To deport the illegals is to give the legals an incentive to leave. To people on here that are to the right of Trump on immigration and are not satisfied with him I just posted this thread to say that he solves both problems by fixing one. I have an anecdote in my personal experience that I am sure is not isolated.
Illegal immigrants don't come here alone with nobody to prop them up, they come here to live with a cousin, a brother, a sister, a girlfriend, etc. Their families come to depend on them either emotionally or financially and won't simply let them be ejected from their lives, I'd say to put it even lightly for every 1 million people Trump deports 500,000 legal Mexicans/Central Americans will leave.
It might even make Mexico great too, assuredly these people learned some skills while they were here.
Ryder Young
cutting off the feeding tubes of the government is the quickest and easiest thing to do for Trump and will have the biggest impact in making them leave, the whole "rounding them up and deporting" is a mess to organize even with 100% support from all levels of power.
Jack King
I think the wall and unfucked CIA, which will kill the drug cartels, will be the most beneficial factor.
Dylan Foster
Yeah but there are tons of 3rd and 4th generation Latinos here whose illegal relatives died a long time back and they're not going anywhere. A lot of them speak Spanish and have accents because the parents speak Spanish in the home in spite of being legal citizens. A lot of them voted for Trump because they hate illegals because illegals make them look bad. Then there's the Californios who were given citizenship when California was made a state in 1850, and they've been breeding ever since. Tons of Latinos here in the US that have nothing to do with and want nothing to do with illegals.
Jayden Moore
The CIA is the drug cartel, dumbass. Thats how they make money, thats how they get their founding for this war. They play both sides.
Logan Roberts
I like what I'm reading. I've gotten the impression that removing taco is as much about getting rid of criminal subhumans as it is about reversing the apocalyptic mudblood demographic shift. If the one user who claims he briefly talked to Trump was telling the truth, he's entirely aware of America's (((diversity))) problem and the dire necessity of fixing it.
Hunter Campbell
Here, have the bigger version
Eli Ortiz
well when the rest of the immigrants leave they'll have no one to ttalk spanish to anymore
Michael James
Like having as many kids as possible and not even doing a good job cleaning? They've been getting gibs and doing the bare minimum of work in the lowest skill jobs for decades. They'll get back to Mexico and the people who never left will realise full well why everyone wanted them gone.
Adrian Scott
Yes, exactly. Then you see how it will be stopped.
Owen Price
God damn lazy ass nip artist
Jose Phillips
This story makes no sense because if you marry, you become a citizen.
Tyler Myers
That may be true. The best part comes with the subsequent rise in white birth rates as jobs return to USA because people must eat and if pedro cant cut the lawn and flip the burger then joe and ben will.
Tyler Gonzalez
Remove illegals and retroactively revoke the Hart-Celler act. Call them and their descendants Hart-Celler immigrants. There's immigration records and birth certificates. It would only take a day to revoke citizenship for tens of millions of these people by just using databases we already have.
Isaiah Morris
Unless you got married in Mexico
Logan Parker
To make Mexico great again, the USA and the western world in general would have to go down there and fix the drug cartel problems they helped get worse. Walling them will maybe, maaaaaaaybe push the nationalists in Mexico to fight back, but they're screwed either way.
Liam Murphy
I'm disappointed with so many Holla Forums posters not recognizing this. They want to keep larping and pretend that rounding up spics with RWDS or retroactively revoking citizenship is something they can accomplish without the entire government and white population of this country going full natsoc (impossible in such a short amount of time no matter how hard you redpill. Society changes very slowly) Even if they were to achieve these goals, it would be messy and I'd wager most whites would not be okay with taking away rights like that, even if it's for dirty ungrateful spics. Letting in shitskins is easy, but removing them without causing riots or violence is much more difficult in such a short period of time, and unlike so many fantasies of the anons of this board, most whites would see it as an injustice and against American ideals, not that I would too, before someone calls me a spic shill. I'm guessing white Americans wouldn't start being okay with concentration camps for spics for at least another 20 years while you educate the next generation. Cultural Marxism poisoned the minds of so many Americans slowly over a long period of time, so that people didn't realize they were being being brainwashed, and it can only be reversed in the same why. That's why it's so important to take back education and academia. Once you can educate whites and free them from their Jewish shackles, we will start to see what Holla Forums wants.
In the meantime, anons need to stop thinking about idealized fantasy scenarios and start thinking about ideas that can realistically be implemented soon. An easier solution like you said is to give incentive. It's much easier to raise the white birthrate and give spics incentive to leave the country or cut off their feeding tubes so their birthrates go down. You don't force an animal to do something when you're training it, or it will get angry and stubborn. You have to make it easy to do what you want and reward correct behavior.
James Martinez
If citizenship isn't retroactively revoked from anchor babies – the entire chain of anchor babies, meaning any kids that an anchor may have had at this point [we may be 3 or 4 gens deep by now] – then nothing you are talking about will be realized. Trump won't even get a second term.
The demographics are THAT bad. The sheer delusion that some of you are operating under with regards to the amount of time we have left to fix this is troubling. Extremely troubling. I'm actually beginning to wonder if it's genuine. My gut tells me it's a deliberate and targeted softening campaign, likely coming directly from the Trump administration's propaganda arm, to defuse the reality of virtually no one being deported and the Brazilification of the US charging full steam ahead.
Kayden Peterson
Then I ask you how can we realistically accomplish that? At the current time, you would not be able to accomplish retroactive revoking of citizenship as something like that is unprecedented and would face massive opposition from shitskins and cucked whites alike. If Trump tried to do that, all the libtards would be justified in calling him Hitler and we can say goodbye to his second term as well. If we push too hard too fast, we will lose everything we've worked so hard for.
Sebastian Ramirez
If it can't be accomplished the country is done and you shouldn't even be on this site trying to convince anyone of anything. The end. It's that serious. Wake the fuck up and walk outside of your door – assuming you don't live in East Bumblefuck, South Dakota. We don't have any more time.
Landon Thompson
There's another way to fix the demographics.
Kayden Young
No, not really. You're just robbing Peter to pay Paul. Europe can't lose any more people. It's nothing but a circular argument coming from people who don't want to physically fight. People who are scared they are going to lose.
The problem can't be fixed without active removal and the acceptance of real-world, physical, life and death conflict that will result from that. Personally, I don't give a flying fuck about the Republican party and its ability to win elections. This cancerous mindset, and the beta-clinging to rotten, failed institutions, has been decaying our nation and race for decades.
Joseph Nguyen
He already said they would be challenging the "anchor baby" thing in the courts numerous times. The left can kvetch all it wants we are taking on that "law" (actually it's simple precedent) and we will defeat it. Fuck you and your defeatism.
William Miller
Are you trying to maximize the control sphere of whites, or the raw number of us? Non-whites are still slim minorities in European countries, whites will still be in control even if some of their populace moves here.
Landon Torres
I think it's a bit more complicated than that. You don't just become a citizen automatically.
William Hughes
repeal the 14th amendment, offer every spic like 2000$ to self deport. Stop giving hispanics welfare, fine companies who hire them.
Build wall, beef up ICE.
Now we have non-violently and non-intrusively dealt with a big chunk of the problem.
Adrian Jackson
No, they are not. The numbers are propped up, much like the US, with old people. You get a very, very different demographic picture when you look at the youth. I think in Sweden and Germany White males are already an absolute minority and have been eclipsed not just by White females and non-Whites, but by non-White males alone.
Jeremiah Gray
Oliver Campbell
Birthrite citizenship is a precedent not a law, repeal precedent by having 3 new hardass justices in the supereme court and you have retroactively removed the citizenship of all these "people".
Also it isn't hard to deport 10-60 million as you think. The laws already exist to do this but the Bushes(mestizo sympathizers), Clinton(globalist), Reagan(kike lover), and King Nigger refused to enforce them and impaired them at every level they could.
All those sanctuary states and cities get no federal funds. Remittances get garnished 95% by executive order, both mestizos and H1B visa holders have to go back or their families will starve. Not renewing any work visas, and voiding the ones that exist. Force them to show proof of citizenship in order to get welfare. All federal agents are instructed that every time them encounter an illegal they are to be detained and handed to immigration authorities. All the states like Arizona to do what they have wanted, rounding up non-whites en mass where ever they are and checking their identification. All criminals who are arrested or are incarcerated without proof of citizenship are immediately marked for deportation, and yes that doesn't happen under Obongo. All businesses which employ illegals are fined to the maximum amount allowed under the law. Use existing funds for the wall and defund the federal bureaucracies full of liberal women, which kills two birds with one stone.
These are all things which the President can do with neither congressional approval nor wide public support. All he needs is his appointees. Make the lives of mudcreatures in America miserable and they will leave on their own. And the ones that don't will need their nonexistent SSN just to sneeze in public.
Colton Johnson
Brayden Murphy
Op, you don't seem to understand America. It is impossible for n American citizen to be married to an illegal alien. When a citizen marries a foreigner in our country, their wife is immediately a fucking citizen too.
Jose Clark
Shh, don't fucking tell them.
Michael Edwards
This took me a while to figure out, mostly because I don't know many (any) Mexicans or Central Americans: family is hugely important to them, more so than their country. Spics who are here legally will encourage and help support family members in coming here illegally. If it becomes impossible to do that, I think a not insignificant portion of even the legal ones may leave.
Oliver Cook
No they aren't you still have to apply for their visas etc. and it's a hella lot harder if you broke the laws to begin with and didn't follow the K1 procedure. Obama has made it so that they can stay but that isn't the law, just the O admin looking the other way.
Jordan Hernandez
This sounds pretty good, but how are we going to get 3 new justices? Isn't there only one spot available right now?
William Mitchell
It's an overly optimistic assumption that multiple justices will be stepping down or dying during a Trump presidency. It's certainly well within the realm of possibilities, but it's also equally possible that none of them retire, none of them die, and Trump is out after one term.
Christian Price
and it really shows. The only thing they support more than family is the nation that provides for them with jobs. Comparing them to the cholo shits that jump the fence is no better than mexicans considering every white they come across to be a pinko tier commieforinan. Surprise, it has already happened! Why do you think the D&C between whites and legal beaners is so strong?
Carson White
I realize this is Holla Forums and 8/pol/ no less so I'm certain some autistic sperg will reply to me angrily but it is impossible to ever remove the majority of legal hispanics. The overwhelming majority are multigenerational and have been here over 100 years. The reason why the Hispanic population has exploded and will continue to grow rapidly is because of white people- largely in the southwest, especially in special snowflake liberal states like California (it isn't a coincidence that they have the most "native americans" in america there)- who will constantly "reclaim" hispanic heritage as long as affirmative action for minorities exist.
This is the case in every country where AA exists- in Australia the abo population has exploded, and the number of blond, white aborigines is conspicuous.
Also because you are 100% Hispanic even if your last truly Hispanic ancestor was 200 years ago because the law has no requirements for any kind of blood quotient this means the high rate of intermarriage between white Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites will continue to be high- 200,000 children are born each year to such couples, the children of such unions are only half-Hispanic in fact but in law are 100% white Hispanic.
Lucas Robinson
Because half the court have failing health, particularly the old kike Ginsburg.
Luis Johnson
What a colossal load of bullshit. Filtered.
Justin Brown
This. Make Latin America Great Again #MLAGA or something directed at them that makes them feel like they are hijacking Trump's catchphrase to get the last laugh. I see only benefits of them returning to places like Mexico and fighting corruption there. They might even go back to a silver currency there which will fuck the whole Jewish system if it doesn't collapse on its own sooner.
Jonathan Thompson
All we have to do is END REPATRIATIONS TO MEXICO and that 25 billion they send home every year gets cut in half, minimum. With no incentive to send cash home, they go home.
John Harris
Thanks for the lies. No one cares. Then they’ll all go back.
Adam Phillips
Fuck off mexishit.
Dominic Johnson
how? I'm a legal inmigrant, and if the rapist criminal retards I had to get away from start comming here illegally I would be really glad if someone like Trump shows up and kicks them the fuck out
Gavin Edwards
Found the bull preper. Apparently this one prefers Hispanic bulls.
Luke Brown
I'm not talking about the ones who've been here for generations and have no contact with family in mexico (I guess I could have made that clear). I know Cubans who have been here for generations, and I doubt they know anything about distant cousins that might be in Cuba. I'm talking about people who's parents jumped the border, and maybe be 'citizens' but have no issues with helping all their cousins avoid ICE. And I didn't say that all legals would leave, because I assume that there are plenty that either have no family in Mexico, or actually respect their country's laws enough to not help their family break those laws.
Jacob Harris
Seriously though, the majority of them have not been here for 100 years. AA can be destroyed with the control we have over congress and it should be our absolute priority along with eliminating Disparate Impact.
And we have done this before.
Sending non-whites back to their stinking mudhole nations where they will likely starve and be put out of our misery isn’t (((our))) values, but it certainly is our values. And we here all know that it is exactly what the US stood for until 1941 or thereabouts. I suspect that in the coming months and years the little known “Mexican Repatriation” which occurred during the 1930s will become a popular talking point among the left, particularly among those of a certain tribe. A more accurate description of the events in question would be, “the exile of filthy mestizo and indio trash from our sovereign territory,” I wouldn’t expect that to grace the front of page the Jew York Slimes unless we seize it as a state asset under the first American Reich, more on that topic later. But perhaps I am wrong since making this past nationalist action well known will show the people how even without a Trumphen Wall such mass exiles are possible and have legal precedence. The most frightening thing for the (((leftists))) and (((compassionate conservatives))) is for the goyim to start getting ideas based on primary historical documents displaying the unvarnished and unvilified opinions of the actors who made history. How many of us have read of our own experiences mirrored in the struggle of an aspiring Austrian painter/architect who found himself misled in his education and adrift in the sea of degeneracy then swamping the once lovely city of Vienna in the early twentieth century? If you have not read those chapters which a slightly older version of that young Austrian gentleman dictated for posterity you really should. If you are a white man with post-secondary education and were born after 1980 the parallels are pretty incredible. To that end I will provide both a dry and brief recitation of the events which occurred as well as the primary sources with a focus on the words of those whose actions mirror our current opinions regarding immigration. In 1929 the Hover administration approved a plan by several state and local governments, including city governments in California which spearheaded the idea, to exile Mexicans in American territory in a bid to reduce expenditures and increase white employment in agriculture and the rail industry where they were able to be employed if the employers kept records of their names and income, a kind of adhoc guest worker program. At this time immigration from the Western Hemisphere was not controlled however the generally(and correctly) hostile nature of the whites in the southwestern states kept them largely in check. Likewise almost none sought official citizenship or to enter the political life of the nation. Both the Mexican government and the authorities of the us considered “culture”(read:race) as the primary determining factor in nationality. Ergo both states considered those Mexicans born in US territory to be Mexican and have no other national status. In several instances the Mexican government offered its full cooperation in this endeavor mostly as means to illicit the US support against rebel factions in Mexico operating US territory across the border and to smooth over the fuck up of the Zimmerman Telegram. What follows is an example.
Brayden Flores
The Government of Mexico, with the cooperation and aid of the Welfare Committee of this County, will effect the repatriation of all Mexicans who currently reside in this County and who might wish to return to their country…. Those persons who are repatriated will be able to choose among the States of Sonora, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco, Michoacán, and Guanajuato as the place of their final destination, with the understanding that the Government of Mexico will provide them with lands for agricultural cultivation…and will aid them in the best manner possible so that they might settle in the country. Those persons who take part in this movement of repatriation may count on free transportation from San Diego to the place where they are going to settle, and they will be permitted to bring with them their furniture, household utensils, agricultural implements, and whatever other objects for personal use they might possess. Since the organization and execution of a movement of repatriation of this nature implies great expenditures, this Consulate encourages you…to take advantage of this special opportunity being offered to you for returning to Mexico at no cost whatever and so that…you might dedicate all your energies to your personal improvement, that of your family, and that of our country. If you wish to take advantage of this opportunity, please return this letter…with the understanding that, barring notice to the contrary from this Consulate, you should present yourself with your family and your luggage on the municipal dock of this port on the 23rd of this month before noon. Source: Mexico City, Archivo de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, IV-360-38. The intention of the program of repatriation was to voluntarily or coercively remove mestizo trash from the nation without engaging in the litigious act of deportation which then required legal proceedings while repatriation did not. There was some success in this vein particularly in the urbanized West coast and its farming region which had a supply of American labor coming in from various other regions and had a large state police force capable of threating non-compliant mestizos with deportation which would strip them of their property in the process and charge them a fee to cover the court costs. Faced with this most beaners complied and were shipped by sea to the Baja Peninsula though other ports were sometimes utilized. 37 states also did their part by passing legislation that forbade public employment to any non-citizen. The state police rounded up workers anywhere they were found milling about through the early 1930s, any who couldn’t speak English were immediately exiled, those who could claim they were citizens were exiled after processing to determine their origin and name so they could be given to the Mexican government for its own record keeping purposes. President Hoover publically supported the efforts of the Department of Labor to assign hundreds of new federal officers and dozens of marshals to oversee interception and deportation of any foreign nationals entering the southern border. However without a wall more flooded in to the rural regions though their urban population of declined greatly. Los Angeles and San Francisco in particular had great success using mobs of concerned citizens to entice Mexicans to get on the boats and city policemen regularly raided dens of prostitution to remove non-white whores who were deported whether they were Mexican or not, no word on if they dragged degenerates being serviced by the non-whites along with them to the ships. Local businesses that employed non-whites suffered damages and raids by police as well and entire neighborhoods were emptied of Mexicans by vast raids conducted with full cooperation of several borough departments acting on consort. Complaints by those employing or servicing foreign labor were not given credence.
Jose Foster
In Illinois and Michigan the Scandies hadn’t cucked yet and gladly assisted in deporting by rail the mestizos who had come in by rail and already become an urban underclass in Chicago before niggers thought it was cool. In the land of magic underpants and Space Jesus(Southern Colorado) many pre-spandex Mormons were defending mestizos(probably thought they were the 13th tribe of kikes or something). However the federal task force assigned to the region and state government ultimately forced them to comply, which is why we got treated to footage of Mormonized Castizos in Mexico during Mitten’s run for president in 2012. Long story short never trust the Magicboxers when it comes to issues of race. In most cases of urban repatriation the Mexician government or charities paid the expenses of those who were exiled(ie we made Mexico pay for it). In cases of actual deportation which included legal proceedings Mexico was forced to pay for all the expenses. In most cases deportation occurred after the Mexican in question claimed political asylum or refugee status from religious persecution and was promptly dismissed by federal authorities as was proper. When a single man, woman, or child was captured their name and photograph were released in the newspapers so that their relatives might be exiled with them, after all we Americans don’t want to break up families. Of course if no one came forth to claim kinship with the individual being held in custody they were deported anyway. Tough titty for underage squatguats. By 1933 most Mexicans in the US were unemployed and under the “protection” of the Farm Security Bureau, an agency with the stated task of reducing rural poverty and encouraging agricultural employment. As usual for most New Deal bullshit it did neither and provided a gibs train for non-whites while the rural white population availed themselves of it very little government support other than the southern populations displaced by the TVA project. It also became the primary propaganda wing of the FDR administration, pushing socialist bullshit with pictures of dirty children(sometimes dirtied specifically to create a more picturesque subject for the cameras). It also attempted and failed to collectivize American farmland under its own auspices when farmers violently revolted against the loss of their property rights and being told they had to “modernize”. In 1933 56% of the FSA’s budget was spent supporting non-working populations of non-whites with approximately 13% spent on those of confirmed Mexican origin. This organization often vehemently protected these mestizo scum from local authorities wishing to repatriate them or at least hand them over to federal immigration authorities. However as the fiscal support of the organization faltered and FDR was forced to trim fat from his alphabet soup organizations many were released into the custody of the repatriation task forces and sent to port cities for exile. In total between 800,000 and 3 million Mexicans including up to 1.2 million Mexicans born in US territory were rightfully exiled for invading our lands. It was not until the 1940s that restrictions on Mexican immigration were lifted at the behest of the (((Department of Immigration))) under the FDR administration, then 60% jew, despite the fact that a war was occurring which imposed consumption limits on white Americans(ie the only Americans) through rationing. “We need those Mexicans to do the work you can’t do while you fight to save the kikes, goy.”
Daniel Thompson
It should be noted that until the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 the 1790 Naturalization Act still stood as law though it had already been chipped to pieces by the Naturalization Act of 1870 which gave citizenship to niggers still rightly denied it by many states and Indian Citizenship Act which removed the independent status of Injuns and gave them status as citizens of these United States. Two of the worst populations of this nation, both today recognized as having a mean IQ below 85, were officially granted equal in legal status to whites with those two acts. It made it difficult to argue for further restrictions in the face of the post-war consensus in favor or radical racial egalitarianism in an already Jew controlled academia who were then even moreso than now the enshrined makers of future politicians. And so the1952 Act passed but in effect many laws still stood in the way until the 1965 Immigration Act totally shredded any standards for immigration to this country and in effect abolished the United States as she had existed, destroying the last remnant of the nation irreparably crippled by what we’d now call leftists during their abolitionist movement and the civil war they instigated. But even today “birthright citizenship” has no actual law supporting it is merely a precedent which can be overturned in an instant. The Naturalization acts in the past only applied to the individuals already living within the territory of the United States, it does not even apply to their children if they remain distinct elements with the population. The Mexicans in the US had no rights under the law of the land until 1952 and indeed could be divested of them today with little effort. One of the reasons for the Mexican interest in remaining in the USA besides gibs echoes today’s situation. That is that Mexico has always been a failed state. The Mexican Revolution and counter revolutions of 1910 to 1927 constituted a threat to the lives of nearly every Mexican as gangs of armed militants and actual soldiers pillaged the countryside for material to support their respective causes. Anti-religious Marxist campaigns and murdering of priests also drove others out. Of a population originally estimated to be around 15 million in 1910; 1.5 million Mexicans were killed and 200,000 “migrated” to the United States. As now with the mudslimes our response to any line of argument that we should admit muds to our country because they fucked up their own should be, “I don’t give a shit.” America should not be a release valve for the political dissidents of “Latin” America. We should not be inundated by the trash of their society whom they would otherwise have to deal with. And if increasing their population by 40% in just five years via the repatriation of 10 to 60 million mestizos causes another civil war(as if there wasn’t already one being prosecuted in Mexico today) then so be it, no fucks shall be given. Sauce Repatriation Statistics.pdf Supplementary liberal kvetching #1 spic whiner about the exile speaks on the urban campaigns. (((NPR))) leads the drive for social signaling even before the Trumpenfuher. and after PBS pushes out and out anti-white, anti-nationalist, open-borders propaganda onto children PBS = luggenpresse
Xavier Edwards
Sadly, this is going to be an issue that the US will have to deal with. Deal with it too heavy handed then we will have an actual, honest to god La Raza on our hands that actually have a reason to fight as hard as they can. Deal with it too lightly then we will continue to see the downward spiral in white demographics. Personally, the biggest issue that should be tackled first is the huge influx of people coming in. Allow all western nations to lock down immigration until they can clean house by removing the most troubling foreign elements like cartels in the US and Ackbars in the UK. Once that immediate issue is taken care of then the next step should be encouraging the blood to return to their ancestral origin. Of course it will not return the population to it's original 100% but it will encourage each nation's demographic to return to a pre 1950s state.
Leo Thomas
These two are the best solutions. A combination will make it impossible for them not to go back. on the Mexican side, the government would take back their illegals as long as they get to keep their cash flow, and on the America side, it won't take long for "sanctuary cities" to go bust without federal support. Making it impossible for illegals to live of welfare, and work legally will hamper their numbers considerably too, their prospects become extremely limited and corporations who try to abuse American Citizens by hiring illegals on the cheap get their reputations and finances ruined.
Just my opinion but those that go through the correct process should stay, they earn the right to the American dream by bringing in valuable skills, paying fees, and undergoing background checks.
Matthew Bailey
I wouldn't even mind wearing full body garb that covers everything either. I just want to defend my homeland.
Brayden Fisher
You seem to think that was an argument for deporting all spics, even legal ones. It wasn't.
Nor was this an argument against it. I was just describing what I believe will be a natural consequence of deporting the illegals and making it harder for them to come here. Merely a bonus.
I'd generally agree with that. For people breaking the law, a heavy-handed approach is fine. For those who are here legally, some may be encouraged to leave, and of those who wish to remain… Well there's no easy solution to that, and much bigger issues to deal with that are easier to fix.
David Price
So an impetus to exterminate them all?
Zachary Cooper
Chances are good. The older leftist are in worse shape than the oldest "conservatives" on the court. RGB would have stepped down if Hillary won, Breyer as well. Now they will try to make it to the next dem president lest they die in office.
Kennedy is 80yo as well. If he dies his seat along with Trump filling Scalias seat would turn the court decidedly conservative.
Dominic Sanders
No, an impetus for legal beaners to go full shitlord and disrupt society from within. Think about it, Trump has already stated that he "won't break up families", what do you think will happen if suddenly he squelches on that sort of statement? The guy is known for never outright lying, he skims the question or is elusive if he doesn't want to answer but he has never say one thing and go back on it. That said, for him to use a heavy handed approach would set a precedent for them to fight back. La Raza was a kike scheme to keep the US in a state of D&C. That kind of approach will just create honest to god extremists that will have nothing to lose. Last I checked, the US don't exactly take pages from Russia's playbook when it comes to dealing with neighboring nations.
Noah Rodriguez
Because they're ALL going back. Meaning the anchor babies will be returning back to Mexico or whatever other shithole they came from WITH their illegal parents.
Adrian James
Focus on the freebees. Focus on enforcing english language on All documents only.
Owen Campbell
Many Holla Forumsacks are children, they can't grasp the actual logistics of such an undertaking. Assuming that Trump wins his 2nd term as president, it would still be impossible to stem the tide of nearly 50 years of Marxist brainwashing in the American population. We must also take into consideration that there is nearly 40 million illegal spics in this country, let that number sink in, 40 MILLION. That is nearly the entire population of the state of California.
Asher Powell
How to deal with illegals/legals Maybe start killing cartel people on sight but I'm being optimistic with that one
Nolan Reed
You can't really expect Trump to go full 14/88 right away, and whether he ever does will depend on the response of opposition too. I think he's doing alight really. Was initially surprised when he decided to retain some establishment figures, but I suppose you have to meld your new wave together with the existing one and create some points of contact there. Really does need to remember he's in a nest of vipers though, many of whom don't want to take lessons from the new dispensation.
Ayden Williams
You definitely do not become a citizen upon marrying an american. There is this whole huge process that takes years and costs a lot of money, where they interview you, check your background, make sure you to are for real, etc. You have to provide a bunch of evidence.
My wife is german, and she only just now got permanent residence (which isn't citizenship) and a work permit, and we've been at this for a couple years.
Jaxson Martinez
With no one trying to stop Trump, I could see the 40 million drop down to less than 10 million by his second term. That alone would help the population immensely. No one is saying it's going to be an easy job but you are being a hug faggot by suggesting it would be improbable within the span of 8 years. NatSoc Germany is turning in it's grave, your faggtory was that intense.
Mason Cox
Fuck off spic lover. Only around 50% of Hispanics vote, and of them, just 29% voted Trump. So that leaves you with only 15% that should not immediately be deported.
Nathaniel Adams
We hire a million whites. These million whites then deport 3 million criminal illegal aliens, then the 11 million, then those who remain and still haven't self deported. Every last one is going to go back.
Nathan Thomas
You don't have border jumpers as your family members
Nolan Diaz
THIS Who owns the youth, owns the future
Grayson Martin
Everytime I see this thumbnail it looks like a pair of dirty sodomites mid-assfuck
Evan White
Legal Mexican here, my family came here legally and worked for everything we have today. My grandmother keeps a copy of all the immigration paperwork framed in her living room.
I've personally called immigration twice in my life, and most of my uncles and aunts have as well. Fuck illegals. There is no reason they should get anything from this country for free when we had to earn it.
Colton Hughes
completely theoretical scenario here:
would you neutralize your own ethnic countrymen in order to defend your country and your family? asking to get a gauge on how people integrate in north america from different parts of the world