The part that blows my mind the most is that limp-wristed faggots like this think they should be in charge of anything but the jizz mop in the local bathhouse.
Tucker Carlson BTFO lisping, mystery-meat faggot from Rutgers protest
They really should interview more of these protesters. They really have no idea what they're talking about and flounder once asked the most basic of questions.
Geez it's almost as if they don't actually believe any of the bullshit they supposedly represent and are just there to claim a sweet paycheck from Soros and associates
Could someone get a webm? It's popping an error for me.
He has an Oriental name, but he doesn't look fully Oriental. That makes him a mestizo, because the rest of it is probably blood from a white parent.
Mr Carlson has been pretty hard-line authoritarian, with only a few vaguely libertarian tendencies. I'm not sure why he doesn't get more appreciation. He's a guiding light in a lot of ways.
It looks like he'll make his way in Trump's America.
Right now, our only memory of him is of him being assblasted by Jonathan Leibowitz that one time.
That was superb.
Uematsu is a nip name so he's probably at least half nip.
If you guys want a better BTFOing of a college student, here is one from last year.
The plan to subvert Nips has always been racemixing and replacing their homeland population with chinks/gooks.
and whos plan is that? nips are already subhuman.
Tucker is going places in Trump's America. The man has been hiding his power level for a while now but every so often he lets it slip a bit.
Tucker actually said "lefty"
Doesn't matter, he has been cut off from his heritage and identity. Without identity humans become mentally anguished and psychotic and they join sjwism which is a destructive force to feel less alone. Every moment for a mongrel is suffering.
not even once
Tuck no longer has a bow tie. He has reached the next level of power
Tucker has the potential…
He really does, to become a massive shitlord and gain a huge audience. All has has to do is take the final step and ascend to greatness.
True, it was pretty obvious that he had deep reservoirs of strength when he was getting along so well with the British Mr Farage.
That got really uncomfortable to watch toward the end. That shitskin is so retarded he made me feel awkward.
Starting to like Tucker a lot, the more I see of him, the better. He dealt with those two pozzed electors that want to go against the people's vote, and had rational, good things to say in regards to Trump.
Here he goes up against a Safe Space professor.
See, he even name-drops M.P. Enoch Powell (who warned of and predicted mass immigration as "rivers of blood" in the 1960s!) at 5:40.
There's this one too
It's like this kid has never had anyone challenge his retarded opinions before.
Kek'd and check'd.
Why do these people always speak around the question? Same thing when Gowdy takes on people, it pisses me off that they squirm under the magnifying glass rather than be honest.
top kek, who's got more of these
There's a reason they're called useful idiots.
I've heard studies that unlimited shitskins provide net benefit
I've heard studies that claim they don't are biased
That part got me to full mast.
"I think…. I think…."
This beta literal faggot shitskin i swear
Talking about protests. They really becoming desperate and crazy out there.
This is an absolute gem.
Hopefully, this trauma will lead him to becoming redpilled and provably go into supreme gentleman territory in the near future.
I see nothing wrong with this picture
I like how he closes out with the propaganda line and Tucker just seals it off perfectly.
His show vods are up on youtube but I haven't had the time to check them out, 40ish minutes each, show only started on the 14th.
I do, the guys with the T-armbands aren't firing and there's not enough blood.
What a retarded faggot
He can barely stop from breaking out laughing at this idiot after 4:30
much better, that's what i was going for
Help me out here, which makes a better smug, the full image or the cropped one?
This is all I can see watching these protests anymore.
thanks, user.
loving these tucker vids. someone should make some thug life meme videos out of these
he goes full smug containment mode at 4:30 but it doesn't show up well in still
based tucker modesty
It should be obvious. They speak around the question because they either have no answer (never having given that question any measure of thought before) or they know that the answer they give will prove the point of the person asking. They're uninquisitive and unintelligent at best, dishonest at worst.
what about a gif?
I think showing both of them is better than the cropped version
Saw this greasy heeb on him last night (You all should start watching his show, it's the best on MSM right now) and the heeb spends the entire segment going "I DID NOT–" "You went out of your way to bring up david duke and the kkk" "Well that's not typecasting"
Sometimes all Tucker needs to do is look at the camera with his "Really?" face.
This was posted yesterday, but the incompetent moderators bump locked it, along with the monthly book thread.
I was the OP of that thread, laddi
TBH it ran its course, wasn't too upset about the bumplock
Why are this faggots eyes so red, did he get cummed on maced?
Boot licker.
I'm trying to shoop the boat hopper's face to look unhappy for a "the weak should fear the strong" meme but his fat lips just won't warp right.
This is a 90% copy of a published anti-Trump political cartoon. Even when lefties make something 'new', they have no creativity.
Japan's having the same lefty meltdown that we're having. The パヨク are reaching American liberal levels of insanity.
That exact cartoon, yes. Thanks user.
See, this is the problem: These people are just stupid. They're just fucking stupid, and their stupidity has been 'validated' by the slime in academia and media for so long, they can't even compute rational arguments against their stupidity.
Whoops, messed up the compression.
We really need to start using blimps again.
Isn't the only reason we stopped because of the Hindenburg explosion? Surely we can make a safer one, now. Jets are frequently hit by lightning and they don't explode from it.
Why the fuck is their an overlay of niggers singing to the video?
Smoked weed.
Absolutely disgusting.
I believe many of our fellow travelers have been up 'til now. But the 8 years of bullshit are up, and the pendulum's coming back around.
That's funny, my version doesn't have that, lad…
The thing that makes me angriest about these fucking retards is the cringing memory of similar knee-jerk ideas and unformed "this guy told me" opinions that my friends and I once spouted when we was young and stupid. Having said that, I don't think any of the shit we came up with was as pants-on-head retarded as the shit dribbling out of the Class of 2016's crippled cock-holes.
I appreciate your dubs but that song is shit.
Is he high or did his mother drink while she was pregnant? This lisping felch-monkey needs to be added to the list.
I hear what you're saying, I do, but you can't post The Fixx and expect me to take your musical taste seriously.
You're a dubsman and I'm just a lowly nigger by comparison. Please enjoy the song of my people.
That fag was on CNN last night bad mouthing General Flynn.
This man is a merde-seigneur par excellence
Your 80s slut-rockers…gratefully accepted.
i was a stupid libshit when i was younger, but what my generation considered crazy and radical far-left was fag-rights, smoking weed, and tentatively edging towards atheism.
i can't even wrap my head around some of the things these retards spout.
i have no idea how real people in the real world who aren't paid actors, shills, bots, etc. could ACTUALLY believe this shit
even when i was still an edgy libshit, hearing that people were anti-white, pro-tranny, pro- communism, pro-affirmative action, etc. blew my fucking mind.
i just wanted that hippy-dippy idealistic world where everyone was peaceful and "just got along maaaan"
these crazy SJWs are more violent and intolerant than any conservative i've ever met
it drove me away from the left, and made me seek out different options
their whole movement is going to destroy itself and implode if it continues the way its been going
at this point i think the only thing propping it up is the kikes. i have no idea why the luegenpresse and people like soros are blindly pushing forward instead of reevaluating the situation and considering different options. they should be jumping ship but they're just doubling down. it makes no sense.
"It's the shoulder thing that goes up"
Watching his show right now. He just BTFO some leftist columnist/blogger on some slander on Sessions.
Could he be it, lads? Could he be the insider that will uncuck the lûgenpresse?
That's not smug, it's a condescening grin.
smugness can be condescending
Yes, it's a wonderful feeling to know that we have so many hidden allies.
Money and hubris.
Hatred of the white race and knowing he won't live long enough to see the nukes fall.
Different options don't exist in their minds. It's not even "my way or the highway" with these fucks. It's "my way." That's it. There are no other options, and anyway who proposes one is obviously insane and must be instantly dog-piled and branded with whatever label they can make stick.
If you've set fire to all the life-preservers and cut the lines on all the lifeboats, then all you can do is bail like a motherfucker. They'll sink soon enough, and good riddance. I just hope we can launch a few new ships that aren't full of rabid rats.
Tucker is much more redpilled than he's given credit for. He tends to hide it, and only bring it out when necessary.
he is la'tinx brah
How can a man, on LIVE TV no less, rape a woman that viciously and not be in prison?!
He already runs Daily Caller, which is a good website as far as implicitly white news goes.
Can a good user .webm, this for me?
They cut her off once she started talking about the need for "Mass Movements in the Streets" because it was the final nail in her coffin of not knowing what she's talking about.
It was very satisfying to watch… not because she was BTFO but it was the first time in a while that I was having trouble understanding what was being talked about, but I could tell that whoever this guy was, he knew his shit. It was like being a child again. This stuff is so rare to me now, for something to seem almost difficult enough to comprehend at first that I could actually care to listen intently, I'm getting some sort of perverted sense of pleasure hearing it. It was like I was 10 years younger for 10 minutes.
Here man, maybe some dopamine will clear this minor migraine I've got going.
mp4 because win 7 doesn't have image previews for webms like it does mp4s
also chimp sounds would require opening an actual video editor and I cant be fucked to
not one intelligent comment by this Asian
Is that what she said or am I just a retard?
Consider our gets our condolences for you miss.
Don't worry, got it under control
Tucker has been a class act ever since he lost his bow tie and is in all likelyhood not jewish
Didn't Britney Spears blow him back in the day?
He probably hasn't
He was an open Trump supporter–much appreciated.
>Breitbart not TrumpNN being #1
>All those gas-masks and no gas that might actually be gas on the right side of the image
>That jewish looking hand bottom right being left out of the circle
We can do better than this guys. Although, the armbands the Trumpstika would look better though and crescent moons to mark Muslims are on point. Also, the artist gets points for realism for showing that the Mexican is holding up a long live Mexico sign instead of a long live America one, but he then proceeds to trash that by depicting the nigger as a husband instead of a baby-daddy.
Tucker pushes Jonathan Allen shit in over his slanderous Jeff Sessions article.
Jesus Christ.
A barrel shroud is a covering attached to the barrel of a firearm, that partially or completely encircles the barrel which prevents operators from injuring themselves on a hot barrel. Slides, extensions of the stock that do not fully encircle the barrel, and the receiver (or frame) of a firearm itself are generally not described as barrel shrouds, though they in fact do act as such.
And so continues the great Meme Wars of 2016 - ?
Can't wait to see those liars getting fined for their printing of rags unfit for human consumption.
Watching him eviscerate these kikes is great. I could sit through hours of this, but the people he's arguing against are always so disgusting.
Excuse me if I'm retarded but is it just another way of saying mongrel?
Well the math checks out
it's going to be great to see the leftist revulsion against populism turn into a hysterical and self-defeating crusade against democracy while also trying to make this country into a direct democracy.
Kek, do you think he lurks here? Have been using the same analogy for months now and posted about it too. Those simple questions buttblast every leftists and they either can't answer or somehow shift the answer like you have asked another question.
They're eating their own tails at this point
You're giving them too much credit. There are obvious organisers that get paid to gather people up and hand out signs but you need to remember that these commie fucks really are that stupid. A lot of them just listen & believe and don't have the capacity to research a position.
Never overestimate your enemy in this case, never forget how dumbshit they are
Communism! Utilizing the adage of "Fear the power of stupid people in large groups." for funz and power!
Tucker's strategy is perfect: never give them a chance to speechify. The minute they show signs of launching into a buzzword-laden Marxist speech, interrupt them and stop it from happening. Make them explain themselves in their own words and they'll fall apart.
If this had been irl instead of on TV, the guy undoubtedly would have told Tucker "I'm not here to educate YOU" and stomped away in a huff. The answer to THAT is alternately "Then why should I change" or "Why should I care what you think" depending on how important the lefty is to you.
That was beautiful. Tuckers method of dealing with these fuckers is quite impressive, he never gives them an opportunity to weasel out of what they've said or done and he does this by constantly interrupting them and reminding them (and us) of what they have said.
He seems like a pretty cool guy off the air too.
The host was basically sperging when he said they were live with that stupid joke, if that's what it was meant to be
More or less. To put it politely, "person of heritage so unclear that it is mildly unnerving."
>>>Holla Forums
He broke character and let a decent smug smile escape when drove that final nail down on that moron.
How have I not heard anything about this guy?
You're a degenerate.
Admit it, you have an addiction.
Faux News is not yet redeemed for giving this man a show, but dear lord have they done a good thing.
I know that look that he takes right there , that excact look and momment is when you know you are about to unleash a BTFO of epic proportions, be it in chess or anywhere really.
Tucker "If you take a peak when I leak, the outlook is bleak" Carlson