JFK assasination and order 11110

Holla Forums, I want every redpill you can get about JFK's assasination and its relation to the order 11110. Was it also true the he and Abraham Lincon were assassinated for the same reasons?

Other urls found in this thread:


order 11110 was an inane meaningless thing regarding silver and the fed, it wasnt a return to goldbacked currency or anything radical. order 11110 being significant is disinfo.

lincoln was probably assassinated for wanting to send the niggers back to africa, JFK certainly didnt want to do that.

>what are greenbacks?

W-whoa, goy. Slow down, there. There's no link between people wanting to separate from international banks and untimely deaths. Here, my good friend Albert Goldmansteinberg just finished this great TV show - you should watch it to keep your mind away from these harmful conspiracy theories.

iirc greenbacks were a war time thing and were never intended to be permanent.



the dollars are still green on the back

Don't look up James Garfield, Louis McFadden, Abraham Lincoln, or Andrew Jackson, stupid smelly goy.

greenbacks were labor backed currency, similar to the reich note.

Kennedy was assassinated by Mossad with help from the CIA and the Meyer Lansky jewish international crime syndicate because Kennedy was against Israel developing nuclear weapons and insisted on inspections at Dimona.

Source on the 3rd pic?

I think Kennedy was killed for many reasons, but saying 11110 wasn't a piece of the puzzle is foolish.

Labor backed > Silver backed > Gold backed > fiat

To put our money under silver is to stabilize it and give the currency actual backing.

RYAN DAWSON - JFK did NOT try to end the fed

BILL STILL - Still Report #121 JFK Assassination "Fed" Myth

He was shot over either wanting to inspect Dimona or blocking the CIA's evil schemes. Either way the US intelligence community had the means and motive to engage in a cover-up. The CIA even coined the phrase "conspiracy theory" to discredit those who questioned their cover-up.

it had nothing to do with backing currency with silver, it was just a piece of bureaucracy. it wasnt even repealed until 1987. kennedy was trying to phase out silver certificates in favor of fed notes, hardly a threat to the fed.

exercise some critical thought.

this is going to sound ridiculous but I think it actually was lee harvey oswald

OP, even if you were wrong, I respect you for being curious. The federal reserve should e intensely scrutinized and they will not hesitate to murder, steal, bomb, invade countries, crash economies, topple democracies, and lace governments with bribed or blackmailed double agents.

This one.Gaddafi said the same thing

So basically, it was a combination of Jews and FBI? And because Kennedy dares to oppose J Edgar Hoover?

CIA, not the FBI.

Pre autopsy photos. Not the mutilation where the entry wound is supposed to be.

1. Order 11110
2. Embedded speech

He basically wanted to stop NWO and got aired for it.

JFK telling Ben Gurion he will cut off funding to Israel if they don't let his inspectors see what's in Dimona is why he was killed

11110 did nothing to end the fed. If anything, it made it stronger by restricting who could make silver certificates. Go on, read it for yourself, post it here, and explain how it did anything to challenge the federal reserve.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but at the same time I think we might be living in a very different world if JFK had gotten those quints.

My nigga. That guys work on 9/11 was the realist, unironic redpilling of my life.

3rd pic is Tippit not Kennedy

lurk moar retard
or stop being a disinfo shill

kek nice trips

Oh, great, I've wanted a thread on this for a long time.
Vid related is the best case I've heard for JFK's assassination. Roger Stone propounds that it was LBJ by all measures. I haven't read the book, but this was probably a good summary.
However, there are some pieces that might be unexplained by Stone's theory, such as the 3rd gunman.
I don't remember well, but when I read EO11110 it seemed like it was actually giving power to the fed.
The consensus on Holla Forums seems to be that isreal or the bankers were deeply involved, but I don't necessarily see them anywhere.
Is it possible to put together a stronger case than Stone's?

Also it wasn't an assassination, it was just stagecraft.


You really have now idea what the fuck you're talking about, don't you? Executive Order 11110 specifically says that the U.S. Government solely has the power to print currency and that new bills would be backed by U.S. silver reserves. How does that give more power to the Fed, an independent non-federal bank?

"LBJ did it" is History Channel-tier, is the only right answer.



Pres Kennedy (not Jay Eff Kay, retard) was a very anti-white individual, while Pres Lincoln went to war to stop the private breeding and transportation of blacks while arranging to send them back home.




He's right. EO11110 being the reason for the assassination is pure disinfo.

Embed is Michael Collins Piper explaining it. If you go back to Jim Marrs' book that popularized the myth, his source was an article in The Spotlight, where Piper was working at the time. They retracted the story, but Marrs stuck with it.

I'm not going to say it was good or bad for the fed but what I would like to remind people that currently there are vastly more gold certificates than there is gold. Do you know what that does? it lowers the market value of gold lower than it should because it increases supply in an artificial way. If a large number of these certificates disappeared the price of gold would skyrocket. Now ask yourself if that's good or bad for the fed. Recall that at that time they all had the memories of what a precious metals currency was like and were more educated on economics, if they saw metals skyrocket they would know the cause and the ramifications

No wonder there is so much confusion regarding this topic when all parties are completely handicapped when it comes to giving proper sources.

These are especially shit.

Doesn't mention the US notes at all except in the text description. Completely useless video that also blatantly lies about the executive order limiting who could issue new silver certificates.

Just hand waves the issue of US notes with a offhand comment about decreasing their quantity, a point he hasn't given any previous reasoning of or produces any evidence for. Following the link to his longer text just eventually dumps the same claim with absolutely nothing to back it.

On a topic where they both complain about there being a lack of facts they themselves putting out more unsubstantiated claims is inexcusable. F-, what the fuck are you doing?

The document these lazy faggots should have quoted and linked to is the 1963 Presidential Economic Report, presidency.ucsb.edu/economic_reports/1963.pdf

On page XXIII Kennedy says

These are not anti-FED sentiments to speak mildly.
"Silver certificates" refer to the United State Notes which was the money issued by the Treasury and backed by silver, hence their formal name.
The line about the FED $1 refers to the fact that the FED did not have authority to print $1 and $2 bills. That authority lay solely with the Treasury at that time. That changed with Public Law 88-36 which was signed at the same time as EO 11110 and among other things gave the FED power over the full spectrum of bills.
In short he says his intention is to remove the US Treasury money from circulation and led FED handle it from now on.

Also, anyone who claims they've read EO 11110 and says it appears to give power to the FED is a filthy liar who hasn't read shit. EO 11110 itself does the exact opposite, even if in actuality nothing good came of it or was ever intended to come from it.

LBJ killed Kennedy because he was about to spill the beans on the Dems' plan to kill MLK and manipulate the fears of the black community and rule over them for the next century. It worked doubly for him and we haven't been able to recover since.
If the fed was a problem, why didn't they have Ron Paul die of "natural causes" years ago?

Kennedy threads are fucking retarded. You faggots always miss the only reason that matters.

You don't sleep with another man's woman.

That and Sam Bronfman wanted to buy Texas state Oil for 150m and sell it for 2b 20 years later. LBJ signed that in.

JFK did NOT try to end the fed

If I've learned anything from Holla Forums, it's that digits like those should not be ignored. It must be significant.

So you've learned the Universe is Binary Logic? That's first base to becoming Jesus.

do you even qubit?

So what do you think happened, onionbro? It seems you are very knowledgeable.


I think the Ron Paul insert was made a bit too hasty. Different time, different amount of blatant manipulation of the State and people.

gtfo out of Holla Forums and take your nigger lover cuck president with you

3rd times a charm.

Shut up faggot

JFK assassination was not that complicated.

also this should be no surprise to you because LBJ was a huge corrupt lying scheming faggot. Jack Ruby even said himself that if the Vice President "was Adele Stephenson then JFK would still be alive"

Retard identified.

The only answer in the thread so far, that is close to being a smart one. Both Kennedy and Khrushchev were removed very fast as soon as they wanted to wage nuclear war. Khrushchev was shamed and removed from his post by public, and then silent died very fast afterwards. Relationship between those two people bought problems for US, and Cuba was part of it.

This is why i point and laugh at people who said Trump will be removed like JFK. He doesn't produce nuclear thread as that guy did. On the contrary, if Hillary would win, SHE would get killed like JFK, since she wanted to nuke russia for hacks and shit.

That was a really fast run he did to get to the 6th floor in about 1.5 seconds.

Here is the problem with the JFK murder everyone always targets one group when IMHO it was an overlapping collection of groups that all had the same interest.

Actually no
The Bay Of Pigs went down 90 days into JFK's presidency, it was cooked up by VP Nixon and Richard Bissell CIA way before Kennedy ever took over the office. It was this event that caused Kennedy to vow to smash the CIA into a 1000 pieces. Allen Dulles head of the CIA was fired because of it and served on the Warren commission. Coincidence?
Actually no
Oswald was alleged to have shot at Major General Edwin Anderson Walker in Dallas

Actually no
Kennedy and Krushchev were doing everything they could to avoid conflict. It was the people surrounding both men that wanted to engage each other. I had read somewhere that the CIA inserted false info of a non threatening level in the PDB in order to ascertain if Kennedy was leaking info to the Soviets. There was credible allegations that Bobby was part of the backchannel communication between Kennedy and Kruschev. Both men knew how deadly war between their 2 nations would be and both sought to avoid it in any manner they could. Which is why they sought out nonofficial communications, which would leave all the warmongers in both countries effectively "out of the loop". Also remember this was not a very long time period after WWII.

(trips of truth)
Commies wanted him dead
Feds wanted him dead
Mafia wanted him dead
LBJ wanted him dead
Israel wanted him dead

It was pretty much a perfect storm. Kennedy was destined to get Kennedy'd by someone somewhere.
Am I missing anyone?

This. Just use wikipedia or something so were all on the same page.

Checked and kekked

4chan pls

It was the agency and the mafia in retaliation for him getting their people killed by playing both side of the bay of pigs. He didnt want bay of pigs, then he was fine with it after getting pressured, then he pulled back air support after it started and the idiot cubanos and their agency handlers got fucking slaughtered.

Just fucking look at the players. Oswald- marine sniper trained, then nuclear site guard. all nuclear site personnel go through additional screening, including polygraph. Then he defects to russia, and works in some shitty factory. the Russians dont trust him, and he gets nowhere. *FUCKING COMES BACK TO THE US* and then starts working for "pro-castro" groups that are actually cia front orgs.

Then jack ruby kills him before he can say shit, and conveniently dies of cancer in prison.

lol we have always known what was at dimona. we just asked the frenchies for the fucking repeipt. it you think it all just boils down to stupid israeli lies that everyone on the damn planet has always known are lies, you are retarded. kennedy pissed off the deep state with bay of pigs.

Kennedy was killed by lee harvey oswald, a fucking american who defected to russia and was trained in the kiev assassins school. He was a marxist agent. What else needs to be known?

"White Power" by George Lincoln Rockwell has a good section explaining who oswald was connected to and why kennedy was killed.

Oswald trained in kiev. He was funded entirely by jewish marxists

Which commies? See my post about the bay of pigs it was not the commies that did it. It was the Commie Cubans that thwarted it and Castro pretty much knew it was the mob and cia that wanted him out of power not necessarily Kennedy.
Do you mean FBI? Because now Hoover (we have no credible evidence of a nationwide crime syndicate) answered to Bobby. Although they had nothing to do with the actual event there were many ways they helped by by their either inaction or lack of sincere effort in the investigation.
Bobby deported Carlos Marcello, since he could not get him on actual charges. It took Carlos 6 months to sneak back in and boy was he ever pissed. Bobby was proceeding to clean up the whole syndicate and that came to an abrupt stop after his brothers murder.

See picture.
Also for the reelection Johnson might not have been on the ticket and actually ended up in prison see Billy Sol Estes and Mac Wallace.
You never hear a peep about this anywhere except now the tubes has changed that.
Also his name was Jack Rubenstein not "Ruby"
Big oil see the oil depletion allowance tax being repealed
Military Industrial complex see the vietnam war and Kennedy bailing on it Johnson ramped it up 2 weeks after he took office.

and before that, by the marine corps.

The FBI gave him a paraffin test shortly after his arrest on his cheek and hands both tests came back negative.
Paraffin test is to determine the presence of gunpowder on the body.
See altgens photo how the hell did he run up 6 flights of stairs in under 2 seconds?


find the Zapruder tape(not 100% on the spelling). The kill shot came from the front seat of the car.

The rest is upto you


You should get gassed

Oswald was CIA agent.

Read Final Judgment.

Rockwell's mentor, DeWest Hooker, and GLR himself to a lesser extent, played a role in getting Kennedy elected.

Probably should have worded that a little differently, I just woke up.

the face looks similar but it isn't proof that it's the same person

That's not the order you moron. That's JFK trying to END silver currency but allowing it to remain while they back away from it.
AGAIN: JFK was ending silver backed currency

AGAIN: JFK was ending silver backed currency
AGAIN: JFK was ending silver backed currency
AGAIN: JFK was ending silver backed currency
AGAIN: JFK was ending silver backed currency


Zionists did it.


(Marylin Monroe's was injected with an overdose anally by her Jewish psychiatrist and maid who were both members of "Communists International")

Fuck if I know for certain exactly what straw was the last, but it was definitely the kikes. I mean look at the post made by

Controlled by kikes.
Controlled by kikes.
Controlled by kikes.
Nothing overtly Jewish here as far as I know. The one gentile in the plot sounds about right.
Any need to comment?
Then a kike walks in and silences the patsy.

Removing all but two of these as false leads really changes nothing since there is a kike behind every suspect.

Now if we want to get closer to the truth there is one thing we can assert for certain and that is that it was an act of desperation. Trying to kill a president, with the gargantuan backlash that is going to come if you fuck up or fail to cover all your tracks, instead of just waiting one more year until Kennedy's term was over and use your media to make sure he isn't re-elected means it had to happen now. Whatever the reason it was significant enough and imminent enough that you just couldn't wait a few more months.

I can think of six things that vital to the kikes and that is bank control, media control, the lie about their victimhood, their hidden crimes, their control of the shadow government and alphabet soup, and finally Israel.
Regarding the banks everything that can be sourced points to Kennedy being clueless and thinking it's better all better managed by the FED. I am also not aware of anything that would suggest Kennedy had any dealing with the global banking systems.
Regarding media I am again not aware of anything suggesting Kennedy would remove power from the kikes.
Same with their victimhood and crimes. I haven't heard anything about Kennedy intending to expose the holohoax or that they are behind communism and the mafia.

That leaves Israel and their manipulation of the CIA and the other covert cesspools, which Kennedy definitely had unwelcome dealings with. Of these my gut says that Israel was the one that finally sealed it because the consequences of Kennedy continuing what he was doing there to me gives the impression of being more severe than what would have come of his cracking open the alphabets to have a look.

If you have any additional insights you can apply the same logic to it and see where it gets you; the question is not who would have loved to see him dead but who was in a desperate enough situation where they couldn't just wait one more year for him to go away and instead had to take an enormous risk.


Someone here have any resources on RFK's assassination. I know it wasn't that shitskin, but who was it? I have a feeling this is greater than JFK individually.

JFK was assassinated because he was opposed to Israel making nukes and was going to attempt to shut down their nuclear program.

Read the thread god damn it

Read this


I was looking into this some more and found these posts. Anybody have any feedback on these?

"I again urge a revision in our silver policy to reflect the status of silver as a metal for which there is an expanding industrial demand. Except for its use in coins, silver serves no useful monetary function.
In 1961, at my direction, sales of silver were suspended by the Secretary of the Treasury. As further steps, I recommend repeal of those Acts that oblige the Treasury to support the price of silver; and repeal of the special 50-percent tax on transfers of interest in silver and authorization for the Federal Reserve System to issue notes in denominations of $1, so as to make possible the gradual withdrawal of silver certificates from circulation and the use of the silver thus released for coinage purposes. I urge the Congress to take prompt action on these recommended changes."

Congress passed the law and Kennedy signed it on June 4, 1963. He signed the executive order the same day because the new law removed the Treasury Secretary's power to print silver certificates by his own authorization. To allow the continued printing while the Federal Reserve notes were being readied, Kennedy signed the order, which delegated the president's authority under a different law.
G. Edward Griffin, author of the anti-Fed book, The Creature from Jekyll Island, also rejects the theory that Executive Order 11110 had anything to do with Kennedy's assassination. See his article, "The JFK Myth".

Here's a newspaper article from the time:
"Kennedy Signs Silver Bill"
Spokane Daily Chronicle, June 6, 1963, p. 34
Colorado Springs, Colo. (AP) — President Kennedy announced yesterday President Kennedy announced yesterday the signing of a bill permitting the gradual melting down of silver bullion reserve for use in making coins.
The measure was signed Tuesday but the announcement was delayed until Kennedy reached this silver producing state on the first leg of a five-day, five-state western trip.
Under the new law, pushed by the administration, the Treasury will be able to retire silver certificates paper money now backed by silver bullion as the bullion is melted down for coinage. The silver certificates would be replaced by federal reserve notes.
The new law also would permit eventual melting down of silver dollars for use in coins of smaller denominations.
In addition to signing the administration bill, Kennedy issued an executive order permitting the Treasury to continue use of silver certificates for as long as necessary.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.
-EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.
-EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.
-EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.
-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.

He opposed to support the upcoming Israeli nuclear program.

That's why.

Any of you retards who think ExecOrd 11110 did anything to challenge the fed, post the full text here and explain how.

Stop believing disinfo from this fat ugly kike

Kerry Wendell Thornley

>wrote a book about Lee Harvey Oswald before the assassination

Watch this Current Affair episode then watch the Sondra London extended interview


mossad op

Well I read the article and I am sorry but it lays everything at the feet of Oswald shooting the president and being totally controlled by communist jews. There is no mention of his association with David Ferrie, Guy Bannister and a host of other right wing factions. The article also alleges he shot Tippet as well I am now firmly in the camp that LHO never fired a shot that day.
Here is why.
The Altgens photo clearly shows him standing in front of the building seconds before Kennedy was shot. Within 2 minutes of the shots being fired Oswald was observed calmly sitting in the lunch room on the second floor of the book depository drinking a soda. So which is a more plausible scenario? Walk up one flight of stairs located immediately inside of the doorway to the lunch room buy a soda and sit down to drink it and think WTF is going on, or run down 5 flights of stairs and do the same thing all the while remaining calm and not breathing hard?
The Tippet shooting was witnessed by several people and they alleged that there were 2 people involved in it. There were shell casings of 2 different brands of ammunition found on the ground at the scene of the shooting. Video Related.
After all the shooting that Oswald was alleged to be engaged in he managed to test negative for gunpowder residue on his hands in an FBI paraffin test given to him shortly after his arrest.
The whole media and govt narrative hinges on one after another split second timing of Oswald's travels and behavior that day. Also it should be noted that it was imperative to them that he alone had to be accused otherwise we have what is known to be a conspiracy.
There are 100's of books written on the subject many of them accurately focus on one faction of the overall picture, but there are probably more that are written to misdirect the reader.
Sorting the whole mess out is a monumental task specially when great care has been taken to purposely misdirect and confuse the whole issue.
Here is one book that I find credible in its analysis.
Opium Lords Israel, the golden triangle, and the Kennedy assassination

Howd the communist jew get access to, and shoot oswald? Funny that a communist jew silenced a communist jew agent defector before he could out communist jews.

Yeah, ok shlomo.

Marxist jews are scared, thats why all the bullshit smokescreen and trying to use random pieces of information to try and make it seem like it wasnt oswald with his massive communist jew ties. Its alwayd the commie jews, so youre either a straight up shill, or totaly naive, pick one.

You bring nothing to the table in support of your argument other than slander and invectives.
I still maintain Oswald never fired a shot, any competent defense lawyer could have acquitted him of both charges.
I also maintain it was not one group IE CIA, mob, etc but rather an overlapping effort of all concerned.
Jacob Rubenstein and Meyer Lansky are mob jews but I am not so sure they are commie jews as well.
Half of the Dallas police used to frequent his Carousel Club maybe he gave them free drinks?
If you insist Oswald acted all by himself and pulled off the crime with out any help I am forced to this opinion
Well which one is it schlomo?

this is why he failed

Fuck off spamming shill, you're not funny.

You sound a lot like that JIDF retard who was arguing that the jews want us to support Iran and believe that the Mossad did 9/11.

Autism bait obviously.