This is getting a lot of attention in Canada. It was an issue before, but its starting to feature more and more in the news because of the (perceived) increase in overdoses (because of an increase in fetanyl use?).
How does Holla Forums think this should be solved?
I'm personally indifferent to these people overdosing and dying. There are certain personality traits that cause people to become addicted and engage in this kind of behavior. Generally they have children early on in life, have criminal records and other problems related to the way their minds function.
I don't understand why an entire substance has to be banned to protect people who have problems that would just manifest in other ways or why the government should be in the business of protecting people from themselves past a certain point by legislating puritan morality.
perhaps we could meme parts of duterte's drug policy into trumps policy
Jordan Lewis
Here in the US it started with doctors giving out painkillers for absolutely everything. The policy was, if they say it hurts, believe them. In the past 5-10 years it's changed because so many people became addicts. That has caused a heroin explosion.
That isn't the problem in my opinion. I live in a white state. One of the whitest. Niggers from big cities began coming in as the pills dried up. They could sell their heroin here for 3x the price. Law enforcement was and is clueless on the issue. They couldn't begin to stop it. Nigger gangs have infiltrated some of the whitest towns you can imagine. In the cities, they supply the local immigrant gangs with dope.
This isn't a lolbergian paradise where you can do heroin and if you fuck with your neighbor they can shoot you with a TOW missile. The state is poor. The economy is shit. Jobs have flooded out as those types of industry went overseas. People are weak and they turn to drugs and alcohol. This intern has led to niggerfication of white areas.
I'd put money on kike doctors/councils behind giving out opiates like candy in the first place.
Lincoln Barnes
You would be correct. Jews trademarked and mass marketed Oxycontin, and manipulated the FDA and peer review process to approve of handing out incredibly dangerous and addicting 80 mg pills for "back pain". Police and DEA have no interest in any effective solution either, the more lucrative the drug trade is, the more money they can make with civil forfeiture, so drugniggers do all of the work and take all of the risk in moving dope while cops use their profits to buy new SUVs and margarita machines.
Justin Bennett
Thanks for the link. Basically confirms everything I thought/knew.
Brandon Richardson
First you need to stop doctors tossing around painkillers/ssri's around like they're candy. It's very easy to get addicted this way. Speaking of poorer White communities, they need something to work for, something to hope for. A lot of small towns where opioid's are rampant have lost most of their jobs. Plus encroaching diversity makes many people turn to drugs and alcohol to cope.
Parker James
Wait, you're telling me all after all those taxpayer-funded methadone clinics and safe injection sites with free needles were forced into neighbourhoods across Canada, opioid use hasn't gone down? Truly we could never have seen this coming.
Brandon Harris
What's bullshit is that they have stopped giving them to the people that actually need them. My elderly mom can't get anything for her pain and she just hurts all the time. I burned my hand pretty bad about a year ago and they gave me nothing but tramadol. It didn't work . Fuck the junkies,let em die .It's not fair to the people that actually need pain relief. All this obongo bs did was make the street prices go up and make the elderly suffer.
Ethan Butler
this. Some doctors even deliberately get their patients addicted opiods to ensure a steady revenue stream.
Methadone is another scam. It's an addictive opiod used to (((treat))) opiod addiction through "maintenance therapy," i.e. taking it in perpetuity at a cost of about $500 a month courtesy of your tax dollars through Medicaid
Connor Sanchez
Hard drugs are eugenics.
Austin Foster
Correction: it started with pharmajew (((lobbiests))) lobbying the AMA to allow more and more minor medical "issues" prescription for their newest opioids.
Combined with no warning that all opioids are physically addicting, and no insurance covered opioid addiction recovery programs it led to the obvious new heroin epidemic. Be sure of this: the ZOGs are the key players here as they control both the pharmajews as well as the Afghani poppy fields / heroin production.
tl;dr to solve this problem (and many others) get rid of the Jews
Jason Gutierrez
Here is an example of how drugs and shitskins will fuck up a white city.
Carter Rogers
I don't like black markets personally, but in this case I am hesitant to say it should be fully legal so there isn't a great solution. It's largely a white problem though, which could be why it's being hyped. On a side note, it's important to remember that Afghanistan is the major producer and the Taliban successfully eliminated it in 2001 with a ban; they were shortly thereafter liberated.
Brandon Kelly
Sure it's not a problem for you if you never had the misfortune of knowing somebody you cared for get hooked on the damned things. Very convient for faggots like OP who can't think longer than according to himself (and no, i don't know anybody that has died because of drugs but it's a fucking problem).
Drugs don't belong in a white, traditional society. It's a part of the degenerative state of us, and instead of shooting up on drugs they could've raised good children, provided to the people. A destructive behaviour like that could've been beaten if we were to live in a traditional society which didn't encourage the youth to rebel by using drugs, hooking-up and become communists.
Anthony Baker
I don't know anyone who has become addicted to heroin because of weed and a degenerate society. My experience has been with the working poor. One of them gets hurt at work and get some pills, or they're just unemployed hopeless and someone brought a some pills to a bonfire etc. They pop them and drink, eventually falling into addiction. Pills dry up and they turn to heroin.
You're right that they don't belong in society. They can ruin an entire community if the town is small and poor enough. I've never had someone I cared about become an addict and I don't care to. lolbergs who think legalizing all drugs is a good idea are fucking retarded.
Connor Wood
Personally I love the feeling I from codeine and oxycontin, but I don't want to ruin my life, so I partake, at most once a year.
Blake Gutierrez
What kind of person wakes up one morning and says to themselves
Nobody does that. That's insane. The reason so many people are getting hooked on this shit is because doctors are prescribing it to them and telling them it's safe. They use it, like it, and get hooked. I know three people this has happened to. The first is already dead. He weighted 300+ pounds before he got hooked, and complained to his father about back pain. His father, a doctor, gave him pills. He got hooked and a year later had switched to heroin. Now he's dead.
Hang the doctors.
Caleb Reed
That's what they all say, nobody does drugs with the deliberate intention of becoming an addict, but they lure themselves into a false sense of security and get hooked. I knew a guy who did coke only on rare occasions for years, and then when his startup succeeded and he made enough money to actually have a habit he turned into a full blown cokehead shitbag in very short order and blew his business and almost a million dollars. If you already limit yourself to once a year you might as well quit, hardly any difference. Drugs are bad. I had a compound fracture a while back and flushed most of my oxys after the first week because I liked them too much.
Ian Powell
this. my junkie aunt cant get whatever drug she wants, but i have to get in a knock-down drag-out fight with my doctor to get Tylenol with codeine after being fucking cut on.
Colton Thompson
You're an idiot. Stop now while you still can (if you even still can).
Jacob Hughes
to add to that, this is just another example of the weakest link ruining something for everyone else.
Liam Gutierrez
All opiod medication should be completely banned for new patients. Only patients who have been prescribed opiods in the past should be grandfathered in, and only because they'll immediately switch to heroin if the ban applies to them. I don't care how fucked up you get. I don't care if you got all your teeth knocked out, or burnt half your skin off. No new opiod prescriptions ''at all'. No shit. For thousands of years men have gone to war and been hacked to pieces, and the vast majority of them never had opiod painkillers. Painkillers are a luxury. A luxury which is poisoning our society.
Any doctor who doesn't comply should be hanged.
Ethan Stewart
Legalise, end public funded health care.
Landon Bell
saging for an inferior borderline marxist video game
Lincoln Hall
fug i forgot to sage also check my dubs niggers
Wyatt Campbell
totally agree man
Colton Morales
Just ban medicine, its all muh degeneracy. We should suffer from any minor invection and trauma, like our savanna ancestors.
Christopher Thompson
Nobody is getting hooked on antibiotics you stupid nigger. Penicillin is not destroying white communities.
Oliver King
In my opinion we shouldn't be so drastic. First of all, a loose grip on the painkiller trafficking would mean a high possibility of it reaching children who, without having enough time to develop certain personality traits that cause people to become addicted and engage in this kind of behavior, but are rather edgy or depressed, may obtain them from adults who get them by prescription from uninterested doctors.
Moreover, even if we talk about adults who do this, we must not forget that we live in hard times. People have evolved to feel the masters of their own destiny. Our accomplishments depended, for a very long time, only on our abilities and commitment. Now we have to rely on the society if we want to survive. Someone else decides how much money we will receive, someone else decides how much fluoride to put in our water, and in general, our pallete of choice is really fucking limited. Lack of possibility to decide results in lack of responsibility and lack of duty, which in turn cause depression and indulging in degenerate behaviour. Until we find a way to take back our lives we should make all efforts to preserve the human genepool which has survived up to the time when mankind went on the wrong path.
Dominic Edwards
Opium Wars 2.
Nathaniel Cruz
what the fugg is up with the amerigas that makes them so drug dependant, I knew 4 americans and all of them were on something
Camden Price
I think doctors should be responsibilised to check for basic addictive behaviour in patients that come and ask for this type of medicine. If they have doubts regarding their patients sobriety, they should offer treatment of the disease that causes the pain under supervision, in hospitals.
Levi Nelson
I stole my dad's leftover oxycodone as a teenager. It pretty much permanently solidified the degenerate addict pathways in my brain. Haven't had it since then but I succumbed to alcoholism the second I left for college.
Dudeweedlmaos of Holla Forums, do you know if marijuana is effective in relieving pain from surgery and regular injuries? If so, I would support banning opioid painkillers and prescribing medical marijuana instead. Weed is absolutely degenerate in its own way, but it doesn't completely fuck your brain and life up after one experience like opioids do.
Jacob Davis
Just like opioids used for pain relief. Way more people dies from diseases made by addiction to carbs then all other drugs combine. Go ranting about banning sugar. You are dogmatic moralfag who just want to outmach others in purity contest.
And I dont care what you want, and fortunatly anyone with power to do so dont care too.
Jason Davis
Very mild effect. It can help if you smashed your tumb or post workout soreness, not extreme pain.
No, they are still best what we have.
Dominic Nelson
Results may vary. In my personal experience weed has never reduced any pain. On the contrary, high CBC strains seem to rekindle old pain I had long forgotten. Even makes scars I got when I was a kid feel like they ripped open again. But I know some people who swear by it, so it probably depends on your particular brain chemistry.
Also, the "medical" weed scene is a total shitshow so even if you get the same "strain" from the same grower, you don't really know you're getting the same thing. Zero meaningful quality control. It's not a real medical industry.
Again with the nigger-tier logic. The obesity crisis is not a good reason to keep opiods legal.
Cameron Stewart
It's very sad. A reflection on so many things.
How to solve it? Not those canuck gov shooting galleries that they're going to expand to have one on every corner haha.
It's the core issues that lead to it. Which is to say… all of fucking society. Gas the Jews, hang the trannies, deport the pakis and assholes who say shit like, "I'm personally indifferent to these people overdosing and dying."
Oh you're such a hardcore, edgy teenager.
Oh there is, is there? You have a lot of experience in your fifteen years of life, there junior? Yeah asshole, what Jew movies and VICE tv have shown you… not the whole picture.
You're a fucking moron.
There's a lot you don't understand.
You belong on Reddit, cool kid and know it all.
Jack Lee
Nathan Young
Eli Torres
Dylan Long
They were a part of the casual drug culture in the part of Ohio where I grew up. I knew more people into psychedelics, but there was some overlap. Occasionally it would lead to heroin, which would lead to dealing with niggers who dealt heroin but not pills
Easton Miller
Aaron Ramirez
Damn. They need to be a lot stricter about prescribing opioids then, and educate parents to keep drugs locked away and throw the rest out when they don't need them any more.
Brandon Young
Lots of reasons,kikes prescribing painkillers left and right so they get addicted, stoners in the media make it look hip and cool, and niggers rapping about it make it look hip and cool. And it's like this for almost every drug and has been very normalized, you are expected to drink by 18, to have had sex by 18, to have smoked weed by 18, etc. t. Burgerclap with a normalfag sister and friends.
Tyler Adams
Have fun with your dick falling off, faggot
Jason Morales
Nowadays with synthetics like the Fetanyl family they don't need to grow any plants. If anything the ban made the whole situation worse and flooding the market with cheap heroin was the only way to muscle out the new emerging players which had already killed hundreds by overdoses by the late 1990's. Had America not invaded Afghanistan and guarded poppy fields and farmers there's a good chance that by 2016 heroin would have been on the way out to be replaced by synthetic opioids. Most special forces use them since it's up to 500 times more potent than morphine which saves valuable space in a medkit.
If a religious order in South America were to do the same as the Taliban for cocaine I'd expect market pressures to proliferate a synthetic version of which is easy to synthesize and cost nothing to make, is dosed in micrograms making transport simpler all the while providing a cleaner more potent high.
Poppy tea is nice on occasion. If you have access to poppy seeds or dried flowers you can make it but the flavor takes some getting used to. Very mellow and provides a pleasurable itching sensation.
Julian Wood
posting a meme of a Canadian kike
Colton Phillips
Opioidfag here, I got addicted when I was a dumb degenerate teen (also "coincidentally" a marxist) My faggot friends would always have codeine and morphine and being a degenerate I ignored the warnings as I loathed my teachers and government (and I still do). after I broke ties with them I had no supplier so I stated making popp pod tea from pods you can buy online. They we banned shorty after I started that, so I was stucking making poppy seed tea, but I eventually switched to kratom which I am still taking. Opioid withdrawal is fucking awful becuase of how long the depression, demoralization and lethargy last. I've tried quitting multiple times but the post acute withdrawal symptoms always get me.
I can guarantee kikes are behind it, maybe even cartels are involved with the medical industry
Jeremiah Taylor
Brody Bell
We need to go full Duterte on drug dealers, doctors need to be much stricter with giving addictive medications to patients and drug addicts should be forcibly detoxed.
Alexander James
That was pretty much the situation with bath salts and other sketchy RCs like mephedrone. Legislation can't keep up with drug people making new synthetics so there is an interim in which the market is flooded with cheap and incredibly dangerous artificial stimulants and such.
Adam Hughes
A few years ago, I got involved in the ibogaine scene. They have the solution. 1. Sequester the insane and hard-core drug abusers in a semi-open facility. Free drugs to anyone who wants them. Free housing, free safe spaces, etc. Make it minimal, but this is cheaper than arresting people and housing them/feeding them in prison. Provide a farm that not only grows food, but also gives people a chance to get their hands in the dirt, to get grounded in whatever wacky ways they need to. 2. When they are ready to drop the drug habits, feed them ibogaine hcl, at heroic doses. Do it again and again until they beg for mercy or just die. Usually 1-3 doses will do. 3. When they are ready to leave the facility, provide them with a training program to get them employed.
What's required: 1. a facility that can house perhaps 5-10% of the Nation's population 2. a farm to keep the people fed and occupied 3. industrial scale ibogaine production 4. training program
Levi Powell
(((big pharma))) is quite pervasive. Also illicit drugs are very easy to find, drug enforcement doesn't do shit.
William Butler
Oxycodone was developed in Germany like a century ago.
Jonathan Hill
Grayson Brooks
Are you fucking dumb or something? Opium has been used for soldiers for thousands of years. You're just making shit up.
Thomas Reed
Go away, stupid. Every single "recreational" drug has a legitimate medical use.
Alexander White
Colton Morgan
Levi Walker
Oxycontin is a specific formulation of oxycodone which comes in yuge doses and was marketed by kikes as a "non-addictive form of oxycodone" I never claimed Jews discovered oxycodone, but they weaponized it to devastating effect.
Adam Wood
Make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christian lives.
Alexander Reyes
everyone that promotes putting narcotics in your body either is, or aides them with their useful idiocy.
Austin Murphy
not a narcotic, but when LSD was being tested for medical uses, it was found to get people off alcohol dependencies quickly. LSD can be abused, but a strong trip is so intensely introspective I can see how it could work. It's something that should be looked into. Use the brainwashing drugs for good
Logan Wood
This is a subject I know about first hand unfortunately, I was a junkie for probably 5 years or more, didn't get really bad until the last 2. I started when I was 18 just once in a while then by the time I'm 25 I'm dropping out of school and not even lying to my self about being a junkie, living with another junkie and living in a shitty trailer, I finally was able to force my self to move out of that bad situation but it was too late. I developed a blood infection and it spread to my heart. I had to have 2 surgeries in a row on my valve and now I'll be on blood thinners for life and other meds for life. Opiodies are absolutly the most addictive drugs out there and cravings last well past the point of being clean. I havent used in 3 years now and never will again but I still get thoughts running through my mind the rush of putting a needle in my arm makes me involuntarily excited, followed by grim determination not to die. Any way sorry about the blog.
Addiction is labeled as a disease and I'm not sure I agree, its more like a mental condition, if you consider depression a disease then I guess addiction is.
My area Herion is a rarity and super expensive but pills are all around, Fat lazy whites and indians on medicare and disability get them and sell them to make money, they may or may not be addicted, there were mexicans but its not as rampant now that the oil boom has left but still bad.
Probably the worst part of it is people dont know how bad of a drug it is, hey if a Dr is giving it out it must be ok right? Hell Drs were telling people Oxy wasnt addictive for the longest time.
All that does is slow the spread of HIV and give users an option other then stealing and whoring.
There are 2 reasons weed is a "gateway drug" First is because the people selling weed either sell the pills or know someone who does. 2nd is because in school they taught you that all drugs were bad except alcohol) and weed was just as bad as the rest. So when these kids grow up to be teens and young adults they smoke weed as say "hey they lied about how bad this is, the rest of the drugs are probably fine too" So they experiment with everything.
This. It starts slow. First you tell yourself 'ill never shoot up' then its 'well i just want to try it once' soon its like 'who cares if i shoot up? as least im not stealing/raping/murdering like a REAL ADDICT' then one day you wake up and realise your a junkie and just dgaf.
Fuck that, addicts can never take it again, their opiod receptors are shot, but normal people take them responsibly all the time and dont get addicted. People are born addicts, not all get addicted.
Bread and circuses. They are cheap and we have disposable income. All the rappers do it! and shitty single/shitty parents.
Try Kratom, it helped me with my opiod urges, and works for pain, albeit it is much weaker and there is very little 'high' Of course the DEA wants to ban it because it is just a tree leaf, dont know how long it will be legal. Tastes like shit though
Ryan Torres
I think of addiction, as a societal phenomenon, as a kind of plague. The disease must run its course. This isn't to say that we should burn stockpiles of Narcan. Containment, in my limited opinion, would involve harsh penalties for dealing. It would also involve a 3 strike system for free Narcan access and greater+ research into various methods of rehab [ yes ibogaine and mushrooms should be seriously considered]. Being an Ohiofag, I hear about addicts ODing several times and always being literally resurrected, often at no charge to the addict. Look into how pills enter the streets and see what cartels are involved. Dealers, and perhaps users as well, should be treated like pedos: public registration. Rehab centers that are run in part by addicts sound promising. I have very little sympathy for drug users. However, I would like to pay for something that works as opposed to a failed system of rehabilitation.
Ryder Carter
Start watching doctors in areas with opiate problems like a hawk and throw the ones who write scripts for irresponsible amounts of opiates into big boy prison (no white collar for you - if you hand out pills like candy you're going to be sharing a cell with jamal for the next few years), establish a task force to investigate the opiate supply in the worst-affected areas and crack down tighter than a nun's cunt on the borders to prevent drugs from crossing.
Lucas Bailey
pleb tier
Easton Jackson
what are you going to do about research chemicals? there are already synthetic opiods that aren't scheduled, can be made in china, and shipped to anywhere in the world no questions asked.
Robert Sanchez
That wont stop addicts, it will just stop the people that need it from getting medicine.
Opiates are literally narcotics, weed, alcohol, meth ect aren't
Matthew Moore
The opioid crisis is a symptom, not a cause. If you cracked down on it completely you wouldn't actually solve the root underlying cause - which is the disintegration of the american heartland and the ruination of their way of life. What the fuck do you think the people growing up in country towns with no prospects, no jobs and no future are going to do? If it isn't opioids, it'll be crime or some other social ill.
The way you'd fix the opioid crisis is giving these people their dignity back.
Jaxson Martin
And now it's to the point they won't give out enough to cover a legitimate pain, like the aftermath of having a tooth pulled. Fucking bullshit, debilitating pain for weeks and they only give a prescription that lasts 3 days.
Jonathan Brown
That's the most niggerish thing I've ever seen.
Brayden Howard
These ridiculous Chinese superfentanyls are what is killing all the yokels. It's idiotic for dealers to sell something with a dose so infinitesimal that they can't even properly cut it.
Connor Lewis
As a Canadian I have some opinions on this. In my home town it's a huge problem. I know a few people who have gone down the oxy path. If you go down this route getting clean is a very long and arduous process. Typically it involves weaning yourself off using methadone. My town and many like it have numerous methadone clinics where junkies and recovering junkies hang around. Many junkies just use the clinics so they can do methadone and oxy at the same time. The government basically pushed this extremely hard and addictive drug on the people and made it easily accessible. They created a situation where for even minor injuries doctors could give out prescripts for oxy. This led to the drug being widely available for medical and recreational purposes. Pharmacies have been frequently robbed. Many people get addicted because they broke an arm and the doctor gave them a pill bottle of the stuff.
tl;dr Basically it's a massive failure of the government that has led to an explosion of addiction. Often the addiction starts when somebody was prescibed the drug by a doctor.
Michael Rogers
Yes. They put weed an mushrooms on par with cocaine and heroine. Disinfo.
Easton Miller
Big pharma pushed that shit like crazy and mislead doctors and the public about it not being addictive. Got millions hooked on opiates and largely created the market for heroin to thrive that combined with the masses of illegals coming over the border selling that shit. It's not just the cartels small towns in mexico manufacture black tar and set up cells all over the country. Secure border cracking down on illegals and all the pain management clinics giving that shit out like candy. Ensure that doctors prescribe opiates as little as possible and never long time
Caleb Baker
American food has tons of herbicides that make most people feel anxious and sick. When you don't feel alright just sitting there and your body is giving you slightly suicidal urges, it makes sense that you'd have a hard time not trying something that holds the promise of feeling normal or better for awhile when someone shoves it in your face eventually.
Andrew Nguyen
cia is pushing heroin on whites again
looks like the newest shipment of opium just came in from afghanistan