What is our next battle?

I can't be alone in feeling this great, hollow emptiness now that victory was gained and the thrill is over.

Don't get me wrong, I'm beyond happy we won our first major battle in many decades. Things will begin to change now, but what do we do next?

White America woke up but ONLY (in my opinion) because Hillary was such a horrible choice. Had they chosen a white guy to run with a clean record? Who knows.

To win this war we need to begin red-pilling and proselytizing the truth. TRS did some good things using the images at colleges. The lying press loved the clickbait they could generate and spread them far and wide. What if this was done on a much large scale? What if we organized group outings (or even lone wolf) political activies where we posted such information far and wide? Make it a storm they can't ignore. Invade the subconscious and get people researching so they can "disprove" the ideas, only to be subtly influenced and softened.

I'm not expecting a rapid change, but getting people to concede to even small points helps us. Weaponizing the slippery slope in OUR favor.

Do you all have any ideas of your own?

Also general red pill info image thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


The same battle.

The only battle Holla Forums is good for.

The same one I keep telling your fucking plebs

We are the Anti-school of Frankfort

We are Cultural Virtue-ism

Everything else is a distraction

Every oldfag pushing larper shit from 4chn is a joke

Holla Forums will create a positive white man image so the white man has something to fight for instead of just fight against and cry when someone tweets "kill da white boys!"


Death to critical theory!

Stop beating around the bush, we're at war with the jews.

Jews, you fuckwit.

Then go kill some Jews…


It's ideological, that's my point.
And I created that thread

Then why the fuck are you bumping this shitty low energy spoonfeeding thread you absolute fucking retard? No wonder that OP was so poorly formatted, you're an idiot.

By what? exposing the fact that it actually exists?
Sage for non-infothread

I'm bored and lazy I guess

1. Stay the course.

The liberals are so rabidly obsessed with Trump's personality that any substantive political debate is doomed; they will focused only on personal attacks, the effect of which was to increase Trump's popularity. The secret is to set off a Pavlovian reaction among the liberals, which engender instantaneous sympathy in most moderate voters.

This is already being done. Just look at this shit with Hamilton and Pence. Do you think Joe in the small mid-Western bar who voted moderate gives a shit about some New York yuppie freaking out about a souped up version of School House Rock which costs $2000 to get into?

So do everything you can to keep the liberal's narrative going. Feed the outrage; it'll do the job of redpilling for us.

Step 2. Await until the Trump team sets up their grassroots political arm, similar to Obama's Organizing for America. Join once it's time.

In the meantime, read this: anonymousconservative.com/blog/touching-the-raw-amygdala-an-analysis-of-liberal-debate-tactics-preface/


This was just one of the goals in line of hundreds of goals during the years. It's your own fault if you made this your "thing" to pass, same thing happens in many things in life, community and society. Too few people look at the larger picture and predict the future, only focusing on one single thing and then feeling this "emptiness" you speak of. Hell I know a few gays who had the same feeling when we finally passed the gay marriage law. "What now..?" It's because so many of us have been conditioned to only achieve a single point, not a large amount of goals going forward, and it echoes in our Western society.

The one for America has only just begun. Europoors, follow our lead and Make Europe Great Again, we'll continue the fight here.

You’re a retard.

sage isn't a downvote, fuckstick

One of the worst threads on Holla Forums today and you dumb niggers just have to keep bumping it.

Kikes detected.

I made that Operation Uncuck Europe thread, our next two battles are the Austrian presidential election and the Italian referendum. After that we have the Dutch election and then the French presidential election round 1.

Join the republican party and work to replace all the old cuckservative with white nationalists.

You continue to be a retarded. Reported.

Bump because it triggers you.

Basically if there is no offensive operation being done, then you basically have to be in "hurry up and wait" mode for the Golden Don.

But I do recommend hitting the media especially hard right now. They have got their shit kicked in and it is a perfect time to continue the assault.

and I'm retarded?

checking that satan full house. I agree. assault on the media.

You should all get banned.

During times of war we fight, during times of peace we prepare for war. Further your knowledge of political science, history, philosophy and occultism. Also, learn how to use photoshop in order to become a veritable memesmith.

What's with the attention whore bitching about this thread? Go make a better thread instead.

Have a bump OP.

Cuckchan refugees get out

Anyway OP, if anything we should encourage our eurofriends in Austria to elect Norbert Hofer on the 4th of December. We're going to need as many right wing countries as possible in the coming years.