tl;dr Jew says nerds have no legitimate complaints, and also they're just a bunch of racist mysoginistic homophobic fascists so who cares if we suffer anyway? Jew being a Jew, you know what to do. Email Willie articles covering black-on-white crime.

This is the same Jew that wrote In Defense of Looting.

What Was the Nerd?
The myth of the bullied white outcast loner is helping fuel a fascist resurgence

by Willie Osterweil

"Fascism is back. Nazi propaganda is appearing on college campuses and in city centers, a Mussolini-quoting paramilitary group briefly formed to “protect” Trump rallies, the KKK is reforming, and all the while, the media glibly participates in a fascist rebrand, popularizing figures like Milo Yiannoupolis and the “alt-right.” With the appointment of Stephen Bannon to the Trump administration, this rebranded alt-right now sits with the head of state.

Of course, the fascists never really left: They’ve just tended to wear blue instead of brown the past 40 odd years. But an openly agitating and theorizing hard-right movement, growing slowly over the past few years, has blossomed in 2016 into a recognizable phenomenon in the U.S. Today’s American fascist youth is neither the strapping Aryan jock-patriot nor the skinheaded, jackbooted punk: The fascist millennial is a pasty nerd watching shitty meme videos on YouTube, listening to EDM, and harassing black women on Twitter. Self-styled “nerds” are the core youth vanguard of crypto-populist fascist movements. And they are the ones most likely to seize the opportunities presented by the Trump presidency.

Before their emergence as goose-stepping shit-posting scum, however, nerds — those “losers” into video games and comics and coding — had already been increasingly attached to a stereotypical set of political and philosophical beliefs. The nerd probably read Ayn Rand or, at the very least, bought into pseudo-meritocracy and libertarianist “freedom.” From his vantage, social problems are technical ones, merely one “disruption” away from being solved. The sea-steading, millennial-blood-drinking, corporate-sovereignty-advocating tech magnates are their heroes — the quintessential nerd overlords.


The rise of the internet economy and the rise of nerdy cultural obsessiveness, collecting, and comics —not to mention the rise to power of the kids raised on Revenge of the Nerds and its 1980s ilk — means that the nerd is now fully ascendant. But perpetually aggrieved, these “nerds” believe other oppressed people should shut the fuck up and stop complaining, because they themselves didn’t complain! They got jobs! They got engineering degrees! They earned what they have and deserve what they take.

As liberals sneer at the “ignorant” middle American white Trump voters, Trump’s most vocal young advocates — and the youthful base of American fascist movements going forward — are not the anti-intellectual culture warriors or megachurch moralists of the flyover states. Though the old cultural right still makes up much of Trump’s voting base, the intelligence-fetishizing “rationalists” of the new far right, keyboard warriors who love pedantic argument and rhetorical fallacies are the shock troops of the new fascism. These disgruntled nerds feel victimized by a thwarted meritocracy that has supposedly been torn down by SJWs and affirmative action. Rather than shoot-from-the-hip Christians oppressed by book-loving coastal elites, these nerds see themselves silenced by anti-intellectual politically correct censors, cool kids, and hipsters who fear true rational debate."

There's more, but it's not worth reading.

Reading Jewish mind poison hurts my head. What's the point of the article?

Nice digits
This is the problem when the OP's shit.

tl;dr Jew says white nerds are irredeemable and should be marginalized, er, "re-educated"

someone is scared

Jews started this whole myth of the nerd, through movies and television programs, to pathologize the jock as an unthinking slab of meat constantly bullying the weak little nebbish or honorary jewish goy. Yet another appeal to jewish slave morality where weakness and strangeness was lauded over a healthy, masculine chad. Looks like another one of your golems is turning on you Chaim.


True story. I went to rich prepschool and was total nerd. Best bros were football jocks. They always treated me right. The worst were the whiny gothy shits and minorities.

I feel like I've argued with way too many leftists for them to still think that the far right is made up of video game nerds. How many more attractive, tall, white men with high IQs and debating skills bar none need to put them in their place before they shut up about how the left might have a chance this century? It doesn't.

Can't say it's completely wrong. Besides implying all smart people must be pasty or a 400lb hacker. Gyms and hobbies are so readily available, smart people can be randomly jacked and like guns out of self interest.
Why else did they start pushing "brogrammer" and all that shit the last few years.

Leftists believe in order to support their worldview. Quite literally they subordinate all their cognitive faculties to the end of leftism. These people are barely even human they're so permeated by parasitical memes.

Wall Text of
bring back bullying
l c
l k


Their entire race is known the world over for being a bunch of nasally, dishonest wimps. Jews only option is brain work, specifically the kind that involves managing and giving orders to goyim.

The condescending tone of this article makes me want to burn down the nearest synagogue, too bad I live in a place with no visible Jews

The next shoah-hoax will be knowlegde as "GamerGate"

He won't read them. Send him gore and trannies.

Neo concentration camp will have "it's about ethics" write on the top.


Jews have no legitimate reason to exist

Wow. He is fucking butthurt. With a face like that though I don't blame him, so punchable!

it's funny how the same people who believe in social darwinism are the same people who believe that the jews are secretly in power

if the jews are in power, then clearly they have won the social battle, and are therefore the superior race

prove me wrong

It's a kind of manifest destiny, I guess.

It's why (((people))) on other boards are saying Holla Forums has been taken over. Sure, some thread may be too hard for them but they bleed on Holla Forums and most assuredly elsewhere.

I think a lot of people actually agree with you. We resent that because we consider them sort of parasitic.

You're displaying cuck mentality. If there's a big man that has more power than you and he's abusing that power, what do you do? I would kill him, I'm guessing you'd want to suck is dick because you're a sissy.


Kikes HATE white nerds because they break all their stereotypes about white privilege and racists being dumb rednecks.

And nerds are basically the only group in recent history who have a legitimate grievance about "cultural appropriation" too.

Niggers go around bitching about white people with dreadlocks, but white nerds are really the ones who have had their "culture" stolen and are now being forced out by others.

Is a tiny parasite superior to a mammal simply because it is successful in sucking the life out of its host?

I'm going to sage because this is one of those cases where there is nothing to be gained by arguing with these points. Remember what Hitler said about arguing with Jews.

They are crying about Holla Forums being corrupted on Holla Forums is corrupted. Sure shot up post-election. They're kicking and screaming everywhere.

This is pathetic.

True story,

I went to university decades ago and the highschool jocks were the ones to play D&D with me up to today. And i in return play social football with them. They helped me get fit while i was busy raining redpills on them.


I'll elaborate, too. The kikes are going to take full advantage of our acceptance of (social) darwinism. If one civilization is superior to another, by all means, it should exert its dominance. The right pretty much agrees on that and that human nature should be meddled with. So, when Mossad or whoever plans another false flag to start proxy regional conflict in the middle east in the hopes of achieving Nile-Euphrates "Greater Israel," the newly elected Kosher zio-nationalist governments of Trump, Le Pen, Wilders, etc. will of course allow it. Hopefully, we'll have the authority by then to spread our message that Israel is a tumor that needs to be excised much sooner than any shitskin hellhole in the middle east.

But, that's wishful thinking, after all… look at the UK. They're pretty much a slave state that I can honestly recoil in horror to think about even just looking at basic truths about the place (rampant pedophilia and child sacrifice in London, surveillance system unparalleled, tax/welfare state a shit, etc.).

Nigger, you think most of /po/ is un/fit/ or something?

Disregarded. Post lolis, get bullied.

I just think it's funny

What a coincidence. The myth of the white outcast loner fascist being a lone wolf terrorist has been getting me followed by law enforcement.

Someone hit this heeb in the face with a brick. jk NSA no more bully


That's correct user.

found the heeb

This might be the kikeiest looking kike to ever kike. It's like his nose and eyes are in a constant state of screaming "IM A KIKE"


oh my lord i haven't laughed that much in ages

Fat Sci-Fi nerd checking in. I was horribly bullied in junior high by a Samoan and a deminigger in my classes. I was afraid of what high school was going to be like. A week or so before 9th grade started, I had to go get some paperwork submitted at my high school. While I was walking across the quad, an older kid in a letterman jacket popped his head out of the door of the classroom where he was taking a summer school class.

Totally pleasant introduction. He asked me about myself, welcomed me to the school. Told me to look him up if I needed anything. Totally fucking cool, the whole football team. We never got close, but I think the only trouble I ever had in high school came from girls and Mexicans.

Then I grew up and voted for Trump, lol.

Nigger either you can't read or you are projecting. Which part of your sentence suggest i am a slob instead of being able to get even fitter since i have a whole social group for the purpose of getting fit instead of doing it alone?

Stop being effective against us: the article.