I decided to taunt them by telling them how they could have won
I can't believe how fuckin' crazy they really are, and they're next door! Man, no wonder Holla Forums's a little on edge almost all the time.
I decided to taunt them by telling them how they could have won
I can't believe how fuckin' crazy they really are, and they're next door! Man, no wonder Holla Forums's a little on edge almost all the time.
Other urls found in this thread:
Reading Holla Forums feels like reading a completely different place, feels like Something Awful, they are legit crazy.
But I don't go to Holla Forums
Lel let's all go shitpost on /commiepol/
But I don't wanna.
Holla Forums is only good for shitposting, and to piss off and troll leftist plebbitor cuck faggots.
I think Holla Forums could be controlled opposition, the Holla Forums BO could be actually just Natsoc who is LARPing and pretends as commie.
Most of them are plebbitors, goon-tier plebbitors, I wouldn't been even surprised if they originally came from "Something Awful"
Aww come on , it'll be fun
I'm gonna do that right now
It's too easy to get banned there.
Someone post the autoban filter list from there, these insane butthurt retards have things like "national socialist" and "torture chamber" autobanned because their feefees are that brittle
91 years?!?!?!
What if we start a thread that seems legit, flood it with our people, then when it's got going, we unmask ourselves?
I don't know if it's autoban, but they have retarded word filters, which they like because they're all 13 year olds.
It's just people from Holla Forums larping.
No, you're doing it wrong, my ban is better then your ban because it was done by simply pointing out their flaws and giving them advice.
Here's a scoresheet
Curse words -1 point for each
Trigger words like Nigger Kike, etc -100000000 (it's really easy and not a challange to get banned from most places this way anyway outside of the chans)
Giving them advice and still getting banned +5
showing proof to back up your statments +10
Encouraging freedom +100000000000
Encouraging free speech +100
BTFOs +1337
There, now should we play this game?
If we can get banned by being polite and without saying a single racial slur or something like that, then even better, as it's ammo against them. You can use that in future conversations to basically show people how fringe and crazy Holla Forums and the like is, even on their own board.
There is literally zero reason to take Holla Forums seriously, ever. They exist only to be abused.
Isn't that sad, though? We can get people to become disgusted of the board and leave, to salvage what remains of their life.
Hell if that fails, then we can at least play a game instead.
It also got banned recently for saying they are behind the times on left-wing identity politics, posted "The Invisible knapsack" along with it. This one of the central works that the average leftists justifies calling poor whites privileged. Leftypol also thinks the premise of the article is true.
I don't want to start an autistic e-war. This place has enough bad shitposting as it is.
Get in there, lads. We could BTFO these commies forever.
Yeah they replace the term I.Q. with autism.
Kek revels in your efforts to mock commies.
I bet you have an "ironic" facebook account, too.
i can't seem to get banned no matter how much i shitpost over there.
i'm confused
and the rest of the thread
better b8:
Really makes you wonder.
Here's the archive link.
It's like they are illiterate, looks like was indeed right
made a few
>>>Holla Forums1067212
>>>Holla Forums1067226
Stay mad, cucks
It didn't take a world wide conspiracy to make you an autistic weaboo faggot. It wasn't capitalists or spooks or porky. You became a cuck all on your own.
Says the nigger.
He's actually a pirate, but he couldn't find his autistic flag to post with.
It was my decision to become one
When did he say that?
Says the redditor still using "cuck" lol
I'm not a redditor, but I'd take that any day of the week over being a /leftfag/ cuck.
nice projection
You may as well go to /cow/ and get banned for 3 weeks for triggering homofaggot Homor by BTFOing him for trollshielding.
you have to go back
Hahaha! Niggers!
Angry little cuck!
Grr! Such energy, I bet your gf has great lovers fucking her. Hell, they're probably fucking her right now.
To be frank, there is not a board in existence where being an edgy gorefaggot like yourself isn't worthy of a ban. Fuck off back to Holla Forums.
You sound like an expert in cuckoldry, is it your regular hobby?
kek, nice autism
shitting up their board like a madman and then i get banned for petty shit like this.
i hate leftists
Heh nice try, we have the best memes. Everyone laughs at our memes. We post our memes to facebook and everyone laughs. You newfags have shit memes and nobody laughs at them.
holy shit you really are smileberg
thats pretty nice kid, do you share them on reddit?
delicious tears
Read it in Shmorky's crazy Klurf voice and their insanity becomes comical.
What the fuck is a spook? I still don't get it.
Anything that these autists don't like, like culture, heritage, race, morality, property rights, my feelings.
Well now I know this thread is just an advertisement for goons.
So it's some form of cultural relativism, or is it more like a poor man's Schopenhauer?
Then why are you crying here about getting banned if you knew you were doing it on purpose
It's a less gay way of saying "social construct"
basically like saying "my wife fucks niggers while I watch but I'm not a cuck because monogamy is a spook"
Part that and part making fun of the FBIs. The problem is that they would rather spend all of their energy fighting a limb when the body is currently open to any attack.
pic pls. i see it's already triggerd one massive faggot into outing himself
So they are denying objective truth, essentially. Thanks user, now I understand that I don;t understand, because you have to be mentally insane to truly understand them.
Hello officer, I just raped and killed this women, but I can;t go to jail because murder is a spook, heh heh
thank kek i'm not.
is he still around? i thought old smiley was gone for good after he had a breakdown or something like that.
wut? I'm just posting my ban as OP requested.
It's just a meme version of social construct, pretty much.
Smileyfag is all over /sudo/ making inane requests and crying to Codemonkey every time his board gets "stolen" from him. Read: he's a retard and forgot to log in, so the board went up for claims.
I was the guy who was asked if I was a /fringe/ wizard. The fag asking just jumped to the conclusion that I was smiley
You care enough about the opinions of those you consider worthless to have an image saved for your frequent arguments with them, Kek.
They don't listen. Don't bother to give them advice, they till just throw a hissy fit and get the white knight cucks to hassle you.
I assure you, depressed nihilist commies are real.
Gore on an imageboard is about as edgy as the fucking teletubbies.
Why do so many on Holla Forums get triggered by gore? Have you forgotten that we are the ones praying for a race war and genocide? Be a man and greet the facts of life head on, you pussy.
Proof the mod is white. No nigger would ban you because no nigger knows how to use a computer.
Tell the mods to stand their ground and stop deleting articles they find uncomfortable or unconvienient to the current circlejerk
I didn't get banned for mad shitposting during the Holla Forums stuttering fag debate but I got a 3 week ban right after for posting free helicopter rides in a separate thread
3/10, made me reply.
Your mistake was posting something so insanely cringeworthy that no sane person would identify with it.
Is that second pic real?
I will never understand the hard on for Stirner.
It's the original "everything is a social construct" that liberals love so much
Are you legitimately retarded? Why in the unmerciful fuck would you give them any help in that direction?
And kicking Holla Forums when they're down isn't my idea of a good time at the moment. I'd rather be kicking the actual (((puppetmasters))) while they're down instead of wasting my precious autism on autists.
No. Its actually a heroin shit that's been photo shopped.
This, I want this pic
for my gore folder
pretty please
From all the shit i have seen and read in this thread anything could've be possible.
Look at this fucking thread. It's like a bunch of 14 year olds read knowyourmeme and decided to start a club.
fuarkin checked brus
This was back in the primaries, but l got banned for posting this. Haven't been back since.
What shocked me was that my half attempt of a dank meme banned me for 6 months over in that shithole. It was pretty low energy tbh.
Great thread, really contributes to the quality of the board here. The JQ has finally been answered. And people wonder why we've gone down almost 2,000 active posters overall since the election ended and we are currently losing about 100 active users a day. Keep up the good work OP, between this and the non stop Trumpspam this board is really going places.
You're not fooling anybody, sweetheart.
Fine, you and you've. Your retarded fucking "argument" doesn't negate a single thing I said. This board is losing users left and right and it's because of shit threads like this. Suck a dick and head on back over to /r/the_donald you Trumpcuck faggot. The election is over.
Still salty? He's not even in office yet.
I don't care about Trump, I don't care about pleb-tier politics at all. If I gave a shit about Trump I would have gone out and voted for somebody else but I didn't, because it doesn't matter. I hate the Trumpcucks for ruining this board.
You seem mad. Have one of my Trump "memes" to soothe you.
Jesus Christ, you're too retarded to even comprehend what I'm saying. Good luck on the thread. I'm out.
You make it so easy Holla Forums
Don't go there, but got banned from the_donald for exposing the jew with a jew.
r/The_Donald is fucking retarded, their civic nationalism means that they have to stay out of Holla Forums, even 4cuck Holla Forums.
I can't tell if Holla Forums is ironic or not, I'm sure some people are retarded enough to take it seriously, but it's still a good place to test your argumentation and stroke your epeen a bit since they do argue like real leftists.
They don't even argue, though.
He SAID they argue like real leftists!
Please don't come back. I'd tell you to lurk more but it wouldn't help.
Quality discourse
Is it any wonder these tools can't convert anyone to their dumbass cause?