A Challenger Approaches

When there is a run on the banks, will your precious Pepes be there?

There is only one way to be sure.
Hard memes. Real memes. I'm talking we put our money where our mouths are and MAKE MEMES REAL.

Attached is a survey to see if I'm not off my fucking rocker. I want to make memes real and magic won't do it alone.
Please just spend a second to hype it up or tell me I'm an idiot. Link below.
surveymonkey dot com/r/6PQ2H7D

Q. Are these memes real?
A. Yes, I've already contacted a manufacturer and they are ready to be made. They will be die-cast steel with durable paints.

Q. What is that box under the pyramid pepe?
A. Each coin will have a unique number- thats right, EACH COIN MAY HAVE DUBS/TRIPS

Q. How many are you making?
A. I'm thinking of an initial release of 300. That will be explained in the next question.

Q. Are you trying to profit off of memes? FUCKING SHILL

A. At the price point I picked, I'll be making basically just enough to do this again. I'm literally making enough for fucking tendies, so don't shit yourself. This is about the memes first. Memes before money.

K, keep me posted.


have them made from silver

good luck entrepreneur-fag.

Silver coating is an option from the manufacturer, but these will be steel.

Why the hell no not?
Look what we accomplished. Might as well try to meme this.

all things of this world will perish: including the image of pkekpe
turn to things not of this world: invest in things of spirit.

Jesus Christ be with you.

I want some hard memes

bump for interest
You should probably say what the price point you picked is. Also are you going to sell them on amazon or just by email? More people might be interested if you went into more detail.
Can people submit their own custom memes for printing?

Canada needs a meme injection. This is Maxime Bernier, Mad Max, he's our guy up north.

Oh shit, sorry, it is in the survey. $9.99

If the interest is there I'll buy a domain and have a little website storefront thing. Their small and I live near a USPS place so I'll pack and ship them myself. Probably do payment through paypal or something equivalent.

And I was playing with the idea of having people vote on things or submit them themselves- 300 is the lowest number I can make at once (any lower and the service I'm using will charge a die fee, which would make the entire thing net negative).


Making memes real?

I have a 3D printer. Anyone have models to things like the kek statue?

his gf is hot

can we e-transfer you the money? suggestion pic related

I think you're definitely on to something user. I would be willing to pay 9.99 for one. And I totally understand the die cost thing so we would have to agree on which memes to use.
I hate to say it, but you might have to advertise on cuckchan.
Also you should mention that it's American steel right?

Well considering I have all my memes saved on my computer I'm not worried about banks. However I do want to get several patches made.

Same company makes challenge coins for the military, so I should fucking hope so.

All harddrives crash- and what if we get EMP'd? The pepe market would crash so hard, only those with physical pepes would survive!


Bumping for interest.

user do you even know how expensive it would be to print out my massive amount of Pepes? In color non-the-less? We'll find a way, we always have.

If I had the honor of making that many memes I would do it in a heartbeat.



I'd buy some if I weren't a worthless NEET.

cut your fucking fingernails you disgusting faggot

shit nigger you sculpted that with a dremel?

9/10 breddy gud tbh


I would purchase meme coins made of precious metals. But I wouldn't buy some useless chinese made hunk of steel. Only teenagers and old ladies collect novelty junk, which is exactly what this is m8.


Why not just have gold and/or silver ones made on Shapeways on demand? Or even just publish the model for free so people can have it printed?

Hell, I'd buy one. Keep us informed user.

This is op from my phone.
Because I don't have the model, and because shapeways quality isn't as good as this would be. Also that would make it even more expensive, and I want to propagate meme magic

i would buy one as well. looks good.

Holy shit, this is good. I'd actually buy one.

will buy one of each, have money on hand.

Fuck it, ill buy 4 of each.

I will only buy one if it is made from .999 fine silver .

contact sunshintmint . c o m

they are the cheapest place to get custom silver rounds.

the most expesnive part is the silver ( cost of raw materials ) and the die to strike the silver round

i don't want some worthless piece of steel.

he should do steel first, then silver

I bought a Holla Forums patch and I would definitely buy this, OP.

that's really dumb. If I'm spending money on a coin I want it to have value

Shekelberg pls go.

Good luck entrepreneur faggot!

inb4 memecoins become the new Reichsmark

I can confirm I will purchase a couple.

Are you the same lad who had the patches made? If so what is your webstore called? I wish to order a couple of those too.

Fuck it, I'll buy one. JIDF needs to be tossed a shekel occasionally to keep them in line.

When you truly master quantum nature you will realize it is all real. You simply need to accept the reality you choose to perceive.


Here comes dat boi.

You put eight EIGHT sevens?


77777777 is the post on halfchan/pol/ that said "Trump will win"

Different laddo. I'd be interested in seeing what success he had in getting the memes out though.