Looks like Mexico had it's own little holocaust.
Mexican Holocaust
So, you can actually cook people in ovens. This means holocaust wasn't a lie.
if only they had those super german ovens that could cook 1000 jews in a day.
Cooking 6 million takes a bit more time…
build wall
Alright. I asked it in the other thread, but this is a mexico exclusive thread so I'll bite.
There was never an "Again", this is a first.
How would Mexicans revolutionize their country and become the US's little brother?
Give me all the suggestions you can.
No bombs though, Destruction is the easy way out. I'm talking about a full fledged reconstruction from the inside out, or at least the US on a budget. What x86 is to x64.
Here's a good place to start.
It's in beaner, translate it.
Possibly some Mexican Holla Forumsack giving a practical demonstration?
ay carumba es anoder spaneech quesocaust
We give mexico to Duterte and let Manny Pacquiao run flip land.
I said 'FIX'
I don't know enough about Mexican politics to say, but it couldn't hurt to put more cultural emphasis on Latin-ism or European-derived culture in general. There's a fair amount of Aztec LARPing up here and it seems like cancer.
How dumb you must be to didn't menage burning body in crematory furnace?
Mexicans are known for eating hearts user so they probably did mean "Cook".
cartels massacre entire communities often
mexicans are subhuman
It's funny how a bunch of dirty fucking Mexicans can put their forefathers and the Yakuza to shame with just how gruesome they can be.
They even outedge the Jews and Arabs, and they themselves are extremely fucked people.
Be glad they don't have the intelligence of the white man, or we'd be in a literal Apocalypse. Not even being funny.
You're talking stuff from Spain as well, correct?
As another user said, you probably need a duterte. Someone harsher than duterte. Or a military coup. Maximum purging is needed. As long as your government is run by drug cartels you're gonna suck.
Maybe the trump wall will help stop the flow of cash that has created the problem.
I think Mexico will always be the way it is.
You know we went to war with them for similar reasons in the past right?
This is why I will never hand my guns over to anybody.
Flipland here, he was just flippant and trolling against the West, he already said it was Obama and the West's fault for destabilization and destruction of countries in the middle-east. archive.is
Other than that, is total war against the Cartels even viable?
Do you feel like a big man?
For you.
I agree.
We need a Duterte+Adolf+Roosevelt+Trump+Pancho Villa on crack x10.
I can't wait for that wall. If it comes, and the drugs remain the same, then I personally would have not a fucking clue to how those cunts do it. I'll hope for the best, user.
Explain. Give me a little bit of history.
That's a relief, but the archive I linked was published 5 hours ago.
No idea. They may one of most powerful criminal forces on earth. Which is saying something, knowing that others take decades up to centuries to build a legacy. The reason being is that the people are disposable, like roaches, and that's a big problem.
For you.
What do you mean, the potential civil war from a coup?
They might always suck but rooting out corruption wouldn't hurt.
they had years
Trust me, he does this shit a lot, and he's just ironically virtue signaling to piss the hypocrites in the West for making the problem and complaining about the results.
Well, if the Wall gets built, maybe, just maybe Trump can help with the total eradication of the Cartels, if, and only if he isn't cockblocked by those political retards who are now saying "This is just propaganda to make Mexico look bad!" because if Trump's America First policy, they'll be looking in the problems down south, assuming you got politicians who are patriotic enough to say "fuck you" to Human Rights while also staying alive long enough to purge the Cartels.
Its only viable if the US and the mexican government work together. Right now the mex govt is afraid of the cartels. But if they have the assistance of the Trump regime then they may be confident enough to game of thrones the cartels.
I'll trust you judgement, but if he's serious then don't look at me.
That's a problem. Politicians down there are spineless as fuck, although, I'm going to come clean and tell you that I, myself, don't know much about Mexican politics other than what happens with the drug war and how pathetic and pussified the politicians there are, it's more about the fear than the pandering. It's as if you get the US and turn it into Brazil with a sprinkle of cuba, not pretty.
Here's to 8 years of Trump, let's pray his cosmic energy radiates just enough to give beanerland a head start on repairing itself from further harm.
On 6 years ( 1939-1945) , that means 114 people per hour, non stop.
6.000.000 / (6 * 365 * 24) = 114
That's the problem, Cuckservatives and fucking insane Left are more focused on the future Trumpenreich then fixing decades old problems in home, because Cartels don't do ovens in Commiefornia and Jew York.
He just enjoys playing the Art of War of confusing his enemies and allies, they don't know how to beat him when he doesn't give a shit about playing by their rules.
And may Kek give you his blessings, for your country is beyond fucked unless you get someone with both the balls and brains to beat these fucks, here's hoping Trump will give free reign for Right-Wing Death Squads to cleanse the degeneracy, look at fucking Mussolini and what he did to the Mafia.
Also consider the fact that the official narrative says it didn't start until '44.
and yet we're 'racist' for wanting that in America?
Where is that Mexican gore poster when you need him.
Simple. Deport the Mexicans.
Yeah, Latin as in Spanish/Catholic culture. Clerical Fascism might be a good direction.
Ids just they cultcha tho.
Yup.. 684 people per hour.. and still 24/24
And when you know that modern cremation take between 1 and 2 hours for a corpse …
Actually had to look that up on some site that sells them.
Get the police to treat the cartels they way the cartels treat other people.
The cartel are the police in a lot of those places.
Then just give civvies guns and let them have free reign on these fucks.
What Mexico needs is a Ron Paul. Government policy enables and strengthens the cartels. In many cases the government and the cartels are one and the same.
The way to fight them is not to install hardass action movie man, it's to arm and empower civil society and drain the government/cartel swamp.
Hate to link to sjwpedia, but they tried that for the last 10 years, Cartels kill government officials, rival Cartels try to kill each other's puppets, being a politician who isn't under the payroll of the Cartels will lower your life-expectancy.
How is this an argument as to what sort of person one should want in charge? Anyone can be assassinated.
The point remains that the political system is so corrupt that it would be best to have someone in charge who simply curtails the power of the political system as much as possible and puts the means of self-defense into people's own hands.
Mexico has a fatal flaw that no politician can solve: it's full of Mexicans.
Cartels also armed villages and towns where they use as routes to smuggle their goods with guns, they have massive power to the point they can still reign in without impunity, and Mexico is a fucking Narco-state, impossible to curtail the political system unless you got the support of everyone in the system that isn't a dirty corrupt asshole. Oh, and the anyone can be assassinated shit you pointed out? several of those politicians wanted to do the same as you do.
We're talking past each other… you're pointing out reasons why it would be hard to make changes, that has no bearing on what kind of people you would ideally want in charge.
Also Mexicans have average IQ of ~90. They'll never have the most advanced society, but they're not genetically foredoomed to live in a failed state.
Well, we need someone who can suspend the checks and balances that has crippled and let the Cartels run wild, while cleaning up the goddamn cesspool that is the Mexican government while staying alive long enough to oven these fuckers, that obvious enough for you? because I'm pretty sure moralfags like Amnesty International or the UN will complain about the poor drug lords being slaughtered, from the Mexican user here, they don't have anyone like that, and it's so bad enough, they'll still keep coming to the US.
History disagrees so far.
It's not fucking "checks and balances" that have let the cartels run wild, it's drug prohibition, disarmament of the public, lack of opportunity caused by regulatory burdens on doing business, and a whole slew of brain-dead liberal policies that might as well have been written by the cartels themselves.
Who the fuck do you think will apply those? 10 years of the global war on drugs, still plenty of massacres by the Cartels, politicians who tried those keeps dying after they get popular enough, Bush and Obama didn't give a shit, let's face it, the Wall better come up soon.
because they only used one oven?
The answer you are look for is a white male.
looking for~
Time for me to go to sleep.
You can start showing us how many super ovens they built then.
I'm terrible at math so would it still take 40+ years to burn 6 million even with 25 modern super ovens for corpses?
Mexico itself is a state that hasn't balkanized for outstanding reasons
It's a, frankly, failed state composed of 4 regions which can be picked apart by cultural, racial and political differences that can be seen even by someone who isn't good at this
Desert folks (pioneer european settlers with feather tribes, classic conservatives), Gulf folks (couple of rich european settlers with mayan and olmec tribes, normal conservatives), Central folks (main european settlers with aztec/bajio tribes, liberals/moderate left) and Jungle folks (very few european settlers, rich, with -tec tribes like zapotecs, mixtecs, etc. strong leftards)
Mexicans know this, but pull up with their heavily instilled "patriotism" sense, which is nothing more than a facade to keep going, a brand of fake pride made up with decades of propaganda and decent movies, from the 30's to the 60's.
Guess who are the folks without God, known for the most rampantly violent cartel strikes and who also are the majority of the illegal migrants?
I remember that from a few months ago. The Cartels killed plenty of people and then cremated them or something along those lines.
You are better at this than you know :^)
And how many camps were there?
pic related
Aw shit, ignore the "merchant guild" crap.
Also, there were never any mass graves found for these "death marches".
Here, now you can delete that shit.
We may have to go to war with Mexico. It's the only option at this point. Mexican aggression will not stand and neither will their attempted takeover of the Southwest.
Read a book, nigger.
Is that anything like the African Empire?
This, Mexico is completely fucked. The only thing that would fix it would be a complete invasion, occupation, and finally genocide of absolutely anyone in ties to the cartels, from corrupt politicians down to the drug mules. No pardons should be granted.
Forgot webm, this is what cartels do to each other, and to whoever else they feel like
Like I said fucking Mexican gore posters. That shit needs to have a spoiler just the preview is too much.
Bunch of spaniards preciding all the territory from the main city
Rich as all fuck but had a lot of internal problems for obvious reasons, and tried a bunch of solutions, from classic jesuit pioneers to moor death squads
And then…
When independence was reached, the guys in power were the same guys from the main city, and treated everyone like the spaniards did, so not a lot of change until the war against the US and France in mid 1800's
After that it was still a central power but with views towards industralization
Then it got bloated and a revolution started, it placed a centralist gov and it got purged by another group, which placed another centralist gov but taking economic revenge in the central areas because these ones where from the deep north
Then another group came by, institutionalized the revolution, or so to say (they were commies) and placed another central gov until 2000, in which the federalism/centralism was already a tradition
So much for a country called United States of Mexico, in which these are not united and the form of power comes from a single entity
According to the Nurmberg trial documents the ovens were able to burn 1440 Jews per day, or a jew per minute.
The ovens must've been nuclear reactors.
I feel bad for the northern Mexicans/Spanish that wanted to join the US for prosperity or what ever they were getting only to be fucked years later like everyone else.
Yeah wasting my time skinning someone to float my boat isn't my thing anyways since I'm not a heart cutting, face peeling spic.
Didn't you know they had Volkswagen brand Nuclear Fusion ovens.
Now that's an idea, nuclear powered ovens! Ofcourse! That's how we'll oven them all. As a joke ofcourse.
Aztec and Mayan ritual combat was, proportionally, far worse than this.
meant for
Peeling faces and cutting hands off is somehow not some disgusting nigger tier thing next they will be "cook" and eat them and I should be expected to do the same eh?
Ow the edge
Some northerners did get lucky after the U.S./France wars, due to the central gov selling a shitload territory because "nobody important lives there, and there's no gold"
The gold rush happened soon after and the rest is history with California and Arizona. Many wetbacks in Arizona have been there way before many european settlers, including the germanics
Same can't be said about California, many natives went to work there from Arizona/Sonora and Baja, and some of the remaining local injuns, only to be butchered by southern mexicans (the jungle folks) and some chinese (illegal handwork since the 1800, ho!) in many caravan raids
This prompted Apache and Pima punitive raids against them, and the anti-chinese sentiment in the area which culminated in their partial gov-sponsored genocide in Sonora and Baja in the 1920's, which made them run to Commiefornia and form/reinforce the then-small Chinatown in San Fagcisco
Curiously enough in the Mexican Sino massacres, no Jap was injured, they were seen as a special minority by the politicians, to the point that when the federal gov was persecuting and giving japs and germans to the U.S. (Mexico started this by capturing their german embassador and giving it to the US, act of war before the oil tanker explosions), and yes, when they were doing this some northern towns and cities granted the japs native american status and painted them with redface. When inspectors from the capital when to check them, they were so ignorant about the region they frankly believed the indians used swords to cut wood and ate fermented jellyfish from atop of rice huts because they were shirtless and apparently "pretty sunburned and red"
The northern region has a very obscure, revengeful history (in both sides who worked as the same for a long time) but it's actually quite hilarious when reading it. They were like desert vikings but with no metal technology nor other places to raid
Epin logic :D :D
Most spics are a breed of low born spaniards (ie mudslime rape babies), niggers and american indians, which nearly went extinct because of how many human sacrifices they did.
It's gonna be fucking hard to find a more dangerous breed.
You implied I needed to stand around and watch a bunch of spics peel faces to not be a faggot. You pointed out your own retarded logic there.
Pick one.
Your replies made you seem like the faggot maybe try harder next time, Carlos.
That was probably one of your cousins getting his punishment, innit? Get triggered some more.
Gore is truly the newfag kryptonite, it seems.
Jungle folks?
Nope. You are just a newfag. This isn't reddit.
When in doubt, post gore. It's also does wonders with journalists
You know, this aspect of your personality is why noone genuinely likes you, not even your own parents.
Confirmation bias. You post gore and then label everyone who speaks out against gore a newfag. Doesn't actually prove anything, other than your preconception about gore somehow being appreciated by everyone, except new users.
The truth is most likely that you're a pathetic weirdo IRL to the point that you naturally gravitate to taking on the role of a fucking weirdo online as well. And you take this to the point where, when the setting itself is already edgy political opinions, you just have to dial it up to 11 so you can still feel like you're the TRUE katana weilder in the room. Sad.
Gore is a staple of chan culture. If you haven't been desensitized to it by now then it's proof that you are just too new or worse yet don't belong here whatsoever.
The rest of the internet is a safe space. No one is forcing you to be here.
I would estimate the percentage of chan users who post gore on a regular basis to be extremely small. So nope. It's not part of chan "culture" in any way, it's just something that naturally happens on a chan. There's bound to be one or two edgelords eventually, if enough users show up.
I got desensitized to most of it, but I'll never ENJOY looking at it so I don't open those images/videos. That's been my policy for years now. As a result the desensitization may be wearing off. For the record I didn't tell you to stop and I definitely wouldn't tell you to spoiler gore. If it's spoilered I might click on it ;^)
If it helps, jews have made burnt offerings (holocaust) real for a long time, even in your country.
I know I'm taking to NEETs who think cartoon frogs disguised as Egyptian gods, based on a few lines of text in kikepedia, rule the world, but…
Mexico is fucked because of us. We need to stop excusing everything we do because muh Aryan super powers. We've subjugated the country with our liberals through drug money.
Let's say Mexico gets its duterte. What will happen? He'll fuck up existing cartels. And the relatively low amount of drug users. The demand for drugs will always be in the US, so money will always be available to anyone with the ingenuity and ruthlessness to fulfill the need. What can Mexican duterte do about that? Declare war? Pfft.
The only way to solve Mexico'a problem is to duterte lefties in the US.
Arm the radical Christian Vigilante's
But obviously the Mexican military is clearly useless at fighting insurgents. Which is what you should treat these groups as. Slightly better armed insurgents.
Your bread and butter is going to be Air-to-Ground strikes. Now, I already know mexico has one of the most laughable air-forces in the world. And it's impossible to purchase an Warthog anymore. However I've been seeing this plane called the Scorpion which essentially fills the role, and is only about 20 million a plane. Which insanely good.
The force has to be at a federal level. From what I've read, security at a local level in Mexico is absurdly, and shamefully corrupt.
Next. LIFT THE BAN ON WEAPONS. Reinstate legal bounty hunting. Reinstate legal vigilante militias.
lurk moarr kiddo
I don't understand. How is that man not even unconscious at that point let alone not dead? Just one more reason to not let even one nonwhite live in white society.
Don't ever give up Holla Forums. This is the future of the West should we be completely overwhelmed by invaders.
we send in drunk russian to mass rape Mexicans. then we'll have squatting wall jumping mutants that can be used as foot soldiers when we conquer the stars.
Why should anyone give a shit about Mexico and what's best for it? They are a bunch of racemixed shitskins as it stands. If they cross the border, you shoot and kill the animals. Whitest ones should be promoted to breed and shitskin displacement should be the official policy. Non-whites are mostly a waste of time, except for very few and far inbetween special handpicked cases.
I don't know, that's gruesome for sure but a couple that still fuck with my head is the one of this bearded muslim and another guy - they've got a russian with a bag or something over his head tied up on the ground and beardman just casually reaches down and slits his throat - the sound the guy makes as the knife cuts him is just fucked, kind of a high pitched aaaAHHHHaa… which then goes into some gasps and wheezes as the guy moves the knife in and out to make sure he's cut enough to bleed out but not die immediately. It takes about a minute for him to die while the guys sit there talking about whatever the fuck.
the sound is more fucked up to me than any visuals
Because if Mexico is doing fine, they won't risk crossing the border to the U.S for gibs
Fuck off with the coonspeak.
You're telling me the world wouldn't be better with less American lefties running in the wild simply on the basis of being hwite?
Hay, Yakub
The funniest part and something I'll never understand is that the whole ilk of you who think this way talk about Mexicans as if they are your sub-human pets. If you really believe the shit you are spewing you would at least give them the dignity of being intelligent/reasonable human beings who could at least tackle and address their own problems. But here you are talking about putting the blame on (((us))).
NAFTA fucked Mexico. It put farmers and small producers out of work and gave more power to multinational corporations. But guess what faggot, it takes two to tango and at the end of the day it was the Mexican government who signed that deal too, not just Americans.
Also, do you have any idea how fucking corrupt their government and military is? This thread opens up with
And here you are acting as if these pieces of shit had no other choice. B-but America made them do it.
Racks of Human skulls
Stare at this gore until you feel powerful
If you want to pose as le oldfag you have to violently reject "normie" as reddit speak. At least take the memes seriously.
I've known cuckchan since 2006 or so. You're out of touch and probably not even much older than me. If at all.
You can drop american leftists to Detroit, let them fend for themselves for a year or so and pull out fresh race-realists. They'll learn that NatSoc is the only way eventually. They are white, after all. They'll find a way to thrive against the odds if exposed directly to threats. You can't, however, make niggers not niggers or kikes not kikes.
Again, why should anyone give a shit about racemixed country? If they cross the border, they'll get shot. The ones that get in will have to spend the rest of their lives hiding in the cellar. Are you telling me it will be hard to deport Mexicans? Very few of them are white to the point where you can't distinguish them. Once spotted, deport them. If this problem persists just establish a no man's land into Mexico and shoot violators.
Shitskins will always flock to the ones who have it best. That's their way. They'll never create their own stuff/nations/culture because they are not capable of doing it. Mexico will never be well off unless it's ~90+% white.
where are the lambshades tho/
Then you should've stopped getting triggered by gore a long time ago.
user, you know even in Trump's America that's not gonna happen.
They pumped him full of drugs.
They have all sorts of shit to keep you alive/conscious while they do their work.
Very few people get "triggered" by gore. Check my ID. I never actually complained about the gore. I just like to put degenerate goreposters in their place. The actually TRIGGERING part of your behaviour is how you always pretend you're somehow helping threads or boards you shit up.
Nope! The reality is you're just shitposting off-topic images because it pleases you. Noone else benefits. Gorefags rank in the same tier as tripfaggots. Look at me, I'm special.
On the topic of desensitization, you always like to conflate that term with your condition but it's something very different. When (trigger warning) normal, that is healthy people view gore they get desensitized to it, sure, but it stops there. Your condition isn't "desensitization", being desensitized to something is not the same as liking it or developing an obsession, a fetish or whatever. Normal people don't start saving folders full of this shit and posting it whenever they can come up with some excuse. You've either got some sort of anti-social / psychopathic disorder going on and you derive genuine pleasure from gore, or much more likely you're such a boring cunt you wish you were a brave psycho dude and you're larping as part of a power fantasy. In both cases you deserve nothing but ridicule.
Damn. Goreposter BLASTED THE FUCK OUT of this shit.
It's hilarious to think gore would trigger anyone here…back in the day on old Holla Forums it was an initiation ritual. But as you said, most of us don't keep folder of the shit to post. It might not phase us, but it also doesn't get our rocks off.
Mexicans are sick. They are sick as a people. I blame the spanish for not murdering their lovechildren by the native shitskins. Now look what plague hath come of it. Mexicans were a mistake.
Personally I would like a new Manifest Destiny, North to South edition. Take the land, kill every last spic infesting it. Take everything down to Panama. Instead of 2,000 miles of wall you only need to build about 100. And I cannot emphasize enough, a bullet for every native. Let us not repeat mistakes of the past. Eradicate the fauna.
What has ever come from mexico but poverty, corruption, drug running and cartels, human and organ trafficking, and sprawling slums? What good are they as a people, what have they ever given the world or accomplished? Nothing. Wastes of oxygen. We should purge them all.
You don't belong here
Stop being so damned assblasted.
welcome to Holla Forums, we prefer the term "bazinga'd the fuck out", which is less problematic than "blasted the fuck out", which, of course, has negative connotations to muslims.
I thought Cuba was part of manifest destiny
how can you refute this from libs if they say they had multiple camps and 1k jews being burned is actually attainable per day? gassing is debunked but burning kikes wasnt discussed much in tgsnt except for the photoshopped pics
I mean, we could throw in the islands, too. I just don't care either way about them. What I want is baja and the panama canal to be on US soil, and mexico city. Reminder of the axolotl's critical endangerment, surrounded by mexican slums, and meanwhile the mexishits go full chinese and start poaching the axolotls to eat when they become endangered because it's then a rare meat and more valuable/braggable. We need to kill both mexico and china. Soulless subhuman trash.
Mexican food is disgusting anyway. It's edible but not even good, even indian food is better. Rice, beans, tacos, ooh who cares. Tacos became hipster anyway, a thing for stupid little white girls to post on their instagram.
Go in your kitchen and look at your oven. For the holohoax numbers to work out, the ovens needed to be able to incinerate a jew a minute. Look at your oven. Imagine putting a ham roast in it on highest setting. How many hours for it to even start burning, let alone be reduced to cinder? Four, five? Hours. They said their ovens could completely incinerate a human sized kike down to ash in one minute. It's ridiculous. About the same level as the masturbation machines.
How the fuck did anyone ever fall for this shit? A five year old could come up with a better lie. Jews have mental illness, they are obsessed with being victims, are obsessed with sex and scat. Even their lies show their inner filth of mind. Anyone who sat and thought about the supposed holohoax story for five minutes could tell you it's bullshit. In wartime, limited resources, somehow they have time to sit around and build all these camps and ovens and gas chambers, and shuffle the jews off for a year or two, and divert manpower for the camps, when they could have just fucking shot them and been done with it? During wartime, when there is barely enough oil, metal, food, and manpower to go around? It's bullshit.
They'd need to EXTREMELY HEAVY eugenics due to their racemixed nature. The foundation itself is too shaky for the structure of greatness to be built on top.
Get that out of the way, though, and you got yourself the first step to greatness.
The Spaniards fucked up.
Imagine all of this being white as in 1950s sweden.
They show the film of bodies being bulldozed on a huge theatre screen to an assembly of schoolchildren before they tell it. And punish anyone that questions it. They do it every year in Canada.
50's Rio was pretty comfy
but then… the favela niggers would reproduce in high numbers and overwhelm the whole city with favelas.
yeah, sounds are always worse than visuals for some reason
Mexican here. Country is doing like shit. Corruption is truly the greatest ill it has, and how easy it is to court people.
A mortifying percentage of the country likes or supports socialism, and you can bet your white asses that they fap over communism. Just go to Bellas After and there's a big mural for MUH WORKERS, with Stalin and Marx there. Go to the south to Oaxaca and Chiapas and you'll see that when things don't go their way, they just block the roads and harm/kill anyone who tries to remove them, trade and tourism be damned.
But aside from them believing in socialism, they're also supported in the shadows by political parties, how else would they organize so fast? Just look at the political parties here, 4-5 are socialists, 1 is "centrist" (PRI, which has been fucking the country for more than 70 years), and only one right-wing party. There's a nationalist party but it doesn't have representatives in Senate. Funny how people and the politicians can be VIVA MEXICO, but not nationalists, only imbued in fake patriotism.
When the time comes, I need you meme magicians to stop a man called Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador or AMLO in short. He's been wanting to be president for 15 or so years, he's been jumping political parties, and he claims to be all for the poor worker, yet his kids have been found with Lamborghinis amd other luxuries. The worst kind of champagne socialist you can think of, many people consider him a total nutjob, but there's an alarming people who support him because of his "lofty" ideals and campaigns. He demanded to recount votes when he lost the chance to be Prez, and had people pitch tents in cities and block certain parts of it until he became President. This lasted months.
Mexico needs a more decent politician because this man will cause some serious shit if he ever sits on that chair, and it's better to have a decent relationship with US than having fucking AMLO making us more of a joke than we are.
This is why we shouldn't racemix.
fuck no, we'll build the wall and watch you implode because your cartel ran government isnt making shekels anymore. then we'll invade manifest destiny style and take everything to the panama canal.
I can't believe they fucked up something so great. Brazil is the future of America.
This. Fuck the mexishit trash. A white Empire stretching from the North Pole to the panama canal is what we should be striving for.
Just look at how beautiful and natural it is. Admire this perfection.
I've never wanted anything more in my life. This is even better than putting shillary in jail. All those la raza faggots talking about taking us soil to incorporate into mexico just get me riled up. We've been lenient far too long. The actions mexican nationals, and to a lesser extent central americans, have taken against the US would have been more than sufficient to constitute war in any other time period. Why do we sit back and take the abuse? Why must we be a doormat cuck? They ARE invading us, it is time to strike back.
Form a line
March south
Shoot every spic in sight
Bar and burn the buildings
Leave no survivors
It is what Polk would have wanted. If Trump supported our Right Wing Conquest Squads, he would go down as the greatest president in history. All this new territory would bring a rush of economic prosperity. We would all be rolling in wealth for the rest of our lives, and no more fucking spic leeches disrespecting our borders and laws. RWCS.
That's just fucking sad, mate. I'm gonna pretend like your opinion matters and post some more of your racial brothers getting brutalized.
That is possible, with every German resource being devoted into it, numbnut.
literal ovens, oy fucking vey.
eliminate all mestizos, castizos, and indios
That's about it.
If germans ovened and gassed 6 gorillion jews to death while holding a fucking all-sides war with half the world, they would have to be gods.
Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, and Rhodesia are all warnings to the white man of what will happen if you don't control your boarders and stand up for what is yours.
Fucking newfags
Also fuck mexico, build the wall and let that shit country burn
Remember user, Mexico is a great and proud nation that can't be criticised.
Oy vey. It's literally another Shoah. I hope that the Holocaust and other memes continue to become real in 2017.
This is from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
No no no.. if they are spoilered you might watch them by accident.
See? Finally some experimental data. Ovening works. Holocaust is real. Holla Forums BTFO.
heh just kidding kameraden
Fuck off newfags
Gas yourself.
top fuckin' kek lad
This makes me hard.
So whats' stopping all you brave, proud Holla Forumsacks
from just invading Mexico? after all, Spain managed to conquer the filthy spics with only a few hundred men against an entire empire. I'm sure you all can do it. I bet Trump will turn a blind eye and issue pardons once it's done.
Don't speak out against gore then, dumbass.
I don't know who told you this was a feelsbox.
You want proof that this isn't just a cultural thing, but rather in the blood? Mexico has always been like this. Those Spaniards didn't know what the fuck they were stepping into when they took the place. What are the takeaways from this shit?
1) Brutality so casual as to be endemic
2) Miserable inefficiency
3) Blood worship and cruelty
4) A central government so fucking weak, these assholes probably got away with this despite filming it
So, what do we see in Mexican history?
100 Years Ago:
A weak central government falls into civil war and revolution, which is characterized by medium-sized private armies committing atrocities and with some (Pancho Villa) crossing the border to hassle the north.
200 Years Ago:
A weak central government, loyal to Spain, is easily toppled by roaming private armies that fight chiefly by committing atrocities against civilians. The fighting eventually spilled over the border to the north.
300 Years Ago:
A weak central government, unable to control the local blood-cult tribes in the Yucatan, temporarily loses its grip and there's bloodshed and grotesque warfare against civilians. Some of the fighting spreads north across the river.
500 Years Ago:
A weak central government thrives in a handful of cities and makes recurring war against the civilians of outlying tribes for human sacrifice and cannibalism. At the time of the conquest, these savages are expanding to the north.
1,000 Years Ago:
The collapse of the weak central Olmec civilization sends waves of refugees streaming north into Anasazi territory. The Anasazi, who had been suffering under extended droughts and crop shortages, immediately fall to human sacrifice and cannibalism.
So. . . The question is not: how do we make Mexico great, as much as it's: How to we make Mexico fuck off and pay for a wall we can catapult their people back over?
How about A-37s?
I'd say it was just about the same, as these are the about the same kind of people, i.e. stone age degenerate primitives. Pic related, that is not a governance person, it's an evolutionary throwback that will leech our system and create a new pack of feral murder monkeys in a few years.
Quit sliding with your civic nationalism threads. I never learned to sage
There's a plane I'd like to see in Prepar3d.
But for Mexican COIN it should be the AT802U.
Gore is fine, but I feel as it may keep in the edgy newfag halfchan kiddies longer rather than force anyone else out. It's just like posting trap porn in Holla Forums. It'll just make the more shallow people flock to it, without contributing to any possible discussion.
They can just hide it, after all.
That's just what I've seen though. It doesn't really bother me, I've seen raw dead bodies cleanly skinned by every square inch in Guadalajara. Brutal stuff.
If Mexico ever does go to war with the US, prepare for a surplus of some of the worst gore we've seen yet
As said, and I'll add to it.
The Mestizo themselves were already pretty fucked, mix that with the blood of the conquistadors and you'll get the modern cartel gang member. Something beyond a dystopian Japanese horror film. I've become desensitised to it, these people have no honor, no empathy, no soul, no MERCY.
They're smart enough to use any available resources, but never smart enough to create their our sustainable environment and advance with their own technology. They're wired differently, the only thing they're good at is destruction within themselves and any others who get in their way, they put the muzzies to shame with how fucked they can get. Brutal, senseless, drug-fueled killings. They've made the Colombians themselves look tame. If the US ever DOES go to war, they might as well destroy the entire country, kill all parasites and force the country to bend over. It's spiraled so out of control, we'd need every person there to revolt against their government ala South Korea to actually try and fix anything. Even then, complaining about government and policies is against the law. They're that fucked.
So it was a "Seven minutes in Heaven" kind of thing?
If only…
When I first saw it it was rather shocking. Now it somehow reminds me of my wisdom teeth op.
Never knew wisdom teeth operations required getting your hands cut off.
Brought a tear to my eye.
Holy shit, HOLY SHIT
I can almost taste the gore in my mouth and
smell the metallic odor of dried blood. Poor soul, not even ISIS is this brutal in their videos.
These things are savages, they aren't human. No law applies to them, when RWDS happens they must be hunted like dogs.
Super Tucanos seem better for Mexico.
Reminder that Cuba is rightful American clay.
I just really can't understand the brutality of spics. I think they're actually worse than nogs in this respect. Trayvon commits wanton acts of destruction, but Jose calculates and murders entire villages.
Tbh, we should exterminate beaners and just send nogs back to Africa.
They have the soullessly cruel, Asiatic gene. Japs did similar shit in WWII don't forget.