The biggest strength of being in a secret society Judaism is one just with more stooges as the masons for example is not the membership, but having a secret. Not any kind of secret, but knowing something, having seen the reality of what is happening all around us.
For example, Jews believe they are something more than the masses, they think to know more and maybe they do. They know they are being part of something not known by everyone, something that can shape shape the world to their will.
Their religion might have started as seeking knowledge and trying to gather the infinite wisdom, finding God. They seek the knowledge that gives them the power over other people. They want to see and control everything.
Just as the monkey who used a bone do defend himself for the first time and then realized that same bone gives him strength over other monkeys and animals. Just as that monkey, they drank too much from the elixir of knowledge, became drunk and addicted to the that feeling; remember they are just animals like us, being prisoner of our own flesh; they lost control by having too much of it. Victory defeated them.
Have you ever been on a crowded bus or train and stared at people? Most try to avoid eye contact, because it is awkward. Each station there are more people coming in or going out. Still you are there, watching everyone in your sight, most of them know you have seen them, and avoid seeing you when you are watching. Curiosity. Then it struck me, he who is watching while others are looking away, controls the room. If you are the one keeping everyone's eyes away from each other, you are controlling their thoughts, to a certain extent. Their thoughts will at some point go around you, who is watching them.
“Why is he watching me?”
“Do I have something in my face?”
Doesn't matter what kind of thoughts it passes through their heads, you managed to get inside of them. If they keep their sight away from yours, you are in control. You will tell them when they are allowed to look at their surroundings. Stare at some one else and while you control some one else, give space to the last person to watch you and around. You know they are looking, you can feel it. You are in heir thoughts. Catch'em watching you, make a gesture of a feeling you want to transmit to them. Women are pretty easily to influence this way.
Men on the other hand are stone walls, but they react to example. Sit straight, behave and be serious at first; after a while relax your shoulders and sit in a position which might be seen as more comfortable. Let them know you are no danger by giving the example. Take your phone out, change song, look back at them, they look away. You are in control now. You represent no physical danger, but you caught him looking at you or your phone. Their thoughts revolve now in what might your thoughts be. What are you deducting from their behavior.
For any degenerate out there, I look /fit/ and am well groomed. So if you are going in your stoner pajamas and smell out there and stinking the whole place, do not expect the same result.
If you are aware of their possible thinking process, adding to that the knowledge we have slowly gathered from places like Holla Forums, you become a dangerous weapon out there. You know, to a certain extent, how the world works and now you are starting to learn how the human being in its most naked way, their thoughts, act. That gives you a great amount of control over the masses and each individual. They power of having a secret and knowing more than the others.
Knowledge as in how does a person react and in which state is their environment right now. They might be geniuses in Physics and who knows what, but they are unaware of the control you have over them just by not letting them look around freely while on the bus.
That is most of what the kabbalah, in essence, teaches. How the Mind works under certain situations and how can you control that Mind. Derives from the Hermetic Principle: “The All is the Mind”.
This is what Masons and jews try to accomplish, a system which controls everything. The New World Order wants to be always watching, always making you think about what you might have done wrong, fearing of being seen as “bad”.
There are more to it than this, will be dumping it in the next days. If there is enough interest just keep it bumped.
On Mind Control
Other urls found in this thread:
Of course the control of the physical processes in your brain, are also important. They are accomplished by drugs which numb certain parts of your brain for some “problematic” thoughts to not happen. (((Depressions))) and other (((psychological))) illnesses are brought into the mainstream, letting the masses look at something, normalizing the idea and existence of such illnesses existing. They already have their solution to those problems, the drugs made to numb certain parts of the brain. The drug will cause an effect on the individual, but because the illness was always a fabrication they might think they are being healed and thus they just fall farther away from reality. They live in in the same flat as you, but they do not see light as you do, do not think as you do. They are slowly dying inside.
Weed, LSD and other psychedelic drugs attack the whole brain. Those are the ones that started the whole (((clinical))) studies. They “open” the mind of the user, but also as they open it, those drugs can be used to show something that does not have much in relation to reality, thus closing the door to reality of the user. Most of those drugs are too potent to be prescribed for normal day to day intake. They needed something that can pass unnoticed and still get the same result. There are a ton of different legal drugs that kids receive these days because of ADHD and other made-up illnesses.
They bore the kids with the educational system, the going to sit in front of a liberal spewing teacher. Kids get bad notes. Parents which are too busy trying to make more money because that is the way life works, do not have the time to talk to the children and look up for solutions. They can't motivate their kids because they went through the same path. Boring school, partying to forget, make money; rinse and repeat each generation.
Kids go to the school (((counselor))) and are told that they have ADHD. The parents receive the memo, the nearest doctor is like the parents, just wants to make money so prescribes the drugs without even questioning the kid because the (((counselor))) is a wise man and there you have it. Kid will now be part of the masses. School will always be boring, but he can't even think straight so he just stares numbly at the board instead of drawing something in his book. He slowly loses his ability to daydream and life becomes numb, empty. They hadn't even begun their life, and life already left them.
But there is anger in their hearts, their soul burns from hatred to life. Why do have to be things like that? There is no ability to critically examine the world around you; but the teacher told us the nazis made this. The white man is the problem, he is keeping them brothers down. They are the reason why life is so empty, they created this. They will receive my anger, my years-long accumulated hatred.
This is life on planet earth right now. This is what living in a civilized society means.
Welcome to death, enjoy your stay.
You're a creepy guy who stares at people in the subway?
Are you afraid of looking?
You have an interesting theory I will give you that my friend, though many people in the cities in which you encounter mass transit are too busy trying to pay debts to care what or who is looking.
Are you on the spectrum?
Public transportation is a high stress environment where a lot of nigger attacks happen. Staring at people makes them think they need to call the cops.
Let them call the cops. What is your offense? Of course your will not be staring at them for the whole ride, that is autistic behavior.
With more reason you should be exterminating your surroundings and if a nigger starts something, you have to be ready. The NatSoc way is defending what is yours, and that space is yours to control, not some nigger.
It's a little concerning that I have to explain to you why it's bad to stare at people on trains, but here goes:
The silence that follows you staring is not you mind controlling the room, it's soft social ostracization.
examining != staring at white people trying to get to work
Don't be autistic.
Holla Forumsacks have unusual political views. In order to advance them, we must be model citizens in every other way. That means abstaining from behaviors that lead to social ostracization. tl;dr you can't be an autist untermensch or we'll never get this nazi thing off the ground
You are a femanon right?
Talk way to worried for shit that is not relevant in the discussion. Ok staring too long is "bad", just by caching other people staring at you is enough to present yourself in their thoughts.
Stop taking shit so personally.
No, you're clearly terrible at reading people/social situations so don't even try. Low empathy.
I'm assuming you're somewhere just short of aspergers, which is why I'm laying things out for you very clearly and with no irony. I mean everything I said, you're making yourself look weird, and that's bad for natsoc.
more ad hominem please.
Again, what does that have to do with the topic in hand. Even if I am
instead of attacking the person you focus on the topic in hand, with help of other anons we might come to a conclusion or even way to improve our memetics by learning more about the human behaviour and mind?
Do you really think we are getting the Third Reich back on it's feet? It won't happen, because you can't reanimate the dead. You have to learn from what happened in history, learn from their greatness and from their mistakes. Apply that which you learned to your life and current situation and adapt.
NatSoc is now only a tool in our arsenal. We will make something bigger and better than "the nazi thing". We are reshaping the world for Human kind to reach the stars. And for that we must learn from that which our forefathers fought and died for. National Socialism is only a part of our history, not all our history.
Hitler will pass to the history books as a hero, a god in his lifetime. He is an example for all kids to follow. Even if the political system in hand is named National Socialism or not, history is to be remembered, critically studied and used seeking the best interest of the majority of the population it came from.
actually learning secret pre-meme magik isn`t that bad,
i bet masters can teach us a lot
Not with that attitude it won't. Haven't you learned anything from the past year?
You're trying to hard to teach, but you still have so much to learn.
The Protocols pretty much reflect this thinking.
But I sometimes suspect that the rabbit hole goes way deeper than the jews.
IF you wanted to rule the world the best strategy would be to deck yourself with revolting people that take the blame.
Pretty much why Hitler destroyed the masons as soon as he came to power.
k, go back to your hole now.
You bring nothing to the discussion.
I also think it goes deeper than that. Believe that judaism and the Kabbalah are only a mere tool from those who really shape reality. Jews are a cult, they follow their books and teachings with such devotion, nothing different from the Allahu Akbar muslim.
We are talking from knowledge and control of the masses from way before the Egyptians existed. Jews are a byproduct who maybe got too strong, who knows.
Here is where I always come to an personal doubt. I do not want to rule it, nor want that it is ruled by only one person. But Humanity needs a guide, the masses need a leader. Haven't come up with anything that gives us that which we need.
Only that we need to keep aiming for the Truth and Life. Otherwise the end is near and there will never be a Humanity to remember nor to evolve.
Stagnation is death.
Checked, but where would you even find actual master magikians?
One thought that always gives me warmth in the moments of doubt is, those people are the same as I.
They might have some physical deviances from myself and had other experiences and way of life, but there as actually nothing that stops me from knowing and learning that which they were able to learn.
The secret is that you can also be a master, maybe not the best, but still one. And just as they learned it in their own way, you and I can learn it from our ways.
They reshape reality, that means reality is their tool, but we live in reality. So per definition we can learn from our reality and each aspect in our life is a teaching to be considered. Each experience you have happened for a reason. Which was it?
Learn from everything, even from things that seem so mundane, like. How does soap work?
Everything is an open book, open book to reality, and after learning the theory, you can apply the practical.
We are the Master Magikians in training
That's an interesting way of looking at it.
ars est celare artem
From my understanding, "to deck someone/thing" is to hit them so I don't know how to interpret what you're saying here. That is "decking" someone would be to "floor" them, to knock them onto the ground. Perhaps you mean "deck" in the card-sense so you temporarily befriend people? Did Hitler use the Masons as a stepping stone to his ascent to power?
That could be used as answer to the whole "he as a mason and was financed by jews"
He knew their power and jewed them in their own game. When he was in power, he dismantled the organization. The only thing he had to hide was his true agenda, Make Germany Great Again. Did he ever talk about infiltrating their ranks?
Osho, that you?
nice digits
But why Osho, not familiarized with him.
I listened to a podcast/talkshow once with Randall Carson, who is a mason. Don't know the degree but he seemed too autistic to lie or that he was high enough to know the whole picture.
Anyway, he was talking about how masons are just the latest name for an organization that went beyond Egypt and maybe even into the Ice Age, straight up to Atlantis.
How mason legends(that he was allowed to speak about) talk about an ark that their prophet build to preserve the knowledge during the Great Flood, which the two pillars represent. Ark of Noah and the rest of the flood survival myths being the religious interpretation of the same event.
He went on to say that this "Vault" was somewhere around Turkey, which could explain Gobekli Tepe and the "bringer of knowledge" myth with various cultures, like the bearded Kukulkan with the Maya and a similar one with the Inca. Prometheus and the rest of the heroes that tried to restore the previous civilization failed in the effort since Earth was much different from the Ice Age and the population decimated with the tribal humans outnumbering them.
Then they went underground with ALL that knowledge of human perception and consciousness to bide their time and establish it once more in the future.
And there in my opinion their egos got corrupted due to persecution(Templars) and the arrogance of "enlightenment".
I think that Moses(Osiris) and the parting of the Red Sea could explain the Jews. Some rebellious faction of priests from Egypt that went their own way to make a copy of the Egyptian mysteries(which kabbalah is). And on the way of getting their Kwizatch Haderach they got a hard lesson in genetics which makes them an easy prey for people versed in mind manipulation. Yeah, we've got Rothschilds and the rest. But they have major weaknesses which got exploited very hard in the 2016 US elections by the opposite faction hegelian dialectic, anyone?.
True. Humanity(or at least the Eurasian part) evolved tribal. Which is a strong leader in charge with betas pulling the wagon. In the manner of 40K or LotGH.
Lo and behold, this happened 10 ago.
Remember this however. We too are an esoteric society. We have hidden truths. We are essentially an all male society (and to those grills who wish to countersignal that Tits or GTFO) in that regard we have all of the components necessary to be he modern secret society and subtle influencer.
Have you already listened to "the Hour of the Time" from William Cooper?is in jewtube Around 40 Hours of pure Occultism Mythology and symbolism and how it is related to our current situation with the whole "Illuminati, masonry, jewish" thing. They all deserve the flames, but I think he gives another perspective to the whole issue, which is a bit refreshing even if you believe in it or not.
Wouldn't surprise me, and ironically Holla Forums being a tool for the counter-counter-movement, which at the end is also staged by the same people.
Still I think one important aspect of both factions is extremism, which is what makes the pendulum swing. If taken to extremes, the counter-force will be equal or greater than the current controlling system. That is why there will always exists revolutions, wars and other destructive aspects in every system that emerges from them; that until one of those systems evolves into a harmonic system and instead of revolutions and wars, is changed by the evolving mindsets of the people.
In other words, people became "enlightened" enough for them to know when a change is necessary and instead of creating conflict between the new ideology and the old one, the old is transfered to the realm of history which becomes the basis of our Universal understanding.
But as esoteric, we are not afraid of the normies learning from us. We hold the truth and we will gladly spread it. We have nothing to hide, but our identity from those who oppose truth.
We are the re-establishment of Humankind in the realm of God. With him being the Truth of all which exists.
Actually top kikes rule by exploiting people's personal interest. They make potential opposition fight each other for their favor instead of them (People almost always take the path of least resistance). Freemasons and other organizations that are a part of the kikenet operate on the same principles as Mafia does. It's a rather simple carrot and a stick conditioning. Work for us, and you get rewarded, work against us and you get punished. The great majority of these people don't know jack shit about the true nature or reality, nor does it interest them, all they care about is money/power. This is why you get people with nigger mentality as the (visible) top of society. Of course, the inner circles do know a lot and apply a whole array of psychological tools to maintain a web of deceit that keeps people ensnared in service to them.
christians believe they are in possession of the truth
they believe they know the secret to eternal life
this too must be vanquished along with judaism islam and atheism
It's all in your head…
Yeah right, that's their principle. Another shit Hermes larping freemason thread. Kill yourself Smiley
sage the Hermes meme – it's all fake larping history — and all weak minded
kill yourself beta mind, youtube scholar
To the >>>oven with you
Nah… you're stupid and lame. Your response is fucking lame. You can't do research. You're useless and should die.
Fuck off with your youtube shit
You don't belong here.
Don't type that fast, might get your fingers burned, like your ancestors.
you are pretty easy to stop. Might as well hide those shekels.
Looks like we got a cia nigger on our hands
Wasnt one of the big discoveries of mk-ultra and russias work that mind control and subliminal are so hit and miss as to be useless?
Lets stick with memes, they are proven to work.
Lol. The only good thing about him is that he can introduce people to subjects which they can research on their own and see how full of shit he and his friends are.
I stared down a jew and her jewlings at the zoo once, she looked bretty uncomfortable.
Frank Yang mindfucks people all the time. He knows exactly about the principle you mention, op.
Video related.
Memes are mind control user. Just one form of it. I wouldn't be surprised if the concept of memes go back thousands of years
I have appropriated the feminist term "microaggression" to describe things like this. I think there is more to occultism than what you have mentioned but yes, staring at people is a form of establishing dominance. If you know anything about training dogs you should already know this. Being comfortable, and using more space than needed, or "manspreading" to the feminist, is also a way of establishing dominance. I think most of this is explained simply by animal behavior. Study dog training and body language if you want to understand how to establish dominance subtly. It is a very natural way of establishing hierarchy on an instinctive level. You may not be the best, but if you are the most dominant people who could kick your ass will fall in line to you, without you even trying. Occultism does use quite a few tricks of the mind though. For instance, mantras are used to pinpoint and direct will. A lot of sigils, if you learn how to make them from scratch, function in the same way. They are ways of focusing will. But seriously, stop staring at people on the bus, it is very autistic. You don't need to establish dominance with people who you don't know and are no threat to you.
Kill yourself hippie faggot. War molds the will. A society of perpetual peace without exception succumbs to degeneracy, because its people have nothing worth fighting and giving their lives for.
tl;dr "i want to act like a sociopath but i can't make people like me, so i convince myself women trying to avoid eye contact with me is me gaining power over them"
t.dark triad high score recipient
Mk-ultra did in fact prove mind control exists/works. LSD simply made it easier.
Here's the secret. You induce massive psychological trauma and rebuild a person from their core as you destroy their sense of self and personality. Wipe it all down to the god-parent archetype imprinted from their childhood. That position of authority with control of environmental stimuli, and some persistence and you can mold sex slaves or sleeper killers, or just leave them a wreck of the remnants of what was once a person.
It's also why the most "natural" means of doing this is also the most efficient; raising a person from their childhood gives you much control over their development. Its why religion is best instilled when young.
Furthermore it can be done on a mass/group scale. Be it a sergeant breaking you down in basic only to make you a killing machine or causing Americans to be complicit out of fear when millions watched the Twin Towers fall on 9/11, looped ad nauseum.
Exactly, the jewish narcissism makes them easy to blame, but are they really the movers?
Doubt Intensifies
Does anybody have a full screenshot of the jews subversion of physics? Or archived somewhere. It had over 600 replies and pale moon wouldn't let me full screenshot it and it eventually 404 on me
what is this
wew lad, wanna tl'dr that blogpost for me?
But what about a 50/50 autist/schizo ubermensch?
Is there a difference? You're still forcing them to actively think about you, your actions, and what you might be thinking.
This is a Trump tactic. Do something mildly outlandish to focus the attention on yourself. OP just doesn't do much more than relax and occasionally look at some people, but he has the attention of several other passengers.
He also did not say that he was staring threateningly at them. And if he looks at several people on a train for a while, big deal. He didn't do anything to them besides make them think a little. He probably won't ever see them again.
So far nothing really shocking in OP's post's, but bump for truth/interest anyway.
Kaballah is just another psyop, in which synchronicity is contextified by a system that is supposedly extant, and can be evident, but is fundamentally baseless and paradoxical. Said systems cannot be implemented without external enforcement, or internal submission to the ways and beliefs of another (society). People that create their own reality and master their own mind are all around you, but there are infinite possibilities and every little factor, every little law of the universe, every little meme is just another experience that is fundamentally internal. You have no control over yourself or other vessels of consciousness, you can only be as effective to a sphere of reality as your entwinement to it and access the minds of others via the simulacrum in the extant. Nothing is all, all is contradiction.
Start here OP
A little case study on a possible way controlling what people only by looking at them for ~3sec or less. like said, it is not about starting but making obvious that you are looking, thus they try to behave as they "should" because of social "ostracization" would some user say.
When did I say that conflict will not exists, but it is stupid focusing on killing your same species instead of trying to aim for conflicts greater than mere bullets and bombs. Maybe finding a Nueva Europa and colonizing it might be our next conflict and for that to be our priority we have to stop this stupid pendulum from swinging and create a better way to evolve with that which we are discovering and experiencing each generation.
Deck as in "drape with" or decorate. "Decked out in red" = wearing all red. "Deck the halls with boughs of holly."
If you want to rule the world, surround yourself with people to take the blame for you. Human shields.
In addition, the paradox of mind control is that in order to delve into the infinite understandings of human psyche, you have to open up parts of the mind that can easily hijack your personality and soul. There is no turning back. Planet earth is a realm of mystery, and if you throw yourself into the abysmal depths of the unconscious make sure you are able to bring forth that essence of 'new' and are prepared to leave yourself in your entirety behind. Life is not a rehearsal, if you are going to program yourself for the sole purpose of programming others in the hope that it will enrich your own personal reality be prepared to enter pure delirium. A human can become anything.
Gonna read the whole thing, gimme a bit.
I agree with you, it even isn't the complete figure from the geometric pattern it comes from. Just from there can't help but to think what is the Kaballah hiding.
Good thing I have been researching and really digging the whole Infinity issue. From what I have gathered:
Yes, you are nothing in terms of energy and possibilities inside this universe. The flesh and lifespan of a Human is nothing compared to even the Planet for example. What people seem to forget is that even if all humans are basically nothing, their possibilities and energy (meaning this in the physical movement they can accomplish) might add up to a significant amount that can make planetary and even universal changes. The problem is, how and why, because in the end, just like you said.
This is why I strongly believe in the words of der Führer. He is the first and biggest example I knew of about getting people, thus possibilities, together in order to make a change that benefits the majority and still following the trends of nature and evolution ans our natural guide.
Still gonna dig your link and see what it teaches me.
and about
That is why symbolism is important here, memories of the person you started of as. Self preservation of the mind is just as hard as the physical. Doing sports, reading, going with old friends out, recollecting the memories of who you really are, not as an illusion but really enjoying your life in the physical means. Dreams will come and go, be cyclical if oyu want, but your life is the only one thing that will forever end.
If you dwell only in the infinity of what the human brain can accomplish you will get lost and end in >pure delirium.
It is still a big gamble, but if I find a way to fix all that which the jew and traitors accomplished, signed me in. Some of us have so little to fight for, that fighting for the whole is what matters the most.
Fucking memes man.
That was really fucking deep.
Pepe confirmed for gateway to ADNI?
jej was gonna copypaste that
We're not trying to control people, we're trying to free them, you fucking kike.
try harder next time.
Bump because of the "MODS ARE EBUL" slide shill