ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS – will leave us in peace once they've successfully converted us.

MEN OF DIFFERENT RACES – Worst case scenario: we won't advance technologically ever again.

WOMEN – They'll keep us oppressed, 2nd class citizens for eternity. They've already caused severe damage to our society since the 19th century, and the more we listen to them, the worse it will keep getting for us. We'll always live a life of severe discrimination.

Other urls found in this thread:






and Christianity the great mental virus of our race

Worst case they eat us… like in South Africa right now

I'm pretty sure that went well with Former Aryan nations like Egypt, Syria and Iran.

kill yourself OP

racecucks like pic related

LARPagans like you

Jews are the puppeteers, all others you named are their puppets.

Are you even trying?

What's up enemy of my race?

God's up



Never understood the LARP argument.

Your God is a talking Volcano. Ask Moses

- Court bias against men is 6 times bigger than racial bias

- A woman can slap/kick a man in the balls, but if he defends himself a gang of brainwashed men attack him

- Women commit majority of domestic violence, yet less than 1% of domestic violence shelters are for men

- Men are expected to pay on dates, especially the first date

- Women's cancers receive 15 times more funding than mens???

Semitic religions


No its Jews.

Our biggest Nemesis is ourselves.
Who but ourselves will resist the urge to act while in times of need?
Who but ourselves will negate helping our brothers and sisters lost in the midst of the jew.
Who but ourselves will only wait until it's too late to see then Sun rise?

We are our worst enemy, because if we do not act accordingly all our fears will become true.

After we have won the war against the Self, all which remains is making sure our surroundings remain pure for the next generations to come, for they will battle against the same odds and triumph like those before us.

They jew wants us divided and frozen, but the flames in our hearts burn with the force of Thousands Suns and no place in our universe will be far enough to stop stop our vengeance.

Blood is what they wanted and blood is what they shall have.

No, they are simply controlled by jews. They have the vaginas, they have access to making children. Hence why they want them controlled.


Jews are a matriarchal society. You retard.

It will all lead to inevitable societal collapse, the return of tribal systems of life, and the white cultures will slowly but surely over thousands of years regain their stranglehold of power until Romes once again rise and fall and Superpowers regain control of the known world…

And they shall wonder, who actually created all the great wonders left to them by their ancient ancestors?

You're either a newfag or a really dumb shill.

fuck off kike

you have to go back to cuckchan

good quality threads this weekend

I'll make sure to ask him, but in the mean time, do you have a link?

Christian(St. Jerome) - "Woman is the root of all evil"

Islamic - "The entire woman is an evil"

Ancient Greeks - Pandora, the first woman, was given to mankind as a curse.

Judaism - "Give me any plague, but the plague of the heart: and any wickedness, but the wickedness of a woman"

Hindu - "There is nothing more evil than women"

Buddhist - “One would sooner chat with demons and murderers with drawn swords, sooner touch poisonous snakes even when their bite is deadly, than chat with a woman alone”

Jainism - Women are like "the lamps that burn on the road that leads to the gate of hell"

Confucianism – “Disorder is not sent down by Heaven, it is produced by women.”

Gnostic/Early-Christian – Simon Peter says to them: “Let Mary go out from our midst, for women are not worthy of life!” Jesus says: “See, I will draw her so as to make her male so that she also may become a living spirit like you males. For every woman who has become male will enter the Kingdom of heaven.”

Who let MGTOW out of their containment again?


People who support the liberation of this evil known as women are the only ones here who need to be contained…

For the sake of all that is GOOD

And yet in spite of that, Jesus chose Mary of Magdalene as his successor.

Women left to their own devices and are the destructive force, women and men together are the solution to the natural puzzle.

1) When Mary had said this, she fell silent, since it was to this point that the Savior had spoken with her.

2) But Andrew answered and said to the brethren, Say what you wish to say about what she has said. I at least do not believe that the Savior said this. For certainly these teachings are strange ideas.

3) Peter answered and spoke concerning these same things.

4) He questioned them about the Savior: Did He really speak privately with a woman and not openly to us? Are we to turn about and all listen to her? Did He prefer her to us?

5) Then Mary wept and said to Peter, My brother Peter, what do you think? Do you think that I have thought this up myself in my heart, or that I am lying about the Savior?

6) Levi answered and said to Peter, Peter you have always been hot tempered.

7) Now I see you contending against the woman like the adversaries.

8) But if the Savior made her worthy, who are you indeed to reject her? Surely the Savior knows her very well.

9) That is why He loved her more than us. Rather let us be ashamed and put on the perfect Man, and separate as He commanded us and preach the gospel, not laying down any other rule or other law beyond what the Savior said.

10) And when they heard this they began to go forth to proclaim and to preach.

"Wherever women are given their due respect, even the deities like to reside, and where they are not respected, all action remains unfruitful."

"Out of the corruption of women proceeds the corruption of races; out of the corruption of races, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory, the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil."


Women are only the root of evil if you allow them to be

and (((who))) runs the courts? I swear you shills are getting lazier and lazier. david brock should be ashamed

Kill yourself mgtow scum. women are our allies and friends, not for beating and rape you fucking faggot.

How many of these threads are you going to make?

LOL what a crock of shit!! xD

No Christians held the view that Mary was his successor until feminism came about.

You're the kind of people who feminize religion… allow women to become priests… allow women to speak in church etc when it is all clearly forbidden

Christians have ALWAYS kept their women in check until the 19th century just like people of all other religions. You are a traitor to your Christian forefathers and your loyalty lies FIRST AND FOREMOST with feminism/women's liberation.

You're nothing but a phoney… a disgusting, brainwashed, feminist fraud

Go back to 4chan.

Who told you that your mom? People from feminist society?


She wasn't chosen because she was a woman. It was not Christianity alone at all that maed Europe great, it was the superior union of their men and women, they both have their unique skills and traits, and when combined can achieve greatness.

The only people who should be forbidden to speak are idiots. You would be kept silent in any functional "church"

It is semitic religions that are unbalanced and onesided today, Jews have their tendancy towards matriarchy, and Islam has its tendancy towards patriarchy.

Adolf Hitler and basic common sense and human decency, roach.

where are you getting these quotes from

Adolf Hitler didn't submit to his father, which was one of his problems. SONS MUST SUBMIT TO FATHERS!!!

You only think its basic human decency and common sense because you're a feminist. But if you look at how things have always been in comparison to feminism… you're a complete radical

All the great Christian fathers have condemned women as evil… and here you are defending women and their liberation.

The bible dictates that “it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church” ….

It also clearly states “I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence”

Do you support headcovering? This is ANOTHER thing that Christians ALWAYS practiced since the beginning. The scripture also states that "if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn… but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered."

YOU'RE A TRAITOR TO CHRISTIANS. Also nice work quoting a gnostic scripture to prove your ridiculous point.

Patriarchy is, was and always will be the way for Europeans and all others too.

No one can be a traitor to something that is not a part of them. Christianity makes women the slaves of men, and men the slaves of a Jew god. It is a pyramid scheme. Better to be free men and women then a traitor to yourself and your race.

"Out of the corruption of women proceeds the corruption of races; out of the corruption of races, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory, the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil."

Women are only evil if you allow them to be. Learn how to manage them, instead of being so fearful of them.

Feminism is a cancer, and when it comes to politics and war, yes, men are best suited to that. Women still have an important place in a European society. The problem with feminism is saying women and men are equal.

Women need to be seriously brought in line. We have experimented with giving them rights and it has been a complete and utter disaster. We must correct our mistake and never ever make it again. Our ancestors had it right all along.

Women are great and have many strengths over men, but they really shouldn't be let out of the kitchen ever again.

Quite, you'd have to utterly retarded to ever consider giving women any rights ever again after all the fecking carnage they have caused in our society. Feminism and womyn's rights has been a complete catastrophe and women have proved with their actions they should never be let out of the kitchen again.

Giving women rights and power is like giving a 4 year old a box of matches and a can of gasoline. And it is men who are ultimately to blame as we gave them the goddamn matches REEE.

Women only have an important place in European society because of feminism. Once we kill feminism all that will change.

No matter which corner of the world men came from, they always said the exact same thing about women… so no, women are not evil if WE ALLOW them to be… quit blaming men

Women are inherently evil, and this has been known since the beginning of time.

Stop posting pictures of feminist families. You're a fucking radical and that's all you are.

Even if you can't be a traitor to Christians you're a traitor to mankind!!

Everything you said is right (except Women are great and have many strengths over men)

We have to lock them away for good. It can only be done by the application of FORCE. Just like criminals and ISIS are kept in check using force… the worst creatures of them all… women, will have to be beaten into submission

Sounds and smells like an Arab to me.

Teach women to embrace their femininity again and remove the cancer of feminism, and we will see a healthier society.

Keeping women in submission is only a logical solution if you're lazy or driven by fear. Slavery only ever comes back to bite the masters in their asses


Great post!! I think you're right in saying that it's our fault for letting women have a voice… Women want to be raped and abused. That's why the obsess over it.

I think the first step would be to stop sending girls to school and close all job opportunities to women. Ban women from social/public gatherings with the traditional NO WOMEN ALLOWED sign ;)

It's shocking that you don't know ANYTHING about our pre-feminist history and the non-feminist world.

FYI marital rape is still legal in most of the world, and wife beating was only outlawed in the entire US by 1920. Marital rape was outlawed here not so long ago. Wife beating has always been considered good before feminism, and often sanctioned by law.

Almost every culture has identified women as evil since the beginning of history. (see the quotes I posted above from all over the world to come out of your SEVERE IGNORANCE)

Femininity is evil and defective. The only way to have a healthier society is to put women back in the kitchen where they belong. Women are supposed to be seen and not heard.

Acknowledging something is a danger and cowering in fear at it are two separate things. I recognize guns are dangerous, but I don't try to control and outlaw them like a pussy faggot

It's like you don't know anything about the history of Europe and it's respect for women and their unique qualities. Fuck off to the goats and deserts if that's the life you want.

Femininity =/ feminism. Feminism abandons femininity for female masculinity. Whatever the color of your skin is, you're a filthy sandnigger at heart

What is this history are you on about? LOL. There is none. Girls were not sent to school till the late-19th century.

Marriages were arranged by fathers, and women had little to no say in the matter.

Public places had the NO WOMEN ALLOWED sign along with NO DOGS ALLOWED.

Already mentioned wife beating and marital rape.

Women were not allowed to vote, own property, have careers and a STRICT DRESS CODE/headcovering has always been enforced upon them (see right). This is also sanctioned by Christianity.

In the pre-feminist days it used to be said that a woman should be seen and not heard. That silence is a woman's glory.

The bible also states that a woman's place is at home, and accordingly women didn't leave the house unnecessarily. Their only duty is cooking, cleaning and serving men like me!!

By your logic, we were all sand niggers before feminism and the Chinese were also sand niggers. LOL. Your'e being totally ridiculous dude. WAKE UP!!

Yes I know feminism =/= femininity but I'm saying that femininity itself has ALWAYS been considered evil by all cultures and religions no matter which corner of the earth or which century.

Sounds like your women must be pretty dumb and awful to listen to if you want to hide them away.

I find pleasure being around beautiful European women in touch with her femininity.

The Chinese have plenty of female goddesses in their history as well. Contrary to the sandnigger book, human history extends farther back then most can imagine.

We both recognize the potential danger of women becoming corrupted, but you're no different then a terrified gun control freak crying about how dangerous guns are and how they must be hidden and contained.

Holla Forums is a christian image board. You people are not welcomed here.

Israel is literally national socialist and our natural ally against the muslims brah.

Fortunately places like this on the internet still exist, you should check out the dailystormer.com.

Women are like jews!!!

Our greatest enemy is weakness and being a cuck in a time when it is rewarded.

Its LARP because they never ever show any basis for their ideological beliefs nor do they explain in detail how being a pagan will help anyone. Their arguments consist of
They are mostly divide and conquer faggots.

Oh hey. Looks like Mehmet is still here. Saved these for you bro.

Jews are basically an entire race of females

You mean like they did in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, North Africa, Greece, Spain, and France? All of these areas were once populated by non-Muslims who were forcibly converted in the name of Muhammed, their women taken as sex slaves, their population replaced with Semites, their cultures and histories largely destroyed. Oh yea, Judaism and Islam, blood brothers to the end.

OP, go back to reddit. You are obviously new being that you didn't even mention Jews in the OP. It is Jews, take the redpill, nigger. Here are some pictures, but there is a decent Jew thread going on if you check the catalogue. Lurk m0ar.

Men have always been ill advised to keep the company of women. But do as you must… you'll see that men were always right

This (see picture) was the destiny of most Chinese women before feminism. Even before Buddhism, the traditional Chinese religions like Confucianism also accurately pointed out the nature of women (refer quotes above) and taken necessary steps to keep them in check!!

The Chinese have ALWAYS preferred sons and considered daughters burdens, just like all other peoples globally. Traditionally Chinese women have also remained confined to the house… with their only duty being serving their husbands.

The punishment for an adulteress in the Chinese patriarchy is to lock her up in a pigs cage and drown her in the river.

Women don't become corrupted, they are naturally corrupted. WAKE UP!! Listen to the words long written down…

And hopefully from now on women are going to be banned more and more from the internet. Holla Forums should also impose a ban on women.

Yes, women are like Jews, and they are much more intelligent than Jewish men in their ability to commit evil. There is NO ONE viler than women.

Islam is disgusting for all kinds of reasons… but there treatment of women is absolutely right… the same as everybody else since the beginning of time.

Are Jews the reason why
- Court bias against men is 6 times bigger than racial bias
- A woman can slap/kick a man in the balls, but if he defends himself a gang of brainwashed men attack him
- Women commit majority of domestic violence, yet less than 1% of domestic violence shelters are for men
- Men are expected to pay on dates, especially the first date
- Women's cancers receive 15 times more funding than mens???

The chinese are also insectoid shitheads with zero empathy.

Only if you have jews and other undesirables around.

Always has been the Jews, always will be


Ahahahahaha XD Nice one.

Men of all races need to unite on this woman issue.

Women are much more capable of evil than Jewish men. They're just not all-powerful yet. There is NO ONE viler than women!!

Even before the Jews existed, women were considered the most evil beings by all people. (well almost everyone)

I fucking hate the weekend.

If you don't think the Chinese are insects then you're not from this world.


Why do you write like a schizo? Also what's up with that reddit spacing?. Absolutely disgusting.

It's the fucking weekend. Take everything here with a metric fuckton of salt.

I think that's a conspiracy theory unlike women. Women were always a problem even before the k*kes


If you believe what you said, why did you post feminist propaganda?

Why do you divide men and women, when we should be against (((them)))?

couldn't have said it better myself.

This thread is just shills shilling shills.

If you need a girlfriend, just improve yourself and socialise, you'll eventually find a woman that meets your standards.

If you need a boyfriend, do the same shit except don't put out until you're sure he ACTUALLY meets your standards (i.e. isn't going to fuck off).

You realize islamic extremist kill eachother over dumb bullshit differences all the time right? You having a haircut they consider against some interpreted religious doctrine could be cause enough to kill you and your family.

Women have no real power in the grand scheme of things, not to mention there the biggest fucking conformists

Get rid of the kike thats fucking subverting your country and women will soon enough fall into line


Reported for intl.

Women have always been treated this way, no matter who the enemy. Women were always considered the biggest problem in the world even before the kikes.

If you think women are better than kikes… god help you… women are at least as bad as them


hahaha… anyway, men need to put our differences aside. We all need to unite on this issue.

The nature of women has always been known. They have always been our biggest enemy (or at least among our biggest enemies)… and always will be

Please just die already, you cocksucking leftist faggot.

Go suck a poz cock, MGTOW.

Women do have a lot of INDIRECT power and will continue to have it until we at least stop giving them the children and throw them out of the education system so they stop brainwashing the new generation.

Yeah because leftist people want women to be stripped of their? Because leftists reveal that women are evil? LOL.

We should promote peace among all men. Only men can achieve peace.

Historically too, queens have always been more warlike and bloodthirsty than kings. A queen in power led to a significant increase in wars…

Not only were queens more aggressive, they were also more likely to continue wars of their predecessors

*their rights

Goodness fuck Holla Forums is going down the shitter.


Feminist oppression is much worse than Communist China… we're almost a feminist version of Saudi Arabia

Stop it you terrorist

Western society will remain in the shitter until we wake up and put women back in the fucking kitchen where they belong…

Is this D&C? Because sure as hell this looks like an artificial bait argoument cuckchan tier to bait people into discussion and spot a weakness into Holla Forums.

You can leave by now shills, there's no weakess in here as long as it stays pure to its values.

just fucking ebin
this thread is shit

Worst case scenario, we die a slow death as our women cuck us to Tyrone and Paco.

Can be reeducated, retrained, and made great again. They can be shown the error of their ways, for the most part. Of course, the hardcore feminists won't capitulate, but then we don't want to breed those anyway–that's what rope is for.

Let's be honest here, gents. Women aren't the problem.
Jewish media telling white women that 'fucking white men' are the problem.
Jewish media telling white women that Tyrone, Paco, etc are better choices because doing so will signal so much more (((tolerant))) they are to their friends are the problem.
Women being surrounded by other women who've been just as brainwashed constantly reinforcing these bad behaviors is the problem.

Next to jews, women are their own worst enemy, because they cave to peer pressure.

TL;DR: OP can't stop sucking cocks and this is black pill D&C bullshit.

Not as shitty as western society with liberated women!!

The fact that Jews have a big hand in unleashing the evil doesn't change the FACT that women are evil.

You can indoctrinate women with virtually any ideology in the world and they will still continue to be women.

Even before the Jews women were always considered to be the most evil beings. As St. Albert the Great rightly said

I'll side with Hitler, and noone else.


Hitler was born in a time when feminism had already taken hold to a degree. His opinion on this particular matter holds no value.

Traditionally, sons MUST submit to fathers and Hitler rebelled against his father like a typical product of feminist society. Just the fact that he clicked a picture with so many women shows that he was a feminist.

European women are supposed to have their heads covered, but of course this tradition was lost in the late-19th and early 20th centuries. It is even sanctioned by the Bible.

Hitler was a fan of Hinduism, and Hindu women too are always supposed to have their heads covered (see pic)

Hitler was a brainwashed radical.


Even if the kikes are dead, the manginas and other feminists will continue to let them be liberated…… and if women are allowed to have a voice they will manipulate their way to social supremacy and leave men as oppressed 2nd class citizens.

That's why it's imperative to wake up the manginas and all other indoctrinated products of feminist society who don't support the patriarchy.

GTFO semite

Not even then.

As a convertite you are a second class citizen - at best.

Many convertites get killed nd enslaved in the Middle East (see Yazidis etc.) already.

There IS no peaceful coexistence with these guys.

Only in churches and funerals, you dumb piece of shit.
t. Slav

(first image is a kike)

(kikestian subverter)
(muh larp)
Tell me how Christianity cares about your race, your nation, your people. Tell me how it defends your culture and your people from cryptos who degrade and subvert your culture and people.

It's just one goyim religion in endless turmoil against another goyim religion, both created by the kikes as goyim religions. One lives in fear of the jew god and the other kills in jihad for the jew god. Prove your one god which replaced all of your ancestral gods is your god or is not jewish. Your ancestral religion, gods, history has been replaced with semitic religion, god, and history.

Romans 1:16 New International Version
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

1. Post-feminist female
2. Post-feminist art
3. Post-feminist art
4. Post-feminist art that looks like it's depicting the holy oracle, rather than a normal female
5. The headcovering is clear.

Now get ready for the real stuff that will SHATTER your sick feminist reality.

1. Pre-feminist depiction of a woman in Rome
2. Pre-feminist depiction of a marriage ceremony in Rome
3. Color reconstruction of Ancient Greek statues showing a woman wearing headcovering
4. 19th century women (probably not the latter part of the century where headcovering had started going away due to first wave feminism
5. Late-Medieval painting depicting a woman wearing headcovering

All the time!! As much as possible anyway. The bible doesn't say in Churches and funeral it just makes a general statement that women should cover their heads.

This also isn't a Christian or Abrahamic religion thing. It was in Ancient Greece, Rome and most of the world….

Wake up!!

The ignorance of some of the users here is appalling…



Fuck off Ahmed.

its called a wimple germanic christian women wore them
also got some to counteract yours
married women in Rome wore the head covering when outside the house and not with their husband to signify their married status
fairly certain the first statue you've depicted is Hestia goddess of the hearth fires and of the home, a mother and wife goddess

>>>Holla Forums


Reported for intl.

Fuck off JIDF

Every fucking day with you Jews, you come back here with the same fucking arguments like you weren't BTFO yesterday.

Watch nobody actually prove any of the statements in that post wrong. Fucking
semitic religion, not even once

1. That's goddess NOT A NORMAL WOMAN
2. Can't see the back of her head. I wouldn't be surprised if that was NOT A NORMAL WOMAN too
3. You can see their hair tied up which indicates they were wearing headcovering before they took off their clothes. Cold be prostitutes.
4. I'll give you this one. No arguing with you here. But again, it's rare exception, and I'm talking about the general custom, not some rare exception.


Now let me shatter your reality some more with MORE FACTS.

A quick look at the wikipedia page titled "Clothing in ancient Rome" clearly states that

Another page at bible-researcher.com/headcoverings3.html also states

Another source states that

Again, I'm posting an image of medieval German women wearing headcoverings (pic 3)

AND IT'S NOT JUST MARRIED WOMEN!! Here's a picture of girls in a school with headcovering in Abruzzi mountains, Italy, 1861

Finally, more 19th century European women with a headcovering (neither at a funeral nor in Church)

This is an (((MGTOW))) thread from weekend/pol/.

Many here are trained traitors to our patriarchal European tradition which goes back thousands of years.

Their loyalty lies only with women's liberation. They're completely indoctrinated and are trying to twist history… good thing we still have a lot of remnants of history so they can't do that hahahaha!!!

Who else tries to destroy history? Oh that's right… ISIS

Not all of us are olive skinned faggots though.


Oh look a post-feminist, 21st century deception.

So the Ancient Greeks and Romans were olive skinned?? The 19th century people I posted were olive skinned?? hahaha!!!

And you totally ignored the other things like school girls wearing headcovering in the 19th century… greek relic showing woman wearing it around her fucking face

You are a traitor to Christian customs. You are a traitor to the general Greco-Roman customs. You are not loyal to Hinduism's so-called Aryan customs (women are also supposed to cover their heads there)

Your loyalty ONLY lies with feminism/women's liberation. Wake up!! You're a brainwashed fanatic

>Another page at bible-researcher.com/headcoverings3.html also states
give me a fucking non-christian source first kikeberg

what time period?
it was a given that married women were expected to dress more modestly than unmarried women, maidens or girls
Egyptian married women wore a full body dress that covered their entire body save for their forearms
unmarried Egyptian women/girls could walk about bare breasted wearing only a loincloth like Egyptian men
most of your sources come from Greek orthodox references or Medieval standards
Christianity is a semitic religion and women covering themselves up in shame is largely a semitic value

One of the first images after a lazy image search of norse women, you massive reddit spacing faggot.

Christcucks aren't welcome here. You are race traitors worshiping the enemy. Do you seriously expect anyone to take your opinion on morality seriously when you adhere to a tradition which entered into Europe only through murder and the destruction of the very sorts of traditions which you purport to revere?

Pics are depictions of traditional norse/viking dresses from the TENTH CENTURY… which is when Christianity hadn't taken over so there you go, you falsely accusing feminazis!!!

It was obviously in both the greek and roman times. You can find out how old each one of those statues are yourself. But greek to roman is a pretty huge timespan. It's just how it has ALWAYS BEEN.

Don't forget that feminism coincided with the fall of the Roman Empire, so those bikni women are probably from the last few centuries of feminism… before civilization fell back into the dark ages


It has caused the destruction of other civilizations too. And yes you're right about egyptian girls not being clothed till six. Even boys wore no clothing at that age…. strange…

But even though Egypt was less strict, it was still somewhat a patriarchy. If a woman committed adultery she would be burned to death.

You're a traitor to Hindu customs too. Ever seen a non-westernized Hindu woman?

are you fucking retarded?
not what I said
children would be unclothed til six because they live in a fucking desert on the banks of a river
unmarried girls and men though would only be required to wear a standard linen loincloth
married women had to cover up their breasts and genitals whereas boys and girls above the age of 6 but not married only had to cover up their genitals

The mayor's daughter Maribel from Dragon Quest VII wears a headcovering too. lol

You should use the term Vedic if you wish to refer to the Aryan tradition which existed on the Indian Sub-continent. Hinduism is more closely associated with the menagerie of Dravidian tribal cults toward which the nation's religion has once more drifted.


I saw the thread in the catalog and thought, "Great another kike trying to redirect us into fighting wars for Israel". Glad to see some of us are sticking to our guns and not compromising our morals. Unfortunately there are many around here that are tongue-bathing Bannon, Priebus, Kikebart, and Pence as their circumcised members slide down their throats.

That is a combo of nature, and Jew propaganda.

Same as above

Same as above.

That is nature and a leftover of pre-feminized culture.

Nature, and women bitching about it all the time, which is still nature.

Men instinctively want to help women you reddit retard. Jew propaganda influences our women and men in insidious ways. You are a bluepilled idiot and do not belong here. Keep in mind my answers were simplistic, the issues are more complicated than just that but, I expect you to lurk m0ar in the future, to become properly versed on these subjects instead of being spoonfed everything you good goy faggot.

Yeah Christian activities in the 10th century were limited only to the western province under king Olof Skötkonung. That means the rest of Sweden was mainly following the old religion. The last king who adhered to the old religion was ruling till almost the 12th century!

I already acknowledged that egypt was a less strict patriarchy, but YOU'RE TOTALLY WRONG that burning women to death was in Christian times. Do not confuse Ancient Egypt with Ancient Greece. The two had distinct cultures.

You can look up this tradition of Ancient, non-Christian egypt in this book books.google.com/books?id=GVhQ_lDWq0EC&pg=PA167#v=onepage&q&f=false

The holiest text of Hindus is the Vedas and their holy language is the oldest Indo-European language, Sanskrit.

How do you know the headcovering adopted by all indo-europeans (including the purest in Afghanistan, Pakistan and North India) is from the dravidian tradition and is not Aryan? Do you have any proof or are you just talking shit?

You probably know that Iran = Land of the Aryans, so you also know that in pre-Islamic Persia women wore head coverings? (see pics) You can also ask any persian what their people used to wear in pre-Islamic times

so you're arguing using Sweden as a basis?
ultra progressive Sweden? the Nordic nation that culturally assimilated the invading Ostrogoths?

That's every single nation in the western would not to mention Russia and even China as well.

Please point out where I mention headcovering at all. Modern Hinduism is not aligned with Vedic Hinduism, to the extent that they must be considered separate traditions. The Aryan teachings have been largely forgotten and confined to very reclusive holy orders.

No, it was simply another area invaded and colonized by them.

theres tolerating the invaders and then theres removing crucifixes from Churches and installing muslim prayer spaces in cathedrals on the recommendation of the openly lesbian Swedish bishops
sorry to rub salt in the wound if you're Swedish but you're really one of the last people to lecture others on traditions

I'm not Swedish. I just don't get the Sweden meme when many other western nations are in worse shape

If you're swedish you should embrace your roots that were denied to you by the semitic christ god.

What happened to this board?

only Germany is a contender for being in worse shape than Sweden currently

Retards who think being Cuckstian is somehow redpilled.

id jumping shills
hint. Check who's been namefagging




Spotted the kike.

MGTOW is just the men's version of Feminism, only less radical at this point. Just another divisive "movement" to turn the people against each other.

Modern Christianity has been subverted. Don't associate it with Europe's proud tradition of uncucked Christianity.

You know we're kind of immune to MGTOW and femikikery here?
two sides of the same shekel tbh

Ah the "its just nature" argument. Proof beyond doubt that you're a heavily brainwashed feminist. Maybe its in your nature but not mine. I'd rather we go back to son preference and female infanticide than this shit…. and also that we go back to wife beating because male dominance is natural… and marital rape because that's natural too

The Ostrogoths were a minority… they wouldn't have been able to change Sweden's custom to headcovering even if they tried (and I doubt they tried, unless you can present some proof)… The religion also remained the same generally, so we can conclude that headcovering was practiced by Swedes traditionally as part of their religion/culture.

Picture 1 shows the lithuanian folk dress with female headcovering. Keep in mind that this country was converted in the 14th century, so their dress is alive and well.

I was talking about modern Hinduism having the Vedas as its main texts and other texts in Sanskrit which is the oldest indo-european language.

Also, since Iran was also an Aryan land that had headcovering for, we can conclude that ancient Aryans practiced headcovering…. and that current Indian tradition is in line with it.

Picture 2 depicts the last remaining pure aryan Hindu tribals of the Indian subcontinent (present-day Pakistan) their headcovering is very similar to Lithuanian women

It is impossible to worship a foreigner, integrate into a foreign tradition, and adopt foreign ideals without being a cuck. Cuckstianity has never been an acceptable religion for non-Semites. It was started by Semites in a Semitic tradition, with Semitic ideals no less. Oh, and those ideals are proto-Marxist nonsense which lead to the destruction of civilization.

It is filth, and every Christcuck is a race traitor (unless they are Semites, but you wouldn't be a Semite posting on an anti-Semitic board, would you?).

Why are you even replying to me when I've said nothing about Christianity?
Because I'm pointing out shills id jumping?

you say that but Anglo-Saxons were the minority in England but they ended up culturally dominating that section of the island
those clothes are more 17th century not 14th
and Orthodox Christianity is really big on head covering
those caps look like turkic/asiatic caps women wear in rural Kyrgyzstan
sacrificing nine men every few years to Odin at Uppsala to Christianity was 'staying the same generally'
give over

Doesn't exist. Christianity is not European history nor heritage, it is not of European soil, it was forced on Europe through conquest and blood. It is a semitic religion based on judaism and created by jews, just like islam. I can see why that other user was getting irritated talking to you clowns in the christ thread the other day, you idiots just come back with the exact same fucking arguments every single day like a jew. It doesn't even matter that you've been proven wrong already in this very thread. And nobody has yet to prove that christ god isn't jewish that yahweh isn't jewish that yeshua isn't jewish that it isn't a jewish religion that you aren't exploited by jews that christians didn't quickly cave and allow usury or other sins of theirs or even that your religion does anything to protect your people, race, nation, or culture. All you need is a few cryptos and some black or asian christians and you'll start accepting them because they're just like you in every way that matters, trembling before a jewish god. There was a roman republic before the christ god came along and made all you stupid goyim live in fear of a fucking jewish god. It's a fucking semitic religion.

Women are the real problem go- err guy!

Yes, sometimes the minority can dominate… but it is usually the majority that dominates.

I doubt those clothes originated in the 17th century because they look a lot like other Indo-European costumes. Anyway here are some other facts which you might find hard to accept:

PIC1 - Archeological reconstruction and presentation of a Lithuanian tribe woman costume (IX-XII century, Viking Period or Late Iron Age). Author of the reconstruction - archaeologist PhD Daiva Steponaviciene.

PIC2 - (Baltic) IX-XII century, Viking Period or Late Iron Age.

PIC3 - Ancient Semigallian woman circa 11th-12th century

PIC4 - I - IV century Latvian (Selonian) archeological women's costume

WAKE UP!!! It's not just the Greeks, Romans, Indians and Swedes who practiced headcovering… ALL INDO-EUROPEANS practiced some form of this.

Just because Jews unleashed the beast… doesn't mean women aren't THE BEAST

Women must be kept in submission at all costs. The easiest way to destroy a civilization is to liberate the women.

speak for yourself

The roman republic was so great that when it had it's downturn as all empires do around every 250 years the jews swarmed in and cucked it all up permanently. It's time we fucked them up permenantly.

the second head covering ive seen in Anatolian murals for women in the desert
the first pic is another wimple a christian head covering as is the fourth
the third one looks like a scythian bridal costume

You keep using this word to imply religious or moral significance to the act of wearing a head cover. Perhaps instead of trying to find pictures of recreations of period clothing, you should just cite the religious tradition itself or the papers studying it. Those sorts of things bear far more weight.


The better question is, how to we succeed without complete collapse and genocide when the deck is completely stacked against us? Even our own women are against us. Everything is against us.

What does liberate women even mean? We just let them get away with all sorts of bullshit. A woman can never be free only a whore or a wife.

Discipline is essential for girls and women.

I never said that it was right because it was natural. I am saying that is why it is occurring. That and Jew propaganda, which you conveniently ignore. Literally all those things could be fixed if we didn't have a subverted democracy. They are non-issues. They are symptoms. How much of a newfag are you that you think these are issues? We need to deracinate the problem, not clip the leaves. Women only have as much power as men allow them. Men are brainwashed into allowing them power over them, in addition to their natural urge to protect women. You are such a fucking newfaggot. Did you come with the election? Seriously, I want to know.

almost but quite similar like the sort of martial discipline men should be teaching their sons these days without fear of being carted off by the NKVD as child abusers
sodomizing your kid is child abuse, striking them with a cane when they've done something incredibly immoral is behavioural correction

The greatest civilizations were not built on permissive parenting or positive reinforcement after all.

A father must lead his children and correct them when required. The will of an undeveloped human, such as a child, is stubborn and prone to our worst traits. Left to mutate it spoils them. With correction they learn consequence and improve their chance of surviving as a responsible adult.

Dude I even gave you the full name of the archaeologist (who is a PHD) and the exact centuries of which the dresses have been recreated. While you may want to FALSELY ACCUSE them for being Christian, the sad fact is (sad for you) that they are all from the pre-Christian era. Obviously there's not going to be much difference in headcoverings. Headcoverings from India can resemble the semetic ones too… does it mean shit?

I have given you examples from pre-Islamic Persia, India, the Baltic countries, Sweden, Greece and Rome…

And now for some Finnish reconstructions!! The first pic is an 11th century female costume and 10th century male. 2nd pic is another one from the pre-Christian era. The third one is headcovering from Burma!!

Stop trying to rewrite history and saying that headcovering is purely a semetic practice you disgusting feminazi.

Women need to be controlled. Whether it's putting rings around their neck (pic4), covering them up, breaking their feet(pic5) or doing any other thing… we must do it for the sake of ALL GOOD.

Then you should have no problem backing up these clothing styles with references to Indo-European religious traditions to prove that they are more than just the fashion and hygiene of the era.

The fact that you are deliberately conflating my posts with those of someone else as part of your argument makes it all the weaker of an argument.

where the fuck are you from?
most of your evidence has literally been
and nothing else

The reason for veiling in Islam
The reason for veiling in Hindu society

As you can see, its exactly the same reason in both Semetic and Indo-European cultures. Even in most traditional East Asian and SE Asian cultures women are not allowed to leave their hair open. This is even found in many African tribes such as (see pic - Yoruba cultural headcovering practice)

But you didn't actually cite an Indo-European religious source. Why would you even mention Semites or Apefricans?

Yes I did!! The Bhagavad Gita which Hitler's general Heinrich Himmler loved so much that he used to carry it around in his pocket. The particular quote is this one:

Why would I mention them? Same reason I mentioned the Burmese. This is a GLOBAL CULTURE. Men of all races need to unite against women's liberation and put women back in the kitchen where they belong.


lol, I didn't even notice your ID changing until just now either

I have a Gita within arm's reach, but I'd be more curious if you would understand why I'd say it shouldn't be considered part of the Vedic tradition.

The true way from Heaven is pretty foreign to hell bound world lovers.

Dude, headcovering is also sanctioned by the Vedas.

What translation are you citing?

See what thy garment veils, for thou, a Brahman, hast become a dame.


N-no goy it is your own women that are the problem

Not sure which one, but it wasn't Griffith's translation. Here's another one:

I am certain these are more accurate translations than yours because they fall in line with the Indian tradition of headcovering and also with the other Indo-European cultures.

Texts from the 1st millennium BC like the Bhagavad Gita are also most probably continuing this same Vedic tradition as they were written by upper-caste men of the time in the oldest Indo-European language, Sanskrit.

As for Griffith's translation, the part which says let none see what thy garment veils could include the head too (or even face) it hasn't been specified… which is why it's a bad translation.

South Indians are also less strict with headcovering, which proves for the nth time that this is in fact, the law of the Aryans.

Zero credibility

It's arguable that even by the time of the composition of the Mahabharata, Aryan influence was on the decline and the bloodlines were nearly extinct. The Gita specifically is also somewhat stuck between art and scripture.

If those translations are falling in line with Indo-European cultures, you can just cite something from one of those instead to suggest that your theory is anything more than nonsense.

lol ZERO CREDIBILITY is a very strong phrase to use, and it doesn't apply here. Does this Griffith have enough credibility? Surely he can't translate it better than an Indian Pundit who has mastered Sanskrit.

The credibility is FACTUALLY pretty high because of the following reasons:
1. It falls EXACTLY in line with indo-european tradition of headcovering
2. Later texts like the Gita are based off the Vedic teaching and are written in Sanskrit… they are only continuing Vedic tradition
3.South Indians/Dravidians do not practice headcovering as strictly as the Indo-Aryans/North Indians. The head covering is more in the regions of more ARYAN INFLUENCE.


Anyway, why did you evade the meaning of Griffith's translation? It clearly states that

This is OBVIOUSLY referring to an Indo-European/ARYAN garment which is almost certain to contain a headcovering…. because as I have shown you with examples from all over the Indo-European region, we have always practiced headcovering.

How can you say it does NOT refer to headcovering? What is the likelihood of that, even if we were to take Griffith's translation as gospel? Very unlikely.

But you aren't citing any such person.

1. You have yet to establish that such a tradition exists. You can't even get through proving it in this one instance.
2. Vedic tradition only continues as long as the Aryan principles are held to.
3. Gee, that sounds like something that would be perfectly captured in a graph. I'm sure any actual researcher would have produced such a graph, which you should now reproduce as part of citing this evidence.

Which of these words is synonymous with "headcovering"? Garment seems more likely to refer to the type of bodywrap which features in the tale of Draupadi being disrobed in the Mahabharata.

Your intellectual dishonesty is quite annoying.



I have already educated you on the fact that the headcovering tradition existed in
1. Ancient Greece
2. Ancient Rome
3. Pre-Islamic Iran
4. Sweden
5. Baltic nations
6. Finland
7. India
And also among a large number of other non-Indo-European peoples.

Garment obviously refers to the garment used by Indo-European women…. not the garments worn by Native American women

No you haven't, you have asserted that such a tradition exists, but have yet to cite the proper sources to support such an assertion. You can't even prove it exists in India yet, let alone in Vedic culture or the Aryan culture from which that was derived.

You don't need proper sources when you have statues/sculptures from Ancient Greece, Rome and Iran proving that. I also gave you the name of the PHD Archaeologist from Lithuania who did the reconstructions of Baltic womens dresses along with the exact dates. I also found it on a Baltic website, and I will be happy to send you the link if you're interested in further study.

I could prove the Swedish and Finnish things too… but I have to say that it's really shocking you're so highly ignorant…. and argumentative at the same time

Just another feminazi trying to rewrite history. I'm sorry to burst your bubble that Indo-Europeans didn't practice but as you can see we did and it's not just us who did it, but also a huge number of other people.


You proved that some Indo-Europeans wore hats, loosely. You have yet to provide any religious text commenting on them as necessary nor papers discussing such a phenomenon.

Your claims have zero support.

Also, I hope you're not trying to say that the Vedas are referring to garments of Native American women, or African women… hahaha


Those are VERY CLEARLY headcoverings and not hats.

You're a DISGUSTING LIAR. But what else can one expect from people who are born and bred in feminist society… who have been brainwashed by the feminist agenda their whole lives?

Still, I'm a bit taken aback by the fact that you've resorted to BLATANTLY LYING

This quality has to be off the clock shilling.

Jews like you shilling against family values by demonizing women to which cetain retards sadly respond. Women some greatest threat. Kill yourself before I do.