What did he mean by this? Its it just Jewjitsu
What did he mean by this? Its it just Jewjitsu
Shit forgot archive
wish this jew would die already
he's a slithering worm
That filthy fucking kike should just kill himself.
Berniefags really are the most wretched form of life aren't they? I almost pity them.
Is that real, or a meme to influence normalfags?
How are the bernouts taking this?
There are far too many faggots made fat by the hard work of their capitalistic ancestors supporting this god damn commie.
wew lad
The fuck out Bernie and take your jew worshiping supporters with you. You and the Bernie Bro's got called out months and months prior to the primaries ending and we didn't get so much as an apology.
How can anyone ever trust this jew, after he flip flops every time the wind changes ever so slightly is beyond, lefties and jews must be purged first
They're huge cuckolds but it's hard to imagine them cucking for Trump, I mean, literally Hitler you racist.
Fucking hell, Bernie! Did you burn through the payoff ALREADY?
they're conditioned to believe abuse and manipulation are what people who care about you do to you.
But he was going to take down the 1%! They'd get such a mean letter, but not too mean, oy vey. Bernie doesn't want to make waves.
He was not even close, retard.
He literally lost to 100% of his opponents through the entire race
If not for being betrayed betrayed by Kikes in his own party, Bernie would have beaten Hillary Clinton. If that happened, I can tell you, without a doubt, that Trump would have lost. Guaranteed. That is exactly why I wanted this fucking hippie Kike to drop dead as soon as possible. He had too much appeal to tradesmen, millennials ,educated faggots, etc.
Kek, I love these Bernie threads.
B.S. : King of the Cucks
If you had the guts to denounce Hillary when she fucked your ass and shit on your followers we might believe you were sincere.
You lost, berncuck?
Bernie "The flip flop cuck" Sanders.
Whatever, maybe some libshit retards will like Trump if their "revolution leader" does
What's with the obsession over raising minimum wage? If you deport illegals most jobs won't be able to afford paying people the minimum anyway.
Hi Holla Forums
I wonder what an alternate timeline would be like, where Bernie won the nomination, and we had to apply our memetics to him instead of Hillary.
He still would have lost
He sold himself off for a nice sweet paycheck, you delusional fuck
That absolute cuck is now talking about GUTS?
No, I'm not, faggot. You your fucking head. Hillary has no appeal, people hate her, but the DNC wanted "muh first female president." Bernie would have secured a lot of female votes, niggers and spics, university educated people, millennial's, union workers, etc. Trump won because he had to anti TPP/ anti free-trade competition.
We can't move forward, and destroy leftists, if we don't objectively analyze where the left failed. Fuck you.
old fuck would have croaked from the memes.
No, he didn't. He's eaten his own Jewish cooking, and actually thinks he's some kind of commie revolutionist hero. Use your fucking head.
Trump isn't taking on corporate America, at least directly. He's taking on the government so that they get corporate America to work for Americans.
Hillary is finished. The parasite is looking for a new host to latch on to.
I'm tired of hearing about this thrift store suit wearing old kike. It's never going to happen. Kill yourself.
This. The problem isn't 'muh corporations'. Corporations are really just people. The problem is the strangling taxes and regulations which make it impossible for them to do any business here so they ship jobs overseas. Commies don't understand this because they don't understand how jobs work because they've never had one.
they want gibs
you mad?
You can't be anti-immigration and be a leftist marxist zogbot at the same time so they came up with this meme to just keep raising the minimum wage with no thought to how that accomplishes nothing except lead to unemployment.
There's a video floating around here of one of the Fox news guys talking to a college student about this stuff and the correspondent says to him, 'you know that big corporations are in favor of mass immigration because it keeps wages down, right?' he had no rebuttal.
When you see that they have no response to simple questions with very basic logic you can tell they're completely fucking brainwashed.
Kek, Bernie was an old kike, nobody but retarded college kids would have voted for him, nobody, not niggers, spics or women, his only pitch would had been first kike president or down with the oen percent, shit only millenials who can't be arsed to vote care about.
Guys, dont you realize what this means?
The pee pee poo poo bernie wojack Trump pepe memes are gonna become real.
At this point I think that Bernie may not have actually been controlled opposition, but he is a literal and serious cuckold who gets off to the idea to being defeated and surrendered. Look how easily he bent the knee to Hillary and now Trump.
Because then they don't have to address the underlying question of "Why are so many people trying to live off a wage that can't support them in the first place?"
It's just a kike tactic to make it seem like they're throwing people a bone but nothing really changes for the better.
What about nationalist working man's party did you not understand? We aren't here to apologize for corporations and to pretend they're victims of communist tax policy is idiotic- they shipped jobs to the third world because third world countries pay shit for wages and supported free trade policies to make things even easier for them.
Corporations are not the friends of any nationalist society.
Who else is excited to watch Warren Sanders and Clinton die in the next few years? It's going to be a liberal trail of tears.
The election would have been much closer but Bernie would have had the advantage overall.
Also you people are retards
I am. Who the fuck will the DNC even run? Booker? Kaine?
Cognitive dissonance.
If you remove roughly 2/3 of all of his flip flops, he looks really "consistent" which is the meme most Bernouts tried to use to recruit others to their pitiful dumpster fire of a """movement""".
Pic related.
Kaine is right behind Cunton in the unlikeable scale, run that prick and he won't even make it through the primaries
After all, they did lose the nig vote, this year.
I was under the impression that /mu/ type white people liked kanye not niggers.
5-4 becomes 7-2, Republican domination of the Court and expungement of most of the Jews.
What WONT he say?
True. Holy shit, are we ever gonna stop winning?
Not only that
Nice projecting there Bernout. How exactly would have Bernie won the hard-working american people with a fucking socialist platform, how would anybody that already disliked Obongos run, would had thought that the same policies on steroids would have worked, seriously. Besides as I said, Bernies base was basically college kids, and no one else. If Bernie was elected as the democrat front runner, it would have been an even bigger landslide, he wouldn't even have the first womyn president vote
Sanders will hop on anything that will keep him relevant. He comes across to me as socially parasitic
Fuck you pol
And fuck your always shitty arguements.
Sanders has always been anti-corporation.
Yeah, He should've given Hillary the finger and called her a cunt for what she did to him, but he gave him his word and he's a man of integrity. Not the same shit.
What? pay him off?
You're a fucking mongoloid
Democrats voted Trump because he was pro-worker and anti-free trade
If Bernie was the nominee since he had the same fucking policies then Democrat in the rust belt would not have flipped
This isn't hard to understand you belligerent pseudo-nigger
he pitched for her like he was selling Coka Colas on the side of the road. Man .. I hope thats his new job.
Fact of the matter is: your candidate sold out to the establishment he pretended to fight against. and jumps on any bandwagon that nets him airtime or headlines. See: parasite
"I'm disappointed in you Sanders, you didn't grab her by the pussy when she cheated you out."
What I want trump to do is tell sanders that in exchange for gun reforms such as National Constitutional carry, National Stand your Ground,National castle doctrine,and repealing the NFA & other reforms, he will get the Feds out of the way of decriminalization of pot.
It won't be instant decriminalization of pot, liberals will have to at least decriminalize 45 times or decriminalize pot in every state that hasn't decriminalized.
The 45 times will balloon to 90 as some states will chose to only medically decriminalize the first time, therefor the pot heads will have to decriminalize a 2nd time or even a 3rd time in single state.
Oh boy. That would be hilarious. The Berners' salt and resulting chimpout would be MASSIVE. CURRENT YEAR + 2 would be even more amazing than CURRENT YEAR + 1.
I agree but I also think Trump would have used different strategies if bernie was the nominee, since it was obvious he'd never make it he spent the whole primary with his gun sights on Hillary.
What the fuck does this kike think he's been doing for a year and a half now?
the year of the fire cock will be amazing
I am not feeling the bern, but i am feeling the KIKERY
I think it's just that Trump's propensity for winning has created a gravitational effect that is now pulling everyone into its orbit. All those companies coming back, foreign heads of state lining up to fondle his mighty balls meme this, and now the Jew Star itself, slowly falling into a tentative elliptical orbit. Trump is the new power broker, and if you want a job in Washington, you'd better practice sucking chrome off a trailer hitch.
Marijuana was never a huge issue for Sanders. He'd probably be more interested in the infrastructure projects Bannon was talking about than pot.
TFW you now know how Jesus came about.
Goyim seem inclined to exalt Jews as messiah figures.
Kill yourself dumbass
ITT lolbergtardian fgts
Even more of an overlap when you look at his stance on immigration before he cucked for votes. See his interviews talking about how awful open borders are.
Sanders is a natural born cuck.
But this is pretty honest from him. In reality, he was much closer to Trump than he was to Clinton on most policies. I actually thought it would have been killer if Trump could have gotten Bernie as VP back before he took Pence. His win would have been even more overwhelming.
But Bernie had to cuck out to Hillary like a bitch.
fuck off Holla Forums he got screwed over in the DNC and didn't speak a word of it. You think he didnt know? You're a dumbshit nigger he got a NEW HOUSE AND A CAR to shill for her.
Go back to /r/the_donald you bernie sympathizing cuckold
Sanders secretary of state confirmed.
His one job will be getting publicly shit on by Trump at every opportunity.
Our memes will become reality!
jesus christ, can this gutless communist maintain a consistent schill? He sold out his bernouts for HRC and now sells out afterberners for Trump? What a washed up kike
let's make it habben!
nah, fuck giving this kike any position.
You faggots are being unfair to Bernie.
Personally him being in the cabinet would be good news for all Americans. He could be Secretary of Defense, denying any new wars from happening. Or Secretary of Commerce and piss off the Banks.
I'm salty about him endorsing Hillary too, but she's no ordinary candidate. If he didn't concede and shill for her, he would have died from 6 shots to the back of the head. The media would claim it was a suicide.
The goal isn't corporate America. The goal is the government that gives subsidies that make (((current form))) corporate America.
Trump will eradicate ISIS, Bernie has no balls and no military experience.
Why the hell would anyone put someone who's a former communist and current "democratic socialist" in that position?
secretary of commerce*
what's the difference?
A Jew willing to sell out their own to gain power. I'm shocked.
Every time I see Amanda Marcotte's name, I like to remind people that she royally pissed off niggers by publishing a book starring herself as a brave independent white womyn fighting primitive tribespeople in the jungle
So a kike politician is a money grubbing opportunist. I am so deeply, irreperably shocked.
In any regard, I would love to see me some Bernout salt from this. Let's see what I can find
Fuck off you fucking bernout, holy shit why would want even vote in a loser you stupid nigger faggot
where the fuck did you get your understanding of the american government, a box of cracker jacks?
On the contrary, Bernie has been a surprisingly consistent hawk in the senate. He voted to approve the bombing of Yugoslavia as well as voting for full funding of the Iraq war and the continuation of the conflict even after claiming to oppose it. He also voted to approve a $1 billion aid package to the post-coup Ukrainian government which was used on arms purchases to be used by Ukraine against civilians. In addition he came out strongly in support of Israel during the Gaza conflict, refusing to bridge arguments with his own supporters that jewish aggression may have been at fault.
You'd have to be very naive to call him anti-war. Bernie has a history of supporting and funding violent regime change over the last two decades.
Fuck you.
Bend the knee or die.
You mean the guy that conned millions of americans into paying off his uni debt?
No he can go fuck himself.
Yeah, lets ignore that Trump had to fight against the Dems, against the Republicans and against the unified Lügenpresse and how he still stumped Clinton.
Lets just focus on the small things that were enough for Hillary to stop Sanders in his tracks and turn him into her polite little lap dog.
Your predictions have been wrong for the entire election, nice to see that you people at least adhere to some sort of tradition.
Other democrats would have voted for Trump because he wasn't a retarded communist that has never worked a single day in his live.
People like you are overrating Sanders popularity because he is popular in your high school and with reddit-type people on the internet.
What is counter-party risk?
While that's part of it, the interest is still overly unreasonable.
I suspect to create a generation of debt slaves.
How many went hungry donating to this commie jew?
Holy shit this is incredible. Do you know what this will mean in their minds?
Getting Bernie on Trumps team would spell the end of the dems.
Is there anything left in between him and the Communist Party?
As deluded as this fuckwit is; his opinions are shared by a lot of nu-male faggots. Sanders is definitely helping to stabilise the situation by having his commie followers stand down.
… The next question is; why is he having them stand down? Maybe they realise just how close to a race war the US is, and just how close the kikes are coming to being put in the ovens for real.
How does it feel to be retarded?
Sanders wouldn't know the first thing about having guts
The Clintons don't kill high profile people. No Mafia does.
Sanders is a weak cowardly kike, as we all know. his first priority is self preservation. This is all that this is. He doen't want EXECUTED for treason along with his other cronies.
holy shit lol
I want the job of the guy standing there smoking. He looks like he is cool. Who is that cool smoking dude? I want to tell him he is cool, if he's still alive.
It's ok, berncuck. You your fucking head too.
Clinton went easy on him
and what exactly has this old kike achieved in a few decades in congress besides crawling before the DNC after getting deliberately pushed aside?
this guy is the epitome of a career politician who spends his entire life making a living in a a legislature with nothing to show for it
and to think all these people fell for it
From the video:
next lines:
Fuck this New Yorker rat, get him back to the Democrat cuckshed till 2020 where he will lose again.
They'd be foolish to run him in 2020. I mean, I don't think even the Democrats are that stupid.
He'll be 78 by then. Wouldn't he be the oldest person ever to run for president?
Thats really fucking Jewish. I'm sure his fellow kikes are very proud of him.
Nothing to see here.
They won't run Sanders. They see somebody like Uncle Bernie as too extreme/ stupid to pay back his political debt. Bernie is a leech, not a leader.
Hysterical gibbering about how Putin has his fingers in every pie and shrieks of muh emails like that's an argument are neither long or complicated.
If Sanders has the 'guts' to not get cucked at his own events by Black Lives Matter, he can be ambassador to Zimbabwe. Best we can do, you commie Jew fuck.
Personnaly, I feel he is being set up as "Trump's replacement" if a crisis come and Trump is (((forced))) to step down.
why berniecucks still think bernie was even worth voting for after he sold out to shillary and a party that cheated him out of its own internal elections? how do they mental gymnastic out of how mentally weak bernie is?
If the DNC have their way, they'd run an illegal half black, half mexican, muslim pre-op transsexual that has still has sex with women.
is this real?
Leave and never come back
Alternatively, leave, go read the wikileaks emails and see how bernie made a secret agreement with the DNC not to attack hillary
you're so fucking stupid and misinformed you legitimately believe Sanders was anything but a plant meant to mobilize the youth vote after losing and endorsing hillary
you are so dumb and ignorant you don't even know that Bernie sold out for money and is nothing but a snake with no real ideals and is a communist who never worked a day in his kike life
fucking kill yourself newfaggot scum
the fact that Bernie gave into Hillary so easily shows that he doesn't have the mental fortitude to handle an important position in Trump's cabinet.
Bernie didn't "give in" he made a deal with the DNC and Hillary and got a new care and a lake front house out of it
This meme that Bernie was ever serious needs to fucking die.
The wikileaks emails proved this
Quick Redpill for people pushing the Sanders only has a $300k net worth meme: It's bullshit.
Politicians hide their assets and income under their spouses names, trust's names, and charity's names all the time. Bernie's net worth could easily exceed $10,000,000 and we wouldn't know about it because we don't know his wife's assets.
We do know that their income was a combined $350k+ for nearly 25 years. Not including bonuses or inside trading deals which wouldn't need to be disclosed if structured properly. Combined income for the past 25 years would be $8,750,000. With travel/health care expenses all covered by the tax payers.
Does that sounds like someone who would have a net worth under $1,000,000?
the guy isn't going to work with trump at all. he just got chosen to be chair of senate democrat outreach for fuck's sake. he has a VESTED INTEREST in making sure trump always looks like the bad guy. this is likely a way to set people up for the "see? i told you he wouldn't do shit for regular people and just make corporations wealthier" line down the road
net worth also doesn't really mean much when you're directly coordinating with government and financial officials. he could be technically dirt poor and still have pull because of his position.
This pretty much sums up all communist intellectuals. None of them actually did any labor, but expects everyone else to.
There's nothing that wrong with corporate America, it's what gives people jobs. It's lobbying that needs to stop, but this commie jew kike wouldn't care about that.
The article was literally that, but the parts about how the Republicans would have wrecked Bernie was interesting.
And they'd lose. Again
No, but it's accurate.
First off,
Any of you that are standing by and supporting Bernie at all need to get off Holla Forums and become an heroes. RIGHT NOW. Look at Venezuela, that's what a Bernie Sanders presidency looks like.
Bernie is a kike communist who would have been gassed and baked by Trump in the debates.
It's likely his VP would have been Poka-fucking-hantas, and you could only imagine how that would have turned out.
That old lazy useless kike would have had to explain to all White Americans that they don't know what it's like to live in a ghetto. Can you imagine the Bantz?
Checked and keked
Kill yourself kike
So they did. What a kike
Stay mad, Berncuck. You got ripped off and we won.
except he favors some wars, faggot
Sounds a lot like Marx
Bernie is too buys enjoying his new lake house you fags paid for with all your 3% interest rate "donations" you made to him.
That is the stupidest fucking thing I have read all month. Not only does Sanders have no military experience or aptitude, he probably views the military as just an institution that needs to be captured in the long march through the institutions. Doing so would cause the military to go more dildo than it ever went under Obama. Hope you like mandatory affirmative action based promotions, women in combat, and "education" on micro-aggressions.
Sanders was either a Clinton plant from the beginning, or submitted to them once they threatened him.
I'm sure Trump is well aware of this too, and won't fall for Sanders' bullshit.
The commie isn't trustworthy in the slightest.
So now he's backing Trump? Can thus guy go a day in his life without cucking himself?
Do you think there's any chance that Elena Kagan and the Wise Latina have their spirits irreparably broken so that Trump can replace them too?
Holy fuck, that is savage
They know who holds the sword currently dangling over their heads.
imagine being this retarded
his is a sellout
he sold out to the DNC, who fucked him over by the way
so he's a sellout and a giant pussy
some leader you got there, commie
Lugenpresse still With Her, I see.
Benny G loves Molynuex.], he draws him much more handsomely.
The only thing left of Bernie is actual gulags, purges, and starving peasants.
Got a link to the specific email(s)? I've got a bernout friend I want to redpill.
Up to a certain, this could be fun
Up to this point, most scenario looks fun
I thought that the day after election trump should convert the sanders inclined Dems to hop on the trump bandwagon
I have to say, Trump is HAULING ASS and spending every second since nov 8th working to actually deliver on being a serious game changer of a president