your victim complex is worse than the fucking liberals. enjoy your safe spaces.
This triggers the Holla Forumsyp
Holla Forums thinks a great way to attack those ebil nazis is to compare them to the ilk of the current marxist order…
Stay salty faggot
Which Papika is your favourite??
marxists are materialists. unlike nazis or sjw's we don't sperg out about how our feelz>reelz
Paprika is the best.
Never end your tantrum. The impotent rage has already brought so much joy to the board.
Shit tier OC fam
Remember to sage
And everything you don't like is a spook and not real, huh?
wtf i hate trump now
check my dubs and fuck off
weak bantz
I want dubs.
But I also when to seize the means of production.
So I'm not gonna get dubs, because I'm a commie faggot who loves dicks.
nice try faggot
not an argument check dubs
Check these instead
top kek
do you even know what safe space means or where it came from?
going by your non-argument baby logic, your house is a safe space too. (let's be honest though, you live in an alley somewhere leeching public wifi)
Kill yourself.
how's that meme magic working out for you lads?
Holla Forums shits up other boards like this all the time, figured it's just how you guys posted.
so are you just a child throwing a tantrum over trump or are you here for a reason
/: : : :/: : : : : : ヽ : : : : : : : \ : : |: /,::: : : l| , ": : : : :/: : : : :l : : : : |: : : : : : : : : :ヽ :|/:∧::: i l| / / 〃 |:| i l i ヽ: : : : : ',: : : /!::::|: '、 ,′ : /: :/ | |: : : :l:| .: :! /: : :|: : :',. . . i: /:i|::::!\\ ,′: : i、__レ': : !| ヽlヘ:'、: : !: : :', : : : : : i::::::/:!:/ `⌒ |: |: : :|:/ V゙、: : :ヽ: リ 乂,,__: : :!: : : : : :!:::/:∥ |: l: : :ナ==r--r 、: : :|メ \ ̄|: : : : : :|ノ::/ ',: ! : : i {:::;:} \i "==r---r } : : : : /、ノ Vヘ: : | 、__`¨ノ 、 乂;ノ/rvヘ: :/r:i ヽ ト、:! ..:::::::::.... " `ー‐ /::{ i .V:ノ::| ! \ ` ( \/| l〉 ト、ノ 、 ノ ヽ ヽ::| | | 〉 \ ` ー ''"´ ノ lノ '、 |./ >、 ,,.. -─' ハ _,,,.... -/\> _/ / /\ , r ´ / ..:∧ 〈 _,,.. ィ / ` ー- ,,_ / i ノ..:::::/ ∧ ∧ / / \
Why do you continue to lose so, Bolshevik-kun?
Next you're going to tell me that any kind of talk about politics shits up Holla Forums, right?
lmao, stay mad stormniggers
Is that from Sabagebu?
Right… yeah, it's Holla Forums that does that. Not freech. Definitely.
Man, this really does 'so'' perfectly encapsulate leftism right here. You're so dead-set on your current views being 100% correct and infallible that you are actually hallucinating. You are seeing things in his post that aren't even close to being there.
Holla Forums shits itself up by existing.
Who gives a fuck about the theater especially a play full of niggers written by marxists.
also nice furfaggotry, yiff in hell.
Haha, unfortunate turn of phrase, but you should be able to attend a theater performance without being singled out to be boo'ed and then lectured to. Not so much safe space as simple civility.
saying nigger is hate speech remember, you don't want to upset your lefty friends by being too edgy.
Leftypol's argument is "YOU'RE JUST AS BAD AS US"?
Holy shit, you are a Holla Forums poster.
This thread is now about this pepe.
Acuse them that what you do.
Apparently Pence.
I bet leftypol has nothing to do worth doing now that the elections are done.
also, sage
Not having jobs, friends, funds to play videogames, or a purpose to live does that to a man.
Leftypol memes are so bad it's mind blowing. Trump was lampooning safe spaces you retard
Trying to meme Comrade Bernie to run again after cucking out to Hillary and selling out his bernie bros.
ITT: salty libcuck that reads Trumps tweets, through the saltiest of tears, to find non-sequiturs to fail at trolling with
I know that, at least on some level, you're feeling cognitive dissonance. Using the word "literally" in the way you're using it is a good tell for that.
Please think about why you're feeling that. Your mind is trying to help you.
I'm trying to help, too.
i wouldn't call anybody over at Holla Forums a man. They're boys, at best. Some aren't even boys.
I just find it ironic, that's all.
Dude was in it to get cash and get out from the beginning. But they casually ignore that and keep spouting muh bernie 2020. It fun to see, we tried to help these people but they refuse any kind of help and complain about us when the shit hits the fan again.
And this
lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported lol wow reported
You replied to the post so yes it did work.
Why can't Holla Forums ever write more than two sentences per post?
|ヽ | _,....-─-... | } ,...::升z:_::」ニ==-ミK⌒ヽ /::::::: > ´ -‐===‐ミト、::::\ .::::::::::/ /:::::}:::}i::ヽ::\:::ヽ::::::::::\ /:::::::: /:::::::::::レ八:::}/}:;ハ:::::Vト、::::::::\\::::::/ /::::i::::::|:::イヽ}乂_ ′`^{{ \:::::::::ヽヽ,}/::i i:::::i{::::::l\レシ , W, ヽ::::::::::.::λ::::、 {::{八ヽ{ _ ‘ __ノ〉{ハ ‘;::::::::::./ Vて)ノ:;ハー' ` `¨´ V } ::::::::::i \r‐ミ{ ,、__,ノ 丶 } i:::::::::| 弋 ‘, ⌒´ ィ 人 |:::::::::しぅに¨ヽ /) }≧ヘ、 マニー ´ |:::i::/ {_,ノ、}/ノ´). / ヾ≧=- .. _,.ィ′ |:::|:{ ′ ´_,ノ´)、 / `ヽ`V´} ヽ |:::い ノ //〉′ }ァ介ト ', |::::}::}、 _ _,, ´/ V \ /{/l |:N _} |:i::::′ .′ | ヽ { |:l |:| \ 从/ /
What kind of damage control?
Trostsky sez
Oh, and the "everything is a spook" guy is a literal cuckold.
Was that image made before or after Bernie cucked to both Hillary and Trump?
people think begging for dubs will get them dubs
/redditpol/ is beyond helping.
woops linked wrong post
meant this
haha wow
What a fucking faggot.
If you have a brain you'll know Trump is taking to shit at autists like you. It's a joke you idiot.
cognitive dissonance existed before dilbertman
3rd best Gatari
are you retarded? that's a serious question.
This is just sad.
it's right there in black in white. he'll go on tv in a couple days and unironically defend it.
do you not understand the tweet was a joke calling the theater a safe place? serious question
Everything you like is shit, moefag.
Prepare to lose the anime war.
This is (You)
Come on ledditpol, you have to go back.
We're better than this, lads
You'll be dragged through the streets and hung on my limited edition Bakemonogatari© socks, faggot
See? Nothing I said had anything to do with stormfags or ebola cultists. Absolutely nothing in my post even referenced them.
Yet, you're insisting that I brought them up.
Step away from the computer, brew a nice cup of coffee, cool your head a bit, and reread the thread.
It'll really help you. Honest.
lefty/pol/ tantrums are always entertaining
look at the fucking context of the sentence. "The theater must always be a safe and special place" why does he bring this up? "The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man" oh its because the cast of hamilton hurt the feefees of him and his vice prez
Unlike you cucks, we don't ban any sight of dissent as soon as it appears, we keep the thread to laugh at you gommies and then we round all of you up for banning. Thanks for echoing yourselves.
You failed to see the sarcasm. Funny and sad at the same time.
They've been good about staying on their own board but after they got rekt by CodeMonkey they've been coming here and posting their shitty memes fairly often. If you want a good laugh, take a look at their 'meme OC' thread. Jesus fucking christ they're bad. I just have the urge to put them out of their misery. They are truly subhuman.
Now you're the one seeing things. All I said that most of pol is populated by those idiots. But I'm sure there's plenty of other special snowflakes like (you)
Are you really unable to see the difference between what someone says and what someone wants you to take away from what they said?
both statements are true, i'm not sure why you are such an illiterate fuck. sorry man, the joke went over your head
Shitlord POTUS-elect triggers SJW-autist: The Post
lel you think trump is serious
OP is assmad that someone fights back
Me? I wasn't running.
Well look at those digits!
checked and rekt
Reminder that marxism is shit-tier ideology and even the commies knows it
Marxists are not realists, though they are definitely more aware of some things than the average Holla Forumslack.
Like what?
The intricacies of male-on-male rimjobs?
Ah, here we go. I see.
You can't separate the intent of the words from the words themselves. I suppose that makes sense.
By the way, what is sarcasm? Think about that for a moment.
straight out of rules for radicals
Did you type that with your nose
Hillary could still run it back, guise!
Even sarcasm must be detected from context clues, all of which point to a lack of it in this case.
>>>Holla Forums 1
>>>Holla Forums 2
Kill yourself.
>>>Holla Forums 3
top tier argumentation
Do you think you're clever? Of course he's a liberal, a classic liberal who believes in a welfare state. Hillary was a technocratic, authoritarian - as is the Democratic Party. They're not into freedom but utopia, and a French Revolutionary notion of equal outcomes for mudraces.
Why would you think otherwise, even going so far as to imply Trump is a "secret" democrat? Did you first start coming here a month ago, or are you just stupid?
>>>Holla Forums 4
>>>/suicide/ 5
i forgot to sage, sorry friends
>>>/suicide/ 6
You're doing it wrong.
>>>/reddit/ 7
Buddy, what's going on?
A new commie purge is about as likely as the cubs winning the world series.
>>>/reddit/ 8
>>>/reddit/ 9
Reported, then.
So gay. Here's some cringe faggot.
>>>/reddit/ 10
someone doesn't know the history of the french revolution. maybe try reading Rousseau.
And no, I meant trump was a liberal in the traditional sense. But he's no fascist as Holla Forums likes to circlejerk about.
>>>/reddit/ 11
>>>/ctr/ 12
There's no posturing come from me. I'm telling you I would be sincerely demoralized if I was a lefty and I looked at the board as it stands. It couldn't be worse for you. Your peers are all trying to out-sad each other right now to show that they are the most well informed and concerned with left-wing politics. There's no victory left, only sorrow. increased hysteria and humiliation. You should just leave or get with the program, take some pride in being a winner for a change and go about making America great again.
>>>/ctr/ 13
Retard. Go back to Facebook.
>>>/ctr/ 14
>>>/ctr/ 15
It's unfortunate this thread exists about an awesome topic: Trump just gave faggots like OP the vapors with a tweet.
The left and its SJWs are screaming muh first amendment now. It's wonderful.
>>>/ctr/ 16
Go to your designated shitting hugbox you made for yourselves and never come back until you've learned how to meme properly.
that's the definition of fascism cuck. we're not yet there, but once we will get there, gulags will be like a vacation for you.
Read zizek
The power of enforced cooperation, the importance of the protection of labor classes, the nature of labor and the nature of capitalism. Marxists actually study a lot of shit and have good insights, they are just completely ignorant of the laws of life and the selection forces guiding human evolution.
>>>/ctr/ 17
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Yo, OP!
in a world where capitalism informs who wins and who dies, that becomes the force of "natural selection"
>>>/ctr/ 22
there's a big triggering now all over in leftist circles, they know that Trump uses their rhetoric now, they're mad as fuck.
Go back to /cow/, homor.
>>>/ctr/ 23
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the belief that a 19th century german factory worker can create a utopia without marriage and families once enough steel mills have been created.
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eight more years of Holla Forums desperately acting out for attention
I suppose it's worth it
>>>/ctr/ 32
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Free helicopter rides await.
>>>/ctr/ 34
He's mocking you, you fool.
Hilarious, typical progressive scumbag, too dim to realize when he's being insulted.
Stay salty, loser. ;^)
digits checkem
waste of quints tbh
>>>/ctr/ 35
>>>/ctr/ 36
Not too bad thanks user, hows being a disgusting commie working for you?
dubs again
You're pretty bad at this, faggot. No wonder you keep losing.
>>>/ctr/ 37
Unironically posting a Jewish establishment-puppet
Unironically using a pic of shitskin commie broads as a reaction image
Later, shitskin/yid/paid shill &or all 3 simultaneously
>>>/ctr/ 38
You need to take some fatherly advice from me (and picture your father talking to you when I say this.)
Do you have any integrity even as a troll? Can you not appraise that (at the very least) it would be more fucking fun to troll from a position of ludicrous victory from the Trump side? What are you doing with your life with this horseshit? Trying to score some points about a tweet. Trump has the game locked completely down my man. That's the truth.
>>>/ctr/ 39
apex kek, looks like you lost this one
now, go back to your safe space lefty board, faggot. the rest of us like winning.
check em
>>>/ctr/ 40
>>>/ctr/ 41
two more times before i leave this thread
>>>/ctr/ 42
that's one
now fortwo
ah fug
doubledy dubs are incoming
this time for kek
Reminder that Bernie burned down the donations money to buy an expensive car and a house, then proceeded to support the establishment puppet.
Reminder that kurds are filthy communists and Assad should gas them
Serial Experiments Lain
I know you are reading this OP and I know you're thinking about all the shit Trump people can fuck with you about and how much of a moot point your post is in a rhetorical demoralization fight.
Who is the president OP?
I'm going to report you to Un-American Activities Committee in 18 months OP.
Now the nigger delivering the speech said "there should be no safe spaces".
I wonder how the campus elite will take this.
That sounds like a recipe for doing as little as possible and only putting any effort into the few facets that are actually measured, and making sure that nobody gets laid off or has to improve because they are well protected for getting those boxes ticked. Just like Soviet Russia and countless other failed socialist experiments.
It would work if everyone genuinely believes in what they are doing and there isn't a single freeloader or manipulative fuck ready to sidestep the regulations and get more than their government-regulated fair share.
In those circumstances, other models would work just as well. The problem is that there are always bums and jews ready to game any system, and the left likes to pretend that doesn't exist and doesn't undermine the huge attack surface of any system they've put to paper.
>>>/ctr/ 43
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Did I say he was being sarcastic? No. His words have an intent that isn't immediately obvious. Taking anything Trump says at face value is a mistake.
He never says what he says to communicate ideas. He says what he says to put his audience in a certain mindset so that he can control their next move.
An example of this is when he tweeted slightly incorrect crime statistics. The media jumped on him and started broadcasting the correct statistics. The media thought they would make him look foolish, but since the gist of the crime statistics were correct, the public at large agreed with the sentiment Trump was expressing rather than think Trump was a fool who knew nothing. It made him seem smarter, not dumber.
Trump is a master of tricks like that. It's likely he tweeted what he did so that he can highlight liberal hypocrisy. They'll call him a coward or unable to deal with dissenting thoughts. The phrasing he used calls to mind safe spaces, so that when they reply to that tweet or have a screencap of it in the article, tweet, blog post, or rebuttal, (which they WILL need in order to provide context) the reader will think of liberals demanding safe spaces and instinctively associate the two (as you just did) so they'll consider the liberal who WROTE the rebuttal a hypocrite.
You'll notice that this is exactly what happened inside this thread.
You mocked him for needing safe spaces and provided a screencap of his tweet, then everyone else in the thread mocked liberals for hypocrisy since THEY demand safe spaces.
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check em
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He means for white people
>>>/ctr/ 88
Took your Hitler dubs.
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The thing about spergs is they don't have feelz, they're weird fucking robot people. So yeah, here you are sperging out, asspie!
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This has no business being as funny as it is