only silver lining I get from this is, MI5 will be backlogged for years to come looking through Achmeds shit, before they come to take me away for shit posting.
Still another sad day to be a bong
it's called a search engine you mong
Are you retarded or just still in school? You know they still have to make a case before they can bring it to court right?
Why in the world would MI5 do anything so racist?
Unlucky mate, me, D…. born n bred and yes letter does look genuine.
Have u trashed your hard drive yet?
Well Nige is getting back into Politics because Trump and seems hell bent on Cucking Theresa May by de facto turning himself into the British ambassador.
Maybe Trump and Nige can 4D chess Nige into being Prime Minister.
A few early morning garbled thoughts on this matter:
Britain is a prototype state and has been for some years, something about our (almost) caste-tier class system, our reserved nature and joyful pessimism has had us selected as the test subjects for the police/ surveillance state. We are moving into the final stages.
What Britain is now is what you will become
The only way to ensure 100% compliance with the law is the prevent people from acting outside of it. A free man can break the law, a man stuck inside a cage cannot and Britain is in the process of constructing cages around everyone. When you cage an intelligent animal however, odd things can happen. This could well break western man; this is probably the broad intention of the police/ surveillance state.
As other Anons have pointed out, this level of online surveillance has been active for years (globally). They (In Britain at least) are NOT doing this to make it easier to prosecute people because they have been doing that already
Take for example: The Hatton Garden safe deposit burglary:
Some old-school British villains decide to go for one last job and use an industrial drill to break into a vault of safety deposit boxes and end up getting caught because it’s not the 1970’s anymore and everything you do in London is monitored.
When the case was heard in court one of the suspects Internet logs from 5 YEARS ago was sited as evidence, he had Google searched for the exact model of drill used in the robbery. How would they have his Internet activity from half a decade ago stored and ready to give as evidence if everything you do isn’t on a database owned by them? ISP’s don’t retain half decade long logs.
This is being done to create a chilling effect, to mould a compliant people who behave and communicate online in only a Government approved fashion
Who do you think will be prioritized by your administration?
Honestly I see this action as Globalists frantically responding to Trump and the surge of nationalism by rapidly accelerating their plans in a desperate bid to hold the line.
There was a long term master plan but now it's been derailed.
I regret America taking part in WW1, and WW2, my dad regrets America taking part in WW1 and WW2, and his dad regrets America taking part in WW1 and WW2.
Fighting National Socialism was a mistake. One that killed America.
Thank god that in America NSA spying isn't admissible as evidence in court.
And for the first amendment.
I know our two nations exchange a lot of zesty banter but I really do envy and am thankful for your first amendment. It beyond anything else really does set America apart from any other nation on earth.
These aren't:
Just a few examples, it happens every day… And don't forget that Britian also has secret courts. The true extent of the problem is unknown.
Still Achmed, the goverment in a catch 22 situation, sure they would love to send us faggots away, but if they start prioritizing us b4 them, they are at risk of redpilling to many people on the mudpeople.
Sure if mudslime actually got with the goverment program we whould be in deep shit, but luckly he too busy trying to destory the west his way
Thanks for the links. Yes, it is an issue, which is why fakes are pointless and counter productive.
Please try and understand that the chilling effect from this is actively ensuring that Islam’s takeover of the west is put on the right track.
It will stop people from spreading or discussing redpills on the crimes of the Islamic curse. Yes Muslims are crap at invading the west so the western governments are giving them a helping hand.
The problem is, niggers can't spell. As the country goes down you will find that spelling, grammar and logic go out of the window. I'm talking from personal experience.
Might be a joke, even the whole "Sally Hardcase" thing appears humorous but you have to realise that in some justice systems, the name of the managing officer will be put on the letter without necessarily meaning that x person wrote it.
Try to understand every time mudshits go on a rampage it redpills far more peeps on the religion of piss, than all the chans combined. Normies don't come here, they do watch MSM who still can't spin how good it is to get blown/shot/stabbed by the local kebab seller
I'm under watch and periodically interviewed by the local counter-terror intelligence unit simply for holding a flag at a failed NA demonstration.
Honestly it's getting to the point where I may as well go suicide bombing because there's literally no way to have legitimate discourse and make headway in public on race/nationalism.
Probably can't even flee to 'Murrica because no money, debt slavery, no degrees.
And when every potential political uprising, every future leader of men is crushed in his infancy by a Government hell bent on having their own people raped and killed by savages then what?
Everything isn’t going to be ok, the blood and innocence of our people spills every day as a result of these laws. They are effective and they get stronger every day.
This is a problem that can’t be dismissed.
that can be*
nope, I only went to 2 NA events and they forgot about me after the second one, just as well since I can't betray anything they're doing if I don't know about it.
Almost literally what happened, one day this guy turned up at my front door and said he was from CTIU and I invited him in and had a cuppa and a chat because I literally couldn't care less.
Funniest thing about it is I've only met two guys from the CTs, the first was an Arab and the other has Hebrew tattoos all over him. It's like they WANT to cause violent reactions if they go after skinheads.
If they jumped on you the second you attended (attempted) march then what the hell are they doing to prominent members?
Intense surveillance, maybe they've already been subverted or controlled. I met the main lads at both events and they seemed genuine though. Po-po men made out like they're all manipulative supercriminals but they haven't done shit so I assume they don't have enough dirt and are just using scare tactics.
example "oi you cheeky fucker why you prepping you want to go training camp huh you be arrested for that".
Mind you they can probably jail anyone they like because of how vague the law is.
You bring to the discussion a good example of how effective the states behavior is. They bullied you despite not breaking the law and you modified your behavior accordingly (not that I blame you).
They do it to all sorts of groups; those who don't think children being raped by Muslims is a good thing are not alone.
These people had an issue with the behavior of a private business and protested it. The state sent someone in to literally fuck them.
It's a nanny state but the nanny is also an undercover policeman named Achmed.
I don't think they've been that effective at breaking my spirit, I would be attending NA demos whenever they happen but I'm hamstrung by income - even the gibs are a means of slavery, the first thing I had to do after signing onto muh programs was join a govt-owned/associated temp agency. a big fat nigger was applying at the same time as me, he got out of doing any actual work and just collects the gibs, urge to lynch rose 40% that day.
I've been looking at joining Western Spring as a non-physical way of contributing but idk how good they are. Probably Jewgle's manipulations but it's almost impossible to find any active ethnic/white nationalist groups.
paying them
Let's hope.
Take my energy, Arr Nige.
If that were to happen to me I'd just flee to thailand.
Don't worry, it gets covered in school now.
That works to. If you leave then you can’t cause them any issues.
Yeah if they are white, while they will obsserve that achmed has been grooming white children but do nothing about it
People get prosecuted for this shit all the time in the UK - and usually, convicted after a farcical show trial in a magistrate's court - but the letter looks bogus. Which is sad, because this shitty fake undermines the truth about Britain being a sad little police state. Its very crappiness may be a sign of a psy-op.
1) A crown court case usually comes after a defendant in a serious case has first been up before a Magistrate's Court as their first point of contact. So where's the case number on the letter?
2) 'Public racism' or some such bullshit would usually be dealth with by a magistrate's court - which usually rubber stamps the prosecution case, railroading the defendant. Would only go to appeal in a crown court if the defendant had deep pockets for expensive barristers. Unlikely.
3) A crown court summons to appear would be labelled as a summons to appear, there would be a case number, and it would come from the court not the police.
4) The police often write to people to request that they attend interviews at the police station, but they won't write to request that a suspect attends a court hearing. That's the court's job.
However, as an FYI: I used to work as a civilian consultant inside a UK police force. Never underestimate the sheer stupidy and sloth of the average copper or the civilian admin assistants. They are morons. Spelling mistakes alone don't prove that the letter is fake. (Which is fucking sad).
Having the power to actively moniter everything you do over the web gives a lot of power to those in positions of authority. They can see if your being a bad goyim and making "racist" remarks over the internet and track anyone/ any movement and stop them from threatening thier power.
Bongs just can't catch a break, rich country but for thousands of years the lives of the population on that island has been utter shit, its like the place is cursed.
They will leave the EU but become a left wing authoritarian police state like in Orwells 1984.
not sure how that chart is relevant to teaching in schools but this is how the students say farewell to teacher who retires in new zealand
Tall blond dude
Although I favored leaving, this is one reason why I wasn't hugely exercised about Brexit. Britain gain control over its borders and sovereignty for its own parliament, but so much of the shit in this country is "homegrown". And now the disgruntled may go out, vote Brexit and then come back for some tea and scones and doze off with Theresa May of all people on the TV telling them they've put the country back on track. I've pretty much given up on Britain politically, although that's also due to some personal changes as well.
My guess is they either wanted to intimidate you or show you that arabs and jews are people too. You probably warranted a visit because NA is offline and real, and does have some viral potential among disaffected youth - really it's exactly the sort of thing they'd want to subvert and nip in the bud quick.
Britain has been a kike-led shithole since exactly 1651 when the Civil War ended.
Parliament has always attracted those of Jewish character and it didn't help that Cromwell took Jew money for the New Model Army and let them into the country.
King James and his son might have been Scots but at least they were true Royals, not yid puppet ones.
It seems like Are Nige is going to do some more campaigning but even if he succeeds it's still >civic nationalism.
The two fellows who have been overseeing me are part of the PREVENT thingo so de-radicalization is their goal but it's hilariously hamfisted. Possible-Cryptojew guy ("i know krav maga") tries to debate and normalize but even he, a supposed professional in the field, can only spout leftist emotional arguments and "but they're not harming anyone/it's none of our business" deals.
You want me to join ANTIFA instead or something?
They're the only active nationalist group around as far as I know.
They're shills, lad. CO.
Maybe they think that as a rightwing militant you'll respect and listen to some guy that proves his man-points to you. I've had attempted intrusions on the house under the pretext of fixing and repairs, quasi-stalking IRL, all kinds of shenanigans online, and more besides that you wouldn't credit if I told you.
I know this sounds like paranoia now - years back I'd have dismissed it as such myself. But there genuinely is a silent parallel security apparatus running in the background of this country and covertly butting in once you're identified as threatening the shitty-but-apparently-precious democratic system. Also this won't be much reassurance, but my guess is once you're on the radar you're never really off it.
Free speech is 99.9% used for pointless shit, but taking it away wound endanger the 0.1% that matters.
Is the next phase going to be making the UK a VPN free zone? WTF
I remain skeptical… Better to be out and doing something than waiting for BUF 2.0 to suddenly appear.
Yeah, that's why I referenced earlier to doing an ackbar if they're going to lock me up for going to another march or something anyway, it's like the proverb about the chink general starting a rebellion, but whiter and far more pathetic.
At least the Normans are white tbh and they didn't breed saxons or original britons to death like the roaches and niggers are doing.
Trust me, joining NA is counterproductive. If you go back to that thread there's also a video about how they get away with shit that genuine nationalists would never get away with. And even if they're not shills, they might as well be, with their shitty stunts that only put people off.
It's a sad situation, since we don't even have any genuine nationalist groups. Either start your own (I've looked into this) or join UKIP and infiltrate.
I do want to get pushing our views into legitimate circles but how the fuck do you start? Can you imagine writing your MP a letter about white genocide and mass immigration as part of the Kalergi plan and whether or not he's going to stop it?
Putting up posters for a local fascist get-together?
Basically impossible to do anything legitimate and if you do it'll be disregarded at best or an actionable hate crime at worst.
All of that just to investigate problematic behavior from white males on twitter.
Joining UKIP is better than joining a counter-productive shill organisation
I don't object to getting out there, but it's important to avoid shill groups like NA. I think basically all our far right groups are CO at this point, so it's a grim situation. Regardless, there is still things you can do. You could organise a group locally - start small, don't rush things. You could join UKIp, and work you way into a potion of power, and co-opt the party for ethnonationalism. It's hard, but don't get demoralised and make sure you're doing something. Just make sure to avoid the shills when doing so.
ripip my britbong friends
Just btw there's a good likelihood the guy you're debating with is from GCHQ/MI5 and is tasked with discrediting and disrupting the radical right. One of the reasons they've gotten away with this for so long on 8/pol/ is it's just unbelievable that alphabets would accord any importance to an obscure imageboard. But believe me, they're here and have been for ages.