Holla Forums is dead, long live Holla Forums

Reminder to check >>>/polmeta/ daily to see what the shill mods are up to. It's safe to say that the board has been completely subverted at this point considering their constant Kikery, but we need to make more people aware of this so we can consider organizing a full-scale migration to better alternatives.

These threads are a good starting point:


End chan is cool but the user base is lame. We need more oldfags there. Too much "Trump conspiracy" retards


Serves you right for abandoning us back on 4/pol/.

not even once

Remember these are the same people who have claimed Imkamphy is a mudslime, pagan, christian, arab, jew, and Holla Forums all at once.

How to kill goons:


Does endchan sitll allow pedoboards?

Unless you're talking about CP. If not, they can allow them if they want.

Hi imkikefy. Are you going to vanish from the board log again to try to shill in this thread like you did in the last one? >>>/polmeta/14215

lad smdh tbh
Never change, goons

I specifically mean any sort of loli, shota, "nudist", child "model", "younglove", pederast or other pedo boards.
That's my red line. Last time I read that shit was still allowed, if not, I will check it out again.

Loli and shota are legal (as per SCOTUS). Dunno about the rest.


Some of this stuff is allowed here too, isn't it?

Yes and it's perfectly harmless and legal.


IMKamphy and Moonman post pedo picks on Holla Forums

The nigger loving and the spic apologetics are off the charts on this board now. It's obviously a coordinated effort and my guess is it's coming from Palmer Luckey and whoever else is running Trump's internet program.

I don't agree with the OP, but you're not fooling anyone here kampfy. If there is one cancerous mod in this board, it's you.

Madeleine McCann's kidnapping involves a Jewish British minister that died years ago.

Saying you want a leader like Hitler has become a pejorative on this board, what else would you expect?

Daily reminder that awyattmann (the sperg from TRS) is the one bitching constantly on /polmeta/. If you want to fluster his jimmies make sure to go to >>>/polmeta/12189 and leave a bump.

Also spread around these memes:

Mods haven't been that bad lately.

Thats pretty much the reason I don't post there. Its either "Drumpf is a Jewish plant" or some Masonnigger horseshit.

t. mod

They're worse than they've ever been now You can't criticize Trump in any way without your thread getting autosaged or deleted and they keep autosaging decent threads like Holla Forums literature for example. They don't want people to discuss anything productive and are using Trump's presidency as a way to co-opt the users into becoming good goy civic nationalists.

Oops, misquoted:

HA! I'm running Trump's internet program. Me and the other anons who fucking had 50,000 silver bullet memes long before Trump came along

How can you be running Trumps internet program if you're me

You're right, they're shit and that's inexcusable but it hasn't been as bad from my perspective lately, maybe I've just been more busy I don't know. They did shoah my philosophy thread a couple days ago which was pretty gay.

Not moving to a new board with that colour scheme.

So you're getting used to getting cucked by the shill mods then? Is that what you're saying? If they did it once, they'll do it again and again.

This was one of the main reasons why we left cuckchan, mind you. I can't believe people are being alright and conforming to this Kikery. Have they all forgotten it already?

No, I'm the batman.

Because you're fucking insufferable Stormfags.


Mods will never be perfect, we're infallible beings after all. It's not to the point where they censor discussion or ban people talking about a topic, Holla Forums is the best platform available, period.

So what are you doing here then, Kike?

It is. Lurk more.

Synchronicity, user