This is what they teach and allow in Detroit highschools

What are the chances Breitbart or Fox would cover this school?

Other urls found in this thread:

Just another racist nog doing some presentation blaming whitey for everything.


stop acting like it's not a big deal.
we need this shit to stop.
we need this to stop being a case of "it's just another x don't get worked up about it, goyim"
ya fuckstick

I think they are trying to convince themselves at this point.

we know

Okay, what's your great idea then?

Cut their welfare.
Most of them wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for our "white privilege" feeding these dumb fucks. There's absolutely no good reason to keep feeding them, it only brings more useless retards, rapists and retarded gangsters.

Somehow making this crap go viral amongst other Whites. I'm guessing most forms of social media, people from the Trump campaign, News outlets or Mark Dice.

Flicked to a random part:

How is it possible to be this stupid?

This user has the right idea

Jones' people will definitely report on it.

This as well.



what college is this from?

What the fuck am I listening to?
How is this education?

It looks like some nigger student wanting to do a presentation on something and some cuck teacher not telling her no because they don't want to get fired for waycism.

Look at their faces. They're happy as pigs in shit. The massa kike has handed them a new toy to play with and they're ecstatic over being give the tools to bash whites verbally instead of just physically.

Whites should support the defunding of all public education and public universities.

that makes sense

Why? So middle class whites get replaced by Jews in STEM fields?

Won't be a problem after we gas them.

I wonder if this is happening at the Wayne State african american studies, I had to sit outside the entrance to it a few years ago and heard a bunch of apes oooking.

Eh, not really.

The more this shit goes on, the more normie whites get sick of it.

although this is Detroit, I doubt these youths have ever met a white person who wasn't wearing a badge or behind a desk

Niggers make their hair straight, something that is a non-nigger thing. Jesus fuck.

the fantasies just never stop

It requires goodwill but not the ridiculous versions of liberal "eeryone is equalll" or the comedic version of bunch of half-breeds and rejects from white races claiming to be "white" but focusing on time and effort spent on given targets. It will ultimately confirm whichever is the superior race and encourage other races to match and do better in order to match and exceed the confirmed superior race.

Ergo find the contemporary superior race and encourage others within the nation to compete.

if the opposite happened. goddamn. the next head of the doe better shut em down.

next its gonna be "blacks cant appropriate culture because we are oppressed and without oppression that culture would have been ours"

Let them have their own thing. Whites have 2000 years of empire which wiped out 3000 years of tribalism, Jews have 5000 years of slavery, blacks have 20000 of immigration.


>these are my words. whites can't use them or else they're racist.

They've been going with "you culturally appropriated from us first and lied about our history. we wuz beethoven and thomas edison
and sheeeeit"

Do you expect niggerspeak ever to make sense?

The we wuz kangz thing really pissed off a lot of the non-whites. It was funny as fuck when I started reading the angry tweets between kangz, modern egyptian pharaohs, and noble aztec mayan inca warriors. Proof that even after whites go away, it'll change nothing except less technological and scientific advancement and more tribal warfare.

We need to keep pushing that overton window, we need something welfare themed.

Do white people even go to Detroit highschools?

They may not have any other option.

Sub 90 IQ niggers appropriating white technology to complain about whites. Great use of education funds.

predominantly non-white areas / cities should be completely abandoned by whites.

the lack of tax dollars will crush the city, and with it it's influence

as long as they can be bused to the polls, their influence will remain. Conservative Physical Removal Clubs are basically the only way to go

Hey guys, come in the comments and start thumbing up every good comment.

They're disabled, for me.

What did you post ?

The nigger shut it down.

Oh nevermind, they were disabled.
I debated some nog, I must have made her butthurt.

Yeah, I've seen it.
You want me to copy paste my convo ?

Yup, it's niggers


How about we just stop feeding them ?ο»Ώ

(This guy is a random who in another comment said he was mixed)


Not so long after that message, the comment section was gone.

I forgot a message between the first and second message of my first post :



Oh come on, only need two more downvotes to make up and down equal. Comments disabled of course but here's her twatter @MissTayAmari

What I don't understand is how blacks have this chip on their shoulder? Why is it they believe they "wuz Kungz" and shit but can't accomplish a thing now? I mean every immigrant has surpassed them, shit even illegals have surpassed these animals. If niggers didn't dominate sports and weren't forced into all media and entertainment they would be at the bottom of medium household earnings by race.If you cut out welfare/EBT/SNAP/etc they are at the bottom of spending power and earnings, and that's still with all them multi millionaire sports stars and entertainers to help prop their numbers up, something Hispanic, Hindus and Asians don't have in large. I was stationed in the South for a few years and hardly saw any black "owned" business or tradesmen, besides a rib shop or barbershop. Everywhere else I been to in the US I seen tons of hispanic business and tradesmen, along with successful Asians and Hindus with higher educations and professions. Most blacks that are "successful" I ran into are nothing but diversity hires(Seems Hispanics, Asians, and Hindus don't count towards diversity), because their is no damn way their earned their job, take a look at how many worthless blacks work in government. So can niggers explain this to me why they fail at everything? Racism you say? Every group gets shit on, Hispanics and get shit on right now and they are doing better than you.So really. What's the problem with niggers?

Report her to the state department of education if she is a teacher, but she may be a stupid studnet which is not in a position of responsibility, in which case there is probably a student code of conduct for the school which can be used to put her in expulsion for racism.

user you should of showed him the numbers.

This is old but still good

Forgot pic.

They're stupid.

Do I want to click that OP? I don't believe I do. The potential laugh is outweight by the sight of FILTHY FUCKING NIGGERS. Which I just don't need in my lovely, White life full of joy and pleasure.

Call an exterminator. Tell them, 'NIGGAS IS CRAZY' that third screen… hahaha

Hey at least it's a class they can all get, A's in. Future welfare recipients right there… if they don't get shot or imprisoned first.

OH COME ON, that cannot be real. Just no. NO

yeah this will definitely have an effect on the country lmao

We must make advances in our shitposting technology to keep up.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Acting like a monkey is not advancement.

You lose the meme war this means half the white race gets mixed into the liberal mongrel shit pot and the other half dies childless. There is a reason why people like yourself dont get listened to.

Holeee fuck! That's retarded.

you're gonna die jamal

Thanks, but I don't think it would change anything. The woman I was arguing with is set in her own "modern day 60's, white need to apologize for everything" that I don't think it would have changed anything.

holy shit.

Emojis are for niggers.




TL;DR: Stop stealing our memes

Dumb niggers

That's redundant, user

Actually pretty funny, and that's saying something for most British comedy.

Advocating acting like a nigger would be PR fagging. I'm not trying to appeal to the mob you dumb nigger.

But bitches love smiley faces.

Fuck, niggers have shitty meme energy. Wypepo? Is that in response to dindu? The whole point was to mock your retarded mumbling ebonics and victim complex. Not embrace it.

Letting these apes have vanity smart phones was a mistake.

Wonder who's takes care of that zoo…

I hate Americans

The threshold for mental retardation was lowered from 85 IQ to 60 IQ, not based on any sort of logic or scientific research, but to avoid hurting the darlings' precious little feelings.
They are largely incapable of functioning in society, and acknowledging that fact is racist.

…Y'know, come to think of it, I wonder if the legislative system should be anonymous? There are probably any number of downsides that I'm overlooking, but imagine if an anonymous Congressman could propose a bill to "Send all the niggers back to Africa", and all of Congress could vote on it without fear of stigma?
…Well, it's just wishful thinking, since currently politicians are de facto nobility with special healthcare and huge salaries. They're presumably all "anti-racists" who live in 100% white gated communities. (Perhaps after Trump drains that swamp?)

Interesting proposal. How could we implement it without IDfagging? Assign generic numbers to Congressmen and Senators?

Yes, but consider whites are 72.6% of the population, and nigs are only 12.6%





how aware are parents of what they teach their kids?


You faggots are worse than the niggers, who clothed them? Who housed them? Who put a microphone in their hand? Who is still acting in this thread as though the problem is that they aren't enough cool fashy hard-working blacks wearing Trump hats?


Ha! The jokes practically write themselves!

I can't convince myself that niggers are human, I've tried.