Happening in DC today. Speakers will include Richard Spencer, Millenial Woes and Roger Devlin.
National Policy Institute live coverage
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Literally who?
Dis gon b gud
Google it
She's there too.
absolutely implicit
I like the idea of things like this, Amren and TRSlemania, but I wish Dickie boy would stop doing dumb shit like inviting Tila Tequila
he did it to get the audience of her twitter/facebook followers
but i agree. spencer goes way too far in trying to appeal to the normie
Who gives a shit? Bunch of fucking faggots and Jew lovers.
they're not jew lovers that's jared taylor/amren
daily reminder that pastor martin lindstedt is the true leader of the north american new right
he still active?
haven't heard that name in years
Wish I could be there. Always seems like a lot of fun.
>mfw cuckservative is now in common usage
millenialwoes is a faggot right?
I think he has a german gf
He licks penis and drinks semen, don't be a fucking bigot
Someone bust out that screencap where MW gets mad at that one dude for calling homos fags.
whatever m8
he's said he's 'bisexual' in the past
defended faggots a lot too
homo tbh, if he has a gf it's just because he's in the closet
Isn't MillenialWews the guy that got shat on with Sargon of Assad?
3:45 "I'm really attracted to men"
He used to be a liberal arts fag so. But then again, all Anglos are faggots if you think about it long enough.
wew I was mostly going off of my gay radar but good to know I was right. also spencer makes me think he might be a bit faggy too but I can let that pass since he has a nice fashy haircut
he's married at least but yeah he definitey has that vibe
Spencer has that trademark faggot squishbody.
Do you mean literally or figuratively?
I remember reading an article where they interviewed some ex-gf of Spencer. And the guy has a wife and kid. Really gay stuff.
Shut up and watch
Who even knows at this point?
that fucking haircut is cancer at this point you fucking idiot. every spic wears a high and tight
So basically a butch Milo
spencer has an ex-wife afaik. think she is russian
fuck off
That's an amazing webm.
KMAC is based. Fuck off, kike
NPI requires you pay aprox 200~ usd to attend. Smells like a scam.
Bonus round: NPI's IRL activism group, Identity Europa requires you pay 10 shekels a month to stay in, and then each poster costs like 30 cents. I can move posters of the same quality with sticker backing for less than a cent, meaning they are probably doing about 300% markup.
lol everyone wearing suits and millenialwoes wearing a purple t shirt
Bonus points: Identity Europa asked members to describe their tattoos hahaha.
you should look up spencer's phalanx scam
200 bucks for two days with food/open bar and shit isn't that bad. And do you honestly think activist groups can run without money? I don't know of a single one that does not require a monthly members fee. 10 bucks a month is nothing. You're just a negative Nancy bruh.
yeah it's obviously a cash grab - but people are willing to pay that to go to a nice event with lots of like minded people and network
He went to Yale. He and Johnson just have that over educated lisp that's common in academia.
This. We were raised on getting whatever we want for free on the web, and then expect real life to be the same. It's not.
Is Spencer really a fag? Hard evidence please just want to know.
No evidence as of yet, but he's apparently really close to Milo in social circles. Some rumors are that he fucked Greg Johnson, but nothing confirmed yet.
ive got the screencaps lying around somewhere if anyone wants them
I do
I go to security conventions that cost less, and give arguably more.
No but there are other ways to get it. Think about this, you are doing work for the group for free and yet you have to pay to stay in the group.
I can think of several actually. American Vanguard, National Federalist Party, Atomwaffen (lol larpers), and Traditionalist Workers Party just to name a few.
One of my friends got kicked out of IE for asking where the money went.
Think about this. Each person is providing IE with 120 shekels a year. Lets say there are about 30 people in IE (minimum of course), that means the inner circle is getting 3,600 a year, and yet all they do is put up some retarded posters. Anyone with 3,600 a year could do much more than that.
Members have been kicked out of IE before for asking where the money went.
dump em for the newfags
Richard Spencer is full of dumb ideas. He's better at organizing (I guess).
And yes he seems like a fruit loop
Well yea? It's not a fucking job to be a political activist. It requires personal sacrifice, and that includes monetary ones. Any organization with smart leadership will not allow people that cannot show commitment or personal sacrifice. You need fanatics.
Never heard of
Never heard of
Never heard of
Ah, the one organization which couldn't even afford to send their leader to their demonstration in Sacramento. Pathetic. Proves my point.
Muh posters. Stickers, flagpoles, flags, banners, IT equipment, travel, cameras, renting premises to have meetings in or store material, eventual legal costs for your members, etc. I don't know too much about IE except that they're a fairly new organization. Sorry about your friend.
Listen up, kiddo. In the adult world, conferences cost a couple hundred dollars a person, because things like venues, food, and speakers aren't free, as it turns out. $200 sounds about right for an event like this, maybe even a bit cheap, they could probably charge $300 if they were Skypes.
As for the posters, are they claiming the cost is for the posters, or are they using the posters to fund other ops? Are you an edgy teen commie by any chance? Those are the main group of people who think everything should be free or it's a scam.
$200 is ridiculous for a one day conference, especially for one with such shitty speakers.
You have to consider the type of venue it is in. I assume the Ronald Reagan Building is fairly exclusive place. They don't have any prices on their site (itcdc.com/event-spaces/) from what I can tell but it doesn't look cheap.
did they take a break? thought this was going on till 4 est
Yeah. The next segment starts at 7:00 PM EST.
They took a lunch break, though those typically last from 12-1.
even better, I have the archives
I think the timing of the event is great btw. The media will be all over it to try and blame it on Trump etc.
just noticed the npi logo
I whole room full of healthy (minus the fat guy), young and red pilled men meeting irl, willing to work for the future of our race.
Imagine being one of the fuccbois itt shitting on this. You might as well apply for a job at SPLC or join the antifa outside.
Not a bad turnout.
No one is hating the idea, just Dicky Spence and the power he wields over a segment of the resurgence of white identity and his refusal to denounce bumdrillers like you MillennialWews.
yeah who would be against a room full of guys who are full of hwhite pride
It's a virtual and open movement so you lead by example. I'm not the biggest fan of Spencer and all of his ideas but I don't get all assblasted about him either. He's a net positive imo.
Honestly, anybody who's paying to go to a conference like that is the lowest stock of the movement.
We've been nudging those queerbaits from TRS to the right for a while now. That's our job. At the very least Dicky Spence should take no position (even if that's too late now) but to come out signalling against people who are against bumdrilling is a problem. He needs to correct it or we, already, have a homosexual thorn in our side that will be used by kikes to destroy us from within.
Wasn't that tweet taken out of context? I thought Spencer was really saying that taking a stand AGAINST homosexuality was the last stand of whites in politics?
Nope. He was saying that the homosexual community is the last place you can be white and proud as a white man, disregarding that gay men aren't actually men.
I'm looking forward to the violence. It would have been boring if Trump lost, but now that he's won everyone is looking for someone to blame and they found it.
I'd need to see the full tweets again, but based on your perception of it, he could just be saying that's the only place in modern thinking where white men can still be white men, and that in no way means he endorses it; it could simply be a commentary on the state of affairs: "Shit's so bad that the only place you can be a white man is in the fag community."
Is this outside of the NPI conference?
Yeah. Apparently he was a camera guy or something according to an antifa jew.
Why'd he jump the antifa to begin with?
Maximum volume and i can't hear shit, what a shame.
It is low, but what are headphones?
they're doing q&a with journalists right now. lots of good laughs
The media presence is a lot bigger this year. German, French.
Spencer just wants to be the 21st century Buckley.
MW isn't a homosexual.
The idea of homosexual identity is very modernistic to begin with. It's part of the lies of our age.
There is only homosexual behavior, not homosexual identity. If someone engages in homosexual acts, they have done a bad and shameful thing, but this does not mean that they can't come back from it. It is possible to stop being a homosexual in the same way that it is possible to stop being a drugee by ceasing to do drugs.
An ideology that condemns people permanently for degeneracy in their past, after they've long since cleaned themselves up and began fighting for their race, is an impoverished one.
A lot of our people are degenerate, and they need help, because they don't know any different. If you're a blue pill, how would you know? No one comes out of the womb as a staunch National Socialist, and you get your head filled with crap by education and the media. When you finally learn the truth and break free of it, it's fair to say that you're living your second life.
I wouldn't be so sure about that
Fucking lost it. I want more.
All right. And in general, I agree with him. There's way too many issues bigger than the 1% of faggots in the population. They would naturally be dealt with by our more mentally/spiritually healthy descendants in the future if we could ever regain control over our lives again.
yeah because we're going to slay all the gays
We will never have a final solution to the fag problem until we can manipulate genes or whatever. Until then the best solution is to force them into the closet through culture.
peter brimelow calling anglin a neonazi and not part of the alt right to get goodboy points with a motherjones reporter
Isn't it just from lacking strong male figures in early development?
There's no such thing as the (((gay gene))), and there's no such thing as homosexual identity.
Homosexuals (men who have sex with other men) are made, not born. The cure to homosexuality is the same as the cure for drug addicts. Rehab and detox.
If sexuality was completely fixed by genes, orgasms wouldn't need to be pleasurable. The reason things feel good is so your brain can build up positive associations with whatever it is you are doing when you feel good. Homosexuality spreads by older homosexuals preying on children, and through propaganda about experimenting.
They'll still be spreading their GRIDS and abusing children.
Did he tried to make a joke and failed ?
What the fuck was that.
I think it can be both. In todays culture where it's promoted as something good, mentally unhealthy people will "become" homosexual, for sure. But I also think there are people that are legit born gay because of hormonal imbalances when they develop as a fetus or whatever it is.
No, it's more complicated than a single "gay" gene, obviously.
Right, but to make it a central tenant at this point is pretty worthless. First we regain our majority, and then the homosexuals and all sorts of jewish poisons can be dealt with.
I agree if you're talking about purging all faggots from society, but they can't be tolerated within the movement now if we ever want to get anywhere.
there was no joke. Anglin and the daily stormer got brought up by a motherjones reporter about the alt rights response to sessions. The crowd cheered. Spencer looked a bit peeved but answered the question fairly. Peter pats spencer and gets the mike to not talk about sessions, but rather to make clear that he does not consider anglin to be part of the "alt right" and that angling is a neonazi. This was done in front of what seems to be a few dozen journalists.
At the very least I can respect spencer for not overtly attacking anglin like most of the jews and civic nationalist alt-light guys have
Anglin is a jewtin loving twat. Fuck him.
Brimelow called Anglin a brilliant journalists. I imagine the panties of the media. Lel
yeah I too prefer men who refuse the talk about the jq over someone who has respect for nationalist leaders across the world
Agreed. I'd never be in an actual movement that allowed homosexuals.
But I think Spencer gets too much heat for that tweet - - He's basically saying don't make it an issue, a "don't ask, don't tell" kind of thing.
fuck off anglin shill
most of the spencer hate comes from him allowing some faggot to do a talk at the last npi conference.
said faggot blogs all the time about how proud he is to be a faggot and how he loves to fuck men in the ass. I forget his name at the moment. something donovan iirc
Hell yeah dude. #imwithher just like you so im crushed we arent killing faggot russians in syria right now.
Ah, Jack Donovan, who wrote some popular book about how to be a real man. Didn't know that. That is pretty bad. Hope he learns from it, because people like Spencer and Greg Johnson have a lot of good insight to add to the discussion.
Spencer hate also comes from the fact that he is a blowhard who does not know more than the average /pollack.
Yeah, and I have this smoking hot girlfriend who goes to another school in Canada that I only see on vacation during summer break.
I wouldn't agree with that. I've listened to all of the interviews between him and Jonathan Bowden, and he's definitely more well read than the average Holla Forumsack from around here.
What a lineup
Yea, basically, Spencer doesn't really care about the homo question, I remember him calling them "flawed people" on some podcast. He likes to LARP about building a new Roman Empire and Nietzschean philosophy.
We handled the lugenpresse quite well
This is pretty clear from the ratio of black hair to brown/blond.
Oh, he cares…
You replied to this post:
Yet you completely failed to address the content of it. Asking people to describe their tattoos? There is literally no benign explanation for that. They are FBI. And your deliberate failure to address that means that you probably are too.
Yep. He's a big, romantic dreamer who has read a lot. He's not my hero, but I don't discredit all he has to offer either.
Pretty sure he replied to the wrong post, considering he's addressing points from
It's useful to have a big dream otherwise we become complacent. The left doesn't stop after lgbt rights, does it? it goes for tranny rights and on and on and on.
He doesn't address the JQ. how can he be said to have a big dream. or did you take his reformed EU idea seriously? lol
I've seen that a gorillion times, dude.
That's what I like about him personally. That he's a big idealist. We need those people too.
Pot calling the kettle black.
Agreed. Dreams and visions are a requirement.
Spencer does too address the JQ. Where have you gotten this idea?
Little bit of autism here
This is incorrect. He has addressed the JQ a bunch of times in interviews, podcasts and shit. He just doesn't focus on it that much.
Lol, no. Homos need to be killed. It is an indication of a low quality and dysgenic human.
Yea unfortunately he cucks a bit on the JQ but he is still better than Jared Taylor on that issue, My personal fav on the JQ issue is KMac of course.
Yeah, typically by saying "Jews are good" and "Zionism is awesome" and "whites should work with Jews" and other such garbage. He's a faggot and kike sympathizer and will be killed on the day of the rope.
Yeah, all of them are cucks. Really funny because they like to throw around the cuckservative term when they are cut from the same cloth.
Summary execution
Your dad was a fag, yet here you are.
Are you just a concern shill?
MacDonald is in no way a cuck, and secondly, I've never heard or read of Spencer saying "Jews are good!" In fact, I've only heard/read the opposite from him. Have any sources?
Nice b8 m8
Counter-Signal Memes for Fashy Goys is just a kikebook page for smuggies isn't it? No money or promotion is involved. Merchant Minute is hilarious and has nothing to do with money either except being played on the Daily Shekel, because it's hilarious. Though the point about actual right wing individuals who aren't trying to build a brand being ignored is taken. I've personally hated Varg for destroying a beautiful piece of history, which is like when Al Qaeda blew up the ancient statues in Afganistan, but I've heard he is a true believer and practitioner of NS so shouldn't be ignored like that.
Butthurt faggot detected
are you kidding? he used to be paid by a jew for his earlier work
and the response to the JQ im expecting is gas them all. not this weak ass oh some jews can be allies shit
Check his recent alt right conference. See pretty much any interview he has whete he is asked about Jews. Not hard to find. Almost everything he says about them is in some apologetic cuckolded tone. His best friend is Jewish kike Gottfried.
hwhite purple
Millennial NEET
Lots of videos of the protestors on this twitter:
How does it feel to be used as a preference cascade for their normie suckers, Holla Forums? These people can't see the faggots before their eyes and it's all your fault. Your memes enabled this. I just pray we have the memes to fix it.
Any "GOD HATES FAGS" signs to protest NPI's sodomite agenda?
Fucking scum. Ugly inside and outside. We're gonna need a lot of rope.
Oy vey. All those noses.
This girl, Emily Youcis, might genuinely be lacking an amygdala or whatever part of the brain generates fear.
I love this woman. She recently put Gavin McCuck in his place.
Nothing to fear from antifags.
Here's her interview with McCuck.
emily: "I am home"
shame her face is kinda busted
kek these people are garbage and it should be legal to shoot them
Reminder that Dicky Spencer got McCuck his job at Taki.
You're unbelievably stupid. Do you really think an academic like Macdonald would embrace GTKRWN? Fucking retard.
The attitude you're describing has existed for decades among "neo-nazi" groups, and it's gotten us nowhere. But "muh pr" right? :^)
I was talking about spencer not macdonald there. you need to learn how to read lol
That healthiness though.
Oh well. What I said can equally apply to Spencer as well.
I hope Red Ice will do interviews with the attendees like they usually do. It's pretty entertaining
Hoe long until this becomes a run of the mill neoconservative think-tank. Not long, if Trumps cabinet picks are any indication.
Shiieet. They doxed Devlin
nah spencer has too many associations with jews and is very light on recognizing their toxic relationship with white civilization. like the most he's said about the jq is that jews aren't white. nothing about how they are the biggest threat to white identity and so it seems white life.
but yeah im mostly just bantzing. I think its better to have something like NPI than not.
Stay safe guys ;^)
they streamed their exit plan too. there are like a few hundred antifa outside too
What did the guy she interviewed at the end say? Something is a myth? White culture perhaps?
Devlins voice is fucking great. Like a 70s voice over for a nature documentary.
Yea you're right. Fug.
>Anti-fascists Storm Restaurant Hosting Neo-Nazi, Alt-Right NPI Dinner itsgoingdown.org
Radicals for the establishment!
My thoughts exactly, best speaker so far.
MW is a fucking slob, holy shit.
Yeah. White (or (((white)))) guy wearing white people clothes standing on a sidewalk in the capital city of the mightiest white country ever says, in English, into a white people invention, "white culture is a myth."
Damn that image is autistic. Whoever made it just completely missed the point of what makes them funny. Leftists just can't into humor.
why are they hiding their faces. there is nothing controversial about being against the EVUL NEONAZIS. lol i doubt the cops would do anything either
I can't possibly relate to what these people feel.
Holla Forums - unsolicited interracial porn.
Who punched this kike in the face?
Please don't sperg out over the use of the video.
They're only legitimizing the event by having such a big protest. They really can't help themselves.
In their minds, a NeoNazi is the new president and they are putting themselves in harms way by speaking out against it.
In other words, they're LARPing.
Because the police is FASCIST, they don't even allow me to break random windows because i am angry and stuff.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was arranged by some of Dicky and Jared's friends in the ADL.
Go back to Renegade.
You must be new to this type of thing. These creatures appear at every similar event.
It's cosplay.
Not in these numbers, and not for an event as insignificant as NPI.
Where's the security?
didnt ramzpaul go mad and break off from his family and go hiding out in hungaria or something like that?
The large turnout is due to the media's recent hysteria over the "alt-right". Why does this even need to be said? It's blatantly obvious.
NPI event has been planned for a while. They had a lot of time to organize protest.
Why the fuck can't you fags just watch a video without needing to start a discussion on "e-celeb bullshit"? Please fuck off.
RamzSaul was cucked and has to pay tons of alimony and child support to his ex-wife and her son. So he fled the country.
Do you not pay attention to the news? The President is a child rapist, the Vice President electrocutes fags for fun, and the President's chief advisor is the head of the Alt-right and he's going to personally murder every Jew.
Din forget the new attorney general, plantation owner Jefferson Beauregard "pick my cotton boy" Sessions III.
That's retarded m8, people don't trust him, because of his naked ambition, but he's far better read than almost everyone on here, and speaks better even in his faggy Yale man schtick, than 99.9 % of the autists on here.
seeing those antifa weaklings harass and assault people really boils my blood. they're pretty bold after the battle of sacremento.
vid is live again.
They're Jews.
this stuff is gold lol theyve really gone out of their way to make sure that the npi gets a huge amount of coverage
This is all I think off when I see Richard Spencer
I'd almost be okay with Milo for Press Secretary or something just for the shitlib tears.
Carl, it doesn't matter how poor you are, NEVER go full Jake Rapp.
>you must be ->this
Richard Spencer best twink.
Sargon of Akkad and Mike Enoch are the same person.
I just want to throw eggs at these people.
keep em coming
Phalanx is obviously not supposed to be for people who find it expensive. It's a way to extract money from rich people who don't want to rub shoulders with the proles.
No way, I've heard them both talk and they don't sound even remotely similar. Then again I haven't seen a picture of Mike.
christ she is retarded
Are these people aware that they are basically human garbage ?
I wish so much i could have a honest conversation with one of them.
yeah they want to rub each others shoulders and have spencer get out the oil
These people congregate on reddit.com/r/srs
yeah I muted it during the MW speech but lol if he used fucking animals as a talking point
Gotta source for that?
These people are such embarrassments, and that's compared to a us who are a bunch of spergs who worship an ancient Egyptian frog-headed chaos deity and practice magic.
admitted homosexual Millennial Woes defending bestiality at NPI Conference 2016. Richard Spencer canceled his Question & Answer section afterward: twitter.com
Why does maggiano's allow them inside?
Listen to the full speech you fucking retard.
Faggots like this cuck are turning this shit into a degenerate echo chamber. Kill yourself.
Sinead is the kind of person I used to think Alex Jones was.
By the way, 0ca1be in this thread is MillennialWews.
Explain the context then, was watching nigball.
At best, this is horribly bad rhetoric. It's just overall a degenerate message. This relates to how Millennial Woes says he is "attracted to men" and likes "pretty boys" youtube.com
People here and in the "alt-right" sphere needs to understand that the primary cause of the continuous existence of the Left is that the Left was made as an ideological front for Judaism outside the religious one - it justifies the Jews living in White countries, pushes for pro-Jewish politics, Jewish ideals and frame Jews and their thoughts as the bastion of everything to be followed. At the time of it's conception, Europe was constituted of purely White states with the only minority present there being the Jews - so those "ideas" are not only dated, but are being used completely out of context and purpose.
In the end:
What people here don't understand is that for those "ideas" to propagate and continue, they require those people who benefit the most from. They require Judaism, they require Jews
What people here don't understand is that Schools, Universities and the Media actually are acting now to transform White people into Jews
I'll repeat:
White leftists are Jews
They've been, since infancy, conditioned to think as if they're Jews, even without knowing what a Jew is, they think like one because they've became one
I made a webm in the thread:
As someone on twitter said, his point was that morality supersedes reason. You cannot logically explain why bestiality is wrong when nobody gets hurt blabla.
He could've used a better example, I admit, kek
No, you're missing his whole point. But then again, you took a tweet from Sinhead seriously.
Tell him about STDs.
What do you think of Jonestein now?
So MillennialWews' mushbrain can't come up with a logical reason not to put his penis into an animal?
Those milk jugs could feed two dozen white children.
It was just an example. He was making a point. Are you pretending to be retarded?
was meant for
are you retarded?
He failed at that. Morality is logical in every sense, if he can't see that he's an illiterate idiot.
Seriously, I've never liked him and since that pathetic "showdown" with Sarcuck of Akkad, where he managed to get destroyed, I think he should be purged.
Seriously, he's a high-grade idiot.
He did, he seriously fucking did. I swear, these conference fags are the biggest sources of cringe on our side.
feels good knowing that even though im out of shape and have never had hand to hand training, I could easily make these fuckers eat their own teeth.
I mean holy shit, just look at the 3rd pic. Who the fuck do these bozos think they are? That kid in the middle looks like that kid from the angry frog video and that dyke on the right would be calling me daddy in 2 seconds flat. Why is anyone afraid of these fucks?
It's a weird point. Anyone in our sphere should know the right argument is that morality is rational, that bestiality is wrong because humans can't procreate with animals.
He's not quite on the right track, but he's a great radio host, funny as shit, and gets a lot of people to look for a lot of the right patterns.
Okay, be autistic about it then. I understood him fine.
He doesn't defend it, he just uses it as a retarded talking point on how "morality supersedes reason" or some bullshit.
Maybe if you spent less time in your AIDSbog getting your dick sucked by TRS forum users then you might not be as lobotomized as that example proved you to be. Wasn't it Lincoln who said
Really? Are you that retard? No one "didn't understood" him, the fact is:
He's just plain wrong.
He can reach millennials in a level you cannot with you low-empathy autism.
You expect everyone to read Evola, while they are smoking weed and having one night stands.
Well, the animal and the human are hurt, society is hurt, this is just psycho-socially, not even getting into physical damage and disease. There are numerous reasons why bestiality is illegal and is almost universally regarded as an abomination worthy of death.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
He was arguing from a liberal universal nihilistic perspective. How they view the world.
Oh you're mannchild not mwews.
I don't care if he reaches the whole world, he's a retarded and is spreading stupidity.
He's posing as a face of a movement, and it's trashing it.
why are you sucking the dick of all these alt-light guys so fucking much. millenialwoes just gave a presentation where he talked about fucking animals while wearing some shit he bought at target while additionally unshaven and unkempt.
honestly the fact that he's a faggot too doesn't help any of this either
I'm not defending his example, it is indeed retarded. Hes a NEET, what do you expect.
She can't compare to Lana.
So mannchild, what do you do for employment? Do you get autismbux?
I sell apricots and dried tomatoes at the piazza
Damn that was good
For the first couple of times. Then it kinda comes of as the photo-negative of whining SJWs. They employ exactly the same methodology. Sure, they're funnier because they're fresh but they never dig into quarterly reports, Chamber of commerce publications or the real marrow of the thing, since they're after all just trolling for customers and IRL shit like that is boring.
I'd like to call it the new normie.
Checked. TDS has always been memelord trash. FtN is better, but it's going to be a test of the show to see if it'll die off without election news streaming in every day.
Should have been a few fascists out there.
She needs to run a bit and she'll be a fucking keeper
that fivehead though
Is there a part 2?
Any highlights from part 1?
The press conference part was kind of fun to watch. It's about 4hrs in. The rest wasn't all that interesting.
Yeah Jared Taylor did a good job
I don't agree.
It's unfortunate whenever someone is attacked by the "antifa", but these types of video serve as propaganda showing that "anti-fascists" are nothing more than violent communist thugs.
What's the point in engaging in street brawls with these idiots? It serves absolutely no purpose.
may or may not be a part 2 here:
they got told to move their shit, and don't know if they can set it all up again or if they're going mobile.
Devlin talks about norwegian boys getting cucked by mudslime at 5:51:00
You're right, I just get amped up because these people have never been made to stfu, it would be satisfying to put them in their place. I don't advocate initiating violence but I do advocate self-defense, to the extreme.
Who was the wizard guy who was talking about his book on Western Mythology and the Gods fleeing, fantasy brings me out in a rash but i'd read that book aimed at Western Cultural revival.
If the police just allowed things to happen, we would beat then to a pulp.
But since its this is a semi-know conference the police will always be there.
Part 2 is tomorrow, I assume. Red Ice got kicked out of wherever they were broadcasting from.
it starts in 6 minutes according to youtube page
Seth Cooper, Lana from Red Ice interviewed him on her podcast recently
good, still time to get some liquid Jew
My blood is hot right now too m8. We need to wait until Jan 20th. Trump will put a stop to this shit.
Would still have at least 2.1 with her.
You're right, this is interesting.
I want to see more people pushing Antifa shit in.
It's not about not fighting, it's about choosing your battles. They have the numbers, and this is as much a battle of minds as it is of wombs and bloodshed.
What the fuck. Is this real? I didn't know Trump was a MW fan.
I found the autist
Yes it's real. Ctrl+Shift+I doesn't exist.
Kek, that's the mom and two toddlers with the "use kind words pls!" sign in the background as this nigger-jew says the F-word at least 10 times.
You guys can be real jerks.
He was talking about some gay congressman
He's written a couple of good books, but how is he special?
He spouts the "pathological altruism" nonsense.
Did he shill for the jews?
It was interesting to read his stuff, there's definitely something to it. It's just that when he went over the rails and politicized it, which was inevitable I guess, is when us arctic adapted people went "what the fuck?".
How is the pathological altruism theory not in play here? It makes a lot of sense that the jews have exploited the higher levels of empathy seen in whites.
Is this what being white in america is like.
passes for white in Iran as well ;^)
I was surprised too. I think it depends on what part of the country you're in. Where I am, it's mostly German stock.
Part 2 in 20 minutes
He does have a point at the end, white replacement rates are sub-par and it's plausible that negroes are more inclined to abandon their offspring to adoption services. Mind you, he has mongrel offspring and a non-white wife, so bias and cognitive dissonance is definitely a factor.
Those responses to the JQ hint that he knows more than he lets on, he probably just wants to keep his show on the air.
I noticed that too. It's kind of unusual
East coast is anglo-celtic swarthy whites
I think its due to Irish ancestry
>tfw keeping that in check to the point people say I lean too hard the other way
Scots-Irish. Very bloodthirsty.
Gays are alright as long as they just act like everyone else.
Straight people don't go around advertising they are straight.
Honestly gays should just get their own country.
They have one, it's Israel
You must be new. Antifa stage photoshoots where they "exemplify" the vile nature of the bad guys. like this shit
This pic is either staged by antifa or by state security Machers.
How does that post have any bearing on what I said? Quoted the wrong user?
It's back on lads, talking MEGA now
Fuck off retard.
Part 2 is live
This Iranian dude looks remarkably hwite for 1400 years of Muhdikslam.
Checking divine dubs. The only "merchant" here is the TRS "please donate" podcast shills.
oh shit Kevin "Make it Mac Tonight" MacDonald is up now
kmac on
'tonight I've got to talk about jews…'
We have the tools, we just need more of our people in media and education to break the conditioning.
This part is really good.
This looks like some cartoon logo
What a terrible board.
Was wondering about that. Did Red Ice come up with that or is at an NPI thing?
Because it isn't true. Whites are not pathologically altruistic nor have they been known as such throughout history. The problem with whites is virtue signalling. Whites want to be seen as good and moral people. When what is good and moral is defined by tradition and religion, then whites signal how their the greatest Christians and more moral than anyone else. When "good and moral" is defined by the kikes, then whites signal how much they hate their own race and love niggers and are tolerant of all perversion and so on.
The motive is social acceptance, not pathological altruism.
NPR had a decent interview with Spencer two days ago, thanks to Bannon's appointment and past quote about the Alt-right.
Yesterday, they aired complaints.
the point about the kikes being caught between the implictly white populist/anti globalist/anti immigration party and the rainbow coalition that's pro palestine is a pretty good one
jews are kind of screwed either way
because this Scandicuck has done so much…
Spencer created it.
It's not a great logo but it did produce some lulz when it came out.
Richard Spencer is the quintessential normalfag. He struts around unchallenged like he's an elder, at 38-39 years old. Why anyone would trust someone with his demeanor, I do not know.
i wouldnt gaf about npi if not for that though. There isn't enough time in each day to give attention to all the boring shit out there, like a bunch of spergs talking for hours about shit that you already know.
Its like the good shills are all on break. Christianity is a jewish religion.
you clearly know jack shit about judaism and christianity then
the christian morality/worldview/philosophy is entirely different from the jewish one
there's a reason why in the talmud it is written that jesus is burning in hell for eternity
there's a reason why jews do not use + or x symbols in math (hence their name kikes)
they hate everything about christianity because they are the synagogue of satan as said in revelations
I think he's not "trusted" as much as he's valued for his social connections and willingness to get off his ass and do things like host a conference and get in contact with reporters. He's obviously more motivated to do something good than any normalfag. I get the disdain for his lack of overt extremism, but really many normalfags are triggered hard by his views ( ) and, while people like us are necessary, so are the relative or at least apparently relative moderates as long as we live under representative government.
Other than the jewish press who see him as a safe alternative to the far-right, nobody values him. TRS shills for him (probably for financial reasons), but that's pretty much it. Nobody reads Radix or listens to his podcasts.
The problem is Christianity was corrupted almost immediately after the start. Remember, it was Christian nobles who allowed Jews to flourish as moneylenders in Europe because it was forbidden for them.
Jesus was a pretty cool guy, but the Christianity that arose after him is pretty awful.
That was the European spirit dealing with traitors as they have historically done when not cucked.
I question his motivations. I am interested in the fact that he lives in a $3M house, is married to a woman with unusual ties to Russia, that he is so polished and such an orator – and yet he chooses to put his face and name on a movement inspired by Cambodian cooking oil aficionados on the dark reaches of the internets. Something is very, very fishy.
So, no. All due respect, but it's not his lack of extremism. It's not his ability to sidestep purity spirals. There's something about him that isn't right.
His "movement" failed so he took credit for ours - with the help of the jewish press - as it was the only way he'd ever see success.
Meh, I wouldn't call what I'm saying evidence though, so please… as you were.
I realize NS is bad at practicing entryism and taking over the US Republican Party. On the other hand, I don't think memes got Trump in the WH. It was more like, Pennsylvania Amish, Evangelicals, and a small mixture of middle America types who are keen to notice the country is damned near disintegrating before our very eyes.
Good on you for saying we should all get out there and do something. But in our case, where Jews literally try to run the opposition, that is not a reason to trust him. Being active, getting things done, is not a reason to value him when there are signs of dishonesty (back room meetings at conferences, taking what Holla Forums has to offer and softening it just enough to allow for a repeat of history, agreeing with whomever it was (Glenn Beck?) that called him the Karl Marx of the AltRight. All that weird shit. It's off putting.
I have to let all this go and support NS rather than AltRight, because I can't prove my hunch just yet.
I like this guy's accent
If that's the case then he's to be considered dangerous. AltRight will hopefully lose its popularity.
He topped a red front thug from attacking emily youcis, he saved her life
Christianity teaches you work for your bread.
Judaism teaches you never work, and make the goyim do it for you while you sit back and eat all the real food.
Your move christcuck.
Breddy gud fam. I trade you hitlerdola for this.
His family has money. Shit, I'm barely middle class and I have a few million in property I've inherited.
That doesn't matter because he's not actually in charge of anyone and frankly Americans and Russia have a lot of overlapping interests.
He's not. He has a weird haircut and he talks like a fag.
We're not the origin of Fascism, Nazism, Paleoconservatism, the Nouvelle Droit, or the New/Alt-right. A lot of people had approximately the same idea in recent times at about the same time. I highly doubt that Spencer is very familiar with Holla Forums or /new/.
Because, like Jared Tay-Sachs, he works for the Jews.
Obviously normies couldn't care less atm. Like this guy just said the herd needs waking up, I personally don't care for Tila Tequila but if she can further the cause more power to her.
TRS please go away.
She's not even white, also a former pornstar.
go oven yourself you kike
fug :DD
NS isn't bad at practicing entryism, it's just that most of us have been blackpilled or simply to timid for too long. You've got to be careful with your powerlevel still, but now is the time to move your politics in whatever capacity you possibly can.
Spencer is more like Mosley than Marx, kind of foppish and naïve but still trying to do something useful instead of living the NEET life and writing terrible fake history books.
My suspicions concerning the first 3 of your responses are more general, and I admit to that. I'm getting a sense that someone enjoying family money and who is as well educated as he clearly is, is not going to be attracted to movements which would not in any way maintain his family's current holdings. It is a visceral sort of thing. He looks out of place, and I do not see what the attraction is for him personally. Also, you say he's not in charge but he's moderating, he's hosting, he's got his face on the front of the package. No denying it.
As to the fourth point you've made, I disagree because you're talking about academic philosophy/history versus a political movement. Being part of Arts and Letters communities like counter-currents is one thing, but holding conferences, choosing a presidential candidate for NPI to support, letting in homosexuals like Donovan, Woes, and Milo, giving credit to Pepe and memetics – these are practical affairs. These are the features of a movement, and he is being treated by the Jewish Lugenpresse as one of its leaders because he has funded conferences or what have you.
I will have to think more about his public statements on chin cultures and dialectical battles in comments sections/whatever.
Yeah and earlier ITT the whole thing was a joke for including Woes in the panel since he's homo leaning. Nothing to see here, right? Gays, non whites, reformed jews like brother nathaniel, women, guys with tattoos or piercings, dealbreakers all. Better to just sit on our hands and purity spiral all day on a papau new guinean laser tag website amirite?
I would like to believe he is merely foppish. That he's just not down in the pit with warrior-types.
All I'm saying is, AltRight did fine promoting the Trump presidency. I hope some positive change will come out of it. But as far as I'm concerned, AltRight would be more effective if they appeared to go silent and worked on the next approach rather than step up and say "you know, guys, we just might be the new Republican party now." I do not want to be voting for the AltRight in coming elections, because they have a lot of shit wrong. Big tent philosophies are great in an emergency situation, but the point of a pro-White or pro-European movement is that it is exclusive.
These guys are doing it wrong.
maybe they have to describe their tattoos so that IE knows they don't have some LARPing degenerate joining the group who is going to damage their public perception
Well, before Trump there was really no point. It took a genius marketer with fuck you money to break the regime down (and there is still a lot to be done on that front). None of us could have done a thing like that and it was an unpredictable event. Now the game has changed and entryism may be worth the effort.
Better than representing your "movement" through non white pornstars, yes.
No, it's because they're FBI informants. The point is not even arguable.
the return of zyklon ben
Not a bad speech from Richard Spencer.
who is "they"? Nathan Damigo? And if IE are FBI informants, then what about Greg Johnson of counter-currents? is he FBI too? Is richard spencer FBI?
Anybody who uses the term "purity spiralling" unironically needs to sudoku immediately
it's just over 1k now. that's pretty gud for a live feed. look for more views on the vids later, no everyone has time to watch a live feed. red ice has a big following tbh.
what proof do you have that IE is FBI except your own suspicion and paranoia based on their requirement for members to describe their tattoos
NS is very good at defending the truth. But no one is cutting through the propaganda/baggage of WWII, with gtkrwn. It's a bit paradoxical. Some truth about race relations, about usury and corporatism, about the fraudulent nature of coastal or Jew media, is received and actionable.
But going the rest of the way, seeing our society's problems as a intentional crimes against us, this is off limits. Why?
The purity spiral rebuttal is so nonsensical. We should be fanatical about the truth, and about doing what's right. Reducing the problem of awakening and motivating the masses to scholarly solipsism or autistic mental illness reeks of countermeasures.
Spencer almost certainly is. Johnson is not afaik.
Is that his real account?
He's a holohoax promoting sodomite who hangs out with known shills like Jared Taylor and Mark Weber, so it's possible.
Didn't the redice stream of the Duke debate do better?
none of them are, that user is talking out of his ass
Johnson is a fag and not really trustworthy on a personal level, but I think he is genuine. Just the homo personality type tends to duplicitous and dishonorable behavior.
Again Mosley is a prime example of the same behavior. Economics aren't the only motivator.
I would also look out of place. I'm from a (government) union family, literally every member of my extended family except for myself is a dedicated liberal and most are atheists; the same apply to 90) of my friends and family friends. Shit happens.
There are 1000 people watching the stream. Spencer is friends with the people who lead, but you shouldn't make the same mistake as the press have.
For perspective: the Jewish press treat David Brooks, Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, and Charles Krauthammer as though they are leaders of conservatism, when in reality they got lucky they were part of a Jewish club that briefly coalesced around the Bush family. The problem regarding the liberal press is not so much an intent to subvert as an inability to understand that the masses don't read political wonk blogs, they listen to the radio and they shitpost in comment sections.
I don't follow her but from what I've heard she renounced her former ways. Isn't that what WN is all about? Waking people up and effecting actual change won't just involve virtuous whites, how could it? Tila being a former degenerate slut only makes her common among current year females, white or otherwise.
She's just grasping for relevancy after getting booted off of Celebrity Big Brother for her pro-Hitler posts she made when she was trying to appeal to 4/pol/. Do you think she genuinely cares about NPI or the Altistic-Right?
Greg Johnson does not promote the holohoax, get out of your ass. He just argued that to him it doesn't matter if it's real or not, that it doesn't impede on us either way, which is more or less what Bowden said as well.
Spencer looks like he's watched a lot of Hitler speeches.
I mean, the guy studied Savitri Devi for years and set up the Savitri Devi archives, plus on his web site he has published a book Savitri wrote on his front page that is nothing but devotional poems to the Fuhrer - sure sounds like cucky behavior there!
Man i miss bowden. discovering him changed my life. RIP
Me too. He, Rockwell, and the Fuhrer are my heroes.
If economics aren't the only motivator, someone please tell him to stop charting $1400 for special access at conferences.
I'm not convinced he's leading anyone because AltRight is nothing more than gated community liberalism. What is more troubling is that the press is using/will use AltRight as the safe, normal alternative to NS, Fascism, European Christianity, etc. Not only would this not be enough to save our civilization, it will send the people who do the reading, do the intellectual work, and who are creating something better back to the drawing board.
We will still be at the mercy of the system of psychological manipulation. That is called being co-opted.
No, he argues that it happened, just to a slightly lesser extent because "good jew" David Cole says so. He's also closely associated with Mark Weber, who, in subverting and destroying the IHR, has, along with his co-conspirators, done more to harm the cause of historical revisionism than anyone else.
No, that's what Christianity is about. White Nationalism is about white people forging their own nation. This, of course, also includes degenerate whites-such is their birthright. Their lives are gonna be total crap because they're degenerates even within an ethno-state, but still, such is their birthright from the founding fathers themselves.
'course, white nationalism builds Christianity on its own, since spics and niggers just want gibs and don't care about God nearly as much as they do about welfare.
I don't think there is any single person in our day and age who was able to articulate modernity and the essence of right wing ideals better than Bowden. The man was brilliant on so many levels
shieeet, that's going to be everywhere tomorrow
And yet tries to wear a 20 year old's haircut.
its just coastfags tbh they never have these things in the midwest
That is the proof. It is not paranoia at all. Damigo also received less than minimum mandatory sentencing for attacking a cab driver iirc, which is a 100% indicator. Anyone who trusts them or gives them any info is a retard.
Couldn't they simply be trying to screen out skin heads?
I suppose most people think we can shift the Overton Window little by little until we are in fascist intellectual territory. What I suspect is that here we have an opportunity to bring forward a singular idea our civilization can be reborn under. But if we fail to do this, we're going to get wiped the fuck out by people who lacked bravery and the best ideas.
I think only catastrophism can make the difference now between survival and death.
You're wrong. The Republicans have all three branches of the Federal government, both houses of Congress, and much of the country (and most of the press) believe that white nationalists are in charge now. There is no better time than now to join and become active in the Republican party and be openly pro-white. There is no reason whatsoever to disengage. We can only benefit from keeping up our momentum.
Whatever you think they have wrong, who else are you going to vote for? It's not like Trump is anywhere close to perfect.
Richard Spencer is a white nationalist.
Entryism was always worth the effort, but the type of person who is attracted to conservatism tends to think entryism is distasteful. If you don't engage in it now, you're a cuck.
Weber also functioned as the treasurer of the National Alliance's Cosmotheist Community Church. Do you think William Luther Pierce was also trying to subvert white nationalism for hiring him?
that is the only reason why
Good image. "Purity spiralling" is literally the radicalization process itself. Anyone talking about "purity spirals" as a bad thing is a tool.
user, that is not proof. you need to try harder. Also, Damigo pleaded for temporary insanity / PTSD flashback. He is a vet. There's a reason why his sentence was light.
I know there are false movements, but I'm more inclined to believe that there's more legit concern shills here trying to get us to never go into the real world. At some point, we're just going to have to say "fuck it" and do something.
No it wasn't. There was nothing that could be done when all the real power was in the hands of cucks.
White Nationalism is dead on arrival. It is another means of stripping out our heritage. We are Anglo, German, Irish, French. We are not white. We could become Americans, but who would want to be an American if this means we are a propositional land, with heavily admixed Jews? The American experiment has failed utterly. Universalism gave way to identity politics, and propositional government is tribal, winner-take-all government.
Yes it is. You need to read up on how informants work.
Its easy to become paranoid when you're on an image board of right-wing autists. I can say the guys i've met in real life are stand up dudes who actually get involved in activism.
I wonder where I have heard that before.
1. Dr. Pierce fired Mark Weber when he started causing problems for the National Alliance.
2. He was associated with the NA years (maybe even a decade) before the IHR affair.
I am not a white nationalist, nor am I a civic nationalist. We are a European country, part of Western Civ. We can mix together as bi-racial Europeans or "whites," and this can work to give birth to American nationalism, because we were racially and historically somewhat similar. But white, civic nationalism is not something to strive for. I should think the reason is obvious, but I doubt it.
You must be a jew-chasing weak White man,
Those Emily Youcis interviews were nice. Great conference overall, I feel strengthened.
Just saying to look into it. A lot of guys have been put away for very minor things because they didn't know how informants work.
What's a tell-tale sign besides trying to incite violence or do something illegal?
It looks to me like people are saying, well European men and women intermixed to produce "whites." Therefore, we can intermix with everyone and eventually war and poverty will disappear because we are all one.
Except not everyone is willing to become "white," or to follow along with whites' policies. Even if they did, we're all supposed to let our culture sink into the dustbin and be replaced with the kosher history of the US?
I can't see how white nationalism is good for anything except to unite the European races, a minority in the world, together in war and economic insecurity.
White Nationalism is the only thing worth striving for. After White Nationalism is solidly in hand, then we can worry about Germanic, Danish, Finnish, Scottish Nationalism and so on.
That's the same as Phalanx, he's trying to extract money from rich pro-whites who don't have anything else to donate to other than podcasts. The high price makes it feel exclusive, like a Rolex or whatever :^)
Every shithead liberal in the country knows the Alt-right is white nationalism and anti-semitism. A substantial number of Holla Forumsacks and a few mental defectives on twitter pretend that it's "racist liberalism" or a homosexual Jewish Pinochet fan club, because they're either stupid or addicted to paranoia. Get with the fucking program.
The press know that the Alt-right are white nationalists. They report on Spencer, Anglin, and the TRS guys more than they report on Holla Forums because those are the people getting in contact with the press.
No but again getting to the end zone is going to require tolerating a lot worse than her. Compare it with lefties and their retarded attitude toward guns. Ask them how banning guns would actually work - logistically in the real world - and you invariably get a non realistic response like "nobody should have guns, cops and military included." Same with this, the idea that gays, whores and niggers will just vanish someday is not comporting with reality. This isn't to say they should be pandered to but viewed as inmates who were allowed to run the asylum for a while with predictably disastrous consequences. Embed related: even a jewish dyke can see the inherent hypocrisy. Should she be celebrated among white nationalists? No, but she shouldn't be vilified either.
Lana and Henrik on now btw.
The worst, most obvious example of why this fails may be Breitbart. Breitbart is not for European people. It's for miscegenated former Europeans and Ashkenazi kikes. They straddle between us like we are a Judeo-Christian people.
someone reply with this video to Jake Tapper's tweet of the kikes roman saluting.
The only demograph that is going to have a worse time actually crawling out of the dregs will be the niggers.
looks comfy. reminds me of half in the bag.
You might want to remove the green text and have a look in the mirror.
The conceptual category "white" includes Jews and Jewish leadership. It is not the same thing as being American.
As for your aging infographs, try and use your little brain for a minute. White includes hispanics in these statistical figures. Self-identifying in an affirmative action form as "white" does not make you white. And the fact that you couldn't care less about losing the language, culture, and history of your former country is sickening.
Fuck off and die.
Get out.
Have a screenshot of that
Western civilization = European = white. You dumb motherfucker. Being a white nationalist does not imply that you want to destroy the nation-states of Europe or the regional and local communities of the European diaspora.
It actually works perfectly fine in the Anglosphere. It's also stupid to pretend the nations of Europe are ethnically distinct.
All those fucking antifa taking potshots at one guy busy in a fight. Antifa truly are cowards who only fight 10 v1, the collectivism and hivemind are strong with them
And vid related btw, 1 Spanish nationalist taking on 50 antifa
You don't seem to understand the context he put it in.
Yeah, Breitbart isn't our mouthpiece. It's not part of the Alt-right.
Are you new here, or are you a nigger?
Spencer may as well be rubbing his hands together. It sends out the wrong message. He's not a drug dealer, is he?
Perception is not reality, as we've already discussed. A bunch of people on twitter and fb who don't read and can't even begin to split conceptual hairs are the ones calling AltRight white nationalism and anti-semitism. But from what I've seen AltRighters are interested in only two things: multiculturalism and immigration policy. Neither of these need by white nationalism or anti-semitic.
It isn't just that Mike Cernovich has a large following, or that he seeks out the legacy press on his pathway to self-promotion. He's a go-between. He's in a pic with Alan Dershowitz. He lives on marital welfare like some crude inversion of the 1950s. Spencer is moderate. Gavin M. is for Western Civ not even so-called white nationalism.
I don't think these are coincidental facts.
Fuck you. Jews call themselves "white" when they have a reason to. You or I may refuse to grant them that privilege, but it won't stop them from choosing to be "white passing."
Breitbart isn't white nationalist either. If it is, then someone should stand up and say something about it having originated in Tel Aviv.
America is culturally Anglo-descended. Whites need to integrate into that.
Are you not getting the point? White is not a racial designation. It is, as the critical theorists say, a social construct.
I question anyone who thinks calling themselves white is going to save them from Jews and latinos who derive some benefit from the supposed system of privilege.
On the other hand, I am not opposed to the majority European stock referring to themselves as American, or in some way that excludes blacks, jews, and mexicans from speaking for them in a public space.
You are an example of the kind of waterhead I'm talking about. The people you cite as leaders of the Alt-right are not even part of it. You're a moron who fell for what you imagined the media narrative would be even though even the media are more accurate on the subject of the Alt-right than you are. Read Anglin's guide dailystormer.com
But if you want to be whites long enough to unite Anglos with Germans, etc, and take this country back from the mudraces before they destroy it entirely, that is also fine. Just don't plan on being "white" forever.
That is kike thinking.
I notice you guys keep namecalling. But you aren't doing shit to defend the European nations and races that spawned you. You just call them fellow whites and let the predation continue.
More of this "they don't represent us." What a denial of reality.
Btw, Anglin is not a credible source.
White is shorthand for Caucasian, not Caucasoid. It is a racial designation. Jews pretend to be white sometimes; they are not white.
I already said it wasn't part of the Alt-right, dipshit.
Get out, Jew.
Paywalls guarantee segregation. So there's that.
I enjoyed that. Will they be doing this tomorrow too?
The niggers see jews as whites, the jews blame whites for their crimes.
Breitbart is jewish-controlled. No one who knows anything thinks it's white nationalist. But the lugenpresse is harping on Bannon being a white nationalist. Bannon, who comes from Breitbart.
This is basic current events. I don't know why you're repeating yourself like I can't understand you.
Like we're gonna care what kikes call themselves. They're getting ovened, we know they're genetic mongrels. Yes, we're fully aware white is not a racial designation, but no nigger is going to ask you whether your dutch or german before he shoots you. For all intents and purposes, your skin is now your uniform, and once the PoC's are taken out, we can worry about specific familial separation. Until then, that's self-fragmentation and collectivization is guaranteed victory.
Example-→this election and whites voting as more of an ethnic block than they ever have before.
Specific ethnic nationalism after the PoC's and jews are dealt with. Dumping them is priority number one. Once that's done, germans can have their own homes, irish their own, and so on, but until the kikes are dealt with it'll never happen.
White is not just shorthand for caucasian. It has fluidity. It does more than designate a racial category. In specific, it does two things: 1, alienates "white" people from their histories, languages, cultures of origin and, 2, Creates a target for anti-whites to aim at (by pretending to be white when they do all manner of awful things, by claiming it is a type of membership or access to the goods of society, to rule of law, to a future).
This is rather simple to understand. But here you go getting militant about any criticism of "white" nationalism as opposed to American nationalism for former European peoples–neither of which limits your potential, btw–like "white" is an undeniable biological fact which just happens to apply to mixed-racial people and admixed jews.
Looks like you're the jew from where I'm sitting.
I would never suggest we fragment, unless the US is already balkanizing.
But being "white" is not good for much more than trying our best to hang onto our military power.
No, they just have brunch tomorrow.
Yes, niggers are stupid, everyone knows that.
Breitbart is not seen as white nationalist. Bannon himself is suspected of being a white nationalist because he has voiced support for a white nationalist movement. Neither Bannon nor Breitbart is actually part of said movement, unless Bannon is hiding something.
No, it doesn't. Everybody knows white people come from Europe, over to Iran and India if you're feeling generous.
If you think playing semantic games is going to help you, don't. If every white person tomorrow began identifying publicly as European or French or Ethnically Krakowian™, that would not stop non-whites from claiming to have a cultural affinity for the same specific ethnos, or after all useful identity labels were exhausted, saying they were citizens of the world and therefore deserved the same rights and privileges as every other human.
If you're mixed-race or Jewish, you're not white. This is rather simple to understand.
The term "white" doesn't alienate people from anything. It's just a generalized racial description for a simliar gradient of ethnicities found native to europe. It always cracks me up when people claim one european identity or another as "true white", as if the term was specifically geared towards one ethnicity.
It looks like this coalition of minorities actually believed that winning the 60s culture war automatically entitled them to all US economic and military power. They have convinced themselves that they are morally superior, that ecumenism and ahistorical, democratic movements are somehow so unique, so special that we are not to spare any thing or anyone in achieving a kind of political and cultural singularity. Now they might even be willing to die for this idea.
Everyone knows white people came from Europe. But they didn't just come from Europe. And the EU behaves as though one set of laws fits every "white" country. Perhaps there are two sets of laws, one for elites and one for everyone else. The idea is that there is a central narrative being applied to "white" countries whether their peoples think of themselves as similar to Americans or not. Germans are not white because they evolved naturally as Germans in Germany.
Calling this "semantic games" is not giving it the attention it deserves. The point is to combat the semantic game of racial identity, which cannot be achieved using such a porous word as "white." You say it's not going to stop anyone from self-identifying as white. This is such circular reasoning because I'm in fact telling you that "white" is not a proper racial designation. It does not do its job and is easily toyed with. So you respond that we should continue to call ourselves white because nothing else will defend this boundary either? I disagree.
It has never been as simple as saying "mixed race means you're not white." There are gradations. Someone who has never undergone genetic testing may think of themselves as white their entire lives and find out they were wrong according to a decisive scientific test. Are Armenians white although their territory is not located on the European continent? Who decides whether such people are white? How about Jared Taylor.
I disagree for all the reasons I have stated. The term replaces one culture with another. White is the term jews are using to group everyone together whom they plan to deprive of sovereignty, military and economic power, and everything that makes them a people.
no white person in america is ethnically pure anymore. that is completely impossible and retarded to even suggest white americans should balkanize into sub-ethnic groups. Is being a white american not enough?
Pride in one's own race – and that does not imply contempt for other races – is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them.
What's retarded is automatically interpreting a conditional as a prescriptive statement.
No white person is ethnically pure anymore, so let's forget the notion of preserving our ethnicity altogether?
Enough for what? We are facing the loss of our country and the rest that historically comes with it.
So if I purchase a "box of paperclips", that contains red, yellow, blue and silver paperclips, the mere fact of calling them "paperclips" means it is now impossible to note any differences whatsoever between any paperclips, right?
This is the broken logic you're pushing.
"White is the term jews are using"
The term "white" wasn't invented by jews. It's slang. Last I checked europe divided as it currently still stands still has next to no military, with the respectful exclusion of russia's outdated soviet military.
Found the D&C shill
True, Europeans did originate in Asia.
This has nothing to do with the EU.
Correct, Jews and the white ruling class are able to identify the common characteristics of white people and fight against us.
Technically, "German" is a social-linguistic group, a "speech community." There is no distinct genetic grouping of Germans. Even a person of Turkish or Somali extraction can be German. The ne thing we can know for sure is that Germans are definitely not white ;^)
"White" is a racial designation, but there are non-whites who claim to be white. No matter how specific the racial designation you choose, this will be the case. The way to defend the boundaries of an identity is to define it yourself and make a lot of noise about exactly who does not qualify, not to retreat to a different identity whenever shitskins try to attach themselves.
what is the one drop rule
Then their ancestors failed to pass down their family history. That doesn't make them white.
it's debatable. Are Turks Anatolian? Are Turks even Turks?
a community of shitposters
seems h'wyte
There are a lot more pure Germans and Anglos both in America than in Europe.
Why are you wasting time writing this analogy about paperclips? I never said that if we all call ourselves whites no one will recognize us as Anglos or Germans anymore. That's just low hanging fruit, and some of you people keep reaching for it.
As for broken logic, you haven't offered an alternative much less an explanation for "broken." Denial is not a counterargument. Arguments cannot be broken. They can be true, false, more or less probable. Explain what you mean or fuck right off.
The same goes for your little history lesson on who created the term "white." Not at all relevant. My point was that white is a target now, and anyone can see it in such statements as: "Whites cannot be raped", and "Whiteness is nothing more than an indication of shared membership in an unjust system of privilege."
Your other poorly written sentence looks like you're saying Europeans are not united as whites because the EU has deprived them of proper militaries. Russia, of course, stands outside that. What does that have to do with the immigration problem?
So the mean merchant is bullying you. Telling him to call you European instead of white is not going to do anything to fix the problem.
Huh? How is that in any way, even in your mind, a valid contribution to the discussion?
There are some truly stupid motherfuckers on Holla Forums. I'm going to another thread.
Good luck, all.
famanon, this whole thread has been hijacked, the discussion has degenerated into whos whiter than who. there are so much more important things to talk about than ancestral homes that most here have never even visited.
Do you have trouble understanding English? I'm telling you that no matter how forcefully you insist that you're not white, doing so will not alter the behavior of the enemy.
liberals talk too much
I thought I fell in love tonight and then I found her YT. How did she get to WN from degenerate furrydom. I'm not sure what to think tbh. If that's trolling furries then she may be trolling the WN.
holy fug it's like I'm back on newgrounds
She took the red pill, she just need you to give her a baby user. Women get weird when they're in the prime baby rearing years and remain childless. You end up with cat ladies and women who love their dogs a bit too much, and furries. Go plant a baby in her.
in one of the interviews she said that she didnt even think about the race question till a few months ago. honestly she's probably any other (((rebelmedia))) type who will disavow the alt right when she gets triggered by something in it.
women in politics is usually fucking cancer
Have you seen her channel? If I did that I could never be sure it was mine. Plus substance abuse.
Too soon. Watch your backs men.
Have you seen her chest though? She will feed a dozen of your white youngins
I haven't. I have seen her say the fourteen words in an interview with Gavin though.
11 months ago…
Oh.. that was pretty fucking batty
Now it just seems more like she's into white nationalism cause it's edgy to her.
I still think she would become less weird if she had a baby, but I could understand anyone's reluctance
he pays for people's drinks. that's about it.
She's a punk rocker, was in a band and all. Punks bring infants to shows and lay them on the speakers and shit, let anyone watch them because reasons. Not my type tbh.
I suspect this sudden change might be a PR move. The ascent of alfred was very good work, and it went viral.
They know her well, she knows them well. I'm not buying it. Weird how she's suddenly a known face in WN. This might be Evalion 2.0.
she's just a woman, user. Women don't have political beliefs, they have an eye on men they want to sleep with who have political beliefs.
The only somewhat sane woman in WN I can think of is Sinead McCarthy, and she has already has some white babies. She's also one who was shilled against hard, there was loads of claims going around about her, and I bought it as well, but it turned out to be bullshit. Likely some hook nosed character scared of a young and somewhat attractive woman red pilling people.
She's pretty aware for a woman, but the shilling about her was a lie, and there's still more informative stuff out there.
Mostly true, women tend to follow men's leads, but having children significantly changes their neurology.
99% of white americans don't walk around differentiating themselves against other whites due to their "X" european heritage, whether its german, anglo, polish, Finnish, etc. When we are facing annihilation in our own country, the last thing to worry about is dividing us up into sub-european categories. We are all white and of european decent, that should be enough for our struggle in America. Europe is a different story.
The only somewhat sane one is Ann Coulter, Sinead is questionable at best.
Sinead McCarthy provides some decent insight into the alt-right and exposes a lot of its degeneracy. She also has some interesting theories on Alexander Dugin and Eurasianism infecting the alt-right
He was also a satanic high priest for many years.
Ann's great for talking about anti-white agenda mainstream, especially since she can hold her own in debates, but she's still childless.
Like said Sinead still supports Trump as a stepping stone, but points out people like Milo who co-opt it and who inject their own pozzed spin into it
So women are emotional creatures, and they can get especially emotional when you fuck around with their kids. She's a non degenerate mother and can speak intelligently and thoughtfully about serious topics
I love her flat earth videos. She's super amazing.
Does she still believe in a flat earth today? There's nothing wrong with entertaining an idea, and then accepting you were wrong when you learn more about it.
There are even a few people here who once bought the holohoax, that's what the red pills all about. Learning more, and breaking old notions
I'd say there is a lot of legitimate things to say about faggotry and weakness in the alt-right, and people like alexandr dungin and Spencer's russian pipe dreams, but Sinead's absurd bullshit can hardly be seen as an upgrade.
She narrated Hellstorm, which is still one of our side's best pieces of propaganda. For that alone I can't hate her or Renegade.
Jesus CTR I thought you fags fucked off
nice trips, be nice if it wasn't wasted on CTR
didn't mean to sage
this woman is mai waifu, I'll make her my aryan breeding oven.
what the hell do you even want
besides to just be an edgy counter-signaling kike
leave this board you defeatist cuck and kill yourself or self deport.
you're right, they signal for gays too much, shut it down, the white race isn't worth fighting for if we have fag supporters in our movement. You win Schlomo
The fight too save the White race is too serious to tolerate moderates, cucks, hobbyists, kike-enablers, and sodomites.
do you buy dna force from alex jones?
Spencer at least really wants people to think he isn't gay, so he's low on the priority list tbh
I hate cucks like you the most
Gays aren't okay even if they're in the closet
And pic related is what should be done about them
You could have just linked >>>/bog/
I remember seeing a study that was able to link faggots with a higher propensity for sociopathy as well. I'll do a check for it. Keep in mind even the pedo Catholics didn't fuck girls, they fucked the boys, so they were faggot pedos.
When your enemies are white women with white children who call out the jews, gays, and racemixing, you are either a jew or a servant of the jew. She may have some weird theories and emotional rants, but she's a woman
yeah who fucks a nigger. lol
good thing she has you to be her beta white knight. Hope you post on her site so she can know what a goodboy you are.
when my enemy is a retard who spends most of their time talking about how the world is flat well hmm maybe that's the same thing as using the mountain of evidence that there was no holocaust. 1=1 so I can see why you think those are equivalent. good job for cucking for a mentally ill coal burner
Are you retarded?
Clearly you are retarded.
that's your logic cuck. If the fact that she is a flat earther and has spent a huge amount of oxygen telling us all about it doesn't set off alarms in your head. That the fact that she was clearly at the very least close friends with blacks (that is not t he only picture) doesnt set off alarms in your head you're a cuck. That she spends most of her time attacking to the right and instead of trying to build up anything whines about how the jews are too strong and won't even endorse the only national politician we've had in generations doesn't set off alarms in your head means youre a cuck.
Now please remember what kind of statement you made.
you think this is somewhat sane. You're a retarded faggot who probably thinks the aliens were the one fucking you in the ass while you were a kid instead of your faggot dad. Don't think you can spread dumb shit like sinead is anything but mentally ill or controlled opposition with no push back. Fucking faggot cuck
You write like a nigger, are you sure you aren't one?
You keep using that word but you don't even know what it means.
You've already admitted you don't know she fucked that nig so you've proven you're a liar who says whatever he wants to push his monkey logic points
Sane as in sees what jews are, and the gay and racemixing agenda for what it is
Oh I'm sorry dude. Let's spend our time talking about how the world is flat and space is a lie. Trump? that guy is a jew so who cares. Who cares about anything really. Please donate to her though. Oh and those pictures of her with all those blacks? Those were just a big joke lol. Now she really hates those niggers though, haha but don't vote!!!!
Trump has pictures with blacks too, does that mean he fucked them in your monkey brain?
Oh sorry I was being polite. She's a coal burning nigger fucker and I know it's true here I have images. Where is your evidence she didn't???? I mean I have images of her touching niggers but I guess you're okay with that. Are you okay with niggers? Maybe the reason why I used the term "cuck" is that you think any kind of relationship with a nigger isn't absolutely disgusting. Who knows though lol I'm not god I don't have all the answers. Seems like the girl you have a crush on rather spend her time with a nigger than a white man like you though….
nice reddit spacing too
I don't think trump is a WN lol and I am almost certainly sure he has fucked a nigger in the 80s.
Clearly you have some kind of nigger fetish
Yeah just like the WN Sinead. Oh wait no I've never even wanted to share the same space as a nigger let alone be a friend and go out to dinner with one or hold one in my arms. Guess Sinead is more redpilled on the nigger question than I am.
I forgot that board even existed honestly
You talk like one, you have their pictures saved on your computer, and you think about them fucking people
What do you do when you go to a store and find a black working the cashier? Do you cream yourself or do you throw a temper tantrum and refuse to interact with them?
she's also a furry with asperger's
i'm not joking
I have pictures of Sinead saved. What's wrong I thought you were a fan of her. Just well it seems like she likes to spend her time with niggers. woops.
Seems you're projecting quite a bit here thinking I live in a racially diverse hellhole of a city like you probably do. But no when I have to interact with a minority I do so as if they're a retarded animal. I certainly don't go out of my way to form friendships with them and take pictures together then a year later pretend to be a WN.
Why is miscegenation not a problem for you though? Is that not something you care about?
You have an autistic Hollywood version of white nationalism in your monkey mind. You sound like a stereotype straight out of some Quentin Tarantino movie
Hi Sinead
btw….at least half of the replies in this thread are from jewish Holla Forums goons.
quote is not edit. But yeah there is a much higher likelihood of someone being a racemixer if they are friends with minorities than if they are not.
Are you not white? Not wanting to interact with minorities is in no way a weird opinion on even cuckchan Holla Forums. Why do you think WN should be friends with niggers? Why do you not think there is a problem for an unmarried woman to touch a nigger? The reason I keep bringing this up is because it seems like you believe having close intimate relationships with other races is an okay thing for a WN to do.
Not everyone gets to grow up in 99% white areas or has access to red pill material early on. People like Obama have been working overtime keeping white kids blue pilled and surrounded by non whites.
It's possible to recognize non-whites are human, want them out, and still realize their close proximity leads to more conflict and no benefit for whites. When they have nationalist states as well, they tend to stay over there. The fall of the nationalist states of Libya, Iraq, and the instability in Syria is part of what led to this massive crisis in Europe
No shit but when such a person becomes a WN and tries to be on the very edge of it and spends most of their time attacking everyone else in the movement you begin to raise questions.
She is hysterical. She believes in conspiracies that go beyond what is rational. That is normally okay. I don't care if someone believes in lizard people. I am not okay with someone who is trying to establish a loud voice in the movement talking about shit that is just insane. But honestly w/e maybe I'm just being muh PR. But then all the images of her being buddy buddy with niggers come out. Apparently those images are relatively recent as well and she still maintained these associations as of a few years ago. But now she's the most hardcore of WN and even Anglin is a cuck weeny compared to her???
Then there is how you responded to all of this by I guess calling me a nigger lover which is the most retarded way to argue against the insinuations I was making that I am still somewhat surprised. If you were trying to defend Sinead it made your side look fucking silly and when you began to imply that not wanting to be friends with minorities is some kind of insane out of this world fictional type of life style I think that hurt it even more.
They're just as human as monkeys. Remember their evolution path veered off from ours a long time ago. If science wasn't cucked they'd be classed as a different species.
Just called you out on your obvious lies about those pics. Pretty jewey tactic to start off with
Anglin does some good work with humor but he sure does like hanging out with underage filipinas, and you're fine with that? Sinead calls out jews and gay agendas but a picture of her with a nig is too much for you? Trump is bringing nationalism back but he has many jews around him but you're fine with him.
Your logic is inconsistent and monkeyish
Not all of these people are perfect and yet they still do some work in their own ways
I'm fine with neither. Just that Sinead was the one who attacked Anglin for the whole filipina thing (yeah him having pictures with filipinos when he lived in the phillipines isn't too suprising to me) yet there are all these questionable pictures and associations of her with niggers. Not sure how it seems that the person doing the attacking isn't in some ways projecting their own failings.
Also I prefer a nationalist government with jews than a liberal government under hillary with jews. This is like the one big decision we've had in forever but Sinead decided to attack the emergent nationalist movement and then not vote. And not only that but she went further calling on her fans and listeners to also not vote for Trump. Wow who would that benefit (hillary). Call my logic w/e you want and sure go ahead and say that I'm a nigger but don't get so fucking flustered when it turns out that you're much more willing to have relationships with shitskins than I.
No one is perfect. But most of us are trying to build a nationalist movement. Sinead? She's talking about how the earth is flat.
Like I have no idea why you don't find it problematic that the person you think is the strongest female voice in WN was being buddy buddy with niggers just a few years ago.
The right wing in America really is a bucket of crabs. It's quite astonishing how hostile people are.
She isn't white, so no, that isn't what white nationalism is about. That's what chinese nationalism is, or whatever mystery meat she is.
Of course, because your "end zone" is a communist hellhole with israel at the helm.
You are not part of white nationalism if you are not white. You are not part of white nationalism if you are white but insist on fucking man ass instead of reproducing and living a normal life.
"Honorary aryan" shilled by these fake nationalists.
They tried to use her to attack Trump during the election.
But sowing Yellow Fever is the main purpose.
These people are all on the same page with regards to that. Ramzpaul, who works hand-in-glove to promote Sinead Mccarthy (Kyle Hunt's primary partner) is the main guy however, he pushes this Chink as well as constantly mentioning Asians.
"Millennial Woes" works closely with Sinead Mccarthy. He is a shill.
He used the "I am under attack" strategy to propel his donations.
Anglin is not an enemy of Renegade (Sinead), they work together. Their "attacks" on one another are a form of mutual promotion utilizing reverse-psychology.
Every one of these people are shills.
Notice what you're being accused of?
This is Sinead's classic means of defense, accuse anyone who criticizes HER of having a problem with "all White women."
There's no evidence that she has a child.
"Her" boy is never seen on camera.
"Her" boy is never heard having a conversation with her.
"Her" boy is really only heard in on-queue background clips, almost as if a "little boy" sound effect is being added for credibility.
She still keeps the company of non-Whites.
In fact I have a (((deleted))) video of hers from earlier in the year, in which she tries to manipulate male competitive/sexual instinct by saying that her non-White friend is better than White men.
To be clear, it was done to those homosexual gays. Germanic tribes gave fuckall about whom you fucked. Another matter was made for who wanted to fuck you.
Even then this enrages me, because my best friend is a gay Holla Forumsack.
Fucking hell, she looks incredibly similar to my fiancee
Not according to the euro shitters that can't fight against the EU. They are powerless and they have to attack anything near them now. I use to be angry at them but now I just feel sadness. Sadness that they have been browbeaten as a society so much they would rather shun everyone than actually work together with people that also consider the EU as an enemy.
moar pls
when confronted with the accusation that she fucks niggers, she didn't outright deny it. she instead replied back with "it's super okay when men fuck women from other races but it's super bad when women do it, right?"
Super hardcore WN right there, lemme tell ya
what if you're white and straight but too low on money and resources to start a family?
Sinead is going to end up like Glenn Beck on CNN as a reformed anti-semite
Kek smiles upon your efforts, Emily.
You can't have any kind of honest conversation with them. I've had the pleasure once of talking to these types of people, they will never address any points or facts you bring up, not once will they ever try to see something from a different point of view. Instead they will be trying to argue with you and trying to get you worked up over something on the off chance that you will strike them, which will just feed their own victim complexes more
Talk about over-fucking-simplification holy fuck
Yea the left is hugely driven by Jews and has been for around a century. but the idea that the primary cause of the left's continuing existence is for Judaism outside religion no come on
Jews don't think like that. If that's the case it's unconscious. Calling everything Jews do Judaism is kind of moronic.
No White leftists aren't Jews, they're just cucks.
Go full metal jacket on the fat guy.
Yeah. I saw that too. I liked her video she made though, embedded related.
Maybe she's not a furry anymore after being redpilled. I was thinking lots here used to be incredibly degenerate and still probably are, so maybe she deserves another chance.
this lol
I find Richard Spencer totally without charisma or force of personality.
In niggerland DC, yeah. Most flyover states are filled with blond and light brown haired people.
Go read the Germania you faggot. The Germans were monogamous and the woman stayed virgins till their marriage.
Go spread your jew propaganda somewhere else.