Thanks fuck Trump won
Spend an entire year shilling for Hillary
Time to repent, CTR.
You didn't get paid becouse you never ended your shit with them.
You're feeling the right feeling. Now you just need to lurk for about a year more and you might just make it here (assuming the conditioning has started to wear off).
I repeatedly told you faggots you would be held to account for your actions. You think those moloch worshiping kikes not paying you is bad? Wait until Operation 4Chan is finished! If you think you crying now wait til you are hanging from a lightpost by some fishing string tied around your clitoroti.
only way you can avoid this is to come fully clean about everything.
it's just like my murdochmurdoch episode
oh wait, even the jew in that episode gave the goy a shekel
Spill the beans, faggot
I wonder if having x-ctr shills ctr-+ as insider knowledge information distribution factories bodes well for the chosen.
Do it, spill the beans. Restore some faith in humanity. Nothing you say can worsen our opinion of you, it can only get better from here. especially now, that it must be a lot more alluring to get on the Trump train, followed by redpilling yourself overtime all the more
It wasn't really that special tbh
Most of it was aimed at news sites with comments (non-american ones, too), "infiltrating" republican facebook groups, posting on half and double chan. Mostly normie things though
The "orders"/recommendations ranged from retarded shit like literally saying "hello my fellow 4channers", to hilarious shit like "subverting right-wing memes"; turning pepe pro-hillary, ruining cuck by spamming it everywhere, creating normie memes and so on
did you get paid 2 cents per post? :^)
Sound very cancerous , you will die of aids, but what were they paying you, thats all I care about. I want to know how much it costs to sell out your people.
Since they aren't paying you anymore can you fuck off now? Either that or grab a swastika and start memeing faggot.
Not if is all two and a half beans that could be spilt. I doubt CTR's mooks were ever told that much if anything; it's likely that they just pulled from a pool of nu-male cucks who thought it could be the start of a political career (keep in mind that these are the same people who expect anything more than a job at Starbucks with an art degree).
You're aware this was bound to backfire, right? It's not just a word we throw at people, they really do have a very high tendency to be cucks, literal and modern meaning both.
Yep, seen those memes.
But on a different note, did your time shilling here by chance redpill you to any degree on any subject?
this was/is so obvious. Shills think they can just tag cuck onto something and it's an insult (meatcuck, christcuck). The real question is why should we feel bad for you at all? I'm glad you didn't get paid, I hope you got aids from david brock while he was anal fucking you
This means 4chan and 16chan, no wonder you faggots failed when you have such little knowledge of those you attempt to manipulate.
I bet you didn't even read the talmud faggot.
this is as good a thread as any to ask,
were the 'christcuck' posters mostly outside shills?
Some would of have to of been remnants from b-day who made 7chan their home and held hate boners for niggertiters , remember when moot brought 7chan?, he brought it during /i/ after we cost hal turner all his money, had alot of anons that moot saw as $$$ then exploding vans happened . mods were not happy being under moot again so thats when they started banning everything 4chan , memes , copy pasta anything that originated from niggertits, word filters were the best, it always triggered niggertiters when fuck cheese grated to air wolf and lol cheese grated to shit in my mouth. This hurt moot becuse numbers were going down because everyone was banned and less money from advertisers. so moot shut down 7chan untill everyone donated money to him and he will turn it back on, he did this 3 times then stopped after the 3rd time because noone was paying anymore , I think thats when 7chan was offline for 7 months . Now fast forward to 5 guys and blow jobs, I saw with my own eyes 7 chan under sjw rule, the same as niggertiters so I fled here and lurked . I believe 7chan to be ctr hq, a training facility if you will.
[spoiler] my own opinion on what I think[/spoiler ]
Is .875chan still around? Damn…
Best /ss/ and dipping boards on the internet tbh fam
Make OPs great again.
Can't win being dishonest, OP. You got what you deserved. Learn from it and MAGA yo self.
I want to believe this is true and not LARPing. So, just for shiggles, let's pretend I believe you and go from there.
Did you guys ever talk about the things you'd seen here and worry you'd picked the wrong side? Or did they have you under 24 hour surveillance?
Sage and report all cuckchan rapefugee threads. You are not welcome here.
Hey faggot.
May kek curse you and bring you misery.
No shekels for you faggot. Time to get a REAL job.
bye b y e
I'm pretty sure you're also the ones posing as Holla Forums in every fucking Holla Forums threads, especially those who have nothing to do with politics, by bringing Trump and leftism out of nowhere.
Any of this worked?
No it's older than the ctr shilling. The meatcuck ect shit might be.
No. The majority of Christians really are cucks, the label is appropriate. Just look at the complete mainstream acceptance and even embracing of the "Judeo-Christian" label.
/christian/ is far more radical and anti-leftist than 99% of Christians and yet they still are by and large anti-racists. The legitimate Holla Forums-tier Christians, while useful, are simply deluding themselves into thinking that Christianity is pro-white.
Tbh 7chan always seemed fishy to me. I'm not 100% sure about your theory, but I could be just as inclined to believe it.
Correction: we want our religion to go back to its roots and be the pro-white religion we see it as, but much of Christianity (esp. Catholicism & mainstream Protestantism) is pozzed to hell and back and has been for centuries.
Of course the "Holla Forums is a Christian board" meme is strong, so quite a few of us sadly haven't let go of the whole "you must worship Christ else you're bound for hell" mindset. Shills often do exploit this (again, the Christian board meme) but so do edgy newfags who think religion matters more than race (Christians and non-Christians, heck I used to browse /christian/ just to see if the Protestants or Catholics had won more threads that day, it was hardly unified).