I didn't dig very deep (I'm shit at it), but they're likely killing people with agent-orange type chemicals in the PNW (Illuminati cards are always right). I need help from other anons.
Cases from 2006:
I didn't dig very deep (I'm shit at it), but they're likely killing people with agent-orange type chemicals in the PNW (Illuminati cards are always right). I need help from other anons.
Cases from 2006:
A g e n d a 2 1
We seriously should investigate into this game further. If it wasn't created by a kike insider, it was created by a time traveler.
Maybe it was created by Donald Trump and he put to take a poke at Hillary.
That would actually make sense, considering the right-wing Holla Forums tier bias in these cards.
OK, I'm looking up info.
There are 421 INWO cards, when you ignore a few that are just variants (there may be more duplication that I am not aware of).
There are 125 INWO:A cards.
There are 100 INWO:S cards.
I have found PDF relating to these decks, but they are in Scribd, which is utter shit, and I haven't figured out how to pull down copies from it, but I'm trying.
I fucking hate this state so much. Honestly one of the worst states in the country, save for Nevada. It's like everyone is literally living in la la land. I mean, the show Portlandia is much too sincere to even be considered satire. They flat out kill people in Nevada, too. No one cares, it's all just a joke.
But honestly, Oregon is top 5 in terms of natural beauty of any state in America, and yet it's run by complete morons who would rather drink cum than protect it. They've all sold their soul, and Portland is simply a tumor that needs to be excised, but probably never will. This is why I'm not all that excited for the fate of the country as a whole, because I'm hedging my bets that it'll collapse. When that happens, I think Cascadia really will attain a sovereignty that could allow for real change. I'm hopeful, at least. Until then, it's not worth risking it by living in areas like that, I wouldn't live on the coast either with Fukushima, but I'm paranoid.
Pic related, logging is okay and all, but not poisoning the land and killing people. Fuck that.
I'm assuming Oregon is just as corrupt as Washington?
Yep, except everybody lives in one part of the state, so we don't really have a Spokane or a tri-cities, just Pendleton, The Dalles, and Bend is all Californians.
what I mean to say is that Portland, Eugene, etc. seem to overrule everybody else pretty solidly. We only got a republican in this election for some position because the person he was up against led that campaign against a bakery for not making a gay couple a cake, which I guess pissed off more people than everyone thought.
Checking around. INWO: S is crap, not worth bothering with.
Oregon is being turned into a chess board ;__;
The liberals only care about genderqueer equality and killing the Bundy ranchers for having dared occupy Malheur Nat'l Wildlife Refuge. They could not care less about the plight of the ranchers, they just want whoever is right wing and not living in an urban center in Oregon dead.
Coming to a state near you!
I've heard about deer coming out of clearcuts with missing hair and open sores. Can anybody confirm?
Forestry is an important industry. They clear cut large swaths like that and leave swaths of forest adjacent on purpose. Then they go back in a couple years later and replant.
Do some research on the Oakville blob. There have been other small incidents very much like it but largely unreported. Video embedded is the "Unsolved Mysteries" account of the first event. I had an acquaintance outside Oakville who lost their dog to a sickness that occurred after the blob and the veterinarian could not figure out.
I'm not against logging. I'm against how they log.
If you think up a better method I'm all ears.
I've got one: we stop spraying herbicide over huge swaths of forest.
a practice done to force douglas fir to outcompete smaller vegetation
If they don't use the herbicides then scotch broom and blackberry thorns which are both invasive species will overrun the clear cuts then spread into the healthy forests and choke the natural life out. It's a delicate dance trying to preserve the forests and prevent them from succumbing to the rampant foreign plant life. Until we can build a wall and make the scotch broom pay for it I cannot see a better alternative. Perhaps a directed herbicide would work but that will take a lot of research and development to figure out.
You can't see a better alternative because you're thinking in terms of money. As long as people are being sprayed with literal agent orange in our country, there's a problem. I'm not suggesting they start manually cutting down blackberry primocanes; I'm sure the industry would collapse. Even directed herbicides or introducing pests is a study in futility, so I'm just rather disillusioned by forestry as a whole. All I see them talk about is fucking owls, not their being implicated in the deaths of coast range citizens. I study soil science, so I know methods exist to eradicate specific populations, but I also know no one wants to spend the money to do anything that isn't easy. I'm not a proponent of regulating forestry out of existence, but our forests will disappear if they keep this up. The soil just won't be able to support tall vegetation like douglar fir.
This is super-troubling, since I have friends in Oregon in the NE, Palouse region, I think, Athena and such, and I've visited them pretty regular, and now, Oregon is on my shortlist of places to buy land and settle in, but that's disheartening. I knew Portlandia was basically a documentary, but if you're a right-winger who just wants a job that's not in a big city, live rural, buy some land (30-50acres, tops), and live innawoods, is Oregon a no-go?
Honestly I think its just getting meme'd into reality because you autists keep obsessing over it.
When a bunch of people focus their attention to something it tends to manifest.
I'd sooner look in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, etc. Oregon is a corrupt leftist playground.
Also aggressively looking in those places as well.
Can't fucking stand Mormons. If you're not LDS, they fuck you over hard. I knew a non-Mormon who worked for a while in Utah. He said he was constantly passed over for contracts and jobs because he wasn't "in the church". Eventually, he moved his company out of state. I cannot fathom living in Utah and not being LDS.
What's so bad about Nevada, besides Vegas, Reno and Mexicans?
That basically covers it. Along with the fact that I wouldn't wanna live in a desert.
Man, looking at those pictures invokes this yearning in me where I just desperately want to spend the rest of my life living off the land and exploring such a beautiful wilderness, and at the same time I get this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach because I know it'll never happen.
It hurts more than knowing I'll never have a loving wife or be a father. I didn't need these feels.
Fucking THIS.
Keep Portland weird :^)
Harry Reid? The fact that they've been using it as a proving ground for nukes and other aviation ordnance for decades? The tyranny Vegas and Reno have is of course all-encompassing, and the desert is really a wasteland in all honesty. Soon, it'll be filled with radioactive waste at Yucca mountain. It's not really anywhere you'd want to be. pics related
That's sort of why it won't.
Too bad this beautiful state is overrun with niggers.
You're absolutely right. That said, I've had crippling depression since I was ~11, and I'm coming up on 30 soon, so I'm pretty fucking damaged. My biggest motivation growing up was getting laid. It was always on my mind, all day every day. I would fantasize that when it finally happened, my life would change and everything would get better. Then when and when I was 18 I had a girlfriend for a couple months and we fucked like rabbits. She ended it because she was 24 and wanted a dude who would support her, and I was working a shitty job at a photo lab, but I didn't care, I fucking had SEX. A few weeks later the realization set in: nothing had actually changed, the depression was still there, but now my one motivation pushing me forward was gone. Few months later I quit my job, and have been a NEET for nearly a decade. I'd love to just eat a bullet and get it all over with, and I have the means to do it, but I'm too much of a pussy and lack the motivation to go through with it, so here I am just coasting along, wasting my life shitposting on an obscure imageboard.
sage for faggy blogposting, i'll see myself out
Might as well enjoy the ride now that things are looking a bit better for the west momentarily. Worst case scenario, you get to die in WW3, and that might be a laugh. But for the time being, you have to realize every odd is working against you. No one cares about you. The government will poison your tap water with fluoride, allow food to be sold with chemicals that alter your neurobiochemistry, not to mention the fact that your gut flora turns to garbage if you eat garbage, thus affecting your entire mood and personality. The television will hypnotize you and force you to buy products you don't need or really want. Cell phones emit radiation that mutates your DNA and kills your sperm. Let's not forget about the fact that they dump nanoparticulate in the atmosphere to get rid of industrial waste and it ends up affecting some people much more than others.
Your brain has no firewall, and if you don't accept that, you'll be stuck a NEET. Some people are not able to function with all the odds working against them. I don't mean to suggest every lazy faggot is a victim, but I'm sure many are. You don't have to be if you start working on your own body and uplifting yourself, but that takes some motivation. Try buying a humidifier. The real tragic thing is that helping yourself can cost some money, especially when it comes to eating healthy.
Is Reno/Sparks really that bad compared to the PNW's coastal cities? It's one of the few places I could realistically make it at in the near future versus staying on the cucked coast for a while longer. I've briefly looked up some charts and they seem to suggest that Reno's radiation is much lower than the rest of the state except the northwest corner with virtually nothing in it and maybe Elko. Also Reid announced that he's retiring in Jan 2017 due to some injury he got not too long ago.
So what's the crud going to do? I want to get hyped
My favorite numbers are 2 and 4, so I guess it'll be fun to watch