Get the fuck in here, Jordan "Apostle of Kek" Peterson is debating live.
Get the fuck in here, Jordan "Apostle of Kek" Peterson is debating live.
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Summary on what bill 16 is?
Basically a Canadian gender-neutral pronoun bill.
Right now there's a big bull dyke kvetching badly. A real SJW prototype.
Oh dear, just got through the introduction. The description of the other speakers was utterly cringe inducing. They wont be able to bring up one single solid argument.
it forces people to use made up gender pronouns. if you dont you cant just be sued by the person you were adressing, you can be sued by anyone who overheard it, if youre an employer youre responsible for what your employees say and face the same punishment as them.
it a few thousand dollars for not using the correct pronouns if i recall correctly.
I think this chick has higher test than Jordan lmao.
Jordan should make his pronouns pepperon/pepperoni
Not as bad as the "thing" that's speaking now.
Breitbart namedropping.
The kike bulldyke is triggered.
Oh boy, your rights end where my feelings begin.
Offtopic but look at all the wordfilters on Holla Forums
Why do I keep watching this shit, its infuriating
Come try and take my shit, you'll be hitting the deck with more than a few socialconstruct holes
Jesus christ.
Where can you find a board's filters listing? Been searching forever.
change board=? to whatever you want
wtf is going on here
I was wondering when it would bring that out.
The future we chose against when we elected Trump.
Abowt . Leafs are funny.
It's like a list of topics they know will destroy them in a debate, that they want to preemptively try to discredit.
The debate was great. Mainly because Peterson continues to completely BTFO the opposition. The lawyer chick was a stereotypical lawyer. She had lying by obfuscation down to a T. The SJW chick was tumblr in real life.
It was fun to watch but most of the discussion is not at all new to us, since we've been picking holes in this lunacy for years now.
Is it worth 2 hours of watching?
Civic Nationalism thread
Who gives a shit
fuck off this is a great video about sjw distopia at the threshold.
Peterson's warning near the end was fantastic.
underrated post
Crippling addiction to autism.
I hate that argument, the dyke used Hume's ought vs is argument, it doesn't make any sense. Basically, she says that she's arguing about what the law is, not what it ought to be. That's just blatant, legitimate ignorance to actual progress, what a coincidence she doesn't want to try and change laws when they agree with her. Do none of them recognize that the same argument extends to their narrative a few decades ago? When the law was written around biologically-sound morals? That's what laws should be based around, rules that benefit the citizens and promote healthy/constructive lifestyles, what is best for the future of the native citizens. If a law does not do that, one criticizes it.
And Holla Forums gloats that they have so much more "free speech" than our nazi "hugbox".
She must think the Nuremberg trials were a disgrace if she is such a legal positivist.