There was a point in time we would of raised hell over something like this and made their whole family pay the price.
Of course the (((Mainstream))) media doesn't report this
And that time is coming back.
This will be the new way they cover racially motivated crimes against whites.
I can't wait to go full Manhunt during DOTR
Nice digits lads. This video is infuriating but the biggest piss off is nobody helped her.
I'm thinking about making a spiked club.
The time to kill is now.
It's one thing to post a fat, ugly, ebonics speaking white woman getting beat on, but an attractive, feminine white woman that supports similar values as us, although I'm sure less extreme, is an entirely different thing. Why? All this does is make you feel like shit. You want to do something but you can't. It's not funny. Why post something that only ups your stress levels? We can't do anything about this except get angry for absolutely no reason.
Suck it up, shitcup.
Kill yourself you pathetic faggot. You'd rather live in a safe bubble of no bad feels than understand the reality of the situation we're dealing with.
Here's a vid of some wigger selling Jordans to a pack of niggers and almost paying with his life.
People in the comments are actually defending the attackers
All I feel is rage.
Where have you been? We've had multiple threads on this already.
Yeah Im glad I have a heavy bag near me.
You're a bad liar, shlomo
I know the situation. You and I can't do anything about this random nigger attacking a white girl. You may go out of your way to be stressed out, as you LARP in your chair about what a big bad revolutionary you are on Holla Forums, but I personally don't like being stressed out about shit that happened and is entirely out of my control, and impossible for me to prevent in the future. You're like the gore posting faggots who think looking at gore constantly hardens you. It doesn't. You're just an edgy faggot.
Look at the date on the video. This is a different angle with less views, but you'll find this exact scene coupled with news coverage and an interview with the girl. Several threads already covered this. Lurk moar fgt.
Awesome, thanks.
Link to the news coverage.
dont even talk to blacks. if there within arms reach be prepared to get suckerpunched.
FTFY, cuck
Look at the views, we've already done the rounds on this.
No, you don't. That's why you got triggered, because in your little safe space you couldn't imagine this. And you're such a egotistical baby you actually tried to rationalize this.
Because you can't imagine doing anything but sitting on your ass and browsing pol you useless retard. You need everyone to hold your hand? Give you a guidance plan? Some counseling? Absolutely pathetic, I won't waste any more time on a spineless cuck like you.
This is something the Japs did right. The typical "oni club", or "tetsubo" was a real fucking piece of work.
Or because I've seen it a thousand times before, and just like all of those times I can't do anything about it.
No, you moron, because it's a video on the internet with people I don't know hundreds of miles from where I live. You're a fucking retard. Go be an edgy LARPing faggot somewhere else…
So they blur out the nigress completely while not blurring out the White lass..Really makes you think.
Probably because she agreed to be interviewed and the sheboon is legally a minor you fool.
I understand what you're saying, but while we may not be able to do anything for the girl, we can at least witness the injustice she suffered. Even if this stresses you out and makes your blood pressure rise, remember that you're not alone in how you feel.
dont call me a cuck faggot. i take my knife everywhere.
Makes sense.
Fine, just don't let them use your own knife against you, that happens fairly often.
Perfectly written!
Either this or accept the consequences
Just a different view of the same video that's been peddled here for what seems like weeks now.
And the slut is wearing yoga pants.
Fuck everybody in this video.
Posting gore doesn't harden you, okay.
But constant stress DOES.
You ever wonder why our ancestors were hard mother fuckers?
Because of stress.
In the past, stress was everywhere for a European - it was intrinsic to our existence and ubiquitous in our daily lives.
The sight of a sheboon assaulting a White woman, and the inability to do anything?
How about the sight of your farm burning, eh? Of your village, burning? In the winter? With your wife and newborne child at your side? Being able to do nothing about it?
You want to talk stress, well, our ancestors knew stress well - stress was a force which shaped an moulded their existence from the moment they took their first breath, til the moment they took their last.
Stress does one of two things: It consumes you, you allow it to consume you…. Or you rise above it, you employ it as an activator, a motivator, a whip at your back.
And sometimes, when enough European men get together, and they're all stressing about the same thing, all their lives spent filled with stress and uncertainty, now all focused upon one stresser… Something incredible happens.
What you call LARP, I call anticipation of the incredible.
Buckle up faggot.
If it triggers you so much pussyboy, then like turn off the computer and walk away/ go outside
This. The times and decadence have made people weak to the point they'd even give up their own survival instincts and willingly support suicidal policies as leftists do.
Top notch post lad.
Overhaul our education to stop the beta indoctrination
Would you help? Knowning pol, u just meme it. But wont help.
You are such a fucking faggot, so weak. Why are you even here? Seeing these kinds of videos should not stress you out, it should fill you with a singular purpose and cold determination to know what we have to do when the time comes. Everyone who has replied to you has been correct, you simply cannot handle this stuff and instead seek to hide from it. We are not "edgy" (word used by shills a lot BTW), we are simply willing to see what is going on in our world. How does something like this even stress you out? You legitimately have weak nerves and a soft mentality if seeing something like this stresses you out. How will you react to a video of niggers gunning down innocent whites? Or watching leftists beat one of our own to death in a protest of some kind? Will you cry and curl into a ball? Grow a spine you idiot.
Top post lad my god
I vow to help any fellow white man or woman in need, when the situation arises. I will chisel it into my automatic reaction to immediately jump in and help. Everyone should.
Kikes have divided us, and torn our moral to shreds for so long, we don't help one another. They are scared shitless of white people working together. We need to return this line of thought.
She's mad cause she'll never be pretty like the white girl.
don't worry. Jeff "what KKK?" Sessions will prosecute
Where is our white tribe that will group for defense of our own, posting memes right?
What have you exactly done?
Besides being an internet tough guy.
Have you done anything to rectify the situation?
Have you done anything other than shitpost about how hardcore you are and signaling about "Muh RWDS, Muh Rope Day"
Being all talk is why people despise Holla Forums, the user you replied to is a weak faggot, but can you really say you are any better?
Saying all the radical things you are going to do to save the white race and then never delivering is not LARPing, LARPing implies you actually do something, what I see on Holla Forums is closer to day dreaming.
you don't know us at all, leftypol
fuck yes
I used to laugh at white knights, but I wouldn't be ashamed of myself for grabbing these animals by their weaves and yanking them to the ground
most leftists (rich white Hillary voters) don't know about the violent attacks documented on Youtube, on everyday citizens by the anti trump protests that they are supporting
For example, I was just at a small anti-trump protest(I was riding my bike to get a burrito and I heard them chanting at the Old Well at UNC), and when the speaker paused I yelled; LEFTIST PROTESTS ARE VIOLENT, STOP THE LEFT WING VIOLENCE.
They were shell shocked!
Then I yelled "your movement is known for violence you have to disavow your movement's violence", as well as other truths they weren't wanting to hear.
They (200 hundred of them), responded with something about how they weren't violent. So I told some of them about youtube videos showing the violence from the anti trump protests, they wouldn't listen.
Then they marched off and blocked the street.
They were so astonished that someone would question them. I bet they wouldn't stand up to a mob if they knew the mob was misguided.
I concern trolled them hard for a few minutes several times again throughout the evening. they even got jealous that I was making up so many catchy chants against left wing violence. One said "did you think that up yourself?" I caused a lot of them to have to hear the dirty little secret about their movement.
inb4 cool story bro
Did not sense something was wrong?
Sells a pair of jordans to a group of niggers on Craigslist in a rundown ghetto neighborhood all by himself.
The fact that they are willing to kill someone over a pair of fucking shoes seriously pissed me off.
No value of life whatsoever.