Why is the American black so shit?
And I stress American, because actual Africans born and raised on the continent are decent human beings for the most part.
Why is the American black so shit?
And I stress American, because actual Africans born and raised on the continent are decent human beings for the most part.
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Go to Africa, then report back. They're all shit.
Reason why American niggers got progressively shittier than they were in the 40s and shittier compared to African nogs (which are shit to begin with) all have to do with the CIA flooding the ghettos with crack.
I'd post some videos of them doing their traditional ceremonies of placing a tire around someone and lighting it on fire, but those are on my other hard drive.
Ok, I'll correct myself. Of the Africans I've met that come to the U.S. from places like Ghana, Nigeria, and South Africa, most all of them were good.
In fact, most went back out of disgust for being associated with African Americans.
That's a pretty blatant lie
Because African tribes always sold their weakest members into slavery. Think about it, who wound up on slave ships?
American blacks are the progeny of the worst people Africa had to offer, not the best
When Africa sells its people, they are not selling their best. They're selling crime…
The Nigerians that make it to the west are pretty smart. Some of the highest testing Africans are from Nigerian tribes.
my roommates black friend is 1st gen from Nigeria, his ancestors where slavers that sold other tribes into slavery
Christians in Africa can be pretty based and are constantly fighting with kebab scum.
1st generation Christian west Africans are marginally better. Doesn't change anything though.
One of my coworkers is Nigerian. Great guy, hard worker, has a family. Told me he's saving money so he can buy some land back home. I really respect that. Can't say the same for the Basketball Americans I work with.
they tend to be middle class/upper class in their own lands.
Well, for one, they're niggers.
Secondly, they have no sense of actually belonging anywhere except the cement of the multicultural ghetto city they were born in. 90+% have no written record of history or culture, except the genealogical tree they could assemble (if their ancestors' masters kept a live record).
Africans in Africa are worse because they have no roots here and are foreigners
No nigger immigrants allowed
Pick only one
Kek, what are you smoking lad? Niggers are the same everywhere. You can take the nigger out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of the nigger.
The real message to pick up from here is that niggers are niggers, no matter the habitat user, there's american niggers, african niggers, Etc, there's the exception to the rules, you have american blacks that aren't total monkeys and you have African Blacks that want to actually make something for themselves in this world, but its an absolute minority of them, hard stop, it always has been and always will be
American niggers == Bantus + Jews.
I dare you to do the math.
no they're not they're fucking savage apes just like the american nogs
do you think we don't know about Rhodesia and South Africa or something, you dumb nigger?
They're all shit you obviously newly converted leftist.
The niggers you met were the top 0.01%. Go to Africa and you will find the average nigger there is actually dumber and more violent than the average American nigger.
I wonder about this too.
In Italy we don't have many blacks but those who live here are pretty cool guys, they get a degree and work, they have like 1% crime rates (I hear murican niggers have like 30%+) and generally know their place.
Same with Albanians and Romanian.
What is it about America that they always seem to get the worst of them? Is it the jews?
Welfare is dysgenic.
Basic income will kill us all.
I'll be generous and give them the benefit of the doubt and say they might actually have done some occult shit, in which case I can respect them for doing what we should have done to Pedosta and Cunton and so on long ago.
di che sostanza abusi figliolo?
because the dumbest of them are left behind. You're seeing the cream of the crop, same with asians.
And guess what? They still aren't that great. Sure, they aren't savages. But they aren't going to be "Upper Middle Class" any time soon
Christianity has a mellowing effect.
This can be both good and bad depending on circumstances. But Even if you are a good ol' Christian boy, you should see the benefits of a homogeneous state. Let the black Christians make black christian countries, and let the white Christians have white christian countries.
1 American niggers are raised with the idea that whites owe them something and are their number one enemy, this is similair to how jews are raised with the idea that they are the chosen people and thus are better than everyone else, this makes it unable for them to communicate with "people" outside their race.
2 The American government hands them everything on a silver platter platter while in African countries you have to actually do your best to survive.
When misinterpreted.
sure. I'll accept that.
Not really. The current welfare system is more destructive, because it encourages poor people not to work (because they would lose their benefits if they did). Basic income eliminates this.
UBI must be low enough that it is hard to live off of just that. IE force people to live with three other roommates or in something like a capsule hotel. $4-500 a month would probably be appropriate. No woman is going to fuck a man living like that, and very few men are going to want to live like that. They will work to improve their lot once they are no longer punished for it.
Hahahaha, no, african nigs are even worse than American niggers. You're getting the rope first, Mbungo.
Seriously, reread it.
Jesus was a dark but wise man. He didn't see the world too differently to us.
Fuck off newfag
Kill yourself.
Im sure the south african niggers eating people hearts are great guys. Fuck off nigger lover
Because of kikes
Niggers will always be niggers, you can educate the nigger, but you can't educate the ape inside of it, which is prevalent in 99.98% of all nignog population (except in an absolute minority of them, such as )
Liberia was made by the US, and they took some of their Slaves and colonized that little part of the continent. Quite ironic that it turned to the biggest shit hole in Africa, when the US influence should have made them advanced and a 1rst World Country.
On their defense they sort of were that, but just because the US still had Geopolitical reasons to keep their influence in Liberia, as soon as they cut the spending, the country became Hell.
One could argue that all the war criminals were in some level culturally (and racially, perhaps) influenced by the US.
I believe you, but for what purpose?
City scale MKULTRA.
Can confirm, Nigerians are easily the smartest Africans. I'm not sure which tribe it was, but they also have a very distinct phenotype. Pretty sure its Igbo though
I've met and had to be with many blacks in my life. So far, only the Somalian ones have been complete nigger tier who await the rope. Kenyans, for example, have been really nice hardworking people. I have immense respect for any rapefugee type who came here and works for a living and wants to be here to better themselves.
Niggers are niggers, you faggot. It's genetic.
Ethipoian and Nigerians appear to the be the smartest types from the ones Ive encountered
Oh! I forgot Ethiopians. They're pretty smart too
Sure thing buddy, it has absolutely nothing to do with niggers being subhuman animals does it? :^)
Please can you faggots go back to cuckchan? You are seriously starting to affect the quality of this website with your cuckoldry.
Because they were the ones stupid enough to get caught. The "smarter" Africans decided to be slavers because they were intelligent enough to realize slaving would allow them to keep their homes and get rich. Still the majority of Africans deserve to be enslaved and kept slaves they are no better then stupid animals.
Yeah no. You need to look at the average rather than the few elites who can afford to move to/study in the west.
The real reason niggers got shittier than they were in the 40s was because of Jewish agitation and limits placed on law enforcement.
I remember reading about some Christian niggers stopping a funeral procession and forcing the other nigger to cook and eat the corpse before killing all of them. Does that sound like they truly understand christcuckery to you?
yeah those are the ones that make enough money to travel
well he decended from the winners of subsaharan african """""""civilization"""""", they are the opposite of the ones named
They're eternally spoiled teenagers with white man as their evil step-dads FOR LIFE
They need a dose of violent reality
No way China has a 105 average IQ. I want all those in the rice paddies to be tested. They come up with that figure based on testing the few who get into their elite universities, and those that live around major cities.
Back to /r/thedonald with you
He's right though. The Igbo are very industrious people.
The Africans that come over here from Ghana through Nigeria are basically the Jews or Brahmins of Africa. They bred for intelligence and rule over the poor time preference monkeys that surround them.
Too bad about what happened to the Tutsi
African Americans tend to be particularly bad because they were the least fit from an evolutionary standpoint. They are the descendants of those who managed to be captured by enemies and sold into slavery.
t. Someone who has never been to Africa.
Here is the answer I got to almost that exact question from a kenyan guy I worked with:
African niggers are just as dumb. They just hate the ones in the US because they get more gibs. A person can get the impression of smarter african nigs in the US because of the difficulty of getting here compared to europe. More of the african immigrants you run into actually had to work to get here legally. They can't just stick any retard on a boat and let them drift across the atlantic.
If you run into an african immigrant who is actually employed (not a bleeding heart gibs-case) they are well in the top 1% of african IQ. Not representative of the race at all.
He's a walking, talking bowel movement with hair and teeth.
He's not funny but fairly bright in playing the Jews game. He has one foot in coonville and the other in honkytown haha. So he's acceptable to most and thus, marketable.
It really shows the lack of talent… that is brought forth to the masses. He's safe. Being small is equated with harmless and cute and I guarantee you the reality is, he's as much a nigger as much as any other.
Unless he's doing something new that's political and you're bring it to our attention, OP, I must sage you. Popular entertainers don't fly here. We really don't give a fuck about these assholes. Show us his appearing at a spirit dinner or something and then we'll be interested but until then, just a fucking nigger.
Pick neither.
This is bait. Sage and report.
High Rates of Black Crime is Not Unique to the United States.
The United Kingdom:
Fuck you. Africa needs to be depopulated.
Hmm. What do you think of this post:
>Jews and Jewish nigger golems are the reason Liberia and the nigger repatriation program failed. The mistake was actually not immediately going back into Civil War to force the niggers and Jews to leave.
I'd like to remind you of the fact that dogs, as dear as we hold them and appreciate their intelligence, can not speak, nor can we interbreed with them (kys furries). Race being generally accepted a biological fact around these parts (I do so) and in segments of the scientific community, I am not at all inclined to deny Negroes their basic humanity.
Heil Hitler.
Yeah, no.
nice bait, dumbass. but i'll answer the question anyway
american black is shit because:
They're all shit, but he is right that Africans from Africa are a lot better than blacks in America. the reason is, ironically enough, white blood. American blacks aren't pure black, they all have some white in them, and it elevates their iq enough for them to be able to manipulate white people and get what they want, but not enough for them to actually become decent hardworking productive human beings
It wasn't niggers that destroyed Motor City, that's all on demoshits and cuckservatives.
yes but dogs are useful to us and they have human-like feelings and social structures. Niggers are an abomination and should be exterminated.
Heil Kaliki Xenu Hitlerian Entity
demoshits let niggers into motor city. It was white before
cuckservatives let demshits do what they want, and demoshits wanted niggers
If you don't believe in race realism, you're either a normie who hasn't thought about it, a complete moron who doesn't understand basic science, or you do believe it buy won't admit it. Niggers are genetically inferior and it causes them to make bad decisions.
They are the descendants of individuals who were too incompetent and too cowardly to avoid being enslaved even in a fucking tribal society. Like father, like son, all the way down to present-day
They haven't been brainwashed by the kikes to think whites owes them shit because muh slavery.
I'm guessing it's because of Chinese culture, where fraud is ok, so by extension cheating is no problem, japs I'd believe the can be that smart, America and Europe would probably be smarter without the niggers and marxist education system
Yeah, that's why South Africa is a thriving wonderland, right?
We get the more ambitious ones (usually). They're not representative of every Bantu on the dark continent.
You don't understand. This (>>8300890) faggot has it right. Democraps enabled niggers to do whatever they pleased and turned a blind eye when the problems started to arise. It happens everywhere, and elitist fuckwads just always have their heads so far in the clouds that they refuse to accept any news that doesn't agree with their worldview; oh, niggers are killing people and refusing to work? Oh well, just let them keep having whatever they want, what's the worst that could happen?
should mention I'm talking about African blacks in that post.
American niggers are the opposite of what I said.
In my prior comment I proclaimed the reality of race. You seem to have a problem with reading comprehension, leading me to believe you are either on the tail end of cognitions (society being conceived of as a singular organism, that means you're close to the sphincter) or that you are a dedicated member of an electronic cadre in the employ of a foreign power hellbent on our destruction.
The Lord is patient and full of mercy, taking away iniquity and wickedness, and leaving no man clear, who visiteth the sins of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation.
Is that why a bunch of blacks in Africa and overtook the cities, and they started to live in office buildings and thought that elevators shafts were basically to be used as a garbage dump?
You really need to go to Africa. All your comments reek of ignorance.
Don't forget toilets! Gotta love the imaginations of the ghouls.
Maybe you should pull your nose out of your ass.
What are you sliding?
American blacks overwhelmingly trace back to african slave stock, bred for generations to have size and strength for labor. IQ not required, nor desired.
American born black slaves were captured largely by industrious coast-dwelling tribes involved in a global economy. The slaves themselves, however, were more likely to be from small inland tribes incapable of developing industry or self-defense.
What's more, despite massive inroads to entering the mainstream economy post-slavery, their community was yolked by a combination of welfare state dependancy(LBJ), and psychological demoralization. It almost completely reversed progress in the black community. After that, the war on drugs leading to mass incarceration (clinton), and the establishment of welfare stipulations that incentivize broken black families(Clinton again).
That wasn't very Christ-like of you.
Speaking of ass, be sure you turn the other cheek for Jamal once you get there.
What you have to understand is their ancestors were village idiots that allowed themselves to be captured and sold into slavery.
Your syntax is atrocious. What can be inferred from this statement? Do you imply buttsex?
This surely has nothing to do with how you inflict violence on a man's face.
By the by, just how many generations since the end of world war II ?
ayy I'd rather be a fag than a nigger
I get it. You just got into Holla Forums and don't realize you should've lurked more. I used to be just like you at first and then the Rotherham rape scandals began to happen then I saw just how for the nigger the system is when you govern with emotion versus common sense. You have no idea how bad things could have gotten had Hillary Clinton gotten into office.
The blacks you meet from Africa where the cream of the crop for what that continent has to offer. The exception is not the rule and you would be stupid to think that they represent 99% of all niggers there.
couldnt have said it better my friend
Underrated post
With white blood the blacks hit the sweet spot IQ for criminal behavior. Any lower than that they are like Abbos where they don't do much, I think.
Ich babe noch ein Drang nach Osten und jetzt haben wir die Männer..
Alles was hier vorher hast passiert.. du bist Schuld. Deiner Volk ist Schuld, mongol.
You can give me all the German quotes you want, my man. Doesn't unrape all those women and children.
I'll leave you be. I can see I'm done here.
Noooo!! Don't leave, please!
In my experience and backed up by various black friends and acquaintances over the years it boils down to:
Urban - usually shit
Rural - usually based
Nigeria and Ethiopia also have the two largest populations in Africa. Nigeria's is more than half the size of the US population. There may just be the largest number all kinds from those countries.
I actually agree, I don't know about the south, but in the rest of the country the rural ones are a self-selecting group. All the shitty ones move to cities for more gibs and free housing and pussy, the ones that stay are at least 3/5 real humans (if not too bright)
it was mostly niggers, and the damage done by liberals/cuckservatives was mostly accomplished via niggers.
my parents and all their siblings lived in and around detroit when the "race riots" in the 1960's happened. all the educated, competent, civic-minded, responsible white people who got attacked or had their property destroyed by blacks as punishment for being white got the fuck out of there, causing everything to fall apart rhodesia-style.
do liberals, and especially jewish agitators, deserve a share of the blame? sure. but mostly it was niggers who killed detroit.
Reported for intl.