Sanctuary cities risk billions in defiance of Trump
New York. Santa Fe. Chicago.
Sanctuary cities risk billions in defiance of Trump
New York. Santa Fe. Chicago.
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Do you guys think Trump will have the guts to arrest all the mayors of sanctuary cities who refuse to comply with immigration authorities, even after federal funding has been cut off?
He won't even have to. These people don't actually care about liberal globalist "open society free of hate" shit. The people who actually care about those things aren't politicians. The politicians pay lip service to those ideas because they care about money. If Trump just cancels payments like he says he will, they'll fold
They're cowards who are protecting illegal immigrants only because they think it'll raise their social status when the others see how brave and liberal they are. Once they see Trump is not bluffing and he will cut the funding and hit them in the wallets they'll fold so fast you won't believe it.
lmao I wonder why he would take that stance
Whatever are you implying, user? I'm sure he's a totally upstanding and impartial American citizen! :^)
With only the interests of America and Americans at heart, I'm sure.
I bet he even has a bunch of privileged white males donating to his campaign with names like Cohen, Berg and Stein. You know, real "America First" kinda guys.
We should do a list of people who refuse to bend over and check who gave money to them, maybe we'll find a few coincidences, or at least a few JFMSU before and after Trump.
Kidding aside, everyone who knowingly aids and abets illegals should be considered an accomplice to their further crimes. Mayors, cops, business owners, citizens. Anyone the illegal harms after coming into the country, it's on the heads of their 'allies' too.
Of course there will be cohencidences.
Sessions will be ruthless with them. He is a great southern gentleman.
Please Emperor Trump, make Chicago Great Again
Hell, we should encourage these libshit strongholds to do this. It's suicide for them. Wouldn't even need to send in ICE.
He absolutely should. Also anyone who employs or houses illegals.
Fill the prisons with them. The illegals will self-deport faster than you can say "taco grande"
They'll last a week before they crack, at best.
I honestly thought it would be more. Something that would be a crippling blow to lose. Admittedly I don't know much about big city economies as I've lived in small towns. With only 1 exception the budgets have been razor thin. How much will 2% affect them? I would think they could absorb it. These fuckers better go behind bars.
It doesn't sound like much, but you forget that most of these big city politicians are lining their own pockets out of the public funds on top of the legitimate uses. It's gonna be anudda shoah.
Please cut funding on day 1. They had their warning.
also human trafficking.
If they try to keep their word, I assume they'll have to raise sales and property tax by 10%. Big property owners would be the ones to protest this I think, since 10% could be millions of dollars for them per year.
That is brilliant. Arrest them for human trafficking. Their own useful idiots will turn against them.
Trump can also have the city councils arrested along with their mayors, as they are committing a federal offense…
Immigration law, 8 US Code 1324 states that it is a crime to, either knowingly or recklessly, “conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, or attempt to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection… transport, or move or attempt to transport or move” or… to even “encourage or induce” an illegal alien “to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowingly or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law"
And when it comes to banning Muslims from entering the country…
8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens
section 14 (f) in effect since December 24, 1952
"Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate."
So there are many tools President Trump can use to end this treason, as well as the invasion of the United States.
And now America gets a crash course in Maritime law jurisdiction or lack thereof.
Sessions going after these fucks will be beautiful.
The Canadian government fucked up and a few police chiefs got themselves charged with that because of illegal arrests, so be careful.
What this guy said. Trump is actually giving these cities the opportunity to run their city as their own little socialist utopia. To accommodate lost federal revenue, they'll need to raise taxes. The residents of the city then get to live in a heavily taxed state with abundant immigrants and ultra left-wing ideals.
The real question to ask is will any of these cities turn into a burning, Detroit-like wreck during the first four years of Trump's reign?
no, that's not legal at all. but, cutting their funding is going to be fucking great. they'll cave. believe me.
President ChimpBonzo signed the very act that could be used to jail these traitors in Guantanamo, without trial, forever.
It would be a hoot to see them hoisted on their own petard.
I know, The God-Emperor would probably not utilize unconstitutional methods like the Bolshevik left would, but if he did, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it, personally.
I just cited the already-passed laws that make it VERY legal.
Every single one of these bastards is violating immigration law, what makes you think they cannot be arrested for it?
There's gonna be riots in the street and attacks on illegal immigrants when niggers don't get their money for dem programs.
Signing that ndaa into law alone made king nigger the worst president of all time. Everything else is just diarrhea on the shitcake.
Yeah, he offered amnesty for 3 million spics and turned California into a blue state in a little over 1 generation because of it.
It was fucking retarded
sounds like the walls budget increased
What these mayors and governors are doing is literally virtue signaling. They are going to cave in but want to give the illusion by saving face. You're dealing with absolute scum when it comes to politicians compared to even businessmen. The former denies his financial interest while the latter uses it to explain away his sudden change.
That would solve a huge problem with illegals finding work. I lived in LA and they would never go after contractors, (((they))) would get a warning while they deported the illegal worker. Rinse and repeat since there is no drawback or was, to hiring an illegal.
These people need rope, the lives of white people mean nothing to them yet they defend all manners of shitskins "because human rights". They're subhuman in the first place, get them the fuck out of our country.
Cutting out NYC funding alone funds the Wall
we need a 'the video blm don't want you to see' video for illegal immigration
A reminder, that sanctuary cities are also open cities according to the UN. As in, if an enemy invades, there can be no legal battle there. Paris was an open city (and though I'm NatSoc, it's a cowardly act) and we saw how that that turned out.
When college students don't get aid/grants you don't think they are gonna just be like go ahead immigrants who pay no income tax just cuck my shit up
That first picture bugs me on a personal level for some reason.
red pill me on sanctuary cities? what's its purpose? housing illegals so they don't have to assimilate?
Is there a list of all sanctuary cities and how much they get in funding? Was trying to find how much chicago got a few days ago but couldnt find anything more recent than 2014.
The only reason I can think of for all these cunt mayors to love illegal beaners is financial. Beaners living in Sanctuary City X have to pay gas taxes and sales taxes. When they put Pedro and Juanita in the local school, the school gets extra funding from Da Feds. And then there's the upward pressure that they put on housing prices, which Jew landlords love.
It's the best way to twist the arm of uncooperative fucks who shelter undesirables without resorting to violence. They want to shelter illegal immigrants? Fine. But not at the expense of taxpayers from all over the US. Let's see how long their multicultural utopias last without actual working, tax paying US citizens enabling them.
My guess is the cities which don't comply are going to look like Detroit real fucking fast.
Same. I have no personal experiences with that sort of thing, but it's really rather tragic. None of them should be dead. The reason for their deaths should've never been here to begin with.
Apologies for the double post.
Something in the ballpark of 1.3 billion is what they're expecting next year according to an article I read. It was in an actual newspaper while bored at work, so I can't give a source unfortunately.
Cities which illegally claim they have a right to violate federal law, apparently forgetting that there is no such thing as "cities rights" versus the federal government.
Cheers user, not a small amount at all. Cant imagine theyll plug that easily. From what i read they were ~300 mil over budget even with federal funding so theyll sink very quickly.
It is a brilliant maneuver isn't it? If you allow illegal immigrants, the federal funding stops, welfare checks stop, and the nigs riot.
Liberal shitholes getting all their precious funding cut from them! This is so much win!
So we can finally use all the funding liberal havens receive out in rural areas? I'm OK with that.
Wait I don't understand. Where is the logic in willingly cutting yourself off? Are they masochists?
They are standing up to the evil meanie trump. There is no logic here, they cant sustain themselves without being on the federal tit. Its great for us though as we get tens of billions for a wall or anything else.
Sounds good
Wow they really showed us!
God damn it these prick spic-enabling local politicians better fold and get with the program. DEPORT SPIC OR NO MONEY, TRAITOR. Fuuuuck what about my liiiiiiibraryyyyy. God damned fucking law breaking liberal shitbags. I want my fucking library, so kick the fucking spic plague out and gibs me dat funding. While you're at it, remove the fucking smelly, dirty hobos from the library, please god please. It's revolting. Extremely un-comfy. If you want to use the library you must have had a shower in the past 3 days, there we go problem solved. Fuck's sake. Why do liberals just love love love the most degenerate, destructive trash they can find? If we had leprosy as a thing you'd have liberals wanting to import lepers and make it legal for them to hug people and breathe on people's food.
Please Trump, hit them in the wallet so they can fold. Then when the federal funding is restored, all the spics are gone, no money goes to the spic pit of no return (on i). Then the money can go to my beautiful library and we can install water hoses with high pressure outside of it, so we can spray any dirty hobo trying to enter. Hell with all the spics gone, there would be more open housing and more low level jobs available, so no one would even have an excuse to be a hobo anymore. And with fewer spics to support the state health insurance for poorfags would have more available funds to use on actual legal citizens. And I hope all the fucking endless mexican restaurants go away and we get some comfy tier good old fashioned american diners.
Lol you faggots are digging your own graves. Don't you know that without federal funding the populations of these cities will be forced to participate fully in unrestricted capitalism, meaning the cities will become anarcho-capitalist utopias providing positive test cases for both importing lots of beaners and anarcho-capitalism in one go?
How would you do that with the massive nigger problem and all these jew-backed government programs that give housing to niggers and other degenerates?
Hi, leftypol, you idiots never understand politics.
And pizza, obviously.
He should also release violent criminals to these cities. Watch their crime rates skyrocket and productive people flee the cities.
They will fold when the funding actually gets pulled, all of these cities, with the exception of possibly Santa Fe, get 10-15 percent of their budget from the federal government, and many are already fiscally troubled. If they try to get the money back from tax hikes, it will cost them reelection and all the businesses will just move elsewhere. A bunch of cities tried to refuse enforcement of the National Drinking Age act back in the day and immediately capitulated after federal funding for interstate railways was pulled temporarily. Regardless, ICE is a federal agency, and the most the mayors can do is inconvenience them by deleting records. The deportation is happening whether they like it or not, and if the mayors try to be difficult they will end up with crippled budgets and failed reelection along with deportation.
He should cut off their federal welfare.
That is just Santa Fe, Chicago receives over a billion in federal funding and New York receives billions.
Don't forget the welfare that the residents of these sanctuary cities receive.
Cut off the welfare and people riot.
Trump should threaten he will pass Federal constitutional carry,Federal Stand your ground,and Federal castle doctrine through a rider in either the yearly NDAA bill or the federal budget bill.
That way anyone can legally carry a pistol without an license any where in the country and shoot thugs.
Looking forward to The Great Removal is what I live for these days. The screams and tears of illegals, media foaming at the mouth, traitorous mayors facing arrest. God it's going to be glorious.
I have no idea how Chicago has managed not to completely collapse like Detroit. Taxes are skyhigh along with property values in the few places worth living. Nigs on both the west and sourth sides have public transport to shuttle them to the nicer parts and our murder rate is consistently one of the highest in the country.
actually yes, they are masochists. because when he does defund them the SJW will declare that trump is a dictator destroying diversity in cities and policing the public and taking away their safe places and all that bullshit. the whole sanctuary city debate is the liberals setting up their moral high ground alamo. you watch, those sanctuary cities could well be the start of actual violence and standoffs between protesters and police.
heres some reading about the subject
Kinda surprised Holla Forums hasn't sperged out
I fucking hope so
harboring illegal aliens should be punishable
to the UN. As in, if an enemy invades, there can be no legal battle there
could he declare the cities to be in a state of insurrection or something?
Can you do a citizen's arrest for violations of federal law?
There could be no more fitting fate for LA and SF.
I was spit-balling that exact idea with my family earlier.
Their harboring of illegals just works out on so many levels. They are self-destructing & turning the common man against their globalist agendas - and Trump just has to let them hang themselves.
Jeff Sessions may prosecute ‘sanctuary cities’ if confirmed as attorney general
"Sen. Jeff Sessions is on record saying so-called “sanctuary cities” that protect illegal immigrants should be prosecuted. He himself may get that chance next year."
Not sure if jew or retard
Looks like new york is going to return to the 3rd world hell it was in the 80's
If Sessions gets AG position I'm going to have a celebration almost as intense as the night Trump won
I'm so happy I'm moving in Febuary to Washington. I'm sick of NYC. I won't miss the garbage and retarded traffic laws. Smell ya later, Jew York!
Looks like California and the rest of these liberal shitholes are going to be absolutely BTFO. Quoted from the article:
"In addition to blocking future federal grants, the incoming administration can use this same law to recover funds that have already been paid to these jurisdictions, the congressman explained. “This means, the State of California could be forced to repay the more than $3 billion in grants received over the past 10 years,” he told Breitbart Texas."
Oops, my apologies, archive link for that article
It just keeps getting better and better.
In the meanwhile, how hard would it be for us to bait illegals into regions where they will get arrested and deported? Maybe spread disinfo among illegals that these sanctuary cities are going to start massive raids in order to keep the money flowing? I bet they would buy it.
This should be an act of treason.
What can anons living in sanctuary cities do to help the cause?
Write or call your local mayor and express your displeasure about their sanctuary city policies.
Pay as few taxes as possible.