God, IMAGINE a fucking AG who wouldn't an angry nigger or negress or spic or a neo-con cuckold!!
The Jews are going to try to put up a fight about this, but it's official now, has been offered.
Breaking-- Official, Sessions has been offered AG
To me, this says that they are going to push the immigration angle the hardest out of any of the pet issues. This and Kris Kobach being invited to the campaign is enough proof of that.
Just hope they can win. Sessions was rejected for a judgeship because he once called a nigger "boy," and this was before true SJW had completely ruined the nation.
The kikes will definitely have their fangs out and looking for blood. Going to be an interesting fight.
Since OP is being a faggot:
hey, motherfucker, I heard it on the electric synagogue, just trying to get it up ASAP.
shittiest op in a hwile thanks
Anyone have anything on Pompeo? about to jewggle him and see what's there, but weird, have never heard of him, which is probably good since he then played no major part in Iraq or Afghanistan.
We're getting good picks on everything else, makes me worried that Mittens will get state.
good. So fucking good. I have to admit I had some doubts if Trump would stick with immigration being his #1 concern. Sessions being AG pretty much quells all doubt.
he's a senator and former attorney general of his state. I mean yeah they can cry about racism but he is without a doubt qualified.
Oh.. So its not actually official it is just kike news saying 'sources' have confirmed. I was hoping he would pick Gowdy for AG and Sessions for State or Interior.
Shittest spelling a while. All you motherfuckers who claim to "never go to cuckchan," yet our traffic sucks here in the fucking morning. If someone else would post once in awhile and not leave me as only one ever posting a breaking story, then you'd have something to bitch about. YOU DON'T.
All the current breaking news threads here? Me. no one else gives enough a fuck, so, yeah, va fanculo.
that seems to be just a rumor but pompeo as far as I can tell seems to be a Pence guy.
gowdy is great but is not as good on immigration as sessions is
Sessions is now 100%, got an alert from Jew Snake Crimes a minute ago. Pompeo, not sure.
Some highlights:
Nothing is confirmed until January. Have some confidence.
Sometimes you want people like Gowdey to stay exactly where they are. He needs to keep doing what hes been doing.
How pissed would everyone else be if we did get fucking Mittens as Sec. of State? It would fuck up entire chance of actual peace with Russia. Really, really hope he doesn't go for that and that it's Corker. Gingrich is getting nothing, it's confirmed.
Wonder how much that little Jewboy son-in-law is pulling strings, since Mittens is close pals with Netanyahu. Scares me tbqh.
Awesome, if true. Sessions will lay down the hammer on sanctuary cities.
Absolutely, I hope New York gets fucking put under siege if they refuse to comply
The "Romney as Sec State" rumor was just that—a MSM rumor. Nobody but Trump knows who's getting picked.
if you're going to fucking cry like a bitch about lugenpresse rumors maybe you should think about suicide
Has Trump ever rewarded his enemies???
I bet Giuliani gets Secretary of State. He's been Trump's friend for 30+ years.
It's legit alright, as long as Sessions accepts, I suppose.
you misunderstand me. I was bitching about all the articles coming out in true lugenpresse stride about everyone under the sun being considered by trump and all they actually have is "our sources say" their source could be a rock.
Just don't be surprised if Trump's former enemies like Mittens get scraps from him. Maybe not such important positions, but still. He may be trying to bring everyone on the right together to make the party a legitimate force again.
motherfucker, did you see me "crying?" What part of "hope it's not true" were you not able to comprehend?
Jew Scarborough claims to have had a discussion on phone with Trump yesterday where he says he is "considering it." I said I am WORRIED, and I am since so far all the other picks (Flynn, Session) have been great. I feel like being set up for one right up the ass with Romney, but hoping it's just the Jews trying to meme a neocon that won't happen.
but fuck, Romney even told King Nigger "our biggest threat in the world is Russia" in 2012. Not ISIS (al queda then), RUSSIA. Just hope it's another Jew lie. They are attacking Giuliani as hard as they can, which makes me support Giuliani now.
hau, Flynn's son "propagated conspiracy theories that Rubio is a cocaine addict and has wild parties." Bet he posts here.
This isn't luegenpresse speculation. They would be floating McCain or some other hated cuck for demoralization purposes
Fuck him, he's a neocon.
But it is. Even if Flynn is one the best and most likely choices them announcing that he has been picked based on nothing more than "our sources" is lugenpresse. Do not fucking afford them an iota of credibility.
based on what? That the kikes brought down the towers on his watch? That doesnt mean he was apprised of the plan. And during his actual term as mayor.. He was absolutely great for new york. Hell he enacted a fucking law that targetted niggers and allowed police to just stop them and run their pockets to look for drugs and weapons… In fucking NYC of all places.
There is absolutely nothing that indicates Rudy is a neocon
He shouldn't be in charge of foreign policy, imo. He's a quasi-fascist who will go hard after Soros-funded groups like BLM.
I already said nothing is certain until January.
Flynn's son is 100% a Holla Forumsack
You fucking shill. He wants a no-fly zone in Syria and he has also called for the overthrowing of the Iranian government.
2016 was great and all…but 2017 is gonna be one helluva year.
Congrats Sessions!
I think they already blew their load on Bannon (not to mention Trump and Pence).
They can only cry racism so many times before people just stop giving a fuck.
he retweets cernovich and paul watson so I kinda doubt that.
He's def not a basic bitch republican though. And it seems he's his father's chief of staff and advisor. So Flynn definitely know about alt-right shit. Good stuff.
control your autism I didnt say that you didnt say that. My point is we should be using every opportunity to drive home the point that every time the media says sources say something it is a fabrication, even if it is most likely correct.
Yea he has. He also stuck police in mosques undercover. I think its less him being a neocon and more him fucking hating muslims.
Retweeting those two kikes doesnt make him not a Holla Forumsack.. They do tweet out useful shit every now and then.
You don't want Corker. I live in Tennessee and he's horrible. He hired mexicans to his construction company before going to Senate. He's a douche bag to boot.
Confirmed, it's already starting.
I never said that you didn't say that I never said that.
You're preaching to the choir.
Worst OP I have seen in ages, fucking newfag rat with no source
Meant to quote this, not
Trump's victory already made millions not give a fuck anymore. Their magic word is dead now
flatlander woman
that same fat little cnn spic-ass goblin who claims to be "republican." CNN had the highest ratings in their history night of the election. Beat fox by ~ 2 million viewer, more in 25-54 demo.
what will it take for these fuckheads to realize that CNN has zero credibility? Feeding questions to a candidate? Check. An entire 18 months of having vicious Jews on shilling? check.
Man, did the Jews pull one over on Ted Turner. After Walt Disney, he probably got sewed the hardest of anyone in history.
Current Year officially undoing 30 years of "progress"
Push a little harder and we'll have our own drinking fountains again
hey, think Trump's father knows where bodies are buried?
Don't see any good options for State at this point. Like the choice between getting it in the ass or the mouth. although we did make it through Clinton and Kerry, but a neo-cohen might be even worse.
Watching Fox right now and they're already bringing up Sessions KKK comments.
If you had one stinger missile and two helicopters– one with Soros and one with Murdoch– which would you aim at? Obvious choice used to be Soros. Now, I'm not sure if Murdoch is about on same level. In ways, actually worse since Soros is a known enemy. Murdoch is like the traitor inside the gates.
It seems odd but it could be a reasonable pick. I'm about 90% sure it's a ruse cruise/olive branch to the mormons (who just ran mcmuffin). But there is a chance it's for real.
Remember, rightly or wrongly most the world and their leaders are frightened as hell about Trump. Romney is cool, calm and collected. About as non-threatening vanilla country club republican as you can get. I.E. the perfect person to calm and soothe foreign dignitaries.
Will he have the balls to do something about the Clintons?
Is there a way we can push racism as a positive on this one? "Sessions is the racism we need right now!"
OW the narrative should be, like, people enforcing the law is SO RACIST and mocking them with that. This cop just arrested a black murderer #RacistlikeSessions
Indeed, even people with good intentions and good instincts are fooled by his media empire.
I'll be honest, not that many years ago I liked Megyn Kelly. The way she tore into Obama and Muslims made my dick hard. Trump made me realize she's just a shiksa whore who will say anything her (((masters))) write on her teleprompter. Once CNN and MSNBC are defunct we will have to turn our attention to the Fox empire. For now they are still too useful to fight.
I tend to agree with you. As long as Mitt can somehow "prove" his loyalty to Trump. That's the big Q.
C'mon now, after that Mcmuffin fuckery?
Nah nigga, nah.
They seem to be ok so far.
Japan, Mexico, Russia, and more all seem eager to work with Trump.
Most likely
go back and read some of his shit about russia. Also used to be partners with netanyahu in "bain capital." total fucking neocon interventionist. IDK, he obviously has no fucking spine or if he actually believed any of the shit he said about Trump, he wouldn't be there now.
I hope trump makes him get down on his knees and take a photo of it as a precondition if it did happen. But talk about a way to fuck up things with Russia right off the bat…even if Trump ended up fucking us most everything else, at least we knew we prevented the "new cold war" from getting worse and maybe WW 3.
What a tragedy the US civil war was. Had it not happened, all mormons would have been driven into that fucking lake as the subversive fucking polytheist scum they are.
It's pretty much just western Europe, China, Saudi Arabia. and Iran that's scared shitless.
Everyone else is cool
I'm just saying I wouldn't be pissed over Mittens. Not that he's the best choice.
And I'm just saying he's a spineless subversive fucking rat.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this
They should be scared.
You'll end up back in Mexico when it's over, spic goblina.
this is a cuck who said Russia was a bigger threat to the US than fucking Islamists. IDK, obviously the Jews are going to do all they can to sabotage Trump and we aren't going to get most of what we want.
But his foreign policy and stopping the "wars for Israel" shit was, at least for me, the biggest selling point. Still hopeful. I'd like to see NATO broken up, military scaled down (there is a reason we have nuclear weapons..in the event of war with Russia, all the fucking posturing in places like Estonia with tanks and troops and exercises, what would it mean anyway?
Just don't trust that little jewboy son-in-law. Thanks, fuckhead tom brady for no marrying Ivanka and giving us that cancer to be dragged into WH instead.
Probably just in a shit mood, because since Holla Forums was /new/ on cuckchan, we've never really had anything good happen and so I've learned to always expect the worst. Hard to even process idea that Trump might halt (or at least slow down) the descent into a globalized, jewish worldwide plantation of mulatto serfs (which is their endgame).
tbh I can't tell the difference between her and Jeb's wife.
You live in a border state don't you?
Chin up son the cavalry is coming for us.
I would fly over to the States and fucking burn some shit down if that cuck got a position in the cabinet.
Yeah I know he is a shit tier neocon. I guess it depends on if Trump thinks Mittens will obey or not. I kind of wonder if Trump will put together a "team of rivals" ala Lincoln to at least give the appearance that he is taking advice from all angles. Will we see any dems in his cabinet (someone like Jim Webb)?
You need to get with the times, Trump won! Pic related.
Me neither. Nor any other post-menstrual mexican bitch tbh fam. They all turn into brown potatoes after a certain age.
ITT: Op gets triggered for being called out on his autism
How do we have any way of confirming these appointments are true? It still seems like Trump's in the phase where he doesn't want to show his cards.
Sessions would be ok but I'm still hoping for Rowdy Gowdy.
Pompeo is a neocohen who wants to nuke Iran. He actually believes that Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism.
This is great
Pompeo is a basic bitch on foreign policy but there are silver linings.
He is a rival to Paul Ryan and this quote is peachy:
Pompeo opposes closing Guantánamo Bay detention camp.[12] After a 2013 visit to the prison, Pompeo said, of the prisoners who were on hunger strike, "It looked to me like a lot of them had put on weight."[13]
Please Kek deport all the anchor babies too.
From what ya'll saying it sounds like Pompeo hates muzzies he just needs someone to point him in the right direction and keep an eye on him.
You made an oc specifically for a post,your autism is showing go take your morning meds.
Good choice.
All I needed to know he'd done the right thing was when the drudge-linked article dug up ol' ed kennedy and quoted him as though he was still alive.
"RRRRRAAAACCCISSSSTTTTT," said ed kennedy in the mid-eighties.
I love it. Praise KEK and I hope Melania blows him like she should tonight.
it's called having a template you unskilled faggot
Secular talk is going to be fucking buttmad.
All of the "Centrist-lefties" and "Classical Liberals" are going to be buttmad.
Let them be buttmad. Sessions is the MAN
Wasn't most people praising sessions, even some of the left a while back? I dont remember them ever attacking when Trump spoke of him back then.
Except Sessions is actually racist and our guy.
Now all we need is Steve King for homeland security and we'll have a real white nationalist shitlord cabinet.
Best part is their nightmare is just beginning.
Traitors who want to avoid this aren't waking up when we're done.
The best part about Sessions is that he’s fucking old. He may well die during Trump’s tenure, which means that Trump appoints Gowdy after “his stellar performance during the final investigations into the Clinton Foundation and the actions of the DNC.”
lol stay mad huffpo
2017 is going to be the best current year ever.
Are you that guy from that other thread, what was it about.
Something about Germany?
That is not going to happen, Romney did nothing but counter-signal and attack Trump, no way he picks him for any position.
Someone should of tweeted that Farage wakey wakey picture but with trump.
I RT them too, because they have good information and pieces at times.
Why give anything to Romney? He's a fucking nobody now, he can go rot in obscurity for the rest of his days. He ain't getting shit.
Just push the message that by racist what they really mean is not anti-white.
this guy is redpilled as fuck
Wasn't Flynn a Democrat before Obama screwed him over?
Guiliani is basically WW3.
Somebody better hold trump's feet to the flame, no flip flopping/evolving
I missed this. pic related is obviously an exaggeration
I actually hope the media isn't lying this time
Hasta la vista Lupita.
epic bantz! totally BTFO! (taking 25 minutes to make an image to call someone else autistic).
I'm hopeful that he denies it, and Trey Gowdy takes over instead.
We need Trey Gowdy.
At last I truly see.
Nah. I'm out in the desert with the treasure map Trump's father left me looking for where the bodies are buried…because, you know, he knows.
God Emperor is meeting with James "Mad Dog" Mattis today regarding secdef.
"Mad Dog Mattis" aka "Warrior Monk" aka "Chaos"
H-has Mad Dog senpai been considered for anything?
Isn't that the guy that said to always have a plan to kill everyone or some shit like that?
Do you have a sauce on that, or are you just teasing?
Not sure. He's meeting with the T dog today though.
I don't know about that, but he is quoted with this regarding his time in Afghanistan.
I'll find a link in a minute, saw it on Fox Business about 10 minutes ago. About shat myself.
It's like Christmas every morning now. Each new day I wake up to screeching yids.
That's the one.
Yeah, to be honest. Even during the campaign I'd wake up with a bit of hesitation and open eyes that I could be drafted and be on the front lines of Hillary's anti-Russian war in some shit hole in eastern Europe or the near east.
Now I get up with a level of energy and focus I haven't ever had.
I love waking up in Trump's White America.
Jeff Sessions is one of the only based R's in the Senate, the other one being manlet Rand Paul.
He will be missed, but hopefully he will fuck up some kikes in the Attorney General roll.
If this dream team actually happens there is hope they may go full retard and revoke anchor baby citizenship, and voting rights.
The butthurt would be astronomical.
Is it possible we could see McCain die in office and be replaced?
What happens if a sitting senator dies?
Her antagonizing the Russians had me worried the most. Absolutely suicidal nonsense the press failed to even discuss.
So much this.
Even when Putin had that press conference and said directly "Tell your people that we don't want nuclear war, but your leaders are pushing us to that." the fucking lying press here didn't say a god damned word about it.
the funny thing is.. they cried KKK so much everyone is just ignoring them
Three K's a day keeps the niggers away..
It seems they didn't learn, take a look
Just how much time must pass before they drop the "wassist" "strategy"?
Depends on each state I believe, some states appoint and others have snap elections.
A few weeks ago, reading these comments, I would have gotten angry our irate about them.
Now I just think, "Yes, let the butthurt flow through you." and laugh.
cernovich and watson do good work, regardless of your personal opinion of them
he should be given a bit of breathing room for 9-d chess
just a couple days ago they brought all those lobbyists in only to purge them, remember?
trump must be held accountable for his actions, but we must also be wary of shills trying to fool us.
i would shoot the soros helicopter's tail so it spun out and crashed into the murdoch helicopter
shamelessly checking my own double dubs
Something I think many are overlooking with the Sessions pick. He's going to go after Hillary hardcore. The cunt is shitting her pants even harder this morning than usual.
Sessions is a very thinly veiled white nationalist. This is very good.
If he plays nice, maybe Trey can be Hillary's special prosecutor. He's a little too green for such a big title. Also he talked shit about Trump and wouldn't endorse him. Not that rowdy, tbh fam.
That's what gives him the "independence" a special prosecutor needs. Playing that 14D chess.
Damn. Got me there.
Or like this?
The affirmative action nigger US attorney who came up with that allegation was later disgraced.
Why is nobody talking about the fact that Jeff Sessions was the leader in the Senate in the fight against the TPP? I even recall some left/liberal websites were on his side and almost praising him for doing the right thing and defending american sovereignty against multinational corporations.
r8 my list m8s
S. State - Dana Rohrabacher
S. Treasury - Jeb Hensarling
Attorney General - Jeff Sessions
S. Defense - James Mattis
S. Interior - Mary Fallin
S. Agriculture - Sid Miller
S. Commerce - Dan DiMicco
S. Health and Human Services - Bobby Jindal
S. Transportation - John Mica
S. Energy - Harold Hamm
S. VA - Jeff Miller
S. Homeland Security - David Clarke
(only missing Labor, HUD, and Education)
Plus note what happened with Bannon. Not a single person in the Republican party broke ranks and attacked him.
We've finally subjugated the republican party. Well done lads.
Looks like the news just got confirmed, according to Trump's own twitter.
I wonder if she'll explode too if you'd say that to her face.