National Registry of White Males

Top fucking kek
Some faggot ass cuck/land whale made an open google doc that is trying to record every white male in America. I performed my civic duty and put myself down as "HUGH MUNGUS" (with the capitals), I live at 14 Fuqbitches road, Intercourse, PA, and I checked off all the boxes at the bottom the way they wouldn't like

Do they really think this will take off?

Other urls found in this thread:…/perpetrators-sexual-violence…/mass-shootings-mother-jones-fu……/Serial Killer Statisti……/more-than-1600-women-murdered-by-men-…/…/abusers/genderandipv.html…/right-wing-extremists-militants-b……/update-more-400-incidents-hatef……/steve-bannon-domestic-violenc……/donald-trump-muslim-registry…

checked oh look at that its tumblr website. I am so surprised.


Actually, I was considering the implications of making an undesireable registry.

Something like those sites/apps that let users record police radar traps, only muslims/jews/feminists/etc instead.

I wonder how feasible this is though, I don't see how it's illegal, but there would have to be a host with some balls to ignore the massive amount of complaints it would likely get, and what about the domain name registrar, can they outright pull a domain name?

Trap for whites?

And what are they going to do with this? Do you honestly believe whatever drooling retard is behind this horseshit has the ability to accomplish anything beyond saying GOTCHA to the handful of idiots that give their actual info on this?

I'm sure this is fake

It's not fake, but obviously nothing is going to come if it. It's not like they'll come to your house and take you away or anything, especially not under Trump.

I'm sure Ben "Dragging Cucks Under My Truck" Garrison wouldn't mind having them visit.

Hahaha I'm gonna register again as Ben Garrison

I signed up again as "Ben "One man Holocaust" Garrison"

Fuck wrong pic, I put for why I'm not a threat "Why do a juice cleanse when you can do a Jew cleanse? All fucking niggers must fucking hang" and put my address as 1488 Rahowa drive


I bought 5000 rounds and a 12 gauge the other day. No license needed. Not even a background check since Vermont has their "private sale" dealie.

registered as Patton Oswalt
540 N Lincoln St, burbank, CA

Just attach a photocopy of the 2nd Amendment.

If I wasn't so lazy something tells me some of those old CTR names and addresses may come in handy just because I'm lazy doesn't mean you shouldn't be

We should feed them names and addresses from


This was already kind of tried, thinly veiled as a "bad neighborhood tracker. The niggers went apeshit.

Why are they always trying to separate us from our women?


Jesus Christ, OP, how could you fucking fail so hard? Shit won't load for me, otherwise I would sign myself up as "Keksimus Maximus."

Jews are white right? :^) Wouldn't want there to be any confusion should this blow up.

Have you seen non-white women?

Holy shit, that's Wario's nose.


It's called Selective Service.

There already is one, it's called the selective service, or a employment record..

Jack the Ripper Just registered


I know a Jew who claimed that he didn't have to sign up because he's a Jew, and thus more Arab or some shit.

this is a good one

Yeah, because before driving through a neighborhood I want to know if someone's going to throw open my car door and embezzle me.

I just signed up Chris Chan. I don't know if he got a new email but I used one of his.

If that's her face, imagine what her pussy looks like

add kikes to the list

make them seem like massive shitlords so the SJW constantly harasses them until the ADL kvetches


One question asks if you have committed a crime. Brilliant.

No conception of morality or ethics on their part.

I said I did lol
But I registered as hitler.

Obese white liberal lesbians are behind this

That's all that's been tried? Of course microsoft would rip it down immediately, if Holla Forums made it (inb4 Holla Forums can't ever make shit), i mean like an individual, it would be immune to that kind of thing.

I've been thinking about making a thread about it, but i've gotta get my shit together with it first.

I imagine in app from, it would be ripped from app stores, but w/e, push it open source and publish apk's.

Would need a webhost that ignores criticism, could put it behind a .onion, but that removes visibility. If the whole server side was pushed open source, if it was taken down it could be brought back up quickly again, especially if the database is made public too.

Reminder to use VPN

I just wonder about the legality of the whole thing. All it is is tags, on a map, uploaded by individual users, but imagine some stupid shit happens on a tag, is the site liable for it?

I love how several of the articles that praise the registry reference data that shows that blacks perpetrate at least twice as many rapes as whites per capita.

that's on the user side though, obviously server would have to allow vpn's/tor, and/or have a .onion address.

Server side though it might be less of a legal problem if tags are just pre-filled with a dropdown.

Trump's already talking about a muslim registry, there's already shit out there that tracks crime, this tracks race.

Could be used for illegals too

What kind of fucking beta male spineless faggot would ever submit their information in here non-ironically

God help us

Why don't we make a worthless minority registry?

I cannot believe this is unironically real.


OP is datamining … who exactly tipped OP off to this google site? He probably wrote it himself and then posted it here to glean IP addresses.

Eric Tionn from New York is in.

No I didn't, my conservative friend (I'm in Boston so there's few of them) showed it to me and I thought it was funny so I brought it to Holla Forums

Make a social media app for tumblr tards

I wonder if it'll make them physically uncomfortable enough to respond


As you may or may not know, in America 57% of reported rapes1 and 64% of mass shootings2 were committed by white men. 45% of all serial killers are white men3. 1 in 3 women will experience some form of domestic violence during their lifetime4, and 97% of those domestic violence perpetrators were men5.

According to a Newsweek article from earlier this year, Right Wing Extremists pose a greater threat to National security than ISIS6, and in the past week alone The Southern Poverty Law Center has registered over 400 reports of hate crimes enacted in the name of the nationalist, racist, and sexist campaign rhetoric espoused by Donald J Trump7. Every day, as shocking staff appointments and Muslim registry plans start to emerge from the President-Elect’s transition team8,9, one thing has become increasingly clear: the safety of American citizens– all American citizens– is in danger.

Forget the nation of Islam, our most immediate threat to domestic security is and always has been white, straight men.

That is why I have decided to do my part as a Red Blooded Patriot by creating The White Male Registry. It is a simple google form complete with questions that will help identify just how much of a threat to American security any individual white male may pose to the general public.

Until January 20th all white men may voluntarily register themselves. Special consideration may or may not be granted to those who register before this date. After January 20th, however, I will be encouraging anyone and everyone to add to the list any non-registered white male they may personally perceive as a threat to their safety.

I will also be registering every white man in Washington one by one. I started with Donald J Trump himself and sent him a message this morning via his website:

Hi Mr President-Elect and your esteemed team of assistants,

I am writing to inform you that I’ll be adding your name to the National White Men Registry I have just created. I’m trying to keep America safe from the ethnic group that, statistically speaking, poses the largest threat to national safety: white, straight, CIS-gendered men.

I hope you’ll join me in asking other white men to register in the interest of national safety, for as you so wisely said, “We want to be very fair but too many bad things are happening and the percentage of true hatred is too great. People that are looking to destroy our country must be reported and turned in by the good people who love our country and want America to be great again.”

I couldn’t have said it better.

All the best to you and your transition team. I sincerely hope that we have the chance to meet in person one day so that I can grab you by your most esteemed man-pussy. But be forewarned: once I grab it I will never, ever, ever let go.

To the White Men of America, I humbly ask that you do your part for National Security and American Freedom. We can not rest until @allwhitemen are present and accounted for.

In solidarity for All Americans. Be Well.

3.…/Serial Killer Statisti…

Can you fags help me refute this?


No, but uninformed people reading it will be

Raw percentages. Correct for race by population and then see what happens.

So white men are roughly proportional, cool

Jamaal Daniels from Detroit is in.

Bill Wilson from Les Bains reporting.

Even commiefornia doesn't require a license to own firearms (I sure as hell don't have one, but the main rifle I have is a home-built ghost gun anyway, and I'm sure as hell never registering it), what kind of cuck state and/or country does this faggot live in?

FOIDcuck here, it's better than nothing at least

Cook county ruins IL for everyone else

This is an extremely good idea. I wonder why does pol sits on its ass all day everyday and not making some sort of an undesirables registry.
This type of shit is like.. I dont know, infrastructure. All y'all could be using it one day. Anons might be starting up private businesses, work in government or I dont know where. pol might be businessing or recruiting or contracting one day. Imagine having a registry of all undesirables, no matter which one you are, you'd benefit it.
It would be a really beneficial and effort-effective as well to just type in someone's name and have it list out:

This shit could be made with basic c++, I've seen highschool kids learning this in a few weeks, if there's anyone out there half serious about writing our own I'd volunteer, I can code a fair bit.

Their twitter follows two people
pootietoogood aka Nick Armbruster
brennapal aka Brenna Palughi

Both are from Brooklyn NY

You know these faggots just HAD to virtue signal and they are the ones behind this.

Or an even better idea, a Unity Registry. In a world of racism, bigotry and intolerance, it would be nice and safe to communicate with people that share your views. Of course, you can also allow people to post their social media, for further conducive communication. They need to enter their address and phone for verification, of course.


As OP and a Baneposter, I am glad this happened. I'll now do Barsad Masketta from Uzbekistan

Here's my Christian Weston Chandler and Barsad submissions

let's fill it with jews

t. ebonics nigger

t. useless nigger


somebody figure out how to upload the Coincidence Detector list to this

There is already a registry at the IRS and every other government agency that they fund.

Easy. They count spics as white. The FBI stopped counting spics as a separate race from whites in order to make blacks look more innocent in comparison. I guarantee you that factoring that in, whites account for around 35% of rapes in the country. You can also look at the list of the FBI's most wanted. They'll mark the ethnicity of all these Reyes, Gonzales, Rodriguez, etc. as white. It's fucking sickening, but unless the snowflakes want to lump their precious "dreamers" in with whitey, it destroys the narrative that whites cause all of America's crime.

Anybody got an email for mde? I'm sure Sam would like to know that he's been registered.
or just search burner email

I meant a legit one as I think he'd get a kick out of be registered at 14 Kike Killer Ln Apt 88 Lynchburg VA

Tweet it at him?

Yeah. That's what I figured.

Clearly not as hard as you just failed.

Because if we lose white women the white race dies. A few white man can impregnate countless white women and the race survives. A few white women and countless white men can only have so many children. This is why they've tried so hard to turn white women against white men and into the arms of non-white savages.

We could make a gps that looks up demographic data and guides you around black neighborhoods.


I like this idea

My sides

Is the coincidence detector's list public?

Can we setup a bot to send in every name in the list with income set to the 1% of course ,':^)?

Double dubs commands it!

That's not made by just any faggot ass cuck OP. Look up Isabel Rosa Araujo (real name: Philip Delici)

How do you know?


I don't understand, shouldn't it be 10x more than that?

I think I found you in a D&D sourcebook.

Too bad it will be full of joke submissions otherwise femanons and other white girls could use it to find fucking white males.

I made a 4cuck thread. Do my a favor and bump it. Trolling these people will require a bunch of low-tier autism.

Wow I feel so special right now, like someone recognizes my powerlevel and that of my race.

I wonder which one of you made this? We could definitely use examples like this to show the normie whites that they are well hated just for being white.

It don't look like a woman so how are the people supposed to know if it is a woman or man?

ayy lemau

Out of curiosity - What do these faggots do if you mark yourself as one of the 1%? It says on the form that they will definitely contact you.

You just need to look at it like an animal. The males have more prominent brow ridges, thinner faces and more wiry hair.