Can Anyone Read Rice Runes?
Trump Appears in Baki The Grappler 135
dumping the chapter. Maybe we can squeeze some meme magic out of it.
The fuck is going on with that disgustingly deformed artstyle? And why is Trump looking like the grinch? Jesus christ.
this is an amazing revelation
no thank you!
End of Dump
In the Baki the Grappler Universe (I believe) there's zero upper limit for weightlifting/training. The result is some seriously fucked up anatomy.
Feel free to correct me, I haven't read it.
It's Korean, you disgusting pleb.
Why do Koreans suck so much at manga? They are all deviantart tier.
Can't read moon runes, yet it's pretty obvious that the author is a manchild butthurt over Trump. Strange to see that the magical negro charicatur has arrived to Worst Korea
They always draw in weird proportions. Sometimes it looks alright because it's exaggerated in a way that at least projects attractiveness but other times it's fucking bonkers like this shit.
Because its not manga, its manhwa.
It's not even moon runes, it's worst korea hieroglyphs. As expected of the talmud loving radfems.
Why does everyone look like they have fucking down syndrome?
Strange? It's not strange at all. South Korea is:
This is a typical SJW strawman webcomic.
Lots of assumptions but no actual basis to back your claims other than "artstyle is ugly"
If you guys didn't know, the author is a nip nationalist, did the same shit to Bush and Obama, it's just a power fantasy manga, surprised he's still doing this shit after 30 odd years, quite the autism.
Well if its any consolation the manga itself is pretty legit until it goes hyper human. One guy's martial art is biting and took out a judo grand master.
But it is a manga. It was made by a japanese person named Keisuke Itagaki and featured in the shonen serialization book or w/e its called.
Its just that Korea is faster on their scans than most. Jap to English scans are stupidly slow while koreans will knock that shit out in a dayor less.
At least learn your shit.
Baki is pretty equal-opportunity when it comes to shitting on US presidents.
The main antagonist (also the protagonist's father) continually bullies world leaders because he's one of the strongest men in the world.
Can't read rice runes but Baki the Grappler is badass. Another badass manga in the same vein is Noritaka.
Baki always confuses me on the order so I cant recommend in which to read it in since there seems to be like three versions.
I should read this.
Baki the Grappler (1991) -> New Grappler Baki (1999) -> Baki, Son of Ogre (2006) -> Baki Dou (2014)
There's at least one side series that you don't necessarily have to read.
Currently everyone's fighting a resurrected Miyamoto Musashi. People keep getting blown out when they expect him to go on about the Spirit of a Warrior and shit when he actually wants a giant mountain of gold and women.
You should. He walked into some prime minister office after shitting on all the guards, bullied him and walked out and the entire army couldnt do shit. The US sent all sorts of special teams against him and he killed them all at once.
Thanks fambalam.
Sorry, I forgot that both Koreas are manifestations of bad scifi-fantasy novels
Baki is just ridiculous. The character in question, Yujiro Hanma, goes and fights in the Vietnam war for lulz and defeats the American forces on his own, unarmed.
And none of the government are trying to create weird super-steroids to replicate this? I suppose you could use nerve gas or nukes but that seems like overkill for one guy.
How superpowered are they, can they kick a tank's ass or just kill 100 dudes?
south koreans are the jews of asia
It's like you don't even read manga.
So kungfu powers work because nobody knows how to aim? Well that is disappointingly standard for animu.
YES EXACTLY….that and more. Its fucking retarded.
The strongest man can beat down reinforced steel feet thick after waking up from tranqs. He could probably punch the air away or just end up killing them before they can pull the pin.
One chapter he wanted some guy who made a stupidly strong bow (that could bore through an entire animal like it was nothing) to shoot him point blank almost. He stopped the arrow almost a split nanosecond after the dude let go of the arrow
Some more of the scene in question. This was when he was just 16 years old.
Baki tries to run on rule of cool like Jojo but fails pretty miserably at it tbh. The canon explanation is that he's just too fast to hit.
The series is full batshit insane without a care anymore, super-steroids, mythological beings, fucking armored powersuits, and Che Guevara.
He's the author's Gary Stu. I think he's aware of how ridiculous Yuijiro is and keeps making him the most powerful thing in-universe just because.
So it's just goofy over the top superpowers with no attempt to be serious. That's fine.
At least it isn't dragonball where doing enough pushups somehow lets you cast fireball all of a sudden. Either class as a wizard or fighter you fucking slopes, stop trying to pretend you can have it all. Even old chink stories differentiated between sorcerers and guys who just punch really hard.
Korea is the deviantart of the world
All that shit in dbz makes sense when you realize the saiyans are half-monkey warrior wizards and Goku just cut his tail off
Trump has been a popular caricature since the 1980s. His rather unique look is in constant use for a variety of reasons and political stances, but you can't assume its use to be a direct slam against the President-elect.
Everything from movies to comics to silly crap like "Garbage Pail Kids" have used his likeness so much that it's almost its own meme at this point. His election has basically made the paydays of political cartoonists for decades to come (and people said he wouldn't create jobs).
The meme magic is strong. Stronger than petty politics.
Fuck off kike. If you had watched, you would know.
No thanks
DBZ and you know it. You don't have to be kike not to like it.
Definitely have to snort lines of kimchi to draw such an ugly art style.
OP is a faggot and posted a korean translation of a japanese manga.
Koreans are basically kikes. They need to be exterminated (except based north Koreans).
why did they make him look like an insect?
Why not just nuke the bastard?
Don't tell me he can withstand a nuke?
Or poison him. Irradiate him. Microwave him.
Yujiro is basically an immortal demon in the anime. He only walks around like a human because it amuses him. The whole story was arranged by him so he could watch his sons fight a deathmatch at the end. At which he is surprised at the performance of Baki the runt.
There's not a lot of "normal-looking" people in Baki.
Japan is degenerate kill
Post the originals, I don't read kim chi.
trump looks like he fused with kek/pepe
Also fuck you guys, now I have to reread this shit.
So this mango kind of looks like shit. I'm getting lots of the standard "trying to be FotNS without putting any thought into why that series is enjoyable". Just with a lot of added modern day politics with a /fit/ focus. Amirite or no?