Just a heads up but the "Results" say Megayn Kelly/Hillary tied for lead
pick related
Just a heads up but the "Results" say Megayn Kelly/Hillary tied for lead
pick related
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Actually no stop spreading false info its Trump,Assange and Putin in top spots.
But why would this whore megan kelly even be on this list.
Everyone vote for Trum, Assange, Farage, Le Pen and Putin.
Trump* lol
There are so many literal who's on that list, it's absurd.
Voted for Assange, Farage, Le Pen, and Trump.
Pete and Wojak
No, the incessant eternal Sanders faggots reared their heads again. Will these morons ever disappear? I feel like even 20 years from now these fucking morons will still be supporting or inserting that old Jew somewhere on the internet. They were amusing during the primaries, but these Marxists need to get a clue and come to terms with the loss already. You'd think being ripped off for tens of millions would be enough to show you what a conniving, subversive little rat he is, but I guess not.
Assange will win. I wish Trump would, but Assange, fits the part perfectly. He has Left-wing and Right-wing support, and by putting him as the person of the year Time can make itself look like the good guys who support the little guy against the big bad establishment.
toppest kek possible
Bernie would be dead by then. I could see that NOI guy being a major player though,
the contestants are a fucking joke.
Break the link, fuck face
That was pretty much what was going through my head too kek.
We have done the voting thing for so many years I forget. They ignore our pick every single time. Fuck Time Inc.
what the fuck is that shit supposed to mean? There is no chance in hell nobody disagrees with me.
voted putin, assange, trump and some other dickweed, I think his name starts with an F.
The little guy sure does keep busy. I hope their resources don't get overstretched; they might not be able to speak truth to power anymore!
On an unrelated topic, do you suppose the lead article in pic related contained a balanced take on the AOL-Time Warner mega-merger? And how many of Time's retarded subscribers do you think had the brainpower to figure out they were reading a think piece written by the very company being described?
Whoops! Almost forgot:
(((Steve Case)))
(((Jerry Levin)))
Every fucking time, Time.
Just dropping this off. Not affiliated with Time and not funny enough to storytime the whole thing.
To increase chance of getting the right people to the top spot, we need a list of YES and NO
Trump, Farage, Putin and Assange is a a given. Any other candidate we should vote yes?
It is destined to happen eventually.
I voted no on Trump.
I want Time person of the year to be a dancing nigger instead.
here's your (you)
Yep, not funny in the slightest
Wew these are exactly who I voted for
I think Holla Forums is pretty much on the same page for this one.
Sad that there's no Pepe and Harambe
Also why the fuck wasn't Duterte an option?
I voted Assange, Putin, Le Pen, Farage, and Trump I should've voted little Kimmie too but I wanted to increase Trump's odds.
Person of the year doesn't mean most liked. It means person with the most influence on world events. Assange did a lot but trump takes the cake.
Megyn fucking Kelly? Person of the goddamn year? Christ almighty, she must have the greatest management/PR team on planet earth.
Why the fuck is she on this list?
Is standing up for half an hour whining about mean misogynists noteworthy?
I don't think this shit is working.
Trump and Assange are winning
That is very true. Assange never admitted it directly, but he was definitely a de facto Trump supporter and anti-globalist.
The U.S. left despises Assange. They hold him responsible for fucking Shilldog.
I'll be happy if it's either-or.
I'm at the point where I don't even watch the heirs of the Daily Shoah and never have.
The fact that they are spread out through multiple channels is solid proof that they're being used as comedic propagandists for globalism.
Enjoy your execution by the cannon fire, pig dog.
Of course it's working, it's a liberal site. All the liberals everywhere are taught to 100% agree with all the others. It's more of a disclaimer than anything else.
This. He was a favorite of theirs back in the bush era, but the second he started showing the truth about Hillary, they turned on him faster than a foal in a firepit. Now he's a rapist alt-nazi racist sexist bigot republican, and probably also in gamergate too.
You didn't post the current grorius leader of the best Korea though.
Some fag who has an opinion column in my local rag called wikileaks a criminal organization. I jejed heartily.
he's on my list
Okay the full listing on their results page is way out of date. Currently the only nominee with a majority yes is President Elect Donald J. Trump with 64%
Kim Jong Un is polling better than Shillery or the King Nigger
Only 1 group in the middle, the scientists, the rest either cucked or not cucked. At least shillary has a large chance of losing. The only big threat is Bernie "No Refunds" Sanders
They mass delete votes that have a referral header from 4chan because those faggots directly link, just like OP.
AW LAWDY look at all dem peeps nawt voting for Leslie Jones.
there is but she's not too popular
Pepe for alt-right racist bigot nazi person of the year.
Time to put my neighbours' wifis to use.
You sound the way I think.
end your life
Are Nige will never be given the love he deserves will he?
Gotta love Kim Fatty III
But why?
muh stronk woman
Let it be Hillary Clinton, we need the media to keep burning out the public with its blind partisanship.
Come on user it's nearly 2017 already!
what pick?
At least he is up there past Shillary and the other fags.
I see you are also a fan of impartial on completely accurate news in 140 characters or less.
You now have to vote 10 more times to erase your failure.
Whoever runs that account is genuinely one of the greatest comedic geniuses of our age.
i wonder how smug putin was after trump won…..
We escaped the shitlib timeline, but how do we traverse into Supreme Leader's universe?
Kim confirmed for legendary troll.
Can we meme these tweets into reality?
How many Jews do I need to kill to get Pepe as Time's Man of the Year?
All of them
oh ho ho, when the poll survey reached Khan, the yes/no choices lowered so much I almost clicked yes
The more the merrier!
Assange, Farage, Putin, Trump, Kim Jong Un
Everyone else
P-Pure coincidence, I'm sure.
best korea is not even a meme now, now that we know who runs South Korea
come on now, she's the next leader we need to win. Putin's Russia, Trump's America, Brexit in Britain, we need Le Pen in France!
France is, frankly, a lost cause. I'm far more interested in getting a right-wing PM for Australia.
I can hardly imagine the smugness on his face while he was disarming 7000 warheads.
Do we have a full list of people that need to be memed into their respective leaderships?
Can't see any place to vote. Just a big blank space in the middle of the page.
I actually understand Leslie Jones importance as an icon of absolute failure of imposing political correctness to the masses.
> twitter.com
I have my doubts on the legitimacy of that account.
It's impossible to find which script to enable to vote. There are like 40 and none of the ones I was willing to try worked. I'm just doing it from a laptop that is compromised.
yeah no shit lurk moar newfag.
I picked Glorious Leader. Here's the results it shows at the end, as of just now when I finished the thing.
Samantha Bee? Leslie Jones? Colin Niggernick? GTFO.
At least Assange stays at the top. Kek bless him.
I can't tell if you're messing with us or if thaty's truely the graph you get, but mine looks completely different.
There is all sort of weird fuckery going on with the poll. Sometimes you are the only one to have voted on it and there are different results screens. The one I normal get doesn't list them in descending popularity order and has Assmage at 9% and The Don at 11%. With the amount of kikery already afoot, I'm calling boynie as the winner.
They have a better chance than us burgers have, at least all their muzzles are ghettoized for easy removal.
Trump was ahead when I did it. He was the only one over 50% yes/no.
I've gotten that result, your result and one that shows everyone at 1% with only 1 vote cast.
Just like how America was a lost cause too, right?
US still has a less than 5% mudshit population.
France doesn't have a better chance than "us burgers amirite, goys" you dumb bastard. We don't have no go zones in our cities.
We also just elected a nationalist president who is stocking his cabinet with nationalists.
We have the best shot out of all of you.
We are the most uncucked first world superpower and that's just something you're gonna have to get used to.
We dipped into cuckery but those days are over.
Best of luck, SHIT.
Make sure you don't have uBlock on
Le Pen will clear the muslim ghettos with a whiff of grapeshot.
Same here, but the summary results were different from the ones given in the survey itself.
nice gondola
^ time inc never learns, you can vote twice, once on the embedded site and once on that site. you can also vote on the face-off poll. use rabb.it for a insta-proxy if you want vote more.
I didn't vote for Assange.
I only voted for nationalists.
fugg accidentally clicked yes for beyonce
What's so hard to understand about this: When you visit a website you tell it what site referred you there. If they see 9001 votes for Trump all from 8ch, they'll throw them out.
That's the fucking problem you retard, you allow muds intermingle with the general population instead of having them contained in easily napalmable areas which make the "religion of peace" more obvious.
I don't know if I should vote Trump or Assange, lads.
On one hand, as a non-burger this is my chance to VOTE TRUMP. On the other, Trump doesn't need the exposure whereas Assange and Wikileaks can never get too much. Trump helped Wikileaks, and vice versa. Strategically we should vote Assange to put more pressure on Hillary, I think… gonna vote Assange.
Whoops, posted before grasping how the vote works. Still gonna vote no on everyone except Assange to make it count.
14.88 million
I just said they are less than 5% and will probably deport themselves under Trump.
I was going to suggest that the chans spam some irrelevant lefty figurehead so that the magazine looks even more like a rag than it already does.
Have you cracked open a newsweek or a time magazine at a newsstand in the last 10 years? it's cover-to-cover poz loads of internationalist jewish spin for your eyes. It's not even remotely salvageable as a publication.
Nigger I'm not just talking about muslims. We have less than 2% muslim but far more non-white who are dispersed everywhere throughout the country. I'm saying there is far less a chance that we are going to purge mudskins (non-whites) than France (or any of europe for that matter) is. Trump might purge a few beaners but the US will still be 30-40% shitskin.
How the fuck do I vote, and what the fuck is this shit?
NVM goys I found it hidden in the cluster fuck.
You both know that if Harambe was there everyone would've fucking voted for him. Normalfags love that meme.
Never forget the suffering of North Korean people in concentration camps. Never forget the cult of Kim, which proclaims him almost a god of his nation, and makes people worship him as a god.
I noticed it moved for that one too, surely the good folks at Time are having technical difficulties…
If fucking Angela Merkel got it last year Trump then should get it this year.
t. kulak's grandson
so gay
Trump is still in the lead
praise kek
Keep pushing,make these cucks choke on it.
Are any of the other chans getting in on this.
It's time for Time to get BTFO.
Only vote for Trump. Assange is in a close second.
doubles confirm
uMatrix does this too, but a lot of people are on mobile devices or at work or just not tech savvy enough to have this already installed.
I read that as "Mike Pence's Hateful Laws Almost Kept My Wife From Dying" at first.
I have to be honest, the only reason I use Chrome is because as a web designer, its extensions and responsive design tool are the best I can find.
Kim may not have anything on Kek, but I'd say he's still a bretty gud god.
Honestly am I supposed to care when gooks oppress gooks? Sounds like none of my business.
Or you can vote as many times as you want using chrome in incognito mode
rinse and repeat
attaching OP for awareness
You're right good goy, everything for the US!
No one is telling you to use it as your main browser retard; it's just as a poll rigging method.
Literally the only reason I have it installed.
Any number of browsers can be set not to accept cookies or to clear them. No reason to shill a government backed surveillance program.
What the fuck? That's not Gordon Ramsay. Who is that little faggot?
People are waking up
The story behind the Blue People of Kentucky is interesting for any anons looking for a quick read.
Modern poll algorithm count the IPs, not how many times you click it.
I voted yes for Supreme Leader. How could you not? He's adoreable
The US and Europe aren't purging anyone. White people are too weak and empathetic, and too removed from the situation. They project themselves onto these sub-humans, and they will continue to do so because the majority will never be faced with living near them, or working with/around them. What exists in the US and Europe now will remain in the US and Europe. The only thing that'll remove them is if civilization collapses and we're forced back into a tribal mentality. Otherwise, from this day forward, "Nationalism" includes non-whites to most white people, and there's nothing we can do about it. It's one of the reasons I hate white people. I'll do what I can to help non-Left white people (if a person is a Hillary voter or just Left in general a nigger could beat them in front of me and I'll laugh), but nothing is changing here or there. The best we can hope for is successful self-segregation until this civilization inevitably collapses. At least then our genetics will live on. White people may be empathetic/altruistic filth, but most still retain some semblance of in-group preference. But we're in a new age of incessant televised interracial propaganda, so who knows. Education is worse than it's ever been and is attacking white in-group preference directly these days. Works on some, but deters others. Who knows…
please no. Fuck that cunt
Top 3 right now
My dick is diamonds
Voted for Assange
This shit is fucking gold
Praise Kek indeed.
What is this bullshit? Why can't I vote?
Do you have flash?
This list is full of shit with a few diamonds poking out from between the peanuts and corn kernels. Who the fuck chose these unbearable cunts?
these are surprisingly accurate
Why can't we do what we did in 2009? [Pic 2]
Here's the 1st letters: jssghjtrnllcmkkbmtlnbmvdbdxmtw
[Pic 1] - The results so far
I would vote for Hanson if she weren't a buffoon. People walk all over her in interviews without even trying.
She's a sophists wet dream.
I know what you're talking about, however the only IP based polls I know of haven't let me vote again regardless of cache data or w/e.
Could very well be tracked; but I'm not entirely convinced that Times would do something that intelligent.
Maximum Lugenpresse.
I'd be fine if Assange won the actual POTY but the Reader's Choice MUST be Trump.
Fresh OC for my opinion.
I remember better days when it was no question that Holla Forums voted for hitler in these things
At least Harambe got some votes in the election.
Make sure qmerce.com is unblocked in your adblocker, otherwise the results will just show 100% at all times.
Assange is closing in on Trump. We need to just vote Trump from now on.
Use VPNs. You can use Opera for mass voting, it provides free VPNs from 5 different countries.
Ahhhh, you guys noticed that too, eh?
NOT a coincidence, I'm sure.
Trump, Assange and Putin in the top 3 is see
The percentage of a certain king of the Niggers is low too
Also why the fuck is Megyn Kelly at 5%, the incident with her was LAST year
Who the fuck is Pete?
Vote for him in TIME Person of the year. He'll have to show himself on award night in some form, else we know he's dead.
Posting this in relevant threads, not shilling, just making sure anons read it.
Words to stop flood discard
The fragmentation of the former United States of America happened this way: the coasts, appalled at the earthy dirt people rhetoric of the middle states, seceded in a mirror image of the Confederacy 150 years before.
As the wealthiest parts of the nation, at least on paper, they took all of the entertainment, finance, publishing and internet industries. This made them the odds-on winners from the beginning.
However, the dirt people had something else on their side: they were the remaining producers. As imports slowed because of the instability in China and rising oil costs caused by Paris convention rules that slowed international shipping, the city people found the dirt people were gaining a slow advantage.
This prompted quick conferences among the city people. “We need a pretext for war,” said President Joe Biden. “How do we make these people so mad they will attack us?” The group huddled and came up with an answer.
The next morning, press releases went out: a new restriction was placed on trade, such that any state which did not support the Rainbow Contract — no one could refuse gay people any service, pre-schools had to teach transgender education, and every corporation had to have the right mix of women and minorities on its board — would face an additional tariff.
In the cities, this was greeted with mass public celebrations. The dirt people were beaten! They would have to comply, if they wanted the lucrative city people trade. But then something entirely unexpected happened.
The dirt people shrugged. “We will make do with an economy of our own,” they said. Exports ceased.
In order to afford this, the dirt people shrugged off every government policy except defense. Roads were privatized to local communities, and highways became tollways. Public schools dissolved. Welfare and health care went away.
During those early days following the split, both dirt people and city people had essentially adopted copies of the previous government. Then, each added and subtracted rules. Now, the dirt people had stripped the government back to its 1780s version.
The city people were jubilant — at first. Prices in the stores kept creeping up. Their own agriculture could not handle the demands of their new population, many of whom were minorities, gays and Leftists relocated from dirt people lands.
Ripple effects were quickly felt. The internet industry depended on people able to buy products, but food was too expensive, so advertising collapsed. Then the government defaulted on its already-heavy debt.
Nothing was left except to invade.
Things went well for the dirt people at first. They were able to hold off the early invasions with their superior knowledge of marksmanship and military strategy. But over time, the invaders kept pouring in. The cities emptied their excess population, gave them cheap guns, and sent them to the front in vast waves.
Even worse, the independent states did not unify to form a fighting force. Texas, for instance, was not so concerned about what went on in Ohio, and vice-versa. This meant that the states began to fall like dominoes.
With the sacking and burning of Dallas in 2034, the war was considered to be over by most. The city people had won, just like they did in 1865. But another curious thing happened. The dirt people were nowhere to be found. Their armies just evaporated.
This meant that when city people drove to the countryside, they often vanished. The city people Reconstruction force which enforce rainbow rights in all the small towns found itself unable to contact its outposts. People just disappeared. Equipment blew up. Sniper rounds took the heads off visiting business dignitaries.
Now the city people faced their worst nightmare. They had won the war, but could not control the territory. Whenever a local area acted up, the city people could send in a large force to crush it, but the instant that force was gone, the acting up started again.
The city people deployed secret police, drones, spies and police. These seemed to succeed, but then found that the people they were hunting down had disappeared, re-appearing elsewhere under different names. Dirt people stopped using the internet and triplicate forms. Nothing was certain.
Even more, the secret police were not safe. A truckload of troops would head out to suppress a small rebellion and never make it. Bureaucrats and police alike were found floating down the Mississippi, with hands, heads, eyes and teeth removed. Communications were sabotaged.
What settled the war in the end was the collapse of the city people economy. They had too many welfare recipients and not enough customers, and they could not force the dirt people to buy their products. Unfunded, their military withered.
At this point, the dirt people emerged as the wealthiest part of the nation. With their knowledge of technology and manufacturing, they manufactured a fleet of drones which fired cluster munitions into heavily populated areas.
Twenty years later, the population crashed on the coasts, and the dirt people armies drove the remainder into the sea. What was left was a nation of maybe fifty million people, all competent, who were ruthlessly intolerant of anyone different.
The Union was whole again. Like Abraham Lincoln almost two centuries before, the dirt people had preserved the United States, but at a great cost. Future centuries would not care however as the new nation went on to greater heights than its old ruined shell, afflicted as if by a cancer with the delusional city person ideology.
Fire Tires has more right to be on the list that Kelly tbh
Sick sliding, like a fucking penguin.
Bumping this down the page so it's not missed by the wall of text.
Vote Assange
Fuck, I meant Assange. I was copy+pasting into Assange threads, and forgot this one was a Trump thread.
Vote Assange
these combined
Assange, Farage, Le Pen, Putin, and Trump. Norbert Hofer and Orban Victor would have been cool choices but Trump should win.
You at least need the Apester.com one. It took ages for me to be able vote. Who the fuck makes these sites.
Look nigger, Time Magazine ran a story earlier this year that mentioned 8pol directly. We break the links so that the sites don't get the referrer information linking visits back to us.
Also, threadly reminder :
Mike Pence is cancer and will be the downfall of Trump.
We need to meme the next French revolution into reality.
And why is Pence cancer, smart guy?
He's a faggot
Next year. This year's person of the year is Trump.
next year will be too late.
we started memeing trump in 2015.
we need to start now.
Ambiguous phrasing. Who is a faggot?
Calling someone a faggot is pretty serious now that Pence Death Squads will mow you down if you are one.
They had some sheboon on their who "was witness to alejandro's death"
So being a nigger and seeing a shooting is person of the year?
Pozzed time
All you need to do to win is emp the eastern seaboard. Boom. The 'city people' die terrible deaths.
Trump and Farage should be joint winners tbh. For leading the fightback against the (((global leftist elites)))
kek has decided the results
I've been down that rabbit hole once. It's deeper and more /x/ than I can handle years later.
That's nice, but there's no reason that cunt should be TIME's person (MAN) of the year.
I want Assange to win in order to increase our chances of finding out his current status/getting him released if still alive.
Low energy, SAD!
No we need to keep voting for our guys, so that when the faggots throw our votes away anyway to give it to Shillary or some other faggot nigger they will look even worse.
We should petition for elJeb! to be added to the list so we can push him to 2% and humiliate Shillary some more.
Customize these values to prevent mass filtering: var VOTE_DELAY = 3000 "browser": "Chrome", "os": "Windows 10", "browser_version": "50.0.0000.00", "screen_height": "2160", "screen_width": "3840",
Run script in the browser's console. Works from Tor too.Keep it up till december 4th and change the above values every now and then.
The site isn't working for me, can someone show me the current status of the poll?
Its looking pretty good
You do know that's a parody account, right?
Forgot to say, works only if you run it on the poll's page:renderer.qmerce.com
Is this poll fucked? Trump is the only one with more Yes than No, but somehow he's not in the lead by any real amount?
Commerade Sanders was at like 60% no 30% yes. Megan Irrelevant and Shillbat are both at like 85% no.
I convey a message to you, from the boldest, most noble man of the greatest land on Earth, Holla Forums. As the glorious reader is technically a god-like entity which surpasses human understanding, we'll let you keep Donald Trump this time, American pig-dogs. Just be aware, 2017 is the year of the glorious reader.
oh shit
pls make them add Jeb to the list.
What's so /x/ about drinking colloidal silver? It's an antibiotic which turns you into a Smurf. That's not sorcery. That's science!
But realistically, the USA falling would ruin the world just as badly as a shillary ran country.
We need to make Time magazine (and the rest of the corrupt MSM) completely irrelevant. Do not buy their magazines. Do not post their magazine covers. Cut them all off and see what they do. They will come crawling back to us begging to be made relevant again.
I hope you understand us dirt people will bash your skull in if you join our side and continue defending the bearded bastard.
Why the fuck is the president of poolooers in this list?
Who owns (((TIMES))) anyway? Wouldn't it be better to choose someone who is a nobody? (((TIMES))) is in the same sorry state as the (((Nobel Prize)))
If it is kikes I don't think they would allow Assange to be on the cover.
The literal who's who list of literally who's.
Calm down on Assange,he's one point behind the God emperor.
Are we in for another Marblecakes?
it means you're a bad goy and don't have cookies from Facebook
fucking mods can't even correct posters correctly
Hey guys, guess what?
The cunts are still 1%
the full list isn't loading for me, anyone can update me on the situation?
Nope. Trump doesn't need this. Let Assange have it. Since Wikileaks helped Trump win it will trigger leftists, possibly as much as a Trump cover would. Also, a Trump cover wouldn't even be particularly special. He must have been on all covers when he won, right? (not American)
what the heck
Trump is pretty obviously "person of the year" in any serious sense; even to those who hate him he's been all they've talked about for months. Most likely it will go to either him or Assange.
Trump should win just because merkel beat him out last year (somehow) and everyone mocked him for it, but Assange played a vital role in all this and in the fight going forward.
Trump's win would trigger leftists much more. They'll use it as further evidence that he's literally Hitler.
kek has spoken
Why even run a poll? It's Donald Trump. Everyone knows it's Donald Trump. There are people who don't want it to be him, but they know it's him.
I did without you telling me, thank you very much.
And Kim Jong Un for a laugh.
muh appetite
Colloidal Silver has nothing to do with the blue people of Kentucky.
what's up with the blue people of kentucky and are they still alive?
Same here. (((coincidence))) I'm sure.
Did this actually happen? If it did, how embarrassing.
Don't remind me. I came so close to throwing up when I saw her nudes.
It's real. And he's got a smug smile that rival's Trump's.
As soon as I hit no I regretted it.
Honestly, I think it'd be hysterical if Hillary won and crowned "Person of the Year". It'd be a bigger joke than Rudy Guiliani winning it in 2001.
There's literally no argument to be made for anyone other than Trump. His presidential campaign, with zero prior experience and largely self-funded, was absolutely unprecedented in American history and he steamrolled over a dozen Republican opponents and the seemingly unbeatable Hillary Clinton to not only beat 1000:1 odds but to win in a landslide.
Time would destroy the last remaining shreds of their credibility if they put Hillary on the cover instead of Trump. Trump deserves the honor, but I'd love to see libshits perform mental gymnastics try to justify snubbing him.
uh huh…
thanks for corrupting the butthole, hillshill.
we're not doing this for lulz anymore.
I voted Trump, Assange and Farage. I never told you to vote for Hillary you insatiable cock mongler. Nonetheless, I still think it would be hilarious if she won and benefit us more by completely destroying Time's credibility.
You can disagree with me and that's ok, but branding me a shill because we have two different opinions on how to reach the same solution is simply the product of a weak mind.
mein seides…
meme magic is reason enough, son…
no, it really isn't
and le pen is less memetic than Donald Trump.
She has nudes?! Fucking why?
GTFO, pleb.
because some sick fucks are into beastiality
Accidentally voted no for the CRISPR researchers, fuck.
talk about two forced memes
what's the TL;DR about this shit?
feel free to dumb it down a notch.
I think we should be supporting Assange for person of the year. Primarily because he and his organization have busted ass in service of the truth and he deserves some happiness. It will also likely help get him pardoned, and we owe it to him as those wikileaks docs are likely what pushed Trump over the edge and won us this victory.
Basically, we may be able to artificially create whites soon. And not just any whites, there's the possibility of creating fucking gods among men.
In short, we're on the cusp of being able to force evolutionary advances. Which would effectively negate a ton of demographic issues we currently face. It may even end up making "whites" obsolete as literally anyone would be able to be made white while in the womb.
He's tied with Trump. I'm conflicted
Trump probably deserves the title for his sheer prominence and success over the past year.
giving it to Assange would be more of a sympathy/gratitude vote. he put it on the line for us, and is still stuck in the Embassy.
He seems pretty based to me
Assange is on equal footing with Trump, both being at 9% and dominating the chart. What do?
Fuck, that got me. I hope it was intentional.
Start voting just Trump for a while?
If you remove lines 6 through 9 from the ghostbin linked at you only vote Trump. Remember to use different proxies/change TOR identity occasionally too.
literally all male…
These are the current results. Not that they won't rig it anyway but go vote.
Trump won the election when the media said he had a 98 percent chance of losing. If they give it to anyone else, TIME will be a laughing stock.
> 1. Goto: renderer.qmerce. com/interaction/582a42a8ba00a998079fd95d
> 3. Copy code from: pastebin. com/XPbzV7f6
If you've already voted, it'll automatically clear out your session and start voting again.
time. com/4570597/person-of-the-year-readers-poll-results-2016/
Trump is currently at 8% and Assange is at 9%. Some Pajeet is trying to bot the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, to the top, who is also at 9%.
Those are not the results. Turn off your ad blocker.
Narendra Modi is now somehow at 12%. Someone on Holla Forums said a bunch of Indians on whatsapp are telling people to vote for him.
honestly I find it kind of funny because the Indian army has been committing human rights abuses against Kebabs in Kashmir for years, because India is hardcore Hindu Nationalist and anti-muslim.
TIME is already a laughing stock
Its going to be Hilary, Kelly or some of the sluts that claim Trump raped them, don't even waste your time voting they don't give a fuck about the results of these polls anymore.
Use Tor, proxies, or a vpn to regularly switch IPs if you can for good measure. For Tor, you can go to tor browser\browser\torbrowser\data\tor, open torrc
with notepad and paste:
CircuitBuildTimeout 60
LearnCircuitBuildTimeout 0
MaxCircuitDirtiness 60
and your IP will change every minute. The 60 means 60 seconds and can be changed.
Here's a list of 1,500 open proxies: pastebin.com
I'm still looking for an automatic proxy switcher program or browser addon but I've had no luck.
Trump is currently at 8% and Assange at 9%.
These are the two possible scripts: pastebin. com/XPbzV7f6 or ghostbin. com/paste/om4a8
Can someone explain to me why the fuck Samantha Bee is even on that list?
What accomplishments can she claim, other than "standing awkwardly" and "complaining about men"?
That holds some truth though, we did memed trump into the white house.
Can you explain your excessive use of quotation marks?
lmao. Remember when they were both 1%. Guess they took care of that.
I love the idea that we all have lists of local problems.
In 50 years some Alex Jones-type of guy will tell his audience that Trump was bought by the nazis at Time-magazine, just like Hitler and Mussolini.
What the fuck notable has he done this year?
It's the Obama Effect, you get the award for being brown and looking largely scandal free. which is an achievement in itself
Who is Narendra Modi, and why is he in the lead?
Poo president. He's in the lead because he has billions of poos that work in customer service who vote for him.
A poo in loo won
If TIME doesn't pick Trump, it will become a laughing stock. There will be no way to recover from that.
So, how should we take this out on them?
I mean, they're already going to be a fucking laughingstock, but I want to make things harder on those kikes.
This happens literally every year. They don't actually choose the person based off the votes.
Jewish mod is bumplocking/deleting any threads that are not pro-trump!!
Board logs can be found here
See related for full understanding
8ch. pl/pol/res/25508.htm
kike identified.
Hypocrite. Kike confirmed.
It's just another goddamn kike. They get paid to post. That's why they are harder to get rid of than HIV.
No dubs, no authority.