Black Science Nigger admits to wanting to cop a feel of Divine High-Emperor Trump's nuts but claims that he's only doing it because Trump doesn't support global warming. I'm on to you gay nigger.
Black Science Man lusts after Trump
This shit legit? What the fuck is this fucking coon about?
He's virtue signalling.
He's trying to shame Trump for grabbing pussy.
It's legit. Holy kek, 2017 is going to be the golden year of memes.
don't know what to think of this
Negro science man is referring to "grab 'em by the pussy." If in not mistaken, he had some anti-Trump tweets the past months.
Nigger science man is not your friend.
IIRC he also had some lukewarm Trump support tweets too. I think he loves Trump on the DL.
On the bright side, Kanye West is a true negro friend of Holla Forums's and the right.^tfw
Well, he does want to feel his package.
He does have an audience to cater to.
All those IFLS faggots are liberal dipshits. Supporting Trump outright probably means he loses most of his audience.
And of course, we don't need another nigger without a job.
We need to send Science Chimp into orbit so he can be the first Gay Nigger From Outer Space.
Maybe he should quit science and dedicate himself to media whoring full time.
These memes have become too realistic…
Is this his scientific way of coming out of the closet?
Trendy liberals reveal more than they know when the biggest complaint they have about Trump is that he's an alpha pussy wrecker who's never had to be celibate like them.
The memes choose their own avatars on this plane, evidently.
It doesn't matter how radically opposed to it you are. When a spirit from the meme plane chooses you as it's avatar, you become it's avatar.
n/j back in high school and college I was told all the time that men were supposed to become sperm cattle for women. Even kids cartoons now teach boys to be ashamed of liking girls as seen in pic-related where Holla Forumsmblr actually supported this crap and tried to make excuses as to why this shit was forgivable.
Seriously? That's disgusting.
Sweet, merciful Kek, I want to make an edit of this, but how could I possibly make anything that does what the original doesn't already do.
The final season was more faggotized than the entirety of the faggy series combined. Said episode was from the final season where the mc (who is the creator's self-insert) ends up getting cucked and shamed because he wanted to get a gf and the girl who supposedly liked him for being manly now hates him for being manly. Effectively betafying him and essentially delivering a moral that says "boys going after girls is wrong". Fucker was a spineless dork throughout the episode so the moral isn't even about being nice to chicks. The creator of the show was also a pretty huge Anthony Burch-tier fag with his beta faggotry growing with every passing year.
-Black Science Man
Still not as bad as the valentines and final episode. Drugs, orgies, degeneracy, trannies etc all abound. Even tumblr shit like steven universe is harmless compared to gravity falls.
Trump probably knows as much about science as space nigger
really. how fucking straighter he could have been nigga?
- Science Negro Dude
Have some fresh OC.
So, virtue blatancy?
top fucking lel
Realized after I posted it that I forgot to fix the forehead. Here's the finished, better version.
i remember he defended trump against the soros-paid protesters
fuckin meme magic i swear to god
Doesn't Trump support NASA and manned spaceflight? You'd think that'd make the "fucking love science" crowd happy.
Is it because he actually wants to do something reasonable instead of send stupid ass $1b probes to find water on Saturn's moons?
Not meme magic. He probably just saw spurdo memes on his twitter, and went "aww boy i sure do love these chinese cartoons", and proceeded to cringingly recreate it in real life, while getting it all wrong.
Typical normalfaggotry.
The "fucking love science" crowd don't know anything about actual science. Hell, most of them think that it's based on consensus and feefees.
maybe some of them but most will always put cultural marxism first.
That crowd is a bunch of reddit idiots and pretentious pseudo-intellectuals who jack off to The Big Bang Theory.
Those faggots are more interested in social signalling than actually interested in lobbying for a manned Mars mission.
Trump wants to go to Europa, so he's fine with moons
in a kids show?
Unless of course said mission involves a black secular muslim trans-female astronaut.
Didn't Trump essentially say mars is for losers we're going to Europa?
Nope, manned Mars mission while sending probes to scout Europe before future missions.
Yep. It was the valentines special and it was so fucking degenerate that Disney had to step in and delete a lot of scenes. The fat cupid was going to have the tranny symbol on his shirt and on his albums. The female mc goes out of her way to ship everyone in town in the gayest manner imaginable while copying shit from Adventure Time and wearing an lgbt sweater. There's a hippie concert where the fat Cupid meets up with his orgy buddies to get back his love potions. Their van is implied to be filled with drugs. Originally going to have lots of fags in it but Disney removed it so instead they had a pretend gay marriage at the end. There's more but its something you'd have to see to believe. Its not surprising since the creator of said show is a far left college hipster who is the embodiment of modern liberal lumberjack hipster.
Right so, the good thing is thanks to Trump this nigger is finally going to get put to work instead of going around doing lame ass talks.
Making America slowly great again and he isn't even in office yet.
He wants more space exploration to fully see the limits of our galaxy and aim for Saturn's moon. Then a mars mission will seem less like a waste.
you made it sound like it was some Sausage Party-tier shit.
Minus the talking food, cussing, rat anus fingering, philosophical shit and the big fat orgy scene at the end.
These are truly strange times.
Why do you know this, though?
/r/ing that pic of him and other "scientist" cucks vs actual nobel prize winners on the nature of physics and reality.
I thought that it was just these memes spread across the internet and people get exposed to them and then out of nowhere someone decides to do something but it's because the memes worked as a subconscious suggestion. They think they had the original idea, but the reality is they were influenced to act subconsciously by the memes.
What in the nun-fucking hell are you talking about, boy? Any GF thread I've ever seen on 8/co/ was about what a manipulative, needy cunt Mabel was, and how she always placed her needs above Dipper's and expected him to do likewise. GF is totally cucked, but don't sit there claiming that Holla Forums turns a blind eye to it.
My sister watched this crap and she convinced me to watch it with her and thought it was decent until I saw more of what this show really was. It then donned on me that this and its fandom were likely the reason she had become such a tight-ass sjw. .
Hi, Billy Mays here for OXYMORON, the contradiction specialist!
Trump on the mind?
Yes. We are in the Ghost in the Shell timeline now and Stand Alone Complexes are all too real.
AmeriRussian coprosperity sphere soon I guess
We already know it's there, why would we find it? Instead we should be building Orion and colonizing the shit out of it all. Should fusion tech ever prove viable, the gas giants are a paradise sitting atop a utopia as far as dumps of resources are concerned. Inb4 muh liquid water - what the fuck do you need liquid water for that you can't use ice for? Any other life out there is deadly competition which we'll have to shoah anyway if we wish to live safely.
it's usuallly a strap-on (pegging)
You forgot the "special guest appearance" of Louis CK trying to literally put everyone in his mouth.
the rapid response time with your explanation leads me to believe you're ashamed and hiding something
*dawned, unless you're referring to mr. Trump.
Can you edit the words sound it sounds like Spurdo?
I wonder if Trump wears a cup.
I fucked up.
*edit the words so it sounds like Spurdo?
Nice to see some fellow Holla Forumsfags on here who know what's going down.
Nigger Science Man will know soon enough. To bad for him that he won't be able to share it once that bullet enters his skull.
He has not authored or co-authored a paper in 16 years, he has not been published by any of the top journals, to call him a scientist is a real stretch.
Last time I was there I saw anons genuinely try to tell others that the show was a cucked up mess and that Mabel was just a piece of unredeemable shit, but every thread ended up being overrun with pro-Mabel cucks as far as I could tell.
Isn't there a Black Science Man parody account? The parody of Salon's Twitter account is funny
And what's worse is that they're actually calling him a major contributor along with the other TV science celebs. What a disgrace its all become.
Same with Bill Nye
I hate nigger reaction gifs, they so childish and apelike.
I agree, hence why I said:
So everyone tweet, 'nigga j00 gay as f00k'.
lmao enjoy your cooties and rape charges lmao
Scienceâ„¢ as seen on reddit.
That cuckface
And they're both riding out of the Science! boom of the 50's - early 70's from people like Jacques Cousteau or Mr. Wizard. Neither pretended to be Doctors (neither had degrees) or science gods, but they were able to translate some simplistic science concepts to a mass audience who were open to their changing world at the time.
Now these people like BSM or Bill Nye pretend to have the knowledge high ground and claim things like climate change is able to be macro-modified by humans without presenting data, because they know most people they present it to are too non-knowledgeable about these subjects and won't look into them because they trust them to bring the "correct" opinions- just like on Bill Nye the Science Guy or Cosmos 2: Electric Boogaloo
It wouldn't surprise me if their predecessors were in on it too because what do the Jews gain from broadcasting useful scientific information if not to sew the seeds of trust?
Science nigger confirmed for coward.
- Black Science Man
keep trying to tell her he's just a random chimp with a suit who happened to surround carl sagan and was hired to direct a few pieces of "2 universe 4 u" entertainment media, but she don't listen.
Guys we're going too deep with this kind of sorcery. Who knows what transmuting Black Science Man into Spurdo will do!
my dad is literally illiterate and he likes watching those channels because he thinks the stuff on it is entertaining in a retarded sense. I can't imagine this shit is actually effective to even a tenth of the population.
Everyone I know only watches it for the ayy lmao documentaries. Whether you believe in ayys or not is irrelevant since its entertaining either way.
Tyson is autistic and should be ignored
my favorite history channel special was when they tried to guess what life would be on Earth after humans left or died and it ended up with jellyfish monkeys.
wonder how that is going to go
pic related
What the hell happened to science man, why is it that there is not fucking ONE that isn't a complete agenda pushing dumb libshit working on (((String Theory))) and (((climate change))) instead of anything that could be applied and used to actually benefit a country, which seems appropriate since they eat up tax money.
Because social issues take precedence over actual awesome shit like discovering and fondling alien women.
pic related
I wonder (((why))) user?
Frankly its a crime against humanity that we don't even have power armour yet. I expect the Don to develop it
God fucking damnit! I hate the current state of childrens' stories and entertainment. We need more books and shows like embed related.
ain't life grand lads
m8, you want ZOGbot armies to walk around in power armor?
that shit was my childhood, read the books since i was 3
Maybe we can meme Ben Carson into closing a pool down.
Kys. I want charging people with a sword to be a viable tactical approach again.
Not posting the current version.
He will literally send Morticia to Jupiter.
Can't I fondle first then purge? Its not like all xeno scum are allied with chaos scum.
Agreed and beautiful.
We're pushing the limits. We don't know what this new meme will bring about.
he'll do fookin nuttin
That "Holla Forumsmblr" shit always gets up my nose. One or two threads about some sissy shit that the majority of the Holla Forumsssacks ignore somehow means the entire board is pozzed? Nothing could be further from the truth. Some of the nicest anons I've ever come across are on that board, and the majority would set fire to Marvel and DC if they thought they could get away with it.
fucking pop "science" nonsense
KAY-OTH ith thimplee mithunderthood
He's saying this as a virtue signal to the protesting Leftie #NotMyPresident faggots, you morons…
Hot damn, I miss reading Redwall. Taggerung was my favorite out of those novels. Man, I read so much as a kid. Everything from Ray Bradbury's tales of magnificent wonder and dreadful horror, to Edgar Rice Burrough's novels of glorious adventure. Damn.
I guess I was one of the lucky ones.
Holla Forums's a alright board most of the time. Gives me a place to vent after watching a episode of Tumblr Universe or Lewd House at a family reunion. My cousins need to be introduced to better television, at their age I was watching the original series of Star Trek and Outer Limits.
Underrated post
/pol really does create the best OC.
Holla Forumsmblr was 4/co/
Holla Forumsmblr seems to be mostly dead now after Hillary lost, save for a few butthurt remnants
It's a dumb joke, don't take it seriously
fuck it was a typo, sue me faggot.
My fave was when they analyzed an injun rock thing from somewhere near Chicago. They said yeah it could be injun but look at this depression… omg it's almost sorta the same size as a baby. So clearly it must be phoenician because somebody once claimed they sacrificed babies. And some phoenicians lived in colonies on the coast of N. Africa so Africans discovered the Americas!!!
Im p. sure they're just making fun of their viewers at this point.
I mean I know Alex Hirsch is a fag and all but isn't Adventure Time a better example to get your point across? I hear all sorts of bad shit about the way that show went.
The Fucking Love Science crowd's idea of science is reading a 10 Things You Didn't Know About Chemistry (And three of these are wrong because fuck research) list from Cracked. It's just signaling.
Dude…no. That shit will rot your dick off.
Steel codpiece.
looks more like Lois Griffin to me.
If you follow his twitter. Doesn't come across as someone brighter than a gaming e-celeb. He has a bad habit of causing drama by misquoting people and falling for fake quotes and news.
daym drops is the true black man of science
Goddamn Alex, why must he cuck Dipper out of everything? I guarantee if he makes those comics he's gonna make Dipper either a homo or a racemixer, must likely racemixig because Alex hates white people too. That's the whole point of Pacifica and her parents, Alex hates rich white people despite being a huge trustfund baby himself.
There was actually a new episode of Steven Universe yesterday.
I find it much more likely he hates himself precisely because he's a trustfund kiddie. Being propped up one half of your life by daddy and spending the other half being told you're an evil person for having what you were given makes for a broken psyche.
Oh fuck that's right how did it turn out between them in the show? All I remember is that she got a redemption episode that shit on people with money, did they fug?
There is nothing wrong with your niggertech. Do not attempt to use the report feature. We are now controlling the memes. We control the twittersphere and the JewTubes. We can deluge you with a thousand smug frogs, or expand one single swastika to crystal clarity and beyond. We can shape your news feed to anyting our imagination can conceive. For the next four years, we will control all that you see and hear. You are about to experience the horror and triggering which reaches from the deepest hugbox to the outer limits.
Please stand by.
I don't want to tell you how to run your family life, user, but you should probably smack a bitch.
They had some great chemistry but come on, did you seriously think Alex "The Cuck" Hirsch would allow Dipper to have a girlfriend, a WHITE and blonde girlfriend? Wouldn't want kids to get the impression if you are an alpha girls will like you.
Hell that episode, which was the best of the series btw, wasn't even written by him. What a hack.
literally the complete conan collection tbh, fucking stupid dumb bitch makes me want to go full cool ranch on her fucking stupid fucking normie face
Cal-Arts was a mistake.
You need to convince her something she likes is racist. Once you've conflated racism and things she loves in her mind, she's yours.
Racemixer (if he decides to give that young cis-scum a life partner)
He already shot that one on the foot when he cucked up for the Road Trip episode. What was even the message of that? Pickup culture is bad? Boys trying to get with girls is bad? How the hell was Dipper even in the wrong? He was just getting their fucking phone numbers dude, not their virginity. And Mabel was a huge SJW bitch as usual too. But she was even more insuferable that usual in that episode.
I don't think so, the faggot spents most of his days partying instead of working and being a huge attention whore what a surprise, he's jewish.
Does it count if you're jewish on your father's side? He ceirtainly fits the bill of a cuckboy kike.
We're talking about an episode from the final season here you fucking retard, not the moronic love interest shit early on. The episode where the beta mc goes looking for a gf but ends up being looked down upon for trying and hitting on so many girls, but I guess you would defend that episode, wouldn't you, you cuck.
Wow, they're just pushing the agenda flat out there now. No masking it or anything anymore. Glad I don't watch TV anymore.
You find that shit user and then you kick that bitch's ass.
Indeed it was.
Their big eye designs always pissed me off.
Speaking of lewd house, didn't the creator of the show get pissed that Nick basically took over and made it super progressive and gave the main brother a gf, effectively killing the creator's vision which was to have a subtle incest harem cartoon? I even recall him making his own version of Ben Garrison's March of Tyranny with Nickelodeon as the tyrant stepping on waifufags and incestfags for the sake of being progressive while he tragically watches on. If you're gonna watch that shit for the twisted loli porn I hope you're at least doing it illegally.
Adventure Time went from average, to mediocre, to tumblrfied, and then to shit, then average for a bit, then a colossal waste dump to the point where the majority of its fags went off to /a/ to fap about Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
Ugh. They also get all their "weekly nerd info" from the shitty trivia at the start of every Big Bang Theory episode.
I legitimately don't know why I watch this trash, I always catch the new episodes when they come out foe some fucking reason. The kike propaganda is plain to see, here especially. There was no point in the episode where the "heroes" were in the right, but in the end they got their way anyway and even converted a traditionalist. Isn't liberalism great, kids?
I did laugh my ass off though when Andy opened his mouth. That fucking voice.
Wasn't the creator the one that pozzed the show by including the racemixed homo coupled? If he did, he can go suck all the cocks he wants, because I don't care about a faggot like that.
And despite this, Andy had every fucking right to be concerned. These are fucking aliens nobody knows anything about and who only give a shit about humans because their fucking Big Momma leader gave a shit. Otherwise they're terrible beings who would've abandoned them ages ago if given the chance. And the propaganda in that one was so thick and blatant you could see it from a mile away.
Not sure. All I know is he was pissed Nick gave his main character a muslim gf. I guess this is the price you pay for trying to be a virtue signaling fag because some spics got killed in a gay bar.
What if he represented the native americans and the gems are white people?
Straight outta left field.
Unlikely. There was no hidden moral in it. Just that all non-leftists or even centrists with genuine suspicion are all bigots that need to be converted. If that had been an actual native american though, or if they gave him brown skin, then we'd have something to debate on, but the message was pretty clear.
He'll end up alone as the proud sperm donor to a lesbian couple and he will happily watch his son be raised without his involvement.
Don't think this makes sense, they burn flags not fly them.
But he the Kikestal Gems aren't invaders, just a small band of freeloading rainbowskins. IIRC they even run from the police in one episode because they aren't citizens. No joke.
I gotta see this.
Well one of the writers is a Ghanaian immigrant, so what were you expecting? Immigrants are shameless in their primitive instinct to try and reduce the natives and expand their "own", even if they have nothing in common with chinese, mexicans and others they know instinctively as humans the lower the English-speaking self-identified white percentile in American society the better able they'll be to exert power.
It is simply ugly, savage instinct to want to displace others. Hence why immigrants are untrustworthy and why Jindal, Haley, Mia Love and other "diverse" Republicans of immigrant background were among the first to denounce Trump. Fuck, Kasich is the son of an immigrant too. I guess only Cruz managed to truly assimilate, despite literally being born in Canada- though obviously there are suspicions about his connections to the Bush family.
Last time I saw it was on a half/chan/ loud house thread since he deleted it from his blog apparently. Been trying to find another copy of it since and its impossible to dig through that immense archive since the search feature refuses to work.
Don't forget someone yelling "OY VEY".
The President has no time to meet TV stars that pose as scientists yet have never contributed anything to science.
Shut the fuck uuuuuuuuuuup already
What is it with you stupid niggerlovers DIVING IN to praise a nigger when he says one good thing about Trump. Do you realize Kanye has a long history of making songs where he encourages race mixing with whites? He is disgusting
Honestly, some of the least welcoming and "bigoted" people I know are spics and muzzies, and they only vote lefty because they think the right will gas them on sight even if they're legal. You can just tell these libshits have never left their cozy safe spaces to see how the minorities they so valiantly defend would gladly stab them in the back if not for the leftist fearmongering.
Wew my sides
I'm looking forward to Trump calling his bluff and appearing in person. When BSM doesn't make a move, Trump will remark that at least one of them has balls.
I personally like BSM but he really stuck his foot in his mouth with that comment.
Well doy. He just thinks he can get away with it because he and his faggot buddy Bill got to meet with that pushover Obama.
For fuck's sake man, don't do that extended vowel shit.
Why didn't I realize this until now?
Maybe it was because that shit animoo was covered in a veil of childhood innocence where we didn't have to fear or even know about the likes of Hollyjews. But looking back on it now, fuck this cat was really a true a j00, minus the nose.
What kind of smoke are you crackin' user?
Do we have any South Carolina anons that can tell me how the hell Haley wins anyways? Back when I lived there the people would have never voted for a non-white to be governor.
I don't know about you, but I'm really just watching it for the plot myself. The gem lore seems pretty interesting.
I'm getting ready to fucking drop it though because they keep wasting time on gay slice of life bullshit.
watch link so you can kick your shit show to the curb and not feel bad about it:
Steven Universe has a few interesting concepts but the poor pacing, propaganda, and overall execution make it godawful. I just wanna know where this Diamond shit is going.
This book series was fucking great. Just the right amount of action and violence and still be a kids book.
probably nowhere. just a guess.
Holy shit I did not expect that ending. Fucking glorious.
Careful Science Nigger, you might just get set alight by leftists.
Willingly subjecting yourself to that shit doesn't make you any less of a retard unless you're doing a critique of it at some point. Any of it's few interesting concepts are most likely found in other less shit media.
Wasnt there women a few months ago saying he was a rapist? Shouldnt cnn be running these accusations as fact and shouldnt people be talking about how horrible he is?
His in-game ability is pickup, that is it finds all sorts of shit just by walking around, and he learns move "payday" which does fuckall damage but gives you free money. He also learns feint, nasty plot and fake out.
You didn't get my point. Once it is invented, kikes will get a hold of it.
….. surely this was intentional. It's too fucking close.
why does nigger science man have to browse?
Reeeeeeeeeee get the fuck off my chan
he's a popular public figure.
the left loves him.
hopefully spurdo can calm down the crazies: reason with them and distract them with star dust.
Did he just threaten to rape the President Elect? Someone alert the SS, this crazy deviant needs to be v&
lol that's actually pretty funny
Nowhere. Just like Adventure Time.
Is there a leftist around that ISN'T a degenerate?
For fucks sake, every last one of them is either gay, bipolar or a sociopath.
Why did they even think they could take control of the nation.
Commiefoina needs to fall in the fucking ocean soon.
Molest, not rape. But yeah.
This guy has bretty gud vids.
>she has great chemistry with the lead boy, who had recently been rejected (well, let down as nicely as possible) by his longtime crush
fuck alex hirsch
I believe the moral of the episode was "a good guy won't flirt with a girl unless he is 100% sure she is his soulmate"
I fucking hate the bullshit romantic advice that jewlywood indoctrinates children with.
And also that the girl should be in charge in the relationship, cuz that's apparently an equal partnership.