Why is communism so popular among youth...

Why is communism so popular among youth ? From what I understand commies want to seize the means of production from the bourgeoisie but most commies I see are unskilled workers working retail/ fast food gigs. What would those types even do after the revolution ?

When teenagers finally move out of their parent's home they experience a unprecedented sense of freedom, and want to try all sorts of new things in their rebellious youth. This might be drugs like marijuana, new forms of sexuality like homosexuality or threesomes, or alternate political ideologies like communism. Communism is just rebellious enough to appear both simultaneous against "the man" and the evil system whilst also remaining mainstream enough to be accepted by your fellow students, unlike Fascism which is too radical and not trendy.

Ignorance is bliss.

Ironically enough Hillary Clinton explained this phenomenon pretty well

Young people are used to living with their parents, where everything is paid for. They have spent 18-20 years living in that system, which can be equated to Communism; so they embrace it when they move out on their own.

The very, very simple way to prevent that from happening is to start having your children earn their way early in life. Around 12 years old is a good starting point. If they want to share in the nice dinner you've prepared, make them do a load of laundry. If they need some money for the movies, make them mow the lawn.

Chores are an essential part of childhood that too many have abandoned these days. It teaches kids not only that work has value, but that there are consequences for not working.

Kids like being given free stuff. Most of them get everything for free into young adulthood. They can't deal with the real world where work is required to be successful.

It's not

They're not, most commies are philosophy or womyn's studies students in the 40th semester


TLDW: useful idiots who will be lined up and shot the moment "their" side wins

Given the conditions people are raised, communism is a logical default.

People in lower economic conditions tend to try and move up the economic food chain. Taking rich people's wealth and redistributing in a communist revolution would cause their personal wealth to increase. Young people tend to be less wealthy, and therefore more susceptible to this kind of thinking.
It's pretty basic human psychology when you think about it.

they would be the ones doing the killing. I mean the president of venezuela right now was a former bus driver lo l

Well imagine a system, where everyone earns the same.
The same as the engineer, the company owner, the banker (lol), even if you have a degree in gender or woman studies.

They only forget that equality does not mean everyone gets one, it will be hard for them if the state won't buy the newest iPhone every year.

These faggots grew up with mommy calling them special. Years down the road, they have no skills or talents. Not so special anymore. They want everyone to be a pathetic piece of shit like them. misery loves company, plus, they're lazy entitled pieces of shit.

Ignorant and naive kids are idealistic by nature. They cling to phony ideologies that promise things they do not fully comprehend, and fail to see the fundamental and massive flaws

They learn from professor jew and they watch the electric jew, you dingus.

It's a secular cult that appeals to the hopelessly naive.

Just imagine a world where all economic activity were regulated such that every member of society were guaranteed food, shelter, and employment. Clearly, an impartial bureaucracy staffed by dedicated members of the party is the best way to achieve these ends. Communism offers all the fluffy utopian dreams associated with religion without any appeals to gods or an afterlife.

It's simple, OP. It's mostly a con and one that has been perfected for over a century so naive youth go for the pie in the sky bullshit.

What you should concern yourself with, is what will happen when most jobs are done by machines. We will need a cull.

Look at these kids, don't expect them to be capable of any sort of comprehension.

Atheism is Judaism REEEEEEEEE

Judaism isn't a religion, it's a race.
Just the fact that there's atheist (or non-nonpracticing) Jews should hammer that point in, and make you eternally wary against Jewish "converts"

Its both

*non-practicing of course

"everyone should be equal" sounds nice when you're young and naive. That's about it.
Communists have also been memed into being quirky and lovable by popular culture, ever since the cold war ended.
And it's rebellious in a safe way. You get to appropriate all kinds of cool looking iconography, and you wont be shunned by polite society like you would be if you became a Nazi for example. I always see dumb teenagers walking around with communist hammer and sicle or che guevara t-shirts. This is acceptable, while wearing a swastica would get them beaten up, or arrested in some parts of the world.

The Education system and the media

Come on this is simple shit.

Kids in modern world in an environment that primes them for r-selection. Being a dysgenic animal is much easier in a resource rich environment so communism looks good. Also promoted by jews and other powers because they make good livestock.

Lots of upper middle class white kids that have never had to deal with real diversity champion it because they have nothing going on in their lives and think that everybody is the same. Brown kids get on board because it's the most rebellious thing that they can fit into and they think it will make them equal.


Because a Utopian future where everyone is equal and all bad shit is gone appeals to today's kiddies.

I used to be a communist. Then I celebrated my 16th birthday, moved out and got a job.


They get to read 40 books while being commies.

The last book is always the book that would have explained how to really do communism right.

But at that point there's always a new commie purge because it's all dreamed up by jews, and jews never had civilization and therefore civilization always rejects their mad ideas in the end.

The white golem good goy will receive a letter in their mail stating.
"Oy vey, what a shame bubbele. One book away and you could have explained everything. Well it's not safe in this country for us anymore. Well be going underground and away now. "

A second later the commie purge squad barges into the room and purges the commie.

Another successful brother war, comrades.

Due to the fact of commies having so many books, every commie comes with its own kindling, for easier deletion.

But communism is about mandatore working as employee of state/society for everyone.

Like in USSR. Commie like spreading bullshit about hard working.

In USSR commie put you in the prison if you not working.

US kids have imaginary communism and refuse to see what happens in communist countries. "It's not real communism!"

USSR-loving jerks say, that post-ussr kids become lazy because of western liberal culture of money and fun, that US corrupt post-ussr kids with drugs, sex and rock'n'roll.

was going to post this when I saw the thread

check em

The appeal of communism isn't the utopia, which is bullshit.

The appeal is murdering people: religious people, married people, and people who are sucessful.

it's a Holla Forums flails around in irrelevance episode

They want free shit made by robots and replicators.

I blame that cock-sucker Wil Wheaton.

They're all going to be in leadership roles of course.

Hard work is not bullshit, are you drunk?

Yeah, they don't really care about reality.
They'd rather go: "my type of communism hasn't been tried".

Like all alt-statists.

Continue hardworking for your master and drink vodka after hard work for relaxation.

Nice 0's torfag.

When I was 13 I considered myself a communist but I never actually read anything about it. The main appeals were

When you are told every day that equality is the ideal in every endeavor then the idea of making everybody equal seems inherently good. Blame education for not teaching children that

being edgy and contrarian is a major draw for NatSoc too except this ideology actually works and benefits people

You seem to be laboring under the delusion that young communists are logical.

Rebellion. Mommy and Daddy aren't with it so it must be the hip cool thing to do.

Teen angst. "Everyone's fault but mine, the 1%, not my fault I can't get a job!"

Juvenile ego stroking. "Everyone's dumb but me, I know what works for an economy!"

The last ones are the best because they can typically quote seven or eight "great" communist thinkers but can't right a check. They can tell you why private capital ownership is the end of the world but haven't got a can of beans to their name. They know what's wrong with "corporate" america but couldn't even hold down a job cleaning their room for chicken tenders.

This is just another part of ((their)) agenda.

Atheist jews might not believe in god but they still believe in the talmudic belief that jews are superior to everyone else. The term "atheist jew" doesn't really mean anything because all jews still believe in the same shit and have the same disgusting personality.

You're assuming these people think things through. They're barely human. If they stopped to think, they'd wonder why they just spent four hours watching basketball americans play niggerball while listening to jingle tunes that melt their brain.

Ignorance. Nothing more than that.

Because they're coming up in a world of broken promises. Mom & Dad came up when a guy with a H.S. education could afford to own a home, a car (or two), start and support a family, and retire comfortably. Mom & Dad told little Tyler or Ashley or Kyle or Brittany or Aiden that if they went to college, they would end up running the world. Well, those dumbasses just figured that "going to college" meant they could go through the motions, get a degree in Gender Studies or African-American Issues or English Literature, and that they'd land on Easy Street and that their high-paying job would entail spending lots of time browsing Reddit and staring thoughtfully out the window while the solve the worlds problems.

Turns out, the world doesn't work quite like that. College costs money. Money that they don't have, because they went to school for bullshit reasons and can't find a job. So, now they're saddled with $X of debt and have no real way of paying it off. They look, and see that other people managed to somehow get by and make a life, and those people are the enemy because they have things. Things that the pissy little millennials want but can't afford because they spent money they didn't have on something they didn't need and will likely never be able to pay back.

In the meantime, they're slinging burgers at McDonald's, or double triple mocha half calf lattes with pumpkin spice at Starbucks, still living with Mom & Dad, and will likely never amount to shit because their entire existence is consumed with coveting that which they can never have.

Luckily, for them, there is an ideology out there that says they are oppressed, not idiots; that they have been robbed, not that they have made incredibly poor decisions; that they deserve all the things that people who worked for those things have - and that they would be perfectly justified in (indeed, that they would be heroes for) killing those people in order to take those things from them.

That ideology is Communism.

What none of them understand is that when their Glorious Revolution comes (lel), they're not going to reach a point where somebody's going to have to put the brakes on while they go track down that guy who used to make the die-hard posts on Reddit or Holla Forums so that they can get their next marching orders. Assuming they survived, they'd get chained to a machine that churns out whatevers for the glory of THE PARTY, and they'd meet their quota, or they'd get shot in the parking lot at break time like anyone else.

These dumbasses honestly believe that they're helping to mastermind some global communist plantation into being, and if they're loyal enough to the cause, they'll get put in charge of deciding who lives and who dies, who's loyal and who isn't, and who's met their quota and who hasn't.

Plus, to them, one of the most important allures to communism comes from its promise of true "equality" among the masses. For whatever reason, these buttholes place value on the freedoms and liberties of the various mud peoples above their own. Finally, everybody is equal, and eeeevil rrrrrraaaaacists have been btfo forever.

To put simply, What they don't realize is that with communism

• Everybody's not equal, they're even;
• Nobody can have anything that another can't have;
• Nobody can aspire to be anything that another can not also be.

It's a scam on the same order as any Jewish-dominated system. All the same bankers and filth-merchants and manufacturers with sweetheart military contracts still hoard all the wealth; there's still an eeevil 1% in Communism. The only - and I mean only - difference is that they also openly work the levers of political power as members of The Party in good standing.

Long story short: They're stupid. They've been sold a romanticized lie, and they bought it hook, line, and sinker.

Because if implemented correctly, consistently it well may lead to creation of ideal society.

It's the current stupid youth version of flying the anarchy symbol without having any information behind its meaning.
They have very little knowledge about communism, they just see it as being counter to society at large, want a collective to rally around in rebelling.
Same shit as always.


Gas yourself, autist. Seriously, who believes this garbage?

Those who think broader than in terms which you used do.

I cannot understand your implications and I can't see a way of deducing them from what I said.


You do not need to teach a russian about how bad communism is, really, you won't tell me anything new with a macro.

Yes, you anti-human garbage. Humans are hard-wired towards competition - that's how we survived. Competition implies rewards, rewards imply ownership. Owning things your accomplishments brought you, tangible or not, brings happiness.
Take competition out of a society and that society dies.

Штаны постирал уже?

so we agree? or was it just not implemented right again?


A rootless cosmopolitan society and deteriorating education and family structure that we have today results in a lack of national pride and hatred for every part of the current system. This leads youth to be angry at everything and delve into non-traditional and radical lifestyles and beliefs. This includes things like communism. It gives them a sense of belonging in a soulless society.

This can also lead to youth like us searching for truth and meaning endlessly, and some of us get lucky and eventually find fascism.

Read Mein Kampf, Chapter 2 especially.

Usually the idea of free shit appeals to kids. When you grow up and realize the shit you work for is more meaningful, communism is suddenly retarded.

Are you autistic or is your IQ just below a certain threshold?

Really though, I think communism is just a case study in dunning-kruger– IQ 95-115 people so gratified by the indulgent text of the manifesto that they take it seriously and don't realize it's a fraud. Seriously, denying human nature? What moron does that? It'll steamroll you.

stable manichaeic worldview that makes you feel less confused. kinda like pol.


I think a lot of the millenials have the mindset of 'socialism' moreso than communism. They are still cucked in the sense of they have decided that their food service tier jobs can be AOK so long as they get to have their cake and eat it too.

This works out well for the overlords because I'm noticing a lot of the white SJWs are childless even though they wanted a kid at some point in their lives, and now either they can't find a suitable mate among the betas and refuse to go outside of their bubble, or wind up buying into debauchery (male or female homosexuality, transgenderism, etc.) that limits their ability to have children.

I wonder what the birth rate is among white couples vs others right now?

It could be a competition of communas for example.

Did I ever said that there should not be ANY competition?

Я не планировал стирать штаны в ближайшие дни, а что?

I merely answered the question: communism is an idea strongly appealing to youth because it is like an eternal engine.

I can't remember when Holla Forums was not treated as a safe spess.

Exactly, being a communist is edgy and they want to be radical in some way. They fancy themselves some sort of NKVD rebbelion group when its really cucks in Guy Fucks masks breaking windows.

We don't give the time of day to commies, never have.

Because kids have all these notions about helping people and are young and idealistic, they will pick the thing that appeals to their emotions the most, which is helping everybody, and the idea of equality because those sentiments are both nice feeling and sounding, but young kids lack the knowledge to actually know what's good for a people and what can be realistically done. So it's only natural for some at least, to fall into shit like communism. Once they grow older and become more educated and real about a situation, they'll likely hold some fascistic ideas. I mean everybody does, naturally at least I think. I've talked to tons of people both old and young and sown some fascist sentiments and they liked the ideas actually.

They get murdered.

And this isn't to say that we, or national socialists/fascists aren't idealist.

Did you see any ITT?

see or

Can you provide a way of how you deduced that I am a commie?

Other than that I triggered your worst feelings about communism by pointing out the main argument for it of course.

I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about the user I just pointed out.

That's me lol. My IPs are changing because jews banned 8ch.net in Russia and I need proxies.

So, what's your deduction?

My deduction is that your idea of an "ideal society" is a joke, and that I'm thankful the 20th century happened because it means I don't have to waste my time arguing why communism is shit. The proof is in the history books. Good day.

I can argue that capitalism is shit using USA as an example.

It does not need to be ideal in SJW sense, it only needs to be infinitely self-reproducible, non-degrading and competitive, even that would put it above any society existing on Earth today.

We're currently doing a hell of a lot better under capitalism than anyone ever was under communism.

When kids get kicked out of their house from which their shit parents give them everything for free they continue to want shit for free.

Capitalism is shit, deal with it.

It's the least worst system.

Simple truths

Low IQ, Low Experience, folks are drawn to magical interpretations of how the world functions. Since they've never sacrificed they don't understand. That and kikes always target children because kikes are evil.

Not until we have post-singularity God AI to manage it. Until then it's a dream that is incompatible with human nature.

At this rate, our children or our children's children might be able to reach this post-scarcity fair utopia. But we're never gonna get there through communism because it's just the crabs in the boiling water holding everyone else down.

I'd bet 20 Capitalist Pig dollars that you've never gone a single day of your life without three meals in your stomach, clean clothes on your back, a solid roof over your head, and lived a wondrous life full of technological wizardry at home and in your pocket.

Capitalism did that.

By that logic you can say "Having angels give us all the food we need and free money and sex is appealing to youth" but we all know it's bullshit and doesn't happen. And I'm not saying western capitalism is good. But at the very least you can own a gun and some land if you work hard enough/fuck over enough other people.

Because they know nothing of history outside of "Hitler murdered sixty billion Jews" and "America invented slavery". They actually believe that communism would be everyone actually having 100% equality and that hierarchies don't exist naturally. They want a world like that because they know/think that they're not strong, and thus this method works best for them since they know that they could never compete with the Musk's or Gates' of the world; it's easier and less shame inducing to level off the playing field than it is try to reach a higher level.

They're essentially infantilized and think that a participation ribbon actually means something.

You can vent your teenage angst in a safe way.
Most of them grow up, research it and dislike it.

Not communism.

Arguably communism, but it's mostly dependant on policies other than the economic.

Not communism.

Those digits tell me you told a half truth at some point of your statement.

Still, similar to my story, but been working for my food since I was around 10. Started selling lemons on the street in the low-life regions of Central America.

Not an argument.